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Grants:IdeaLab/Forestry and agriculture experts share their knowledge on Wikipedia

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Forestry and agriculture experts share their knowledge on Wikipedia
NIBIO has 700 employees, many experts in diverse fields conserning agriculture and forestry that could participate in adding their knowledge to the Norwegian Wikipedia.
idea creator
Ask larsson
this project needs...
created on09:08, 6 February 2017 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


Attempt to get our experts to spend time sharing their knowledge with Wikipedia.Make sharing scientific knowledge on Wikipedia a meritable and worthwhile part of the dissemination process for NIBIO scientists.

What is your solution?


Hmm... Not sure, really. It would be an advantage to our institution to have our knowledge shared on Wikipedia, but it's hard to get our scientist to spend time doing that instead of publishing in international journals.

Who will you be doing outreach with?




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About the idea creator


I'm a science communicator at NIBIO.





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