Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round 2/Wikimedia Armenia/Proposal form
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the editintro.
- Use this form if you are eligible to submit a proposal in the current round, to request funding in the current round.
- This form must be published on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round to be considered, and no changes may be made after the submission date without staff approval.
- This form complements your organization's annual plan, detailed budget, and strategic plan. It won't be considered complete without a detailed budget and strategic plan.
- Organizations may apply for a funding period that does not exactly match their fiscal years. Follow the instructions carefully to understand what time period each question refers to.
- Refer to the framework, guidance from the Board, and the FDC's recommendations before using this form, so you have an understanding of the Annual Plan Grants process.
- Please Email with questions about using the form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
[edit]- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.
- Wikimedia Armenia's activities will be mainly concentrated on education, reach, community engagement and digitization. The Education Program will help to use Wikimedia projects as teaching tools in more schools of Armenia, thus involving more educators and students in the editing process. Organized Armenian Summer and Winter Wikicamps will gather all teachers and students together promoting the development of wiki projects and wiki community. They will encourage very active students and attract newcomers from different regions of Armenia, thus increasing the reach of wiki movement and the establishment of WikiClubs. With the support of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation WM AM will continue introducing Western Armenian on Wikimedia projects reaching Western Armenian speaker people from the Armenian Diaspora through various projects. In the framework of Western Armenian project Western Armenian WikiClubs will be established involving local Armenian communities, also there is a WikiCamp ahead in Portugal. The Digitization program will increase the number of Armenian public domain books available in Armenian Wikisource thus impacting on the number of the active editors of Wikisource. To sustain active Armenian speaking wiki community and involve new editors, other community-based projects are also planned. This year WM AM will also provide microgrants supporting Armenian wiki community groups and individuals in their projects and initiatives. To increase international involvement Norwegian-Armenian collaboration will be organized with Wikimedia Norge.
- 2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.
- Legal name of organization: «Վիքիմեդիա Հայաստան» գիտակրթական ՀԿ
- Organization's fiscal year: 01/01-12/31
- 12-month funding period requested: 07/01/2016-06/30/2017
- Currency requested: AMD
- Name of primary contact: Lilit Tarkhanyan, David Saroyan
- 3. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested | US$ | |
Total expenses for the upcoming year | 134,200,250 | 273,769 |
APG funding requested for the upcoming year | 94,984,564 | 193,769 |
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year | 58,997,428 | 123,895 |
- 4. How does your organization know what community members / contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
- Wikimedia Armenia often organizes meet-ups and discussions with Armenian editors of Wikimedia projects, as well as with the organization members where we discuss the needs of the community, what steps to undertake for further development of our wiki community, what are the best ways to involve new editors and sustain already active ones, etc. Besides these in-person meetings, different discussions are held via social networks which are one of the main ways of informing the editors about WM AM ongoing projects.
- 5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan and separate annual plans for the current and/or proposed funding period, if you have them. A strategic plan is required.
Financials: current funding period
[edit]The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is receiving funds and spending funds toward your current plan. Your current funding period is the funding period now in progress (e.g. 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 for most organizations). For organizations new to the APG process, your current funding period is the 12 months before your upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015 for most organizations).
Table 2
Financials for the current funding period Revenues or expenses Planned (budgeted) Actual, until one month before the proposal due date Projected Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Currency requested US dollars Revenues (from all sources) 66,140,285 138,895 66,140,285 138,895 66,140,285 138,895 Expenses 66,140,285 138,895 24,686,742 [1] 51,938 66,140,285 138,895
Table 2 notes:
- 1 - The largest expense of WM AM budget is Wikicamps, which will be held later this year.
Programs: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a defined set of activities that share the same objectives and a similar theory of change. Please share the general goal of each program, and then list the specific objectives that the program will meet. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You may provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section or in a supplementary document, but please do not include these activities here as programs.
- 1. For each program, please include your targets for each of the global metrics in this table. All global metrics are required (except the optional metric for total number of images/media uploaded), but you may list a target of zero if there are metrics you do not expect results for. You are welcome to provide your other metrics in the detailed program section below.
Table 3
Program (1) # of newly registered users (2) # of active editors involved (3) # of individuals involved (4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages (4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional) (5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects (6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects Education program 45 180 240 2,000 100 20,000 65,000,000 Wikiseminars for teachers 80 25 90 100 80 250 2,000,000 WikiCamps 30 150 360 1000 560 9400 15,500,000 WikiClubs See Education program Western Armenian 20 25 50 200 50 1000 5,000,000 Digitization 0 40 40 30 30 100 6,000,000 Community support 30 50 180 700 50 1100 5,000,000
Table 3 notes:
- 2. Please list your goals and objectives for each program. Please be sure your objectives meet all three criteria for each program
- Be sure the objectives listed are each SMART: specific, measurable, attainable and relevant, and include time-bound targets.
- Include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets, and remember to highlight your baseline metrics.
- Provide any additional information that is important to our understanding of this program. For example, you may include needs assessments, logic models, timelines, tables, or charts. Share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning, or explain how your program aligns with important Wikimedia priorities such as increasing participation and improving content on the Wikimedia projects.
Education Program
The main goal of the program is the use of Wikipedia as a teaching tool in more schools of Armenia and the involvement of more students in the program.

- SMART objectives
- Sustain and increase the reach of wiki movement and educational projects in the regions of Armenia.
- Enlarge number of schools which are involved in educational projects from current 20 to 25 by July 1.
- Maintain number of schools currently participating in Wikimedia Armenia Education Programs - at least 13 of 20 by July 1.
- Increase number of new articles created or improved in Armenian Wikipedia from current 69,984 to 80,000 by July 1.
- Increase number of new articles created or improved in Armenian Wiktionary from current 69,094 to 85,000 by July 1.
- Increase number of Education program participants from current 185 to 230 by July 1.
- 60 participants survived 6 months after the registration (i.e. made 1 edit).
- 30 participants editing 6 months after the registration (i.e. made 5 edits).
- 10 participants will organize local events in their communities (currently they are 9) by July 1.
- 90 teachers participating in 2 wiki seminars
- 25 teachers survived 6 months after the registration.
Educational programs (hy) are of great importance of Wikimedia Armenia. Before Wikimedia Armenia, there was no active Wikipedia Education program in Armenia. Soon after the establishment of the organization in 2013 we began taking steps toward working with different educational establishments. Contrary to what we see in other countries, today, the most active contributors within Armenian Wikipedia and Wiktionary are high and secondary school students. Our first cooperation was with AYB high school where editing Wikipedia is considered part of their social work. After the AYB school we began cooperating with other well-known schools not only in Yerevan but also in the regions. When we had enough active students we decided to organize WikiCamps to maintain their activity and master their wiki skills.
When our education program was spread a lot of secondary school students expressed a wish to join our program but not all of these students could write articles which met Wikipedia's guidelines such as writing an article in encyclopedic style, reliable sources, etc. But as their wish was enormous since 2015 we decided to involve them in editing Armenian Wiktionary. Editing Wiktionary doesn't have the same requirements as writing an encyclopedic article. Helpful guides, word lists, dictionary links made the editing process much easier for secondary school students. This way the students began enriching Armenian Wiktionary with words. As a result of Wikimedia Armenia’s Education Program and its participants’ efforts, during almost 1,5 year the Armenian Wiktionary trebled and reached 120,000 entries (For more details please see "What I Learned: Improving the Armenian Wiktionary with the help of students" blogpost in Wikimedia blog).
Currently, we cooperate with 20 schools located in Yerevan, different regions of Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Lebanon (See Western Armenian section) who actively participate in Wikipedia Education program. Since 2013 Armenian Wikipedia Education program participants have created 69,984 articles of 242,080,183 bytes in Wikipedia and 69,094 entries of 47,639,505 bytes in Wiktionary (For more data please see Wikimedia Armenia Wikipedia Education statistics page in outreach).
Other media links:
- A video telling about Wikipedia Education program at Ayb school
- Media links to WM AM Educational programs.

Since 2015 Wikimedia Armenia began organizing Wikipedia seminars for teachers from different regions of Armenia to involve new teachers and students in the Wikipedia Education program, to encourage the participation of the young professionals in Wikiprojects, to spread Wikipedia Education program in different regions of Armenia. We have already organized 3 wiki seminars for teachers, 1 for Western Armenian teachers from Lebanon (funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) and 2 for Eastern Armenian teachers from different cities of Armenia. The seminars are organized during school holidays mainly in May and October. For the previous wiki seminar WM AM received around 100 applications and chose 29 participants.
During the seminar, the teachers learn about wiki movement and wiki projects, learn editing tools and guidelines as well as improve and create a number of articles. After the seminars the teachers actively organize workshops in their schools and involve new editors.
Media links:
Summer and Winter Wikicamps' main goal is the education, deepening wiki editing and translation skills of participants through contributing in Wikipedia, Wiktionary and other Wikimedia projects. It encourages very active students Wikipedians from Armenian Wikipedia Education Program and attract newcomers from different regions of Armenia, thus increasing the reach of wiki movement and Wikipedia Education Program in the regions of Armenia. Due to the camp Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource and Commons are enriched with quality content.

SMART objectives:
- Sustain the participation of 360 students in all camps. This will be done by encouraging our Wikipedia Education Program best students, recruiting new editors from high school students, promoting volunteering among students and experienced editors.
- Increase reach of wiki movement in Armenia, NKR and Armenian Diaspora. This will be done with the help of new editors and by the involvement of new schools in Wikipedia Education Program. Increase number of involved cities with 2, with the aim of founding wikiclubs there.
- Summer wikicamp
- 3,000 articles created or improved in Armenian Wikipedia mostly translated from Russian or English Wikipedias.
- 3,500 entries created in Armenian Wiktionary.
- 200 new articles in Western Armenian.
- 600 pages proofread in Armenian Wikisource.
- 12,000,000 bytes added to wiki projects.
- 500 files uploaded in Wikimedia Commons (Armenian words pronunciation).
- Winter wikicamp
- 1,000 articles created or improved in Armenian Wikipedia mostly translated from Russian or English Wikipedias.
- 1700 entries created in Armenian Wiktionary.
- 60 files uploaded in Wikimedia Commons (Armenian words pronunciation).
- 3,500,000 bytes added to wiki projects.
WikiCamps are core programs of Wikimedia Armenia and its Education program. During WikiCamps Wikipedia Education program participants gather together to contribute and enrich Wikimedia Projects with the help of more experienced Wikipedians. WikiCampers improve their editing, writing, translation, computer skills. Along with editing, campers also visit cultural heritage sights, play intellectual and leisure games, sing, dance etc. (for more details about Armenian WikiCamp structure please see WIkiCamp page on outreach.)
Wikicamps increase the reach of wiki projects in the regions of Armenia and in Armenian Diaspora. There are usually Wikicampers from many cities of Armenia as well as Armenians from Diaspora. With the help of these participants, we spread wiki ideas and wiki editing in their home cities by organizing workshops in their schools and universities afterwards.
Since 2014 Wikimedia Armenia has organized 7 WikiCamps - 2 Winter camps, 2 Summer Camps (2 terms each) and one in Lebanon for Lebanese-Armenian students (for more details about Lebanon WikiCamp please see APG progress report). Summer Wikicamps project was recognized as the coolest project of the year at Wikimania 2014, London. In 2016 we'll have 2 Summer camps and one camp in Portugal for Diaspora. In 2017 WM AM will also organize a Summer camp and a Winter Camp (both in 2 terms). The majority of the participants of the previous camps were high and secondary school active students. In 2016-2017 we want to focus on university students and have campers from different universities so one of the terms of 2017 Summer and Winter WikiCamps will be organized for university students. In this way we'll encourage our students as well as involve new editors.
Media links:
Increase the reach of Wikimedia projects in the regions of Armenia, involve new students and other interested people in the editing process providing them a place where they can gather, learn, discuss and edit with great enthusiasm.

- SMART objectives
- Establish 2 new WikiClubs by July 2017
- Maintain activity of 5 running WikiClubs
In order to involve students and other interested people in the editing process of Wikimedia projects in the regions of Armenia, Wikimedia Armenia creates WikiClubs all over the country where students study and edit Armenian articles in their free time with the help of the coordinator. It also helps to gather all local active editors, especially Wikipedia Education Program participants together. With the help of the clubs, the learning process is accompanied with pleasant companionship, great enthusiasm, and love. Currently, there are 6 active WikiClubs, which were previously established by Wikimedia Armenia and interested persons and organizations - Gyumri, Artsakh, Artashat, Yerevan, Arevatsag, Lernapat WikiClubs. Each month the metrics of these clubs are made to track and assess their overall activity.
To establish a WikiClub Wikimedia Armenia team finds an interested person who becomes the founder sponsor and then negotiates with Village Council in order to have free room space. The founder sponsor helps to provide computers, Internet connection and monthly fee, furnishes the room and the WikiClub operates. The spread of WikiClubs all over Armenian residences contributes to the dissemination of wiki movement in the regions of Armenia.
By July 2017 Wikimedia Armenia plans to establish 2 new WikiClubs and maintain 5. WikiClub main costs are covered by the interested local sponsors and organizations.
Media links:
Western Armenian
Introduce Western Armenian as a language in Wikipedia, increase the presence of Western Armenian language on the Wikimedia projects and reach young Western Armenian speakers from the Armenian Diaspora via various projects.

- SMART objectives
- Organize a WikiCamp in Portugal in August
- Open at least one Western Armenian WikiClub
- Involve 10 new active Western Armenian students by July 2017
- 1000 new Western Armenian articles created
Western Armenian project is the largest project of Wikimedia Armenia in terms of the reach, geography and activity diversity. The project was established in 2015 when the Armenian Community Department of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian) funded Wikimedia Armenia grant to increase the presence of Western Armenian language on the Wikimedia projects and reach young people via various projects[1]. In the funding period the teacher training seminar for Lebanese-Armenian teachers (see video), the Beirut WikiCamp 2015 (see video) and other projects were organized impacting on the presence of Western Armenian on Wikimedia projects and supporting the development of Lebanese-Armenian wiki-community. In addition, two Western Armenian WikiClubs were established in two high schools of Lebanon. (See all activity on Western Armenian reports)
In March 2016, following the successful experience, Wikimedia Armenia was again funded by Galouste Gulbenkian Foundation to continue the development of Western Armenian wiki movement in the Armenian Diaspora involving new Western Armenian speaker communities. In order to reach this outcome, several activities are planned and budgeted including a WikiCamp in Portugal, the opening of Western Armenian WikiClubs, the participation of Western Armenian speakers in the Armenian WikiCamps and others. Gulbenkian Foundation also funded 2 scholarships for Wikimania for Western and Eastern Armenian Wikipedians. The WikiCamp in Portugal will be supposedly organized in August 2016. Negotiations with the Armenian community in Portugal, with the camp and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation organizing team, are underway.
WM AM applied for the Calouste Gulbenkian grant in December 2015, which was partly approved in March 2016. The exact amount of approved grant is still not known but will be around 80,000 USD.

Increase the number of Armenian books available in Armenian Wikisource through digitizing thus impacting on the number of the active editors of Wikisource. Digitize materials received through GLAM partnering.
- SMART objectives
- Digitize at least 30 Armenian books by July 1, 2017
- Maintain 40 active editors of Armenian Wikisource
- Proofread at least 10 books
The digitization project is one of the earliest Wikimedia Armenia projects, which launched with the chapter establishment and become a separate project in 2014. In 2013-2015 with the help of digitization project many Armenian free licensed books and other printed materials were digitized, which greatly impacted and supported other WM AM projects especially WikiCamps and GLAM. In 2014 WM AM purchased a DIY scanner which assisted and eased the digitization process.
In 2015-2016 Wikimedia Armenia launched Wikisource-based Digitization project called "Accessible books". During this program with the help of volunteers and on the base of authors' list, whose works are in public domain, WM AM volunteers started digitizing public domain books, which were not digitized earlier and were not available in the Internet. After digitizing, these books were proofread with the help of Wikisource community. This program was shared on social media, especially on Facebook in order to attract and involve new Wikisource editors. Thanks to it the number of Wikisource active editors was doubled.
Digitization assists also to make electronic versions of materials received during GLAM partnering with GLAM institutions. This program will be the continuation of the project started earlier in 2014-2015 period and no major changes are planned. (See more on 2014-2015 proposal)
Community Support
To sustain active Armenian speaking wiki community (i.e. Armenian Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource) and involving new editors. The main goal of Wikipedia day is to make Wikipedians gather together outside the virtual world, which is very important. In addition, to make them more active both on Wikipedia and in other projects of Wikimedia Armenia.

SMART objectives:
- Increase the reach of wikiprojects in Armenia and its regions.
- Have at least 12 participants in Saturday workshops.
- Attract and involve more professionals by organizing at least 5 different workshops in different educational and scientific institutions.
- Organize 6 edit-a-thons for WLS participants.
- About 35 participants in each edit-a-thon
- 300 high quality articles created and improved during edit-a-thons, 4 of which will be good and featured articles.
- 800 middle quality articles created and improved during Wiki Loves Science program by July 1.
- Have 100 participants in Wikipedia Day in 2017
Saturday Workshops
Wikimedia Armenia continues the tradition of Saturday workshops at its office. Every Saturday we organize open workshops-edit-a-thons where we have about 14-17 attendees. Anyone interested in wiki projects, Wikipedia, wiki editing and needing assistance in editing, as well as wiki editors, who want to edit in pleasant atmosphere gather together to share ideas and their experience with each other. Among them there are also active wiki editors of hywikipedia, hywiktionary and hywikisource who help to conduct the workshops.
The goals of the workshops are to involve newbies in wikimedia projects, sustain current editors and deepen their wikiediting skills.
WLS Edit-a-thons
In October 2014, Wikimedia Armenia announced “Wiki loves science” long-term project-marathon which was aimed at enriching the Armenian Wikipedia with popular science and educational content by involving more researchers, scholars, educators and students in Wiki movement. This project was successfully continued in 2014-2015 involving new editors and professionals. To support and maintain the professionals' activity WM AM plans to organize edit-a-thons every 2 months.
Wikipedia Day
Each year on January 15 Armenian wiki-community celebrates Wikipedia day. This year as well on January 15, 2016 Armenian Wikicommunity gathered together to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Wikipedia. The event was organized in Wikimedia Armenia office. About 70 people joined the event among which there were editors, Wikipedia Education program students, etc. In 2017 Armenian wikicommunity will also celebrate the anniversary of our encyclopedia.
WM AM office renovation

After long negotiations started back in 2011, in 2015 Wikimedia Armenia received an office space from the Government of Armenia, which was renovated by one of the Wikimedia Armenia's donors and was officially opened in June 2015[2]. It has a space of 141.6 square meters consisting of 5 working rooms and a conference hall situated on the 4th floor of the “Press Building”, Yerevan (See full contact here). In 2016, WM AM got another 66.3 square meters (3 rooms), which is however in poor condition and need to be renovated. After renovation Wikimedia Armenia's office will have this proposed structure (207.9 sqr. m.):
- Community room (Yerevan WikiClub) - for community members and for everyone who wants to edit, equipped with notebooks, will work 6 days in working hours,
- Digitization room with the DIY scanner - for digitizing publishing materials,
- Audio recording room - for making spoken articles of Wikipedia, pronunciations of Wiktionary words and perhaps audio books (the room will be equipped by a sponsor),
- Conference hall - for workshops and other public events,
- Wikimedia Armenia staff main working room,
- Western Armenian project team room,
- WM AM president working room,
- Storehouse.

Support Armenian wiki-community groups and individuals in their micro-projects providing them financial and non-financial recourses to implement proposed activities.
- SMART objectives
- Have at least 5 applications
- Have up to 3 selected and successfully implemented microgrant projects
The Microgrants project aims to assist Armenian wiki-community groups and individuals in their micro-projects or activities, that can have an impact on Wikimedia projects. It will encourage individuals and/or organizations to come up with new ideas and to implement them. Microgrants can include funding to organize different wiki events, use Wikimedia projects in Education and technology, support and create free content on the Internet, increase participation and reach by involving new people in wiki movement and many others, as they align with Wikimedia Armenia's strategic mission. The microgrants project will help to use the potential of Wikimedia Armenia's volunteers. The projects they would present can later grow to become larger projects with more activities and reach.
Օpen call for WM AM Microgrant applications will be announced in September. Microgrants will be available for all interested individuals and organizations, with the priority to Wikimedia Armenia's volunteers and/or members. Application selection will be made on the basis of their correspondence to WM AM mission. It is planned to have up to 3 selected applications and micro-projects. All applicants will be required to report their micro-projects after successful implementation until June 2017.
International Involvement
Participate in international conferences, meetings, cooperate with other wiki communities in order to share experience and bring new ideas. Get involved in the international wiki movement, learn from the experience of other chapters.
- SMART objectives
- At least 25 participants in Norwegian-Armenian cooperation.
- 1 winner from each country
- 2 participants at Wikimania 2017
- 3 participants at WM CON 2017
- 2 participants at Wikimedia Educational Conference
Norwegian-Armenian collaboration
As a follow-up of the successful previous Ukranian-Armenian, Estonian-Armenian and Georgian-Armenian collaborations, this year Wikimedia Armenia in cooperation with Wikimedia Norge plans to organize the Norwegian-Armenian collaboration. This cooperation will strengthen the relationship between two Wiki-communities and will promote the improvement of articles on the culture, history, geography of Armenia and Norway. The collaboration is going to be organized in November 2017, the lists of proposed articles will be created beforehand. 1 winner from each country will win a prize to visit the neighbour country for 5 days. The prize will motivate participants and will be a way of cultural exchange. In addition, meeting other Wiki communities winners will bring new ideas and share their own experience related to wiki-movement of their country.
International conferences
Wikimedia conferences are opportunities for Wikimedia Armenia participants to learn about strategy processes in Wikimedia organisations, staff management, grantmaking and funds, community liaisons, orientation for newcomers to the Wikimedia movement, share good practices for quality management of different programs, discuss the future of the Wikimedia movement in terms of collaboration, structures and organizational development, etc.
In 2016 Wikimedia Armenia will host CEE meeting in Dilijan, Armenia. The conference is a great opportunity for Armenian wikicommunity to get acquainted with international community members, share ideas and experiences, get motivated and motivate others. Wikimedia Armenia has already begun the organizational works of the conference. The conference will take place in the city of Dilijan at the United World College Dilijan which is the 14th member of the United World Colleges (UWC) movement, one of fifteen colleges around the world and the first international boarding school in Armenia. Dilijan is a spa town and is considered one of the most important resorts of Armenia, situated within the Dilijan National Park.
Wikimedia Armenia and Armenian wikicommunity are looking forward to hosting all the CEE wikipedians and wikimedians in our homeland.
Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, or provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram.

As stated in the bylaw of WM AM, The supreme body of Wikimedia Armenia is the General Assembly, which has a right to make a final decision on any question related to the activities of the organization. WM AM consists of a Board and the President. The Board has 7 members.
It is proposed to have 5 staff members in the upcoming funding period. 2 staff members (0.75 FTE each) will be funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and will solely work on the "Western Armenian Wikipedia" project and on other activities related to the project (connection with GCF, finances, grantmaking, reporting etc.). 3 staff members (2 X 0.75 and 1 X 0.5 FTEs) will work on other Wikimedia Armenia projects. It is planned to maintain the positions of administrator and program manager and add event organizer's position (0.5 FTE).
The Western Armenian project coordinators' responsibilities are:
- Implement and coordinate Western Armenian project activities;
- Lead operational implementation of the Western Armenian project and its activities;
- Assess and report the project;
- Support external communications with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and other persons related to the project.
The administrative employer's responsibilities are:
- Set up and maintain electronic and paperwork for WM AM and its programs;
- Support external communications including (but not limited to) the general public, local and international NGOs, the media, etc.
- Administrative employee is also the Education Program leader and coordinator.
The program manager's responsibilities are:
- Lead operational implementation of WM AM projects;
- Structure and coordinate WM AM projects activities;
- Guide volunteers in their work.
The event organizer's responsibilities are:
- Organize wiki workshops, seminars, meetings and events (including preparation of invitations, agenda, travel booking, etc.);
- Manage relations with different organizations and individuals to attract interest for the project's goal.
- 2. List of staff by department or function.
- You can use this table (or substitute your own list) to show us the number of FTEs (fulltime equivalents) for each department or function, where one person working at 100% time would be counted as 1.0. We need this information about the total number of staff (FTEs) you will have hired by the end of the current funding period, and staff you will have hired by the end of the proposed funding period.
Table 4
FTEs Department or function End of current funding period End of upcoming funding period Explanation of changes Program Manager 0.5 0.75 The staff FTE has changed with 0.25% because a lot of programs are planned and the amount of work to be done has increased. Administrator and Education program coordinator 0.5 0.75 The staff FTE has changed with 0.25% because a lot of programs are planned and the amount of work to be done has increased. Event organizer 0 0.5 New staff (Wikimedia Armenia needs event organizer's position, a person who will be mainly responsible for the planning and organization of such events and activities which will bring new editors into community.) Western Armenian Program manager 0 0.75 New staff (Funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) Western Armenian Program manager 0 0.75 New staff (Funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 1 4 2 X 0.75 FTEs are now officially funded by CGF
Table 4 notes or explanation of significant changes:
- 3. How much does your organization project to spend on staff during the current funding period, or in the twelve month period before your proposed grant will start (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016), in currency requested and US dollars?
- 6,889,728 AMD (14,468 USD)
- 4. How much does your organization expect to spend on staff during the proposed funding period (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016), in currency requested and US dollars?
- 13,812,864 AMD (28,178.24 USD) (WMF) - 10,368,000 AMD (21,150.72 USD) (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation)
Financials: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Detailed budget: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- Please link to your organization's detailed budget showing planned revenues and expenses for the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016). This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or a publicly available spreadsheet.
Revenues: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Does your organization plan to draw on its operating reserves during the upcoming funding period to support its expenses? If so, please provide the amount you intend to draw from your reserves here. This should not be included as revenue in the table below.
- No
- 2. Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues (income, or the amount your organization is bringing in) by revenue source (where the revenue is coming from) in the upcoming funding period (e.g. 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016). Use the status column to show if this funding is already guaranteed, if you are in the process of requesting funding, or if you are planning to request funding at a later time. Please feel free to include in-kind donations and resources in this table, as applicable, but use the status column to show that they are in-kind resources.
Table 5
Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)
Wikimedia Foundation 94,984,564 193,769 Requested Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 39,215,686 80,000.00 Guaranteed but estimated because the grant is partly accepted and the exact amount is not known. Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): 134,200,250 273,769 -
Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
Operating reserves: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Please note that there is a policy that places restrictions on how much FDC funding your organization can use to build its operating reserves. If you would like to use FDC funding to for your organization's reserves, you must note that here. You will not be able to decide to allocate FDC funding from this grant to your reserves at a later date.
- 1. How much does your organization plan to have in operating reserves by the end of the current funding period?
- 0
- 2. How much does your organization plan to have in operating reserves by the end of the upcoming funding period?
- WM AM do not plan to have operating reserves in this funding period.
- 3. If your organization plans to use FDC funding to increase your reserves in the upcoming funding period, how much FDC funding will your organization use to build reserves?
Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
- Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs. These costs do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. For example, program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.
Table 6
Program Currency requested US dollars Education Program 6,553,000 13,368.12 WikiCamps 40,244,500 82,098.78 WikiClubs 440,000 898 Western Armenian 28,847,686 [1] 58,849.28 Digitization 200,000 408 Community Support 15,654,000 31,934.16 Microgrants 900,000 1,836.00 International Involvement 6,090,000 12,424 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 98,929,186 201,816
Table 6 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds for specific programs, please make a note of that here.
- 1 - Funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation as stated in the proposal form.
- 2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
- These are divided into three expenses categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including staff expenses for both staff working on programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.
Table 7
Expense type Currency requested US dollars Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) 98,929,186 201,816 Operations (excludes staff and programs) 11,090,200 22,624 Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) 24,180,864 49,328.96 Amount to be added to operating reserves (if applicable) 0 0 Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 134,200,250 273,769
Table 7 notes:
- 10,368,000 AMD (21,150.72 USD) from staff expenses is funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
[edit]yes Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grants Program .
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities yes
Once this proposal is complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
[edit]- ↑ "The Armenian Communities Department Contributes to Armenian Civil Society". Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Retrieved 2016-03-16.
- ↑ "President attends opening of Wikimedia Armenia Office and visits Mir TV - Press releases - Updates - The President of the Republic of Armenia [the official site]". Retrieved 2016-03-21.