Grants:APG/Proposals/2020-2021 round 2/Wikimédia France/Proposal form
Proposal by Wikimédia France to support its annual plan with TBA.
We ask that you please don't make any changes directly to this page after the proposal submission date, but comment on the discussion page.
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the edit intro.
- Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
- This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
- This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
- Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
- Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
- Please Email with questions about using the form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
[edit]- 1. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
- Legal name of organization: Wikimédia France, association pour le libre partage de la connaissance
- Organization's fiscal year: 1st July- 30th June
- 12-month funding period requested: 01 July 2021 - 30 June 2022
- Currency requested: Euro (€)
- Name of primary contact: Rémy Gerbet WMFr
- 2. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested | US$ | |
Total expenses for the upcoming year | € 1 126 100 | 1,360,030 $ |
APG funding requested for the upcoming year | €425 000 | 513,288 $ |
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year | € 425 000 | 513,288 $ |
- 3. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
As every year, for the preparation of the next annual plan, we organize a working weekend between the Board and the Staff to define the objectives for the coming year. In parallel, an idea page is open for the community to submit projects that will be included in the annual plan of the association. The following plan has been validated on April 10, 2021 at a Board's meeting.
- 4. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.
Annual plan 2020-2021
[edit]Strategic context
[edit]Wikimedia France supports the free dissemination of knowledge and recognizes a fundamental right to information. We share the ideal of a world in which everyone on the planet has free access to all human knowledge. We are fully committed, within the Wikimedia movement, to breaking down the social, political and technical barriers that prevent people from accessing and contributing to content. Wikimedia France is fully and unreservedly in line with the strategic direction and principles laid down by the Wikimedia movement. We will welcome people from all backgrounds to build strong and diverse communities. We believe that Wikimedia France has a unique role to play in supporting the fulfillment of this vision.
The association is committed to applying, respecting and promoting these principles and values:
- People-centered
We recognize that volunteerism is at the heart of our activities. The association acts thanks to and for people who engage or wish to participate in Wikimedia projects. It accompanies, supports and values the volunteers who bring it to life.
- Transparency
We are transparent in the use and origin of the funds received by the association but also in our governance and internal procedures.
- Collaboration and Cooperation
We learn, share and interact with the entire Wikimedia movement. We allow the active participation of association members in projects and activities.
- Inclusiveness and Diversity
We encourage diversity and co-education within our community and our members. We are putting in place the necessary procedures and resources to welcome and support people, taking into account the current barriers to participation.
- Free culture
We promote the values and practices inherent in the concept of free knowledge. We support the use of licenses and formats that allow the free sharing of knowledge.
We share with the entire Wikimedia movement this aspiration to build a body of knowledge that is comprehensive, reliable and of high quality. Knowledge collected in a collaborative way, open and accessible to all.
Wikimedia France has set itself three main objectives for the period 2019-2022:
- Increase the quality, quantity and diversity of the knowledge present on Wikimedia projects by supporting the contribution and by accompanying the projects of opening up data and content
- Encourage fair representation of human, cultural and social diversity through broad, inclusive and benevolent participation in association activities and Wikimedia projects
- Advocate for a change in practices within public or private organizations to support the free sharing of knowledge.
Program Overview 2021-2022
[edit]Wikimedia France has initiated the transformation of some of its activities to integrate the 2030 recommendations into its programs. After updating its strategic plan aimed at linking more directly the objectives of the associations with those displayed by the movement, Wikimedia France wishes to position itself for the movement on certain themes that are dear to it and on which the association and its volunteers have already committed a lot of energy and resources. In order to assess its action, guide the development of its programs and avoid turning into a closed silo, the association intends to set up in 2021 a new scientific council made up of academics, volunteers from the movement and representatives of friendly organizations who will issue recommendations and opinions at the time of the composition of the action plan and the strategic plan of the association.
1) Support and develop engagement within the Wikimedia movement in France and in the French-speaking world
[edit]In order to concretely and sustainably reduce the participation and content biases that plague Wikimedia projects, we as a movement must tackle the issue of retaining new volunteers. Thorny and difficult question, but one that we will have to resolve collectively if we are to achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves as a movement. (Recommendation 1, 3, 6, 7 and 9) and break down social, political and technical barriers; barriers that are found within and outside the movement. We must act on both aspects. This is why Wikimedia France is committed to:
- Continue to support community initiatives that aim to reduce biases on the encyclopedia, such as those carried by the Sans PagEs association or the Noircir Wikipedia collective
- Support the sister communities of Wikimedia projects, such as Vikidia, encyclopedia for 8-13 year old and which represents the future volunteers of the movement.
- Set up processes for welcoming and engaging volunteers based on the model of French and international NGOs.
- Create safe and solidarity spaces within Wikimedia France. Thus, we will continue and have already undertaken to expand the psychological support initiative for the community with the establishment of a free psychological counseling unit open 24/24h and 7/7 days a week.
- Support the strengthening of Francophone communities through simple and rapid logistical and financial support but also by orchestrating a significant transfer of skills from Wikimedia France to Francophone affiliates who wish so.
- Continue the development of the Lingua Libre project, which we see as a new gateway to the Wikimedia universe for communities that were previously excluded.
2) Train and support the target audiences of the Wikimedia movement
[edit]Quite often we tend to view training primarily through the prism of training for Wikimedia projects. Learning to edit Wikipedia, Commons, Wikidata… And yet, this strategy quickly showed its limits, especially with a very low retention rate for new learners. The MOOC format helps to get around this problem in part by massifying learning and therefore, statistically, to have a larger percentage of learners who stay on the encyclopedia. It also makes it possible to initiate communities of learners and therefore to go in the direction of the creation of safe and solidarity spaces. But that cannot be the alpha and omega of a training strategy. It is necessary to incorporate new skills that are in line with the 2030 recommendations, particularly human and technical, by promoting the exchange and mobilization of external providers and partners. The implementation of a training program therefore makes it possible not only to respond to recommendations 1 and 6 but also to recommendation number 8. Wikimedia France therefore wishes to commit in the coming years to:
- Develop an online learning platform hosting MOOCs and other online courses open to the Wikimedia movement
- Continue to develop a training program for volunteers
- Develop time for the exchange of experiences within the Francophone community
- Develop professional online webinars for certain professional audiences
- Offer technical training with the help of partners.
- Carry out regular reviews and impact studies to analyze its action and report to the Wikimedia movement.
3) Unite around Wikimedia projects in France
[edit]Over the years, Wikimedia France has become an important player in France, raising enormous expectations among various players. For the world of culture, Wikimedia shows the way towards a free and open knowledge society. Wikimedia France is therefore called upon to transmit the values of the open and it must be alongside all the institutions that want to get involved in this process. It must also help them to make themselves heard with the public authorities. The same goes for the world of education, which expects from Wikimedia France the tools and help to integrate Wikipedia into their range of educational tools. Young teachers today grew up with Wikipedia. They are also waiting for us on the issue of media and information literacy. The movement is also a reference, rightly or wrongly, by a heterogeneous set of local actors or associations, often from the free movement, which requires our attention. Wikimedia represents a hope for a free and human internet that we must represent and defend. In connection with the recommendations (1, 5, 9) Wikimedia France undertakes to:
- Bring together open data and open content initiatives in France.
- Support and promote them to have an impact on public policies.
- Coordinate activities and provide the necessary tools to national education teachers.
- Bring the voice of the free Internet to public authorities and support local initiatives.
- Participate in working groups and networks necessary for the promotion and enhancement of Wikimedia projects.
Program A : Raising awareness and training to Wikimedia projects
A.1 GLAM Project
Planned activities :
- Publication of a national study on open content practices
- Observatory of Open Content practices
- Culture and digital days
- Labeling of cultural institutions
- Training and support for the contribution of GLAM partners
- 1lib1ref contribution campaigns, International Museum Day, Wikidata Days
- Wikimedian in residence
A.2 Wikipedia in the classroom
Planned activities :
- Contribution competition for children aged 8 to 13 with Vikidia
- Training of university library staff
- Production and publication of a report on the educational uses of Wikipedia
- Production of free educational resources around Wikimedia projects, in particular through the website.
A.3 WikiMOOC
Planned activities :
- Wikipedia MOOC
- Wikidata MOOC
- Assistance in the production of other MOOCs and SPOCs within the Wikimedia movement.
We will continue to organize professional events like GLAM Days and support contribution campaigns like # 1lib1ref. We will continue to forge partnerships with institutions willing to join us. We will also continue the work of supporting national education teachers in France. Finally, we will develop online training tools.
The opening of the education program at the college level with the integration of Vikidia into our activities will be a novelty. This change responds to two imperatives: it will be easier for Wikimedia France to integrate into the program of colleges which remain more open than that of high schools and finally, it allows us to train and get in touch with future students very early. Wikipedians and volunteers of the Wikimedian movement. The process of labeling cultural institutions will officially start this year with a first promotion awarded at the end of the calendar year.
The high school Wikicontest will end this year after almost 8 years. There is a decline in participation and above all, this format requires monitoring and individualized support for teachers that our partner CLEMI is no longer able to provide. A general assessment of the project will be drawn up during the summer. The format may be duplicated in the coming years at the college level where there are more resources. |
Program B : Diversify participation in the Wikimedia movement
B.1 WikiFranca
WikiFranca aims to become a linguistic hub in line with the 2030 recommendations. Wikimedia France is fully committed to developing French-speaking cooperation. In 2020-2021, the members of WikiFranca agreed on a cooperation charter and a strategic plan that unites them. A governance charter is currently in preparation before a probable filing for recognition of affiliation. At the same time, Wikimedia France, within WikiFranca, continues to support the initiatives of its colleagues by opening its training program to the whole of the Francophonie and by participating in the organization of the Francophone Contribution Month. Above all, we have chosen to open our micro-grant committee even more widely, which allocates funds for projects that contribute to the Francophonie. The French-speaking Wikiconvention which will be organized by our Tunisian friends next November, after a cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic situation will be a good moment of meeting and we hope to be able to hold the official constitutive assembly of WikiFranca in order to move forward together in the objectives set out in our strategic plan.
Planned activities :
- French-speaking Wikicon
- Financial support of activities organized in French-speaking groups
- Francophone contribution month
- Training program
B.2 Linguistic and territorial diversity
Planned activities:
- International Hackathon Lingua Libre
- Organization of days dedicated to linguistic diversity
- Continue improvement and development
- Contribution activities and animation of the Lingua libre community
B.3 WIN project (Welcome and Include Newcomer)
Planned activities :
- psychological support
- welcoming and integration process
- specific training in welcoming and inclusiveness
- Strengthen non-wikimedian volunteer commitment
We will continue to strengthen exchanges with the Francophone community and support our friends in the projects they wish to initiate, in particular by developing projects and collaborations between several affiliates. We will also continue to develop and promote Lingua Libre.
In order to support efforts in favor of greater diversity and diversity for Wikimedia projects, we are going to set up a volunteer welcoming program inspired by French and international NGOs and we are going to set up new global internal metrics concerning the mix and geographic diversity of the participants in our actions.
There are no real changes since actions on diversity need the long term so that we can see real tangible and lasting results emerge. |
Program C : Support, animate and strengthen the community
C.1 Community animation
Planned activities :
- Edit contests
- Community actions and events
C.2 Support and strengthen volunteer dynamics
Planned activities :
- WikiUNI 2022
- Community projects
- Animation of thematic and local groups
- Support for friendly organizations in France
C.3 Volunteer training
Some examples of proposed modules:
- The issue of assertiveness
- Non-violent communication
- Adapting your volunteer commitment
Testimonial from a participant in last year’s training: “I’m better able to take my time to listen and digest what the other person says, without reacting too quickly and waiting to find out what is good for me. I can more easily set / my limits while respecting my commitment ”
Planned activities :
- Creation and update of the training program for volunteers
We will continue to support volunteer initiatives in order to generate commitment and support them in the approaches and projects they wish to initiate on Wikimedia projects. We will also continue the projects initiated a year ago such as the training of volunteers by strengthening and extending it in order to act as and when it comes to the internal practices of the community.
We will create a new annual gathering, training and social event.
Here again, we are more in a form of business continuity although the pandemic having paralyzed a very large part of the volunteer activities in the field, we will have to invest a lot of energy to revive the momentum. |
Program D : Promote and preserve the Wikimedia movement in France
D.1 Advocacy
Wikimedia France's advocacy mission has three objectives:
Objective 1: Represent and defend the interests of the Wikimedia movement in France, in collaboration with the EU Policy group and the WMF.
Files to be followed in 2021-2022:
- Digital Services Act
- French Republican Principles Act
- Participate in public meetings and hearings of assemblies
- French presidential elections
Objective 2: Promote the Wikipedia model within professional and activist networks
Workgroups :
- Membership of the EDRI organization (in progress)
- SOGA EU membership
- FING membership
Objective 3: Integrate the advocacy dimension into the association's other programs
Current cases :
- Integrate Wikipedia training into the initial training of teachers in France (meeting with the Ministry of National Education, CNNum, etc.)
- Campaigning for the Open in France (Ministry of Culture) and mapping of key players
D.2 Outreach
Objective 1: Strengthen and improve communication between the online community, volunteers and the association
- Redesigning of interface pages with communities
- Transformation of Meta-Wiki pages concerning the association
- Updating of the mailing list system
Objective 2: Promote the actions of the association to the general public
- Awareness video campaigns around Wikimedia projects
- Increase the rate of commitments on SRs
- Undertake work to redesign the institutional site of the association
D.3 Donor relations and income developement
Objective 1: Increase the number of donors to the association
Planned activities:
- Holding regular donors
- Ensure the retention of major donors
- Organize special donor events
Objective 2: Develop sponsorship
Planned activities:
- Define a sponsorship development strategy
- Retain former patrons
We will continue to improve our tools and channels of communication with the community. We also hope to continue to diversify our resources by paying particular attention to our donors and the development of our financial partners.
Thanks to the arrival of the person in charge of advocacy, we will participate actively in parliamentary news and integrate new national working groups. We will especially develop a project around the moderation of content in order to explain and promote this model to public authorities with the production of reliable data
This program being new, we will rather be in a year of exploration and discovery and therefore in a process of improving what exists. |
Evaluation and Metrics 2021-2022
[edit]Table 3
- Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
- Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
- Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.
- Volunteer hours: Animation of an event, training, participation in working group meetings, face-to-face meetings, coordination of local or national activities, participation in the good governance of the association, participation in the WMFr's committees (micro-grants, conflicts of interest, audit, Board, electoral commission ...
- Partner's satisfaction: Level of satisfaction of the association's partners and their desire to continue working with us in the near future. Obtained thanks to an annual survey sent to all the structures with which Wikimedia France has signed a partnership agreement.
Program Participants Newly registered Content pages Volunteer hours Partner's satisfaction TOTAL FOR ALL PROGRAMS 5490 1360 338100 5270 85%
Programme | Participants | Newly registered | Content pages | Volunteer hours | Partners satisfactions |
Programme A : Raising awareness and training to Wikimedia projects | 3670 | 680 | 5100 | 750 | 85% |
Programme B : Diversify participation in the Wikimedia movement | 850 | 280 | 303000 | 1820 | |
Programme C : Support, animate and strengthen the community | 970 | 400 | 30000 | 2700 |
Nota Bene : A set of additional indicators are in place within the association such as:
- The percentage of participation of women and individuals in the actions of the association
- Geographical diversity of participants
- Retention rate of new volunteers
- Skill enhancement of volunteers and professionals
Correlation table
[edit]This correlation table allows us to show the connections that we establish between our programs, our strategic plan, the 2030 strategic recommendations to which our projects respond and the expected impacts.
Annual Plan 2020-2021 | Strategic aims 2019-2022 | Wikimedia 2030 strategy | WMFr's impacts |
A.1 GLAM Project | 1. Increase the quality and quantity of knowledge available on Wikimedia projects by supporting projects of openness and free sharing of data and contents
3. Advocate for a change in practices in public or private organizations to support the free sharing of knowledge |
Strategic direction: Service and Equity | Impact 2: Support and conduct the production and dissemination of free content.
Impact 3: Act on the policies and practices of public institutions. |
A.2 Wikipedia in the classroom | 3. Advocate for a change in practices in public or private organizations to support the free sharing of knowledge | Strategic direction: Service and Equity | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects.
Impact 3: Act on the policies and practices of public institutions. |
A.3 E-learning project | 1. Increase the quality and quantity of knowledge available on Wikimedia projects by supporting projects of openness and free sharing of data and contents
2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projects |
R7: Invest in skills development | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects. |
B.1 WikiFranca | 2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projects | R5 : Ensure Equity in Decision-Making | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects.
Impact 2: Support and conduct the production and dissemination of free content. |
B.2 Linguistic and territorial diversity | 2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projects | Strategic direction: Service and Equity | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects.
Impact 2: Support and conduct the production and dissemination of free content. |
B.3 WIN Project | 2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projects | R3 : Provide for Safety and Security | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects.
Impact 2: Support and conduct the production and dissemination of free content. |
C.1Community animation | 2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projects | R1: Promote Sustainability and Resilience | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects. |
C.2 Support and strengthen volunteer dynamics | 1. Increase the quality and quantity of knowledge available on Wikimedia projects by supporting projects of openness and free sharing of data and contents
2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projects |
R1: Promote Sustainability and Resilience | Impact 1: Develop access, understanding and use of Wikimedia projects.
Impact 2: Support and conduct the production and dissemination of free content. |
C.3 Capacity building for volunteers | 2. Ensure a fair representation of human, cultural or social diversity in the chapter and on Wikimedia projec | R6: Foster and Develop Distributed Leadership |
Financials: current year
[edit]The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 for most organizations).
Table 2
Financials for the current funding period Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Revenues (from all sources) 1 016 100 € 1,227,180 $ 961 781 € 1,161,580 $ 1 016 100€ 1,227,180 $ Expenses 1 016 100€ 1,227,180 $ 595 693 € 719,441 $ 1 016 100 € 1,227,180 $
Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, and provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram if you have one.
- 2. List of staff by department or function.
FTEs | |||
Department or function | End of current funding period | End of upcoming | Explanation of changes |
Direction & Human ressources | 2 | 2 | n.a |
Operationnal Department | 4.5 | 5 | We are considering the recruitment of a person fully responsible for the development of volunteering, the engagement of new contributors and the training program. This recruitment has not yet been officially decided. |
Communication and Networks Department | 2 | 2 | n.a |
Administrative and Finance Department | 2 | 2 | n.a |
- 3. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the current funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?
- We planned to spend 538 506 € on staff
- 4. How much does your organization plan to spend on staff by the end of the upcoming funding period, in currency requested and US dollars?
- We planned to spend 538 506 € on staff by the end of the funding period or 605,374 $
Financials: upcoming year
[edit]Detailed budget: upcoming year
[edit]- Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.
INCOME | Euro (€) | US dollars ($) | EXPENDITURE | Euro (€) | US dollars |
Annual Plan Grant | 425 000 | 513,288 | Program A : Raising awareness and training to Wikimedia projects | 98 370 | 118,805 |
Donations | 530 000 | 640,101 | Program B : Diversify participation in Wikimedia projects | 85 000 | 102,658 |
Project Grant | 115 000 | 138,890 | Program C: Support, animate and strengthen the community | 92 094 | 111,225 |
Memberships | 12 000 | 14,493 | Program D : Promote and preserve the Wikimedia movement in France | 89 075 | 107,579 |
Financial income | 44 100 | 53,261 | Governance (Board of trustee and General assembly) | 17 000 | 20,531 |
Premises | 85 000 | 102,658 | |||
Other Office costs | 81 555 | 98,497 | |||
Audit & Accountancy | 39 500 | 47,705 | |||
Staff salary and cost | 538 506 | 605,374 | |||
Unexpected expenditure | |||||
TOTAL PROJECTED INCOME | 1 126 100 | 1,360,030 | TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENDITURE | 1 126 100 | 1,360,030 |
Verification and signature
[edit]Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreementRémy Gerbet WMFr (talk) 08:42, 30 April 2021 (UTC)
Please sign below to complete this proposal form.
- IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. Rémy Gerbet WMFr (talk) 08:42, 30 April 2021 (UTC)