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Grants:Friendly Space Policies

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This page is a translated version of the page Grants:Friendly Space Policies and the translation is 37% complete.

Friendly space policies


Friendly space policies (often called "safe space policies" or "anti-harassment policies") are one important way to help prevent harassment at conferences and events. These types of policies set expectations for behavior and support increased participant diversity. They also give conference organizers guidelines on how to handle harassment quickly, with the minimum amount of disruption for the event.

All Wikimedia Foundation grantees are required to have a friendly space policy for their in-person events.

We understand that this type of policy may need to be edited to fit different cultural contexts so we are not requiring the use of one specific policy. Below are a number of examples that grantees are free to use directly, translate, or remix as appropriate.


  1. This code of conduct received a fair amount of criticisms for proponents of other code of conducts. As such, it's perhaps less suitable as a sample.

Umgang mit Belästigung

Wir alle sind für die Aufrechterhaltung sicherer Räume bei Wikimedia-Community-Veranstaltungen verantwortlich. Stipendiaten organisieren Veranstaltungen aller Größen. Die Planung und die Protokolle zur Implementierung der Friendly Space-Richtlinien sind für die verschiedenen von uns finanzierten Veranstaltungen unterschiedlich. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Liste bewährter Methoden, die Veranstaltern und Teilnehmern dabei helfen sollen, einen sicheren Raum für die Teilnehmer bereitzustellen. Die unten aufgeführten Schritte decken nicht jede mögliche Art von Belästigung ab, und wie sie befolgt werden, ist Sache des Organisationsteams. Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Best Practices hat keine Auswirkungen auf den Stipendiaten, die Teilnehmer oder die Freiwilligen des EOT (Event Organization Team). Die EOT wird jedoch dringend gebeten, bei der Planung einer Veranstaltung auf dieses Dokument Bezug zu nehmen.

Grundlegende Richtlinien zur Implementierung einer Friendly Space-Richtlinie


  1. Veröffentlichen Sie die Friendly Space-Richtlinie auf der Ereignisseite, bevor das Ereignis beginnt, und verknüpfen Sie sie in allen Ereigniskommunikationen.
  2. Bestimmen Sie zwei Personen von der EOT, die auf Verstöße gegen Friendly Space reagieren sollen. Die Kontaktstellen müssen wissen, wie sie bei Bedarf Kontakt zu örtlichen Rettungsdiensten, Vertretern der Wikimedia Foundation oder anderen Behörden aufnehmen können. Befolgen Sie die nachstehenden Richtlinien.
  3. Erinnern Sie die Teilnehmer während der Eröffnung der Veranstaltung an die Friendly Space Policy und ihre Verpflichtung, sich daran zu halten. Weisen Sie die Veranstalter darauf hin, dass sie auf Beschwerden von Friendly Space reagieren sollen.
  4. Stellen Sie sicher, dass EOT-Mitglieder leicht zu erkennen sind, z. B. durch spezielle Ausweise, damit sie leicht gefunden werden können.

Unterstützende Teilnehmer

  1. Wenn die Sicherheit gefährdet ist, rufen Sie sofort den Sicherheitsdienst oder die Polizei an.
  2. Make sure there are two event organizers present and move to a private space where the participant feels safe and comfortable. Supporting the victim is very important.
  3. Ask for a verbal (and written as well) account of what happened. This should be kept as confidential as possible.
  4. If it is a verbal report, write down the details you received as soon as possible.
  5. Try to collect this information: Identity of person causing the problem, behavior in violation of the policy, approximate time of the behavior, circumstances surrounding the incident, other people involved in the incident.

Dealing with complaints

  1. Offer the person a chance to decide if any further action is taken: "Ok, this sounds like a breach of our friendly space policy. If you are ok with it, I am going to convene a meeting of a small group of people and figure out what our response will be."
  2. Assure the participant that you have heard their complaint and will take action within 24hrs (for less severe complaints). You do not need to commit to what that action will be.
  3. For less severe incidents, a private warning to the reported individual may be warranted. This can be a gentle but firm reminder of the Friendly Space policy, along with notice that their behavior is not acceptable and may result in their removal from the event, or further actions.
  4. Individuals with a pattern of harassing behavior, or who threaten to harass individuals or disrupt an event, may be politely yet explicitly directed by the event staff to remove themselves from the event.
  5. If the reported or witnessed incident is severe (threat of harm, violent assault, sexual assault), immediately contact local emergency services and accompany the participant to the hospital if needed. Notify chain of command, and alert the Wikimedia Foundation about the incident. This could be through a telephone number supplied for the designated Wikimedia Foundation Trust and Safety (T&S) team member, if one is attending the event. Alternatively, email emergency@wikimedia.org with all available information to alert the SuSa team member on call.

Concerns regarding the implementation of Friendly Space policies should be raised with the organizers of the event first. Wikimedia Foundation Staff, including the grantmaking team and SuSa, are happy to offer advice in advance of an event or after an incident has occurred.

Guidelines for attendees

  1. Think. Personal boundaries can get crossed just because of differences in personality. Some people are more or less aggressive and may define their personal boundaries differently. What is offensive in one culture, may not be in another. Know your limits and be prepared to make your boundaries clear and to respect the boundaries of others.
  2. Know who to turn to. Identify event organizing team members before the event.

If you feel harassed:

  1. Communicate. A behavior perceived as harassing may not always be intentional, even when boundaries are clearly established. You can let the other person know that you feel harassed. Direct approach may not always be possible. However, making the other person aware that their behavior is making you feel uncomfortable can be all that’s needed for that behavior to stop.
  2. Reach out. You do not have to deal with an issue alone. If you are not able to handle an incident on your own, seek out a friend or an EOT member for assistance. Clearly explain what happened, providing all necessary details in good faith. This will help them assess the situation and take appropriate actions.

If you notice that someone else is being harassed:

  1. Offer your support. Sometimes you may be able to help resolve an issue by stepping in. If you feel comfortable, you may do that. You are, however, under no obligation to get involved. Do keep in mind that sometimes the person trying to help, ends up being harassed themselves. Make sure that you are first in a safe position yourself, before you can assist somebody else.
  2. Report the issue. See if you can find a member of the EOT to bring the issue to their attention and seek their assistance. You can also offer your support by helping the victim report their experience through the appropriate/available channels.

If you have any other concerns, please contact a member of event staff immediately.

Other resources