< Grants:IdeaLab | Build
Next steps for project team meetings
Aug 19, 2014
[edit]Sprint team except Heather
[edit]- Create - workshop findings & bug
- Expand - status, test plan
Next steps
[edit]- Siko
- longer summary, problem, solution
- need to add more info about roles w/ link
- create more realistic ieg config file
- test expand gadget
- Jonathan
- test Jeph's patch for double-created ideas
- reorg/update bug list
- create a simple peg expand config file
- test expand gadget
- Jeph
- mark form-creation bugs as fixed
- add loading button to expand form popup
- fix expand bugs as siko & jonathan log them :)
Aug 1, 2014
[edit]Jeph is somewhat blocked on expansion testing because Heather didn't make buttons on toolkit still (boo).
- Siko
- work on copy edit of idealab editintro & preload
- test & turn on probox in idealab
- test create again to confirm that is ready to deploy
- Jeph
- add his own buttons to toolkit & move test instance of expand over to meta
- start testing expand on meta
- email to the team with status of each - (1. create links ready to deploy, 2. create+expand version links for testing on meta)
July 29, 2014
[edit]Sprint team except Jmo
[edit]- Form Wizard updates from Jeph
- Toolkit updates from Heather
- Debugging
Decisions we made
[edit]- Forms wizard works in Grants namespace only right now, and we're ok with that. Can create broader solutions later.
Next steps
[edit]- Jeph
- debug why create an idea button is now broken
- debug why the fix to add-me didn't work
- add class for error message to non-logged in users
- working on expansion (un-hardcode link & look into dropdown functionality)
- Heather
- Toolkit page changes:
- tweak toolkit link details
- make 2 buttons on toolkit page: gadget needs to know grant type is being selected, so add 2 class names in the div for each (expand & IEG, expand & PEG)
- hide social media links until they work
- make userbox code usable on any wiki
- remove profile snippets and instead make it a suggestion to view people page (& go link there)
- Siko
- test autofill creator form to confirm it works
- turn on new probox in idealab later this week if we get to that point (will need to copyedit intro & preload templates :)
July 25, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- Form Wizard
- Toolkit
- Form Wizard expansion
- Probox
Decisions we made
[edit]- Not deploying Forms Wizard today, but turning Probox on in IdeaLab's existing template workflow (which will need some fluffing)
Next steps
- auto-fill creator for form wizard (don't surface to user)
- add blue bar to all inputs
- remove error message legacies
- add same error message for non-logged in users as we do for logged-in
- deal with the error message issue
- fix toolbox redlink
- look into dropdown functionality as part of expansion
- un-hardcode link as part of expansion
- Jonathan
- look into link wrapping in probox
- update toolkit link: icon on left, stack words under timestamp, bump up font size
- deploy forms gadget today
- idealab probox turned on in existing template workflows (including edit intro + preload update instructions for roles)
- TPS probox ready for Siko/Heather to turn on in existing template workflows
- Heather
- tweak toolkit link details
- make 2 buttons on toolkit page: gadget needs to know grant type is being selected, so add a class in the div
- making social media links work (jeph might help later)
- making userbox ugly code show
- change profiles to just link to the people page
- Siko
- update config files for Ideas & TPS
- copy edits in IdeaLab preload/edit-intro templates after Jmo's pass
July 18, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- Form Wizard development: current status, bugs, test results, next steps
- Form Wizard expansion: review spec
Decisions we made
[edit]- Toolkit must be a thing by Monday
- deprioritize infobubbles (ie. "this title is taken", "you have reached your character limit for this field") are deprioritized for V1, but will be added to the requirements for V2 (post-Wikimania)
- deprioritize fix how we add hidden infobox fields. hidden fields in infobox can only be added within a selectionList-type dictionary in the config. This dependency is not ideal, since not all Form Wizard instances will have selection lists. However, we don't need to fix this for V1.
Next steps
[edit]- Jeph
- fixing remaining technical bugs
- hardcode timestamp
- role params should start at 1, not 0 (example: community_organizer1)
- fix bug where having the userscript installed makes the main IdeaLab/Ideas page look weird
- fix remaining UI bugs (to match Heather's mock)
- single-line text fields (like title) should be 100% width (currently too small)
- "back", "cancel", "done" should be right-aligned
- "back" should have transparent background, like "cancel"
- more vertical spacing needed between elements — see mock
- more padding needed around text of single-line text fields. See mock
- hint text in single-line text fields should be italicized
Done add goals section to IdeaLab + html comment
- add explanation text as universal feature: there should always be room for a line of text between title and interactive element
- after above is done Monday, start looking into Expansion features
- *add ability for idea-creation to specify a toolkit subpage in config (create a subpage of the idea with a configurable name, which substitutes a specified template)
- Jmo
- setup & testing configs (make configs for all portals, test them out)
- finalize page names & start documentation page placeholder
- move toolkit page to template namespace
- Heather
- send check mark icons to jeph
- toolkit first pass done by monday
- Siko
- copy edit pass on idea-creation config after Jmo's pass
July 15, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- Form Wizard development: current status, bugs, test results, next steps
- Form Wizard design: review "Create an idea" mocks, schedule "Expand an idea" mocks + requirements
- Form Wizard deploy
- Scheduling translation + documentation sprints (Probox, AddMe, Form Wizard)
Decisions we made
[edit]Next steps
[edit]- Heather
- toolkit
- then move to expansion mocks
- Jeph
- finish UI work on forms gadget to match Heather's mocks
- separate configs for each instance of the gadget
- fix jmo's version of IdeaLab in config file to make "project idea" field hidden to form-creator, and add in text to match mock (bold instruction, non-bold explanation)
- mark off fixed bugs
- finish fixing bugs and adding features on list
- Jonathan
- test ability to create hidden comments in config
- config file updates for idea creation
- provide Siko w/ links for form wizard deploy
- expansion requirements ready for Friday
- make v1 form wizard gadget live on Monday
- Siko
- prep a post for Forms wizard deployment, aim to get up by Weds
July 8, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- Request re: bug tracking etc
- Form Wizard - status of bugs and testing
- Form Wizard - configs & templates big picture discussion
- Form Wizard - next steps for MVP
- Schedule - are we on track for Wikimania? how do we get on track?
- Anything else?
Decisions we made
[edit]- Profile creation, matching moved to V2
- Toolkit, Expand an Idea are our remaining development priorities for V1
Next steps
[edit]- J-Mo
- test adding checkboxes to LP form
- move dropdown to v2
- spec expand idea functionality (so heather can mock that later)
- still working on probox
- restore default config & add back separate idea config
- document translation workflow
- Jeph
- finishing exploring subsections
- work on big fixing & updates to the "Create an idea" code
- cleanup the UI (per Heather's new mock)
- Heather
- P1: send jeph agora styles for errors etc
- P1: update mock for image creation
- P2: toolkit
- Siko
- update sprint plan with reduced scope
- schedule meeting with jeph to discuss future sprints
July 1, 2014
[edit]Siko, Jeph, J-Mo
[edit]- Form Wizard - create an idea
- demo of Jeph's userscript
- AddMe configuration
- "learning patterns" endorse not working: keeps creating new section, doesn't scroll down
Decisions we made
[edit]- We'll create 3 test configs: Idea, TPS, Learning Pattern
- We'd like form wizard to pull from a page template for each type of page, if possible. These are the existing templates (some tweaks will likely need to be made for each):
Next steps
[edit]- Jeph
- explore options for using a pre-existing page "template" for each new page created with the Form Wizard, rather than including all info in the config
- explore options for allowing the user to pre-populate 3rd and 4th level page sections with input from Form Wizard fields (possible in V1, or save for V2?)
- bug fixing for AddMe gadget
- look into test cases & automate regression testing for Forms Wizard if there is time
- Heather
- create mockup for Form Wizard v1 (as discussed previous week):
- how field validation will be shown to the user (example: green checkmark if title page does not exist, red 'x' if it already exists)
- how default image and image preview will be displayed
- how we will alert users to character limits on fields
- how we will prompt users to search Wikimedia Commons for a custom image
- Form wizard v2 mockup (create IdeaLab profile, turn Idea into complete proposal)
- Idea Toolkit & Idealab redesign is still on deck too!
- J-Mo
- update requirements documentation for Form Wizard (create an idea)
- draft an initial set of specs for Form Wizard (expand an idea)
- test Jeph's updates to the Learning Pattern AddMe config
- create spot for bugs & feature requests on Form Wizard page
- create test pages and configurations for Form Wizard v1 for Learning Patterns and TPS
- create Probox setup for TPS
- update Probox to set categories for Learning Patterns (pattern type), IdeaLab (roles and status) categories
- Siko
- turn current default into Idea config
- Idea template cleanup, copy edits where needed
June 24, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- AddMe configuration
- making default role configurable (not always "volunteer")
- is it configurable for use outside of Grants namespace?
- "learning patterns" configuration not working
- Form Wizard - create an idea
- How do we show messages like
- Word limit reached for textboxes
- Field is mandatory
- How does the image field work?
- Are we going to validate the file name being entered? (Tick if found else cross)
- Will it have an auto suggest dropdown?
- Creating a new page ?
- I assume sometimes the form augments data to a page whereas other times it adds new sections, if a new page do we show the title is available etc?
- Section Headers
- Are textboxes to be added to new sections?
- Infobox
- How do we generalise it to other usecases?
- Form Wizard - expand an idea
- Idea toolkit
- status? questions?
Decisions we made
[edit]- Form Wizard
- Page name validation: When someone enters a page title or an image filename, the gadget will check whether or not a page with that name already exists. In the case of the title, the user will not be able to submit their form if a page with that title already exists. In the case of the image, the user will not be able to submit their form if a File: page with that name does NOT exist on their current wiki.
- Custom image preview: When someone enters a custom image, the default image thumbnail that is shown in the dialog box will be replaced with a thumbnail of the image they selected.
- AddMe
- Configurable default role. Ideally, the default role for a project should't always be volunteer (for some project, you would want it to be "member" for instance). But we agreed that making this configurable, while "nice to have", is not necesary for the current sprint, so we're going to push it out for AddMe V2, after Wikimania.
- Configurable outside of Grants namespace. Right now, the gadget only works in the Grants namespace. For AddMe V2 (after Wikimania), we will configure it to work on other namespaces: either a list of them (Grants:, Research:, Main, etc), or on any namespace.
- Idea Toolkit
- we will hold off on working on this until after next week's meeting in order to focus on other high-priority tasks
Next steps
[edit]- Jeph
- estimate whether implementing new validation/image preview requirements are feasible within our current project timeline
- share a userscript version of the Form Wizard with the group for testing/feedback as soon as it is at least semi-functional (Friday)
- Heather
- create new mockup:
- how field validation will be shown to the user (example: green checkmark if title page does not exist, red 'x' if it already exists)
- how default image and image preview will be displayed
- how we will alert users to character limits on fields
- how we will prompt users to search Wikimedia Commons for a custom image
- J-Mo
- update requirements documentation with both V1 (current sprint) and future features
- test Jeph's updates to the Learning Pattern config
June 17, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- add-me gadget - quick touch-base about status of documentation, page names, bug fixes, and deploy planning
- probox discussion
- updated sprint schedule - team input, adjust as needed
- forms gadget - specs, mocks, questions, etc
- other issues?
Decisions we made
[edit]- forms wizard v1 needs to support probox + page sections
- we're not building tools into the forms gadget, though text boxes will support wiki markup
- form wizard supports the following types: larger text entries, small text entries (w/ character limits), drop down, checkboxes, stepper, html for thumbnail of default image, link (to Commons or other specified page)
- we're agreed on the updated schedule
- Siko is on vacation next week, so please get requests to her before Friday for anything you need :)
Next steps
[edit]- Jonathan
- move all AddMe files again
- deploy AddMe
- document probox AddMe learning pattern feature request for future sprint
- update forms gadget spec per today's discussion
- Jeph
- forms gadget framework
- Heather
- design toolkit page
- Siko
- post deploy update for AddMe (coordinate w/ Jmo)
June 9, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- add-me gadget bugs
- form wizard spec & mocks
Decisions we made
[edit]- title created in input box, before forms wizard is initiated
- step 1: short summary (required), problem/solution (optional)
- step 2: participants (change to checkboxes, choose #, add a way to say "nope, I don't want to spec any of these right now"), image (modeled after wikilove workflow, optional)
- when the person hits save to create page, gadget can created some more blank sections for things like goals, participants, endorsements sections etc (depending on the template for whatever kind of page it is creating)
- we want the wizard to be flexible enough to create different kinds of pages: ideas (+adding on to become PEG & IEGs), TPS, learning patterns
- it should support creating bulleted lists, different sections, various probox parameters, join or no join gadget, etc
- will stick w/ current way that meta handles languages (en + translate extension), revisit multilingual creation after gsoc project makes that possible
- some of us might meet again later this week to discuss generic forms spec in more detail, if needed
Next steps
[edit]- Jeph
- fix last bugs on add-me gadget
- add-me documentation
- start work on forms gadget
- Jonathan
- finishing probox refactor & looking at remaining bugs
- update form wizard spec for idea creation w/ decisions reflected
- add "generic" form creation info to spec
- Heather
- rev2 on mock, updated w/ new decisions we spec'd today
June 3, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
[edit]- should there always be a default role (like volunteer) for someone to join? If not, how do we prevent/discourage joining of projects that do not want/need participants, even in a default capacity?
- scoping fallback options for users without JS enabled
- scoping fallback options for non logged in users
- scoping options/messages for users who try to "join" or create an idea when not logged in
- review Idea Wizard requirements
- Toolkit
- Social links
- Suggesting project participants
- Toolkit
- review Probox bugs
- decide whether to support creation of Ideas in languages other than English through the Idea Wizard
- Temporary non English support.
- Howto from an idea to a grant? If we can't move then what?
- Generic form structure, shouldn't the form be customize able for different grants?
- UI elements offline
Decisions we made
[edit]- join button appears when parameter for more participants=yes
- whenever join button appears, probox shows "this idea could really use: volunteers" (+any other roles for which there are open parameters)
- there needs to be js fallback
- gadget should work for non-logged-in users, w/ a clear warning message.
Next steps
[edit]- Jeph
- log & fix bug re join gadget breaking when other templates are on page
- fix open endorse bugs (especially extra spaces in section titles)
- add error messages for IPs:
- "You're not logged in! Joining will add you as an IP address. To add your username instead, please cancel and login first."
- "You're not logged in! Endorsing will add you as an IP address. To add your username instead, please cancel and login first."
- combine endorse & join into 1 gadget
- update documentation for 1 gadget to rule them all
- Jonathan
- probox bug fixing & implementing today's decisions re interactions w/ the gadget
- start probox refactor
- get jeph what's needed to start on js fallback
- following week: finish refactor & implement js fallback
- Heather
- mocks for form wizard UI
- another round of bug testing
- continue w/ idea creation toolbox subpage
- Siko
- bug testing
- prep for Monday's conversation re Form wizard
May 27, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
Next steps
[edit]Priority 1:
- heather to log existing bugs w/ join gadget
- siko to copyedit join gadget text, continue testing
- jeph to fix bugs on endorse/join, and mark as fixed
- jmo to run hostbot on friday/sat/sun
- heather & jmo still working on infobox improvements (list stacking)
- heather working on toolkit page design
Priority 2:
- jeph early exploration on the forms gadget - create a test idea to see the current experience
- jeph to work on combining endorse/join into 1 gadget, separately from userscript for deploy
- heather starting to work on forms gadget design
May 13, 2014
[edit]Sprint team
Next steps
[edit]- Jonathan
- finish moving pages for endorse gadget into project namespace (endorse config & endorse config 1)
- setup time w/ Jeph @ end of week to review join gadget open technical questions
- ongoing tweaks, tests and documentation for infobox to support Jeph's scripting
- Jeph
- move over Arabic translations for endorse gadget
- test gadget as userscript in its new location
- investigating Jmo's infobox code & working on join gadget script to Heather's mock
- setup time w/ Jmo @ end of week to review join gadget open technical questions
- Siko
- draft text for the gadget rfc posting
- tests gadget as userscript in its new location
- Heather
- second pass on infobox design improvements as Jmo makes changes
May 8, 2014
[edit]Siko and Jonathan
Next steps
[edit]- Siko
- draft text for the gadget rfc posting
- tests of gadget as userscript in its new location
- re-translate interface text into Arabic
- Jonathan
- coordinate with Jeph re: the architecture of the gadget pages & timeline for migrating/updating code
- check to see if translation works in MediaWiki NS
- look for examples of good gadget documentation and shamelessly copy them
- preliminary test of gadget as userscript in its new location