Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round1/Wikimedia Ukraine/Progress report form
Purpose of the report
[edit]This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
Global metrics overview - all programs
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 580 | 215 (wikiworkshops) + 20 (GLAM) + 113 (article contests) + 249 (WLE) + 85 (thematic weeks) - 15% discount for possible redundancies (one user involved in several projects) |
2. # of new editors | 380 | 200 (wikiworkshops) + 5 (GLAM) + 28 (article contests) + 147 (WLE) |
3. # of individuals involved | 762 | 682 (editors from above) + 10 (Wikiexpeditions) + 10 (conferences) + 100 (concert attendants) + 25 (jury members) + 27 (volunteer training) + 40 (WMUA members) + 3 (staff) - 15% discount for possible redundancies (one user involved in several projects) |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 412 | 80 (Wikiexpeditions) + 332 (WLE) |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | 3489 | 1000 (WikiFlashMob) + 100 (WEP) + 58 (Wikiexpeditions) + 1672 (article contests) + 659 (thematic weeks) |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects |
Telling your program stories - all programs
[edit]Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
[edit]This programme is focused on developing partnerships, involving new users and getting high-quality content in particular areas of knowledge. We will cooperate with our partners in teaching people how to teach people to contribute to Wikimedia projects and to improve content owing to their expertise. This programme incorporates Wikipedia Education Programme, Wikiworkshops, work with GLAM institutions, Wikiexpeditions and Music projects.
Wikipedia Education Programme and Wikiworkshops
Wikipedia Education Programme during the period witnessed known and new initiatives and forms. We continued holding our usual type of wikiworkshops — either we ask or we are asked to give a workshop on editing Wikipedia. Education Program extension is still in use; we are looking forward to using Programs & Events Dashboard after it is tested and proved ok.
Achievements so far
- Another edition of WikiStudia took place in Chernihiv. 20 students were eligible for receiving certificates out of 50 who went through the training and created articles. No new higher education institutions joined the programme but we didn't focus much on that anyway.
- 4 big wikiworkshops were dedicated to 'joint' Wikipedia birthday. We celebrated birthdays of English, Ukrainian and Crimean-Tatar Wikipedias that follow one after another in January. Afterwards all-Ukrainian 3 day WikiFlashMob (edit-a-thon) was announced. It was both online and offline with simultaneous workshops and celebrating wikimeetups in different cities (so it also appears in 'Community Events' section).
- Programme for a new type of intensive wikitrainings was elaborated and implemented. Two-day training for teachers (both university and school) were held in 4 cities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Khmelnytskyi and Lviv). These were focused not so much on receiving content right during the training but rather on growing sympathy to Wikimedia projects and will to use them in teaching process. We put our hopes in these people and will support them in establishing new Wikipedia Education Programme in their schools at the beginning of the new school year. This may explain why the number of Wikiworkshops participants is above target already but the number of users experienced editing through Wikipedia Education Programme is still far from it.
- WMUA members have also presented Wikipedia Education Programme on two EdCamp conferences (the series of so called (un)conferences for school teachers) in Kharkiv[1] and Cherkasy[2] and Education Forum in Kharkiv [3].
Major challenges so far
- Trainings for GLAM professionals usually do not result in more cooperation with these institutions and few participants remain active.
- There is a perspective of giving workshops for middle and high school students and we are in search for appropriate scenarios and teaching methods.
- Workshops held during all-Ukrainian edit-a-thon (January, 29-31)
- Workshops for teachers and educators
Kyiv (April)
Kirovohrad (May)
Khmelnytsky (May)
Lviv (June)
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
200 participants in Wikiworkshops | 580 | ~215
Above target. | There were 4 big workshops dedicated to Wikipedia birthday and 4 training events for teachers. A number of smaller wikiworkshops took place as well. | ||
250 people experience editing through Wikipedia Education Programme | __ | 96
On target. | We expect the teachers who underwent trainings in the first half of the year to create courses in the autumn semester. | ||
150 newly registered users involved | 380 | 200
Above target. | Participants are mostly newcomers. | ||
25% female participants | 55% | 50%
On target. | Participants are 90% female though not all of them set this in their user preferences. | ||
5% of participants remain active by the end of the period | 11% | 5% | On target. | __ | ||
250 articles created during WikiFlashMob | __ | >1000
Above target. | __ | ||
500 articles created within Wikipedia Education Programme | __ | 100
250 | __ |
GLAM Partnerships
Achievements so far
Mainly partnerships result in providing space for our events: we had open wikiworkshops in libraries and workshops specifically for librarians, National Kiev-Pechersk Historic-Cultural Preserve provided place for Wikipedia birthday WikiFlashMob meeting and Wiki Loves Earth+Wiki Loves Monuments photo exhibition, the same photo exhibition also took place in National Museum of History of Ukraine.
As for media content releases:
- Central Museum of Tavrida donated illustrations by Crimean-Tatar painter Adaviye Efendiyeva.
- Institute of Literature in Kyiv donated digital images of title pages and illustrations from Ivan Franko's (Ukrainian writer) personal library books and manuscripts, dated 16th — beginning of 20th century. Uploading will be continued.
- National Historic-Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav" donated photographs of permanent displays in museums of the reserve, exterior photos, paintings and other objects.
We intended to organise at least 2 events (Free Music Concerts or similar) during the year to make music recordings. Wikipedia 15 concert was held in the Art Hall of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The program of the concert included classical vocal works translated into Ukrainian and works by Ukrainian composers and was a part of the World classic in Ukrainian project. Wikipedia Hymn composed by user:A1 was performed there for the first time and uploaded on Commons afterwards. It has to be mentioned that this event did not aim at producing free recordings but rather was a promotional event for free music and Wikimedia projects.
Major challenges so far
We planned to work with at least 15 GLAM institutions during the year and this objective seems to require more efforts than it was thought. GLAM institutions still do not strive to experience advantages of opening and sharing their collections online. Professionals consider digitisation of their items or storing digital materials in places other than their institution`s servers as the threats to their workflow. They tell our volunteers that people won't come to the library if the requested book is on Commons. And donating material that is already on institution's website is the threat to decrease view or download stats. This retains us from reaching the objectives more effectively. Still we take chances and participate in conferences and workshops that gather museum and library professionals to facilitate awareness on Wikimedia projects. Ukrainian Wikimedians who attended Wikimedia conferences abroad got some ideas from other chapters' experience and we are pondering their implementation. For example there is an issue, common for various chapters, of getting museums to speak with us when they see Wikimedia Commons as a threat for their own websites.
Training for museum professionals
Ilya comments journalist on Wiki Loves Earth+Wiki Loves Monuments photo exhibition
Cucuteni-Trypillian pottery from Archeological Museum in NHER "Pereyaslav"
Hacquet's book frontispiece and title page (1790) from Institute of Literature
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
50 users participating in the programme | __ | ~20
On target. | Counting all people who work in GLAM institutions and attended a wikiworkshop will give a bigger number; we are counting those who makes contributions using materials from the GLAMs they work in, WMUA members included. | ||
15 new users | 0 | ~5
On target. | See the comment above. | ||
150 new or improved articles | 0 | __ | On target. | Arranging editing events around two of the donations is on a planning stage. | ||
500 images uploaded, including at least 150 images used | 0 | 353
On target. | Uploading of the content donated by the above-mentioned partner institutions will be continued. | ||
20 books scanned and digitised on Ukrainian Wikisource | __ | 46
0 with WMUA scanner |
Above target. | Books were scanned by volunteers themselves. WMUA scanner was moved from its previous place to Lviv University library and is undergoing software setup for smoother work now. | ||
2 hours of freely-licensed music recordings uploaded | 0.05 | Not yet available
On target. | There are negotiations in progress with Ukrainian Art Song Project and other partners about donations of free music. |
Achievements so far
The Wikiexpeditions initiative experienced changes. Witnessing low or none interest among active users, we promoted the information on the project to get wider circulation. After spreading basic concepts on social networks, active tourism forums and improving application infrastructure, the project got new shape and we started getting applications from non-Wikipedians/Wikimedians.
The process is now more structured compared to experience of last years. Interested participants plan expedition by themselves and inform about duration, objectives, expected results, instruments, routes, team, duties, costs calculation of the expedition (application form). Board members assess application and make admission decision. Participants of admitted Wikiexpedition may receive T-shirts, recommendation letters and ≤20% financial support before the expedition start. After Wikiexpedition finishes, its leader has to create a report. We created a help page with some pieces of advice on how to write a report. Experienced users help newbies with on-wiki work concerning uploads of photos and articles creation via e-mail mostly. After report is approved Wikiexpedition participants receive the rest of requested funds.
Besides the increased quality of images, more than 30 video recordings were uploaded which meets our aim at diversity of materials created.
Major challenges so far
An important side of the project is incorporating images to Wikimedia projects. The target on image usage is not so easily met, unlike the one on new images number. After the report is done some participants are lacking motivation to work further either with spreading expedition materials through Wikimedia projects or editing any other topic.
- Videos by wikiexpeditions participants
Waterfall in winter
Minister of Culture opens festival in Western Ukraine village
Chervonohorod chateau ruins. Bird's perspective
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
20 expeditions | __ | 5
On target. | Detailed reports: WE to Marmarosh, WE to Dnister Canyon, WE to Mykolaychuk-FEST, WE to Kamianets-Podilskyi, WE to Downside River Teteriv | ||
400 new images (100 per regular expedition) | 1567 | 1102
Above target. | Ukrainian Wikiexpeditions 2016 on Commons | ||
At least 400 images used in articles | 285 | ~80
On target. | Users' reports include the list of illustrated articles. | ||
10 images rated as valued, quality or featured | 0 | 0
On target. | Nominating pictures for valued, quality or featured statuses was not on to-do list for participants. We are still on the way to work through this process more systematically. | ||
100 new or improved articles | __ | 58
On target. | Users' reports include the list of new and improved articles. Illustrated articles are also considered as improved. | ||
5 publications in local media. | 24 | 0
On target. | There were only publications on WMUA Blog, social networks, Wikinews. Blogposts: WE to Dnister Canyon, WE to Kamianets-Podilskyi, WE to Marmarosh, WE to Mykolaychuk-FEST. Wikinews:uk:Вікіновини:Вікіекспедиція до 75-річного ювілею Івана Миколайчука, uk:Вікіновини:Вікіекспедиція дивовижними місцями р. Тетерів (Київ-Дениші), uk:Вікіновини:Вікіекспедиція: зимові Мармароші |
[edit]This program is concentrated on running the contests (article and photo) and supporting thematic (collaboration) editing weeks and months. It is oriented towards attracting new users and trying to improve retention of active ones. This is a program aimed at content creation, but also coaching, as contests involve more experienced users helping newbies to learn the rules and to adjust.
Article Contests
During the first half of 2016 we held two article contests in Ukrainian Wikipedia: CEE Spring 2016 and WikiPhysContest-2016. These are contests of different type, aimed on different results, and it is interesting to see, how both of them helped improving content of Wikipedia.
CEE Spring 2016 was a part of international CEE Spring 2016 contest which took part from March to May 31. 1491 articles were created and 91 were improved by 78 participants. 14 users were newcomers[1]. This contest aimed at creating new articles thus the winners of the contest are those who wrote the biggest number of articles in accordance with the rules. We set 1000 articles as a target for the year but this contest resulted in 1.5 times this number of articles. They are of common length.
On the contrary, WikiPhysContest was aimed at quality and not quantity. Thus we speak here not about winning editors but about winning articles. Compared to CEE Spring, topic of WikiPhysContest was very narrow, articles were evaluated in two categories: 1) theoretic and nuclear physics and 2) astronomy and astrophysics. It started on April 1 and was planned to last till May 4 but was extended till May 14 which is International Astronomy Day. User:Звірі, the main inspirator and organising committee member, made several talks about the contest for students in Kyiv and Lviv national universities. The total of articles created and improved is 88, 42 authors were involved. Not so many newbies joined the contest but, on the other side, some old users who had abandoned Wikipedia came back to take part in the contest. The winning articles of the contest are Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Atmosphere of Jupiter, both Good articles as of now. There is an overlook in contest organising: we did not insist on authors nominating their articles to become Good ones and on its own this process will be much longer that we would like.
We will continue arranging article contests and hope to reach our targets by the end of the year.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
1000 new or improved articles | 2019 on CEE Spring only | 1672
Above target. | 1491 articles were created during CEE Spring 2016 article contest. | ||
incl. 50 rated as Good or Featured article | 1 GA + 4 FL on CEE Spring only | 8
On target. | We did not focus on nominating articles for Good or Featured status leaving it to the community. | ||
200 participants | 126 on CEE Spring only | 113
On target. | As usual, there are many participants who create more articles than average. | ||
incl. 100 newly registered users | 14 on CEE Spring only | 28
On target. | We estimated 100 out of 200 participants to be newbies; this may not be reached as such, but taking into account old users who return to Wikipedia to take part in the contest it will not be a loss. |

Photo Contests (International and local parts)
[edit]Wiki Loves Earth 2016 (WLE) took place in Ukraine from May 1 to May 31 and was the fourth edition of the local contest. The statistics of the local contest are as follows: 11,498 pictures uploaded by 231 authors, 10 of them are Quality Images on Wikimedia Commons. Comparing to the previous year WLE had less press coverage in Ukraine and the number of pictures uploaded is also a bit smaller. We again received predictably small number of photos from the eastern-most oblasts (regions) of the country. We are quite glad with the numbers of photos and authors though image usage across Wikiprojects and QI nominations have yet to be worked on.
The international part of Wiki Loves Earth meets and exceeds our expectations so far: 26 participating countries, 6,460 authors, 5,400 newbies, 76,289 images[2]. We gave participating countries some help with organisational questions and a jury tool[3]. We do not know yet whether all participating countries manage to present their national winners before August 1, which is the set deadline for submissions for the international round, but project all the targets to be met in the end.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
600 users participating in the contests | 238 + 237 + | 249
On target. | The number of participants decreased compared to last year but is in expected range. | ||
300 newly registered users thanks to the contest | 93 + 122 + | 147
On target. | More than half of participants so far are newbies and this is better than expected. | ||
45,000 images uploaded (all contests combined) | 14,770 + 41,656 | 11,498
On target. | The number of images from WLE decreased compared to last year but is in expected range. Photo contests this year really suffer from lack of pictures from eastern-most regions of the country. | ||
6,000 images used across Wikimedia projects | 1,214 + 4,030 + | 332
On target. | We did not focus on using pictures in main space yet. | ||
450 images rated as valued, quality or featured | 52 + | 10
On target. | We did not focus on nominating pictures for valued, quality or featured statuses yet. | ||
International part of Wiki Loves Earth | ||||||
Number of participating countries: 20 | 26 | 26
Above target. | c:Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2016#Participating countries 2016 | ||
Number of photos uploaded: 70,000 (WLE worldwide) | 108,132 | 76,289
Above target. | c:Category:Images from Wiki Loves Earth 2016 | ||
Total number of participants: 2,500 | 8,921 | 6,460
Above target. | Tool on WMF Labs | ||
Number of new users: 1,000 | 7,725 | 5,400
Above target. | Tool on WMF Labs | ||
4 months after the contest, 5,000 (and 10%) of photos are used on wiki projects | 8,939 (~8%) | Not yet available
On target. | __ | ||
4 months after the event, 500 (and 1%) of uploaded photos are categorized as valued, quality or featured | 672 (589 QI, 34 VI, 49 FP) (ca. 0.62%) | Not yet available
On target. | __ | ||
At least 90% of the participating countries submitted nominees to the finale. | 100% | Not yet available
On target. | __ |
Thematic editing weeks and months
[edit]In January we summed up the results of Cultural Heritage Week (December 1—31, 2015). It produced 113 new articles and involved 43 authors.
On March 1—31, Wikipedians worked in Vital Articles Improving Month (Top-1000 and Top-10000). Nearly 100 articles were improved and the most active editors received souvenirs with Wikipedia logo.
On April 19, we announced WikiD Ukraine: Women. Wikipedia. Architecture. project. Two workshops on Wikipedia editing, sources searching and feminine nouns usage were held in Kharkiv, Lviv and one in Kyiv. Having involved several new users, leading to creation of some new articles and raising awareness in academic and professional circles this round of workshops in scope of the project has ended. We plan to continue working on it with our partners (namely Urban Forms Center and Feminist Workshop) further.
On June 5, World environment Day, one-day edit-a-thon was held that resulted in 60 new articles about nature protection issues and rare species. Kyivans were invited to come to the National Museum of Natural History to take part in it.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
1,500 new or improved articles | 1,500 | 659
On target. | The Olympic Month is planned for August which will give many articles. | ||
150 participants | 150 | 85
On target. | This is simple sum of cohorts that may intersect. | ||
incl. 7 (5%) returning previously active users | 5% | 5%
On target. | __ |
- ↑ User:BaseBot/CEES/MMXVI/Wikis
- ↑ Wiki Loves Earth 2016 Tool Labs – Tools for Wiki Loves Photo Competitions
- ↑ One of the places for answering questions was wikilovesearth-l
Community Support
[edit]This program is concentrated on supporting initiatives of volunteers and contributors (through microgrants), providing scholarships to attend international or regional events like Wikimania, GLAM-WIKI 2015 conference, Wikimedia CEE Meetings etc, organising local (national and regional events). We also plan to support trainings for volunteers.
Being a speaker: Step-by-step guide
[edit]In April we wrote down a step-by-step guide (uk) for people who are invited to speak about Wikimedia on scientific, educational, culrtural or press public events. This reference list resulted from the post-mortems we had written after different events attended in the past. It includes asking Wikimedia Ukraine for support, taking care of visual representation and take away materials, taking pictures and posting about the event and Wikimedia talk on it in social media and so on.
[edit]At the end of spring so called WikiPoint ("Вікіточка") was arranged in Lviv National University. It`s a desk with some giveaway materials and Wikimedia projects banner beside in one of the computer labs. Our project manager spends a day there from time to time so that is becomes a help desk for those who would like to ask questions on Wikipedia.
Community Events (WikiConference, General Meeting etc.)
[edit]All the community events planned for 2016 are to be held in the second half of the year. WikiConference is planned for the first weekend in September, possibly combined with hackathon, and regional event short afterwards; annual general meeting will be in late December as usual.
Wikipedia Birthday came to be a spontaneous community event. Crimean Tatar Wikipedia's birthday was on January 12, English Wikipedia's birthday was on January 15, Ukrainian Wikipedia's birthday was on January 30. All the events dedicated to these dates got somehow intertwined and developed into series of celebrations and meetups. On January 15 there was a free music concert in Kyiv followed by a wikimeetup of ~15 Wikimedians and opening of a photo exhibition also with a small meetup. There were also documented wikimeetups in Lviv and Kharkiv and a press-conference with Wikipedia cake in Chernihiv.
WikiFlashMob on January 29—31 might have been only an online-event, but was accompanied with wikiworkshops (thus mentioned in the appropriate section above) which, in turn, ended with wikimeetups and happy cake eating These events took place in Lviv and Kyiv (one-day events), Kharkiv, Kherson and Chernihiv (two-days events).
WikiFlashMob poster
Souvenirs for WikiFlashMob participants ready to be sent
Ukrainian Wikipedia 12
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | |
Wikipedia Birthday | |||||
Participants | n/a | 20+15+14+10+
n/a | __ | |
WikiConference | |||||
50 participants | 55 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
20 speakers | 29 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
5 ideas of projects or improvements to projects presented | 6 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
at least 70% of respondents find the conference useful | __ | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
General Meeting | |||||
40 participants | 37 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
3 ideas of projects or improvements to projects presented | __ | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
Hackathon | |||||
15 participants | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
3 ideas of projects or improvements to projects presented (useful tools, and gadgets, bots, etc) | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
train attendees on one particular technology/skill, and have at least 50% of attendees report in a subsequent survey that they are now working in/with that technology/skill | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
Regional Event | |||||
20 participants | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
5 speakers | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
3 ideas of projects or improvements to projects presented | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | __ |
[edit]Wikimedia Ukraine gave scholarships for attending foreign conferences. Users Antanana, Ilya, NickK, Olena_Zakharian attended Wikimedia Conference 2016 in Berlin in April.
4 Ukrainian Wikimedians were delegated for Konferencja Wikimedia Polska 2016: Slovolyub, Taras r, Visem and Volodymyr D-k[1]. We received a report, and the blog post was published with the results [2].
4 users received scholarships for attending Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario. Full scholarships went to Brunei, Visem and Ilya from Ukraine, Mardetanha from Iran received partial scholarship.[3] Attendants wrote joint report about the things they learnt on Wikimania, and Visem published a post in WMUA blog. [4]
It is decided that Ilya and AnnaKhrobolova (WMUA) will attend Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2016 in Armenia in August.[5]
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
4 events attended | 6 | 3
On target. | Wikimedia Conference, Wikimedia Polska Conference, Wikimania | ||
4 ideas of projects or improvements to projects implemented by the end of 2016 | 3 | Not yet available
On target. | __ |
[edit]No microgrants were granted during this period. The closest ones planned are microgrants for photographing Odessa International Film Festival, Faine Misto-2016 festival and Atlas Weekend 2016 festival.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | |
Photo grants. | |||||
100 new images | 319 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
incl. at least 25 images used in articles | 71 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
5 images rated as valued, quality or featured. | 0 | Not yet available
On target. | __ | |
Library. | |||||
100 new or improved articles / or 10 articles rated as GA or FA (either 10 articles or 1 GA/FA per book) | __ | Not yet available
On target. | __ |
Trainings for Volunteers
[edit]The main training that we planned to have was training under Community capacity development (CCD) program. We narrowed our choice on the Conflict management training which was eventually held at the end of May. 27 volunteers registered for the two-days event and underwent training. Sadly (but naturally) the most conflict-igniting Wikimedians did not took part in it. Nevertheless the training gave opportunity to communicate with each other for Wikimedians with different points of view, thus practising methods of conflict management.
During the discussion about CCD program in Ukrainian Wikipedia the members of community clearly expressed their beliefs that it is important to develop skills in Communications. Following this we will also soon organise a training for social media pages administrators.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | |
at least 4 volunteers underwent training | n/a | 27
Above target. | __ | |
at least 2 partnerships / projects started, at least 2 presentations made | n/a | __ | On target. | __ |
Publishing and Souvenirs
[edit]Giving away small Wikimedia branded souvenirs (badges, pens, calendars or magnets etc.) on any events held or attended as a chapter is a common practice for us.
Such events as WikiFlashMob, thematic weeks or intensive wikitrainings (such as two-days wikitrainings for teachers, described above) are occasions for souvenir packages.
- All of users who signed on the subpage of WikiFlashMob 2016 and created articles received a pen, badge, magnet, pocket calendar and a little ceramic monkey — 2016 year's symbol.
- In April the initiator and most active contributors of Vital Articles Improving Month received souvenirs branded with Wikipedia logo.
- Wikimedia Ukraine supported Wikipedia Asian Month 2015 where eligible participants were to receive postcards from various countries. Postcards with the pictures of wooden churches in Ukraine from WLM went to 57 participants of WAM who created 5 and more articles according to the rules of the Month.
On wikitrainings and education-related events we distribute Wikipedia Cheatsheets with basic wikitext. For the EdCamp conferences we prepared leaflets about Wikipedia Education Programme in Ukraine.
Our publishing activities include:
- The Monuments of Ukraine journal. We cooperated with The Monuments of Ukraine journal and the whole February issue of it (96 pages) is about Wiki Loves Monuments in Ukraine. It contains photos and articles written by WLM participants on various topics: contest history, oriental style of Golden Horde and Crimean Khanate monuments in Crimea, wooden architecture in Ukraine, sacred architecture of Kyiv Oblast, Wikiexpeditions project, freedom of panorama and some other ones. Wikimedia Ukraine received 500 copies of the journal and distributes it during the events connected with Wiki Loves Monuments. A paper edition of The Monuments of Ukraine can be purchased in book-stores, it is also uploaded on Commons. A series of open presentations (5 cities) was arranged for the journal promotion and raising free content awareness, Wiki Loves Monuments contest along with it. Authours, editors, members of the Wiki Loves Monuments Ukraine organizing committee presented their contributions and discussed heritage protection issues.
Antanana speaks on presentation in Kyiv
Ivan Bykov, author whose article and photos were included (Kyiv)
Presentation in Kharkiv
Presentation in Odesa
Presentation in Lviv
Presentation in Cherkasy
- Editing Wikipedia brochure. We continue printing Editing Wikipedia brochure in Ukrainian. In March we printed second consignment (1000 copies), they are distributed among school and university teachers interested in Education Programme.
- Annual report. In April we prepared and published 100 copies of Wikimedia Ukraine annual report for 2015. It was made bilingual (Ukrainian and English) and mainly distributed among Wikimedia Conference attendants.
Back of received postcard
The Monuments of Ukraine
Editing Wikipedia
Annual report 2015
Zghushchivka poshtoiu (Wikizghushchivka)
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | Projected (end of year) | Comments | ||
300 copies published and distributed | >500 | 500+1,000+100
Above target. | "Pamyatky Ukrainy" magazine, "Editing Wikipedia" brochure, "Annual Report 2015" | ||
1,000 small different souvenirs produced and distributed | __ | ~500
Above target. | We are constantly receive from the community the ideas of different souvenirs. | ||
A satisfaction/motivation survey | n/a | Not yet available
On target. | It was supposed to be run in July at first but is shifted even more down the calendar because of vacations time and black donations banner in Ukrainian Wikipedia during this month. | ||
30 users received Wikizghushchivka | 30 | 23
Above target. | 23 users were notified of their award and received it already in July. |
Nontargeted progress
[edit]- In communication
- Since January we produce Community Monthly Reports and Monthly E-Mail Digests on main community news of the past month and planned events announcements.[6]
- 63 posts were published on WMUA blog that got 21,308 views;
- Social media reach:
Feeds | Followers for 2016-01-01 | Growth | Followers for 2016-06-30 |
WMUA Facebook | 1,300 | + 301 | 1,601 |
WLE-UA Facebook | 1,180 | + 258 | 1,438 |
WLM-UA Facebook | 1,200 | + 102 | 1,302 |
Ukrainian Wikipedia Facebook | 15,950 | + 2,152 | 18,102 |
WMUA Twitter | 401 | + 116 | 515 |
- In Advocacy
WMUA continued advocating for freedom of panorama in Ukraine and tried to expand it in by raising awareness, engaging Members of Parliament. In the end of 2015, we started cooperation with Taras Kremin, a university professor from Mykolaiv and a Member of Parliament for Prime Minister's party, he took on a keen interest in the topic, joined the FoP campaign, and he co-authored our draft law as a member of Committee on Science and Education, the main committee our draft law had to go through. On February 3, 2016 Verkhovna Rada Committee on Science and Education has decided to recommend that the Parliament adopts the Draft Law on Freedom of Panorama from Dec. 29, 2014. After that, WMUA launched Facebook campaign aiming to inspire its followers, members, adherents to demonstrate support for adopting the law by posting a photo of themselves near architectural works built in recent decades with poster which says «Свобода панорами #1677 #freepanorama» (Freedom of Panorama #1677 #freepanorama) [7]. Unfortunately, the law is not on the voting agenda in Parliament yet. Further steps on the campaign are being formulated.
- In Public Relations
- gained more than 40 media articles about our activities.[8]
- ↑ Board decision
- ↑ Польська вікіконференція: візія українців
- ↑ Board decision
- ↑ Вікіманія—2016 очима учасника
- ↑ Board decision
- ↑ Reports in Ukrainian: January, February, March, April, May, June; Digests: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
- ↑ WMUA blogposts on Facebook campaign: 1 2, 3
- ↑ Detailed report on media coverage (includes also materials about Wikipedia in general in Ukrainian, not included in reporting number), reports on Wiki Loves Earth media coverage
Revenues received during this six-month period
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan APG grant USD 66,700.00[1] 3,391.30[2] 35,517.00[3] - - 38908.30 66700.00 38908.30 The amount of US$27,791.70 is in the second installment Donations and contributions USD 1,000.00 77.00 26.00 103.00 1,000.00 103.00 Main events are planned for the second half of the year Membership fees USD 200.00 10 18 - - 28.00 200.00 28.00 Membership fees are paid around WMUA GA (November-December)
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
In-kind donations
[edit]Donator | In-kind donation | Value (in USD) |
National Museum of History of Ukraine | Hosting Wiki Loves Earth+Wiki Loves Monuments photo exhibition | N/A |
National Kiev-Pechersk Historic-Cultural Preserve | Hosting Wiki Loves Earth+Wiki Loves Monuments photo exhibition and books for participants | N/A |
Libraries and museums | Hosting events, workshops | N/A |
- ↑ The grant proposal is for $75,000.00, but US$8,300 will be disbursed to Wikimedia Poland
- ↑ This amount reflects the unspent grant funds from 3 PEGs ($1,349.71 for WLM 2015; $588.19 for WLE International 2015; $1,453.40 for Programs 2015-1)
- ↑ US$8,300 was disbursed to Wikimedia Poland for their role in our grant
Spending during this six-month period
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Program 1: Outreach USD 6,000.00 405.00 1,759.20 - - 2,164.20 6,000.00 2,164.20 36% We received money only at the end of May, and thus did not manage to reimburse volunteers and pay all invoices by June 30, 2016 Program 2: Contests USD 23,500.00[1] 0.00 1,449.60 - - 1,449.60 23,500.00 1,449.60 6% Main contests are planned for the second half of the year Program 3: Community Support USD 21,000.00 1,502.40 3,791.19 - - 5,293.59 21,000.00 5,293.59 25% We received money only at the end of May, and thus did not manage to reimburse volunteers and pay all invoices by June 30, 2016 Administrative costs (office) USD 7,368.00 1,170.51 2,216.03 - - 3,386.54 7,368.00 3,386.54 46% Administrative costs (staff) USD 10,032.00 233.54 4,133.54 - - 4,367.08 10,032.00 4,367.08 44% TOTAL USD 67,900.00 3,311.45 13,349.56 - - 16,661.01 67,900.00 16,661.01 25% We received money only at the end of May, and thus did not manage to reimburse volunteers and pay all invoices by June 30, 2016
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
- ↑ US$8300 was disbursed to Wikimedia Poland for their role in our grant
[edit]Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
[edit]As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
- No significant deviations from our grant proposal during the period.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
[edit]- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
Ilya (talk) 22:14, 30 July 2016 (UTC)
[edit]Resources to plan for measurement
[edit]- Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
- Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.
- Importantly, both qualitative and quantitative measures are important so consider both as you determine measures for your evaluation and be sure to ask the right questions to be sure to capture your program stories.
Resources for storytelling
[edit]- WMF storytelling series and toolkit (DRAFT)
- Online workshop on Storytelling. By Frameworks institute
- The origin of storytelling
- Story frames, with a focus on news-worthiness.
- Reading guide: Storytelling and Social change. By Working Narratives
- The uses of the story.
- Case studies.
- Blog: 3 Tips on telling stories that move people to action. By Paul VanDeCarr (Working Narratives), on
- Building bridges using narrative techniques. By
- Differences between a report and a story
- Question guides and exercises.
- Guide: Tools for Knowledge and Learning. By Overseas Development Institute (UK).
- Developing a strategy
- Collaboration mechanisms
- Knowledge sharing and learning
- Capturing and storing knowledge.