Grants:IEG/Wiki microconsulting
status: withdrawn
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project contact:
Michele Nubile
Manuela Coci
Wiki microconsulting is a development tool that allows access to the facilities of business consultancy to small and micro enterprises.
2014 round 1
Project idea
[edit]What is the problem you're trying to solve?
[edit]Many European companies, and Italian ones especially, were put in strong difficulties by the recent global financial CRIFI. At this particular time in history it is necessary that the practical knowledge and the use of innovative management tools are available to all the business and production activities in order to increase their competitiveness and the possibility of survival.
There is a gap between those who would need counseling and the ones who would be able to offer it The base of the Italian production system is made up of small and micro-enterprises. These realities, though complex, unique and different, have some common traits : - Usually born more than 20 years ago, - they are often excellent in the realization of the product , - Their property belongs to the first generation of entrepreneurs, - Their management procedures are often unwritten, sedimented over time and obsolete , - They have poor use of technology and information management , - They are having economic and financial difficulties .
Microconsulenza is addressing enterprises with these traits .
The vacancies today are designed to meet specific business functions and short term needs. Few small businesses are forward-looking and they do no invest in management knowhow that is traditionally attributed to the property. The Innovation process is disconnected from everyday problems : there is not always time, determination , expertise and resources to look beyond the emergency plan and improvement . On the other hand, the university often tends to specialize in the skills and the first work experiences do nothing more than increase the specialization affecting the future employment of new hires. The younger generation , however, are best placed to meet the challenges of change, are those who are more comfortable with the new technologies of information and communication and are sensitive to changes in the product market and consumption. Microconsulenza will appeal to new generations of workers , so that they can be produced on the field , cimendandosi to problem solving, abstraction and achieving goals. Microconsulenza aims to bridge the gap between those who would need counseling and not always aware of it and who would be able to offer it but do not have the tools .
What is your solution?
[edit]As well as micro-credit has been and is a development tool that allows access to financial services for people in poverty and marginalization, Microconsulenza is a development tool that allows access to the facilities of business consultancy to small and very small businesses. The aim is the improvement of processes, stimulating innovation and reducing production costs. Microconsulenza has three main objectives: 1. knowledge sharing, 2. vocational training, 3. insertion into the world of work.
These objectives are achieved through two main activities: 1. building a portal for small business 2. vocational training within the company.
Project goals
[edit]The idea comes from direct experience in the field. A company that already produced an excellent finished product is successful, thanks to the innovation process , a system of information management and promotion of the product, to improve their competitiveness , reduce its debt and grow in a time of strong downturn in the market . Microconsulenza has three main objectives: - Dissemination of practical knowledge for business management . - Formation of such figures intended for inclusion in the company. - Creation of jobs. The objectives are achieved through two activities: - Creation of a portal "copyleft" for small business . - Training courses through online and offline .
Microconsulenza involves three phases: First phase: involvement of one or more universities willing to actually synthesize the know -how necessary to the realization of the basic content and the creation of a network of public and private entities interested in the implementation of the project. Second stage: the publication of the material in the portal made available to the community. The portal is designed with the goal of continuously updated content and tools . The involvement of business software is useful in the development of computerized management tools simple and effective . Third phase: training people for future inclusion in the company. The training will take place primarily online . On-campus courses will be made for the consolidation of counseling techniques before entering the world of work.
Microconsulenza does not focus on the product or service enterprises, but on the management of the same by sharing practical tools typical of business consultancy for the management of enterprise.
People will lend their advisory activities in different companies all over the country. The companies that will may take the consultants so as to embark on a path of business growth constantly updated.
Small businesses interested in the project are in the following areas : agriculture breeding building handicraft tourism catering Induced the great industrial development.
Microconsulenza has the goal of being the first point of contact for small businesses of all issues relating to: - Process Improvement - Increase of turnover - Access to new markets - Enhancement of know -how .
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