Grants:IEG/Consolidate wikiArS to involve art schools/Timeline
This project is funded by an Individual Engagement Grant
Timeline for Consolidate wikiArS to involve art schools
[edit]Timeline | Date |
Students, Schools, Advisors. Attending already involved, contacting new ones. | April |
Results for 2012-13 Academic year | June |
Midpoint report,
Ending results for 2012-13 Academic year and preparing next 2013-14 with schools and advisors. |
July |
Wikimania | August |
Starting 2013-14 Academic Year. Assignments to schools. Coordination of teachers, tutors and advisors. Production of exhibition. | September |
Workshop about graphic creation in schools. First meetings with students & advisors. Exhibition running. Final report. | October |
November |
Monthly updates
[edit]Please prepare a brief project update each month, in a format of your choice, to share progress and learnings with the community along the way. Submit the link below as you complete each update.
[edit]- 8th. Meeting in School of Art Pau Gargallo with teachers
- 9th. Meeting with Xavier Hernández (historian, who will be wikiArS advisor) and Galazan (wikipedist-in-residence in Catalonian History Museum)
- 10th. Meeting in Manresa School of Art with theachers, students, and geologist advisor (Fidel Grandia). Three students starting their internships in Amical.
- 12-13th. Edith-a-thon in Fundació Joan Miró. Speeches about uploading in Commons and about wikiArS, Saturday morning and afternoon.
- 22th.
- Meeting in Jaume Almera Institute (CSIC) with geophysicist D.Garcia-Castellanos (advisor), student and teacher from Serra i Abella School of Art.
- Meeting in University of Barcelona with geologist Angels Canals who is supervising the work of EDRA students
- Meeting with teachers of Barcelona School of Art Del Treball
- All month
- Following the UCA wikiArS project (with 6 students) from Jerez; in contact with teachers.
- Contacts with other schools and potential advisors (not confirmed)
- Following, reviewing and helping students from Llotja (working on portraits and mammals) and EDRA (working on Naica mine infographies)
- Working in new assignments
[edit]Summary status:
- 17 students, 13 internship with Amical Wikimedia
- 4 schools and 1 university with students working in assignments this academic year; 4 more involved planning to participate next academic year; 3 more contacted.
- 6 advisors from 3 areas (geosciences, mammals and history) collaborating with schools of art in Catalonia. Looking for other areas.
- 7 advisors from 7 areas collaborating with University of Cadiz.
- 8 teachers directly involved this academic year
- 3 wikimedians (Dvdgmz, Galazan, El Pantera) as tutors.
- Assignments status
- 2 assignments in EDRA for 2 teams. 2 students are finished with 9 images published. 2 students still working.
- 9 assignments in Llotja. 3 students are finished and 15 images in process of publishing. 6 students still working.
- 3 assignments in Manresa. 3 students still working.
- 1 assignments in Serra i Abella, still working.
- 7 assignments in UCA. 3 animation videos finished and published, 4 still working.
Meetings and activities:
- May 16th. Meeting with S.B.Garcia, from BAU school of design.
- May 21th. Morning. Meeting with student Naara Riveiro, historian X.Hernández and wikimedian tutor Galazan in Campus Mundet UB.
- May 21th. Afternoon. Meetings with Llotja Students. Meeting with teacher L.Casado.
- May 22th. Paper about wikiArS accepted for a congress about educational innovation in Madrid (july 11-12). Start co-writing with L.Gutíerrez and M.Palomo.
- All month:
- Following work of students, coordination with advisors
- Contacting potential providers form exhibition materials
- Reporting EDRA experience
by Albert Vila and Andreu Modenes (EDRA)
by Albert Vila and Andreu Modenes (EDRA)
by Albert Vila and Andreu Modenes (EDRA)
by Damek (UCA)
by Hakima El Kaddouri (Llotja)
by Diana Francitorra (Llotja)
by Núria Martínez (Llotja)
[edit]Meetings and activities:
- June 5th. Commons seminar in UCA (Jerez). Manuel Palomo and Lorena Gutierrez.
- June 5th. Wikibooks workshop in EDRA (Rubí).
- June 5th. Meeting with Josep Planells, teacher in "Tres turons" secondary school in Arenys.
- June 17th. Meeting with students (Míriam, Anna, Meritxell) in Manresa School of Art.
- June 28th. Meeting with teachers of School of Art "del Treball" in Barcelona
- Reports:
- This month in GLAM Spain report Volume III, Issue V, May 2013
- This Month in Education – Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2013 > Growing contributions from wikiArS initiative
- Case Studies
- Explaining Naica infographically (in Catalan and in Spanish)
- Village pumps communications&feedback: June 1th > w:ca; June 3th > w:es, w:an; June 27th > w:en, w:ca, w:an; June 30th w:es, w:gl.
Online work:
- Translate Extension system for wikiArS mainpages translation. Translation tags included. Translation initiated from English into Catalan, Spanish an Chinese. Please help!
- Categorizing:
- Categories structure for wikiArS pages in Outreach
- Categories structure for wikiArS images and contents in Commons
- New wikiArS pages in Outreach:
- New tab "Gallery"
- Call4translations page (from other languages than English). Please help!
- Ask for images page to give ideas to prepare assignments. Please ask!
Some results...
Boiling by Cristobalsanchezruiz
Messinian salinity crisis (the movie :-) by FedericaBri
See more in wikiArS gallery.
And this month also contributions for wikibooks...
Main page of the tale Parlem de la mina de Naica (Talking about Naica Mine) by Laia Sabán
9th page of the same book by Laia Sabán
Main page of the tale Parlem de la cristal·lització a la mina de Naica (Talking about the crystallisation in Naica Mine) by CarolGC
9th page of the same book by CarolGC
Recreation drawning of Antoni Villarroel from documentation about the purchase of a dress. By Naara Riveiro.
Recreation drawning of Antoni Villarroel riding. First historical advice experience on wikiArS
Panel explaining the process.
Activities and meetings:
- July 5th. Meeting with Llotja teachers. Planning new academic year and an edithaton on Autumn
- July 6th. Meeting with Art del Treball teachers and new advisors in the scope of Biology and ancient History
- Jutly 11th. Presentation by Lorena Gutíerrez of the co-written paper Desarrollo de materiales multimedia libres de carácter enciclopédico: Del aula a Wikimedia Commons (Development of free multimedia encyclopedic resources: From the classroom to Wikimedia Commons) in Jornadas Internacionales de Innovación Universitaria (University Innovation International Conference, Madrid) - See aslo: prezy presentation.
- July 19th. Meeting together with Lluis_tgn in the Art School of Tarragona that will join the initiative next academic year. Meeting with teachers and also with members of the Tarraco Arqueological Museum (MNAT) that will do the expert supervision.
- All month: dealing with materials suppliers for exhibition and working together with Enric Gil in design and prototyping of expo-panels.
- July 27th. Design of a poster about the historical reconstruction of Villarroel appearance. First approach for exhibition boards. Shown at edith-a-thon in Catalonia History Museum.
- From July 7th. Comments and debate about derivative works from the case of wikiArS portraits in the Creative Commons Spain mailing list (in Spanish)
- IEG Midpoint report
- Village pumps communications&feedback: July 4th > w:fr, July 15th > w:ca, July 22th > w:es, wikibooks:es, July 26th > w:en, w:es, w:ca
- Media coverage: Radio Rubi 9th July, Xombit July
Prototyping for exhibition displays:

[edit]- From 7th to 12th I was in Wikimania. On 11th at 2pm I spoke about wikiArS in Edu-III
- Meetings
- September 19th. Working meeting to prepare assignments with advisers (Ramon Serra, historian; Josep Cuello, biologist) and Art del Treball teachers (Barcelona).
- September 27th. Reunion with Jordi Badal, responsible of internship in Pau Gargallo School of Art (Badalona) and speech about wikiArS and Commons to a group of about 20 illustration students.
- During the month:
- Developed an adaptation of UploadWizard for wikiArS using Campaign: Campaign:wikiArS (working page)
- Developed mechanisms (button, preload page, templates) to create wikiArS assignments online: outreach:WikiArS/assignments (working page)
- Header for commons partnership pages improved: commons:Template:WikiArS partnership/tab header (better for translation, look&feel)
- Preparing posters about two wikiArS experiences in the scope of Geology for the Jaume Almera Earth Sciences Institute (CSIC-Barcelona) spreading actions. Preparing seminar for researchers about wikiArS.
- Preparing public activities about Scientific illustration with Llotja teachers.
- Contacts with potential providers for exhibition
- Mail and phone contacts with schools and advisers preparing the collaboration for this Academic Year and agreeing dates for Commons and Licenses Workshops.
- Contacts with members of wikiproject Ancient Egypt in Catalan Viquipèdia to collaborate identifying illustration gaps in their scope to prepare assignments.
[edit]- October 1th.
- Meeting with C.Domenech, lecturer at UB-Geology about wikiedu project.
- Meeting with Daniel García-Castellanos at ICTJA about involving geoscience researchers and teachers in wikiArS
- Meeting with Miguel Baidal and Raul Toran from ACCC (Catalan Association of Science Comunication) exploring ways of collaboration between wikiArS and Il·lustraciència. Participation agreement edithaton.
- October 7th. Conference for Illustration and Design students about "Il·lustrar a Viquipèdia. Publicar a Wikimedia Commons" (Illustrate for Wikipedia. Publish to Wikimedia Commons) in Llotja school (Sant Andreu, Barcelona). About 80 attendees.
7th October. Conference at Llotja
7th October. Conference at Llotja
- October 8th. Meeting together with Lluis_tgn at MNAT with Museum director and curators, teacher from School of Art to define wikiArS assignments.
- October 9th. Workshop for Illustration students about "Contribute to Wikimedia Commons" in Art del Treball school (Barcelona). About 30 attendees. Together with Luna92
9th October. Workshop at Art del Treball
- October 10th. Meeting at Art del Treball School to sign and start students internship in Amical Wikimedia with students, Carlota Rodríguez, Marc Serra, Adrià Turina, Joan Lalucat , teacher, Jordi Catafal, adviser, Ramon Serra, and wikipedist involved in Ancient Egypt project, Luna92.
Marc Serra, Art del Treball student in internship at Amical Wikimedia
Carlota Rodríguez, Art del Treball student in internship at Amical Wikimedia
Adrià Turina, Art del Treball student in internship at Amical Wikimedia
Joan Lalucat , Art del Treball student in internship at Amical Wikimedia
- October 15h. Workshop for Painting, Ad Graphics and Photography students about "Wikimedia Commons, wikiArS and Free licenses" in Tarragona School of Art. About 25 attendees. Together with Lluis_tgn
15th October. Workshop at Tarragona School of Art
- October 22th. Visit a Cartonboard factory in Terrassa (provider D) to see their cutting machine and some test samples for the exhibition panels.
- October 23th. Wikidiagnosis about Scientific Illustration in Wikipedia in Llotja School of art. 14 participants (Llotja teachers, profesional illustrators, science communicators):Alícia Gallego, Meritxell Campos, Giselle Vitali, Raül Toran, Miquel Baidal, David Gómez, Jordi Corbera, Pere Lluís León, Carles Puche, Dani Roig, Agnès Perelló, Luís Casado. - Post in Il·lustraCiència blog - Post in Amical WM blog.
- October 25th Visit to the Egypt collection of Montserrat Museum with students from Art del Treball and edRa doing assignments about Ancient Egypt, teachers of both schools and wikipedist from Ancient Egypt wikiproject.
- October 28th, morning. Meeting with Barcelona Natural Science Museum that will co-organize the Edithaton about Scientific Illustration in Llotja.
- October 28th, evening. Exhibition "Sabaté Pi and the scientific illustration" with drawings by the naturalist Dr.Jordi Sabaté Pi and illustrations by Llotja students, including 4 made in the context of wikiArS initiative.
- October 31th. Post about wikiArS and Earth sciences "Geociencia, Wikipedia y Arte. La experiencia wikiArS" (Geoscience, Wikipedia and Art. The wikiArS experience) by Daniel García-Castellanos at "Retos terrícolas" blog.
[edit]- November 7th. Meeting with Pere Lluís León, medical illustrator, to explain Commons and free licensees and to speak about next edithaton.
- November 18th. Meeting with Alex Hinojo (Kippelboy) and Laia Benito, from Amical Wikimedia, about education, GLAM and wikiArS.
- November 17th. Viquitrobada (Catalan wikimedians annual meeting). Discussion group about wikiArS and Commons. Ideas for new assignments, information about the state of the initiative, and other comments.
- November 18th. Meeting with Nora Ancarola, Llotja deputy-director, for preparing Viquimarató.
- November 19th. Online talk with Rubén Ojeda (Rodelar) from Wikimedia España about wikiArS.
Poster explaining scientific advice about Messinian Salinity Crisis, exhibited in ICTJA and UB-Geology during Science Week.
Poster explaining scientific advice about Naica Mine, exhibited in ICTJA and UB-Geology during Science Week.
- November 20th. Seminar for researchers and lecturers at ICTJA (Jaume Almera Earth Science Institute-CSIC) about "Geociència, Art, Wikipedia: contribuïnt amb il·lustracions lliures. Iniciativa wikiArS" (Geoscience, Art, Wikipedia: contributing with free illustrations. wikiArS initiative). Together with Daniel García-Castellanos. About 25 attenders. Activity in the context of Science Week, during which posters about wikiArS geoscience advice was exhibited in ICTJA and the Geology Faculty in the University of Barcelona.
- November 21th. Edithaton to create and improve contents about Scientific Illustration in Catalan Wikipedia organized by Llotja School of art, Amical Wikimedia, Nature Science Museum of Barcelona and Catalan Association of Scientific Comunication. Activity in the context of Science Week, in parallel of Jordi Sabaté Pi drawings exhibition. About 34 attenders, 14 new articles created, 4 improved. See more photos.
Extension request
[edit]- Proposal date to hand in the final report: December 16th
- Rationale: the edit-a-thon in Llotja was an activity initially not planned, but an opportunity to involve the art education community in other ways than producing images. The organization of the Wikidiagnosis and the Edit-a-thon, took me time and energies that I could not devote to finish the preparation of the exhibition, writing the final report and other issues. Two weeks more will be useful for me to complete the planned tasks and to order the translation of the texts. --Dvdgmz (talk) 18:24, 24 November 2013 (UTC)
- Hi David, thanks for submitting this request. I'm approving the 2 week extension to complete your final report. Your report is now due on December 16th. Best of luck finishing up this grant! Siko (WMF) (talk) 20:57, 25 November 2013 (UTC)