Grants:Conference/Wikimedia Polska/CEE Meeting 2017

Goals and outcomes
[edit]The goals of the CEE Meeting 2017 (CEE 2017) are:
- to promote, develop, strengthen, and support the collaboration between various Wikimedia chapters, thematic organisations, user groups, projects, and other communities in the region;
- to support the sharing of experience, good/bad practices, and valuable learnings among CEE wiki communities, as well as offer a place for the wiki-communities to gain new skills, discuss and analyse each other's stories and work;
- to document and track current projects and developments carried out by the CEE Wikimedians;
- to interconnect CEE Wikimedians working on solutions to similar challenges;
- to connect Polish Wikimedians to the CEE community, thus both strengthening the Polish Wikimedia community itself and promoting its ties to the international wiki-movement.
[edit]- 1. What inspired your community to begin planning this event?
- Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017 (#WMCEE2017) will be the sixth annual meeting of Wikimedians from Central and Eastern Europe centred on Wikipedia and her sister projects in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The idea of CEE meeting was conceived at an informal meet-up that took place on 6 August 2011 at Wikimania 2011 in Haifa. Since then, these meetings have grown into an important learning and experience-exchanging opportunity for Wikimedians from the region, bringing new ideas and collaborations (such as CEE Spring, one of the biggest article writing contests in the movement).
- Wikimedia Poland (WMPL) has been collaborating with Wikimedians from other countries in the region since the first years of our movement's existence – and has been an active participant of the CEE Meetings from the beginning. The CEE Meetings allowed us to introduce new ideas and projects to our community, become closer to other communities and their work, and learn from the experience of others, thus boosting our own organisation and the Polish Wikimedia community it represents. We consider the previous conferences a success and find the CEE Meetings valuable to our operations. Since we are one of the larger chapters in the region and have plenty of experience in organising similar conferences, it was natural to step up and take upon ourselves the role of the organiser of the 2017 Meeting.
- We introduced our offer to the international community at the last CEE Meeting in Armenia. It was chosen through the bidding process organized and curated by an international committee with the input, comments, and questions from the CEE community itself.
- 2. How does this event tie into other activities that your group has done?
- This meeting will be a follow-up of the successful previous meetings: 2012 edition in Belgrade, Serbia, 2013 edition in Modra, Slovakia, 2014 edition in Kyiv, Ukraine, 2015 edition in Voore, Estonia and 2016 edition in Dilijan, Armenia. On the previous meetings a lot of new ideas and projects emerged, among others CEE Spring, Wiki Loves Earth, and Carpathian Ethnography Project.
- Organizing this meeting would also be another element of our active engagement in the Wikimedia CEE movement. We helped in organizing one of the biggest common projects of the CEE community - CEE Spring 2016 and recently have organized or co-organized some international projects within the region (examples include Carpathian Ethnography Project, Polish-Czech Wikiexpedition).
- 3. If your community has hosted a similar conference in the past, what outcomes and benefits have you seen from past conferences?
- Since 2006, we have been organising the annual Wikimedia Poland Conferences – the latest one took place in Lublin this spring. The meetings, attended by up to 100 Wikimedians from Poland and its neighbouring countries, serve both as a means of strengthening the ties within the community itself and as a venue for spreading good practices, technical solutions to common problems, GLAM cooperation projects, and all types of activities that help the Polish Wikimedia movement grow. They also help to popularise Wikimedia projects in general. Among the outcomes of these conferences are:
- keeping the communiy informed about current projects and outcomes of activities,
- enabling Wikimedians to join emerging projects and meet others who work on similar ideas or solutions,
- enabling an open discussion about problem areas needing to be addressed and creating working groups whose activity carries on after the conferences have ended,
- linking volunteer Wikimedians to new projects with GLAM and other external partners,
- promoting the Wikimedia movement.
- Apart from the conferences, our chapter also organises many smaller, more technically-oriented meetings, such as the Wikimedians' Winter Gathering (in 2008 and in 2016), the GDJ conferences between 2007 and 2012 (GDJ is a Polish acronym for "Where are we now, where are we headed, how to get there"). We also host or support small meetups, such as the R&D Group meeting in December 2014. These meetings result in:
- quick problem-solving in groups which carry on working post-meeting,
- exchanging technical skills and know-how,
- developing new projects,
- hands-on work on specific areas or new initiatives.
- Since 2006, we have been organising the annual Wikimedia Poland Conferences – the latest one took place in Lublin this spring. The meetings, attended by up to 100 Wikimedians from Poland and its neighbouring countries, serve both as a means of strengthening the ties within the community itself and as a venue for spreading good practices, technical solutions to common problems, GLAM cooperation projects, and all types of activities that help the Polish Wikimedia movement grow. They also help to popularise Wikimedia projects in general. Among the outcomes of these conferences are:
- 4. Please list the focus priorities identified in the report from the last conference organized by this community. What progress have you made in those areas?
- As the report from previous CEE Meeting is still not finished, see Grants:PEG/WM AM/CEE Meeting 2016/Report, we cannot answer this question at the moment.
- 5. If your community has hosted a similar conference in the past, what key lessons were learned, and what would you like to improve on?
- Accommodation and venue:
- The organisers must communicate with the hotel and venue as early as possible, and all arrangements need to be double-checked.
- It helps to have a plan B in case of any sudden technical or other problems, and to dedicate enough time and resources to all arrangements with the hotel and venue.
- Transportation options must be arranged for participants who may have difficulties walking moderately long distances.
- Programme:
- The programme committee must be established and start working as early as possible.
- There should be clear deadlines for applicants, without exceptions.
- Thematic priorities should be set at least 2 months before the application deadline – this ensures the programme committee has enough time to invite inspiring speakers to discuss topics not covered by volunteer applications.
- Defining thematic priorities should be done in a structured way – simply asking people "what they think in general" does not work well.
- Make no changes in the program during the conference – otherwise it might cause many inconveniences.
- Make the program less intense – for example, by including a third track.
- Communication
- While planning the timeline, take into account that some community members might be hard to contact, which will take extra time.
- Accommodation and venue:
Measures of success
[edit]Please provide a list of both quantitative and qualitative criteria that will be used to determine how successful the project is. You are welcome to modify, delete or add to the metrics listed below so they reflect the goals of your event.
The post-conference survey, apart from conference attendance & participation, geographic representation, and female representation and participation, will measure and report on the following planned outcomes:
- at least 60 participants from CEE countries;
- at least 20 participants from Polish Wikimedia community;
- at least 30 countries and/or languages represented;
- at least 20 attendees participating actively as speakers or table hosts, sharing their experience;
- at least 85% of attendees find the conference useful in the post-conference survey;
- at least 75% of attendees confirm having new ideas and/or better vision for the projects they want to work on;
- at least 75% of attendees confirm having learned new information regarding project management, running chapter projects, or community building;
- at least 30 articles created/improved during the edit-a-thon sessions.
[edit]When we proposed to host the 2017 CEE Meeting in Warsaw, we had two objectives in mind. Firstly, we aim for the conference to be as efficient and productive as possible. To that end, we chose a conference venue in which we can comfortably set up three simultaneous conference tracks. But even the most interesting conference would be a waste of time and resources if its outcomes weren't shared with Wikimedians worldwide. To make this happen, documenting the sessions, sharing the experiences through social media, and providing audio and video streams for all members of the Wikimedia community are among our priorities in planning the conference.
Secondly, we believe that the community aspect of the conference is as important as a varied, well-planned programme. The venue offers ample space for attending Wikimedians to chat, hold mini-workshops and learn from each other. In order to foster such interactions we created a rich after-hours social programme, which will give the attendees a chance to get to know each other, experience Warsaw's history and tradition, while at the same time showing them the best ongoing GLAM cooperation programs.
[edit]- Contacting and engaging Wikimedia communities
The decision to organize the next CEE Meeting in Warsaw was the result of a bidding process with a jury selected during the Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2016: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Bids. During the bidding process we chose the venue, checked several possible hotels and investigated the available catering options. We also formed the core team of organisers. The main page of the conference has been already created: Wikimedia_CEE_Meeting_2017.
The further plan is as follows:
December 2016 - March 2017
- Community engagement
- In order to involve all Wikimedia communities in the activities of organising the CEE Meeting, we will start to recruit the members of an international program committee from among the most experienced former participants of the CEE Meetings, whose first duty will be to gather input, ideas, questions, and needs of the community to understand what the community members expect from the CEE Meeting 2017, and to draft the meeting's agenda of presentations, workshops, and events. This will be done by online surveys as well as the Questions & Needs section of the Conference page on Meta-wiki. All announcements related to the meeting will be made via the CEE mailing list and CEE group on Facebook. To reach out to communities which are not actively present on these platforms, notices on their village pumps will be left.
- Booking venue, accommodation, catering
- In parallel, if the grant application is successful, we will pre-book the venue, accommodation, and catering as soon as possible.
April-July 2017
- Program
- We expect to start working on a detailed programme from April 2017, when a call for presentations on selected themes and areas of interest will be announced. On the basis of collected community needs and submitted presentation proposals, the programme committee will build up the conference programme, define and specify the sessions, confirm the speakers and arrange the order of presentations. We expect to have the core of the programme confirmed by the end of July 2017.
- Volunteer search and organisation
- In May and June we will start to organise and form volunteer teams - mainly from among local Wikipedians.
- Registration, visa, travels
- Registration will start in June and will last till August 15 in order to have enough time for visa issues and to buy airplane tickets for scholarship grantees in advance. This will be maintained by our employees and volunteers.
- Additional events, social activities
- Additional events in GLAM institutions in Warsaw, social evening activities and programme for excursions will be published by the end of July 2017.
August - September 2017
- Final preparations
- All final preparations will be maintained including - finalisation of the detailed program, training of volunteers, finalising travel arrangements, preparing the venue, etc.
For more detailed activities see the Timeline section of the Meta page.
Venue and Logistics
The main venue will be the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. This highly-acclaimed building houses not only one of Warsaw's most important museums, but also a dedicated conference centre, located on a separate floor. It offers all the required infrastructure, including a fast WiFi connection, a professional PA system, flexible room arrangement and a large foyer we plan to use for catering and workshops.[1] The venue is also fully-accessible to people with disabilities.[2]
The venue is located in the centre of the historical Muranów district of downtown Warsaw, a couple of minutes' walk from underground, tram and bus stops, and a 15-minute walk from the iconic Palace of Culture and Science.

- two fully equipped rooms – one for 100, the other for 60 participants – which can be combined into one large room for 160 people for the opening and general discussion sessions,
- a large L-shaped foyer, for catering and organising workshops/informal meetings.
Accommodation will be provided in the MDM hotel located on the monumental Constitution Square in the southern part of the Warsaw downtown, in the neighbourhood called "MDM". The district was built in the early 1950s in monumental socialist-realist style and was mainly occupied by Communist Party top-rank officials. Nowadays, it is a fashionable area with expensive apartments and cozy, fancy restaurants, bookshops, boutiques, and coffee shops.
The participants will be hosted in comfortable double rooms. As the hotel is located 5 km away from the venue - we will provide dedicated city bus transportation on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Monday - the conference will be hosted in the MDM hotel itself, which has spacey and well-equipped conference facilities.
The hotel is located a short walk from a large city transport hub, with buses, tram and the Warsaw Underground (Metro) connecting the area to all locations within the city.
[edit]On Friday - after the Polish Wikipedia's 16th Birthday - there will be dinner provided in MDM hotel or a nearby restaurant, courtesy of Wikimedia Polska.
On Saturday and Sunday continuous coffee breaks and lunches will be provided in the Besamim restaurant which is located in the POLIN Museum. It provides traditional Kosher and Polish cuisine, as well as vegetarian dishes. See: the restaurant's website.
On Saturday - during the late evening session in MDM's conference room there will be informal style food ordered in one of the nearby "fancy" restaurants and provided in the conference room.
On Sunday evening we plan a guided walk tour of the city, with the destination in the Harenda club, right next to the main campus of the Warsaw University. There we plan a dinner of traditional Polish cuisine, with beer and other alcoholic beverages. See: the venue's website.
On Monday the coffee break and lunch will be provided in MDM Hotel restaurant.
Social and satellite events
[edit]- The annual event of Wikipedia's birthday, which WMPL organises each autumn, will be held on the day of the participants' arrival. This is a celebration of the community of editors and everyone else who contributes to the growth and improvement of Wikipedia, an opportunity to thank the community and look back on what has been done so far, with short films, short speeches or presentations, a birthday cake and plenty of opportunities to make new connections.
- Participants will have a choice of 3 museum activities held at GLAM institutions: Backstage Pass at the National Museum of Ethnography; Ask a curator at Zachęta National Gallery of Art; and View&edit – locally at POLIN or at the National Museum in Warsaw.
- Participants will be able to take part in guided views of the POLIN Museum, one of which will be a private guided view conducted exclusively for the WMCEE participants outside of the Museum's working hours.
- Dinner-and-drinks evening for all participants will be held, preceded by a guided walk through Warsaw's Old Town.
Friendly space policy
[edit]Taking into account that civility and assuming good faith are core principles of the Wikimedia movement, Wikimedia Polska, together with POLIN Museum, expect all participants to abide by the Friendly Space Policy during all activities of CEE Meeting 2017. See: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Friendly space policy.
Event Programme
[edit]The idea of the programme is similar to what we had during previous CEE Meetings, except – we plan to arrange the 3rd track for longer workshops and have a bit more time for social activities – tours of the city and informal meetings/workshops in GLAM institutions in Warsaw with which we successfully cooperate, as well as a common supper (one donated by WMPL).
- Friday
- GLAM activities for groups (morning hours)
- Evening (from 4-5 PM): Polish Wikipedia's Birthday with short speeches, videos, and a birthday cake – open to the public and the media – followed by a by-invitation party for CEE attendands - funded fully by WMPL.
- Saturday
- Conference day 1 at POLIN - 3 tracks - from 9 AM till 5 PM.
- POLIN museum private guided tour: 5PM till 7:30PM.
- Late-night sessions from 8 till 10 PM at the hotel's conference room - wikidojo, other sessions + supper provided during the activities
- Conference day 2 at POLIN - 3 tracks - 2 lecture-style in the conference rooms and 1 workshop-style in the foyer - 9 AM till 6 PM.
- Evening: From 6 PM: Old Town sightseeing walk followed by a dinner in a restaurant.
- Monday
- Conference day 3 at the hotel - 2 tracks from 9 AM till 2-3 PM
- Lunch and goodbyes
- GLAM activities for groups (after lunch)
More detailed preliminary programme: Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme.
Community Input
[edit]- The general shape of the CEE 2017 Meeting was discussed during the CEE 2016 Meeting, when there was a session devoted to the issue (see etherpad), during the bidding process (Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Bids) and its discussion (Talk:Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Bids). The CEE group has also its Facebook group here, page on Meta (Wikimedia Central and Eastern Europe) and a discussion list here.
[edit]- 1. Please describe the target audience for this conference or event.
- The audience will be recruited from most active leaders from the CEE region chapters and user groups. As in some areas there are still no chapters or user groups, we expect any most active Wikimedians from these countries to attend.
- 2. If you are requesting funds for travel scholarships, what criteria will be used to select scholarship recipients?
- They are to be selected by the boards or general assemblies of their organisations. We suggest to select most active and engaged leaders, who can contribute and benefit most from the meeting, but the exact choice and selection criteria should be decided by the local organisations. In case of the areas where there are no chapters or usergroups, attendants can be selected by local Wikimedia project communities or, where that isn't possible either, the selection of attendees can be performed by the programme committee based on what was submitted and edit history/known real-life activity of the potential visitors.
- 3. If your conference has an outreach component, how will you ensure engagement with these participants after the conference, and what impact do you see them having on the projects?
- As the meeting is meant for most active Wikimedians from the region, we do not plan to have any outreach activity for participants. However, the CEE conference event will possibly have a local outreach/promotion effect for the Wikimedia movement in general – the accompanying Wikipedia's Birthday event will be open to outside guests, local "friends of the movement" and the media, and news about the conference – and the communities behind it – is likely to be present in local media. Planned GLAM events may also build some relationships between Wiki-friendly cultural institutions and guest Wikimedians.
- 4. Are you thinking about inviting WMF staff to attend or participate in the event? If yes, please list individuals or teams who you may want to invite, or describe how you would like WMF staff to be involved in the event.
- We are planing to invite several WMF staff members, as well as possibly experts from non-CEE based mature chapters who can provide lectures and workshops on priority topics not covered by other applicants. At the moment – as the programme committee have not yet recognised those priorities based on local community surveys – we cannot confirm whom exactly we will invite.
Participants of the conference will be provided with a survey monitoring their opinion on how they found the conference, in particular:
- whether the participants have found the event useful for their future work;
- whether the conference provided them with new knowledge on projects, policies or tools;
- whether or not they have been inspired to begin new projects or participate in existing ones;
- common areas of interest for Wikimedians from the CEE region as they emerged from the event;
- any criticism or ideas for future improvements;
- other considerations.
Survey results will be analysed and made publicly available.
- Selected talks will be recorded (subject to the speakers' consent and availability of equipment). The recordings will be made available on Wikimedia Commons.
- All speakers will be encouraged to prepare presentations which conform to open licensing so that they can be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. In other cases, speakers will be asked to upload their presentations to Slideshare or elsewhere. All presentations and links will be grouped in an appropriate Wikimedia Commons category.
- Notes from each track will be taken on etherpad/on-wiki; conclusions and main points from key sessions and talks will be made available on-wiki. Selected members of the organising team will be tasked with preparing reports from the main thematic tracks, as exhaustive as possible, with key links and other material.
Resources and risks
[edit]WMPL has more than enough human resources and experience to organise the event:
- Each year we organise the Wikimedia Polska Annual Conference (for 100-150 participants). Since 2005 we have organised 11 of them[3][4].
- We have also organised several other meetings (winter conferences and technical conferences, called GDJ)[5][6].
- We played the role of payment processor for scholars for Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2014 in Kiev.
- 3 members of our current team (Wpedzich, Ency, Masti) were also co-organising Wikimania 2010 in Gdańsk.
WMPL has 4 employees who will be engaged in the core organising team.
- Core Organising team
Photo | Name | Role | Estimated time allocation |
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Tomasz Ganicz (User:Polimerek, volunteer) |
Around 30 hrs for grant preparation + full-time for a week before and during the conference + 30 hrs for grant report. |
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Jarosław Błaszczak (User:Powerek38, volunteer) |
Around 3-4 hrs a week for around 1 month before the conference + full time for a week before and during the conference |
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Natalia Szafran-Kozakowska (User:Magalia, full-time empolyee of WMPL) |
Around 30 hrs for Programme Committee work + 2 hrs a day during the month before the conference and full-time during the conference. |
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Krzysztof Machocki (User:Halibutt, full-time employee of Wikimedia Polska) |
Around 30-40 hrs for negotiating and dealing with the venue, hotel and meals, and full-time a week before and during the conference. |
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Anna Matusiak (full-time employee of Wikimedia Polska) |
Around 40-60 hrs for travel arrangements and scholarships. Full-time during the last 2 weeks before the conference, during the conference and 20-30 hrs after the conference. |
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Marta Malina Moraczewska (full-time employee of Wikimedia Polska) |
10-15 hrs to deal and negotiate with GLAM organisations and preparation of events, full-time during the conference. |
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Małgorzata Wilk (User:Maire, volunteer) |
10-15 hrs to select, purchase, and collect merchandise, full-time during the conference. |
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Marek Stelmasik (User:Masti, volunteer) |
2-3 hrs a week for 2-3 months before the conference, and 2-3 hrs a week for 1-2 weeks after the conference. |
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Michał Buczyński (User:Aegis Maelstrom, volunteer) |
10 hrs for helping with grant proposal and report, full-time during the conference. |
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Wojciech Pędzich (volunteer) |
10-15 hrs before conference, full-time during the conference. |
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Janusz Dorożyński (User:Ency, volunteer) | 10-15 hrs before conference, full-time during the conference. |
Except the core team we also plan to engage around 10 volunteers (recruited mainly from among local Wikipedians) for simple tasks such as maintaining conference rooms, helping participants with travel from airports, leading them from the hotel to the venue, helping with excursions, etc.
[edit]- lack of interest and participation of attendees from CEE community – this is relatively unlikely and we hope to reduce this risk by preparing an interesting and inspiring conference programme;
- lack of active community members who will be eager and enthusiastic to share their personal experience with others – see above;
- lack of volunteers in the organisation team – we aim to enlist the dedicated volunteers as early on as possible, and as with everything else, to leave room for volunteer substitutions or "plan B" options in case of any problems;
- problems with gaining Schengen visas for participants from outside of the EU and affiliated countries;
- financial risks: i.e. changes of exchange rates, increase of costs of flights, catering etc.
[edit]- Event budget table
Grantees are subject to line-item scrutiny of expenses. Changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.
- 1 USD = 3.7708 PLN
- Project budget table
Item description | Unit | Quantity | Cost per unit (PLN) | Total cost (PLN) | Total cost (USD) | WMF contribution | Other sources | Comments | |
1. | Travel costs | 69,227.84 | 18,358.93 | 18,358.93 | 0 | ||||
1.1. | International travel | participant | 66 | 912.24 | 60,207.84 | 15,966.86 | 15,966.86 | 0 | Based on our estimation using biletybilety and esky websites and known travel origins |
1.2. | Visa fees | participant | 22 | 260 | 5,720.00 | 1,516.92 | 1,516.92 | 0 | Probably 22 of 66 participants may need Shengen visas |
1.3. | Local transport | participant | 66 | 50 | 3,300.00 | 875.15 | 875.15 | 0 | Estimated cost of transits via public transport from airports to hotel. |
2. | Accommodation | 31,104.00 | 8,248.65 | 8,248.65 | 0 | ||||
2.1. | 40 double rooms in MDM Hotel | nights | 3 | 10,368.00 | 31,104.00 | 8,248.65 | 8,248.65 | 0 | Estimated number of people in need of accommodation in Warsaw: 80 |
3. | Catering | 28,832.40 | 7,646.23 | 7,646.23 | 0 | ||||
3.1. | Lunch in POLIN | participant a day | 180 | 79 | 14,220.00 | 3,771.08 | 3,771.08 | 0 | two-course lunch provided in POLIN restaurant on Saturday and Sunday |
3.2. | Coffee breaks in POLIN | participant a day | 180 | 39 | 7,020.00 | 1,861.67 | 1,861.67 | 0 | a table with snacks, coffee, and tea provided constantly all day by POLIN restaurant on Saturday and Sunday |
3.3. | Lunch in MDM Hotel | participant | 90 | 39.96 | 5,940.00 | 1,575.26 | 1,575.26 | 0 | one-course lunch provided in MDM hotel restaurant on Monday |
3.4. | Coffee break in MDM hotel | participant | 90 | 18.36 | 1,652.40 | 438.21 | 438.21 | 0 | coffee and snacks provided once during the break on Monday in MDM hotel lobby |
4. | Venue | 14,066.40 | 3,730.35 | 2,139.17 | 1,591.17 | ||||
4.1. | 2 conference rooms + 1/2 of the foyer in Polin Museum for 12 hrs (Sat. and Sun.) | days | 2 | 6,000.00 | 12,000.00 | 3,182.35 | 795.59 | 2,386.76 | 75% off negotiated with POLIN |
4.2. | 2 conference rooms in MDM hotel 9 am - 2 pm (Monday) | days | 1 | 2,066.40 | 2,066.40 | 548.00 | 548.00 | 0 | for Monday final sessions. |
4.3. | 1 conference room in MDM hotel (8 pm - 12 pm) (Fri. and Sat.) | days | 2 | 1,273.05 | 2,546.10 | 675.21 | 675.21 | 0 | for WikiDojo/Late evening meetings |
5. | Other expenses | 25,868.00 | 6,860.08 | 3,428.45 | 3,431.63 | ||||
5.1. | Video camera hiring for video recording | camera x day | 8 | 236.00 | 1,888.00 | 500.69 | 500.69 | 0 | video recording of all sessions |
5.2 | Gadgets and stationery | participant | 90 | 62.00 | 5,580.00 | 1,479.79 | 739.90 | 739.90 | Badge + pen + notebook + souvenir (umbrela, poncho, memory stick or something similar for up to 45 PLN per person) in 50% donated by WMPL |
5.3 | Domestic travels of local team and other local team operational costs | N/A | N/A | N/A | 2,000.00 | 530.39 | 0 | 530.39 | rough estimate - to be donated by WMPL |
5.4 | Saturday dinner | participant | 90 | 35.00 | 3,150.00 | 835.37 | 0 | 835.37 | One-course meal and soft drinks - to be donated by WMPL |
5.5 | Sunday dinner | participant | 90 | 65.00 | 5,850.00 | 1,551.39 | 1,551.39 | 0 | Local, traditional meals + soft drinks |
5.6 | Friday Polish Wikipedia Birthday celebration | estimation | N/A | N/A | 5,000.00 | 1,325.98 | 0 | 1,325.98 | cost of snacks + Wikipedia cake + venue - to be donated by WMPL |
5.7 | Bus hire | travels | 5 | 210 | 1,050.00 | 278.46 | 278.46 | 0 | Local bus from hotel to venue and back - to be hired from Warsaw Public Transport Company |
5.8 | Tickets to POLIN museum | participant | 90 | 15 | 1,350.00 | 358.01 | 358.01 | 0 | Guided tour in POLIN museum group ticket |
6. | Administrative and unforeseen expenses | ||||||||
6.1 | Unforeseen expenses | project | N/A | 5000 | 1,325.98 | 1,325.98 | 0 | 3% of all expenses. | |
Total | 176,644.74 | 46,845.43 | 41,027.03 | 5,818.39 |
- Total cost of event
- 176,644.74 PLN = 46,845.43 USD
- Total amount requested from the Conference and Event Grants program
- 41,027.03 USD
- Additional sources of revenue that may fund part of this event, and amounts funded
- 5,818.39 USD
- Please confirm that you are aware that changes to the approved budget beyond 10% in any category must be approved in advance.
- ↑ For pictures and venue details see the conference centre's presentation (in Polish)
- ↑ See also a detailed guide on Accessibility of the Museum for people with disabilities (in English)
- ↑ List of Annual Conferences organised by WMPL (link in Polish)
- ↑ Events:Konferencja Wikimedia Polska
- ↑ List of "GDJ" meetings organised by WMPL
- ↑ Events:GDJ in Poland
[edit]Do you think this project should be selected for a Conference Grant? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project in the list below. Other feedback, questions or concerns from community members are also highly valued, but please post them on the talk page of this proposal.
- Philip Kopetzky (talk) 02:49, 30 November 2016 (UTC) The CEE meeting has proven to be an effective work-focused conference and is worth repeating in 2017. Some aspects may need refining, but there's more than enough time to discuss those points
- Tobias1984 (talk) 06:54, 30 November 2016 (UTC)
- Wittylama (talk) 15:00, 30 November 2016 (UTC) - supporting as a member of the Jury which selected WMPL as the successful bidder for hosting this event.
- Mardetanha talk 21:20, 30 November 2016 (UTC) I would like also to support this event which is one the best local events supported WMF and brings many communities together to share and learn from each other
- As a participant in two CEE Meetings (Ukraine'2014 and Estonia'2015), I am aware how productive and capacity-building events are these. But also, since I have participated in an event organized by Wikimedia Polska (OpenGLAM Conference'2013), I can say that their efficiency and organizing capabilities are unmatchable. The combination of both: a CEE Meeting organized by Wikimedia Polska is a guarantee for huge success. →Spiritia 21:39, 30 November 2016 (UTC)
- Dimi z (talk) 22:34, 30 November 2016 (UTC)
- As a participant of just one CEE Conference in Belgrade 2012 (my first conference), that helps me to find interesting people, to hear something new, to be attract in Wikimedia-World, I have to endorse these meeting, because they have a significant part into new ideas, project and collaborations. Also, in Belgrade, I first heard idea about Wikiexpeditions (presented by Wikimedia Polska), when I only thought about possibility to have a replica of that kind of project in Macedonia, now our Wikiexpeditions are quite successful. I believe totally in Wikimedia Polska, and I hope that this conference will be my second CEE Conference after long time :) Ehrlich91 (talk) 21:49, 30 November 2016 (UTC)
- It seems that every year the conference produces increasingly positive outcomes that replicate in the work of the communities in the region. We definitely need to carry on with it.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 22:04, 30 November 2016 (UTC)
- I appreciate the planning well ahead of the meeting. --Cornelius Kibelka (WMDE) (talk) 08:16, 1 December 2016 (UTC)
- I feel these meetings productive and important for regional cooperation and cross-border projects. It also helps to improve local chapters and communities with shared experiences. Samat (talk) 21:37, 18 December 2016 (UTC)
- I needed some time to read this grant proposal and after reading it closely I endorse it whole-heartedly. It would be a honour and pleasure for me to work for its organisation if needed. Wikimedia Poland has shown over the years that they can organise conferences of this size, they play a big role in the leading projects in the region and I consider them a trusted advisor and am glad to work with them in CEE Spring and Wiki Loves Earth. They played the role of a trusted advisor for my local community last weekend by sending one of their board members to our national conference, which was of great help. --Nikola (talk) 16:30, 20 December 2016 (UTC)
- Excellent project and great organisation process proposed by Wikimedia Polska. They were chosen as hosts by the CEE community itself and have proposed a truly collaborative process. WMPL has great experience and will be clearly able to organise a successful event — NickK (talk) 12:55, 31 January 2017 (UTC)
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