Grants:APG/Proposals/2016-2017 round 2/Wikimedia Norge/Progress report form
Purpose of the report
[edit]This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
Global metrics overview - all programs
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
- 4. # Diversity = Number of new or improved articles on women's biographies on Wikipedia Bokmål, Nynorsk or Northern Sami and number of Sami-related items added to Wikidata
- 5. # Community hours = Hours community members spend on organizing activities or helping staff organize activities (not included are hours spend adding content)
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # participants | 843 + 824 watched streaming of one event | Two events have attracted a much lager audience then we expected |
2. # of newly registered | 94 | |
3. # of content pages | 3,218 | Wikidata-projects will happen during this spring as well as a mass upload from a Glam institution |
4. # diversity | 400 | |
5. # community hours | 472 |
Table 1 notes:
- Content pages: We are adding the Sami bibliography from The National Library (about 17,000 items) to Wikidata and will also during the spring add Sami place names we have access to from The Norwegian Mapping Authority. We have worked this first half of the 2017-2018 funding period to get these collections of data, and will during spring work on adding them to Wikidata. There has so far in this funding period not been a mass upload bot adding images from a Glam institution, but there is a project planned here as well on images from the World War II from The National Archive. That is why the number of content pages so far this funding period is lower compared to previous years, but it will be on the same level as previous years at the end of the funding period.
Telling your program stories - all programs
[edit]Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Example | Example | Example | Example | Example |
Overall progress
Northern Sami Wikipedia project. Photo taken by Karin Beate Nøsterud/ [CC BY 2.5 dk) used on WMNO stickers and postcards
Joy and Stella from Wikimedia Ghana User group and Felix from Open Foundation West Africa visiting Oslo and WMNO, at Nobel Peace Center
Mulatu Astatke at the stage at Cosmopolite in Soria Moria, 9. November 2017. Image by Commons photographer Toresetre
The progress we report on in this report reflects the rewritten APG proposal for WMNO from January 2018. The program's section was completely rewritten.
With the staff increase from 1,7 FTE till 2,3 FTE WMNO has had its busiest 6 months ever, and in this progress report we have tried to summarize both learnings, challenges and successes. For a quick overview of over work, take a look at the
Wikimedia Norge have three programs for the 2017–2018 funding period:
- Program Supporting communities
- Program Closing content gaps
- Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge
Each program has three main axes to give the programs a clear strategic direction:
- A: Community involvement
- B: Partnerships
- C: Diversity
WMNO was asked by WMF staff to rewrite over application from April 1, 2017. The rewritten application (the program section is rewritten) is published here. Program 3 in our rewritten application is about: raising the awareness of free, trusted knowledge on the Wikimedia projects and beyond by partnering with others in the knowledge ecosystem. Program 3 consists of work we have done to some extent in the past funding periods as well, but it has not been separated into a program on it's own and reported on. We hope the rewritten program section is a clarification of our work and reads as an improvement from the application from April 1, 2017.
The impact of WMNO’s work is achieved through collaborations between a diversity of communities, partner organizations and for the remaining 6 months of this funding period WMNO will
- give relevant support to contributors on the wiki projects
- continue established partnerships, nationally and internationally
- build on already established partnerships in our work on Northern Sami Wikipedia
- participate at international wikimedia events and share our learnings
Community involvement and programs
We are continuing our focus on community involvement, something both the FDC and WMF staff has commented upon in the past as lacking in WMNO’s work. We are building trust among our communities. It takes time, but now we have a set of supporting activities that has been in place for 1-2 years, that community members know about and use. This gives as a much more solid foundation for our future work. The hiring of a full-time community manager since July 2017 has been crucial in achieving this, but also for WMNO’s participation in international collaborations, conferences and workshops. We have participated at:
- Wikimedia Norge and Wikimedia Armenia collaboration
- Celtic Knot Conference in Edinburgh (volunteer and staff)
- Wikimania in Montreal (staff and board members)
- Wikimedia Diversity Conference in Stockholm (volunteer and staff)
- Wikidata Conference in Berlin (staff)
- Volunteer Supporters Network in Berlin (staff)
- Partnerships workshop in Berlin (staff)
As a social movement, we will focus our efforts on the knowledge and communities that have been left out by structures of power and privilege.
Our Northern Sami project is progressing on plan as scheduled. The timing for a Northern Sami project is excellent: 2017 was the 100th anniversary for the first Sami assembly, which has been celebrated as Tråante 2017 with various events all over Norway, giving a boost to Sami issues. We also feel that this project fits extremely well with the new Wikimedia-wide strategic direction, especially when it comes to Knowledge Equity. As such we in Wikimedia Norge have a special responsibility (also according to our bylaws) to ensure the success of this Wikipedia. Phase 1 of the project, which was mainly about reaching out to potential partners, contributors and institutions, has finished (but of course that doesn't mean we'll stop doing outreach), and we have started phase 2 a bit ahead of schedule. We have started this project by devoting resources on working with Glam institutions on Wikidata, the crucial point in this project is not getting partners but editors and volunteers. We will report on that in our impact report. This project is also depending on national funding because of high travel expenses to the northern part of Norway.
We held a survey in November–December 2017 to learn more about former and current contributors to the Northern Sami Wikipedia, and are very satisfied with the results we got (read more about it under the section Program Closing content gaps). Holding a survey to reach out especially to former contributors helps us learn more about what specific issues the Northen Sami Wikipedia is facing, and what obstacles we need to address in order to bring in more contributors. As part of the outreach work, we also had our entire website translated professionaly into Northern Sami, to be able to reach Northern Sami-speaking people in their native language. We are in touch with three Sami language centers, and will hold our 2018 general assembly in one of them. We have also been accepted to be part of the program of the two biggest Sami festivals in Norway (both in July), Riddu Riđđu and Márkomeannu, to hold workshops and talk about Wikipedia.
To align our work to the new movement strategic direction with service and equity as the two cornerstones WMNO will
- focus on improving community involvement and giving community support
- continue to develop and strengthen partnerships with a selected group of Glam and higher education partner institutions
- expand our work on diversity issues by making these an integrated part of each of our programs
- WMNO hope to bring an important piece of the puzzle to move toward the new strategic direction.
For WMNO this means in our context to add missing languages and knowledge to the wiki projects, as we are working on in our Northern Sami project but also to try to work with refugee communities as we will do as a test project in February 2018. Diversity work is time consuming, and a long-term commitment is needed to get results. Progress is blocked primarily by lack of resources in terms of infrastructure, access, capacity and people, and perceptions of Wikimedia as a closed community. We need to work on our own organizational structures on diversity, as described here:
Wikimedia boards by default should also become inclusive and diverse (gender, ethnicity, ability, etc.) as soon as possible in their organisational development process. This can be encouraged by according bylaws as mentioned above, but also through incentives grant making schemes and coaching processes from WMF or specific working groups who can share best practices.
WMNO is becoming a trusted and valuable partner in our local context. This is why we can take on the challenge of expanding our work with the Northern Sami project. It has taken time and a lot of work to build this trust. Staff did have a tricky starting point in 2014-2015 that effected how we could do our work and how may doors would be open for collaborations and not. The fact that we are a 2,3 FTE organization means that we have to be very clear on what we can bring to the table as many people at big partner institutions assumes WMNO is a lot bigger than we actually are.
Since WMNO the last 2 years has focused on fewer partners, this has given the partnerships more stability and complexity, but at the same time the consequences if a partnerships ends will be bigger. Our partnerships are depending on a small group og people which also can be a risk. During the partnerships workshop WMNO participated at in Berlin in November a statement was written that will be important for WMNO’s work on further developing partnerships, both national and cross-affiliate partnerships:
We need to learn how to build and maintain better internal cross-affiliate partnerships, to avoid parallel, duplicate actions, increase sharing and learning and multiply the effect of human and financial resources available in the movement. Also we need to be strategic and systematic in establishing and maintaining external partnerships. We need to establish common ground with allies, as well as learn from each other and adapt, if needed, our own goals, structures, and dynamics. This will help us to reach out more and provide better service for wider audiences.
WMNO is currently working on revising our strategy and there is a gap between the international wikimedia movement, WMNO and our volunteer community. We need to work on bridging this gap and keep our work going on community trust and involvement. We have a 50 % increase in inquiries from community members and also the general public compared to last year, which tells us that more people want our help, wants to report issues, ask questions or share ideas. During the Wikipedia fundraiser, there is also a peak in inquiries on how the fundraiser is presented and executed. We do use social media to tell stories about our work, but among active editors many do not use social media.
WMNO’s annual meeting is March 3 and the election committee has had meeting with the staff and they do have a strong focus on a continued gender balance in the board and committees. There is currently a discussing among community members on the number of members in WMNO. The discussion is sparked by the upcoming annual meeting of WMNO March 3, 2018. This discussion taps into the ongoing international strategic discussion on movement roles, governance and resources.
We have been approved VAT compensation after applying in September 2017 (72,000 NOK) and we have been granted funding from The Arts Council (100,000 NOK). We have also been granted a travel grant from the NUUG (16,000 NOK). We are very happy to report that we have made a huge progress in diversifying the funding of WMNO as this has been a concern for both WMF staff and WMNO.
We are on budget on our spendings. Our travel expenses are higher than budgeted, but for some travels we have received national funding and planned travels are depending on getting national funding.
The increase from 1,7 FTE till 2,3 FTE is a major change for WMNO. 2 full time positions gives us a much better stability with one of us is it always possible to reach and it makes us more efficient in our work when staff have contact on a day to day basis. The salaries at WMNO is below the average level of salaries in Norway. If current staff members leave WMNO it will be a challenge to recruite new staff members with the same level of experience and qualifications. The alternative will be to recruit new staff members who are young and without experience, this will require a long period of learning and filling a position and this is a potential threat to the stability of WMNO. Another important question is also: How diverse is the leadership in our movement? Is the high ratio of female EDs and employees in (especially smaller) chapters something to celebrate, or also a symptom of a gender pay gap?
Program Supporting communities
Wikipedians at a WMNO guided tour at The Munch Museum
Wiki meetup at Oslo House of Literatur, January 2018
Intern from Oslo Metropolitan University working on a Wikidata / The National Library projcet
[edit]WMNO is an organization that works together with a diversity of communities and the hire of a full-time community manager has enabled us to expand our community work. The community manager is himself an experienced wikipedian /wikimedian and this has helped us in:
- responding to requests from editors
- discussing technical issues with partners, for example the possibilities wikidata offers
- guide our work in questions on what work should be done by staff and what work should or could be volunteer led
- ensure community involvement in projects with Glam partners, for example by using Phabriactor
- networking and contacts beyond the rather small group of (Norwegian) active editors the rest of the staff had. This again helps us avoid volunteer burn out
We have worked on having a realistic project managing, saying no to possible partnership that requires too much resources, but are trying to scale activities that do work. We do more work online than offline than we did a few years ago and stick to our rule to not organize events without partners and volunteers involved. The wiki meet ups in Oslo (4 times a year) are entirely community led. As the number of people attending is increasing (100 attendees at the last meeting), we will have to evaluate how WMNO can help. This is also a question about the obligations we have on Safe space policy and whether it’s fair for volunteers to ensure this policy alone with that many attendees.
The number of applications for wiki grants and travel grants have maybe not increased significantly, but now we receive applications without having to work hard to get editors to apply. The committee that reviews the grants are a mix of editors, staff and board members.
Community involvement is also a question of telling our stories to both people inside and outside the wiki community and building trust with our partners. With the help from both volunteers and partners we try to tell about work done on the wiki projects. All recipients of wiki grants write blog post for the WMNO blog and our interns also contribute to the blog. For the interns, it’s a way of show casing the experience they have from their internship. We focus on promoting diverse voices in social media and at events we take part in.
The gender gap on the wiki projects is an issue that gets a lot of public attention when discussed and WMNO has a unique position in Norway to raise this question. One example is the social media attention the event at the Researcher Days got. 3,600 clicked interested on Facebook. The event even led to an invitation for a WMNO staff member to be interviewed for a soon to be published nonfiction book on feminism in Norway. This event is also an excellent example of how we worked with 3 different partners (from Glam and education sector) and how we try to integrate our different programs and link our partners to hopefully inspire them to do further work together. But this event alone does not lead to many active new female contributors unfortunately. Our Gender gap work is very much built on former partnerships and this work is done step by step and we have a long-term perspective on what we can achieve.
We still have challenges on community involvement from active editors and this is a challenge that needs to be discussed and addressed both by staff and the board of WMNO as part of our ongoing strategy talks. In our work, we don’t differ between support given to members or non-members of WMNO. We don’t expect to make many changes to this program next year. We have expanded this program the last 6 months by starting our work on Northern Sami Wikipedia. This project is building on going GLAM and education partnerships. So far, we are very happy with the responses form possible partners and we are exploring different funding opportunities. Still, there is a challenge in how we can help revitalize an active Sami community, create activities and ensure involvement, and the project requires both monetary resources and staff time.
We are on track with this program. One target we will not meet is work on #1lib1ref /#faktajakt. The intern from Oslo Met who would have worked on #faktajakt has excellent technical skills so she has instead worked on a Wikidata project; adding items to Wikidata from the Sami bibliographies from The National Library. Both photo and online writing contest are a good way for WMNO to involve both community and partners. By improving and adding content partners have an interest in they get an example of how the wiki projects work and how content immigrates from wiki to wiki. We often tie offline events to contest to connect offline and online work and to engage both editors and partners. We also connect different events and contest to topics that are discussed in the public, for example the state election or The International Women’s Day. This gives a greater momentum to our activities and WMNO makes our voice heard in the public when we link events to ongoing discussions in society.
As a library student I was an intern at Wikimedia Norge's office in January 2018. I worked a lot with Wikidata projects and learned a lot of what I would like to include in my studies also. It's a wonderful project that many can benefit from in the other Wiki projects. Thumbs up!
— Anette Isabel Jahns Faksnes, intern from Oslo Metropolitan University
[edit]Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Award 12 wiki scholarships and travel grants | 13 | 10 | 16 | |
Award access (done twice a year) to online resources through the Wikipedia Library | 10 | 5 | 10 | |
Apply for press accreditation for volunteers | 7 | 9 | 14 | |
Share 10 stories written by editors on our blog about community initiatives, 5 of them in English | 11 (5 in English) | 8 (4 in English) | 12 | |
Help community members organise 5 wiki meetups for volunteers and 2 editing trainings for newbies | 9 | 5 | 10 | |
Organise 2 technical wiki meet ups | 0 | 1 | 2 | |
Provide streaming of 2 events | 1 | 1 | 2 | |
Organize or coorganize online editing contests | 7 | 3 | 6 | |
Continue our intern program | 2 interns | 1 intern | 2 interns | |
Organize #faktajakt/#1lib1ref | Participated in #1lib1ref | This year's intern worked on a Wikidata project instead of #1lib1ref | ||
Announce events on the village pump so active editors can help out online | We did this in 2016–2017 as well as this year |
So far, we have awarded 4 wiki grants: Two grants to Norwegian volunteers and two grants to Wikimedia Diversity participants from Bolivia and Bangladesh. All grants support diversity work. Already two applications have been handed in for the next deadline 15. February 2018.We have also awarded travel grants to editors to participate at wiki meet up in Oslo in September, #wikinobel in October and wikidata workshop in November in Oslo.
Then I shared the challenges we face in Bengali Wikimedia as we have very limited resources. I talked about how we are facing difficulties to allocate resource to ensure the diversity in wiki projects. Such as, in Bangladesh we lack enough active editors, so we do arrange workshop to make people (mostly students) aware about Wikimedia movements. In doing so, sometimes we could not target female students or other groups such as indigenous people due to unavailability of resources. Mobility is an issue for Bangladeshi women and girls. They sometimes may not have access to computer and internet. Same goes for indigenous group. (...) In Bangladesh, in order to ensure diversity in wiki projects we must include the voices from all marginalized group. As we have limited resource, we are facing difficulties to prioritize on effective distribution.
— Afifa Afrin, Community Director, Wikimedia Bangladesh, travelled to Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2017 on a wikigrant from Wikimedia Norge. Blog post on
In September, we award access to online resources through the Wikipedia Library which we twice a year. Access to The National Library's service from a foreign IP-address can be applied for throughout the year. Editor applies to WMNO, and then WMNO will apply to The National Library on behalf of the editor.
The number of requests for press accreditations have increased as the number of photographers involved. The images are used on many Wikipedias and have high quality.
At the celebration marking the first 25 years of Cosmopolite Concert Scene we have counted the concert photos taken in the recent years. Thanks to the cooperation and a generous access to the venue, our contributors have been able to illustrate 403 articles and biographies in 35 language editions with photography from Cosmopolite!
— Email from Commons photographer to PR manager at Cosmopolite Concert Scene
The new home page we made in 2016 is updated on a regularly basis and blog posts are written by several different people and both in Norwegian and English.
So far 5 wiki meetups have been organized, and these events are volunteer led and attracting more and more people. We do have to consider volunteer burn out as bigger events means more work and planning. This page gives an overview over wiki meetups.
November 18. we did a Wikidata workshop. It was organized by staff and volunteers together. 12 active editors participated and we will, based on the evaluation, do a follow up workshop in March, the same weekend as we have our annual meeting in Oslo. The feedback on the workshop was good and can be reviewed here.
With the help from volunteers we will stream our annual meeting March 3 so people who can’t join us in Oslo can participate.
We did an online editing contest during Wiki Loves Monuments 2017 from 11.-24 September, 2017. It generated 140 new articles. 2.-8 October 2.-8 we did an online editing contest on peace, linked to #wikinobel and the announcement of The Nobel Peace Prize. It generated 65 new articles. The article on the laureate, ICAN, we used as a show case article in the Open access event we did at The University of Oslo a month later. The Nobel Peace Centre sponsored a prize for the contest.
23.-29. October, we did an online editing contest during Open access week on publications. The contest generated 66 new articles.
The intern program we run welcome two intern a year from Oslo Metropolitan University and provides valuable help at our office. The intern in January 2018 has worked on a Wikidata-project on authors from the Norwegian National Library's database instead of #faktajakt /#1lib1ref as planned. It was a better use of her skills to get offer the student an opportunity to work on a Wikidata project. We are discussing with Oslo Metropolitan University and The National Library how we can possible develop the intern program together, or expand it. WMNO is a valuable partner for both institutions here since we have put a great effort in making the internships pay off for both the student and WMNO. For example, we use social media and our blog to promote the student’s projects and write articles on their work in a national journal for librarians.
All events and edit trainings are announce on the village pump so active editors can help newbies online or take part.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Get 3 partners as coorganizers for online editing contests | 5 | 2 | 3 | A decline here reflects that we have concentrated on fewer partners and that there's a limit to how many contests it's interesting to co-organize |
Get 4 sponsored prizes from partners for online editing contests | 5 | 1 | 3 | A decline here reflects that we have concentrated on fewer partners and there is a limit to how many prizes they will sponsor |
Get 5 venues to use for events as in kind donations | 9 | 7 | 11 |
The Nobel Peace Centre sponsored a prize for the online editing contest on peace. A decline in co-organizers and sponsored prizes reflects that we have concentrated on fewer partners. Besides paying for a venue for the wiki meetups in Oslo, all other venues are sponsored. Tøyen Start up Village is one of our next-door neighbours and have great venues we have use both for staff and board meetings, as well as the Wikidata workshop. The Start-up Village and is also an interesting discussion partner for WMNO when it comes to open access and technology issue.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Organise an online editing contests in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia on female biographies on Norwegian and Armenian Wikipedia | 4 week long contest | 2 week long contest in March 2018 | ||
Host an Art+Feminism workshop together with partner institution | Workshop at Oslo National Academy of the Arts | Planned workshop at Oslo National Academy of the Arts | ||
Hold a survey among editors on Northern Sami and establish contact with former and active editors | Survey is published here | |||
Provide translations of information about WMNO and Wikipedia in Northern Sami | Bylaws translated | and survey translated | Translation of results survey and blog post | |
Establish 2 new partnerships with Sami institutions | 2 |
We are very happy to continue our collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia and following what we learned from last year’s editing contest (learning pattern wrote together after the contest) in Norway and Armenia we are planning an online editing contests in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia on missing female biographies on Norwegian and Armenian Wikipedia. Both chapters will set up a wish list for the other countries on missing biographies. As with most of our other activates, we are building on past years work and will also this year do an Art+Feminism workshop together with Oslo National Academy of the Arts.
As part of our Northern Sami project, we conducted a survey in November/December 2017 amongst current and former contributors to the Northern Sami Wikipedia. The survey was available in Northern Sami, Norwegian and English. We targetted all users who had made more than 10 edits, and sent out the survey links by email (via Wikipedia) in order be able to reach those that are no longer active contributors to Wikimedia projects. Out of the 40 users we reached out to (who had enabled emails from other users on Wikipedia), 10 answered the survey, which we consider a pretty good response percentage-wise, even though the absolute number is quite low. The aim of the survey was to figure out the demography of the contributors, and to ask for their input and ideas about how to best achieve our goals. Despite a low number of respondents, we got a lot of valuable feedback that will be used in furthering this project. Seven out of the ten also agreed to be kept updated on the project's progress via a mailing list. This survey was specifically targetted at contributors, but we are also planning to do a separate survey targetting readers, but this is still on the planning stage.
We have also had some material translated into Northern Sami by professional translators. This includes our bylaws (as required by the bylaws themselves – we already had a translation, but it had not been updated to reflect changes to the bylaws since our foundation), the aforementioned survey and most pages on our website. In addition to this, we have made some technical changes that benefit the Northern Sami Wikipedia. The name of the language itself has been changed in MediaWiki from Sámegiella ("Sami") to Davvisámegiella ("Northern Sami") – there are many Sami languages, of which Northern Sami is the biggest. We have fixed the collation (sorting) of categories on the Northern Sami Wikipedia, and enabled the Article Placeholder, which uses data from Wikidata to create automatic entries on subjects that don't have an article yet. We are tracking the project on Phabricator under the tag WMNO-Northern-Sami, this being the first project we use Phabricator for.
We have applied to the organizers of two major Sami and indigenous people festivals (Márkomeannu festival and Riddu Riđđu Festival) to be part of their festival program 2018 and are very excited to be accepted at both. One of the strong recommendations we got during our workshop at The Celtic Knot Conference was to join big events that attracts the same target group as we want to get to know and connect with. In a meeting with the Sami parliament in the city of Tromsø in September they recommended WMNO the same. WMNO have a new meeting with The Sami parliament in February 2018. This is an important chance for us to advocate for our work and find ways of working with important Sami institutions. The representatives from the Sami parliament were very enthusiastic about our work and this gives us an opportunity to continue our dialog with them to consider doing efforts in making Northern Sami language and knowledge used and known. The Sami parliament already supports a number of initiatives related to promoting Sami languages. We are planning for workshops and activities during the festivals with the excellent help from the Sami advisory group we have put together. Our plan is that one volunteer and one staff member will join each festival. However, the festivals are in remote locations in the northern part of Norway so travel expenses are very high and we are considering options to get funding for travels. In fact, our participation will require additional funding but we do think this will be the best opportunity we get in 2018 to connect with the Sami community and a chance to work closely with one or more Sami volunteers. So far our work with the Northern Sami project have proven to be an unique opportunity for WMNO to also connect and learn from wikimedians around the world and truly benefit from the international dimension of the Wikimedia movement. We welcome the new strategic direction which we read and understand as a motivation for the Northern Sami project. By setting up an advisory group we hopefully can share our learnings with other Wikimedians as the project develops.
Metrics and targets for this program
[edit]See metrics and targets listed for this program in our rewritten proposal from January 2018
- Participants: 424
- Newly registered: 40
- Content pages: A: 5,677 B: 271 new articles, 51 of them on Northern Sami Wikipedia, the number would be significantly higher if we knew how to calculate the number of improved articles in weekly editing contests as well. C: 810. Total: 6,758
- Diversity:
- Community hours: 290
Program Closing content gaps
Protest to mark support for Sami reindeer herder Jovsset Ante Sara in Oslo
Sabine Rønsen, former intern from Oslo Metropolitan University, during her Lightning talk at Wikimedia Diversity Conference 2017
Image from the Bodil Biørn collection, project on transcription of image descriptions funded by The Arts Council
[edit]The past years we have worked on focusing on fewer partners. This was an advice we got during the last on site visited from WMF staff. We have narrowed it down to 4 Glam partnerships and 4 higher education partnerships. The impact we achieve is bigger when we take on the role as a linker between different partners we know well compared to ad hoc collaborations. This is a reasonable approach for WMNO now, but it does make us vulnerable if a partner would like to end a collaboration. In the Northern Sami project our plan is to include 2 new partners. This will be a way of a strategically growth for WMNO. Our work is based on a quite informal and personal approach, which makes sense in a Norwegian context, but again we a very depended on a small group of people working in the different Glam and education institutions. Many Sami institutions are in the northern part of Norway, so the mentioned personal approach requires resources, both time, money and staff.
Several of our partnerships have been developed over years, and these partner institutions know us well and see us as a trusted and important partner. This is something we have put a lot of resources into. Our Glam partners also do important advocacy work on behalf of WMNO. Cultural heritage and the gender gap have so far been the best angles to advocate for the wiki projects on an institutional level.
During the last year, we have shifted our focus in content work in GLAM partnerships from cultural heritage in general to content specifically related to Sami cultural heritage and gender gap and will explore options for national funding. Our partners have welcomed this shift as it’s a narrower focus and it’s easier for them to suggest ideas to work on together with us. Our participation in The Europenana 1914-1918 challenge is also a good example on how working with many different partners on one topic works really well and we were awarded in the category The highest quality produced, winners were announced on the Europeana blog.
Compared to last year the metric content pages is low. This is because we with the help of our community manager could start discussions with Glam partners on the use of Wikidata and a bot running major mass uploads to Commons have been paused. Also, the mass uploads create a backlog of images in need of categorization, cropping, adding metadata, etc., which can be a daunting task for volunteers. Without the community manager WMNO could not have taken this step to expand and develop Glam partnerships. In our context, this is not work that can be started by volunteers. We did a small test project with a small archive at a university last funding period and has this fall worked on ideas on interesting Wikidata projects that we wanted to be part of our work on the Northern Sami Wikipedia. The intern this January and other editors have added authors from the Sami bibliography from The National Library and this spring we will start working on getting Sami place names shared with us from The Norwegian Mapping Authorities on Wikidata, with help from Wikimedia Sverige. The intern has received training and help on Wikidata from different volunteers, also on the school assignment she is writing on Wikidata and libraries.
On behalf of The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute, I am pleased to endorse the project of Wikimedia Norge and The National Archive in Oslo to digitize photos of Bodil Biørn and transcribe descriptions of them. (...) The photos of Biørn are valuable and important documentations of Armenia and Armenian history as they depict the life, culture, and customs of Armenian people of the Ottoman Empire. These documents can play a huge role in the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and in the prevention of future genocides.
— Endorsement letter for Wikimedia Norge's funding application to The Arts Council, written by Suren Manukyan, Deputy Director of Armenian Genocide Museum&Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
The collaboration we have with Wikimedia Armenia started with an online editing contest about Armenia and Norway. During this collaboration, we could discuss the idea of doing a digitalization and transcribe project on images taken in Armenia from about 1905-1930 by the Norwegian Bodil Biørn. The images are at The National Archive in Oslo. WMNO received 100 000 NOK in funding from The Arts Council in Norway for this project. The project and the funding application to The Arts Council in Norway were endorsed by The National Archive in Oslo, Wikimedia Armenia and the Genocide Museum in Armenia. WNNO were 1 of 24 applying for funding, and 14 projects were granted funding from The Arts Council, who writes in the grants announcement:
The Arts Council do note that two of the projects are particularly important in light of the perspective women in history. (...) One of these is Wikimedia Norge’s project “The photo albums from Bodil Biørn”, where 200 photos will be digitalized and the image descriptions written by missionary, nurse and midwife Bodil Biørn (1871–1960) will be digitalized and transcribed. Biørn proselytized in Armenia from 1907 till 1935 and witnessed the mass killings of Armenians in The Ottoman Empire during World War I. This material is assessed as having significant national and international interest and it’s encouraging that a process is started to bring it into the open.
This project will run from January 2018-September 2018. An important factor in establishing this project, and for WMNO to get funding, was the transcribathon workshop we did with Europeana in the 1914-1918 challenge.
Wiki Loves Earth was organized by volunteers for the first time in 2017 and an image from Svalbard, Norway came at 5th place. We learned that staff needs to be involved in some of the work during a photo competition, for example in the jury work and sending out prizes, so it’s done in reasonable time. In Wiki Loves Monuments, we this year had an international jury with representatives from Norway, Sweden and Armenia, blog post on
The last 6 months’ international collaborations, conference and workshop participation have been a priority for us. We have participated at:
- Celtic Knot Conference in Edinburgh (volunteer and staff)
- Wikimania in Montreal (staff and board members)
- Wikimedia Diversity Conference in Stockholm (volunteer and staff)
- Wikidata Conference in Berlin (staff)
- Volunteer Supporters Network in Berlin (staff)
- Partnerships workshop in Berlin (staff)
The organizational stability of WMNO has enabled us to prioritize learning and sharing experiences with the wider Wikimedia movement to a bigger degree than before. Participating internationally has been important considering the work that is done on the new strategic direction. More focus on international collaboration has helped us in developing ideas and projects, but it also demands resources: staff time and money. To illustrate this, during the period 15. September till 28. November, we had 23 travel and conference days.
We have given about 4 Wikipedia lectures at 4 higher education institutions. The metrics from these trainings are very good. We track all results in the outreach dashboard. This tool is very important for our work and we strongly endorse any further development of this tool. We don’t have resources to expand the number of Wikipedia lecturers at higher education institutions. Volunteers are involved in the trainings by doing some of them alone or together with staff, for example former intern Sabine did the train the trainers workshop at the Celtic Knot Conference in 2017. Other volunteers that have the skills to do trainings can refuse to use the dashboard solution because they have issues with WMF or the concept of global metrics, so we are unable to track results. This spring a volunteer trainer will join us at the Wikipedia lecture at University of Oslo to use it as a learning session on how staff organize a Wikipedia lecture. We support all volunteers in giving trainings whether editing is tracked or not.
For the Northern Sami project, we have gathered an advisory group consisting of experienced Wikimedians from smaller-language and indigenous-language communities. The idea of the group is to gather perspectives and exchange ideas with a diverse group of participants, in order to learn more about what's being done languages and communities that have challenges that are similar to the ones Northern Sami has, and also draw on these users' experience with things we in WMNO might not be all too familiar with, to further our project. The group currently consists of users from Bolivia, Wales, Indonesia, the Netherlands and the Basque Country.
Your support for Northern Sami shows that Wikimedia Norge cares for the small guy, the weak and diversity!
— Robin Owain, Wales Manager, Wikimedia UK and member of WMNO's Sami advisory group
[edit]Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Upload high quality images with usage on different language editions of Wikipedia |
35,028 Image/media usages 7,804 / 22 % |
2,647 | 12,647 | The decline is a result of our focus on fewer partners over time. They have contributed with large image uploads already. But at the same time we have an increase in Wikidata-projects an ideas we are exploring with our partners. This is particular important for our work on Northern Sami Wikipedia. |
Engage in international partnerships with other Wikimedia affiliates | 1 | 2 | 3 | We are continuing our collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia and will work with Wikimedia Sverige in Wikidata projects where they have loads of experience. Plans for a third cross chapter collaboration are being discussed |
Organise 2 photo contests: Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth | 2 | 1 | 2 | |
Organize a 2 week long online writing contest with Wikimedia Armenia in March 2018 | March 2018 | |||
Collaborate and learn from Wikimedia Sverige on a Wikidata mass upload | Spring 2018 | |||
Active participation in four international Wikimedia conferences | 2 | 2 | 4 | With active we mean that we take part in the program of the conference (workshop, lightning talk etc.) |
Set up an international wikimedian advisory group on small language Wikipedias for the Northern Sami project | Done in December 2017 | |||
Co-write 2 Learning patterns from cross chapter work | 1 | 2 | Learning pattern: Conference workshop to help kickstart a project on a smaller language Wikipedia | |
Allocate resources from WMNO to two international conferences of highly relevance to WMNO’s programs | 2 | We have supported Celtic Knot 2017 and Wikimedia Diversity Conference financially |
By applying for press accreditations to concerts and music festivals and organizing photo contests, high quality images are uploaded to Commons. During Wiki Loves Monuments 383 photos were uploaded to Commons, image use 18,5 %. 140 new articles were written during the editing contest in Wiki Loves Monuments. The jury for the photo contest consisted of a group of wikimedians from Norway, Sweden and Armenia. During Wiki Loves Earth 344 photos were uploaded to commons, image use: 5,2 %.

The project page for our drone project can be read here. On this page you can see the media that has been uploaded as part of the project. We are currently planning with a volunteer to do a drone safari in March 2018 to show more interested volunteers how the drone is operated and used accordingly to Norwegian laws and regulations. We are also considering the possibility of lending the drone to a user group that don’t have the resources to get a drone themselves.
In March 2018, we will organize a 2 week long online writing contest with Wikimedia Armenia on female biographies. Learning from last year’s contest in Norway we will not have a jury, but use the bot we have in place already for the weekly editing contest on the Bokmål, Nynorsk and Northern Sami Wikipedia. This requires much less resources, both in volunteer time and staff time. In June 2017 the Armenian winner of the Armenian-Norwegian writing contest in 2016 visited Norway. During his visit he participated in the Europeana 1914–1918 workshop at the Arts Council, a tour of the National Archives, where we looked at materials from Bodil Biørn who was a midwife, nurse and missionary in Armenia, and went on a tour of the Munch museum with several Wikipedians. The Norwegian winner visited Armenia in July. A blog post from his travel can be read here.
We will start the work on the Sami place names on Wikidata this spring with help from Wikimedia Sverige. It was a long process to get this file, it took us about a year from we started our inquiries till we got the file, so we are very excited about doing this. Place names is something that are important for many people, especially the place you come from yourself, so we thought it was a nice place to start adding relevant Sami information to Wikidata. We are thinking of doing the workshops at the Sami and indigenous people festivals this summer on place names. But again, this requires that we get funding for travel expenses.
Two board members and one employee participated in Wikimania in Montréal in August. Amongst other things, they met with representatives of the FDC, which gave us good feedback on our work. As kick off for our Northern Sami Wikipedia project, to staff members and a volunteer participated at the Celtic Knot conference in Edinburgh in July, where we organized a workshop. The theme of the conference was minority language Wikipedias. Sabine Rønsen participated in the train the trainers pre conference workshop. This was a way for WMNO to get a qualified volunteer trainer and for the volunteer to get valuable experience. She has committed to do 4 Wikipedia trainings on behalf of WMNO in 2017–2018 and this has allowed us to scale the number of trainings we do slightly.
One staff member participated at the WikidataCon in Berlin in October 2017 and a 2 days meeting for the Volunteer Supporters Network in Berlin in November 2017.
Wikimedia Diversity Conference we co-hosted a skill sharing session. A volunteer, Sabine Rønsen, held a lightning talk. During June and July 2017, she had a summer job at the WMNO office. She worked on several projects related to Wikipedia's gender gap, including work on the Wikimedia Diversity Conference. A summary of interviews she made can be read here (in Norwegian). Afifa Afrin, community director from Wikimedia Bangladesh has written a blog post about the conference for the WMNO blog as well as Eddie Avila, Director of Rising Voices, and a volunteer author from Bolivia, who has written about the Mapping Project of Wikipedia in Indigenous Languages. All members in the Sami advisory group are in fact people we have met during the Celtic Knot Conference, the Wikimedia Diversity Conference and the partnerships-workshop in Berlin. One staff member participated at a 2 day partnerships-workshop in Berlin in November. Following this workshop, the group has published a statement about partnerships in light of the new strategic direction. The statement is an invitation to a productive discourse about partnerships within our movement and beyond – in the context of the Movement Strategic Direction. The statement can be read here.
We have co-written a learning pattern from our workshop at the Celtic Knot Conference and are working on another based on our session at the Wikimedia Diversity Conference. WMNO is a small chapter and so far not on a level where we can organize and host international conferences. We have prioritized to financially support conferences of highly relevance to WMNO’s programs: Celtic knot and Wikimedia Diversity Conference. This is a way for WMNO to contribute internationally according to the resources we have. Our contributions are spending under one of our 3 programs. We also contributed to the planning and organizing of the Wikimedia Diversity Conference, which was a great way of learning how conferences are planned and learning from staff and volunteers at Wikimedia Sverige.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Continue 3 established Glam partnerships and establish 1 new with a Sami Glam institution | 4 | 4 | 5 | |
Encourage and help with mass uploads with a focus on Sami cultural heritage | 1 | 2 | ||
Organize 3 online writing contests with topics relevant for Glam institutions | 6 | 1 | 1 | A decline here reflects that we have concentrated on fewer partners |
Give Wikipedia lecturers at 4 higher education institutions | 4 | 2 | 2 | |
Welcome two interns from a higher education institutions to our office in January and May | 2 | 1 in January | 1 in May |
Our main Glam partners are: The National Library, The National Archive, The Nobel Peace Center and The Directorate for Cultural Heritage. We are in discussion with several Sami institutions. We are adding the Sami bibliography from The National Library (about 17,000 items) to Wikidata and will during spring add Sami place names we have access to from The Norwegian Mapping Authority.
Wikipedia is an important channel for sharing academic knowledge, and it is crucial that students learn more about Wikipedia, as they do from Wikimedia Norge's Jorid Martinsen during her Wikipedia lectures. From her courses my students gain knowledge on how Wikipedia works, on the gender gap on Wikipedia, on what subjects are covered and which are not on Wikipedia. The students also gain technical skills while learning how to publish and edit Wikipedia articles. I would say that the learning value is great. Turning one's own academic work into Wikipedia articles gives learning results and pride to the students. I also hope that these MA students’ knowledge makes Wikipedia even better.
— John McNicol, Associate Professor in History, The University of Oslo
We have held Wikipedia lecturers at the University of Oslo and with the help of several volunteers participated at a full day event at The University of Tromsø. This event aimed at increase the coverage of and participation by women in Wikipedia. We used the Wikipedia outreach dashboard to track edits. We supported the event with a wiki grant. At The University of Tromsø in September Sabine Rønsen teached about Wikipedia and the gender gap. There is a group of female participants who participated at this event meeting for editing nights on a regular basis writing female biographies. The main organizer, Hilde Blix from The University of Tromsø, has throughout 2017 written female biographies on Wikipedia. We are discussing with Blix at The University of Tromsø and other chapters of doing a major event in 2019, depending on funding from a Nordic fund.
In the Wikipedia lecture at the University of Oslo 19 students participated in September and their edits are tracked in Wikipedia outreach dashboard. Next lecture is February 9 2018.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Involve two Glam partner institutions in Wikidata uploads and one new Sami partner institution | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Organize Art+Feminism | In March 2017 at Oslo National Academy of the Arts | In March 2118 at Oslo National Academy of the Arts | ||
Organize a cross chapter collaboration | Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia | Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia | Collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia |
We are working with The National Library on a Wikidata upload (Sami bibliography) and on Sami place names from The Mapping Authority. We need to assess how much resources this kind of work requires and how we can involve active editors in the work. Our cross-chapter collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia is described above. We are expanding this collaboration step by step by outbidding funding and including The National Archive as a partner.
Metrics and targets for this program
[edit]See metrics and targets listed for this program in our rewritten proposal from January 2018
- Participants: 235
- Newly registered: 54
- Content pages: 2,947
- Diversity: 400
- Community hours: 133
Program Raising awareness of free, trusted knowledge
Newspaper article on wikinobel and Wikipedia
Debate led by Jorid Martinsen (WMNO) during The Researcher's Days in September 2017. On stage is Merete Røstad from The Oslo National Academy of the Arts and Hege Stensrud Høsøien from The National Library
Open access week, Jorid Martinsen (WMNO) and Svein Engelstad from University of Oslo at a WMNO event
WMNO has a strong group of partners in Glam and among higher education institutions and through these partnerships we can raise the awareness of free, trusted knowledge. Our Glam partners share the ambition of raising questions of which place women have (not) been given in history and improving the access to Sami cultural heritage. The higher education partners also take part in many public discussion on open access and trusted knowledge. These networks are important arenas for the advocacy work WMNO does. Until this funding period this has not been a highly-prioritized area for WMNO, but we now try to use already established events and collaborations to do advocacy, for example #wikinobel and the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize, Open access week at The University of Oslo and The Researchers’ Days organized by The Researcher Council. The Researcher's Days is a national annual festival where all types of institutions working with research and knowledge are invited to show off their work to the public. For WMNO it’s also a question of reaching more people (editors, readers, funders, partners) and making sure more people are aware of WMNO and our work. The event we did during this year during The Researcher's Days was a big success. We invited both a representative from a Glam institution and a representative from a higher education to a debate on Women's place in history. We have made a communication plan and measure the communication work we do about each quarter.
Women’s History is forgotten and overlooked. We need to take on the responsibility for this together. We are happy to collaborate with Wikimedia Norge to make sure we are five minutes ahead of our children, and rewrite the history as an common effort.
— Hege Stensrud Høsøien, Departement Director for Research and Dissemination at The National Library of Norway
[edit]Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Regularly update social media channels with stories from community members and our national and international work | Communication report that reflects our work in 2017 | |||
Have photo documentation from events | Done occasionally | Done on a regular basis | ||
Get national press coverage x 2 | 6 | 4 | 3 | |
Send out 4 newsletters during the year to all WMNO members | 4 | 2 | 4 | |
Post 15 blog posts on our blog | 16 | 13 | 20 |
To tell the stories about our work on WMNO’s blog and in sociial media we need photos from the events we do. And with the help from volounteers who are Commons photographers we have nive images we can use.
This year we wrote a news article to mark #wikinobel and the chair of the WMNO board initiated and did a survey of political parties regarding Wikipedia and free licenses. This survey was also published in the Norweagian journal Vox Publica, a journal about democracy and freedom of speech.
To keep the members of WMNO and others informed about over work we send out a newsletter 4 times a year and we regually update our blog and the Events calender on our home page. We have scaled the resources we use on information work to the level we think it should be considering the size of WMNO and number of volounteers that have an interest in this.
As described above major national events like the Reasercher’s days (Writing women into history) and Open access Week are highly relevenat arenas for WMNO to join and use to raise awarenss about Wikipedoa and free knowledge. At the Writing women into history event about a 100 people participated, about 3,600 clicked interested at the Facebook event and about 800 have wtached the streaming we did of the event.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Work in partnerships with two annual national events on science, open knowledge and open access and | 1 | 2 | The Researcher Days and Open access week at University of Oslo | |
During these events use social media actively to advocate for knowledge equity and questions on open access | Communication report that reflects our work in 2017 | |||
Use the annual event #wikinobel, a collaboration between WMNO and the Nobel Peace Center, to advocate (press coverage, social media) for the importance of free knowledge | Wikimedia blog post written by WMNO staff | News article written by WMNO staff | ||
Support the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU | Gave support | We'll transfer our contribution in June 2018 |
At the Open Access event at The Univeristy of Oslo October 25. we did a presentation on Wikipedia and fake science at the Univeristy library, followed by a workshop on how to edit Wikipedia. We expected to attract students, but most of the participants were staff members from the Univeristy library. We also presnted the tool Citation hunt, and an email with information about this tool was after the evnt send out to all univeristy librarins by one og the partciatig staff members. The tool is available in both Bokmål and Nynorsk.
Networking at different Glam conferneces is also an importnat way of raising awareness. We have printed stickers and post cards to promote Nortern Sami Wikipedia to hand out at events. we have participated at The Arts Council’s annual conference on Sami art and history and the Directorate for Cultural Heritage’s conference on Sami monumnents in Tromsø. At this confernece we presented our work on Northern Sami Wikipedia. Celebrating the 100 year markering for the first congress for the Sami people, Tråante, in 2017, WMNO could use this to raise awreness about sharing Sami cultural heritage on the Wiki-projects and start a discussion on why on how we can create a community on Northern Sami Wikipedia.
Tråante 2017 is both a national celebration in Norway and a jubilee for Sami people from Sweden, Finland and Russia as well. Everyone is welcome to join the celebration of course, regardless of cultural background. During the celebration there will be a certain focus on democracy, justice and diversity. What we want is that Tråante 2017 gives people better understanding about the sami people; their culture and history during this centennial.
— Published on: http://www.trå
WMNO was in January 2018 asked to nominate a candidate for Open Government Partnerships group in Norway. The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. We have nominated a candidate. Wikinobel was also this year at The Nobel Peace Center October 6. and a group of Wikipedians will be present at the Nobel Peace Center for #wikinobel to cover the prize and the laureate(s) in a good way. The day before we got an news article on print in a major Norwegian news paper, which we later published on the WMNO blog. #wikinobel is an excellent occation to discuss free knowledge and parts of the article addressed the blocking of Wikipedia in Turkey.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments |
Host or co-host two events with partner institutions about the lack of diversity and underrepresented groups on the Wikimedia projects | 2 | 2 | 3 | |
Do 4 Wikipedia editing trainings with higher education partners | 4 | 2 | 2 |
The event at the University of Tromsø and the event during The Researcher's Days were both about the gender gap on Wikipedia and in the writing of history in general. At the Wikipedia lectures at Universities about 40-50 % of the attending students are female, so this is a good opportunity to reach new female editors.
Wikipedia is a tool so many of us in our everyday lives, yet have little knowledge of how it’s edited, updated and influenced. Learning to edit Wikipedia is a unique way to make sure the knowledge my students have is shared with the rest of the world.
— Åse Schytte, teacher at Åsane Folkehøgskole
Metrics and targets for this program
[edit]See metrics and targets listed for this program in our rewritten proposal from January 2018
- Participants: 184 + 828 watched streaming of the Researchers' Days event: Writing women into history
- Newly registered:
- Content pages:
- Diversity: 40 % of newly registered define themselves as women
- Community hours: 49
Revenues received during this six-month period
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. = Exchange rate: 0.119 USD
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan Membership fees and privat donations NOK 112,000 27,318 8,098 35,416 13,328 4,215 APG from Wikimedia Foundation NOK 1,850,000 462,500 462,500 925,000 220,150 110,075 Other project funding NOK 60,000 72,765 72,765 7,140 8,659 Prizes and food donated by partners NOK Not budgeted 2,000 2,000 4,000 476 Prizes sponsored by The Nobel Peace Center Venues paid for by partners NOK Not budgeted 15,000 15,000 30,000 3,570 Wikinobel at The Nobel Peace Center, UiO - Open Access editing event. Kulturhuset Researcher's night, Tøyen Start Up Village x 3 TOTAL NOK 2,022,000 506,818 560,363 1,067,181 240,618 126,995
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Notes Tabel 2:
- So far this funding year 10,5 % of our revenues are national funding or income, in kind donations not included. WMNO was granted 100,000 NOK from The Arts Council in Norway in December, and 80 % of the grant was paid out in January 2018 and the remaining 20 % we will get when the Bodil Biørn-project is finished in September 2018.
Spending during this six-month period
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. = 0,119
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Payroll expenses NOK 1,268,004 376,113 352,049 728,162 150, 893 86,651 57 % Rental cost NOK 126,000 22,139 21,093 43,232 14,994 5,145 34 % Leasing machinery etc. NOK 10,000 313 0 313 1,190 37 3,13 % Tools, furniture, movables etc. NOK 15,000 13,423 1,000 14,423 1,785 1,716 96 % New computer for staff member Repair and maintenance NOK 2,000 425 580 1,005 238 120 50 % Foreign services NOK 150,000 44,956 9,394 54,350 17,850 6,468 36 % Some billing for Q4 are not included here yet, about 20,000 NOK Office supplies NOK 16,000 432 213 645 1,904 77 4 % Telephone and postage NOK 11,000 0 4,075 4,075 1,309 485 37 % Travel expenses (staff and board) NOK 82,000 61,632 34,648 96,280 9,758 11,457 117 % Underbudgeted. Compared to last year we have done a lot more traveling to take part at international Wikimedia events. Some of the travels we have received funding for though. Sale, advertising and representation NOK 30,000 8,557 2,122 10,517 3,570 1,252 35 % Insurance and guarantee expenses NOK 0 344 344 689 82 Program 1 NOK 100,000 60,365 31,913 92,278 11,900 10,981 92 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 2 NOK 80,000 17,821 9,294 27,115 9,520 3,227 34 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Program 3 NOK 90,000 11,766 16,482 28,248 10,710 3,362 31 % See License and patent expenses in our quarterly reports Other expenses NOK 15,000 2,033 1,900 3,933 1,785 468 26 % TOTAL NOK 1,995,004 620,320 484,946 1,105,226 237,406 131,528 55 %
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Notes Tabel 3:
[edit]Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
[edit]As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
[edit]- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- --Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) (talk) 18:31, 2 February 2018 (UTC)
[edit]Resources to plan for measurement
[edit]- Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
- Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.
- Importantly, both qualitative and quantitative measures are important so consider both as you determine measures for your evaluation and be sure to ask the right questions to be sure to capture your program stories.
Resources for storytelling
[edit]- WMF storytelling series and toolkit (DRAFT)
- Online workshop on Storytelling. By Frameworks institute
- The origin of storytelling
- Story frames, with a focus on news-worthiness.
- Reading guide: Storytelling and Social change. By Working Narratives
- The uses of the story.
- Case studies.
- Blog: 3 Tips on telling stories that move people to action. By Paul VanDeCarr (Working Narratives), on
- Building bridges using narrative techniques. By
- Differences between a report and a story
- Question guides and exercises.
- Guide: Tools for Knowledge and Learning. By Overseas Development Institute (UK).
- Developing a strategy
- Collaboration mechanisms
- Knowledge sharing and learning
- Capturing and storing knowledge.