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Education for all
idea creator
this project needs...
project manager
community organizer
created on10:49, 3 February 2017 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


Education has been found as a tool of eradicating social vices, poverty, crisis, and most especially terrorism. Am trying to help take education to deep sides of the world where education cant be afforded.

What is your solution?


Using both print media and ICT, Establishing Wikimedia Centers in locations that cant access good education due to economical issues like poverty.

Who will you be doing outreach with?


Obegu Elites Forum (OEF)



Get Involved


About the idea creator



  • Researcher I would like to play a part researching and and putting together relevant information about, who and where the Education is needed. And most importantly how best can Education be easily accessible to all indeed. And keep working to improve , enhance and drive the project forward. Nelson65105 (talk) 21:20, 3 February 2017 (UTC)


  • Your idea is very optimistic. But for it to happen, you need to break it up into small achievable chunks. Unfortunately, your idea is rather generic. It needs to be developed further. Find out Wikimedians near you. There should be a local chapter in your region. Reach out to them, discuss and collaborate. Try and see if you can launch a pilot project. Going forward you will realise the hurdles. Modify your plans accordingly. In time, you would be able to carry out abstract ideas like the one you have proposed. Keep going. DiptanshuTalk 15:28, 3 March 2017 (UTC)

Expand your idea


Would a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation help make your idea happen? You can expand this idea into a grant proposal.

Expand into a Rapid Grant
Expand into a Project Grant

No funding needed?


Does your idea not require funding, but you're not sure about what to do next? Not sure how to start a proposal on your local project that needs consensus? Contact Chris Schilling on-wiki at I JethroBT (WMF) (talk · contribs) or via e-mail at cschilling(_AT_)wikimedia.org for help!