Grants:IdeaLab/Mujeres "no hacemos cosas de hombres"
Crear una página de Wikipedia con entrevistas a mujeres que supuestamente "hacen cosas de hombres"
Translation: To create a Wikipedia page with women who supposedly "do men's things"
created on20:41, 13 March 2015 (UTC)
Project idea
[edit]What is the problem you're trying to solve?
[edit]El objetivo es quitar la tonta idea de que las mujeres somos incapaces de hacer las tan llamadas "cosas de hombres". Que nos vean mal o que nos paguen menos por ser mujeres. Aunque ya estamos en el 2015 esto sigue pasando.
Translation: The objective is to get rid of the foolish idea that women are incapable of doing so-called "men's things". They look down on us and pay us less for being women. Though we're in the year 2015 this is still happening.
What is your solution?
[edit]Demostrar con relatos, fotos, etc. de mujeres que somos capaces de hacer todo.
Translation: To demonstrate with stories, photos, etc. of women that we are capable of doing everything.
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