Grants:Conference/WikiCon Brazil/Community Engagement Survey Report
In this page, we share the main results of the community survey Wiki Movimento Brasil ran to better understand the community's interests for the organization of WikiCon Brasil, the first Wikimedia conference organized in Brazil. This event was initially planned to happen in early 2021, so the survey ran between January and February of 2020, right before the COVID-19 pandemic hit Brazil. In September 2021, due to the improvement in the containment of the pandemic and the advancement of population vaccination, WMB ran a new survey during a week with community members to reassess their interests and understand how to organize a meaningful conference for 2022.
Important activities at the event
[edit]In the graph below, we have the comparison between the survey run in 2020 and in 2021: now, people are more interested in strategic discussions (94,4%) and in workshops (77,8%) than in formal presentation of projects (72,2%).
Focus on spending time on event activities
[edit]For 2021, we notice an increase in the prioritization of capacity and community building activities than in the former year. Strategic discussions are still the main activity people want to do at the conference.
Activity formats
[edit]The community expressed in 2021 an increase of interest in organizing workshops for the conference. Group discussions are still one of the main formats desired for the program as well.
Have you ever participated in a Wikimedia event?
[edit]This graph shows the percentage of respondents that have participated in Wikimedia on site events. In 2020, 62,2% answered "no", whereas in 2021 this percentage shifted to 33,3%.
How long have you been editing on Wikimedia projects?
[edit]This graphs show how long the respondents have been editing on Wikimedia projects. Through this data, we can state that there are community members interested in the conference with very different contribution history, ranging from less than one year to more than 15 years, in a reasonable proportion.
Which region of Brazil do you live in?
[edit]This graphs show the regions in which the respondents currently live. The majority both in 2020 and 2021 said Southeast (~50%) and South (~26%), which are the richest regions of the country. Curiously, in 2021, more people live outside Brazil (16,7%, mainly in Portugal) than in the Northeast region (11,1%).
Do you know the activities of the UG Wikimedia in Brazil?
[edit]People were also asked if they were aware of Wiki Movimento Brasil (UG Wikimedia in Brazil) activities. For 2021, we notice an increase of more than 30% of positive answers. The survey ran in open community spaces, as the village pump and Wikipedia in Portuguese Telegram group.
Which project are you most active in?
[edit]We also notice an increase of interest in our community on editing Wikidata (33,3%) in 2021. Wikipedia in Portuguese is still the main project edited by the community (55,6%).
In which city do you prefer the WikiCon Brasil event to take place?
[edit]We also asked where people prefer the event to take place. The expressive majority prefered São Paulo in both years.
When would the event be more appropriate?
[edit]For this question, we provided options from August to January in the 2020 round, whereas in the 2021 survey we offered options from March to December 2022. In 2020, people prefered January, while in 2021 50% opted for July 2022. Both January and July are respectively the Brazilian summer and winter break.