Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round 2/Wikimedia Norge/Proposal form
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the editintro.
- Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
- This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
- This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
- Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
- Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
- Please Email with questions about using the form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
[edit]- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.
In the upcoming funding period Wikimedia Norge´s annual plan includes 4 programs:
- Community support
- Glam
- Academia
- Gender Gap
The biggest change for Wikimedia Norge in the upcoming period will be our focus on community support. We want to improve the knowledge we have on what community members need. Wikimedia Norge would like to include a staff member working as a community liaison to give better support and include community in our programs.
Wikimedia Norge will continue it´s Glam program with a selected group of Glam partners such as The National Library, The National Archive, The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Nobel Peace Center and The museum of Nordland. The main outcome from our Glam work will content donations and we will do a test project on the use of quality images together with Nordlandsmuseet.
Building on our previous collaboration with The Arts Council Norway and last funding period´s work with university libraries on Gender gap, we started working on a program called Academia in January 2016 in collaboration with The Research Council of Norway and other academic institutions.
Our Gender gap program last funding period included a lot of traveling to university libraries across the country. We have now narrowed down our gender gap program to monthly wiki meet ups for women.
- 2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
- Legal name of organization: Wikimedia Norge
- Organization's fiscal year: 01/01-31/12
- 12-month funding period requested: 01/07/16-30/06/17
- Currency requested: NOK
- Name of primary contact: Astrid Carlsen, Executive Director
- 3. Amount requested.
Exchange rate provided by FDC staff 01/03/16: 1 USD= 8.70139 NOK
Table 1
Currency requested | US$ | |
Total expenses for the upcoming year | 1,962,000 | 225,481.23 |
APG funding requested for the upcoming year | 1,850,000 | 212,610.71 |
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year | 1,230,000 | 141,356.75 |
- 4. How does your organization know what community members / contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
- Wikimedia Norge has not systematically investigated what community members / contributors to online projects need or want. Staff post on the village pump to ask for input, ideas, help and feedback. We use social media to tell about our work but we mostly reach stakeholders like partners and other organizations and institutions through social media. Since we redesigned our hompepage we are contacted more. With our new membership registration staff get access to email addresses to members. We have started sending out news letters to inform members on important issues like for example our annual meeting. Staff are contacted by community members via email and phone or they stop by our office. Wikimedia Norge's chair confirmed with the community in a post on the village pump when the board was working on the new strategy for 2016-2020. By changing our focus in August 2015 to align our work with the community we do hope that we now have a better understanding on what community members / contributors to online projects need or want.
- To get more knowledge on what community members / contributors to online projects need or want we will do a survey on Wikipedia this fall.
- 5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan and separate annual plans for the current and/or proposed funding period, if you have them. A strategic plan is required.
Financials: current funding period
[edit]The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 for most Round 2 organizations). For organizations new to the APG process, your current funding period is the 12 months before your upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 for most Round 2 organizations).
Table 2
Financials for the current funding period Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Revenues (from all sources) 2,561,000 294,320.79 795,264 91,395.05 1,300,000 149,401.41 Expenses 2,485,000 285,586.55 760,892 82,444.87 1,300,000 149,401.41
Table 2 notes:
- The FDC has in their assessment commented on Wikimedia Norge's budget and spending previous years. As of August 2015 we have an outside accountant and budgeting is done by staff instead of the board and by April 2016 we are on budget.
Programs: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a defined set of activities that share the same objectives and a similar theory of change. Please share the general goal of each program, and then list the specific objectives that the program will meet. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You may provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section or in a supplementary document, but please do not include these activities here as programs.
- 1. For each program, please include your targets for each of the global metrics in this table. All global metrics are required, but you may list a target of zero if there are metrics you do not expect results for. You are welcome to provide your other metrics in the detailed program section below.
Most of the headlines and structure in this application we have copied from Wikimedia Austria's application. Thank you Claudia Garád for all your help!
Table 3
Program (1) # of newly registered users (2) # of active editors involved (3) # of individuals involved (4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages (4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional) (5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects (6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects Community support nm 140 160 na na tbd Glam nm 100 160 tbd 30,000 tbd Academia 120 50 300 na na tbd Gender gap 30 35 70 na na 150
Table 3 notes:
- na = not applicable
- nm = not measurable
- tbd = to be determined: in these cases we expect some results that we will track during the year, but we can't provide a meaningful estimation at this point of time.
- 2. Please list your goals and objectives for each program. Please be sure your objectives meet all three criteria for each program
- Be sure the objectives listed are each SMART: specific, measurable, attainable and relevant, and include time-bound targets.
- Include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets, and remember to highlight your baseline metrics.
- Provide any additional information that is important to our understanding of this program. For example, you may include needs assessments, logic models, timelines, tables, or charts. Share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning, or explain how your program aligns with important Wikimedia priorities such as increasing participation and improving content on the Wikimedia projects.
Community support
Strength and support the collaborations between community, partners and organization
[edit]Wikimedia Norge has had staff for more than two years. By now we have an organizational structure in place that works and solid partnerships, but we have a lot to achieve when it comes to community support and engagement. Since Wikimedia Norge was reorganized and staff signed new contracts in August 2015 this has been a constant discussion among staff. We decided that work on community support should have a higher priority than work on advocacy and awareness, which was a part of our last application for funding. This is still a part of our strategy for 2016-2020, but will not be prioritized this funding period.
So far community members, staff and interns have worked on two projects we would like to mention. We now offer Wiki scholarships, (and copied WikimediaCH micro grant pages). We have received 5 applications. Interns have redesigned the page. By redesigning it and keeping the page updated we are contacted to a much lager extent then before. By using a simple Google sheet to register for membership we have more paying members so far in 2016 then we had in total in 2015.
Starting November active editors organize bimonthly wiki meet ups and Wikimedia Norge cover the cost for venue and food. We encourage initiatives that are community led and Wikimedia Norge can cover costs and be the official partner when it comes to organizing venues, hire film cameras to stream events or make films etc.
On Wikipedia Bokmål, Nynorsk and Northern Sami there is a weekly online editing contest. These contest are community led. Wikimedia Norge organize selected editing contest that fit in with our programs, for example with glam partners and to mark The International Womens's day March 8. The editing contest is one activity were we see we can combine needs from different stakeholders. Wikimedia Norge also sponsor prizes are get prizes sponsored when community members reach out to us. In the contest design there is a default message that we can help with prizes. Prizes from Glam partners shows the community that partners see the significance of supporting there work. In November we will have a month long editing contest in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia on Norway, Armenia and Fridtjof Nansen's travels to Armenia. The National Library has uploaded The Nansen photo collection to Commons which will be encourage to use in the contets. This idea came up after one of our board members visited Jerevan and Wikimedia Armenia.
When we have held Wikipedia trainings or participated at conferences with glam partners we have invited community members along who have given us excellent help and support online and offline, but we worry we ask the same small group of people over and over and that this will strain online contributors, offline volunteers and board members. We have during the last year worked on engaging volunteers in planning and implementation of our work on some areas, but without a community liaison we worry that this work will move ahead slowly and will to a lagre extent be centered in and around Oslo where our office is located.
Desired change
[edit]Wikimedia Norge as an organization needs a combination of experience from inside and outside the wiki world. With a community liaison we can find more ways of incorporating volunteer engagement and volunteer led activities in our programs. By putting resources to use for a community manager who can work as a liaison and help bridge the gap between WMNO´s established program work and the community we belive the organizational capacity will be better. Compared to 2015 Wikimedia Norge will host fewer events, and none without partners and we have learned that even though we get funding for travel costs, the consequence is that staff will not spend time together at the office at all. We have experienced that online projects are more likely to engaged active editors and new editors are more likely to engage offline in a selected group (students, all female, or at work places like The Directorate of Cultural Heritage or pensioners at The Norwegian University of Life Sciences). By conducting a survey among editors as well as readers we will get input on how Wikimedia Norge can improve it's work and report on this in our impact report in January 2017.
[edit]- A better collaboration between our community, partners and Wikimedia Norge.
- Offer useful support for community members in their work.
- Be valued as an organization both editors and partners want to contact to discuss ideas and potential collaborations.
- Give out 8 x 8000 NOK in wiki scholarships. 4 in September 2016 and 4 in February 2017.
- 6 wiki workshops in Oslo for active editors organized bimonthly by the community, costs covered by Wikimedia Norge. Test the same in one other city as well.
- Include 30 active editors in our other programs and ask for support online, via the village pump or on project pages as mentors.
- Organize a month long online editing contest in November in collaboration with Wikimedia Armenia. The winner from each country gets to travel to Armenia / Norway.
- Sponsor, or get sponsored, 6 prizes in the weekly online contest.
- Trippel the number of Wikimedia Norge memberships from 2015 till 2016.
- Conduct a survey among 2000 editors and readers on Wikipedia with help from WMF in November-December 2016.
- Print material about How to contribute to Wikimedia Commons and on free licenses.
- Support The Free Knowledge Advocacy Group EU by using revenues from membership fees.
We adress these Wikimedia movement strategic priorities
[edit]- Improve Quality: By bringing together inside and outside knowledge of the wiki world.
- Increase Participation: By giving support to our community, new and active editors, and doing interesting partnerships with universities and cultural institutions.
Add high quality content to the Wikimedia projects by partnerships with major cultural institutions
[edit]The 2 year long collaboration with The Art Council Norway was groundbreaking for other institutional partnerships. In 2014 and 2015 we hosted a lot of events with many partners involved, but we have since August 2015 cultivated fewer partnerships. We host fewer events and always in collaboration with one or more of our partners. Namely: The National Library, The National Archive, The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Nobel Peace Center and The museum of Nordland.
From August 2015 till January 2016 the staff member working with our Glam program and as an ED had to prioritize operational tasks, but we are now back on track with our glam program. We have applied for funding at 3 different foundations to do a project with one of our partners all were rejected.
The main outcome from our Glam work will continue to be content donations. Because of the state funding given to institutions there is a great willingness to share collections under a free licences to share their collections with as many as possible.
Desired change
[edit]The Wikipedia Library project has been delayed but community members and one staff member are working on it. Because many Norwegians do have access to a lot of resources already, we will look into the possibility cite on tools, like the one The National Library has in We have asked on the village pump which other resources editors would find useful and if they thought they would benefit from this initiative. The response was positive.
Other than popular guided tours in combination with edit-a-thons at institutions and online editing contest our glam work can benefit a lot from more community engagement and we will do a test project on this with The Museum of Nordland. Community members already do a lot of work on categorizing the mass uploaded images to Commons and we are discussing with both glam partners and academic partners if we can do a project on one or more image collections from The Museum of Nordland.

Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 was a challenge to organize in August and September 2015. This was a busy time with operational task. Both The Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Wikimedia Norge have agreed on a new plan for this year's WLM. Our goal is primarily to re-established a solid partnership and to be introduced to the partners The Directorate for Cultural Heritage have throughout the country. The search tool used in the competition, Kulturminnesøk, has not been that easy to use, but will be available in the new version before August 2016.
[edit]- Better the organization of WLM in collaboration with The Directorate for Cultural Heritage and their nationwide network of partners.
- Cultivate sustainable long term institutional partnerships.
- Increase community engagement.
- Organize Wiki Loves Monuments in collaboration with The Directorate for Cultural Heritage: 500 images uploaded
- The Norwegian branch of the Wikipedia Library: Add 2 resource and 1 cite on reference tools.
- Mass upload in collaboration with 3 partner institutions: 30 000 images.
- A test project on how a mass upload of images from The museum of Nordland can be put to use on wiki projects, working title: Wiki Loves Nordland.
- Organize 2 online editing contests in collaboration with partners.
- Organize 2 guided tours at partner institutions for community members.
- Organize #Wikinobel, 7. Oktober 2016 in collaboration with The Nobel Peace Center and community members.
We adress these Wikimedia movement strategic priorities
[edit]- Improve Quality: By content donations from different cultural institutions in combination with community engagement.
Higher education institutions using Wikipedia as a platform for sharing free knowledge and research
[edit]During 2015 we made a lot of experience working with Higher Education institutions through our Gender Gap program. Together with Higher Education libraries we hosted editing workshops for female students and employees over the entire country. This experience we are now putting to use in two different ways – one where we continue on with the goal of increasing the number of female editors, the other where we increase the use of Wikipedia as a form of sharing knowledge for both students and researchers. We have learned during the last year the significance of setting up project pages and how they can be used to collect user names. But due to the the Norwegian general opinion on privacy some participants are recultant to give their user names.
We have learned that there is an interest for Wikipedia training in the academic system, but that this works best in collaboration with selected groups and staff at institutions, rather that if we invite “everybody”. We have organized two Wikpedia editing for Master’s students in History and Archaeology at the University of Oslo trainings for 70 students. The training was based on the same model as we used in the Gender Gap program, but the result was better because of the commitment to the project from the institution itself. The feedback we have had from the community on these courses have been good, and active editors have noticed that since we use Visual Editor during the courses, the quality of the references are above average. We have involved the community by getting online support before, during and after the editing courses, but also in helping out in-place.
Following up meetings with The Norwegian Research Council in 2014 and 2015, discussing a possible collaboration building on the collaboration we had with The Norwegian Arts Council, we have now agreed on the first steps of this project. There are a lot of researchers that hesitate editing on Wikipedia, but we have learned that this is often based on lacking knowledge on how Wikipedia works. When the knowledge increases of both the quality assurance system, the widespread global use of the content, and of how co-writing works, their interest also increases.

Desired change
[edit]The Norwegian versions of Wikipedia have a substantial number of articles (Wikipedia bokmål: 436,046 and Wikipedia Nynorsk: 125,840), but the quality of many articles could of course be improved. Even though a number of articles do hold a high standard, a lot of articles are not up to date or lack content. By getting more students and academics to edit the quality can be increased.
Giving students, academics and researchers more knowledge on how Wikipedia works and how to edit, hopefully will make them see how using Wikipedia as a platform for sharing knowledge is an effective way of fulfilling how higher education institutions are supposed to create and share knowledge for the benefit of the entire society.
With our Academic program we hope to see both more ambassadors of free knowledge, more content added, an increased diversity among editors. We are working on ideas on how to increase the community involvement in the editing trainings and lectures. We need to establish a standardized way of organizing it both in-place and online. This includes making a training kit that can be reused by both volunteers and academic staff, but also having set routines on how active editors can help out during and after the trainings via designated help pages.
[edit]- Increase students and academic staffs knowledge of Wikipedia.
- Increase the numbers of Higher Education institutions where Wikipedia editing is a part of the curriculum.
- Have more academic staff and researchers that are ambassadors of free knowledge.
- Make community involvement a part of all academic collaborations.
- Increase the quality the Norwegian versions of Wikipedia.
Higher education:
- Continuing the collaboration with the University of Oslo in giving at least two Wikipedia lectures and editing trainings as a part of the academic curriculum.
- Giving at least two Wikipedia lectures and editing trainings with new higher education partners.
- Standardizing how WP lectures are given so these on long term can be used by both volunteers and academic staff to give lectures after the same model as mentioned above.
- Welcome two interns from higher education at Wikimedia Norge’s office for one-two months stay.
- Support one Master’s student at the University of Oslo who is doing her degree on how the Gender Gap effects content on the Norwegian Bokmål version of Wikipedia.
- Organize a Wikipedia Academy spring 2017 on research and Wikipedia.
The Research Council of Norway:
- Organizing one event for researchers where the topic is academic contributions to Wikipedia as a part of The Research Councils annual 2 week event “Researcher’s Days”.
- Organizing a editing contest or editing relay where researchers are the participants.
- Organizing a contest or a mentor collaboration with researchers and active editors.
We adress these Wikimedia movement strategic priorities
[edit]- Improve Quality: By collaboration with academic partners who contribute online or offline
- Increase Participation: By including Wikipedia editing in higher education
Gender gap
Building a community of new female editors that are welcomed by the community
Among the Norwegian active editors, women are underrepresented. During 2015 Wikimedia Norge held lectures and Wikipedia trainings for female students and employees at university libraries and other academic institutions. This is the program were we have had most success with getting Norwegian funding.
The editing trainings were preceded by a follow-up course 7th November 2015, where all participants from earlier trainings were invited and 10 attended. At this whole day seminar, we discussed with the participants thoughts and ideas about how to make Wikipedia-editing a part of their daily life. We also discussed how they could be trained in order for them to teach and train others for Wikipedia editing. A monthly workshop where new volunteers and more experienced volunteers can meet, edit and discuss Wikipedia-content in a casual manner was proposed. Very much like the Swedish initiative, Skrivstugor. We started up monthly wiki meet ups in Oslo in February 2016. The original idea to have a train-the-trainers workshop had to be somewhat downscaled, as we realized after the 7th November 2015 workshop that even though many of the former participants would be interested in a follow up course, their main interest was learning to be better editors themselves, and not to take on responsibility for arranging their own editing workshops.
The gender gap is an issue that Norwegian press has shown an interest in covering and that gives us the opportunity to create awareness on this issue and also on Wikimedia Norge as an organization and the Wikimedia mission on free knowledge and volunteer engagement. Most recent press coverage 1 and 2. Facebook and Instagram has been used to reach other interest groups who do work on gender gap issues.
Desired change
[edit]Visiting academic institutions is a strategy that demands both much resources, time and travel. A lot of resources have been used to reach quite few participants. Still, the issue of few female editors on Wikipedia has gotten attention in academic circles and instead of traveling around, we will from February 2016 invite new and old participants to monthly wiki meet ups for women in and Oslo, and starting August outside Oslo.
[edit]- Facilitate for more women to make Wikipedia-editing a part of their daily life.
- Increase the number of female editors.
- Increase the awareness about the Gender gap issue through all our programs.
- Help new female editors feel welcome on Wikipedia by the help of active editors and postings on the village pump.
- Host monthly editing-workshops for women. Four during spring, and four during fall in Oslo.
- Help organize 4 wiki meet ups for women outside Oslo.
- Collaborate with 2 other organizations working on gender gap issues, Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim and the Norwegian branch of WIFT: Women in Film and Television.
- 4 news reports on the gender gap issue.
- Organize an online editing contest on feminism and female biographies to mark the international Women's Day 8. March 2017.
- Participate in the 2017 Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon with an edit-a-thon in Oslo.
- By the end of the funding period measure editor retention among the participants. The program aims at 5 active editors by June 2017.
We adress these Wikimedia movement strategic priorities
[edit]- Improve Quality: By getting more diversity in who contributes to Wikipedia.
- Increase Participation: By inviting women to become editors and address the problem of the gender gap on Wikipedia in media.
Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan
- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, or provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram.
- 2. List of staff by department or function.
- You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you will have hired by the end of the current funding period, and staff you will have hired by the end of the proposed funding period.
Table 4
FTEs Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes Executive Director and Glam program manager 1 1 Community manager 0 0,5 This a new position. Academic program manager 0 0,3 Jorid Martinsen started working as a Academic program manager January 2016. Gender Gap program manager 0,3 0,2 In 2015 we had funding from Norway to pay for a part time position for Åsa Passche Gulbrandsen working on our Gender Gap program. Approximately 0,2 FTE for 6 months. For January 2016-July 2016 we pay Åsa hour by hour to keep our Gender gap program floating until the next funding period. Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 1,3 2
Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:
- Academic program manager: The Academic program builds on the experience we have from Glam on building partnerships, and Gender gap on how to organize Wikipedia trainings.
- Community manager: This will be a new position at Wikimedia Norge and will be offered as a temporary position for 1 year. In January-February 2017 we will do a survey among community members to see if this position improves community support and engagement. Dependig on the results from this survey we will determine if we will make it a permanent position from August 2017. The right candidate should be someone with knowledge of the Wikimedia projects. This position will give Wikimedia Norge the very important mix of experience from inside and outside the wiki world which we have learned from discussions with other European Wikimedia chapters can be crucial for how a chapter can give it's community support.
- Average annual earnings for a full-time position in Norway in 2014 was 503,800 NOK a year according to the state institution Statistics Norway. For the 2014 earnings there must be calculated a 3 % percentage increase as well. In addition all employers are obliged to have insurance and pension scheme for their employees. More information at Altinn. Altinn is the Norwegian public reporting portal.
- 3. How much does your organization project to spend on staff during the current funding period, or in the twelve month period before your proposed grant will start (e.g. 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016), in currency requested and US dollars?
Wikimedia Norge project to spend:
- NOK 710,000
- US 81,596.16
- 4. How much does your organization expect to spend on staff during the proposed funding period (e.g. 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017), in currency requested and US dollars?
Wikimedia Norge expect to spend:
- NOK 1,200,000
- US 137,909.00
Financials: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Detailed budget: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.
- Wikimedia Norge´s budget showing planned revenues and expenses 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. There is also a proposal for 1. January 2016 – 31. December 2016.
- Detailed budget for expenses
Revenues: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Does your organization plan to draw on its operating reserves during the upcoming funding period to support its expenses? If so, please provide the amount you intend to draw from your reserves here. This should not be included as revenue in the table below.
- 2. Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017). Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time. Please feel free to include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, but use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
Table 5
Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)
Membership fees 6,000 689.55 guaranteed
Gifts from individuals 5,000 574.62 guaranteed
Project and public grants 84,000 9,653.63 guaranteed. In addition 1 requested and 2 not yet requested public grants
Participation fees, events 20,000 2,298.48 guaranteed
APG funding 1,850,000 212,609.71 requested
State funding 25,000 2,873.10 not yet requested Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 1,990,000 228,699.09 -
Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
- Diversifying of funds: The FDC has commented on this in their assessments. Last funding period Wikimedia Norge got approved funding from 3 different Norwegian foundations. In total 306,000 NOK. But 5 applications for funding have been rejected over the last 6 months. Organizations without an international affiliation tends to be prioritized. Because of this we hope we will have more success in diversifying our funds over the next year when we apply for funding together with partners. 2 applications are under review now. One benefit of applying with partners is that it's easier to rise awareness of the Wikimedia mission when we collaborate with big partners who reach other stakeholders then we do.
Operating reserves: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.
- 1. How much does your organization plan to have in operating reserves by the end of the current funding period?
100,000 NOK
- 2. How much does your organization plan to have in operating reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period?
100,000 NOK
- 3. If your organization plans to use FDC funding to increase your reserves in the upcoming funding period, how much FDC funding will your organization use to build reserves?
- 0
Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
- Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs. These costs do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. For example, program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.
Table 6
Program Currency requested US dollars Community support 170,000 19,537.11 Glam 40,000 4,596.97 Academia 52,000 5,976.06 Gender gap 50,000 5,746.20 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 312,000 35,856.34
Table 6 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds for specific programs, please make a note of that here.
- Because of in-kind contributions (from Glam partners and academia) for venues, food and drinks and prizes for online editing contests we are able to maintain low costs.
- 2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
- These are divided into three expenses categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including staff expenses for both staff working on programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.
Table 7
Expense type Currency requested US dollars Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 312,000 35,856.34 Operations (excludes staff and programs) 450,000 51,715.88 Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 1,200,000 137,909.00 Amount to be added to operating reserves (if applicable) Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 1,962,000 225,481.22
Table 7 notes:
[edit]Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grants Program .
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes
Once this proposal is complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- WMNOastrid (talk) 16:57, 1 April 2016 (UTC)
- Hogne (talk) 09:57, 4 April 2016 (UTC) (Chair of Wikimedia Norway)
Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.