Grants:APG/Proposals/2018-2019 round 1/Wikimedia CH/Proposal form
[edit]- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.
- 2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
- Legal name of organization: Wikimedia CH
- Organization's fiscal year: 01 Jan-12 Dec
- 12-month funding period requested: 01 Jan 2019–31 Dec 2019
- Currency requested: CHF
- Name of primary contact: Jenny Ebermann
- 3. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested | US$ | |
Total expenses for the upcoming year | 1,274,700 | 1,265,369.196 |
APG funding requested for the upcoming year | 150,000 | 148,902 |
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year | 150,000 | 148,902 |
- 4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
- Every end of the year, we are conducting a survey to see how we serve our community and members; on top of that, numerous meet-ups and offline meetings are used to gather data and gain insights into what should be done more of or discontinued etc. Our newly drafted community strategy is a direct result of these efforts.
- 5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.
- Please see below in the overall introduction section!
Table 3
- Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others not participating directly.
- Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
- Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.
- Content reused by other Wikimedia projects: These metrics identify how much content, produced by Wikimedia CH programs during 2018 and during the past years, have been reused and included on other Wikimedia project pages. An example are the images produced by GLAM projects or the Wikisource content.
- Number of people reached in Switzerland: This metric is derived from the enabler "communication“ and demonstrates the reach/outreach Wikimedia CH has with its activities in Switzerland. It includes donors, readers of newspaper-articles etc.
Program Participants Newly registered Content pages Content reused by other Wikimedia projects Number of people reached in Switzerland 1 GLAM 300 50 50 000 1 100 200 000 2 Education 600 100 500 2 000 400 000 3 Community 800 100 25 000 1 000 500 000 4 International and National (Public) Relations NA NA NA NA 300 000 - 400 000 TOTAL FOR ALL PROGRAMS 1 700 250 75 500 4 100 1 400 000 - 1 500 000
Table 3 notes:
Annual plan summary
[edit]Wikimedia Switzerland is happy to herewith present its plans for 2019 which are not only aligned to its own 2017-2020 Strategy but also to the wider movement Strategy and efforts. 2019 sees indeed a continuation of progress, learnings and impact reached in 2018.
As you might know, WMCH uses the image of a house to represent its strategic impact directions for the years to come. Resting on a solid floor that represents its legal background, WMCH has three main pillars: GLAM, Education and Community. In addition, the association summarized activities tied to outreach and public relations on a local and global level under the theme of “International and National (Public) Relations”. The aim here is to align efforts in this area allowing for a more structured approach and greater impact.
You will therefore herewith find four 2-pagers outlining our plans for 2019, comprising each:
- a short introduction;
- our foreseen metrics as well as;
- an infographic with budget relating to the different programmatic areas that we are focused on.
Please also have a look at our latest progress report to better understand where we are heading to; in addition, within the progress report, you’ll find the complete strategies (short and long versions) for WMCH’s three main pillars – GLAM, Education and Community - with relevant logic models.
Our consolidated budget can be found here. You will note, that it is a bit higher than last year as:
- Our German-speaking Community Manager is now working 80% instead of 30%
- Our Finance/Admin./HR Officer (50%) left the association for personal reasons; instead of hiring again for the same position, we strategically decided to outsource finance and accounting, loop for office storage as we don’t have a physical office and seek the long-needed help of a 60% Fundraising and Administration officer
- Our Communication Manager is now working 90% instead of 80%
HR costs in Switzerland remain a major factor within our budget. WMCH has thoroughly revisited its HR policies and remuneration and is happy to announce that it is aligned with Swiss standards in the NGO sector. Our staff has the specificity to be multilingual, which is a MUST for Switzerland, while at the same time specialists as well as generalists in their respective fields. On top of the virtual nature of the work and the required flexibility due to part-time engagements, it makes recruiting particularly tough.
All of these changes have been made to ensure quality program delivery and more effective operations. As for the programs, Education shows an increase in its budget compared to last year as some items were shifted out of Community (where the budget is now a bit lower). GLAM remains the same and in “International and National (Public) Relations” there is a little increase in the budgeted amount as some necessary and relevant communication items/activities have been added.
What is more, WMCH makes a substantial effort to raise its own funds wherever possible. In 2018, “friendraising” events haven been carried out very successfully, whereby important partners are invited to a special happening with apéro and networking. WMCH is also closely working with WMDE, to tap into their technical know-how in terms of fundraising tools, so that mid-term effective processes can be put in place without reinventing the wheel.
Thanks for reading us and we are of course happy to answer your questions!
Annual Plans:
[edit]Program 1: GLAM
The global trend of digitalization of cultural heritage brings far reaching consequences and change in the way Swiss GLAM institutions will operate in the future. Access to and safeguarding of cultural heritage increasingly depends on information and communication technologies. Management of cultural heritage resources and developing services to different communities is influenced by technological environments and tools, which overgrew the mere function of communication channels and devices and became more of a social and cultural space.
WMCH considers this development to be a great opportunity for the Wikimedia movement, allowing access to collections and artefacts in a digital manner and sharing it across the nation and across borders. Therefore, our aim is to play a major role in facilitating this process of digitalization by providing consulting, mentoring, training, solutions and tools, helping protect and disseminate Swiss culture and history through the Wikimedia projects.
In order to be able to serve the Swiss memory institutions in the digital transformation process, WMCH started the process of going through an organizational transformation in 2018 to be able to build up a sustainable project environment & longer-lasting partnerships. But this path is only a mid-term one, also in terms of concrete results. Therefore, for 2019 we will continue focusing on this organizational transformation process, to set the basis for larger scale projects with higher impact.
Having a closer look into our strategic aim and the GLAM Partnerships & Projects program we envisage for 2019 and the coming years, to build on long-term cultural partnerships, scalable formats and continuity in our program. This is a programmatic outlook, just to mention a selection of planned activities:
- Active contribution to the International Museums Day 2019, building on our previously launched awareness campaign (2018) and work on the coverage of Swiss Museums on Wikipedia (
- Scale the same concept with the Association of Swiss Archivists (VSA-AAS) and develop a map, visualizing the coverage of Swiss Archives on Wikipedia.
- Launch an awareness campaign on the International Archive Day 2019, to motivate the GLAM community and Swiss Archives to contribute to increase the coverage of Swiss Archives on Wikipedia.
- Organize two GLAM-on-Tour events with two new Swiss memory institutions, under the aspect of diversification of our GLAM-on-Tour events, offering the GLAM community new inputs. We are in negotiation with the Swiss National Sound Archive for projects and a possible GLAM-on-Tour event in fall 2019.
- Continue with the Edit-a-Thon ateliers established, after our GLAM-on-Tour in June 2018 at MAMCO, one of the most recognized museum of modern and contemporary art in Geneva, Switzerland
- Continue with the Edit-a-Thon ateliers and workshops established at the Geneva City Library, as well as in the Theatersammlung, Bern and other parts of Switzerland.
- Implement and follow a mass-upload project of scientific images, donated by the Museum of natural science of Neuchâtel
- Continue to support the well known Cultural Hackathon Event in Switzerland, in negotiation to be performed in Sion, together with Museomix - an open community of innovation, culture, and technology enthusiasts, who share the desire for a dynamic museum that is connected and interactive. In 2018 the Cultural Hackathon was first time organized in a museum, at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Continue and scale a new format, which first time has been implemented in November 2018 at Laténium, Archeological Museum of Neuchâtel, for building awareness and knowledge in memory institutions across Switzerland.
- Foster new formats in the interface between GLAM + Education, to build up competence, awareness and knowledge on Wikidata for GLAM, as well as Structured Commons for GLAM
In the area of Digital Competence and Technology, we also aim to continue our work, improve and share our knowledge with GLAM and other chapters. We will improve the functionalities of the GLAM statistical tool, develop an administration panel for adding new GLAM institutions easily, without the involvement of an IT-partner, and make it accessible to additional GLAM partners. Moreover, we are in discussion with many other chapters interested in the tool and will work out together possible solution for a broader roll out.
We are critically looking at ourselves to meet the need of GLAM partners in supporting them through the digital transformation process. This is why, additionally to our ongoing activities, we want to perform research and feasibility studies, in order to have a decision basis for developing new GLAM Tech Projects, following the LOD (Linked Open Data) approach.
Planned outcome (target) | Explanation | |
Total # of participants | 300 | The past metrics were too progressive for Switzerland. We are in a phase of GLAM process consolidation. We will continue working on it. |
# of new editors | 50 | The participation profile on events in Switzerland is based on existing high-profile users. |
#number of content pages created or improved | 50’000 | The big cultural institutions such as Swiss National Library and Swiss Federal Archives are already on board and uploaded a lot of content. It will be challenging to keep up with past years metrics. |
Content reused by other Wikimedia projects | 1’100 | |
# of people reached in CH | 200’000 | Due to the collaboration with the media channels of our GLAM Network, the creation of a GLAM microsite, and PR we expect a higher impact. |
Program 2: Education
The vision of education is to prepare future wikimedians/wikipedians as well as to spread the concept that "open content" and "open education" are an advantage for everyone. The idea behind this is that the education program can help to recruit and to train good volunteers and better editors but also that the education program of Wikimedia Switzerland is relevant for personal and professional improvement (lifelong learning) plus for pedagogy (schools and universities).
Wikimedia CH has recently introduced the training program in Switzerland and is experimenting with different solutions for different levels of learning:
- Schools and institutions of higher education
- University
- Life-long learning
The main challenge that the educational strategy is currently facing is to ensure that education is firmly established within the other WMCH impact directions, so that greater professionalism and quality can be guaranteed. On the other hand, quality parameters for the implementation of training or learning courses must be defined and implemented.
Considering the mosaic of different cantonal programs (each canton defines its own educational program) the goal of Wikimedia Switzerland is to work at a higher level and to train trainers and teachers instead of having a direct involvement in the classrooms because it may be difficult to follow 22 different programs and cantonal educational offices. This is the reason why Wikimedia Switzerland is proposing the creation of "hives" in universities or the collaboration with the faculties of pedagogy and the creation of materials and didactical modules at the services of educators (basically "Open Education" resources).
In the field of higher education - universities - the introduction of specific projects, such as Wikidata, is creating a significant impact, although still localized, while schools in our different pilot projects are producing excellent results by combining several Wikimedia projects with like-minded projects such as OpenStreet Map. In universities or high schools the "open culture" still has some difficulties because it is not always considered relevant for professional growth. Our challenge therefore is to demonstrate that the use and contribution to "open content", "open data" or "open software" is a possibility not only for personal improvement, but can offer better possibilities in a professional perspective. What is more, it is also useful for the society as a whole.
In addition, life-long learning requires more effort because until now, similar activities have always been conducted in loose connection with other programs without a real educational strategy as its backbone. This particular sector therefore needs a reorganization/restructuring from a more strategic perspective.
Next year we will continue with the consolidation of the strategy, a clearer definition of the objectives and the creation of educational resources through tools and training material. We will be involving different actors (especially teachers or educators) to work with us to define these solutions.
The increase in the budget for 2019 is simply due to the fact that the projects that were previously hosted in other impact directions have been moved to education, such as Wikipedia 4 Peace, which saw the involvement of children and present a purely educational goal. Metrics are the result of a plan that is more focused on improving the strategy and action plan and producing more replicable solutions in schools than to be directly involved. Our expectation, in the future, is to create "evangelists" of the educational proposals of Wikimedia Switzerland and to replicate educational activities in the schools but run by teachers and educators who will impact more in other metrics (like the creation of content).
Planned outcome (target) | Explanation | |
Total # of participants | 600 | Increase of 10% |
# of new editors | 100 | Increase of 65%. Following our strategy, this metric will have a major influence on our impact because the aim of what we are doing is exactly the fostering of new editors having a founded knowledge about projects. |
#number of content pages created or improved | 500 | Increase of 100% |
Content reused by other Wikimedia projects | 2'000 | The reuse of content has to be seen from a didactical context perspective instead of from a merely "content creation" one. The improvement and the reuse of content in other Wikimedia projects is indeed more interesting for this particular program. |
# of people reached in CH | 400’000 | Increase of 35% |
Program 3: Community
Wikimedia CH is currently reviewing the strategy concerning community involvement and a first draft has been put in place. The major intervention areas that have been identified are:
- Community health - related to conflict resolution and long-standing community support
- Community building - related to the retention of recently acquired community members
- Community outreach - linked to the acquisition/reach of new community members
Our approach ensures that WMCH’s support is not offered to only a specific category of users, but to the community as a whole, with particular focus on those users considered most disadvantaged or those who are not currently managed actively due to clear difficulties (for example the visually impaired).
In this strategy the concept of community has been extended so that not only members of the association are included, as happened in the past, but all those who write about Switzerland or about issues related to Switzerland. It has thus to be noted that the scope of our current Impact Direction “Community Management” has been extended. WMCH is also actively supporting the three linguistic Wikicons in neighbouring countries which typically characterises this change of strategic direction.
Knowledge equity deserves to be mentioned in particular as in the past and more as part of other programs than as a real objective within a thorough strategy, Wikimedia Switzerland merely supported single activities to reduce the gap within different minorities. Now, Wikimedia Switzerland is aiming at supporting minorities improving already existing programs or extending its already existing programs to increase impact. For instance, a lot has been done for women or for linguistic minorities, but there are still people who cannot contribute actively, like blind people or visual impaired. We would like to define the barriers that block these minorities from contributing and to define several solutions to give them a voice in the Wikimedia context (i.e. collaborating with the community to include some gadgets within Wikipedia pages or providing a nursery during our offline activities for women with children).
We evaluate the impact of our Program Line 3 more conservatively because some projects have been moved into more specific Impact Directions and because our new strategy related to Community will only see its first year of implementation and learnings in 2019:
Planned outcome (target) | Explanation | |
Total # of participants | 800 | Increase of 25% |
# of new editors | 100 | Increase of 65% |
#number of content pages created or improved | 25’000 | Increase of 25% |
Content reused by other Wikimedia projects | 1’000 | Reduction of 50% |
# of people reached in CH | 500’000 | Increase of 150% |
Program 4: International and National (Public Relations)
At WMCH we believe that as an association of such notoriety we can and should use our unique position to influence and make our point wherever necessary and possible. This should of course be done in Switzerland, where WMCH is already seen as a prominent partner and stakeholder when it comes to copyright questions. But also on a European and international level. Switzerland, which thanks to its special status is home to many international organisations (UN, international sports movement, European entities…), non-profits, foundations and associations is a very fruitful terrain to start this kind of collaboration. Moreover, many international companies and start-ups also have their European headquarters in Switzerland which will allow WMCH to diversify its efforts and tackle various prominent partners, namely their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) departments, technology and innovation labs and hubs etc.
So far, WMCH has partnered very successfully with the association ParlDigi in 2018, reaching out to public authorities but also many other potential partners in Switzerland and thus beginning to establishing itself as a trusted partner. In 2019 this precious work as well as WMCH’s implication in the FKAGEU network and the EU outreach will be continued. What is more, WMCH will continue reaching out to its neighbour Chapters seeking to pool resources and projects as well as participating in the wider Wikiverse activities were necessary (IberoCoop for example). Finally, little steps forward were made in 2018 concerning a potential collaboration with international organisations such as WIPO, the UN, the IOC, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. These steps will be pursued in 2019.
Our Program line 4 completely embraces the Wikimedia Movement Strategy by enforcing it nationally and internationally through its activities.
The impact in Program Line 4 is mainly measured through the PR value as we can only evaluate in that way how well we did in a given year. Media clippings and other efforts will help us in that sense. We are also trying to augment the so-called “top of mind awareness” as many people don’t even know that there is an association behind Wikipedia and other wiki projects. Additionally, we will use 2019 to think about other ways of measuring and showing impact in this important Program Direction, now that we are starting to have a bit more experience with these sorts of activities.
Planned outcome (target) | Explanation | |
Total # of participants | NA | |
# of new editors | NA | |
#number of content pages created or improved | NA | |
Content reused by other Wikimedia projects | NA | |
# of people reached in CH | 300'000-400'000 | Based on calculations of the PR Value (Advertising Cost Equivalent - measure of difference in cost between paying for advertising space and placing an equivalent editorial piece) and the approx. number of people reached through the activities. |
Verification and signature
[edit]Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreementYes
Please sign below to complete this proposal form.
- IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. --Jenny WMCH (talk) 14:34, 26 November 2018 (UTC)