This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.
For each program include the following table and
Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
New editors
New or improved content
New Wikipedia content
in other languages than Dutch
Retention of new editors
planned 2017
achieved Q1/Q2
planned 2017
achieved Q1/Q2
planned 2017
achieved Q1/Q2
planned 2017
achieved Q1/Q2
planned 2017
achieved Q1/Q2
Community Health
Practical support to the community
Increasing participation and stimulating diversity
Michael, harbour porpoise. Picture donated by our partner Ecomare.
2017 is the first year in Wikimedia Nederland’s new strategic cycle. The basis for this is the Strategy 2017 - 2020. Key concept in this strategy is that WMNL aims to equally serve editors, knowledge contributors such as GLAM partners, and the readers of the Wikimedia projects.
Simultaneously, we want to focus on activities that have substantial measurable impact on the Wikimedia projects, or contribute to creating favourable conditions for such impact in the near future.
We laid out our plans for 2017 in the Annual Plan, and are now well over six months into implementation.
Some highlights and lessons learned:
We received a major donation from a private grantmaking foundation. We are involving the community in deciding how best to use these funds.
Two new Wikipedians in Residence started work: at the regional heritage organisation Erfgoed Gelderland and at UNESCO-Nederland. The cooperation with Erfgoed Gelderland is proving to be a valuable and replicable template for working with small GLAMs.
The Wikimedia-community in the Netherlands is very active, but naturally also fairly small. We are beginning to notice activity fatigue: apart from the challenges, writing events and competitions organised by WMNL, there are also community-initiated activities which call upon the time and energy of editors. We are becoming very choosy in deciding which activities to organise or participate in, with impact on the Wikimedia-projects an important factor.
The same applies to processing content donations: although a small number of volunteers enjoy this and have the necessary skills, they are not always available or interested. In the interest of the readers, we are now bringing in outside help to process the upload of important content. We will also continue to train more volunteers and GLAM staff in uploading content via PattyPan.
We are increasingly looking to widen our impact beyond the Netherlands and the Dutch community. The project Nederland and the World is a concrete example. But we are also supporting affiliates in other countries by acting as fiscal sponsor, or through staff exchange visits. We see WMNL not just as the chapter for the Netherlands, but as a clearing house and service station for the global movement. In March, we organised an activity for refugees and this autumn we will be involved in an attempt to bring in editors from the Surinam and Dutch Carribean communities.
Organising small writing events is an appealing activity, both for GLAM partners and volunteers, and the formula of bringing (novice) editors together to work on a specific topic sounds like common sense. However, we are finding that results in terms of added content and new editors are negligible. Therefore we have decided to review our approach, restricting our involvement in ad hoc writing events/editor training and focussing resources on developing a high quality training programme and better support for new editors.
In the following sections we describe our activities in detail and provide information on the impact. As usual, we use color-coding to mark progress:
A community that does not accept inappropriate behaviour, has a practice of correcting such behaviour in a constructive manner and where key individuals have the skills to intervene effectively. Also a viable community which is more or less representative of wider society with a steady influx of new editors.
Activities 2017
Increase skills of key individuals in community to deal with/prevent conflicts or inappropriate behaviour
make operational e-learning programme on online communication skills and actively encourage editors to take part
train and support community -e-coaches to support and promote better communication on-wiki
support individual training requests, especially by moderators and arbcom members aiming to increase their skill-set
use the Wikimedia Nederland Conference as a venue for further capacity building
Increase and strengthen interpersonal relations within the community to reinforce resilience and problem solving capacity
Create opportunities for Wikipedians to meet in real life: WikiSaturdays, New years reception, WikiMeets and Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland (WCN)
Create opportunities for Wikipedians to meet on social media
Strengthen community spirit and pride by recognizing and celebrating community achievements
Our partner e-Coach Pro has developed the first drafts of an e-Learning programme which will allow Wikimedians to further develop their skills in online communication. The content is reviewed by a group of experienced Wikipedians to ensure that it meets the needs of the editing community. The plan is that the programme will be online before the summer. The programme will be fully operational in September. It was originally planned for June, but was delayed because the consultants withdrew the first draft they were working on as they themselves felt it did not have sufficient quality to meet the brief.
Former train repair facility in Tilburg. Photographed during an activity organised by Tilburg public library, as part of out work with libraries.
Generally interaction with community members is constructive and correct. Earlier this year, there was one instance where a (banned) Wikimedian resorted to online harassment, bombarding several community members and admins, the members of ArbCom, and WMNL officials with abusive emails. At least on one occasion a mail appeared to contain threats of violence. Because of our responsibility for the safety of staff and visitors to the office, we contacted the local police to ask for advice, and improved security. ArbCom took the lead in liaising with WMF staff who took appropriate action. We were in touch with ArbCom throughout, and also reached out to external parties such as a journalist, a well known internet lawyer and activist, and some of our GLAM partners who were on occasion also included in mails. Things appear to have quieted down, although there still are sporadic outbursts.
The traditional New Years reception took place on January 21 at Museum Volkenkunde (Museum of Ethnography) in Leiden. Some 80 members of the Dutch community attended. The New Years reception is organised by WMNL but is open to all members of the community. Increasingly, it is becoming the venue for award ceremonies recognising contributions to the Wikimedia projects. This year, for the second time, WikiOwls were awarded to editors, projects and groups for outstanding contributions. Also, prizes were awarded for best articles during the annual writing contest. Both the owls and the writing-contest are community-led initiatives supported by WMNL.
There were 16 Wiki-Saturdays, including 5 Gender Gap Saturdays, when members of the gender gap group welcome and assist women interested in editing. We also organised discussions on fundraising, the WMNL articles of incorporation and the Wikimedia movement strategy during the WikiSaturdays.
Excursion computer museum
For WMNL-members, we organised a guided tour of the Computer Museum, part of the Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam. This museum can be visited only by special appointment, and only by a limited number of people at a time. Eight people attended. We very rarely organise ‘members only’ events, but thought this would be a nice way to recognise that we appreciate and value our members.
Wikimedia Nederland Conferentie: the conference will have “fake news” as its main theme. It is currently planned for November 4. A team of three experienced volunteers is developing the programme. The event now coincides with the Wikimedia DIversity Conference in Sweden. We are checking whether this would cause major problems and whether it is possible to reschedule to a later weekend in November. This will be the 10th WCN and the last one at our traditional location Meeting Plaza. During the conference, participants will get the chance to provide input on a revised format.
editor decline has slowed down compared to 2015 and 2016
+2,3% / +13.7 %
editor numbers appear to be stable - no growth
online training resources available and used by 100 editors
available in Q4
when surveyed after 6 months at least 50% of those report increased success in problem solving
survey will take place in 2018
increase of 15% in number of individuals attending the 20 planned WikiSaturdays and other ‘meet i.r.l.’events
160 visitors to Wikimedia Conference Nederland, of whom 40 first time attendees
113 / 55 firsttimers
planned in Q4
Risk assessment from APG proposal
The success of the community health programme depends entirely on the willingness of editors (a) to take part and (b) apply what they learn. Participating in the e-learning module is relatively low-threshold, as it can be done anonymously. Applying what has been learned in the everyday reality of Wikipedia-editing is more challenging, especially if it involves confronting others about inappropriate ways of communicating. That would mean standing out from the crowd and drawing attention to yourself. On the other hand, editors will have to be willing to reflect on/change their own behaviour and not see the training as a way to better point out where are others get it wrong. Risk could be limited if a small group of active and respected Wikipedians commits to the process and gets involved. We will invest in this - already some moderators and arbcom-members are actively involved.
Risk of not meeting targets: high - but worth taking. If this does prove to be a functional model, it can be replicated in other communities
State of affairs
The e-learnng programme is in development. So far the volunteers involved in commenting on drafts are positive and optimistic.
A majority of the community of editors is aware of the material and non-material support programme provided by Wikimedia Nederland and does not hesitate to make use of it.
The grants and reimbursements and other forms of support lead to clear and identifiable contributions to the Wikimedia projects.
Activities 2017
provide a small-grants programme, including reimbursement of travel costs to facilitate attendance in (international) events
new: provide information on non-financial support WMNL can give concerning getting access to data, accreditation, protesting against incorrect use of Commons images etc.
new: regularly inform newly registered editors of small grants programme and other support offered by WM
Wikimedia Netherlands develops workshops for volunteers, to share technical skills and knowledge with each other. The workshops are held at the Wikimedia office, but it is also possible to follow them online. In February, a workshop Wikimedia Commons and copyright was organised. 8 people attended the workshop live, 4 people attended on Google Hangout.
A group of 15 volunteers is involved in editor training and assisting at writing events and editathons. On May 11, WMNL brought all of them together for the first time to share experiences. The meeting resulted in a ‘do and don’t list’ for the preparation, running and evaluation of writing events and training sessions. It also produced a number of clear requests for support from WMNL such as developing a good training guide and facilitating trainer-training. The development of the training guide is now in progress, and two volunteers attended the WMUK train-the-trainer workshop in July.
We received 2 requests for small grants and awarded 5 scholarships for the Mediawiki Hackathon in Vienna, 1 for WikiCite (also Vienna), 1 for the Celtic Knot Conference in Edinburgh, 6 for Wikimania and 1 for Big Fat Brussels Meeting.
Concerning the scholarships for Wikimania and the Hackathon, we found it disappointing that all the applications came from Wikimedians who had received scholarships from WMNL before. Next year, we want to specifically target ‘novices’, approaching people directly to encourage them to apply for scholarships. When talking to Wikimedians, we find that they sometimes think they have to be actively involved in WMNL - activities to be able to apply for a scholarship. In actual fact, we judge applications mainly on expected impact on the Wikimedia projects. As with almost all WMNL programmes, we do not distinguish between members and non-members.
Recruiting new volunteers. We will no longer be able to work with three highly experienced and skilled volunteers to the extent we were accustomed to. Professional changes (leaving the country to pursue a PhD, becoming a full time employee of WMF, and finding a fulltime job) will mean that they will no longer be able to spend much time on Wikimedia volunteer work. Since all three were skilled trainers, facilitators and organisers this is a blow to the chapter, even though the number of volunteers actively involved with WMNL activities has doubled since 2013. We will focus on recruiting and training new volunteers.
Mediatraining for volunteers. In September/October we will organise a training ‘dealing with the media’ for volunteers. We will especially invite volunteers who in the past have given interviews about their Wikipedia-work.
15 applications for small grants received and processed
travel costs reimbursed for 30 volunteers
other forms of support provided to 25 volunteers
at least 100 articles added/improved and 1500 images uploaded as result of support
1107 articles,
814 images
77 articles
140 images uploaded
150 articles
400 images
one photographer attends events wihich will be attended by people of whom there is still no photograph on Commons
newly active editors informed twice a year about WMNL support programme
planned for August
at least six international scholarships provided
Risk assessment from APG proposal
This programme has been running for several years and - apart from the lack of interest in small grants - is running well.
Risk targets will not be met: low.
State of affairs
The number of applications for financial support remains low, although editors are aware of the possibility. The exception are international scholarships. We will point out the support programme to new editors in August.
Program 3: Increasing participation and stimulating diversity
By 2018, the decline in editors on NL Wikipedia is stopped, and preferably reversed. At least 20% of editors are women. There is a steady influx of new editors who are stll active after six months.
Activities 2017
support the gender gap working group in organising editathons, editor training and online events
new: develop a programme of activities around the centenary of women's’ voting rights
establish and maintain partnership with organisations focussing on gender issues and gender history, including Atria, Vrouwenraad (Council of women’s organisations)
organise/support editor training, in particular focussing on staff and volunteers of organisations with an affinity with free knowledge
new: set up and support facebook groups and other platforms where new editors can find help and support
new: develop a concise online manual for new editors, explaining basic ‘how to’ of editing, supported by training videos
Working on WikiData during a GenderGap WikiFriday in Atria
International women’s day
The gender gap group organized several campaigns around International Women's day. They also launched Facebook campaigns that ran in the week before March 8th. The gendergap volunteers had prepared different ways to contribute in the gendergap project:writing new articles, translation of articles and adding information to articles which are created in advance but still are missing important information. Pageview counts on Wikipedia showed that the stubs page was more popular than the translation page.
Writing events
On international Women's day, the #100Wikiwomenchallenge came to an end. Since november 29th 2016 Wikipedia editors published a new article each day. We are proud of the results, the community worked together supported by user Ecritures, who had the lead in this challenge. There were writing events at the KNAW (the Royal Academy of Sciences, on female academy members), Amsterdam University and Groningen University (female professors), and the architecture institute NAI (female architects). The 'The women you've never met' contest ran untill april 9th and led to an impressive amount of new pages on Wikipedia.
Gathering of the gender gap working group of Dutch-language Wikipedia at the library of Atria, Amsterdam.Meetups
Regular meetups took place on GendergapWikiFridays at our partner Atria, the institute for gender studies, and the Gendergap WikiSaturdays at the WMNL office.
Community Diversity: working with immigrant and refugee communities
On occasion, a promising and interesting new line of work appears to materialise out of nowhere. In Q1 and Q2 this happened around the theme of immigrant and refugee communities, with activities being developed in several programme clusters,
In February, we were approached by Wikimedian Farah Mustaklem of the Wikimedians of the Levant group, who offered to organise an editor training in Arabic for Syrian refugees in the Netherlands while he was visiting the country. WMNL got in contact with the NGO SYVNL, set up by Syrian Dutch to support the refugees, and together we organised a training in Zwolle on March 10, attended by 15 people. The training was successful, but to continue this line of work would require help and involvement of Arab-speaking Wikipedians. As there are refugees communities all through Europe, this project might be developed through interchapter cooperation as an online - activity, with local chapters supporting when and where necessary.
Immigrants - new and old
Group photo of the participants in the Arabic Wikipedia workshop in Zwolle, Netherlands
Both in the framework of Wiki Loves Monuments and the partnership with UNESCO-Nederland, the topic of Caribbean heritage and communities has come up. The Wiki Loves Monuments team is planning to include monuments from the Dutch Caribean and Surinam in this year’s competition.The cooperation with UNESCO Nederland focusses on Dutch entries to the Memory of the World Register, which include documents related to slavery and slave trade.
In the preparation for editing events and editor training, we realised that it would be unwise and unethical to work on this topic without active involvement of the Dutch-Surinam and Dutch Carribean communities, and the editing communities in the Dutch Carribean and in Surinam. Together with UNESCO and Wikipedian in Residence Sandra Fauconnier we are reaching out to community leaders and experts on the topic of this shared history and heritage,
If the work with the Carribean and the Surinam communities planned for Q3 and Q4 is successful, we will consider whether it is possible to continue working with refugee and immigrant communities in the Netherlands. Editing Wikipedia either in Dutch or in another language could contribute to the individual integration in the Netherlands of refugees and newcomers, and increase understanding of the background and the histories of immigrants and refugees and of not well known aspects of shared history among Dutch society.
The topic of involving immigrant communities in the Wikimedia projects was also raised when the Turkish government banned access to Wikipedia, and when internal unrest in Morocco affected the Moroccan community in the Netherlands. In the latter case, there was an increase in editing on NL-Wikipedia concerning the region most affected.
Assessing quality of information. WMNL is going to cooperate with the Wilhelmina Drucker Foundation in doing an analysis of the quality of information provided in the Dutch language Wikipedia about the womens' suffrage movement in the period 1870-1920. They will support the project financially as well as through providing expertise. The insights provided will help us focus writing events on gaps on knowledge, and identify relevant sources to fill those gaps. The projects will also be a test case in working with academics to assess the quality of content.
Extra funding. A large grant by a family fund (see below for more information) allows us to develop some extra activities in the gender gap programme. We are discussing with the volunteers which activities that should be. Suggestions include a hackathon for women, developing tools to identify gender-related content gaps in the WIkimedia-projects, and training on writing in a gender neutral manner. A decision will be made in August.
3 editor trainings organised focussing on increasing participation of women, with in total 45 participants
4 trainings, 44 participants
3 trainings/ 24 participants
5 trainings/ 40 participants
10% participants (at least 5) still active after 6 months
too early to assess
2 online or offline events related to anniversary of women’s voting rights
events planned around research results
at least 2000 items added or improved on the Wikimedia projects
there were no content donations in Q1-2. We expect these in Q3-4
decline in editors reduced compared to 2016
active editors increased by 2.3%
very active editors increased by 13.7%
editor numbers appear to be stable
Wikipedia beginners manual downloaded 100 times and consulted 750 times
Available in Q3
Facebook group for new editors to accompany beginners manual set up and has at least 75 members
Available in Q4
Risk assessment from APG proposal
There still is no magic formula for editor recruitment and retention. However, there now is real momentum around the gender-gap theme with a good support structure for new editors. The upcoming commemoration of women's suffrage will provide media attention that could support the project. We have submitted a funding application that - if awarded - would allow us to put more resources into this activity
Risk of not meeting targets: low-medium.
State of affairs
The original funding application was not successful, but we did receive other funding.
The Wikipedian in Residence programme continues to lay the foundation for longer running partnerships with GLAM institutions. GLAM-Wiki coordinators are appointed at more major GLAMs after residencies have ended.
Contributing to Wikimedia projects becomes common practice in the GLAM community, also involving smaller GLAMs with specialised collections. GLAMs develop the skills to contribute directly to the Wikimedia-projects, without assistance by volunteers or WMNL.
The community welcomes editing by staff of GLAM partners, leading to a more substantial improvement of content on Wikipedia.
A wider group of volunteers has the necessary skills to process content donations, mass uploads etc. Public libraries are equipped to develop local activities in support of Wikipedia
Activities 2017
Continue to host the GLAM-Wiki group, consisting of Wikipedians in Residence and GLAM-Wiki coordinators.
Support and facilitate exchange of experiences and joint activities
Facilitate involvement of small GLAMs
Encourage new Residencies, also by supporting fundraising efforts
Organise capacity building and training for GLAM-wiki skills, for GLAM staff and volunteers
new: Develop a toolkit for public libraries and connect public libraries wanting to organise Wikipedia-activities to local Wikipedians
new: Organise a Wiki-camp - where volunteers work together over several days to share and expand skills
At the moment, three Wikimedians in residence are active in the Netherlands. In all cases, WMNL played an active role in developing the residency programmes, fundraising, recruitment and implementing activities.
Wikipedian in residence in Gelderland
Amber beads ornamentation from the Iron Age, donated by Museum Het Valkhof in Nijmegen.
Wikimedian in Residence Michelle van Lanschot, started work on January 1st at Erfgoed Gelderland (Gelderland Heritage), where she will be specifically working with a number of smaller GLAMs. The project was developed in cooperation with WMNL, and we also supported fundraising efforts. This project held a kick-off meeting on Thursday 19 January. Arne Wossink presented a short item on the Wikimedia-universe (it can be found here.) During January and February, Michelle van Lanschot took up her 1st residency at the Flipje en Streekmuseum Tiel, and then moved on to the Valkhof Museum in Nijmegen. During the residency, Michelle van Lanschot is also working on a Wikimedia handbook for small GLAMs.
Wikipedians in residence UNESCO Nederland
WMNL supported the Dutch National Committee of UNESCO in developing a Wikipedian-in-residence programme. Focus will be on Dutch heritage in Memory of the World, the UNESCO programme to preserve documentary heritage. We also established a link between the Dutch committee and the Wikipedian in Residence currently working at the UNESCO headoffice in Paris. In May, Sandra Fauconnier was appointed as Wikipedian in Residence. She will spend some time at various Memory of the World partners, and will organise training sessions and workshops on cooperating with Wikimedia that can be attended by all partners.
Wikipedian in residence at
The third Wikipedian in Residence is working at, the federation of Dutch NGO's involved in monitoring wildlife. His work is described under project Nature.
The national library donated 2608 public domain images from 187 historic children's picture books (period 1810-1880) to Wikimedia Commons. The images are taken from the Memory of the Netherlands, to which the KB and the public libraries of Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Deventer have contributed.
The Stichting Cultureel Woordenboek (Cultural Dictionary Foundation) donated 971 lemmas from the dictionary to the Wikimedia movement. The Cultural Dictionary explains words and concepts which every educated Dutch person should know and understand. The lemma's donated related to terms that not yet have an article in the Dutch language Wikipedia. The donation was made to commemorate Mr Dolph Kohnstamm stepping down from the Board of the Foundation after many years. Mr Kohnstamm is an active Wikipedian and a friend of free knowledge.
The public library in Hengelo is holding monthly Wikikring Twente meetings where local volunteers get together to work on Wikipedia. They are coached by a Wikimedia Nederland volunteer,
The Kennemerwaard public library held a photohunt in Egmond aan Zee on 31 March to take pictures of local heritage for Wikimedia Commons. Eight users, of which 6 newly registered, uploaded 53 photos in total.
The Midden-Brabant public library held a photohunt in Spoorzone in Tilburg on 1 April to take pictures of local heritage for Wikimedia Commons. Uploads can be seen here. Eight users, of which 7 newly registered, uploaded 250 photos in total.
Significant work has been done on the "activities menu", designed to give libraries (and GLAMs in general) the knowledge to organise Wikimedia-activities. For example, the Wikipedia:GLAM/Edit-a-thon has been entirely rewritten to include a step by step guide to organising a writing event.
Photographers at work at the photowalk in Tilburg.
The #1Lib1Ref action ran from 15 January to 3 February this year. Our partner the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library) shared the call to action within the library field of professionals, while WMNL shared it with their educational partners and through social media channels. As in 2016, there was discussion in the Dutch Wikipedia community about the plans, with some editors objecting to adding sources that may have not been originally used in writing the article.
On the Dutch Wikipedia, 22 edits were tagged with #1Lib1Ref, made by 6 different users on 16 different pages for a total of 2646 added bytes. This is slightly higher than the 2016 result, but still very low compared to international results. Suggestions for 2018 include (if the action is continued on Dutch WP):
setting up a landing page on Dutch WP itself (sending people to Meta and back to WPNL might not work well for people who are not accustomed to different Wikimedia platforms; this should be made as easy as possible),
trying to reach out to a broader/different audience: researchers instead of librarians,
trying to find new partners in the education/open knowledge community.
Erfgoed Leiden (Heritage Leiden) organised a Wikimedia-afternoon on 8 May. The afternoon consisted of 2 parts. A general introduction on Wikimedia and archives was open to all and was attended by 17 people. The second part consisted of a small workshop Editing Wikipedia, with a focus on adding images to Wikipedia articles from the recent content donations by ELO. Introductory slides here. Five people attended. In June and July, we saw articles appearing on NLWIkipedia about Leiden's heritage. In some cases, the contributions were unfortunately not up to scratch and quickly nominated for deletion. We contacted Erfgoed Leiden to offer them further guidance.
Brabant Heritage
We met with regional heritage centre Erfgoed Brabant (Heritage Brabant) to discuss possible cooperation, similar to our work with Erfgoed Gelderland. It was a positive meeting and we expect that it will lead to concrete activities later 2017/early 2018.
We met with the Rijksmuseum to discuss possibilities for cooperation in the framework of a major international exhibition on Slavery the museum is planning for 2020. We very much hope that we will be able to attach a Wikimedian in Residence to the team developing the exhibition.
GLAM-Wiki workshop at UNESCO, Paris
WMNL participated in the GLAM-Wiki coordinators meeting held at UNESCO, Paris, 16 to 18 February. This workshop focused on practical support for GLAM-Wiki cooperations. Failures and successes were shared, and developments in the wider Wikimedia movement were discussed. WMNL shared its knowledge on Pattypan (presentation here). The workshop also included a practical training in scripting for Wikidata - a very useful and necessary part to understand how and why Wikidata can be useful for GLAMs.
Wikimedia Nederland also supported the organisers by acting a fiscal sponsor for processing scholarships and reimbursements.
Wikimedia Nederland presented on open data and sharing digital collections during the Museumkennisdag (Museum Knowledge Day) in Museum Louwman on 15 May. Around 40 people attended the presentation and discussion, which focused on sharing and retrieving metadata and outreach beyond the core audience. Presentation slides can be found here.
A different approach to editathons and editor training
We are often asked by (GLAM) partners to organise one off writing events, which often double as editor training. We usually discourage these events, as we know that the results in terms of new editors and new content are low. Still, partners like these writing sessions because of the publicity and because it brings visitors to their institution, and volunteers like taking the role of trainer or coach. So, at WMNL we often finds ourselves drawn into organising such events against our better judgement. Over the next months, a number of resources will become available that will make it easier for partners and volunteers to organise such events without involvement of WMNL: the Wikipedia beginners guide, the manual for small GLAMs, and the activity menu developed for public libraries.
At WMNL, we want to withdraw from organising one off writing events entirely. Instead, we will focus on developing a solid training programme for editors and for GLAM staff, that will consist of several modules. We will run this training twice a year, with anyone who is interested able to take part. Requests for training will be pointed towards the scheduled programmes. We will only run 'in company' editor training sessions if the organisation involved is committed to a longer running cooperation with Wikimedia Nederland and/or the Wikimedia projects.
Several content donations are in preparation. As usual, we will organise activities (online and offline) to stimulate donated content being added to Wikipedia articles.
Finalisation of the Public Library Menu Card: listing and explaining the various activities public libraries can develop in support of Wikimedia projects
the numbers in this table related only to the programme GLAM-partnerships. Content donations, writing events etc were also organised for the Nederland and the world, Nature, Education, Wiki Loves Monuments and Gender Gap programmes. An overview of content donations can be found here.
At least eight donations of content supported by WMNL
At least 15,000 items donated
a bottleneck in processing content donations was volunteer availability. We are now experimenting with contracting out the upload process. Volunteers continue to have the right of first refusal, only if no volunteers are found will we proceed with bringing someone in.
At least 8 online writing events or edit-a-thons
we are finding that the market for online writing events was already saturated. There were events for gender gap, Nederland and the world. Wiki Loves Monuments and online competions organised by the community. There is at least one writing event planned for Q3.
At least 20% of donated material in use on the Wikimedia projects
cijfers komen nog
Organizing two meetings of GLAM-Wiki coordinators and WiR programs
Meeting will take place in parallel to the Wikimedia Nederland Conference, which most GLAM-Wiki coordinators attend
Each partner contributes at least 2 times to an activity.
3 partners contributed
In this specific programme three partners contributed. Over all the programmes six.
Active participation from the Netherlands in the 2017 Europeana Challenge
We found it difficult to develop activities around the theme 1914-1918. The period is not so meaningful for the Netherlands because the country was not involved in WW-I. Also, we are noticing a 'topic- fatigue' among the community, who are asked to participatre in an ever increasing number of themed-writing events,
At least three training workshops for GLAM-staff and volunteers on topics such as upload tools, WikiData etc,
at least 10 GLAM staff and 10 volunteers trained
at least 20 participants for three-day Wiki-camp
this may be changed to a a mini hackahton for women, in preparation of a bigger event in 2018
Risk assessment from APG proposal
The GLAM-programme is well established and for several years now we have succeeded in creating new Wikipedian-in-Residence positions. There is a risk that the editing community will object if GLAM-staff contribute more directly to the projects. There is also a risk that GLAM-staff will (unintentionally) break community regulations and conventions, causing resistance. We will minimise this by providing active support and guidance to the GLAMs and keeping the community informed at all time.
If we do not succeed to train sufficient volunteers or GLAM-staff in upload skills, there is a risk that the target for added content will not be met. This risk could be met (but only in extreme cases) by providing funds to make available professional skills.
Risk of not meeting targets: low-medium.
State of affairs:
Things are not moving as speedily as we hoped although there is no major problem. As mentioned before, we are now starting to contract out processing of uploads when no volunteers are available. Also: there is a limit to the amount of online or i.r.l. writing events the community can process.
Universities and colleges - in particular their teachers and lecturers - are aware of the possibilities to integrate Wikipedia in their curriculum. They have access to tools and materials which makes it easier for them to develop programmes. Students are routinely exposed to contributing to Wikipedia as part of their education. The contributions made by students within the framework of the education programme are welcomed by the community. Wikimedia Nederland has the resources (staff and finances) to support an education programme over a longer period. As a result there is a steady stream of good quality contributions to the Wikimedia projects made by students.
Activities 2017
draw attention to/lobby for potential of Wikipedia-work in the curriculum via publications and presentations
continue existing partnerships with ITV college for translators, Utrecht Graphic College, Utrecht and Maastricht Universities.
Within our education programme there are currently two tracks: ‘practical skills’ and ‘academic’. The first focuses on cooperation with colleges and schools training students for certain professions, such as the College for Interpreters and translators and the Utrecht school for graphic design . The latter on cooperation with universities teaching academic skills. In the ‘academic’ track we now have more or less permanent partnerships with the Universities of Maastricht, Leiden and Utrecht, and more ad hoc cooperation with the universities of Groningen en Amsterdam.
ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalen (College for interpreters and translators)
The translation program, as part of which ITV students translate articles from foreign language WPs into Dutch at the request of Dutch Wikipedians, is starting to pay off. During the pilot, 2 students participated in the program. In 2016, 5 new students enrolled in the Wikipedia translation program. The first of this group finished her internship in late March. She has translated around 30,000 words from German Wikipedia into Dutch, including smaller articles and really large ones. She was very positive about the internship, and editors with which she interacted were also positive about her work. We enrolled new students in the program in April or May. As of 6 February, 30 articles in total have been translated from German, Italian and English, including long articles such as Politiek in Italië., which was originally Sistema_politico_della_Repubblica_Italiana.
The programme is appreciated by Wikipedians, who request articles and take responsibility for wikification and publication of the translated texts.
Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht
Lions, for services provided. Designed by a student of the Utrecht Grafisch Lyceum
We have been working with the GLU (a college for graphic, web and game designers) to provide an opportunity for their students to produce Wikimedia-related content, such as illustrations and animations. GLU decided to integrate this activity in the project Wij zijn de wijk 2017 at the Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht (GLU (in Dutch). During the month of May, students work on requests put forward by business, community-groups and NGO’s based in their area, including as a pilot requests from WMNL and Wikimedians.
The Wikimedia community had the opportunity to provide suggestions for tasks the students could undertake. Pickup was generally good and a number of ideas were proposed. The project started with an introduction into Wikipedia and CC copyright for the students by WMNL, followed by a Q&A on the assignments that were requested by the Wikimedia-community. Small groups of students worked on assignments for images, (info)graphics, videos, and other graphic content for Wikimedia Commons. Requested assignments included new barnstars, an animation of World War II photographs, and interviews on the topic of gender gap. The results for the project were mixed. A fair number of students participated in the project, but only a few actually uploaded their work Results can be found here on Commons.
We want to continue working with the GLU since there is a clear demand in the Wikimedia community for design skills, but will modify the approach. The students at GLU are younger and less highly educated that the university and college students we usually work with in our education programme. This requires a different approach. Also, integration in regular course work rather than a semi-volunteer project like ‘Wij zijn de wijk’ would benefit results and commitment by students and teachers.
On Monday 16 January Wikimedia Nederland met with the University of Maastricht to discuss their participation in the education program. We have been working with Maastricht University for several years now, but the cooperation is limited to one series of classes on Public History around the theme of Expeditions.
We wanted to explore possibilities to involve more teachers and departments. Emphasis was on evaluation of past activities and planning of future activities. The university library and e-learning department were interested in exploring further options to let students interact with Wikimedia.
The On expedition class at Maastricht University started with a general introduction to Wikimedia, including editing Wikipedia. Wikimedia Nederland will use for the first time the Programs and Events Dashboard to monitor student activity during the course.
Universiteit Leiden
We gave a presentation on Wikimedia Education program during the Lunchbytes program of Leiden University - a lecture program on new developments in education for the academic staff of the humanities department, given together with Johannes Müller, who is also involved in setting up a new Wikimedia education program at the university. Wikimedia Nederland part of the presentation slides here.
Utrecht University
The Special Collections department of Utrecht University Library appointed a student intern to work on improving coverage of its manuscripts across Wikimedia projects. She is working on Wikipedia and Wikidata, and will also facilitate an upload of images to Commons.
Writing event at the KNAW - the Royal Academy of Sciences - on female professors.
With the Universities of Amsterdam and Groningen we organised writing events as part of the gender gap programme.
WMNL gave several presentations at events in de education sector to promote cooperation with Wikimedia.
Wikimedia Nederland presented during the Avans Onderwijsdag on 13 April in 's Hertogenbosch (the workshop was given twice during that day; around 60 people attended). This day is intended for all staff of Avans Hogeschool, to discuss and present current and new developments in education. The presentation focused on explaining the Wikimedia movement and showing how and why contributions by students are valued and important. Several staff members showed interest in using Wikimedia in education, including using Wikidata for research and teaching. Presentation is here (in Dutch).
WMNL participated in the National Plan Open Science Meeting at the TU Delft on May 29, which was intended to bring science and the open data movement together.
Students of Communication and Multimedia Design at Hogeschool Arnhem and Nijmegen held a presentation at our partner Erfgoed Gelderland (Arnhem). During this presentation they presented the results of the course Solutions for Interactive Media. As part of this course, the students have to build a working prototype of an app that presents digital content of GLAMs in Gelderland to the public. Wikimedia Nederland and Erfgoed Gelderland are interested in using next year's course to let the students work on (open) content generated by the WiR in Gelderland project. Wikimedia Nederland attended this meeting to get an idea of what's possible and to start further discussion.
We are not entirely satisfied with the cooperation we have with some universities at the moment. Although the classes at Utrecht and Maastricht are well received by students and teachers, the results are very limited and there is no indication that other university departments or teachers will copy the approach. We want to experiment with other types of cooperation with Universities in Q3 and 4
We are exploring cooperation with the Institute for Social Sciences in The Hague (part of Erasmus University of Rotterdam). ISS is an international graduate school of policy-oriented critical social science. It brings together students and teachers from the Global South and the North. The aim is to introduce postgrad students (MA and PhD) from the global south to the Wikimedia projects. Aim will be to encourage them to share their academic knowledge via the projects, but more importantly to set up Wikimedia activities once they return to their home countries. This could link the education programme to Nederland and the World.
With the University of Amsterdam we will work on integrating Wikimedia-work as a permanent element in a newly established unit in the University Special Collections/Allard Pierson Museum, which will provide training and skills in conservation, curation and research.
We are making use of the advantage that senior management of ISS and University Special Collections/Allard Pierson Museum are Board Members of Wikimedia Nederland.
At least 12 activities at at least six different institutions, with at least 200 students involved
12 activities, involving 8 institutions and 195 people
18/ 10/ 240
includes participants in lectures and workshops by WMNL
At least 200 items created / improved
Provision of model curricula and learning materials
planned for Q4
Risk assessment from APG proposal
What could go wrong?
The educationprogramme is not naturally expanding in the way the GLAM-programme did. There is no cross-over between institutions. This means that every new activity developed requires substantial investment of time and effort. If no natural momentum starts to develop, and we do not succeed in raising funds for additional staff, there is a risk that the education programme will not reach its targets.
Risk of not meeting targets: high.
State of affairs
As we feared, sofar the classroom approach is not scaling within universities. We are exploring other approaches.
The thematic topic nature functions as a focal point for activities of GLAM and education partners, volunteers and editors, leading to substantial increase in content on Wikimedia projects. Ultimately this results in self-sustaining processes of content donation and content processing requiring only minimal support from WMNL.
Activities 2017
support the Wikipedian in Residence at in organising content donations and online or offline events to stimulate use of that content
work with the Wikipedian in Residence in editor training and writing events for natural history volunteers, working with the content donated by their own organisations
support the project nature group in their activities, including editor training, editathons and QR-pedia projects
stimulate and support content donations by partners such as the Natural History Museum Naturalis en the Botanic Gardens
Iconographia Zoologica. Wikimedia Commons was enriched with more than 26,500 animals images from the Artis library. The images are from the Iconographia Zoologica, a collection of zoologist illustrations. The Artis library at the Plantage Middenlaan is part of the special collections of the University of Amsterdam. The collection consists of coloured 19th century drawings. To encourage use of the images in the Wikimedia projects organized a pictures sprint contest. All the 284 Wikipedia language versions could participate in the contest.
The volunteers involved in project nature and Wikipedian in Residence Sander Turnhout started work on processing a content donation by the Vlinderstichting (Butterfly Foundation). All the information was released under a Creative Commons licence.
Following on last year's successful donation of sounds of crickets and grasshoppers, we now processed a donation of 14 sounds of amphibians.
At the request of a Wikipedian, Museum Naturalis donated images of 13 soil-profiles
Donating content at the workshop about Nature in Nijmegen.
Sander Turnhout, Wikipedian in Residence at (platform of Dutch conservation NGOs) organised a training session for conservation volunteers on contributing to Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia. 4 participants were present at the workshop.
The volunteers placed QR-coded signs near plants in the educational Garden of Captain Rommel in Castricum. The QR-codes are linked to the WIkipedia articles of the plants.
In August, there will be a writing event focussing on protected areas including Natura 2000 sites (sites protected under EU - legislation). We are also exploring whether it will be possible to develop a longer running project to improve content of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata related to Natura2000. Some of the grant received by a private donor could be used for this purpose, although the activity also has the potential for generating EU-funding.
result mainly use of donated images in WP articles
At least four edit-a-thons or writing training i
At least 5000 images added, of which 25% used
of which 26,500 Iconographia Zoologica
At least two activities of botanic gardens
5 new editors still active after 6 months
Risk assessment from APG proposal
Project Nature is well established with an active group of volunteers, and will benefit from a Wikipedian in Residence in 2017. Also there is the chance of synergy with the project Nederland and the World, via the international collection of Museum Naturalis. As with all editor recruitment, there is a chance that natural history volunteers will not take up editing, however the fact that they will be working with their own material should be a bonus.
Risk of not meeting targets: low.
State of affairs:
Running according to plan. A big content donation gave impetus to results.
Program 7: Thematic priority Nederland and the World
The thematic topics functioning as a focal point for activities of GLAM and education partners, volunteers and editors. Leading to substantial increase in content on Wikimedia projects. Ultimately this results in self-sustaining processes of content donation and content processing requiring only minimal support from WMNL.
Activities 2017
Maintain a platform where demand from Wikipedians and Wikimedia chapters for images or data can be linked to the collections of Dutch GLAM partners.
Facilitate and support content donations from these collections
Organise writing events, challenges, etc to encourage uptake of donated content in Wikimedia projects worldwide
Regularly post updates about project on international project pages
Connect to activities organised by GLAM partners, such the National Archives upcoming exhibition of the Dutch East-India Company and events in the Wikimedia community, such as Asia Month
Wikimedia Nederland launched the Netherlands and the World Exchange Platform. The platform aims to stimulate global re-use of Dutch collections on non-European cultural heritage. In particular, it aims to stimulate collections on countries with which the Netherlands have had historical ties. These countries include Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Ghana, Suriname, South Africa, and others. The platform was funded through a grant of the Netherlands Digital Heritage.
The platform also aims to foster contacts between Dutch cultural heritage institutions and Wikimedia contributors across the globe. However, participation is not limited to Wikimedia contributors. Anyone can participate, making it relevant for education and research as well.
The platform is easy to use. After registration, users can post offer/requests notices, depending on whether they are looking for material, or want to offer material for re-use. Statistics on re-use are also available. A flyer on the Netherlands and the World Exchange Platform was circulated among the almost 350 attendees of the Wikimedia Conference 2017. Flyer can be seen here.
Results sofar:
8 requests posted, 3 answered
11 offers posted
at least 237 images used on 20 different Wikipedia's
As there is direct contact between people looking for material and partners offering materials, it is hard to track results. This is one of the points we want to tackle when we review the design of the platform after six months. Another issue to improve is that at the moment there is no alert when a new message is posted.
Photowalk in Chinsurah. Event organised by the Wikimedians of West-Benghal, inspired by Nederland and the World
The West Bengal Wikimedians have organised a photo walk to document the Dutch cemetery in Chinsurah, a Dutch colony between the 17th and 19th centuries. During the photo walk, they took 93 photos of the cemetery. At the same time, they created Wikidata items for the people buried there and geotagged a number of the graves. To top it off, they created a SPARQL query for Wikidata to show the results on a map. More details are available on the project page.
VOC: the Dutch East India Company
In June, focus was on the Dutch East India Company, to coincide with an exhibition at our partner the National Archive. An online writing event on Nl-Wikipedia resulted in 43 articles added or improved. 18 people attended a writing event at the National Archive where they were introduced to writing for Wikipedia. Our firends of Wikimedia Indonesia will organise a writing competition on the same topic in August. Originally, the plan was to have the events in tandem in the Netherlands and Indonesia, but this proved impractical because of the holy month of Ramadan.
View of Aleppo, Syria (1983). Image donated by the Museum for Worldcultures
For years, Syria has been the scene of a bloody civil war resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of refugees, and the destruction of entire cities. The recent image donation by the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (the National Museum of World Cultures) in the Netherlands shows another Syria. Many of these photos were taken in the 1980s and show scenes of daily life and images and cities not yet devastated by war. Other images show objects from the collection of the museum. Together, they form a valuable resource on Syria for the various Wikimedia projects. The upload consists of 352 photos in total and can be accessed here. It coincides with a photo exhibit in the NMvW on Aleppo.
Drawings Frans Post
Drawing of an alpaca by Frans Post
Frans Post (1612-1680) was a Dutch painter from Haarlem belonging to the Dutch School. Between 1636-1644, he received a commission from John Maurice of Nassau, then governor of Brazil, to travel to Brazil and document its people, nature and landscape.
During his time in Brazil, Post made drawings and sketches of animals, which he probably used as studies for his paintings. Thirty-four of these drawings were recently discovered in the Noord-Hollands Archief. The archive has graciously made the digitised drawings available for re-use on Wikimedia Commons.
We met with the Afrika Studiecentrum (Africa expertise centre of Leiden University) about the prospects for cooperation. The ASC is planning a number of donations and both parties expressed an interest in exploring opportunities for external funding, in particular to open private collections to Wikimedia.
Wikimedia Indonesia will organise a writing event on the Dutch East-India Company in August.
We will generate content uploads from Dutch collections as 'welcome gifts' to newly established user groups
At least 10 targeted content donations by Dutch institutions
At least 21,000 items added to Wikimedia projects
here too, the problem in processing uploads is lowering results. Also, we are finding that sometimes requests are made for smaller, more specialised donations
Cooperation with at least 5 Wikimedia chapters
Indonesia, West Bengal, Ghana
At least 500 articles created or improved
1890 check
this includes use of materials donated last year over Q1-Q2 of 2017. Apparently it takes some time for the materials do be used .
Risk assessment from APG proposal
Nederland and the world is an experimental project. First steps taken in 2016 indicate there is an interest in the global Wikimedia-community. Definitely, the GLAM-partners are keen to participate. We benefit from external funding obtained in 2016, which allowed us to set up a professional exchange and communication forum. But it remains to be seen whether this formula really works in the long run and will lead to clear gains for the various Wikimedia-projects.
Risk of not meeting targets: medium.
State of affairs
We are beginning to find our way with the programme. There is interest in the Wikimedia movement and we are getting some experience with linking supply to demand.
A revitalised working group, running an activity that has increased relevance in creating substantial new amounts of free content (i.e. filling clear gaps in content). Expanding the scope of Wiki Loves Monuments to include activities benefitting WikiData and Wikipedia.
Activities 2017
focus efforts on filling gaps, i.e. obtain images of monuments of which there are no pictures at all, or only poor quality and outdated images.
new if feasible, develop an app/game stimulating people to photograph missing/difficult monuments
new run WLM-competition also in Surinam and the Dutch Carribean
new develop special competition for monuments related to Dutch history in other parts of the word.
new develop WLM component to enrich content of Wikidata on monuments
new on completion of Wiki Loves Monuments contest, organise writing event to improve content on various language versions of Wikipedia
The Wiki Loves Monuments team has been active in preparing since January.
There are some modifications compared to previous editions: this year there will be special emphasis on filling up the gaps, i.e. obtaining pictures of monuments that are still missing. It will be a special category in the contest. Also, the competition for the first time will also specifically cover the Antilles and Surinam.
The WLM team held a Monuments Challenge on Wikipedia in May. The purpose of the challenge was to enrich the encyclopedia with articles about monuments: the stories behind the photos we have collected since 2010. This is another first: writing challenges have never been part of Wiki Loves Monuments before. New editors were invited to join a Wikipedia-workshop in Amersfoort or Gouda. The result: 17 participants wrote or improved a total of 312 articles on Wikipedia.
Wikidata content on monuments significantly improved
images obtained of at least 75 monuments in Suriname and the Caribbean, and other parts of the world, to be defined
at least 250 Wikipedia-articles written and 500 Wikidata items added about national monuments
312 articles written
Articles improved or created during writing challenge
The old town hall of Egmond - image made and uploaded during a photo-hunt organised by the public library
Risk assessment from APG proposal
There is a huge amount of experience in running Wiki Loves Monuments. This could however be a disadvantage, because it might block the proposed change in approach and way of working. The current group of WLM-volunteers are mainly focussed on Wikimedia Commons. If WLM is to successfully expand into Wikidata and Wikipedia, new volunteers have to become engaged. The same applies to running the programme in the Dutch Carribean and Surinam: local involvement is necessary. The WLM-group is aware of these risks and hs already started preparing for the 2017 campaign.
Risk of not meeting targets: medium.
State of affairs:
The volunteergroup have embraced the renewed and wider approach to Wiki Loves Monuments. So far things look promissing.
The general public and crucial stakeholders have an understanding of Wikipedia that allows them to become engaged with the project in an appropriate and constructive manner if they choose
Crucial stakeholders (e.g. institutions in the GLAM and education sector) are aware of Wikimedia Nederland and have an understanding of the role of the organisation
Decisionmakers and the media in the Netherland and at the EU level are aware of key issues concerning copyright legislation and its potential impact on projects such as Wikipedia
Activities in Q1 and Q2
Two Dutch volunteers took part in the Big Fat Brussels Meeting, organised by FKAGEU. As in previous years, WMNL is acting as the fiscal sponsor for the FKAGEU work on behalf of the chapters that contribute financially. WMNL gathers the funds, administers them and reimburses costs,
WMNL not only wants to support the Wikimedia Community in the Netherlands, we also want to be of use to the wider international community, by providing services and sharing expertise.
One of the ways we can do this is via fiscal sponsorships. We have a well established financial and accounting system and qualified staff. We can use this resource to help individual wikimedians or groups that are apllying for WMF grants. We acted/are acting as fiscal sponsor in WMF grant to the organisers of the GLAM WIki coordinators meeting in Paris, to Wikimedia Ukraine for distributing the prizes in the international Wiki Loves Earth competition, and for our partner the Institute for Sound and Vision who had difficulties in administering a WMF grant.
We are also the administrator of the Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU: we hold and administer the financial contributions from European chapters to the work of the FKAGEU in Brussels.
In June, Macedonian Wikimedian Ivan Zipkovic spent two weeks at Wikimedia NL to get to know the ways we develop and run our programmes, and how we manage finances. We provided him with financial support for travel and stay.
Frans Grijzenhout, Chair of WMNL, was co-organiser of the Board training workshop preceeding the Wikimedia Conference in Berlin.
Sandra Rientjes, ED of Wikimedia Nederland, took part in several discussions about the design of the Movement Strategy consultation process and the editorial process of the strategy.
In April, a General Assembly took place. The members approved the annual report and accounts. There were also Board elections. Treasurer Jan Anton Brouwer stepped down after four years of service. Mike Nicolaye and Michel Wesseling were elected to joint the Board.
Two staff members left the WMNL office as of June 30: Sindy Meijer had been with us from the very start in 2012, working on communication and community support. She left to become communication advisor at a local authority. Astrid van den Hengel joined as finance officer in 2016; she found a new position in her home town. Recruitment for both positions is in progress. We hope to be back to a full complement of staff by October 1. As, however, three very experienced volunteers will also no longer be available (see here), we will be shorthanded for some time during Q3 and 4.
Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 2Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source
Anticipated ($US)*
Cumulative ($US)*
Explanation of variances from plan
Project funding
WMF Grant
'total revenue
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
In-kind: our GLAM-partners almost always provide venue and catering for events.
Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 3Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Budgeted ($US)*
Cumulative ($US)*
Percentage spent to date
Explanation of variances from plan
Programme Community and Participation
Major expenses expected in/planned for Q3 and 4: annual conference, costs elearning module, Wikimania scholarships etc. Expected total €55,000
Programme Content
As usual, project expenses lower than expected. Total expediture expected €35,000
Programme Communication
Total expected 24,000
Staff salary costs
expected total €224,000
Total expected €54,000
As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.