This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their progress after completing the first 6 months of their grants. The time period covered in this form will be the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary.
For each program include the following table and
Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
the larger content donations in Q1 and Q2 were processed in May and June, and are only now being added to articles
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
Unusualy, articles were not added or improved as a result of content donations, but because of online writing events
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
The first six months on 2016, WMNL put a lot of effort and energy in 'preparing the ground' for activities which will start delivering results in the months and years to come. We started out on our new thematic programme 'Netherlands and the world'. This aims to free content held by Dutch GLAMs that is of relevance to parts of the world with which the Netherlands is historically connected. We reached out to the international Wikimedia community and to our GLAM partners to get them interested, and managed to get a grant from the Digital Heritage Expertise Centre. We were involved with selecting a new Wikipedian in Residence and designing his workprogramme: as of June, he will be focussing on releasing data and content related to plant and animal species. Several major content donations are in preparation and and we started dicussions with Adlib, a widely used collection management system for museums, about developing a plug-in which will make it much easier to add metadata and content to the Wikimedia projects.
And after almost a year of discussion and preparations, we had the first pilot activities with public libraries.
High points of the past months were the Gender Gap project, where the working group is going from strenght to strenght, the amazing amount of positive media attention regarding the 15th anniversary of Wikipedia in January and June (when NL WP turned 15) and our first training programme aimed at improving communication and conflict resolution skills in the Dutch Wikipedia community.
However, scaling up our education projects remains difficult and establishing effective communication skills with the community also is a challenge.
In the following sections, the events of the first six months of 2016 are described in detail. We use color-coding to mark progress:
A community that does not accept inappropriate behaviour, has a practice of correcting such behaviour in a constructive manner and where key individuals have the skills to intervene effectively. Also a viable community which is more or less representative of wider society with a steady influx of new editors. Increase skills of key individuals in community to deal with/prevent conflicts or inappropriate behaviour
Increase skills of key individuals in community to deal with/prevent conflicts or inappropriate behaviour
provide training to moderators and arbcom members in conflict resolution
develop online resources (exercises) to increase insight/skills in online communication
use Wikimedia Nederland Conference as a venue for further capacity building
Increase and strengthen interpersonal relations within the community to reinforce resilience and problem solving capacity
Create opportunities for Wikipedians to meet in real life: WikiSaturdays, New years reception, WikiCafé’s, WikiMeets and Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland (WCN)
Create opportunities for Wikipedians to meet on social media
Strengthen community spirit and pride by recognizing and celebrating community achievements
Use 15th birthday of NL-Wikipedia to organise positive community events, preferably initiated and organised by the community itself with (logistical/financial) support by WMNL
Increase skills of key individuals in community to deal with/prevent conflicts or inappropriate behaviour
Wikimedia Nederland has made community health a priority and we are experimenting with ways to support the NL-Wikipediacommunity in maintaining a pleasant and open working atmosphere, which is welcoming to new editors.
After last year’s survey among editors showed that there was dissatisfaction with the working atmosphere and the level of conflicts on NL-Wikipedia, we started a dialogue with the community on what could be done te remedy this. As we explained in our impact report 2015, it was quite difficult to find editors willing to engage in a discussion and create some sort of momentum in the community. In the end, we decided to start with a a training programme to provide moderators, arbcom-members and other Wikipedians with advanced skills in facilitating online communication and preventing or resolving conflicts.
We worked with Alexander Waringa of ECoachpro, a consultancy specialised in online coaching and also involved the community in designing the content of the training. Twelve active members of the community, including moderators and ArbCom-members, learned about different modes of communication and were taught how to 'read between the lines'. By analysing an online message line-by-line, it can become clear what the writer actually is looking for and what kind of response will really help him/her, and avoid conflict. Following the seminar, the participants had the chance to try out these new skills on a rather difficult 'new editor' (in actual fact one of the experts of E-coach pro). Eight participants took part in this process.
The participants shared and evaluated their experience during a final session in June. The participants were positive about the process and what it brought them. Most had been able to apply what they had learned in their work as Wikipedians, but also in other areas of their lives such as interaction with workcolleagues. We also asked for suggestions for improvement. These included making available a training module online for editors who are unable or unwilling to attend sessions ‘in real life’, focusing more on interaction between experienced editors rather than on helping a newbie, and training editors to take part in the ‘role play’ phase of the training.
Plans for Q3 and Q4
WMNL and E-coachpro are now working on developing an e-learning version of the training. We are also exploring how we can scale the programme, so that more Wikipedians can benefit from the training in real life and the online exercise sessions. In September we will submit a funding application for a longer running programme to a grantmaker focusing on safe and open access to the Internet.
We also want to have a session at the Wikimedia Nederland Conference in November focusing on conflict management.
Increase and strengthen interpersonal relations within the community to reinforce resilience and problem solving capacity
Create opportunities for Wikipedians to meet in real life: WikiSaturdays, New years reception, WikiCafé’s, WikiMeets and Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland (WCN)
Create opportunities for Wikipedians to meet on social media
Strengthen community spirit and pride by recognizing and celebrating community achievements
100th WikiSaturday on January 9. Initiator Lodewijk cutting the celebratory cake.Use 15th birthday of NL-Wikipedia to organise positive community events, preferably initiated and organised by the community itself with (logistical/financial) support by WMNL
We continued our programme of organising opportunities for editors to meet in real life. WMF has indicated in the past that they see no hard evidence that these events help improve community health. However, the feedback we get from the community is that they do feel it helps to have met someone face to face. We also see how these events help new, young or insecure Wikipedians find their feet, develop self-confidence and mature into valued members of the community.
Wiki-Saturdays - in January, the 100th WikiSaturday took place. This had now become firmly integrated into the Dutch Wikimedia-calendar, with volunteers coming to the office every other Saturday to work together, or just socialize. The gender gap project group and the project nature group regularly meet on WikiSaturdays.
New year's reception: Saturday, January 16, Museum Catharijneconvent hosted Wikimedia Nederland's New Year's reception, attended by 80 wikimedians.
WikiUilen 2015: Wikipedians Romaine and Taketa took the initiative to introduce the ‘Owl’ award scheme to NL Wikipedia. For some years now, the German Wikipedia-community has been recognising special contributions by awarding ‘Eulen’ (owls, or in Dutch: uilen). Romaine and Taketa felt this was a good way to bring positivity into the NL-Wikipedia community, and acknowledge special achievements. Wikimedia Nederland supported their idea and was happy to incorporate the award ceremony into our New year's reception. The WikiUilen 2015 were awarded in seven categories: writer, illustrator, editorial, cooperation, newcomer, project and Wikiproject. Active users of the Dutch Wikipedia nominated candidates and voted on the nominations.Wiki-Owls 2015Happy recipient of WikiUil.
15 years NL Wikipedia: On Sunday 19 June, we celebrated the 15th birthday of Dutch Wikipedia. We asked the community how they wanted to celebrate this, and they decided on a barbecue in the Openluchtmuseum in Arnhem, an open air museum of traditional Dutch buildings and crafts. On Saturday 18 June, 55 Wikipedians came together at the museum for coffee and cake, guided tours, a barbecue and ice-cream. The media were also interested in the birthday, with Dutch Wikipedians featuring in newspapers and on national tv and radio. (See more under Progamme Communication) celebrating 15 years of Dutch language Wikipedia
Plans for Q3 and Q4
Wikipedians exploring the Openlucht Museum. 15th birthday of NL-Wikipedia
A majority of the community of editors is aware of the support programme provided by Wikimedia Nederland and does not hesitate to make use of it. The group of editors applying to and making use of the programme has expanded beyond the core group of WMNL volunteers. The grants and reimbursements and other forms of support lead to clear and identifiable contributions to the Wikimedia projects.
provide a small-grants programme, including reimbursement of travel costs
regularly advertise this programme and pro-actively reach out to community members
provide logistical support to activities initiated and coordinated by community members, also continuing the loan/hire of equipment
We know that not all editors are aware of the fact that Wikimedia Nederland can provide them with support. We also know that announcements of activities and events don't reach everyone. Last year's survey showed that a majority of the editing community do not communicate via the village pump, do not read newsletters or announcement pages, and are not subscribed to mailing lists. Communication between editors is mainly via talkpages, either their personal tallkpages or the talkpages of articles. This poses a challenge for Wikimedia Nederland: how do we reach our main targetgroup, the editors of NL Wikipedia? We reach out via all the channels open to us but these are the channels listed above and not effective enough. The only way to reach a majority of editors is via a site notice for logged-in users, or via messages on their talkpages. Both options are not popular with the community and can provoke complaints of spamming and banner-overload.
In the first months of 2016 we worked on a plan to send a one-off message to the 1100 (very) active editors on NL-Wikipedia, to make them aware of Wikimedia Nederland and point out how they could keep informed about our activities. Our first plan was to send a message to all editor talkpages but opinions on that were strongly divided. Many editors have the talkpages of other editors on their watchlists, which would suddenly overflow with what could be foreseen as a spam-message from WMNL. We then dediced to go for the next best option, which was a message via wiki-mail. One of our volunteers, edoderoo, developed a python-script which allowed us to send a message in bulk to all editors. This was much more acceptable as it would cause any incovenience to other editors, but also had some drawbacks: not all editors have enabled wikimail, and wikimail does not allow hyperlinks in the text.
We joined forces with Wikimedia Belgium and sent out a joint message, signed by the two chairmen. They thanked the editors for their work, and pointed out that the two chapters were there to support all Wikipedians. It also listed the various channels editors could monitor if they wanted to keep informed of what WMNL and WMBE were doing.
The message did not lead to any negative reactions. In fact, we got some positive responses from editors who appreciated that we had reached out. We also got some responses saying that the friendly tone was a pleasant change from the harsh way in which some editors had been approached by moderators and fellow-wikipedians in the past. However, only a small number of editors (10) subscribed to our newsletter and the number of people following announcement pages also did not increase significantly. So, we have not made huge progress..... This remains a worry as a direct line of communication with the Wikipedia-community is essential for WMNL.
Small grants, supporting volunteers and travel costs
The scholarship programme continues to be popular. We provided scholarships to three volunteers to attend the Wikmedia Hackathon in Jerusalem and to five volunteers for Wikimania in Esino Lario. We also provided two scholarship recipients with the loan of a laptop and a camera respectively. Several smaller international scholarships were also granted, to attend writing events or Wikimedia conferences in neighbouring countries. At the request of a volunteer we also invested in the purchase of some camera-equipment. We also provided practical and logistical support to the Wikipedians organising the writing events on NL-Wikipedia and arranged accreditation and entrance to events for Wiki-photographers.
Dutch Wikimedians in Esino Lario
Making simpleshow videos
One very interesting activity in the small grant programme was a workshop simpleshow. User: Ziko requested a grant to organise a workshop on producing simpleshow explanatory videos. During this workshop, attendees learned the basic skills to write storyboards for animations in the style of simpleshow videos. Focus of the workshop was how to explain complex topics in a short and understandable way, how cut-out animation works and how to write a storyboard. We asked participants to write a storyboard about a Wikimedia related subject. After the workshop, attendees will refine their storyboard, supported by the simpleshow Foundation team. The videos will be published under CC-BY-SA license on Wikimedia Commons. All participants were very enthusiastic after the workshop, expectations were met and everybody felt that they can use the lessons learned in their (Wikimedia) work. We used simpleshow ourselves to make a video celebrating 15 years of NL Wikipedia.
In total, 15 requests for scholarships or small grants were received and awarded.
Plans for Q3 and Q4
Continue with small grant programme
Targets 2016
last year
progress Q1 and Q2
20 applications for small grants received and processed
15 requests received and awarded
20 requests
travel costs reimbursed for 30 volunteers
(in country) costs reimbursed for 9 volunteers
20 volunteers
other forms of support provided to 15 volunteers
4 volunteers supported by loan of equipment, help with accreditation etc
10 volunteers
10 cases of support given to individuals who have never applied before
1 new applicant
4 new applicants
at least 100 articles added/improved and 3000 images uploaded as result of support
0 and 1500
650 articles added or improved,
900 articles, 1000 images
we are now actively working with and supporting the Wikipedians organising online writing events. This explains the shift from images to articles
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
Support to community - planned
Support to community - results
Programme 3: Increasing participation and remedying gender gap
By 2018, the decline in editors on NL Wikipedia is stopped, and preferably reversed. At least 35% of editors are women. There is a steady influx of new editors who are still active after six months.
Create an atmosphere on NL Wikipedia that is welcoming to new editors
Increase awareness among groups with - potentially - high affinity with free knowledge that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone and create opportunities for them to get acquainted
Provide new editors with a context that will facilitate their ‘induction’: links to other editors with the same interests, create concrete opportunities to make a valuable contribution e.g. by working with newly donated content
Create ‘safe’ opportunities for women to become acquainted with Wikipedia and develop editing skills
At the beginning of 2016 the Gender Gap working group celebrated the 150th article added to NLWP from the list of 'missing articles'. That was a good start to the year which continued in a very positive way.
An important highlight in the first six months were the activities organised on 5 & 6 March around International Womens Day. Wikipedians worked together during the weekend of March 5 and 6 to make Wikipedia and sister projects more 'feminine'. The weekend was organised by the gendergap taskforce. The gender gap group, which cooperates closely with Wikimedia Nederland, provided participants with inspiration; they were able to choose a subject from a long list of desired articles. During the weekend, Wikpedians were available online and offline to answer questions. The event was successful. Over eighty new ‘female’ articles were written during the weekend and twelve articles were improved. Volunteers created a gallery of "portraits of women" on Wikimedia Commons using Wikidata. The National Archives donated 18 new pictures of International Women’s Day. Because of the banner published on Dutch Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata advertising the event, a lot of Wikimedians were inspired to participate. They did not stop writing after the weekend. On June 26 a new milestone was reached, the 500th article was written. This sharing of results seems to be very motivating for the editors and the group tries to thank every editor that adds a new article.
Textile edit-a-thon, 4 June 2016
Also successful is the Gender gap group on Facebook, which provides a friendly space where participants feel free to ask questions about editing Wikipedia. (There is no TeaHouse on Nl Wikipedia) The group now has 60 members.
The partnership with Atria (Institute on gender equality and women's history) is becoming more solid and Atria has now incorporated working with Wikipedia in its workplan. On April 20th we were invited by Atria and Huygens ING - the research institute on history to give a Wikipedia introduction. 22 participants learned more about Wikipedia and the possibility to contribute to Wikipedia. In the afternoon WMNL board member Marike van Roon gave a talk about how Wikipedia supports GLAM's and she was part of the discussion panel at the end.
The gender gap groups was also invited to give a talk for board members and members of the Green Party's women' network Femnet about women and Wikipedia, and the gender gap. The feedback we got was very promising. Femnet is going to find out if members are motivated to learn to edit Wikipedia. If so, we will offer them a three-day course. Femnet will also share our Gendergap communication with their network.
Connected to the Gender Gap group is the Textile project, which aims to improve coverage on topics related to textile on Wikipedia.
This topic which interests many women is sadly underrepresented at the moment. We organised an Edit-a-thon in TextielMuseum Tilburg. Nine participants gathered in Textielmuseum Tilburg and followed a workshop about how to edit Wikipedia. The museum offered access to books with examples of fabrics, weaving and embroidery. In the week after the workshop the first articles appeared online.
One of the obstacles we encounter in adding content to the Wikimedia projects, is that not many editors have the skills to process uploads. After asking around, we discovered that there was demand for a training session to develop such skills. On 26 May, WMNL organised a workshop on the new batch-upload tool Pattypan at the WMNL office. The workshop was given by WMNL project coordinator Arne Wossink. The workshop consisted of a walk-through of the tool workflow, discussion of pros, cons and known bugs (which have since been addressed), and some participants uploaded some images during the evening. The workshop was attended by 4 editors, and 2 editors joined the live stream in Google Hangout. The powerpoint is available on Commons; the live stream can be viewed here.
We plan to submit a proposal for funding, together with Atria, for improving coverage on the Wikimedia projects on women’s suffrage and the first female politicians in the Netherlands (next year it will be a century ago that the women in the Netherlands got the vote). ATRIA is the official archive of the international women’s movement and will work to donate relevant content, while Wikimedia Nederland and the Gender Gap group will organise events to promote use of this material.
We have set a new goal (750 articles) for the gender gap project and are thinking of an attractive way to encourage editors to keep on writing new articles.
Atria asked our help with the organisation of a double, international writing week on LGBT-issues in July, during Europride in Amsterdam. We set up a team of volunteers who will help with creating a projectpage on Wikipedia. We also offer our help with reaching out to interested volunteers.
In October we will offer a second workshop on textile.
We will organise at least one other workshop where an experienced Wikimedian shares technical skills with the community.
Targets 2016
last year
progress Q1 and Q2
train-trainers programme developed and implemented
planned for Q3 and Q4
5 individuals complete training
decline in editors reduced compared to 2015
appears to be stabilising
3 editor trainings organised focussing on increasing participation of women, with in total 45 participants
2 trainings organised with in total 30 participants
4 trainings held
3 editor training organised focussing on (volunteer) organisations, with in total 45 participants
2 trainings held
6 editors acquire advanced skills
6 participants in Patty Pan workshop, xx in simpleshow workshop
12 editors with advanced skills
10% participants (at least 9) still active after 6 month
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
Universities and colleges are aware of the possibilities to integrate Wikipedia in their curriculum. They have access to tools and materials which makes it easier for them to develop progammes. Students are routinely exposed to contributing to Wikipedia as part of their education. The contributions made by students within the framework of the education programme are welcomed by the community. Wikimedia Nederland has the resources (staff and finances) to support an education programme over a longer period. As a result there is a steady stream of good quality contributions to the Wikimedia projects made by students.
draw attention to/lobby for potential of Wikipedia-work in the curriculum via publications and presentations
raise funds to develop and maintain longer running education programme
develop and make available full set of programme materials and tools, including own materials as well as materials translated from education programmes run by other chapters/WMF
continue existing partnerships with ITV college for translators, Utrecht and Maastricht Universities.
develop at least two new partnerships; building on the positive experiences with providing the community with access to translators. This should also include a college providing training in professional skills such as photography, multimedia design or music
The University of Maastricht started their On Expedition class in mid-March, during which students worked on Wikipedia articles. This is actually the third year in a row that the university is organising this class, and the staff is very enthusiastic. On 16 March, an introductory Wikipedia-workshop was given, during which students were asked to sign up for Wikipedia and some information was given on how Wikipedia works and how editing works. As in previous years, the class focuses on expeditions by historical travellers and scholars. Nine students participated in this course. Maastricht University-'On Expedition'
The cooperation with the ITV Hogeschool voor Tolken en Vertalers (College for translators and interpreters) will enter its second year. The pilot activities of 2015 were evaluated and it was decided to continue on a larger scale - in 2015 the school selected 2 students to work on Wikipedia-related projects but for 2016 there will be a general call for students to translate articles for the Dutch Wikipedia. This call went out in April and already one student has applied to translate articles from German into Dutch. The community was also asked about this project and in general editors were very positive and willing to work with a translator on a new article.
Utrecht University also decided to continue its Wikipedia-programme, which for a while was uncertain due to staff changes. The University will continue their "Public history" minor, in the first semester of the 2016-17 year. It will focus on a number of important female scientists of University Utrecht. We especially appreciate the chance to create synergy between the education and gender gap programmes.
We has a first meeting with Tilburg University about the possibility to develop a Wikipedia-focused 'law clinic'. During a law clinic, students from the Faculty of Law apply their knowledge and skills in a 'real life' context. We would like the students to assess quality of Wikipedia-articles related to law.
Presentation for University of AmsterdamWikimedia Nederland held a presentation during a workshop on Wikipedia for employees of the university library of the University of Amsterdam and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Some 30 people were present and discussions ranged on the possibilities of Wikipedia for education and the role of the library - ranging from potential content uploads to a teach the teacher program where a course is developed that focuses on teaching lecturers how to incorporate Wikipedia into their classes. However, this has not yet lead to concrete plans.
We are finding it difficult to ‘scale’ the education programme. It is rewarding that the universities we have been working with in the past all decided to continue their programmes. We are also seeing that these programmes are becoming more self-supporting:Utrecht and Maastricht University know the drill and there is a group of volunteers to provide assistance during the working sessions. However, we don’t see other lecturers from these universities copying the programmes. Also, the actual results in terms of content added are relatively low. Activities in Q3 and Q4 will focus on scaling and funding:
Developing a brochure on Wikipedia and higher education, which will explain the potential of a Wikipedia-programme for universities, and give advice on how to proceed. This is based on the brochure we have developed for GLAM-partners, which we have found to be very useful.
Organising a seminar on Wikipedia and education where our current partners will share their experiences and make clear the benefits.
Fundraising for an education coordinator (0,5 fte) and development of resources to take the programme further.
Working with the college for media and graphic design, focussing on students contributing images and media to Wikipedia.
targets for 2016
Last year
progress Q1 and Q2
funding ensured to cover costs of mature education programme through to 2018
planned for Q3-4
education toolkit available
work started, available Q3
at least four projects in the field of education completed
1 finished, 1 ongoing, 1 planned, 1 in preparation
4 projects completed
at least 10 teachers involved in programme
4 teachers involved
8 teachers involved
at least 75 students involved
8 students involved in Maastricht. Other courses start in Q3 and 4
50 students
at least 200 articles added or substantially improved
10 articles
100 articles
at least 500 images uploaded (2015: -)
100 images
at least 8 students contribute by applying their more practical professional skills, rather than by editing articles
activities planned for Q3-4
8 students
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
the Wikipedian in Residence programme continues to lay the foundation for longer running partnerships with GLAM institutions, GLAM-Wiki coordinators are appointed at more major GLAMs after residencies have ended. Contributing to Wikimedia projects becomes common practice in the GLAM community, also involving smaller GLAMs with specialised collections. The community welcomes editing by staff of GLAM partners, leading to a more substantial improvement of content on Wikipedia. A wider group of people has the necessary skills to process content donations, mass uploads etc. There is a successful and productive cooperation with public libraries
Host a GLAM-Wiki group, consisting of Wikipedians in Residence and GLAM-Wiki coordinators. Support and facilitate exchange of experiences and joint activities
Facilitate involvement of small GLAMs by providing a GLAM-Wiki toolkit and generating funding for a ‘small GLAM’ Wikipedian in Residence
Encourage new Residencies at major GLAM institutions
Carry out pilot activities with at least two public libraries and make decision about feasibility of a longer running public library programme
Organise capacity building events for aspiring Wikipedians in Residence and GLAM-Wiki coordinators
Use the ‘textile project’ developed by several of our GLAM partners and volunteers with a clear aim to improve content on Wikipedia related to textiles as a test case for promoting interaction between GLAM partners and the Wikipedia community.
On January 1, Elisabeth Wiessner started as project coordinator GLAM-partnerships. She is the third person to hold this post in a year. We are very glad to have a coordinator for the important GLAM-programme again, especially someone as experienced as Elisabeth.
Early in the year, we visited all of our GLAM-partners to evaluate prior projects and discuss future plans. The GLAM partners are Tropenmuseum (now part of Nationaal Museum voor Wereldculturen), Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Nationaal Archief, NIOD, Museum Catharijneconvent, Rijksmuseum, and Beeld & Geluid. Overall, the partners were positive about their cooperation with Wikipedia/Wikimedia Nederland and will continue. They were enthousiastic about the new thematic priority Nederland and the World (described later), as most of them hold content on that topic and they appreciate a focus for cooperation.
The GLAM-Wiki coordinators met on 23 February to discuss common issues, keep each other posted on developments and make an inventory of how WMNL can help coordinators and how the community can be involved. During this meeting, coordinators representing 6 institutions were present. Some of the issues raised were that the partners sometimes find it difficult to communicate with the Wikipedia-community and that it would be helpful if there were more volunteers willing and able to assist. This lead to the development of the Patty Pan training mentioned before.
The Wikimedia Nederland volunteers who are active in GLAM - cooperation came together for a working dinner on May 20. Between courses, there were two minute slots to present projects and results. This was the first time all the GLAM volunteers came together - everyone enjoyed the evening and the foundations for new activities and projects were put down.
For over a year we have been exploring ways to cooperate with public libraries. Although there was enthusiasm on all sides, for a long time it was difficult to make concrete progress. Things are now moving: we have a dedicated project coordinator at WMNL (Arne Wossink) and our long-term partner the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library) is now also responsible for public libraries.
We decided on a pilot activity with the public libraries in Amsterdam, Arnhem, Amersfoort and Oosterhout. This is an interesting mix of locations, from the cosmopolitan (Amsterdam) to the rural (Oosterhout). In April, these libraries organised local photohunts. Each day started with a short introduction in Wikipedia and photography, followed by the actual photohunt where participants were asked to take photos of local heritage, either monuments or objects). Participation was good, as was the upload rate to Commons.
Amersfoort, 10 people were present; 143 images were uploaded.
Arnhem: 10 participants, 72 images.Image taken during public library photo hunt: Lazy king
Participants in Amsterdam were asked to fill out an evaluation; the results indicate that the participants enjoyed the activity and would be interested in seeing more Wikipedia-related activities in their library.
How to create an account on Commons - instruction for participants in public library photo-hunts
On 1 June, an evaluation meeting was held with the libraries that participated. All libraries had a positive experience and are considering organising further activities. They have been asked to hand in proposals to that effect before 1 July. Due to the outreach activities by the KB (who have also asked the participating pilot activities to speak on conferences to their peers; a strategy that seems to work well), other libraries have expressed an interest as well. Talks with the public library in Hengelo have started this month.
As part of the celebrations of 15 years Wikipedia, the international action 1Lib1Ref was also held in the Netherlands. WMNL helped set up the Dutch project page and spread the word through its social media channels, and library partners (the NIOD, the Royal Library) sent out emails to the contacts in their extensive networks and also blogged about it. On the Dutch WP the hashtag #1Lib1Ref seems to have been used 8 times by 7 different users. The real number is probably slightly higher because the #-sign was left out in the edit summary, in which case the tool cannot find the edit. Our conclusion is that the format of this activity has lots of potential, but that it needs more preparation and support. One complicating factor is that naming references is not mandatory on Nl-Wikipedia, and that there is a long-running debate on whether it is acceptable to add references ex-post, when it is not certain that the works cited are the works used in writing the article.
Last year, we succeeded in raising € 34,000 for a Wikipedian in Residence to work on species information. In this application we cooperated with the Vlinderstichting (Butterfly Foundation), who will host the Wikipedian in Residence. More information can be found under Project Nature.
We are cooperating with a number of smaller GLAMs from the Province of Gelderland to raise funds for a Wikipedian in Residence. Participants are Erfgoedcentrum Achterhoek en Liemers (Heritage Centre for the regions Achterhoek & Liemers), Erfgoedcentrum Arnhem (heritage centre for the city of Arnhem), Nationaal Bevrijdingsmuseum 1944-1945 (National Museum for the Liberation), Gelders Archeologisch Centrum/Museum Het Valkhof (Gelderland Archeological Centre and Valkhof Museum), Regionaal Archief Nijmegen (Regional Archive Nijmegen), Gemeentearchief Ede (Municipal Archive Ede) and the Flipje en Streekmuseum Tiel (Regional Museum for Tiel). So far, over half of the funds needed have been raised and we are confident that we will get there in the end.
We are working with our partner Atria on submitting a funding application for a wikipedian in residence who will work on the commemoration of 100 years of women’s suffrage (More information above under gender gap).
Raising funds is a labour-intensive process. If all applications are successful we will have contributed to raising approximately €100,000 for the Wikimedia movement. However, only a small section of that will find its way into the WMNL budget, as we do not host Wikipedians in Residence ourselves.
As mentioned before, there are not that many people around who have the Wikimedia-skills, the professional skils and the social skills required to be a good Wikipedian in Residence. In the case of the Wikipedian in Residence on species information the choice was made to hire someone who has extensive knowledge of species data and a good network of contacts in that field. He has, however, no Wikipedia-experience. It is going to be interesting to see how this model works out.
The main goal of the project is describing and linking all 1300 Dutch resistance newspapers during World War II that have been published. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies and the Wikipedia community work together to reach this goal. The 1300 resistance newspapers have been published in a book from 1954, the standard on Dutch resistance newspapers. This book from Lydia Winkel has been donated in the public domain by NIOD. This publication is combined with Delpher, a project from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek that gives the possibility to search among other things 1.3 digitized million newspapers. This has resulted in a worklist with stubs for each resistance newspaper. Wikipedians writing in Dutch have been asked to improve, complement and enlarge the articles. Also to link each newspaper to members of the resistance, printing offices and publishers that were involved with making the resistance newspapers.
Bookbindings from Koninklijke Bibliotheek
760 high-resolution photos of historic bookbindings from the bookbindings collection of the KB were added to Wikimedia Commons. This category contains images of some stunning book bindings (front views only) from the period 1100 - 1875.
Historic bookbindings: Book of Common Prayer. Image donated by Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Image donation by the Museum Catharijneconvent
In the last week of June, Museum Catharijneconvent donated 573 high-res images of textiles from their collection. The collection can be viewed here. Images of textile are rare on Wikimedia Commons, as are articles on this topic on Nl Wikipedia. The donation fills a clear gap.
Priest's vestment - image donated by Catharijne Convents as part of a series of images on textiles
(More content donations are described under Project Nature and Nederland and the World)
Test-case for new batch upload tool Pattypan
The image donation by Catharijne Convent has also served as an important test-case for the new batch-upload tool Pattypan. This tool was built to allow batch-uploads of offline images with metadata supplied through a spreadsheet and was specifically designed to be simpler in use than the GWT. The MCC image donation revealed an important error in the upload tool, and the developer was able to address it promptly. As a result of this upload, it is expected that Pattypan will also play an important role in future uploads by Dutch GLAMs and WiRs.
Wikipedia-plugin for Adlib to facilitate uploads
During meetings with GLAM partners it was suggested that it might be useful for museums if the popular Collections Management System Adlib had a plugin that allows immediate export of metadata to a format that is supported by Wikimedia platforms, or even to immediately upload media files to Commons or other platforms. WMNL has contacted Adlib's publisher Axiell and they have shown interest in investigating that possibility. A talk is scheduled in July. If successful, this addition to Adlib could make contributing to the Wikimedia projects much easier for Dutch GLAMs. We are working with expert Wikimedian Multichill to bring this about.
On April the 14th there was a edit-a-thon in Tresoar, the archive of the region Frisia. The theme was the work Attic Nights by Aulus Gellius, fitting with the national Week of the Classics. This Roman scholar wrote at the end of the second century BC this work with a variety of facts about literature, linguistics, philosophy and history. Tresoar has the oldest manuscript (approx. 836) of the Attic Nights. This manuscript will shortly be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. There were 4 participants (including 2 new volunteers), 8 people in total involved and eleven attendees with the reading.
Leeuwaren-Tresoar edit-a-thon
Double writing week on cultural heritage and EU-presidency conference
After successful writing events about different countries, the NL-Wikipedia community organised a double writing week with as theme 'cultural heritage'. This coincided with the Conference Digitalisation Cultural Heritage, organised by the Netherlands' Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in the framework of the Dutch EU-presidency. Minister Jet Bussemaker of Education, Culture and Science opened the writing event by posting an article about one of her favourite paintings.
Writing events on the history of books with University of Amsterdam.
Content donation by Leiden Heritage.Minister Bussemaker of Education, Culture and Science posting an article about her favourite painting. Opening of the cultural heritage writing event
Target 2016
last year
progress Q1 and Q2
quarterly meetings of the GLAM-Wiki group, involving Wikipedians and Residence and GLAM-Wiki coordinators
group meeting and individual meetings with all GLAM partners
2 new Wikipedians in Residence start work
1 started
2 new Wikipedians in Residence
at least two external grantmaking organisations make available funds for GLAM-Wiki work
2 grantmakers contribute to Gelderland projects, proposal submitted to two more organisations
4 grantmakers contribute
at least 20 smaller GLAMs become involved in activities
dependent on funding for Gelderland project
at least 15 content donations by partners
5 content donations
15 donations
1000 articles improved over various Wikipedias
at least 100 articles on textile added or improved by GLAM partners without serious objections from the community
15 articles added
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
GLAM - planned
Programme 6: Thematic priorities: ‘nature’ and ‘Netherlands and the world’
Two topics functioning as a focal point for activities of GLAM and education partners, volunteers and editors, leading to substantial increase in content on Wikimedia projects. Ultimately this results in self-sustaining processes of content donation and content processing requiring only minimal support from WMNL.
work together with other Wikimedia chapters to identify how GLAM and education partners in the Netherlands can best contribute to content donations
work with partners to realise content donations
work with the editing community to encourage incorporation of content donations into Wikimedia projects
provide training to staff of partners institutes and volunteers working around themes nature and Netherlands and the world
organise online and offline activities around themes nature and Netherlands and the world
Wikimedia Nederland started a new project in April: The Netherlands and the world. Over the centuries the Netherlands has developed close ties with many countries through trade and colonialism. Shared cultural heritage has evolved in the Netherlands and in these countries.
With the project “The Netherlands and the world” Wikimedia Nederland wants to increase free access to knowledge about shared cultural heritage with countries the Netherlands have developed close ties over the centuries. And we want to stimulate active participation of GLAM partners and the Wikmedia community, both in the Netherlands and in other countries.
We want to develop partnerships and activities, with Wikipedians and Wikimedians worldwide and with knowledge and heritage institututions that want to share and connect relevant collections.
In april the project was introduced to the Dutch Wikipedia community. We used the Berlin WIkimedia conference and Wikimania to reach out to Wikimedians from all over the world, especially affillates in countries with a historic connection to the Netherlands. So far, WM Indonesia and WM South Africa already have expressed interest in cooperating. On the Dutch side of things, almost all of our GLAM partners hold relevant information and are keen to cooperate. With Wikimedia Indonesia we are working on bringing more information about education pioneer Ki Hadjar Dewantara into the public domain. Some of his early writings are in Dutch and not very well accessible to Indonesians. Also, some of WMNL GLAM partners like the National Archive and the National Library have relevant information on his life and work.
That the project also has appeal outside the Wikimedia community became clear when early in July we received a grant of €16.000 from the expertise centre for Digital heritage.
In the past months we have already received thee content donations falling within the scope of the project:
Donation by the National Museum of World Cultures
Surinam: tobacco being delivered to missionaries. Donation from National Museum of World Cultures
The National Museum of World Cultures (a merger of the former Tropenmuseum, the Museum Volkenkunde and the Afrika Museum) donated a collection of 720 images to Wikimedia Commons. This donation consists of photos of objects from the museum's collection, and of photos taken during Dutch scientific and military expeditions in Suriname and the Dutch East Indies.
Donation by the KITLV
Kurkdjian - Soerabaja - Two female textile workers creating images at the pasar malam in Surabaya - 1905-1906. Image donated by KITLV.
The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies and Leiden University Library donated 3114 images to Wikimedia Commons as a follow-up to an earlier donation containing 2400+ images. The new donation contains photos, lithos, drawings, watercolours showing people, landscapes, plantations, plants and butterflies from countries such as Suriname, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan and Singapore. The upload was carried out by Hans Muller.
Content donation Afrika Studiecentrum
Shooting lessons in Senegal, 1973. Image from the collection donated by the Africa Studie Centre
The African Studies Center, Leiden University, donated 756 images made by Roel Coutinho, a Dutch MD working in Guinea-Bissau and Senegal between 1973 and 1974. The images show aspects of daily life such as food preparation, festivities and school and hospital buildings, among other things. The metadata (including Portuguese captions) were prepared by Michele Portatadino, the upload was done by Hans Muller using the GWToolset.
In the coming months we will use these donations as a test case to see if donated images will be used more after we spread the word on mailing lists and relevant talk pages of Wikipedia-projects.
Wikimedia Nederland cooperated successfully with the federation of NGO's in the Netherlands involved in gathering data about wildlife, to obtain funding for a Wikipedian in Residence. Last month, Sander Turnhout was appointed to the position in June. He has extensive information in nature-data and will work to improve content in all the Wikimedia projects. A volunteer from the WMNL project nature working group was a member of the selection committee that interviewed candidates for the post.
Content donations: Iconographia Zoologia and Ecomare
The project group has started work on processing an image donation by Amsterdam University: the iconographia zoologia, a collection of 20,000 19th century images of animal species. The marine wildlife centre Ecomare is planning an image donation.
Cooperation with botanic gardens
WMNL director Sandra Rientjes and project nature volunteer Dick Bos gave presentations about WIkimedia in general, and nature related information on WIkimedia in particular for the annual meeting of Dutch Botanic Gardens. Also present were representatives of the Norwegian botanic garden and with the help of WMNO we could provide some information in Norwegian. To make the event even more international, one of the projects presented was a WMAT project with the Botanic Garden in Graz. The Dutch Botanic Gardens were suitably impressed, we will start cooperating with them in October. It is also a good example of how sharing information among chapters and having good personal contact among chapter staff is so useful.
set up exchange platform for matching demand for images or data with collections of Dutch GLAM partners.
Start active cooperation with WMIN and WMZA, and other chapters.
Help process and 'advertise' content donations.
Organise writing events.
Support Wikipedian in Residence on making available species information.
Process content donation Iconographia Zoologia and Ecomare, organise online and offline events to promote use.
Carry out a pilot project with QRPedia in a nature and wildlife garden.
Training and writing event with Botanic Gardens.
Target 2016
last year
progress Q1 and Q2
500 articles improved or created
at least 5000 items of relevant content donated by partners and added to Wikimedia projects
4 online or offline writing events organised
at least 2 editor trainings with at least 10 participants
at least 100 people involved in activities
5 new editors active after 6 months
69 articles created
no content donations
1 writing event
1 WikiSource training with 8 participants
20 people involved
no new editors
500 new articles
50.000 items donated
4 writing events
100 people involved
10 new editors
a new Wikipedian in residence started in June and will intiate cooperation with conservation NGO's. Hence most activity is expected in Q3 and Q4. Also, two major content donations are in preparation.
Netherlands and the world
4 Netherlands based partners get involved
at least two Wikimedia introduction trainings organised for new partners
cooperation with at least three Wikimedia affiliates in Asia, Africa or Carribean
relevant content determined in consultation with these chapters and donated (at least 5000 items uploaded)
at least 500 articles added or improved
2 online or offline writing events organised
at least 75 people involved in activities
5 new editors active after 6 months
n.a. (new project)
content donation by 3 partners, 5 GLAMs have expressed willingness to take part
training planned fot Q3-4
WM Indonesia en WM South Africa already willing to cooperate
4586 images uploaded
60 articles written or improved
10 people involved
so far no new editors
6 partners involved
2 trainings organised
cooperation with three affiliates
7000 images uploaded
500 articles improvbed
2 online writing events
75 people involved
5 new editors
The first six months we set up the basis infrastructure of this project and managed to obtain funding. We expect to start 'harvesting' in Q3 and Q4.
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
There is sufficient level of insight in the quality of the Dutch language Wikipedia to provide a framework for targeted action by the editing community and WMNL
in consultation with community set up working group to develop research question
reach out to universities, in particular existing partners in education programme, to sound out whether there is interest and expertise to carry out such research
(support) application for funding
Activities to further develop this programme are planned for Q 3-4. Work planned with Tilburg University as part of the education programme will focus on assessing quality of articles on law.
measurable results in 2016
university department willing to carry our research
community engaged in designing research
research proposal drafted
funding assured
start research
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
The general public and crucial stakeholders have an understanding of Wikipedia that allows them to become engaged with the project in an appropriate and constructive manner if they choose. Crucial stakeholders (e.g. institutions in the GLAM and education sector) are aware of Wikimedia Nederland and have an understanding of the role of the organisation.
Further develop strategic use of social media to reach out to key stakeholders, responding to direct question and contributing to discussions relevant to the Wikimedia projects
Attend important events (annual meetings, conferences, seminars) where key stakeholders will be present to disseminate information
Respond to questions from the media about Wikipedia and the Wikimedia movement, reach out to the media when/where relevant
Regularly produce the newsletter announcing and reporting on WMNL events and activities
Activities Q1 and Q2
Media attention
No celebration would be complete without stroopwafels
The celebration of the 15th birthday of EN-WP (in January) and NL-WP (in June) led to a lot of favourable media attention. In both cases, this surprised us. In January we did not expect much interest from the media because it was only 6 weeks after the massive media coverage of the Erasmusprize Ceremony. But our press-release was picked up and radio, television and newspapers covered the event. In June, again we thought there would not be much attention and once again our press release was picked up. WMNL is the first port of call for journalists in these cases, but we try to involve 'real' Wikipedians as much as possible. This is appreciated by the media as well as by the community. An overview of media-attention can be found here Also interesting: Wikipedia's birthday became the 'topic of the week' in a teaching programme used to teach reading skills and media-literacy at primary + secondary schools throughout the Netherlands. Pupils read and discuss texts about a topic currently in the news. These topics are suggested by pupils.In this case, the texts were about how wikipedia is made, it's history and questions such as reliability and neutrality.
EU Presidency conference on Digital Heritage
The Netherlands had the presidency of the European Union from January to July. The very last event organised within the framework of this presidency was an international conference on digital heritage. WMNL Board Member Dr Marike van Roon gave a presentation about cooperating with the Wikimedia movement. 'In real life' she is head-curator of the special collections of Amsterdam University Library, which gives her a unique perspective on cooperation between the Wikimedia movement and GLAMs. Before the start of the conference minister Bussemaker of Education, Culture and Sciences opened a Wikipedia writing-event on cultural heritage (see Programme 5 - GLAM).
Targets 2016
last year
progress Q1 and Q2
number of followers on social media increased by 25%
at least 6 events attended and information about Wikimedia projects and movement provided
3 events attended
at least 20 items in the media following WMNL activity, of which 15 related to Wikipedia anniversary
40 media items, 30 about WP15
45 items
10 newsletters produced
5 newsletter published
10 newsletters
number of subscribers to the newsletter increased by 15%
Table 3
(1) # of newly registered users
(2) # of active editors involved
(3) # of individuals involved
(4a) # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages
(4b) # of new images/media uploaded (optional)
(5) # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects
(6) Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects
Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 2Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source
Anticipated ($US)*
Cumulative ($US)*
Explanation of variances from plan
Project funding
Already €16,000 grant received for Q3. Plans for further grantapplications for €80,000
WMF Grant
'total revenue
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
generating external funds is a priority for WMNL this year. In July, we had our first success when we received a grant of €16,000 for setting up Netherlands and the World. We have been in touch with another grantmaker who is interested in funding our work on community health and will submit a proposal in the framework of the gendergap programme. We remain positive that we will be able to substantially increase the amount of project funding received in Q3 and Q4.
Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal.
Table 3Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
(The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Budgeted ($US)*
Cumulative ($US)*
Percentage spent to date
Explanation of variances from plan
Programme Community and Participation
major expediture such as annual WMNL conference in Q4
Programme Content
Programme Communication
Staff salary costs
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Although we are confident that we will raise external funding in Q3 and Q4 we are aware that at the moment we are facing a deficit. Therefore, we are very careful in committing ourselves to major expenses. However, we are not planning to cancel activities.
As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
There were no deviations to the grant proposal.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.