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Grants:APG/Proposals/2019-2020 round 1/Wikimedia Argentina/Progress report form

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Purpose of the report


This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing grant metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.

Metrics and results overview - all programs


We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Grant Metrics. We understand not all Grant or grantee-defined Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and

  1. Next to each required metric, list the outcome/results achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
  2. Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
  3. In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success

For more information and a sample, see Grant Metrics.

Total metrics Participants Newly registered Content pages Diversity Impact Comments
Education Program 6154 419 1391 66% 9 projects supported and mentored 6 projects mentored are in LATAM and 3 in Europe.
Culture & Open Knowledge Program 1663 115 24471 See comment table bellow* 37 organizations mentored* n/a
Community Building Program 398 66 5688 68 new women* See comment table bellow* n/a
Total 8215 600 31,550 n/a n/a n/a

Changes in our metrics


The context affected and modified the development of some of our metrics:

Program Grantee metric Status
Culture & Open Knowledge Program* Diversity: 15% of the content released is from local heritage at risk. We have boosted our project to work with heritage at risk. The institutions were already selected but given the context, we can not travel outside Buenos Aires.We hope to be able to do so from Sept/Oct
Impact: 10 organizations adopt open licenses. Cultural institutions are closed, making it very difficult for us to access new content and/or institutions to release under free licenses. For this reason we changed the focus of the program to accompany, train and mentor on open access policies and free licenses. In this sense, we are going to evaluate the number of new organizations trained and mentored on these topics.
Community Building Program** Diversity: 10 new leaders from communities historically excluded as part of WMAR. To identify, strengthen and involve new leaders in our community, meeting and getting to know each other is fundamental. We have incorporated new women and people from other historically excluded communities but distance training takes more time. For this reason and given the context, we are going to focus our evaluation on the number of new women and people from historically excluded communities actively involved in our gender activities.
Impact: At least 5 emerging communities mentored and supported in the region. We have not been able to carry out our fellowship for new leaders/communities because of the context and situation in Latin American countries. We are adapting the proposal to virtuality.

Executive Summary


As for all organizations inside and outside the Wikimedia Movement, Wikimedia Argentina has faced a complicated and challenging context. Even so, we have been able to rethink and adapt our programs, design new proposals that respond to the context and needs of our communities and partners, and identify new opportunities even in this complex context.

WMAR's team

The entire team works remotely and at home even before the mandatory quarantine in Argentina. It is necessary to mention that the Argentine quarantine is one of the longest in the world; it began in March and the de-escalation is planned for the beginning of August. Given this situation, WMAR's main objective has been to keep the team physically and mentally healthy. We are working mostly by objectives, with a dynamic and flexible programming and in initiatives that have a clear beginning and end to allow us to create new projects with certain regularity to maintain creativity as an escape route to the monotonous landscape/routine.

Also, whenever the team has needed it, we have kept flexible schedules to prioritize their well-being.


The pandemic has affected us all equally, including our partners, who had to adapt their programs to this context. WMAR's objective in this matter has always been the same: to collaborate, articulate and be functional to them as well as to the Argentine society.

For this reason, rather than just virtualizing our programs’ projects, we strategically identified, analyzed and defined what was the best response we could give as an organization.

In order to achieve this, we worked with the following questions/hypotheses:

  • Which groups are most vulnerable and/or affected by the pandemic? What are their needs?
  • Where can we really make a significant contribution through our expertise?
  • What partnerships do we need and how do they need us to work in this context?
  • Can we redistribute our resources more and better?

The programs - explained below - are the best outcome that we as an organization have been able to deliver during this context, where we are still learning.

As highlights I would like to emphasize:

Education and Human Rights program: we have located our proposals and generated more alliances than ever. We have offered the program as a platform for training, support and development of +6000 teachers around the country and we have adapted all our initiatives to the needs detected.

Community program: we focused our efforts on carrying out activities according to the times and interests of our volunteers and we take the opportunity to address a great remaining issue: to open the organization and our programs to participants beyond Buenos Aires.

Culture and Open Knowledge: we have attended to the needs of cultural communities, especially in the area of training, where we have involved more than 1200 people. We have attended their doubts and challenges, and provided technical and human resources whenever necessary. We have also identified and articulated with new key strategic alliances to enhance our work and continue to grow in the future.

The work we carried out on communication during 2020 is also noteworthy. We had 32 press mentions throughout the first semester of 2020 spotlighting the programs activities on mass communication media. Regarding the social media, we increase our followers and audiences in all the channels. However, we would like to spotlight our growth on Youtube, which allowed us to expand the number of followers almost four times its size (392,75% of audience growth) meaning +55.000 displays.

Regional Cooperation

We have worked more than ever with the region. During the month of March and before the quarantine, we held the first Fellowship for leaders of the region, focused mostly on developing education and community projects at the regional level. Evaluating the project after a few months and beyond all the learning and shared experiences, we were able to generate a space of trust and mutual support that has been fundamental to accompany us during this context. In this very same line, we have tried to support all possible initiatives of Latin American communities, either by participating, by sharing technical resources or by supporting the design and implementation of virtual activities.

Strategy process

We have been actively involved in the strategy process, also accompanying its adaptation to this context. We remain committed to it in order to ensure the greater participation and inclusion of Latin America and its communities.

Education & Human Rights Program



The Education Program had very clear objectives for 2020:

  • Positioning the Wikimedia projects as a tool for digital and information literacy at every educational level.
  • Mentoring and supporting active participation and representation of historically excluded communities.
  • Developing and engaging movement leaders to a knowledge and learning community to share resources and developing projects together.

However, the global pandemic context due to the COVID-19 has changed the program’s objectives in the following way:

  • Properly responding to the educators’ demands for training and resources.
  • Positioning Wikimedia Argentina in strategic spaces related to education public policies at a national level.
  • Promoting the role of Wikimedia projects in the Human Rights’ field, both inside and outside the Wikimedia movement.

Why have we defined these new objectives in this context?

  • Educators are one of the groups that have been most affected by this context, the most vulnerable and with less resources and less training opportunities. Attending to their needs has been key to foster our partnerships and to boost the community of educators in our program.
  • This context is an opportunity to position the debate on free culture and OER, both in education and governmental institutions.
  • In the context of a lockdown, the Wikimedia projects have a key role in safeguarding fundamental Human Rights such as the right to access information, essential for the development of democratic societies.

The Education Program & pandemic context


Success: Educators training, open resources and strategic alliances


During 2020, we have completely reformulated our work with educators and students. Even though we have partially kept our university project -thanks to the educators that have worked with us before-, we haven’t moved our projects for school and universities to online platforms for the following reasons:

  • In Argentina, over 40% of students have no internet access or a device with which to access online school or university classes.
  • The schedules of educators and students have been affected. The school’s schedule cannot be reproduced at home, so this requires flexibility in the teaching and support plans.
  • Existing and generated public resources have proved insufficient for the diversity of learning realities in the country.
  • Apart from resources, educators have other basic needs to face the challenges of this context, such as digital literacy and  training opportunities.

For these reasons, during the first half of 2020, we have focused on strengthening the educators’ skills and abilities through the Wikimedia projects and free culture, and we have done this in the following way:

a) Designing new open, free and quality educators training

We’ve formed an alliance with the National University of Quilmes -a public university that has been a local pioneer in distance education- and together we designed proposals for 2 months of free and open training that take educators’ needs into account.

What have we done during 2020?

Webinars: strengthening the education community in times of crisis

Why is this project important?

  • Educators lack training and the necessary resources to face the needs that this context of forced virtuality imposes.  
  • The State was not capable of attending the diversity of learning models that Argentina has. 
  • The education community needs spaces for collaboration and cooperation in the context of a crisis.
What has been the most relevant impact of the project?
  • We improved the outreach of the program significantly. Through the webinars, we engaged educators, managers and education experts from Argentina’s 24 provinces. Colleagues from Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico and Spain also participated.
  • We positioned culture and access to free knowledge as key practices for education institutions of the country and the region.
  • We generated a meeting and support space for participants and a network for the exchange of learnings and open education resources.
  • 100% of participants highlighted the academic level of the 23 online sessions.
  • 80% of participants emphasized that these sessions made them rethink the education role and create new education proposals using valuable resources suggested by our guest experts.
  • 80% of participants said that the training sessions were useful for planning their classes.

b) Redesigning and adapting our online projects to the current context

We have continued adapting and expanding our online course Wikipuentes, designed for educators from Argentina and other countries, with the following objectives:

  • Through the Wikimedia projects, continuing improving and strengthening educators’ digital skills in the context of forced online education.
  • Opening, adapting and expanding the proposal at a local level, articulating new strategic alliances.
  • Mentoring and supporting the development of similar projects inside the Wikimedia movement.

What have we done in 2020?

a) Adapting a long-standing project to the current circumstances

During the first half of 2020, we organized the 11th local edition of Wikipuentes.

How have we adapted the project?

  • We anticipated the launch of the proposal for April, so that the training would provide teachers with new tools to work in the context of the pandemic
  • We reduced the course to 5 classes, and adjusted the activities requirements in order to avoid an extra burden on educators in this context. Also, we incorporated optional online meetings to strengthen the community.
  • We partnered with the National University of La Plata to better disseminate the proposal and offer a certification with the support of the University. This gives the training course better validation for educators and schools.
  • 159 educators from the entire country participated; 262 Wikipedia articles were edited.

b) Expanding the proposal to a national scale

During the first half of 2020, we supported the adaptation and redesign of our project to keep scaling the proposal nationally.

What did we do?

  • We supported the “Free Culture & Education” course, an online course specifically designed for the National University of Rio Negro, that replicates the structure of the Wikipuentes classes. The course was carried twice in the online campus of the university.
  • We trained tutors and followed up the Wikipedia articles done by the participants.
  • A total of 146 educators from the province of Rio Negro participated. During the course, they updated information in 188 articles.  
  • We consulted them on how to develop a third proposal that would go deeper into editing and would be designed for those who participated in the previous coursed.

c) Mentoring in the design of distance learning projects

Our online course is one of the longest running in the Wikimedia movement. This context has revalued the work, experience and learning that we have developed during the last years and we have provided support to chapters at a global level to accompany them their first experience in the design of online training.

Who do we work with?

  • We mentored Wikimedia Polska & Czech Republic’s specialists in education projects on our Wikipuentes online proposal. 
  • We organized online meetings to talk about the course, how we designed it and then made changes along the way, and what one must take into account to implement it in specific contexts.
  • We made progress with Polska regarding the technical details, since they intend to put it into practice at the end of this year. The implementation is subject to the final approval of the board of directors.

C) Promoting the production and use of open education resources

We have continued promoting the production and access to open education resources during the COVID-19 context for the following reasons:

  • Promoting the importance of free culture within the education community
  • Guaranteeing open and free access to education resources for the community of educators and families.
  • Positioning the debate on the importance of the production and access to OER among governmental institutions and civil society organizations.

What did we do 2019?

Open Educational Resources
  • We relaunched our website of open resources and we launched a new call for educators and organizations to share open education projects. There are currently 61 resources available.
  • We generated a space within the website for educators to send their own proposals, promoting exchange within the education community.
  • We positioned the archive as a space of open resources for civil society organizations such as Faro Digital, Amnesty International, INESI, Chequeado.  
  • We designed a special section for educators’ projects in the pandemic context with  26 resources.

Which have been the most important results?

  • We improved the impact of our program, leading the debate on OER in Argentina.
  • During the first half of the year, we incorporated 8 new organizations and their content.
  • Since April, the website has been visited +27K times, 900% more than in the entire 2019, which proves the importance of the resource for the educators community in this context.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year Comments
Number of teachers 600 5789 above target n/a
Number of students 960 59 under targer Most of our activities with students have been postponed.
Number of articles created/improved 1234 597 on target n/a
% High quality articles 70% 70% on target n/a
% Diverse content 80% 45% on target n/a
70% girls and women confortable 95% 89% above target n/a
Resources designed 10 29 on target Resources developed during the pandemic for teachers, students and educational institutions
Side effect: Generating strategic alliances at a national scale

We strengthened alliances with governmental organizations that are key players in the decision-making process that shapes education in our country. These alliances allowed us to get design new projects with a national outreach, thanks to the articulation with two prestigious public institutions in our country: the National University of La Plata and the National University of Quilmes. Also, we continue being part of the board of Unicef’s #GenaraciónUnica (Unique Generation), which now advises Argentina’s National Department of Education and the EDUCAR website in matters of digital inclusion and information access as a Human Right. Putting the pandemic aside, we have been able to improve the position of the role of free culture in the education agenda.

What has been the greatest impact of the context?:


Working with the schools

The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light the large inequalities that exist in Argentina. In  the education sphere, the most evident inequality was the difference in access to internet and devices. The possibility (or lack thereof) to carry on with the continuity of learning varied in each school according to the possibilities of students and educators to access connectivity. Taking this situation into account, we had to adapt our education projects to this reality. The way it was designed, the Editing Clubs project implied direct contact with students, which was impossible during the current context. We will have to rethink this proposal and continue assessing alternative ways to bring the Wikimedia projects to schools.

Education & Human Rights


Success: Promoting a Human Rights agenda within the Wikimedia movement


During 2020, we continued working to promote and incorporate a Human Rights perspective within the movement, at a local, regional and global scale. Even though it was impossible to develop the project as planned, the context has also become an opportunity to design, implement and assess the proposal in the online environment. In this sense, our current objectives are the following:

  • Promoting Human Rights as part of the Wikimedia Movement agenda.
  • Encouraging the use of Wikimedia projects to promote Human Rights in the region.
  • Adapting the project to virtuality to engage experts as editors.

In this sense, during the first half of the year, we have worked in the following way:

a) Promoting a Human Rights agenda within the Wikimedia movement

We coordinated the Human Rights campaign, together with the Wikimedia Foundation and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Why is this project important?

  • Favoring the development of a Human Rights agenda within the Wikimedia Movement.
  • Supporting other groups of the Wikimedia Movement in their work on Human Rights.

What did we do?

  • Together with WMF and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, we defined the topics for the campaign: international treaties of the universal system of Human Rights and Youth.
  • We were in charge of the design and development of the campaign’s planning resources as manuals with the guidelines for Human Rights workshops.
  • Over 15 online encounters were organized to mentor and support volunteers and chapters at a global scale that wanted to put our proposal into practice. In Argentina we developed two in-person events in alliance with Spotlight and the Asociación Ciclo Positivo to improve content related to LGBT+ rights.

What results did we achieve?

  • The campaign was carried out in 12 Wikipedias
  • A total of 718 articles were edited, 302 were created. Also, 314 were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons.
  • We managed to articulate work with 7 communities of the movement that are interested in putting WikiHuman Rights into practice.

b)The Wikimedia projects as allies for Human Rights defenders in Colombia

For the first time, we developed WikiHumanRights in a semi-in-person format, in collaboration with the University of Antioquia, DW Akademie and Wikimedia Colombia, especially designed for journalists and researchers.

Why is this project important?

  • Encouraging the role of the Wikimedia projects as allies to promote and defend the Human Rights in LATAM.
  • Involving experts in creating quality and verifiable content regarding Human Rights.

What did we do?

  • We designed a semi-in-person program with two remote training sessions and two in-person sessions. This format allowed us to optimize the time of the in-person sessions while previously developing a sense of belonging among the participants.
  • We taught journalists and experts to edit Wikipedia with a Human Rights perspective, so they could improve quality content in their areas of expertise.

What results did we achieve?

  • In 2 months, 19 journalists and Human Rights activists were trained on the edition of Wikipedia content regarding Human Rights. 
  • During the two in-person training sessions, 37 articles were improved, of which 19 contained new Human Rights-related content from Colombia.
  • 100% of participants were activists and Human Rights experts. 70% had never edited before.

c) Adapting the project to virtuality to involve local experts

For the first time, we designed and carried out WikiHumanRights as an online training proposal locally.

Why is this project important?

  • Engaging experts in the edition of content with a Human Rights perspective.
  • Reducing content gaps in Wikipedia with quality and locally relevant information
  • Incorporating the Wikimedia projects as allies to organizations that promote Human Rights.

What did we do?

  • We designed an online training program for researchers and PPN experts who worked on subjects related to contexts of imprisonment in Argentina.
  • Also, we worked with representatives of the Committee against Torture to incorporate content related to the Committee’s work.
  • We organized 3 online encounters in which we trained experts on the use of Wikipedia with a Human Rights perspective.

What results did we achieve?

  • We were able to mentor 25 experts that improved and created articles on the subject of imprisonment in Argentina and the national and international laws on this topic.
  • For the first time, we carried out the WikiHumanRights program in a completely online format with 1-on-1 follow-up dynamics with great results.
  • We generated a safe and trustworthy space for the development of online workshops on themes related to Human Rights violations.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year Comments
# WikiDDHH edit-a-thons 9 4 on target 1 onsite edit-a-thon pre pandemic, and 3 remote edit-a-thons.
# articles 206 770 above target UN Human Rights Campaign, Wiki Human Rights Edit-a-thons in Colombia and Argentina.
# participants 597 263 on target UN Human Rights Campaign, Wiki Human Rights Edit-a-thons in Colombia and Argentina.
%diverse content 80% 85% on target UN Human Rights Campaign, Wiki Human Rights Edit-a-thons in Colombia and Argentina.
%women confortable 100% 100% on target UN Human Rights Campaign, Wiki Human Rights Edit-a-thons in Colombia and Argentina.

What have we learnt?

  • Knowing how to read the context, being close to the educational community and listening to their needs allowed us to create projects according to the different realities of our country, being able to offer continuous accompaniment to teachers in the context of crisis.
  • Supporting diverse educational projects allowed us to emphasize the importance of thinking about free culture in schools and educational institutions. Beyond the crisis, teachers are going through a unique and necessary process of digital literacy, in which our education and Human Rights program is playing a key role.
  • Approaching Wikipedia from a human rights perspective, positions us as an ally organization in the development of projects that put in first place the democratization of access to information and the creation of content about historically excluded communities from their own voices, sources and records.

What's next?

  • Development and publication of a collection of educational brochures to address the Wikimedia projects in the classroom, taking as a reference the national curricula in Argentina and offering proposals that fit the low connectivity in our country.
  • In August and September we will carry out the second edition of the Wikipuentes course, adjusting details of the classes according to the suggestions made by the students of our last edition.
  • To develop a cycle of webinars on Digital Rights, security and data protection together with reference organizations in LATAM.
  • To develop a program of virtual interviews on Human Rights in the Wikimedia movement together with specialists and leaders.

Community Building Program



The Community Program 2020 originally had the following objectives:

  • Expanding our community by engaging actors from the civil society in the construction of locally relevant free knowledge.
  • Identifying, mentoring and supporting rising leaders of the Latin American region
  • Inspiring and diversifying our community by creating new opportunities and spaces for participation.

However, the pandemic context due to the COVID-19 has changed the objectives of the program in the following way:

  • Responding appropriately to the demands and interests of our community.
  • Diversifying and incorporating new volunteers as part of our community.
  • Providing resources, supporting and strengthening the community at a regional scale.
Why have we defined these new objectives in this context?
  • The agenda and availability of our community has been modified and so has our role: we have prioritized to accompany, be useful to them and design projects of their interest above any other goal.
  • Virtuality allows us to reach many places in the country and involve many people outside Buenos Aires, so it is potentially an opportunity to further diversify our local community.
  • The pandemic affected the planning of all Wikimedia chapters, but in turn created an opportunity to design joint proposals and accompany us through virtuality.

Local community


Success: Supporting and diversifying our local community


The Community Program has been one of the most affected by the pandemic context. Not only because it made it impossible to carry out the activities we had planned, but also because the lockdown has affected the community in different ways:

  • The load of work and family care has increased significantly and women are particularly affected by this.
  • The work situation of members of our community has also been directly affected:  problems range from impossibility to work to important loss of income.
  • Not all our volunteers have internet access or devices in which to collaborate. The pandemic context has also made visible large inequalities in internet use and access.
  • Argentina has had the longest lockdown so far, and it is having a great impact in our community’s physical and mental health, which we want to preserve.

For these reasons, during these first 6 months we have had the following priorities:

a) Mentoring projects and leaders

WMAR builds its local community around thematic groups. During 2019 we managed to have a more supporting role as the were becoming more stable in terms of projects and ideas, which were mainly carried out through in-person activities. In this sense, the current context has changed both the communities’ projects and activities and so our role and objectives to

  • Strengthening the community through distance proposals;
  • Keeping our volunteers engaged in an active way.

What have we done in 2020?

Mentoring online initiatives & leadership in our community

One of the main characteristics of our themed communities is that they are small groups that organize and define their objectives and activities by themselves. This work method has allowed us during the last years to strengthen the leadership of new volunteers who have been essential in this context to organize and lead activities in which they put all their expertise into practice.

Why is this approach important?

  • Recognizing and appreciating the community’s knowledge
  • Positioning and strengthening leaderships
  • Strengthening the trust and sense of belonging to Wikimedia Argentina.

What did we do?

  • We identified and analyzed the interests and proposals of these new leaders
  • We mentored them in the definition of proposals and the planning process & provide them with the resources needed.
  • We supported the organization of 10 workshops lead by new volunteers, which engaged +100 people, on the themes of Wikidata, Gender and Editing Wikipedia.

What results did we achieve?

As much as it was possible, we moved projects and activities to the online platform. During 2020 we carried out the following activities and results:

Activities Results
  • Editing meetings & learning workshops [1][2][3][4]
  • Projects mentoring and support: Wikidata, gender, current topics, photo campaigns (prior to COVID-19), etc.[1][2] [3]
  • Elaboration of supporting materials and resources
  • Supporting & strengthening our thematic communities’ communication channels
  • +200 participants
  • +10 workshops
  • +5600 articles improved or created (mainly in Wikidata on public health local system)
  • 28 Wikimedia Argentina volunteers involved.

b) Identifying new members

The mandatory virtuality despite the challenges has also been an opportunity to establish a distance working methodology that allows us to improve the impact, the scope and the diversity of our program and members. In this sense, during 2020 we have worked to:

  • diversifying WMAR’s community with new profiles
  • position WMAR's work outside Buenos Aires and identify potential future community members in the country.

What have we done in 2020?

New trainings to engage new community members

In the current context, we continued working on generating proposals to incorporate new volunteers as part of our local community.

Why is this approach important?

  • Evaluate the potential of online activities to grow our local community.
  • Identifying future leaders & partners around the country.

What did we do?

  • We worked in coordination with the others WMAR programs to identify interests and people who might be interested, and generate proposals accordingly.
  • For that purpose, we offered training sessions and workshops on Wikipedia and we formed alliances with other civil society actors in order to work on strategic subjects.
  • We offered 10 online workshops, both for new participants as well as follow-up workshops for potential volunteers.
  • We offered customized follow-up and we consolidated the role of our community as mentors of new editors.

What results did we achieve?

  • Workshops were widely accepted, with +200 people enrolled and 25% active participants who created and improved +70 articles.
  • +15 people have participated in + 2 activities.
  • We have been able to establish a new method for remote work that allows us to break distance barriers and reach audiences outside Buenos Aires.

What we have learned from supporting our local community online?

The context of forced virtuality and the lockdown challenges provided us with very valuable learnings regarding our work with communities, which we will incorporate to our daily work. And they are the following:

  • Identifying groups of interests and segmenting communication allow the construction of stronger communities that share a common objective.
  • Establishing agendas: Making encounters regular, even if they are online encounters, helps to promote commitment of our audience.
  • Using different communication platforms according to the different audiences with which we work has provided us with the necessary flexibility, so each group feels comfortable.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Engaged volunteers. 37 28 On target n/a
New women involved n/a 68 On target n/a
6000 improved/created articles 8112 5688 Above target n/a
% of satisfation 90% 95% - n/a
New aliances 3 3 - n/a

What has been the greatest impact of the context?


Our work with Civil society organizations

One of our objectives for 2020 was to work in collaboration with civil society organizations to address issues of agenda and interest to local citizens. The pandemic and social isolation impacted on civil organizations who:

  • Reprogrammed priorities within their organizations in favor of other organizational priorities
  • They dedicated their work to covering the effects of the COVID-19 in their own communities

Taking into account the new priorities that emerged from the pandemic, we maintained dialogue with the civil society organizations that we had already been working with to build supporting strategies and keep designing projects together in the future.

Regional community


Success: Building a stronger region together


One of the Community Program’s greatest objectives for 2020 was to identify and support new rising leaders in the region with the aim of mentoring the construction of new communities, especially in places where they still lack one. Even though this objective is still a WMAR priority and we are adapting this project to a virtual proposal, the context made us focused our work in the region during the first half of the year, in the following way:

  • Strengthening and consolidating bonds within the communities with the LATAM groups.
  • Mentoring and supporting virtual initiatives by regional groups.
  • Providing regional groups with resources and tools

For these purposes, we worked in the following way:

a) Supporting & participating in regional initiatives

Due to the current context, all regional initiatives took place on online platforms and we have participated in the following way:

Why is this project important?

  • Planning projects together has boosted our bonds as a region.
  • Working in an obligatory virtuality helped us to break the previous barriers and misconceptions that prevented us from creating more projects together.

What did we do?

We have distributed resources, supported, mentored and participated actively in the following regional initiatives:

What were our actions as WMAR?

  • We offered mentoring advice when it was necessary and identified volunteers to lead the activities
  • We offered human and technical resources for the development of activities.

b) Strengthening and consolidating intra-community bonds

More than ever, in this context we have strengthened and consolidated bonds with other Iberocoop organizations and groups. Following Wikimedia Chile’s leadership, we supported a new online space in which we share projects, challenges and experiences and also established a space for support and counseling.

Why is this project important?

  • Building a stronger support network.
  • Fostering a sharing and learning community.
  • Increasing the sense of belonging within Iberocoop.

What did we do?

We organized two “communities in crisis” encounters that engaged +10 Ibero-American groups each. Encounters had the following objectives:

  • Space for Support: creating a space in our language in which to support each other and safeguard the physical and mental wellbeing of the Ibero-American community.
  • Experiences & Adaptability: Despite having an agenda, encounters were developed with an open and flexible format, to share experiences and work methods in order to adapt our projects to online platforms.
  • Validation of ideas: the demonstrative format and keeping a small group allowed us not only to learn from one another but also to generate a mentoring space about new ideas and their adaptation to local contexts.

Strategy 2030: Developing new resources for and with the region

During 2020, we carried out a project for the Ibero-American community: the development of a project to centralize the management of resources and knowledge produced by the groups that belong to the Iberocoop network.

Why is this project important?

  • Unifying resources of Spanish-speaking communities in one platform to guarantee better accessibility to them is a historic demand of the organizations that belong to Iberocoop.
  • A platform of these characteristics is not only important to facilitate learning, but also to reduce the inequality gap among communities with different opportunities and budgets.
  • This archive is also a first attempt to contextualize the 2030 strategy, in which knowledge management and the culture of documentation are strategic lines of work.

What did we do?

  • In alliance with +13 organizations, we developed a new archive of resources for  Wikimedia communities, in Spanish and with +100 accessible resources. The “Community Resources” website intends to be an intermediate between Wikimedia Commons and the community, in which to share resources produced by chapters and groups of user in a direct and organized way.

What results did we achieve?

  • We strengthened bonds within the regional community co-organizing activities with 7 countries of the region: Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela and Chile
  • We engaged +350 participants in the 10 activities we co-designed with other chapters and user groups.
  • We shared +100 open resources with current and future communities.

What have we learnt?

  • Communication is the key to the growth and accompaniment of the region. Keeping different channels of dialogue open, helps to strengthen community ties and closely accompany communities within the Wikimedia movement.
  • Opening spaces for dialogue, listening to needs and analyzing the local context of our community were key to designing proposals to accompany our volunteers during the pandemic that allowed them to led projects and strengthen the commitment to Wikimedia Argentina.

What's next?

  • Through the regional support network, we will continue to share resources, training spaces and accompany initiatives in the region.
  • Designing the new fellowship program for new leaders/communities/organizations in a virtual way.
  • Develop thematic training cycles in alliance with specialists.
  • Design training spaces for the local community led by local volunteers.

Culture & Open Knowledge program



The Culture Program had very specific objectives for 2020:

  • Providing the necessary resources to preserve, position and offer access to local underrepresented and endangered heritage within the Wikimedia projects
  • Work with cultural communities to help them adopt open cultural practices and policies, at a local and regional scale
  • Develop a local advocacy community to raise awareness and promote open & free knowledge in the local policy agenda.

However, the Culture Program has been the most affected by the pandemic context and the one we have had to adapt the most. So far, the program has had the objective of promoting the incorporation of free culture and open access policies in cultural institutions. Putting these processes into practice in Argentina requires physical presence, since cultural institutions do not usually have digital archives and/or data bases of their heritage.

Even though this situation has had a great and direct impact on our activities and results, it has also opened the opportunity to redefine our objectives in the following way:

  • Providing resources and designing training opportunities according to the needs and demands of cultural spaces.
  • Consolidating and strengthening our bonds with cultural communities.
  • Promoting and positioning the debate on free culture and policies of open access in the public agenda and cultural institutions.
Why have we defined these new objectives in this context?
  • The debate on free culture and policies of open access are more present than ever, so this is an opportunity to support and mentor institutions in their doubts and challenges.
  • Our plans with cultural institutions have focused mainly on training and strengthening their communities, so we have adapted our proposals to these priorities in order to consolidate alliances.

New cultural approach


Success: Diversifying our work with cultural communities


During 2020 we have reformulated a large part of our objectives with cultural institutions for the following reasons:

  • Cultural institutions are closed and lack digital archives and/or open data bases of their cultural heritage, so it has been impossible to work in any way that is similar to a normal context.
  • The cultural institutions’ objectives have changed, which has forced us to redefine our own goals to offer proposals according to the organizations’ needs.
  • The budget for Culture has been dramatically reduced by the pandemic context. Libraries, museums, archives, etc have been strongly affected by the current context.

Taking the context into account, we decided to strengthen one of the work areas that cultural communities demand the most: training opportunities. For it, we worked the following way:

a) Designing new training opportunities

The context has allowed us to take care of a pending objective of the program: delving into and getting to better know the demands and needs of our allied cultural communities in order to design training opportunities accordingly.

What have we done during 2020?

a) Strengthening our bonds with the librarian community

  • We carried out a survey to understand the training needs of the community. 386 librarians from the entire region participated.
  • We identified themes of interest and designed 6 training proposals: intellectual property, digitization, online archives etc.
  • We carried out the #1bib1ref campaign and we adapted our training proposals online

Why is this project important?

  • Librarians are one of the main cultural communities in Argentina and the region but historically more disadvantaged. Their resources are usually limited and we identify that they have few free educational proposals.

Which have been the most important results?

  • +1400 librarians became interested in our proposal. +900 people followed the online encounters and +4000 viewed them later on.
  • We expanded the outreach and impact of the program beyond Buenos Aires. We engaged participants from Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Spain and Cuba.

b) Supporting diverse cultural institutions and civil society organizations

We have continued strengthening our work with cultural institutions and civil society organizations, providing support, mentoring, and training opportunities with a double objective:

  • Engaging experts in the creation of quality and locally relevant content
  • Promoting the incorporation of free culture in diverse organizations.

b) Promoting free culture within cultural institutions

Activity Partner Topic Results
In-house training course Leloir Foundation Gender & Science Quality content released.
In-house training course National University of La Plata Gender & Science Positioning free culture within cultural institutions
In-house training course UN Women Gender Involve a community of experts as editors
Month of Women Contest Wikimedia Mexico & Wikimedia Chile Gender Fostering & strengthening the online community
Open training Webinar Presentes LGBTIQ+ & Gender Reaching new audiences
In-house training course Library of the Hight School of War Local culture Positioning free culture within cultural institutions
In-house training course Secretary of Biodiversity Local culture Involve a community of experts as editors
In-house training course Adolfo Alsina City Hall Local culture Positioning free culture within cultural institutions
In-house training course Library of the National Congress Local culture Positioning free culture within cultural institutions
Open training Webinar Fundación Vía Libre + Ártica Digital Rights Reaching new audiences
Open training Webinar Red-Especie Digital Rights Reaching new audiences

As a result, we partnered with 9 cultural, civil and governmental institutions, we trained 385 people on free licenses, digital rights and misinformation and we created and/or improved 607 articles, mostly about science, women and the history of Latin American feminism.

What results did we achieve?

  • We have strengthened and expanded our alliances with Argentine cultural communities.
  • Designing appropriate training proposals has allowed us to expand the objectives of the program and define new areas of opportunities.
  • We have positioned the program in cultural spaces that are strategically important.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Promote the free culture in 10 institutions 13 - n/a We changed this metric as cultural institutions are closed, making it very difficult for us to implement free licenses policies in new organizations.
Number of organizations trained 11 8 n/a n/a
At least 500 new cultural leaders involved in our cultural program 511 2335 n/a n/a
At least 5 diverse cultural communities reached 5 3 n/a NGOs- Government organizations-Librarians-
Content improved/created n/a 1973 n/a Mainly articles about science, women and the history of Latin American feminism + #1bib1ref campaign
Number of editors involved (500) 750 232 (115 new) n/a Most of our activities have been re defined or postponed.
Reach n/a 19 countries n/a We engaged participants from Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Spain Cuba and Argentina.

Highlight: Feminism, women and identities

In 2020 we have continued working to reduce content gaps and build a more equitable Wikipedia, one that represents the history of feminism, women and diversities, because:

  • The history of women and diverse identities, as well as the history of feminist movements, is underrepresented in Wikipedia.
  • Latin American feminism is currently the most important social movement in the region. With these initiatives, we are also responding to the demand for locally relevant information.  

What did we do during 2020?

  • Content: in alliance with Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimedia Chile, we organized the 1st editing contest focused on history of feminism and women from the early 20th century.
  • Outreach: we carried out 4 debate sessions on gender, diversities and Wikipedia
  • New alliances: We strengthened our alliances with Presentes, RAGCYT (Argentine network of gender, science and technology) and the National University of La Plata, and for the first time we worked with UN Women.

Which have been our results, so far?

  • We created and improved 603 articles
  • We involved 144 participants

What has been the greatest impact of the context?


Releasing new content

The context has made the challenges and limitations of our work with cultural institutions evident and has directly affected our objective of incorporating free licenses into new organizations to release new and diverse content. Even though we did carry out several encounters of training, mentoring and support, the context and the institutions’ own limitations -many were not only closed but lacked digital archives or digitization programs- have brought to light how enormously our program depends on face-to-face work. Despite this reality, we managed to position the importance of free access to culture in the agenda of strategic cultural actors. We expect to continue promoting this work so it translates into specific policies of access in cultural organizations or institutions as soon as the context goes back to something closer to normal.

Supporting cultural institutions


Success: Redefining the digitization program


The digitization program has been greatly affected by the current context. With institutions closed, lacking digitization policies and without a proper budget to look after the heritage they have, the digitization project has depended enormously on the support and the work we do in-person and collaboratively.

Despite this reality, the context has provided us with the opportunity to rethink the project, define new objectives and open new windows:

  • diversifying the activities of the project by designing new training and support spaces.
  • generating new proposals to diversify and expand the counterparts with which we work.
  • distributing resources and strengthening the capacity of the institutions with which we already work.

For this purpose, during 2020 we have worked in the following way:

The context has allowed us to take care of a pending objective of the program: delving into and getting to better know the demands and needs of our allied cultural communities in order to design training opportunities accordingly.

What have we done during 2020?

a) Remote mentoring on free licenses and open access policies

We have -for the first time- carried out support and mentoring sessions on open access policies and free licenses subjects aimed for Argentina’s diverse cultural institutions.

Why is this project important?

  • Even tough Argentina has copyright laws, many institutions do not know how to put them into practice, for example in social networks.
  • The current context has brought to light the importance of having an open and accessible Argentine cultural heritage that guarantees our right to culture.
  • Also, cultural institutions understand the importance of digital formats in their heritage when facing contexts such as the current one.

What did we do?

  • In collaboration with Espigas Foundation, we organized a pilot project: a mentoring program to mentor and advise cultural institutions in their doubts regarding intellectual property and heritage.
  • We launched a call to previously analyze the institutions’ heritage and their questions.
  • We designed a workshop in which we worked with institutions, responding to their challenges and identifying their needs.
  • We are designing a training program according to the needs we have detected.

Which results have we achieved, so far?

  • +200 cultural institutions from our country have enrolled, from which we chose 35 to work with.
  • We improved the program’s outreach, working with institutions from the public sphere (national, provincial and municipal museums and libraries), NGOs and private institutions, mostly from outside Buenos Aires.
  • Audiences have reacted very well to the initiative, so we are organizing another event, one that is broader and that delves into a theme that also interests WMAR: open access to collections.
  • We could better assess the needs that possible o future counterparts have, which are directly related to the work we do.

b) Supporting our counterparts

Beyond the context, during 2020 we have continued supporting and mentoring our counterparts in the digitization program -the Argentinean Academy of Letters, Public Libraries of the City of Buenos Aires, National Academy of History, National University of La Plata, National Academy of Fine Arts- in the following way:

Why is this project important?

  • Strengthening our work and presence in these institutions
  • Generating a network of support, accompaniment and visibility of the work already carried out
  • Identifying future work priorities.

What did we do?

  • We analyzed collections together, in order to define digitization priorities for the moment when institutions re-open. In this sense, we also re-defined the work of our two WIR.
  • We have strengthened our work with databases and Wikidata.
  • We worked to update and improve the project’s manuals and proceedings to provide that knowledge to institutions.
  • We supported the uploading of content that had been digitized before the lockdown and we improved content in Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia and Wikidata.

Which results have we achieved, so far?

  • We uploaded +11000 new pages on Wikimedia Commons - mainly historical books.
  • We released, the museums and libraries national databases and we have continued to work with the scientific database from the National University of la Plata meaning +9000 items added to Wikidata.
  • We purchased equipment, which we adjusted remotely with the institutions to maximize project times as soon as the activity is resumed in a standard way
  • We developed joint strategies of communication related to the work we have been doing. The result has been striking and the knowledge and heritage of these institutions increased their visits by 250%, compared to 2019.

What results did we achieve?

  • Promote the culture program to new institutions throughout the country.
  • Define and establish new lines of work within the program such as training and personalized mentoring.
  • Expand our work with our historical cultural partner institutions

Highlight: Technical Support Fund for the digitization of endangered heritage

One of the greatest projects of the Digitization Program 2020 is launching the 1st Technical Support Fund to support the digitization of endangered heritage from Argentine cultural institutions.

This projects was born as a response to:

  • the needs, demands and opportunities detected in cultural institutions, getting to know their resources and the difficulties they face when trying to preserve their heritage.  
  • strengthening our project with new allies outside Buenos Aires
  • gaining access to new local heritage and improving the diversity of the Wikimedia projects.

What did we do?

  • We designed the first Technical Support Fund to provide two institutions with technical and material resources during 2020.
  • We launched the call for cultural institutions from the entire country who currently do not have digitization programs and have endangered heritage.
  • We analyzed the heritage of each institution according to its pertinence, its state and its relevance for the Wikimedia projects. We prioritized those institutions which heritage will allow us to gain access to currently missing knowledge that represents Argentina’s diversity.
  • We are establishing work agreements with the selected organizations: Museum of the city Wladimir Mikielievich and the Municipio de Adolfo Alsina

What results did we achieve, so far?

  • 25 institutions enrolled for the Technical Support Fund, including university libraries, national, provincial and municipal museums and Culture Departments from different city halls.
  • We could diversify the project and partner with institutions from places other than Buenos Aires.
  • We will be able to preserve endangered heritage, guarantee free access and improve the future content of the Wikimedia projects.

Main results:

Target Last year (if applicable) Progress (at end of Q2) End of year (projected or actual) Comments
Number of organizations mentored New metric 37 n/a n/a
Number of new partners 2 3 n/a Fundación Espigas- Museum of the city Wladimir Mikielievich and - Municipio de Adolfo Alsina
Content improved/created: 375 books* (96559 pages uploaded to commons)

14218 items in Wikidata

52 books (11.866 pages uploaded to commons)

9483 items in Wikidata.

1651 in Wikisource

48 Wikipedia.

n/a New content uploaded to Commons, Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikisource.
Wikipedia page views 9.784.970 5.475.898 n/a n/a
Commons page views 100.813 89.466 n/a n/a

What have we learnt?

  • Designing training activities according to the needs of the cultural community is a very good strategy to attract new stakeholders and future potential partners who were not aware of our work before.
  • With new budget cuts in culture due the pandemic, short (or smaller) projects get better acceptance and allow to forge better alliances over the time.
  • Surveying our partners and/or cultural communities is key to understanding how we can accompany them, why they participate in our activities and how they use our projects. This information is essential to continue creating initiatives that are more responsive to the needs of the cultural sector.
  • The context is an opportunity to promote debate on open access policies and to work collaboratively with cultural institutions on this issue.

What's next?

  • Establishing training courses according to the needs and demands of cultural institutions. To this end, we will continue to strengthen our alliances with national networks - librarians, museums etc.
  • Defining our digitization work not only with the institutions but involving our users. We will open spaces or direct channels for request regarding our digitization work. For it, we will carry out a survey to identify the user's needs in order to prioritize our digitizing work in the future.
  • To continue developing a mentorship program on open access & digital policies for cultural institutions.

Fellowship Program


Boosting leaders and Latin American programs


One of the most important projects of this year (early March) has been our fellowship program, lead in its initial phase by WMAR’s Community, Education and Human Rights program, with two main objectives:

  • Supporting and promoting leaderships and programs by LATAM Wikimedia communities
  • Identifying and mentoring new leaders and new communities from our region.

During the first half of the year, we carried out the Fellowship program with leaders and representatives from Latin America’s Wikimedia communities - Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina.

How did we carried out the project?

The program was developed in 3 phases:

a) Before the meeting

For the Fellowship’s design and planning, we identified chapters and groups of users of the region that are in a process of development, mainly of their education and community programs. In this sense, the program’s objectives and topics were a response to the needs and demands previously detected through surveys and meetings with participants:

  • Sharing and strengthening design and project development skills in each local context, with a Latin American perspective.
  • Consolidating a network for regional mentoring and support.
  • Within the 2030 strategy, establishing a space for initial dialogue regarding the role of Latin America in the future of the movement.


  • Design and strategic planning for chapters and groups of users
  • Design, programming and assessment of Education & Human Rights programs
  • Analysis of communities, roles, projects and work proposals.
  • 2030 Strategy

b) During the meeting

  • The Fellow had a total duration of 5 days, with a full-time schedule of workshops designed using participatory methodology to describe, identify and plan future education & community projects.
  • Each day was focused on a specific subject: strategic planning, how to strengthen our communities at a local level and how to design of education proposals according to the needs and resources of each particular context.
  • We established and defined collaboration processes with the participating organizations. We provided support for training courses as well as logistic and financial assistance, in the particular cases in which it was needed.
  • We consolidated spaces for debate about the role of Latin America in the movement and our position regarding the 2030 strategy.
  • As closure, participants were asked to develop an individual plan to be carried out with Wikimedia Argentina’s support and follow-up.

c) After the meeting

  • Each chapter defined a project to be implemented during 2020, according to their local academic calendar.
  • Wikimedia Argentina established, human, technical and financial support - when needed- to promote the development of projects, especially in Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Why is it an important program?

  • LATAM communities are in different development stages. A training program that’s suitable to their needs is key to promote the work and development of smaller organizations.
  • Apart from being a training space, the program is essentially a space of horizontal support, of trust and equality. Establishing a solid support network is essential to continue empowering the work of communities in their local context.
  • It is necessary to consolidate and strengthen Latin American Wikimedia organizations in order to continue developing communities in the region and building a Wikimedia movement that represents the real Latin American diversity.

What results did we achieve?

  • At the end of the week, each participant designed a project to be carried out in their own context, with the aim of strengthening the community or its education projects. Chapters as Colombia, Chile and Mexico, as well as Ecuador’s group of users, focused on training educators emphasizing the use of Wikimedia’s tools, crosscutting with themes such as gender or digital citizenship. Wikimedia Venezuela designed a project that focused on digital rights. We are still working with Wikimedia Bolivia.
  • Results went beyond training. Since the encounter, and after the projects we carried out together, the groups of the region are more united and coordinated than ever, even in the pandemic context.
  • We defined ways to provide support, taking into account the needs and circumstances of each group, at a regional scale.
  • We empowered the participating groups, especially smaller organizations, on the importance of the work they do.
  • We consolidated a space for encounter and debate, in which we could discuss the role of Latin America within the frame of the 2030 strategy.

Pandemia effect: adapting the program to the context

Due to the pandemic context, most projects have been reformulated. However and despite the context, we continued supporting and working on one-on-one follow-up of the participants. Even though we reformulated the proposals, we tried to focus on topics that each group identified as essential for their communities. For instance, together with Wikimedia Venezuela we organized a series of webinars on Digital Rights that were open for the community. Together with Wikimedia Ecuador, we participated in 2 webinars organized in collaboration with the Secretary of Higher Education on the use of Wikipedia in universities. Lastly, we participated in the series of webinars organized by Wikimedia Mexico, which aimed at gathering different perspectives on education within the Wikimedia movement. In every experience, we brought with us our collaboration and mutual support network, to promote a LATAM perspective on education for the Wikimedia movement

Movement strategy process


Supporting the strategy process

We have been actively involved in the strategy process throughout 2020 in different roles such as:

a) Communication of the recommendations with the chapters and users groups at the regional level.

b) We organized 5 meetings to obtain feedback on the recommendations in LATAM.

c) We worked to empower and maintain a fluid contact with communities in LATAM about the process through different social channels.

c) Being part of the writers group.

d) Involvement as part of the design group for implementation

Throughout the process we have always tried not only to bring the Latin American perspective to the decision-making spaces but also to communicate the development of the process to our colleagues in the region.

We are committed to continue promoting the region's involvement in the strategy phase. However, it is necessary to allocate the necessary resources to guarantee the involvement of movement's diverse communities as it is required for the next phase, where we will really implement the proposed change. It is almost impossible to do it successfully without supporting and guaranteeing the necessary resources for it.

Revenues received during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

  • Important note
    • the anticipated column may list revenues anticipated for the whole year instead of only the 6 months. Please make sure that this the time period clear in the table.
    • In the explanation column, always mention relevant information about the numbers: what period they refer to etc.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan
FDC grant ARS ARS ARS 17,339,897 ARS 10,114,950 - - - ARS 10,114,950 USD 279,766 USD 163,197 *Since august 2017 we are keeping FDC Grant in USD. The exchange to ARS is made every week if needed
Membership fees ARS ARS 30,990 ARS 754 ARS 1,658 - - ARS 2,412 USD 39 USD 500 n/a
In-kind donations ARS ARS 245,565 ARS 30,000 - - - ARS 30,000 USD 3,962 USD 484 Less than expected due to the pandemic, as most of our activities have been postponed.
  • The average exchange rate for 1st semester of 2020 was 1 USD= 61,98 ARS
  • We are making many efforts to seek external funding and diversify our funds as in previous years. This year and to date, due to the change in priorities of the funders and the workload of the team, we have not had the opportunity raise any other grants, despite the fact that we have presented projects to several funds. Improving and strengthening the WMAR's fundraising capacity is something that needs to we need to prioritize in the nearly future.

Spending during this six-month period


Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.

  • Important note
    • Budget can be the budget for the whole year (and thus the percentage will reflect the half year and should be around 50%, or the half year, in which case the % should be around 100%. Please make that clear in the table.
    • In the explanation column, always mention relevant information about the numbers: what period they refer to.
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan
General Administration ARS ARS 1,930,096 ARS 343,931 ARS 453,502 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 797,433 USD 30,588 USD 12,867 41% n/a
Staff Expenses ARS ARS 8,624,920 ARS 1,755,765 ARS 2,315,129 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 4,070,895 USD 136,687 USD 65,685 47% n/a
Education program ARS ARS 2,262,033 ARS 525,963 ARS 223,940 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 749,904 USD 36,057 USD 12,100 33% We redistributed the I Fellowship budget & expenses to the Education Program as it's the program that led it.
Culture & Open Knowledge Program ARS ARS 2,146,751 ARS 288,402 ARS 509,670 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 798,071 USD 35,521 USD 12,877 37% We took the opportunity to buy material related to the technical support fund and the digitalization program, also to save in view of the future devaluation of the Argentine peso.
Community Support program ARS ARS 1,845,873 ARS 250,815 ARS 308,253 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 559,068 USD 29,264 USD 9,021 30% n/a
Fellows ARS ARS 742,820 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 0 USD 8,479 USD 0 0% The II Fellow for new leaders to happen during the Oct/Nov. Probably online due to the context
TOTAL ARS 17,552,493 ARS 3,164,876 ARS 3,810,495 ARS 0 ARS 0 ARS 6,975,370 USD 276,596 USD 112,550 40%

*The average exchange rate for 1st semester of 2020 was 1 USD= 61,98 ARS



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As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.

Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".


Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".



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Resources to plan for measurement


Resources for storytelling
