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Grants:IdeaLab/Metropolitans Multilingual Multiplier (MMM)

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Metropolitans Multilingual Multiplier (MMM)
One of the prominent feature of the all big cities and metropolitan cities is that they have population which speaks different languages as they come there from diverse states ,regions,cities ,towns and villages for service ,business or other economic and non- economic purposes.This feature of such cities may be treated and tapped as an asset having great potential for developing the Wikipedia movement not only in these cities but in those areas and communities also from where such people come. This idea if implemented will have multiplier effect on the Wikipedia movement due to participation of multilingual communities which are expected to increase awareness and participation of people in the home towns of their origin in this process.There is adequate scope of coverage of diverse languages and neglected and remote areas also to which many of these people will be the original residents.
idea creator
Harvinder Chandigarh
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
contact email
created on08:10, 2 February 2018 (UTC)



Who are the people you want to introduce Wikipedia to?


Try to be as specific as possible about this group.
To start with Multilingual people living in Chandigarh Capital Region and then expand it in other Metropolitan and/or big cities

In what languages do they search for information, online or otherwise?


Multilanguages like English, Hindi, Punjabi,Telgu,Malayalam ,Kashmiri and Urdu etc

In what ways does this group communicate with each other?


This can include services and apps in social media, mailing lists, physical spaces like conferences or lectures, or at specific institutions like at a library.
Facebook,whatsapp,email,in person through meetings.

What are some reasons this group would use Wikipedia? How would they benefit from it, or what would they find useful?


Think about what they would be interested in reading and learning about; does Wikipedia provide better access to information this group cares about?

  • Chandigarh capital Region is the common capital region of Punjab and Haryana and emerging modern IT city of India and most people living here use online system (including Wikipedia) to get information.
  • Wiipedia will benefit them educationally and integrate these multilingual communities emotionally and culturally with their roots as well .Efforts will be made to integrate them with their language mainstream community in their province of origin.In this manner the movement will grow with multiplier effect.Presence of Multilingual community in one close geographical region will also enable to share inter language content.
  • It will enhance the concept of brotherhood among diverse participating communities.
  • Wikipedia will emerge as bridge over various communities and enable creating and sharing content of diverse people.

Project idea


What language Wikipedia projects will you promote to new readers?


Multiple languages including English,Hindi,Punjabi,Kashmiri,Sindhi,Tamil,Malayalam,etc

How will you communicate with new readers? Will you be communicating with them online, in-person, or both?


Inviting communities and students in specifically arranged programmes and through social media.

Describe your idea to engage new readers. How might it be implemented? What will you tell people about Wikipedia?


Think about the steps that might involved to make this idea happen, and what you might teach people about your experience or others' experiences using Wikipedia.
One of the prominent feature of the all big cities and metropolitan cities is that they have population which speaks different languages as they come there from diverse states ,regions,cities ,towns and villages for service ,business or other economic and non- economic purposes.This feature of such cities may be treated and tapped as an asset having great potential for developing the Wikipedia movement not only in these cities but in those areas and communities also from where such people come. This idea if implemented will have multiplier effect on the Wikipedia movement due to participation of multilingual communities which are expected to increase awareness and participation of people in the home towns of their origin in this process.There is adequate scope of coverage of diverse languages and neglected and remote areas also to which many of these people will be the original residents.

How will you know if this project is successful? What are some outcomes that you can share after the project is completed?


If you’re not certain about how to respond to this question when starting your idea, you do not need to answer it right now. Campaign participants and Wikimedia Foundation staff can help you consider some options.

Do you think you can implement this idea? What support do you need?


Do you need people with specific skills or resources to complete this idea? Are there any financial needs for this project? Do you need advising from Wikimedia Foundation staff?
yes.May require some financial resourcesand help of advisory nature from WMF

Get Involved


About the idea creator


I am a multilingual Wikimedian with User name Harvinder Chandigarh residing in Chandigarh city of India.I am committed to spread the Wikipedia free knowledge movement especially in neglected areas and communities.





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Does your idea not require funding, but you're not sure about what to do next? Not sure how to start a proposal on your local project that needs consensus? Contact Chris Schilling on-wiki at I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) or via e-mail at cschilling(_AT_)wikimedia.org for help!