Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round 2/Wikimédia France/Proposal form
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the editintro.
- Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
- This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
- This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
- Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
- Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
- Please Email with questions about using the form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
[edit]Our adaptations about the observations on our last report
[edit]Quality and evaluation
[edit]We abandoned our previous quality approach in favour of the global metrics, to match the request of the Foundation and the FDC last year. We integrated logics models to better outline our approach to impact. For each item we strived to demonstrate the online impact or if there is no such direct impact, explain why it is important to invest in this field. Indeed, to have ultimate online impact, it may be important to develop other parameters that have an indirect role. For this, we clarified, every time, what strategic objectives the action; increasing content, supporting communities, changing the environment.
[edit]Last year the FDC advised us to take a more realistic approach to volunteer commitment. Therefore, we developed a new type of action that can easily be declined locally with a smaller voluntary investment. It includes for example for the “Summer of French Wikipedia towns and villages” or “My community Wikipedia”. This type of action aim to match the investment needs of volunteers which have neither the time nor the desire to create and manager fully-fledged actions. In addition, they enable the exchange and sharing of experiences more easily.
Two years ago, the FDC had regretted that our plan was too operational, and last year too strategic. We tried to find a compromise this year by increasing the focus on recognizable programs and high impact. And, to better link the strategic discussion and action, we hope this new format will meet expectations. We tried to make it clearer.
Impact on the movement
[edit]The FDC has indicated that they felt that our impact on the movement, beyond our borders, was not in line with the amount requested. We strived to change that with:
- Training in terms of tools and devices, first with a Wikimooc (several translations are planned from groups and chapters) and the regionalization of training to reach the greatest number of people.
- Organizing the first French-language Wikiconvention ;
- The development and organization of local participation with variations in other geographical areas, such as cities or local areas ;
- The creation of a lobbying campaign about the freedom of panorama including videos, educational website. This experience will be useful to all countries which do not have this exception, as well as to the work conducted by Dimitar in Brussels.
- Increasing support for actions developped by other structures in French-speaking African countries. These actions also contribute to more diversity to the movement.
Resource diversification
[edit]We were shown last year that out chapter had to continue its efforts to diversify the funds. We undertook a new action with the platform to increase our database, while having a political impact. Our experience with this new method may be useful to the entire movement as well. In turn, as we have repeatedly pointed to the various relevant parties, including the Board of Directors of the Foundation, our chapter is put in significant difficulty in this task by some actions of the Foundation fundraising department, very detrimental with respect to our donors. Until this point of considerable uncertainty will not be resolved by the Foundation, we will not be able to deploy a sustainable strategy and our dependence on APG funding will increase. Apart from that, the other potential solution come from the RUP (“recognition of public utility”), and the interest that it present for a class of donors.
Commitment to the online community
[edit]It was indicated in our last evaluation, that our chapter was not sufficiently committed to the participation of the online community. We recruited a civic volunteer, Jules Xénard, (also an editor and administrator of the French Wikipedia, deeply involved in the onboarding of new editors and in the deployment of the visual editor). This experiment has been very successful and helped to improve the reputation of the chapter and the link with the communities. It should be noted that Jules is the designer of the WikiMOOC. This project has demonstrated its strong on-line community involvement power, but also its ability to generate new accounts. But we also have realized the amount of work to deploy. Therefore, the unique creation of job that we ask for this campaign is the continuation of this function.
The points that we have selected from the results of Round 1
[edit]We presented our budget, based on the proposed written by the Swedish chapter that was particularly appreciated by the FDC.
- We have designed timelines to make the strengths of the campaign model more visible (these timelines had already been proposed by Estonia).
- We noted that the thematic of open content supported by the Netherlands was positively considered. So we chose to develop it in the Axis 4.
More generally, the FDC application is a compromise between three approaches:
- Volunteers' expectations (who have been expressed through the Qualtrics survey sent to the members' organization and editors of Wikimedia projects) ;
- The criteria from the Foundation and the FDC that determine the needs of the movement as a whole ;
- Analysis of our chapter about a business development perspective.
- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.
Our association has three main aims:
- To increase content (quality and quantity), by organising contribution days or free-for-all events, helping with digitisation and uploading of content. With this in mind, it is forming partnerships with organisations that have social objectives ;
- To support communities interested in Wikimedia projects, by offering contribution training, educational presentations and supporting contributors with their individual or collective projects by offering human, financial and material resources ;
- To act on the environment (financial, legal and technical) to make it more favourable to our movement, by supporting developments, talking to the media and public authorities, and participating in trade shows and conferences.
Our proposal was informed by a large consultation of both members and editors about the projects led by Wikimedia France in the past years. They were asked about the projects they wished to maintain, to develop or to stop. The results were taken into account in the current proposal for the next period.
- 2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
- Legal name of organization: Wikimédia France, association pour le libre partage de la connaissance
- Organization's fiscal year: 07/01-06/30
- 12-month funding period requested: 07/01/16-06/30/17
- Currency requested: 636,000 Euros (€)
- Name of primary contact: Nathalie Martin
- 3. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested (EUR) | US$ | |
Total expenses for the upcoming year | 1,086,000 | 1,184,516 |
APG funding requested for the upcoming year | 636,000 | 693,695 |
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year | 540,000 | 588,986 |
- 4. How does your organization know what community members / contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
For the first time this year, we conducted a large-scale survey within our community to help us to determine which actions to prioritise. A questionnaire was sent to our members, our local groups, to contributors to French-language projects via their respective “bistros” (village pumps) and to the boards of other affiliated French-speaking organisations. The questionnaire consisted of three parts: open questions to identify the actions from the past year that were deemed emblematic and to be continued, closed questions to prioritise our future actions according to multiple facets (thematic, organisational, financial, etc.), and one last question to gather people's suggestions. We believe the response rates within Wikimedia France to be encouraging (almost 10% of members completed the questionnaire); the response rate from external contributors was, however, quite low (0.3% of active contributors according to the definition of global metrics). We will have to improve publicly accessible information about our actions in order to encourage greater participation from our non-members. Nevertheless, this consultation means that we can adjust our priorities. The outcomes for each of the areas are presented below.
- 5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan and separate annual plans for the current and/or proposed funding period, if you have them. A strategic plan is required.
- Our strategic plan (the new one is currently in progress) : Strategic plan
The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 for most organizations). For organizations new to the APG process, your current funding period is the 12 months before your upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 for most organizations).
Table 2
Financials for the current funding period Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Revenues (from all sources) 1,017,845 1,110,179 724,882 790,639 1,086,000 1,184,516 Expenses 1,017,845 1,110,179 688,513 750,971 1,086,000 1,184,516
Table 2 notes:
This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a defined set of activities that share the same objectives and a similar theory of change. Please share the general goal of each program, and then list the specific objectives that the program will meet. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You may provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section or in a supplementary document, but please do not include these activities here as programs.
- 1. For each program, please include your targets for each of the global metrics in this table. All global metrics are required (except the optional metric for total number of images/media uploaded), but you may list a target of zero if there are metrics you do not expect results for. You are welcome to provide your other metrics in the detailed program section below.
Table 3
Program (1) # of newly registered users (2) # of active editors involved (3) # of individuals involved (4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages (4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional) (5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects (6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects Increasing content 1,130 900 6,000 1,000 3,000 300 10,000,000 Developing regional participation 7,100 600 10,000 10,000 90,000 25,000 10,000,000 Contributing to the international movement 50 50 200 20 60 20 10,000 Designing technical responses 10 100 200 10,000 40,000 5,000 Acting on the environment 1,000 500 2,000 10,000 17,000 5,000 100,000 Consolidating our organisation 80 Total 9,290 2,150 18,480 31,000 150,000 35,320 20,110,000
Table 3 notes:
We also included four other metrics :
- Volunteers hours : 8,000
- Number of press mentions : 250
- Number of files supported by WMFr : 25,000
- Partner satisfaction : 80% of satisfaction rate
- For each area we decided to list the planned actions but to only detail certain new actions to avoid weighing down the funding application.
Focus 1: Increase the content
Area description
Partnerships with cultural institutions enable accessibility for everyone to rooms that are normally reserved for a few specialists.
Over the past year we have met different objectives:
- a stabilisation of incoming requests (renewal of 4 existing partnerships, better prioritisation of demands, capacity to refuse if resources are insufficient or if contribution is not significant, empowerment of partners);
- an ongoing effort towards training trainers in order to disseminate skills (10 trainer training courses will have taken place before the end of the campaign);
- reinforcement of actions towards the education sector (6 training courses included in teaching units);
- an investment in edit-a-thons with various and innovative themes (around a dozen edit-a-thons have taken place so far with new subjects such as botany, sound archives, social and solidarity economy, etc.);
- "Opérations libres", events organized by local groups to increase as much content as possible on their localities (Josselin, Chéméré);
- highlighting our activities, particularly through our blog, social networks, and our partners' various communication formats (newsletters, social networks, joint press releases. etc.) in regions other than Paris.
The actions developed in this area touch on three different fields:
- increasing content
- supporting communities
- acting on the environment
What do we want to keep or change?
[edit]We want to keep:
- A dynamic with periodic edit-a-thons which have a direct and significant impact on Wikimedia projects ;
- The implementation of trainers training courses ;
We want to improve:
- The highlight of our actions at local level ;
- The training of members (especially those not signed up to local group lists) at local level ;
- Our response to all the different requests we receive ;
- Our ability to propose activities around new and less typical themes such as funerary art or medieval fencing with supporting partners (INRAP ([Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives, or the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research]), the National Museum of the Middle Ages).
[edit]- Edit-a-thons that serve the community's priorities (promoting women, themed enrichment, etc.)
- Greater awareness among teachers and more of a tendency to use Wikimedia projects in class
- Loyal and sustainable partnerships, particularly with GLAMs with the aim of enriching Wikimedia Commons and fostering uploads re-use on projects
- Recognition from the Ministry of National Education as an additional association of public education
- A MOOC on Wikipedia (the first in the world with 6,000 people signed up)
List of actions for the next campaign
[edit]Increasing content
- Women in Science Editathon
- Avignon Festival Editathon
- Art + Feminism Editathon
- Activity around mediaeval fencing, with the Museum of Cluny
- Activity around funerary art with INRAP
- Wiki-highschools contest 2016/2017
- Partnership with the National Archives
- Partnership with the Cité de la Céramique
- Partnership with the Bibliothèque inter-universitaire de Santé (University Library of Health) (portrait collection)
- Partnership with the Hospices Civils de Lyon (hospices of Lyon)
- Partnership with the Museum of Brittany
- Photo shooting at the University of Rennes I (zoological collection)
- Photo shooting at the UPMC (zoological collection)
- Actions at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, in association with the Université Catholique de Lyon
- Actions at the Museum of Natural History of Lille
- Actions with the National Botanical Conservatory of Brest
- Archeology activity with ArkéoTopia
Supporting communities
[edit]- Doctoral training (University of Lille, Paris Sorbonne, URFIST of Paris)
- Training trainers of national education ministry (TICE trainers, CANOPE trainers, PAF trainers, etc.)
- Empowering partners
- Development of regional training
- Wikimooc 2
Acting on the environment
[edit]- Supporting research networks
- Wikimedians in residence
Planned key actions
Increasing content
Uploads and new themes

- Target audience
- Cultural institutions
- Community of Wikimedians
- Time scale
- Every two months: National Archives uploads
- March 2016: Wikisource workshop National Archive pilot
- Every two months: operation "Love Document" to highlight content being put online via National Archive collections thanks to Wikimedians
- July - December 2016: contacting new partners (INRAP, National Museum of the Middle Ages) and project design
- January - June 2017: implementation of projects with partners and evaluation of results
- Description
As we see in the section "Empowering Partners" below, one of our challenges is to get the institutions wishing to donate content to develop the skill of putting their own document collections online themselves, for use by everyone. Wikimedia France will continue to assist its partners with the release of content. The partnership with the National Archives was extended last November and will now involve regular uploads of themed corpora. The idea of a Wikimedian in residence is under consideration as this partner is also exploring contributions to Wikisource. Similarly at the Cité de la céramique, in order to complete the inventory that was started on the existent knowledge at the Manufacture de Sèvres, the search for a Wikimedian in residence will be a key subject. On the one hand, we want to continue to increase content within lesser-known domains. In addition to the partnerships with the Université Pierre et Marie Curie and the Université de Rennes I, who are currently documenting their zoological collections on Wikimedia Commons, at least two ideas will be developed:
- a contribution project around funerary art, probably in collaboration with INRAP
- a contribution project around medieval fencing, with the support of the National Museum of the Middle Ages if possible.
- Expected results
- 2 documents transcribed by NA archivists via Wikisource
- 150 noteworthy documents uploaded to Wikimedia Commons by the NA
- 1 action campaign on funerary art with content and contribution uploads
Supporting communities
Empowering partners
- Target audience
Education partners, cultural institutions, associations.
- Time scale
- Summer 2016: administration of a questionnaire to assess needs
- Autumn 2016: compilation and analysis of results; ComeOn! training
- Winter 2016 - 2017: identification and selection of tools suitable to respondents' requirements
- Spring 2017: ComeOn! training
- Description
It is important that Wikimedia France activities are designed by or to involve its members. But it is equally important to avoid situations where they are overstretched and where there is a risk of burnout. Along with activities aimed at recruiting new volunteers, we wish to continue to make our partners evermore empowered. Here are some ideas:
- Assessing needs
We started working on an action to assess the needs of our partners in terms of their cooperation with the Wikimedia universe. From educational requirements to the need for technical assistance, our objective is to gain a better understanding of how to anticipate and assist these demands. As such, we devised a questionnaire that we hope to administer in the first instance to a target population more aimed towards cultural institutions in partnership with CLIC France (Club Innovation et Culture France), which hosts a network of over 70 institutions and communities in France. The needs that we will assess via this questionnaire will then enable us to prepare a toolbox for partners, in the same spirit as the teaching kit created last year.
- Training in precise tools/Financial support for tools
Maintaining tools developed within the movement by Wikimedians and their sometimes high degree of technicality, combined with the small number of people possessing these skills, can lead to something of an impasse: we are unable to respond to all demands and expectations expressed by partners. Some tools were developed by members of the association to meet certain requirements, such as the regular upload of iconographic documents onto Wikimedia Commons. At the same time, we want to encourage the development of these tools to make them accessible to novices while leading training actions on these tools in order to empower our partners as much as possible in their activity on Wikimedia projects. Our pilot is the ComeOn! tool. The first training course took place during this campaign with two partners. Members of the association can also be trained, if they wish so, their geographical proximity and common language greatly facilitating exchanges at the national or even French-language level.
- Expected results
- At least 2 uploads by partners via the ComeOn! tool
- Creation of a tool to support partners in their contribution to Wikimedia projects
Development of regional training
- Target audience
- volunteer members
- Time scale
- July 2016:
- selection of members by region in 6 large areas: Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg
- emailing info about training sessions
- assessment of needs
- October and November 2016:
- implementation of the first training sessions
- review of training sessions
- October 2016: first awareness-raising session for new members
- April 2017: second awareness-raising session for new members
- Description
Different training processes aimed at our target audiences were taken on with the training catalogue:
- identification of regional trainers to meet demand
- production of training material in PDF
- systematic support for volunteers wishing to organise training sessions.
We would like to energise our member training sessions, which involves targeting all members including those who aren't featured on local group mailing lists and suggesting training dates to them. After having assessed national requirements at the end of last year, we targeted local groups as a priority; however, we realised that there are many members that do not feature on those lists. It is therefore appropriate to target these volunteers via our member database as well. So that we can also raise awareness among new members (members for less than a year) who probably do not yet know what the association does and its motivations. Two days of awareness raising are planned to introduce Wikimedia France (staff team, activities, overall organization...) to these "new comers". We hope that this will engage more volunteers to participate in the activities of the association.
- Expected results
- 6 training courses given all over France
- At least 60 people trained
- A satisfaction rate of at least 80% of completed training
WikiMOOC 2: an online course for learning about editing

- Target audience
- general public (female and French-speaking African contributors particularly)
- Time scale
- August 2016: formation of the working group (see also project page)
- September 2016 - January 2017: devising the MOOC
- February - March 2017: launch and delivery of the WikiMOOC 2
- Description
The WikiMOOC is a free online course that is accessible to all and designed to help discover how Wikipedia functions and learn how to contribute to it by writing articles in five weeks. The MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is hosted on the France Université Numérique (Digital University of France) platform, driven by the Ministry of National Education for Higher Education and Research. A MOOC is distinguished from "simple" online courses by the number of learners and the level of interaction between the learners and the teachers.
Three objectives are pursued with the MOOC, by Wikipedians as well as Wikimedia France:
- Raising awareness: discovering behind the scenes of Wikipedia, the world's seventh most visited site, although its general operation is often little-known ;
- Increasing the number of contributors to the encyclopaedia by offering courses with a real framework for internet users who are not self-taught. A number of Internet users have indicated in WikiMOOC forums that they have tried to contribute but gave up for fear of making a mistake or somehow disrupting the operation of Wikipedia. Almost 2,000 new accounts were created during this edition ;
- Diversifying the profile of Wikipedians, the majority of which are male and western to date. Among the nearly 6,000 people signed up to WikiMOOC, around 36% are female and almost 20% are Internet users residing in Africa.
After the success of the first edition of WikiMOOC, a second edition is planned for early 2017. The WikiMOOC was a brand-new approach to the Wikimedia movement, and MOOCs are usually created by universities (or companies) with significant means (30,000 to over 100,000 dollars). There are three objectives to the WikiMOOC 2:
- to bring together at least 6,000 members;
- at least 35% of whom are female;
- at least 20% are residents of Africa.
For WikiMOOC 2:
- improvement of teaching scenarios (so a new plan) and the teaching of courses;
- creation of additional modules requested by learners (particularly a module on wikitext);
- shooting new videos (due to regular changes to interfaces, EV, etc., but also MOOC courses);
- various improvements in accordance with WikiMOOC 1 appraisals.
Acting on the environment
Supporting research networks
- Target audiences
- Research laboratories and centres (CRIHN − Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques [Interuniversity Research Centre for the Digital Humanities], Institut des Sciences de la Communication [Institute of Communication Sciences], École normale supérieure, Institut Catholique de Paris [Catholic University of Paris], Inria, Ars industrialis, etc).
- This research covers the field of digital humanities, education and digital teaching sciences, computer science, science of language, etc.
- Time scale
- July to September 2016:
- contact with research laboratories and university innovation centres
- September 2016 to December 2016:
- Identification and inventory of Wikipedia researchers with the aim of creating a community of pro Wikipedia researchers
- December 2016 to June 2017 (in real time thanks to a community of researchers and ongoing communication with universities):
- responding to calls for papers for research seminars
- creating a space on the website aimed at encouraging research related to Wikimedia projects
- hosting the research community that has been created
- Description
In 2011 and 2015, the Institut Télécom Bretagne (Brittany Telecom Institute) and its MARSOUIN team engaged Wikimedia France with the objective of getting to know contributors and readers of the encyclopaedia better. Around 50 volunteers participated in drafting a research questionnaire and more than 13,000 people responded.
In 2015, several researchers co-wrote a piece entitled “Wikipedia, unidentified scientific object", widely shared by their peers across social networks.
We think that Wikimedia France could be a facilitator for research and laboratory teams wishing to lead Wikimedia projects. Contact has already been established with researchers, particularly in the human and social sciences and the field of digital humanities, which the association, its actions and Wikimedia projects all fall under. In order to raise awareness among French researchers, some of which are still reluctant to study Wikipedia, the presentation will be designed to recap the areas of research of Wikimedia projects (aspects such as language, usages, data mining, rumour, etc.). In addition, pro Wikipedia researchers will be commissioned and grouped together (although it is not yet known in which form) in order to carry out analyses in relation to Wikimedia projects. We will also invite them to speak at research conferences. This is about replicating what has been achieved with the empowerment of teachers through the teaching kit and the presentation of Wikipedia's teaching motivations in particular.
- Expected results
- At least 5 research projects over the next campaign ;
- At least 5 papers in scientific journals ;
- 100 followers of the dedicated Twitter account.
What does the community think? How will it be involved?
[edit]- More than two thirds of members that responded to our questionnaire would like more contribution workshops to be organised: we will therefore renew our usual editathons and develop new contribution actions on themes chosen by volunteers (funerary art, medieval fencing, etc.) ;
- Two thirds of our members would like us to step up our training activities. As such, we are going to renew and improve the WikiMOOC. This is, incidentally, an initiative of around 15 Wikipedia contributors (at least half of which are members of the association). They contacted the association and we provided them with financial, logistical and human assistance. All courses were created by these with Wikipedians on a dedicated Wikipedia space, with Wikimedia France lending support in finding a platform for dissemination, someone to create videos, etc. The community will therefore continue to be fully involved in devising and revising courses, and beyond Wikipedia too, as contact has been made and will continue with contributors from the Wikiversity ;
- As far as training is concerned, a member of the association may participate in training delivered by an employee as well as a volunteer identified as a trainer within France. At least 3 contributors will therefore be involved in this training. Local groups will also be commissioned according to member availability ;
- As far as the research is concerned, we have noticed that many contributors have taken part in aforementioned research projects, whether this be the creation of a questionnaire, the implementation of the project page or the posting of a banner. It turns out that the development of research corresponds to a desire within the community and the Wikipedia movement to better understand audience usage and how Wikimedia projects are reused. Association members, the research working group and contributors to relevant projects will also be involved ;
- The GLAM and TECH group will be involved in empowering partners with a view to increasing the quantity and quality of existing content of Wikimedia projects. Local groups also play a central role in implementing these actions. Moreover, training in the various tools, for example, can take place regionally. Our partners' communities will also be involved with and affected by these actions.
SWOT forecast
[edit]Strengths | Weaknesses | |
| |
| |
Opportunities | Threats |
Focus 2: Developing regional participation
Description of the area
[edit]Gaining autonomy and developing a local network structured around regional collectives or associations, local groups were able to lead awareness-raising and training operations. These activities took various forms: wiki-meetups in libraries or museums, participation in forums, organisation of workshops, photograph outings, etc.
These local activities enabled members to promote collections, exhibitions and monuments and to train new contributors who wish to enrich Wikimedia projects.

The logistical, financial and human support from Wikimedia France was in addition to the willingness of local groups to engage. The team of employees from the research centre worked alongside members by meeting partners and mobilising local players. The Wikiletter, an information tool for members, is sent every two months. It offers a new feature: a learning pattern on an action led by a local group, in order to facilitate the exchange and learning of practices among groups.
At the same time, national projects were carried out, triggering a positive momentum to develop contribution practices. First of all, from 21 July to 21 September, the first edition of the "Été des Villes et Villages Français Wikipédia” or "Summer of French Wikipedia towns and villages" was a resounding success with around 16,000 photographic contributions on Commons and several hundred Wikipedia articles. For this, targeted communication was implemented with a website, flyers, posters and communication on Wikimedia France Facebook page. Phone calls and emails helped to raise awareness of town halls, tourist offices and parks. These partners received a communication kit in order to help encourage visitors and citizens to contribute. Local groups made the most of this national project in order to lead their own photographic activities and make contact with new partners.
Last June, a national project for minor and regional languages was launched through a partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Communication and, in particular, with the Délégation Générale à la Langue Française et aux Langues de France (DGLFLF, or General Delegation for the French Language and Languages of France). A survey was conducted between 21 September and 21 November 2015 with speakers in order to collect data concerning digital practices and the current situation for regional languages in France. This first step helped to build relationships with cultural institutions and associations promoting linguistic diversity. The result of this survey featured in a report by the Ministry of Culture. On 23 January 2016, a training seminar took place in Paris, bringing together the project partners. This first day of exchanges opened up new possibilities for regional actions around regional languages. The members of local groups involved in this project participated in training and are the essential and closest link to speakers.
Thanks to the active participation of Wikimedia France volunteers, this project continued with the development of a web interface allowing words and speeches in regional languages to be recorded. The tool, called "Lingua Libre", aims to teach us about minority languages via the automatic upload of sounds captured, on Wikimedia Commons. The development of this tool has emerged as a necessary addition to written contributions to Wikimedia projects for the non-standardised languages of France. It should enable the promotion of the linguistic richness throughout the country with the numerous dialects or patois that can exist within one region. In order to ensure the words and speeches recorded are monitored and classified, a team of linguists, speakers and Wikimedians familiar with the contribution process was put together. However, this tool, initially aimed at speakers of regional languages, also enables the wider development of sound contributions. This is why the first interface will be developed gradually, in order to exploit all opportunities and therefore offer editors a tool able collect a multitude of sounds worthy of an encyclopaedia. The first development phase was carried out prior to the seminar on 23rd January and this allowed discussion among speakers about how to use this tool. Encouraged by the positive reactions and the encouragement received, the "Lingua Libre" project should now go one step further by becoming the practical tool that all speakers turn to.

On 20 April 2016, a contributory day focusing on the Alsace and Moselle Franconian language will take place in Strasbourg. The event will see the first tests of Lingua Libre take place. Similar events are organised for the Basque country, Brittany and the Occitan area before the end of 2016. For this, Wikimedia France will collaborate with the "Digital Language Diversity Project", a project supported by the European agency Erasmus +.
What do we want to keep or change?
[edit]We want to keep:
- Continued development of local groups;
- Development of actions with local and potentially contributing groups;
- Use of national projects as a gateway to contribution.
We want to:
- Rebuild communication and exchanges between local groups;
- Increase the involvement of online communities and non-member communities.
[edit]- The emergence of local groups provides a very useful regional link for raising awareness among the general public about Wikimedia projects ;
- Establishing partnerships with local institutions, for example the Musée d’Aquitaine ( ;
- Social occasions where members meet up and prepare the next set of actions together ;
- Implementing national projects to open the contribution process up to a new audience.
List of actions for the next campaign
[edit]Increasing content
[edit]- Wikipedia and regional instrumental practices ;
- Share your knowledge with Wikipedia ;
- Languages of France Project)
- Partnership with the Office pour la langue et la culture alsacienne (OLCA), or the Office for Alsation Language and Culture, for the recovery of old documents in Alsatian ;
- Partnership with the Centre Inter-régional de développement de l'occitan (CIRDOC) or the Inter-regional Centre for Occitan Development, and the association Lo Congrès pour la valorisation du patrimoine littéraire occitan (Lo Congres for the promotion of Occitan literary heritage (;
- Partnership with the Public Office for the Basque Language for the creation of a local group in the Basque Country
- Partnership with the Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie de Paris (the House of New Caledonia of Paris) and the Académie des langues kanaks, or the Academy of Kanak languages
- Training of local groups in the use of the Lingua Libre tool (Languages of France Project) ;
- Responding to the needs expressed by the community: for example, help with designing plans to illustrate encyclopaedia articles, a request made by non-member contributors to Wikipedia's Village Pump.
Supporting communities
[edit]- Summer of Wikipedia Cities 2016 (2nd edition)
- My Wikipedia Community
- Tour de France of regions
- Development of local groups
Planned key actions
Increasing content
Wikipedia and regional instrumental practices
- Target audience
- Local associations ;
- Local artists' unions ;
- Traditional music groups.
- Time scale
- June to August 2016:
- Contact with associations and artists' unions
- August 2016 to November 2016:
- Organisation of recording sessions with the Lingua Libre tool
- After November 2016
- Hosting and assisting the community that has been created
- Description
The teaching of instrumental or so-called traditional practices is being developed in school and community environments. Oral and popular music, a lot of which is transmitted orally from generation to generation. The musical techniques, deeply rooted within regions, are the expression of a popular cultural heritage that is undervalued and poorly documented among Wikimedia projects.
Many Wikipedia articles refer to this music and are almost never illustrated with sound clips. We wish to remedy this through a musical project with a regional aim. With Lingua Libre helping to develop a high-quality recording tool, we wish to reuse this open source tool to allow musicians to record musical clips. The objective will first and foremost be to relate to artistic communities willing to contribute then to organise recording sessions in association with local groups. We hope to begin these recordings in October 2016. This action has three objectives:
- Enabling local groups to make contact with local artistic communities
- Developing sound illustration across Wikipedia pages on instruments
- Attracting new contributors and members
- Expected results
- 500 accounts created
- 100 illustrated Wikipedia articles
- 5,000 sound contributions on Wikimedia Commons
Share your knowledge with Wikipedia
- Target audience
- Local associations
- Regional artists' unions
- Local artists' networks
- Time scale
- August to October 2016:
- Contact with artists' unions and associations
- October 2016 to November 2016:
- Organising the first testimony sessions through video contributions
- November 2016 to February 2017
- Assisting the community that has been created
- Organising contribution days
- Description
Following contact with the National Institute of the Arts and meetings with contributors, we wish to develop an action to promote the arts on Wikipedia by encouraging contributors to take photos and videos of creative people but also by inviting those people to do it themselves. Creative professions are the heritage of techniques developed carefully over centuries. They offer a range of over 200 professions spread over 19 areas: earth, glass, wood, leather, graphic arts, performing arts, etc. This wide diversity represents an infinite resource for the encyclopaedia, for Commons and for the Wiktionary. Furthermore, they are constantly evolving through innovation and collaboration.
The creative professions are divided into three large categories:
- Traditional manufacturing (making things inspired by or in replication of existing items or objects through the mastery of a particular traditional skill);
- Restoration (skill of preserving and restoring movable and immovable heritage);
- Creation (producing unique pieces or a small range of a contemporary trend).
We will be developing video content in association with local groups and contributors and in partnership with the teams from VLC, a real Swiss Army Knife where multimedia is concerned. Even among active contributors, encoding a video into formats that are accepted by projects can prove time-consuming. This can be even more difficult for the general public, not used to such technicality. This is why, in partnership with VLC, we want to develop a plug-in that will enable videos in formats accepted by Wikimedia projects (.ogg and.flac) to be (easily and automatically) uploaded.
- Expected results
- 500 accounts created
- 500 illustrated Wikipedia articles
- 2,000 videos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons
Supporting communities
Summer of Cities 2016 (2nd edition)

- Target audience
- General public
- Time scale
- from April to 21 June 2016:
- Contact with tourist offices and town halls. Implementation of communication tools.
- from 21 June 2016 to 21 September 2016:
- National time scale
- Description
During our last FDC application process, we agreed to carry out the Summer of Wikipedia Cities and Villages to showcase the territories of France. Following the success of the first edition (16,000 contributions), we are launching a second edition that includes tourist offices and tourist information bureaus upstream of the action. Two sessions are planned. The first is dedicated to tourist offices and bureaus to encourage them to post their photographic collections on Commons. The second will be aimed at the wider public, like last year, by inviting them to photograph their own regions and share the photographs on Commons by way of illustrating online articles.
Tourist offices and bureaus have huge photographic collections and following a preparation meeting with the National Federation, we learnt that there are still too few photos published under free licence, mainly due to a lack of awareness about the possibility of doing this. We are therefore offering them an opportunity to publish this content.
The second session will allow the general public to publish their photos of their regions on Commons as part of a dedicated campaign. Like last year, there will be website for people do this. Mapping will be used to note photographic requirements then a series of indications such as statues, streets, landscapes, etc.
- Expected results
- 600 accounts created
- 25,000 photos uploaded to Wikimedia Commons
- 2,500 illustrated articles on Wikipedia
My Wikipedia Community

- Target audience
- General public
- Time scale
- from April to 21 September 2016:
- Contact with partners. Creation of website and communication tools. First tests along with the Summer of Cities 2016
- from 21 September 2016 to June 2017:
- Monitoring projects and assisting participants.
- Description
Our French municipalities possess historic, natural, patrimonial, urban and cultural riches that deserve to be disseminated to as many people as possible. To date, there is insufficient data about them on Wikipedia. To remedy this, this action proposes a whole series of actions for regional inhabitants and others involved (town halls, digital media outlets, etc.) to significantly increase Wikipedia content about municipalities. We want to offer a new experience for Wikimedia projects and Wikipedia in particular. Contributing to Wikipedia involves rules, and because collective contributions require organisation, we will be proposing turnkey actions in order to develop the idea of instinctive contribution throughout France. Tutorials will show step-by-step how to modify and improve Wikipedia articles on a range of themes. These themes represent the layout of an article put together by the community.
At a time when municipalities are undergoing their own digital transformation, we want to encourage inhabitants and those involved regionally to disseminate and share their information. The website developed for this will enable users to view the progress of an article. Based on an average content of all 36,000 articles relating to the municipalities of France, participants are able to see the required work via a percentage (100% being an article with quality approval given by the community). To remedy this, a set of actions will be proposed that can be carried out individually or in groups, tutorials offering the chance to learn the basics of contributing.
As such, a local historical society can contribute to writing the history section, or a digital media outlet can help organise contribution workshops or photograph outings, etc.
- Expected results
- 6,000 accounts created
- 70,000 photos uploaded between 2016 and 2017
- 6,000 illustrated articles on Wikipedia
Development of local groups
- Description
In order to increase the strength of our impact, we will continue to build the regional base. For this, we will continue to support existing local groups. A Tour de France of the regions, organised in April 2016, should allow us to assess the needs of members and to develop a specific strategy for each group. As such, we will help them to organise a major event during 2016 that will be taking a variety of forms: an edit-a-thon, a local competition and actions focusing on the contribution to the historical quarters of the cities of France.
The development of a specific strategy for each group is aimed at increasing the number of active members within each group.
By means of national actions and the project to promote regional languages, we are also hoping to encourage the creation of new local groups by focusing our response on medium-sized cities and the most under-represented regions within the movement (PACA Region, Corsica, Centre-Val de Loire).
- Expected results
- To go from 15 to 20 local groups created.
How will the community be involved?
[edit]The Summer of Wikipedia Cities and the recording of Breton are part of the most talked-about key projects among members that responded to our survey. We will therefore be pursuing and developing these. The set of actions will be led with the community. The first national actions started last year pleased many contributors, with action seekers enabling the provision of content to Wikipedia.
- My Wikipedia Community
The initial versions of the project were devised thanks to contributors and members of the association. The project is based on the rules established by the community. Furthermore, through the project we are building a network of contributors likely to be involved in face-to-face training and assisting participants.
- Summer of Wikipedia Cities 2016
Last year around 15 contributors actively participated in the development of the action to produce a map identifying needs in terms of illustration, work on the categorisation system, the creation of the Commons campaign, etc. This year, these tools will be updated and improved with the support of the community.
- Wikipedia skills
The project was constructed around a common desire among volunteers and employees to develop video content relating to local creativity. France is rich in skill and the people possessing this knowledge are becoming more and more rare. It is important for a part of the community to work on preserving these skills. The initial meetings will be between contributors and potential partners.
- Lingua Libre
Since this project started, a team of volunteers has been working on developing this tool. These contributors will be the first trainers within the community to roll out its usage. Local groups have already expressed interest in getting hold of Lingua Libre to use for some of their projects.
SWOT forecast
[edit]Strengths | Weaknesses | |
| |
| |
Opportunities | Threats |
Focus 3: Contributing to the international movement
Area description
Area 3 involves international actions with a particular focus on two aspects: the life of the Wikimedia movement and French-speaking communities (French-speaking Africa in particular). In view of the assumptions made concerning Africa at the time of our last FDC application, we took action in three areas:
- awareness raising and access to Wikimedia projects in French-speaking Africa through the partnership with Afrique Telecom and Eutelsat;
- the adaptation of existing documents for French-speaking communities with the current revision underway of the Welcome to Wikipedia textbook;
- support for French-speaking communities of the movement with grants dedicated to French-speaking people to encourage participation in events of the movement;
- the training of specific groups of people, similar to what we implemented with the International Alliance of Independent Publishers at the end of the last campaign.
For the second term, a strong emphasis was placed on French-speaking communities with:
- the continuation of the work initiated on the Wikipedia Library;
- the third edition of the month of the French-speaking contribution, this time in line with the international calendar;
- the creation of the first French-speaking Wikiconvention for the summer of 2016.
The main objective in this area is to increase knowledge sharing with the rest of the movement and to implement concrete actions to support the production of content throughout all French-speaking communities. The actions developed within this area touch on two fields:
- Increasing content
- Supporting communities
[edit]- an identification by the rest of the movement of our ability to share resources and offer tangible contributions (WikiMOOC courses; conflict of interest policy; info graphics; local group guide; participation in the design of the Wikimedia Conference, etc.)
- a key role in leading the WikiFranca network and its actions, particularly as part of WikiFranca and projects related to French-speaking Africa, in support of its coordinators
- links to partners outside of the movement
What do we want to keep or change?
[edit]- Maintaining a strong involvement in the challenges of the Wikimedia movement and its growth in the forthcoming months
- Creating major projects within WikiFranca (e.g. a French-language Wikiconvention)
- Offering solid support to initiatives rolled out in French-speaking Africa
- The ability to activate small networks in France for content-related contributions on Africa, for example by approaching relevant institutions (such as the Musée de l'Immigration) or networks of associations (e.g. a network of intangible cultural heritage, already encountered during the last campaign) and drawing on what was achieved during Black History Month in the US.
List of actions for the next campaign
- Wiki Loves Women (coaching and skills transfer)
- Villages of Cameroon
- French-speaking Wikiconvention 2016
- Wiki Loves Africa (communication and technical support)
- Appraisal of partnership with Afrique Télécom and Eutelsat
- French-speaking contribution month
- Project pilot to encourage diaspora to contribute
- Translate-a-thon project for the Wiki Primary School project (co-organization)
- Wikimania 2017 WikiFranca and Wikimedia France will take an active role in order to prepare Wikimania 2017 in Montreal.
- Preparation of the 2017 French-language Wikiconvention
Planned key actions
Increasing content
Supporting actions in Africa
- Target audience
- Editors
- Future editors
- Partners in French-speaking Africa
- Time scale
- Wiki Loves Women: January 2016 - March 2017
- Wiki Loves Africa:
- Spring 2016: preparation of the contest; choice of theme
- Summer 2016: jury selection, organization of the contest
- October - November 2016: contest gets underway
- December 2016 - February 2017: sorting photos; jury deliberations; community vote
- March 2017: announcing the winners
- Villages of Cameroon:
- February - May: preparation of contest: seeking sponsors; forming the jury; communication
- May - November 2016: the contest
- December 2016 - January 2017: assessment of submitted articles and jury deliberations
- January 2017: publication of results
- Description

Among the ideas set out last year, we would like to activate three in particular for this campaign:
- We are looking to identify people/projects led by local people that have history related to digitisation, open source, etc. such as Tela Botanica, a French-speaking network of botanists that works mainly in subtropical Africa and whose philosophy is based on the free sharing and dissemination of content. One planned action is, for example, to provide herbarium beds available with regard to subtropical African flora under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 license and the work with contributors who have participated in Wiki takes the Conservatoire Botanique National in Brest.
- Transferring knowledge (contributions to Wikipedia and its sister projects) to those with a sustainable local infrastructure and projects also supported by several partners is an interesting idea. Here are two examples of actions that we hope to support for the next campaign:
- Wiki Loves Women: a project based on the release of content in French and English speaking Africa. The project focuses on fighting against gender inequality across the African continent by highlighting the daily reality and the historic contribution of women in 4 African countries. The project is co-organized with Goethe Institute of South Africa. The Wikimedia France's objective is to work with partner organisations and communities of volunteers that are already established and active and to support locally present Wikimedians in residence, in French-speaking communities, through skills transfer.
- Wiki Loves Africa: photo contest with previous themes of gastronomy (2014), finery and ornaments (2015). The photo group was involved in the last edition, particularly in creating a best practice guide aimed at photographers participating in the contest as well as the promotion and communication group in order to raise awareness of the contest through different communication and media channels. We will once again be involved in the third edition. One type of support that is planned is the management of the voting platform for Wiki Loves Africa next winter.
- Wikivillage contest in Cameroon: the principle of the article-writing contest has been emulated in Cameroon where an AGRIPO partner decided to run the contribution contest in the villages of Cameroon. Wikimedia France will be one of the partners as part of WikiFranca. Known for their biodiversity and their cultural heritage, villages are living spaces for 40% of the Cameroon population. Cameroon has over 18,000 villages that are essential for long-term development. The village is the basic unit of social life, and the encyclopaedic knowledge of the villagers facilitates the design of social projects at the local level by devising targets based on facts, which result from a certain number of reliable indicators. The #Wikivillage initiative will seek to offer a modest response to certain historical, social, financial and environmental questions regarding the villages of Cameroon.
These three actions will be supported by WikiFranca, particularly in French-speaking African countries (Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Madagascar, Tunisia) and will be part of the contribution month, as applicable. Wikimedia France will help more generally with the promotion of the French-language Africa initiatives through the creation of a document summarising these activities.
- Expected results
- 2 Wikimedians living in French-speaking Africa coached over a year to support Wiki Loves Women
- 20 articles written on the villages of Cameroon
- 1 document summarising the actions of the movement in French-speaking Africa
Supporting communities
First French-language Wikiconvention 2016

- Target audience
- contributors to Wikimedia projects from all French-speaking communities.
- Time scale
- December 2015 - March 2016: preparation of the Projects and Events Grant (PEG); preparation meetings; forming committees
- March 2016: submission of the PEG; launch meeting; pre-registration
- March - April 2016: opening of call to conference and funding applications
- May 2016: registration opens; visa applications; selection of contributors
- June - July 2016: preparation: monitoring of logistics and registrations
- 19 to 21 August 2016: event takes place
- Description
The very first French-language Wikiconvention will take place in Paris on the weekend of 19 to 21 August 2016. It will welcome around 170 French-speaking participants from sections and user groups but also Wikimedia project communities. It was designed to contribute to the emergence and development of local French-language organisations.
We are hoping to welcome Wikimedians from Algeria, Belgium, Madagascar, Switzerland, Senegal, France, Tunisia and Canada. This event is one of the missions of WikiFranca and this drive will be reflected in organisation and planning committees. We will host the event at the Halle Pajol, a recently renovated, eco-design building with 7 meeting rooms and a youth hostel - low-cost accommodation for participants but with a good reputation.
Organised for the first time for French speakers, as was the case for several years in German-speaking, Spanish-speaking and Dutch-speaking communities, the Wikiconvention will be dedicated to sharing knowledge, practices and perspectives to encourage synergies and to develop enrichment strategies for Wikimedia projects in French, not to mention the promotion of regional and minority languages of the participating countries. Wikimedia France is coordinating this event, the contact for which is Pierre-Yves Beaudouin, with the local Parisian group, extremely motivated. Furthermore, 2016 marks 15 years since the creation of Wikipedia, which means it is an opportunity to celebrate 15 years of the encyclopaedia and to pay homage to French-speaking contributors in a serious but festive way. In order to prepare for this big event, we have created a wide benchmark of all the linguistic and/or regional conventions that have taken place as part of the movement in the past in order to draw some practical lessons from them for this first-time experience.
- Expected results
- at least 250 participants
- at least 8 countries represented
- at least 20 French-speaking Wikimedians from other countries than France
What does the community think? How will it be involved?
[edit]- The survey of our members and contributors highlights the international need for actions focused on French-speaking communities. As such, even if we continue to be involved in the entire Wikimedia movement (Wikimedia Conference, sharing best practices, etc.), we will mainly be developing actions aimed at French-speaking communities by strengthening WikiFranca and organising the first French-language Wikiconvention.
- French-language WikiConvention: the community of French-speaking contributors will be involved via WikiFranca dedicated mailing list, but also through the discussion spaces of the WIkimedia projects themselves (e.g. Le Bistro on French-speaking Wikipedia). Two dedicated committees have also been created on a volunteering basis. Local groups and working groups from Wikimedia France will be called upon to help put together the schedule for the WikiConvention. The rest of the movement is invited to support this action on the funding application page for the Wikimedia Foundation. Finally, around a dozen organisations have contributed to organising this event via feedback of their experiences.
- Support for Africa projects: the community will be called upon, particularly as part of Wiki Loves Women, in order to coach Wikipedians living locally in the French-speaking African countries that will be participating.
- WikiVillage Contest in Cameroon: Wikimedians will be jury members for the contribution contest, and Wikimedia France will reach out to potential financial partners.
SWOT forecast
[edit]Strengths | Weaknesses | |
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Opportunities | Threats |
Focus 4: Designing technical responses
Area description
[edit]The central aims of the 4 areas are to contribute to the development of tools while meeting our requirements, to offer assistance and more generally to help create new members.
- One of the main activities in this area involves supporting volunteer photographers. In this field, like last year, we have continued to provide equipment and accreditation to help produce content under free licence. From July 2015 to February 2016, 15,231 files were produced in this regard with the support of the association, by 83 contributors.
- We also support the activity of volunteers by organising training workshops. The idea of photo weekends was deemed too expensive given the benefits this brought to projects, and those planned for this year were cancelled. Short and less expensive training courses were deemed to be preferable.
- Similarly, we will continue hosting the space for local contributors from the association over the year, with at least two recurring events every month. Since July, 23 events have taken place in contributor spaces and 7 more are planned, making 30 in total, including Wikicheese and Wikigrenier evenings, Wikipedia workshops, filming for WikiMOOC, training in Lua, a meeting with OTRS agents and events organised by third-party associations to whom we happily lent premises. We have made initial contact with contributor spaces in Germany to prepare for the implementation of a network of contributors.
- Finally, over the forthcoming year, we will be focusing on organising a conference on open data in order to capitalise on the experience gained through organising the 2015 European Wikimedia Hackathon, on previous editions of Wikimedia Meets in 2007, 2010 and 2012 and on Wikidata-related activity.
The actions developed in this area touch on two different fields:
- supporting communities
- acting on the environment
What do we want to keep or change?
[edit]Overall, we want to continue the current operation of activities within this area for next year.
- With regard to photography, we want to continue supporting photographers by lending equipment and helping them to gain accreditation, which has been working well for a number of years now. We hope to replace photo weekends with workshops every quarter.
- With regard to contributor spaces, we hope to develop the current operation.
- With regard to supporting Wikidata, we want to step this up by setting up a dedicated working group, by creating information literature on the project (flyers) and above all by organising a conference dedicated to open data.
- The current strength of this area is definitely the support given to photographers, which continues to help source Wikimedia Commons, and therefore other projects, with high-quality photographs thanks to the equipment we lend and the help we offer in gaining in accreditation.
- A group of contributors very interested in Wikidata and very active
- Regular Wikidata training aimed at target audiences
List of actions for the next campaign
[edit]Supporting communities
Here are the events planned for the contributor space:
- one edition of Wikigrenier per month
- one edition of Wikicheese per month until at least December. If participants wish to continue, the evenings will be extended, otherwise contribution evenings will be organised
- a Wikidata workshop every two months.
- at least two photo workshops
- at least two technical training workshops
(Note: no events are planned for July and August)
An up-do-date planning is maintained on page fr:Wikipédia:Paris.
Acting on the environment
[edit]- Implementing a service catalogue for Wikidata
- Maintaining our technical facilities website, (website, CiviCRM, discussion lists, server supervisors)
- Preparing a new edition of the Rencontres Wikimédia
Planned key actions
Supporting communities
Contributor spaces

- Target audience
- Contributors from the Ile-de-France region to Wikimedia projects
- Time scale
- Wikicheese workshops every month (potentially replaced with contribution evenings from January if participants wish)
- Wikigrenier workshops every month
- Twice per year: training workshops in technical concepts (lua, gadgets, etc.)
- Twice per year: Wikiproject contributor group meeting
- Description
With an average of two events every month within the contributor space, we have set our objectives. For next year, we plan to continue the action undertaken this year, however, this will also involve increasing the use of this space, particularly by inviting contributors of themed Wikipedia projects to use it for meetings, like the group of OTRS agents in January. This type of meeting was held in equivalent contributor spaces in Germany (Hamburg, Cologne, etc.), where Wikipedia chemistry and mapping projects held meetings in Germany last year.
However, we are also planning to increase participation in France by means of a targeted membership campaign, and the contributor space will be a way of promoting the association and the practical support it offers to the community.
In terms of equipment, we will continue providing contributors with equipment to make contribution that few people have at home. The next purchases to be made are scanners for slides and photo negatives, requested by contributors who have large collections of old photos, useful for Wikimedia Commons.
- Expected results
- 35 events within the contributor space

- Target audience
- Contributors from the photographer and reports
- Time scale
- Every three months: photo training workshops on specific themes
- Description
We are planning to increase the pace of volunteer photography training to one workshop every three months, so a total of four throughout the year. Two of these are already scheduled: a new workshop on image processing tools, this time focused on free tools, and one on producing short video reports, in view of the recent activity on this topic among employees and volunteers.
We are planning to provide specific support with producing videos in order to enable contributors to improve Commons in this way, which is still inadequately covered. Two particular points grabbed our attention: the production of short video reports, as mentioned above. This will require purchasing an appropriate camera for conducting interviews (or special lenses for our current SLR) as well as microphones. The other type of video currently provoking a particular interest among volunteers are videos shot at high speed (at least 1,000 frames per second). Besides the fun aspect that new contributors can enjoy, the videos and photos produced in this way have a very diverse range of uses and would provide Commons with a resource and with results that would otherwise be impossible to achieve (for example, the flight of an insect, the effect produced by a drop of water falling onto a flat surface, or sporting activity in very slow motion). This would require the purchase of specialised equipment.
Finally, we want to revive the use of drones to take photographs and videos for Commons, as was previously done in Versailles. While it may be difficult to obtain authorisation to conduct flyovers using drones in urban zones in France, the country does have a great number of castles, abbeys and fortresses. The defence system of Vauban fortresses in particular can only be fully grasped from above. There are two possibilities for this: we can either buy drones and train several people to pilot them (in France, this requires a microlight certificate) or hire the services of a specialised company.
- Expected results
- 20,000 files supported by Wikimedia France
Wikidata working group

- Target audience
- Wikidata contributors
- Contributors from other Wikimedia projects interested in Wikidata
- Researchers, librarians, contributors to open source projects, and other third-party audiences potentially interested in Wikidata.
- Time scale
- Every two months: workshops aimed at the Wikidata community and/or other projects
- Every two months: Wikidata presentations to targeted audiences in other places
- Description
For almost a year we have been putting in place a series of Wikidata training courses, alternating every one month out of two between training for Wikimedia project contributors and presentations aimed towards external audiences, particularly our partners.
One of the primary objectives of this working group will be to establish a range of services regarding the support that the association can provide concerning the import of data by relevant institutions. One of the activities will be the creation of informative literature about Wikidata whilst also making use of the other sections already written on the subject, like the material produced by Wikimedia Sverige.
- Expected results
- Implementing a range of services
- Creating a Wikidata flyer
Acting on the environment
Rencontres Wikimédia : Open data

- Target audience
- Data record managers in public institutions (archivists, researchers. etc.) and others involved in French open data (around 100 people)
- Wikidata contributors (around 40 people)
- Time scale
- March - June 2016
- First contact during the Forum des Archivistes
- July - December 2016
- reflection on content + format of days + contributors;
- activation of the network + communication with potential participants + contact with contributors;
- creation of a discussion list + implementation of work and communication tools;
- locating a room
- locating sponsors
- January - June 2017
- wrapping up the schedule of two institutional days
- reserving rooms
- wrapping up contributions
- invitations sent
- meals/transport/accommodation logistics
- communications
- July - October 2017
- final adjustments to the two institutional days
- putting together the schedule for the two datasprint days
- creating and printing communication material for participants
- registration
- November/December 2017
- Rencontres Wikimédia Open Data
- appraisal and report on the symposium + external communications + acknowledgements/thanks
- Description
We would like to revive the Rencontres Wikimédia that took place in 2007 (scientific symposium), 2010 (Glam Wiki) and 2012 (Education), with an edition this time in autumn 2017 focusing on open data. This particular theme has been growing in importance since at least 2010 and the arrival of Wikidata has enabled us to assume a more central position within the movement and to encourage an increasingly higher number of institutions to make their data available under free licence.
The event itself will be held over four days and in two different parts. The first two days (Thursday and Friday) will be a conference focusing on French and/or European institutions that will enable managers to exchange examples of actions designed to open up their data and share the obstacles that were encountered. There will also be a discussion/round table on the challenges of open data in France. For the following two days (Saturday and Sunday) we are organising a datasprint/hackathon that will be attended by French Wikidata contributors and guests from neighbouring countries. During the datasprint we will be able to incorporate data records released for the occasion into Wikidata.
The schedule will be put together by a hybrid committee involving Wikimedians and partners.
The overall aim of the event is to encourage institutions that release their data to consider Wikidata and to create a synergy that would allow the development of contribution and re-utilisation tools.
We hope that over time, the format of this first European "Wikidata conference" will be taken on by other European sections eventually leading to an annual event.
- Expected results
- improvement of knowledge of Wikimedia projects in the open data sector
- driving/supporting of 2 to 5 content upload projects resulting from these meetings in 2018
- measuring of the short and long-term impact of the symposium through appraisal questionnaires and contributions
What does the community think? How will it be involved?
[edit]The different communities involved (photographers, Parisian members using the contributor space, Wikidatians) are usually enthusiastic about forthcoming innovations in these areas, especially as most come from their suggestions. They are regularly involved either face-to-face or via discussion lists dedicated to each one of these themes.
SWOT forecast
[edit]Strengths | Weaknesses | |
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Opportunities | Threats |
Focus 5: Acting on the environment
Area description
During our last campaign, we talked about our various actions with an aim to encourage membership to our association, to further boost our profile and to diversify our audiences. We have maintained our presence at trade shows, although this is expensive, by prioritising those where we would have the greatest impact (for example the Educatec-Educatice Trade Show, a professional trade show that aims to transform teaching practices; the Primevère Trade show in Lyon or the International Geography Festival in Saint Dié). We successfully organised three contests (Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Earth for the first time and Public Domain Remix): the first two were a great success and are now broken in; the third was a one-off. However, we also planned a series of media training sessions for spokespeople of the association at the local and national level. This option, too expensive for this year, was replaced with a tool, a media relations kit designed to help empower local groups. We wanted to update our most commonly distributed communication materials: this is almost a done deal with the release of the guide for partners and the almost-completed revision of the Welcome to Wikipedia help guide piloted by the local group in Rennes along with the help from the International Francophone Organisation. For the next campaign, we will continue this effort, as far as our financial means will allow, and we will place an emphasis on recruiting new volunteers as well as having more of a presence at conferences and symposiums as part of our mission for the free dissemination of knowledge. During the campaign significant work was done to spread the word about the freedom of panorama in France at the time of the ongoing the "Towards a Digital Republic" law issue. We took part in consultations organised by different ministries, the national assembly and today, senators. We met all the political personalities that agreed to meet us and we had significant media coverage about what we were doing. At the National Assembly, 125 MEPs supported 21 amendments!
The freedom of panorama was adopted against the advice of government. Its composition is still not satisfactory, but we hope to resolve this problem when it passes to the Senate. In March,a website dedicated to the freedom of panorama has been published. It includes videos, paper resources and petitions. The commitment from our association to this public debate enabled us to approach other free/open-source associations and to get a glimpse of perspectives for the forthcoming months, particularly around common goods.
The actions developed in this area touch on two different fields:
- Supporting communities
- acting on the environment
What do we want to keep or change?
For the next campaign we want to keep:
- The organisation of two contests per year, namely Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth
- The association's participation in renowned trade shows like Educatec, which allowed us to establish our visibility with expert audiences of national education (rectors, teachers and trainers) and to form new influential partnerships; also, the Primevère trade show in Lyon.
- Participation in demonstrations like Open Bidouille Camp Aquitaine; Worldwide Meetings for Open source Software (in Beauvais last year); the International Geography Festival in Saint Dié;
And we want to change and improve:
- The association's participation in multiple trade shows
- Recruitment of new volunteers through better communication and awareness raising (educational videos and communication campaigns)
[edit]By achieving the objectives set last year, we can:
- get mobilised to ensure a future presence at trade shows and festivals in Paris or other regions in order to make contacts and raise awareness among target audiences;
- Re-adjust our discourse and our communication tools in order to disseminate the messages that reflect the reality of what our movement is today;
- continue to organise new contests and to test how they are received by communities and the wider public.
List of actions for the next campaign
[edit]Increasing content
[edit]- Wiki Loves Monuments (enrichment of Wikimedia Commons)
- Wiki Loves Earth (enrichment of Wikimedia Commons)
Acting on the environment
[edit]- Actions around the notion of common goods
Planned key actions
Supporting communities
Recruitment of volunteers
- Target audience
- new members likely to be involved in actions such as contribution days.
- Time scale
- Writing a brief and guidance for the action: March - August 2016
- Selecting agencies to be in competition: August - October 2016
- Feedback on briefs and choice of partner: October - December 2016
- Roll-out of the campaign: from January 2017
- Description
As explained in the framework for the previous campaign, Wikimedia France is regularly called upon by new partners, whether for training in project contribution, to organise contribution days, or for awareness raising. However, the actual number of active members in the association is limited and often the volunteers most involved are so on multiple fronts. Beyond this context, we have seen with Wikicheese that many people do not know how Wikimedia projects operate and are not aware of the various ways of getting involved in them. In our various communications and during the 15 years of Wikipedia in particular, we have highlighted certain depictions of Wikipedians in order to encourage volunteer engagement and to raise awareness of its multiple forms. The ambition of this project is therefore to launch a national communication campaign with the aim of recruiting new volunteers and therefore to meet demands coming from the outside. In the first instance, this is specifically about setting out the objectives of the campaign in conjunction with the dynamic projects presented under area number 2 and local groups' needs for human resources, while at the same time calling upon other organisations of the movement to understand what this type of approach involves.
- Expected results
- Recruitment of 100 new members
- Diversification of member profiles
Acting on the environment

- Target audience
- Policies
- General public
- Time scale
- September - December: working group analysis concerning the message to be broadcast;
- January - February: site preparation launch;
- March to June: meeting proposals to different policy managers.
- Description
The work carried out around the freedom of panorama falls more widely under the legislative recognition of common goods. The government refused to inscribe this term into the "Towards a digital republic" law. The definition of common goods as an autonomous use of property rights is a significant challenge for Wikimedia projects and for the movement as a whole. This route, different from forms of action in the private or public sector, should be valued vis-a-vis public opinion but also protected. So many cases of copyfraud are regrettable and harmful to the enrichment of different projects. Think tanks exist in France for this notion of common goods but there are very few concrete actions that have been implemented. As part of the development of the law, a group representing different organisations was formed. Our wish is to work in the legal sector with lawyers in order to propose specific provisions as well as the political sector. Presidential elections are approaching and they will be an opportunity to increase awareness of policies and among the general public regarding this matter.
Link to our website : [Freedom of Panorama]
- Expected results
- Creation of an educational site about common goods with the same types of resources as those regarding the freedom of panorama.
Better visibility at conferences and symposiums
- Target audience
- Session participants (expert audiences)

- Time scale
- July 2016: reduction of a document identifying action themes and drivers
- August 2016: implementation of the event monitoring platform with the aim of being aware of conferences and symposiums before they are held
- September 2016 to June 2017: contact with organisers and organising speaking time where possible
- Description
Currently, the Wikimedia France Association is seldom called upon to participate in conferences and symposiums (not involving stands). This type of event is ideal as it often addresses an expert target audience that is likely to be interested in Wikimedia projects.
The aim is to identify the action themes as well as the speakers for them and then to suggest to organisers the possibility of getting involved. Monitoring conferences and symposiums related to digital humanities, common goods, digital transformation of associations and digital publishing will be conducted in order to identify opportunities.
With regard to those themes that could be action drivers, we can suggest:
- Wikipedia from a collaborative point of view;
- common digital/informational goods;
- interaction between online and off-line communities;
- digital humanities;
- uses of Wikipedia in class;
- Wikimedia France as an associative structure of the economy of sharing.
- Expected results
- 10 public speeches throughout the year
- 500 informed people
Educational video about the movement

- Target audience
- general public via social networks.
- Time scale
- July: storyboard proposal to members.
- July to October: exchanges and corrections.
- October to December: editing of the video
- December: integration into Wikimedia France's brand-new website
- Description
We would like to work on hosting videos as part of the association's communication actions with the aim of showing the general public, for example, the difference between Wikipedia and Wikimedia France, as well as producing introductory videos before certain events, etc.
One of our first productions will be an educational video about the Wikimedia movement, the Foundation and its relationship with Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, and it will illustrate the homepage of the new website. It is currently still in the storyboard phase and requires further work before it can be presented to members. Apart from welcoming visitors to our site and explaining to them in simple terms what the movement is, this video will also enable easy sharing across social networks. This production is part of our awareness-raising policy. We were particularly inspired by the opening video made by Wikimania Mexico in 2015.
- Expected results
- 1 educational video about what Wikimedia France is, online on the new website
What does the community think? How will it be involved?
[edit]- As part of a major consultation that took place, more than two thirds of our members would like us to step up our advocacy work and our statements (particularly concerning the freedom of panorama).
- Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Earth are key projects that are the most discussed among our contributors. In particular, even though we have been organising it since 2011, our members would like to repeat Wiki Loves Mountains in light of the fact that photographic coverage is still falling short (72% of monuments illustrated)
- Members have been very receptive to the idea of participating in conferences and symposiums. Depending on the action themes, different people involved with the association will be called upon (working groups, volunteers, contributors, employees, members of the administrative and scientific board, etc.) in order to benefit from the expertise of each of these. Wherever possible, reports, recorded videos or other media formats will be compiled from our internal database so that they can be shared with any volunteers wanting to work on a similar subject.
- The idea of an educational video was already discussed, particularly within the promotion and communication working group. Several volunteers considered this and suggested ideas that we bounced around while we were producing the first storyboard.
SWOT forecast
[edit]Strengths | Weaknesses | |
| |
| |
Opportunities | Threats |
Focus 6: Consolidating our organisation
Area description
[edit]Our association is gaining credibility. This result is mostly the fruit of our certification process but also because of substantive work carried out on press relations since May 2014:
- Creation of a media contact base on CiviCRM
- Expansion of our media contact base (10 contacts made in 2014 - 70 contacts in January 2016, meaning an increase of over 700%)
- Creation of a media relations kit to equip members of Wikimedia France, particularly with regional media
- Structuring of the summary information file for journalists
- Recent coordination with the communication team from the Wikimedia Foundation
- Background work on the blog and our social resources to produce more content and editorialised material
- Sending regular press releases (one every two months on average) and holding press reviews
- Creation of a monthly editorial committee

This involves solicitation and an ever-greater media presence and means we must afford the utmost seriousness to the image that our organisation portrays.
Actions developed within this area touch on:
- acting on the environment.
What do we want to keep or change?
[edit]Naturally, we want to preserve the structuring and administrative organisation of our association. The certification trials showed a certain correspondence between what we are able to produce and the expectations of the general public and certifying bodies.
However, in the aim of improving communication about what our activity is founded on (increasing content, supporting communities, acting on the environment ), we are beginning to reflect on how our structure is presented and on highlighting its operational core.
Moreover, if our fundraising procedure seems tried and tested, these recent approvals that we have acquired and the related gain in credibility are encouraging us to explore new areas of funding (supporter funding for example).
Finally, this recognition given to our association (improvement of our image and of our reputation) could not happen without good means of communication. The work that began over a year ago is bearing fruit and we hoping to continue on this path in order to maintain (and even improve) the results we are currently experiencing.
However, this idyllic picture is somewhat tarnished by the (too many) problems encountered with our CRM. The activity of Wikimedia France can no longer settle for a cobbled-together solution, for which we are unable to find competent and available developers who can carry out the necessary corrective measures in time. This is one of the projects we have to work on over the forthcoming months.
[edit]Between May 2014 and January 2016, Wikimedia France went from 7 media coverage events per month to more than double (17 or 18 media coverage events per month). This general trend is extremely encouraging giving the lack of financial investment made into press relations. Several drivers for raising our profile with journalists were identified: creating an event with an innovative, unexpected and easily communicated project (like Wikicheese); using an established broadcasting network (like with the Festival du domaine public); capitalising on our partners' broadcasting networks (as with the partnership with Eutelsat and Afrique Telecom); mobilising highly available spokespeople; increasing editorial work on our blog and our social networks. Two axes seem to appear :
- our global media coverage was increasing over the last two campaigns, which makes for a very fertile breeding ground in terms of rolling out an editorial strategy.
- the subjects covered by the media are diverse (lobbying, Africa, the gender gap, etc.), so we need to prioritise the subjects that we want to speak about and discuss them in a coherent way as well as conducting discourse constructed around each of these themes, defined as priorities.
This increasing visibility and recognition was also widely anticipated thanks to a better structuring of our activity and strategic reflection on various sectors of our activity (fundraising, lobbying, internal and external communication).
List of actions for the next campaign
[edit]- Continuing with the overhaul of the Wikimedia France website;
- Annual fundraising;
- Exploiting opportunities that the RUP can offer (Reconnaissance d'Utilité Publique or Recognition of Public Interest);
- Approval by the Ministry for Youth and Sport;
- Assistance with the evaluation of social impact from the ProBonoLab;
- Approval by the Comité de la Charte (“Charter Committee”), similar to IDEAS.
- Diversification of revenue sources;
- Creation of original visuals for T-shirts and mugs;
Planned key actions
Acting on the environment
Diversifying our revenue sources

- Target audience
- General public and those sharing our concerns.
- Time scale
One petition over the year (depending on subjects brought up by current affairs)
- Description
Our lobbying led us to rub shoulders with different people involved in working in the public space. Among these, we came across the team, based in France. As well as the excellent results that this platform has achieved in launching petitions, the actions initiated by make it possible to get hold of databases. In fact, each signature collected means a potential donor, volunteer or contributor.
Moreover, the contact lists obtained by these means are more useful than the lists provided by email service providers: these contacts have already proved their usefulness to our activity, plus they share our values.
This is why over the forthcoming year we plan to run a petition: to support our lobbying action but also to help increase our contact base.
Link to our current petition: Pour la liberté de photographier l'espace public !
- Expected results
- 100,000 signatories
- 20,000 new contacts;
- 800 new donors;
Creation of original visuals for T-shirts and mugs
- Target audience
- Mainly contributors (members and non-members).
- Time scale
- summer 2016: proposing visuals to members
- autumn 2016: validation of a series of visuals (the duration of which is obviously very variable).
- winter 2016 to 2017: printing and sale at the store.
- Description
As explained above, WMFR decided to diversify its funding sources: another driver identified within the association is the online sale of products printed with logos from Wikimedia and Wikimedia projects. In fact, for a few months Wikimedia France has been wanting to implement a store in which goods would be on sale to members as well as the general public. Following a discussion with the fundraising service of the Wikimedia Foundation, this wish became a reality. Now, our desire is not only to create goods using locals from various Wikimedia Foundation projects, but also to create new visuals: contributors are proud of their work and want to highlight it, to bear the colours of Wikimedia or of projects to which they are particularly committed. It is both a means for them to demonstrate their passion and a publicity vehicle for the association.
A good number of contributors are passionate about video games, series and the fictional universe in the broader sense. This is why the creation of original, more illustrative visuals, potentially referencing these fictional universes that are dear to our contributors, would be a way of promoting volunteers on the one hand but also presenting a different image of the association and making it more attractive on the other.
- Expected results
- Creation and adoption of 3 new visuals
- First online sales effective before the end of the campaign
Continued effort towards approval

- Target audience
- Potential donors
- Time scale
- July 2016 to January 2017:
- assistance from ProBonoLab teams
- monitoring of files pending approval (Ministry for Youth and Sport)
- compilation of a dossier with the Comité de la Charte (“Charter Committee”)
- January 2017 to July 2017:
- implementing recommendations from the ProBonoLab
- approval processes with the Charter Committee
- Description
The Association was recently approved by IDEAS, an organisation that certifies associations of trust that meet over a hundred reliability and performance indicators with potential donors in terms of governance, human resources and accounting.
In addition to this action, we were chosen from over 100 candidates by the ProBonoLab, an association whose goal is to bring skill sponsorships to associations in accordance with their requirements (communication, fundraising, etc.). Our need is for the implementation of quality indicators in relation to social impact by identifying the beneficiaries of some of our actions and the way in which they can affect the general public and society. This improved understanding of the social impact of our actions could result in new parameters for the 2017/2018 campaign.
We are also hoping to continue with the audits that we were able to start in 2015 and 2016 with the aim of providing further assurance for our potential donors and to diversify our funding sources. We are therefore planning to call upon the Comité de la Charte (“Charter Committee”) for example, in July 2016.
- Expected results
- 2 additional certifications/approvals to be obtained
Implementation of an editorial strategy for Wikimedia France
- Target audience
- Communication targets for the association
- Time scale
- Throughout the whole campaign (background work)
- Description
After reassessing certain requirements for tools (such as the overhaul of our website), we must now commit to setting out our priority targets and key messages. This is part of the construction of the association's medium- and long-term strategy. This ambition serves several objectives: maintaining and, if possible, improving upon our good reputation with our audiences and increasing understanding about our activities with those stakeholders likely to support what we do in various ways (donors, policies, the media, etc.).
Two areas of work to be implemented over this campaign:
- Defining a strategic position
- Identifying our priority communication objective(s)
- Identifying priority targets that we want to reach through press relations in order to achieve this objective/these objectives
- Defining our message platform in association with this objective/these objectives in order to communicate our ideas more clearly and effectively.
- Qualifying and maintaining our media contact base
- Enriching and activating our journalist lists on Twitter
- Better qualifying our media contact in accordance with key themes
- Expected results
- Identifying our priority communication targets
- Qualified media contact base
- Platform for our main messages by priority themes or actions (see Area 5)
What does the community think? How will it be involved?
[edit]- Journalists we have ties to make up a fully-fledged community: we have regular exchanges with them on Twitter.
- The PROMOTION/COMMUNICATION working group was called upon for various projects directly or indirectly linked to press relations (media relations kit; redefining the editorial line of certain communication channels like the blog, etc.). This consultation and co-creation will continue (continued revamp of the website, selection of visuals for goods, etc.). At the same time, for some projects mentioned above, our structure will need editorial expertise, to be found outside of our association.
- Other Wikimedia organisations were consulted on the editorial strategy of their blogs, like Wikimedia Deutschland and the Wikimedia Foundation, and that remains an interesting element of comparison. Strategic editorial work on our messages may benefit other organisations of the movement.
- The internal quality@ working group and the board are in favour of continuing with the approval strategy. Several volunteers are involved in this. Furthermore, there is little or no cost for the association and the workload is distributed among several people involved; this action model is approved by members.
SWOT forecast
[edit]Strengths | Weaknesses | |
| |
| |
Opportunities | Threats |
- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, or provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram.
During the 2015 to 2016 financial year, we had a trial of welcoming civil volunteers. Civil volunteering is a period, theoretically 8 months, where a person under 25 years old gives their time to a non-profit organisation. This allows them to discover a sector or a job or to gain experience, and, for the chosen organisation, means low-cost employment. Thanks to this provision, as well as the presence of a trainee lawyer, we were able to deal with the increase in activity and to test out new actions. Therefore for the forthcoming year we are planning to continue with this scheme.
As set out in our previous request, we were able to find an employee to strengthen the network hub whilst conducting research work as part of a doctoral thesis. The new arrival allowed regional assistance to be distributed over two people and meant that time could be spent developing projects and processes that could be deployed at the national level. The research contract has a duration of 3 years, which will leave us time to complete trials related to this organisation.
However, the 2 people responsible for the network missions are mainly focusing their efforts towards off-line communities, meaning members of the association involved in regional development. However, it appears we must continue the effort of reconciliation between Wikimedia France and various contributors (particularly non-members). As such, and for the future campaign, we want to recruit a new position: a network task force manager specifically dedicated to strengthening synergies between WMFr and online communities. Presently we are noticing that there are still mutual misunderstandings and we assume that these are not only missed opportunities but also sources of confusion or conflict. For this role of liaison officer, we need a very particular profile, a person who was a good knowledge of projects and how they operate, but also a person able to inspire confidence in their employees as well as contributors. User:Jules78120 joined our team as part of civil service volunteering and piloted under his own design and his own management the first WikiMOOC produced by Wikimédia France. We therefore appreciate his professionalism and the other qualities he has to offer. Plus, fr:User:Jules78120 is a well-established user on Wikipedia − sysop, oversight, OTRS agent, filter modifier, and incidentally one of the top-20 editors on French-language Wikipedia. It therefore seems difficult to call into question his mastery of projects and his expertise in how they operate. Given the work opportunities the profile fr:User:Jules78120 offers, we want him on our team as soon as possible!
- 2. List of staff by department or function.
- You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you will have hired by the end of the current funding period, and staff you will have hired by the end of the proposed funding period.
Table 4
Department or function FTEs by end of current year FTEs by end of upcoming year Explanation of changes Executive Director 1 1 Executive assistant & human resources manager 1 1 Community (off-line) manager 1 1 Community (off-line) manager 1 1 PhD student Community (on-line) manager 0 1 We experienced this job during the "volontariat civic" (civil volunteering) of Jules78120 and we understood that this function was essential to interactions between Wikimedia and projects. Accountant 0.5 0.5 half-time student Outreach & evaluation manager 1 1 Communication & events manager 1 1 System & network administrator 1 1 System and network student 0 0.5 6 month internship Partnerships & institutional relations special advisor 1 1 Fundraising & community engagement special advisor 1 1 Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 9.5 11
Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:
- 3. How much does your organization project to spend on staff during the current funding period, or in the twelve month period before your proposed grant will start (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016), in currency requested and US dollars?
- We expect that our staff costs, during this year, will be around: 598,573 € (652,872 USD)
- 4. How much does your organization expect to spend on staff during the proposed funding period (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016), in currency requested and US dollars?
We expect that our staff costs, for the next year, will be : 673,259 € (734,333 USD)
Detailed budget: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.
Revenues: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Does your organization plan to draw on its operating reserves during the upcoming funding period to support its expenses? If so, please provide the amount you intend to draw from your reserves here. This should not be included as revenue in the table below.
No, we do not plan to draw on any fund from our reserve.
- 2. Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016). Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time. Please feel free to include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, but use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
Table 5
Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)
Membership fees 11,400 12,434 Estimated APG 636,000 693,695 Requested Donations 368,600 402,037 Estimated Projects Grants 45,000 49,082 Estimated Miscellaneous revenues 2,000 2,181 Estimated Other incomes 3,000 3,272 Estimated Assumption of liability 4,000 4,363 Costs transfer 16,000 17,451 Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 1,086,000 1,184,516 -
Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
Operating reserves: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.
- 1. How much does your organization plan to have in operating reserves by the end of the current funding period?
- Around 123,000 € (134,158 $)
- 2. How much does your organization plan to have in operating reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period?
- It would be safe to have at least an amount equal to three months of salary expenses (at least 150,000 €).
- 3. If your organization plans to use FDC funding to increase your reserves in the upcoming funding period, how much FDC funding will your organization use to build reserves?
- We don't plan to use our APG to increase our operating reserves.
Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
- Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs. These costs do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. For example, program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.
Table 6
Program Currency requested US dollars Focus 1 56,330 61,440 Focus 2 26,982 29,430 Focus 3 13,106 14,295 Focus 4 17,949 19,577 Focus 5 48,312 52,695 Focus 6 54,618 59,573 Focus 9 (administration) 195,444 213,174 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 412,741 450,184
Table 6 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds for specific programs, please make a note of that here.
- 2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
- These are divided into three expenses categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including staff expenses for both staff working on programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.
Table 7
Expense type Currency requested US dollars Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 412,741 450,184 Operations (excludes staff and programs) Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 673,259 734,333 Amount to be added to operating reserves (if applicable) Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 1,086,000 1,184,516
Table 7 notes:
[edit]Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grants Program .
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities YES
Once this proposal is complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.