Grants:IEG/Art+Feminism Editathon training materials and network building/Final/trainingdata
These are the registrants for the three workshops
75 Registrants including duplicates and facilitators
[edit]- Aliceba
- Amywhitaker01
- Anakol
- Anarchyshake
- Anbroc
- Anchorsandarrows
- Annawainwright
- Arthistorian1930s
- Blue Rasberry
- Bogota1122
- Brooks patty
- Ccooneycuny
- Corinnekrishnan
- CreativeLink
- Cshanesimpson
- Dilettante Army
- Dingza
- Eemccall
- Failedprojects
- Failedprojects
- Goodluck100
- GraphiteRectangle
- Histonline
- Ice Queen Palace
- Jacklovett
- Jahmak
- Jbinder
- JeSuisSarahO
- Jillsigman
- Josephpaulhill
- KimThreeCat
- Kmhinkle
- Kwyoussefnyc
- LibKathryn
- Lisaabr
- Lsmilow
- MairaLiriano
- MarthaJoyRose
- Maymath73
- Megs
- Mercier&camier
- Molly kz
- Mozucat
- Mozucat
- NaomiTal
- OR drohowa
- OR drohowa
- OR drohowa
- Pepperini91
- Pharos
- Pharos
- Racnack
- Rebeccahahn
- Ronald Sexton
- Rosabop
- Saifly
- Sarabod
- Siankevans
- Siankevans
- Smvlvtmrng
- Smythp
- Sooperwomyn818
- Sooperwomyn818
- Spainshirley
- Symantictickler
- Testingtestingtesting
- Theredproject
- Theredproject
- Theredproject
- TrickySleeves23
- Vaparedes
- WillLHolden
- XploreHist
- amy whitaker
- ~fuzzyblue52
58 Unique non-facilitators
[edit]- Aliceba
- Amywhitaker01
- Anakol
- Anarchyshake
- Anbroc
- Anchorsandarrows
- Annawainwright
- Arthistorian1930s
- Bogota1122
- Brooks patty
- Ccooneycuny
- Corinnekrishnan
- CreativeLink
- Cshanesimpson
- Dilettante Army
- Dingza
- Eemccall
- Goodluck100
- GraphiteRectangle
- Histonline
- Ice Queen Palace
- Jacklovett
- Jahmak
- Jbinder
- JeSuisSarahO
- Jillsigman
- Josephpaulhill
- KimThreeCat
- Kmhinkle
- Kwyoussefnyc
- LibKathryn
- Lisaabr
- Lsmilow
- MairaLiriano
- MarthaJoyRose
- Maymath73
- Mercier&camier
- Molly kz
- NaomiTal
- Pepperini91
- Racnack
- Rebeccahahn
- Ronald Sexton
- Rosabop
- Saifly
- Sarabod
- Smvlvtmrng
- Smythp
- Sooperwomyn818
- Spainshirley
- Symantictickler
- Testingtestingtesting
- TrickySleeves23
- Vaparedes
- WillLHolden
- XploreHist
- amy whitaker
- ~fuzzyblue52