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Grants:APG/Proposals/2015-2016 round1/Wikimedia Argentina/Progress report form/Programs Metrics

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A note concerning the following report:
During the period 2015-2016, Wikimedia Argentina is carrying out activities that respond to three main programs. The annual plan presented for this year has been organized according to strategic work lines for each program.The implementation, follow up and evaluation of these programs are being done according to those lines of work and their expected results. That is why, this report is organized around those three programs launched in 2015-2016 by Wikimedia Argentina, specifying the estimated results of each line of work.

Program 1: Education Program[edit]

Participation and content[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Iberocoop mentoring program Feb Find the description here and the program page here n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Wikimedia Argentina launched the 1st mentoring program of the region. Our first hosts were Wikimedia México. All the organizations in Latinoamerica work for the same goals and design the same activities. To have the chance to meet, learn from our successes and failures, and organize activities and projects together. Thanks to this meeting, we have organized two activities already this year[1]. 2 3
Educational Edit-a-thons (EduGlam Program) March-June Students editing as an edit-a-thon activity regarding a specific topic. 23 82 105 59 n/a To find more information regarding these activities please find it here Great strategy to organize a long-term activity. So far we have done 3 educational edit-a-thons with different universities (UNDAV and UNLP) inviting the students to edit under the topic of Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity during the Argentine dictatorship. 6 3
Scholem School trainings April-Dec Working with Wikipedia in the classroom n/a 38 38 Not yet available n/a Read the full report here Scholem School education project with Wikipedia did not give good results last year. The main reason was that the teacher had difficulties to edit in Wikipedia, so the students. This year, we are more present on the classroom and the teachers involved have recieved appropiate trainings and all are students in our online course. With not results yet, as we are in the first semester of the school year, we expect this year to have better results in terms of numbers. 1 2
Universidad Nacional de la Plata April-Nov Wikipedia project in the classroom from April to November n/a 16 16 Not yet available n/a UNLP wasn’t a great experience in terms of content last year. We learned from our mistakes and we are working in a different manner this year: better resources for teachers designed and more face to face trainings have been done and are planned for 2016
University teachers’ need to be accompanied while implementing Wikipedia in the classroom. 1 1
Wikimisiones 2016 May Find the whole story here 0 260 260 teachers + 59 ambassadors 41 articles improved n/a More metrics here This activity has been the second part of the Wikimisiones projects, that we started last year in October. This time, we trained during 2 days 260 teachers, the same ones that teach the +1000 students we trained last October. So far 104 articles have been improved by this project, with 6 students retained that mean 21 articles improved and 1 created after 6 months. 59 2
Virtual Course "Puentes entre la cultura escolar, digital y libre" May-July Online course about Wikimedia projects and editing Wikipedia 2 182 184 263 n/a 60 articles have been created during the course (never happened before) and +800.000 bytes were added to Wikipedia.
So far 19 editors remain active.
Wikimedia Argentina continues working and improving the proposal we believe are successful. Our online course is the most successful activity so far. Last year, the 89% of articles created and improved were thanks to the impact of our online course. We expect to organize at least 2 more courses this year and reach the goals proposed.
4 2
Projects designed by teachers and ready to be used May-ongoing Projects designed by teachers ready to be used in the classroom n/a n/a 38 n/a n/a So far, 38 new projects to use Wikipedia in the classroom ready to be used and designed by teachers from the province of Misiones and the virtual course participants. We believe that teachers have everything to say in our Education Program. In this sense we continue working with teachers as a activities' producers. Making their projects available on our web page is a must for our organization. We want to approach as much as possible quality resources from teachers to teachers. 5 2
Universidad de Rio Negro trainings June New teacher's training implemented in UNRN. Find the full report here 0 28 28 31 during the training + 29 after the training= 60 n/a 1 Wikiproject with 18 teachers involved designed after the activity, here As part of our learning from last year, we have developed a new training strategy to involve teachers as editors in Wikipedia. Last year, working with teachers did not give us great results. Specifics training were not enough for teachers to understand how to work with Wikipedia in the classroom. We believe that by making more consistent trainings and produce better resources teachers would improve their work with students.
Find more about our new training strategy here
1 2
New agreements signed with educational institutions May 3 new agreements signed in 2016 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 new agreements signed with 3 new education institutions. a) Universidad de Rio Negro
b) Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
c) Univeridad Abierta Interamericana

We have already started our activities with the Universidad de Rio Negro with great results. We expect to work with the students during the second semester of the year. We have activities planned for the second semester of the year with the other two universities. We are going to work with teachers and students from the BA of Medicine in the Univeridad Abierta Interamericana and we are going to be part of a massive e-learnig MOOC with Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.

Organize better trainings and long term activities delivers better results. 3 3
New contest for secondary school launched with UNESCO On going Online contest for students 2016. Find the contest page here n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Wikimedia Argentina launched another photo and editing contest with UNESCO. The contest was launched late May and will be open until late September. This time we have signed an agreement with LATAM Airlines for the prizes. 10 volunteers around the country involved 2
Total March-June 10 main activities 25 606 669 423 n/a n/a n/a 87 volunteers 18 new volunteers involved All staff involved: 30%
2 person involved: 50%
1 person involved: 20%

Scaling up-Federalization[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Wikiambassadors strategy On going To establish a community of teacher's ambassadors of WMAR's Education Program. n/a n/a 59 ambassadors from Wikimisiones. This team remains stable (is the same work team) from last year.
4 new teachers involved from the new agreements signed. 18 teachers have designed a Wikiproject Wikiproject in Wikipedia, from the University of Rio Negro
3 teachers leading the Wikilesa program
4 education referents from 2015 remain actively working with us.
n/a n/a 32 women involved Training and empowering teachers to help us scale our program or designing by themselves own projects within Wikimedia projects, is one of our main goals for 2016. 88 3
Teachers leading projects from Education Program On going Teachers that help us escale our program. n/a n/a 1 teacher in charge of our activities in the Universidad de Río Negro
18 teachers in charge of the Wikiproyecto:Patagonia Norte
1 teacher in charge of the project at the Universidad Abierta Interamericana
1 teacher in charge of our planning with us the activities in the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
3 teachers leading Wikilesa program
4 teachers from last year that are still working with us and with who we are planning new activities for the next months
1 teacher leading the project at the Benito Nazar School
Please se the meetings record to find out here
n/a n/a The only way to organize and implement activities with students in the education context is by having our program leaded by at least one teacher. This is one of our main goals to make our activities more sustainable long term. 29 2
Total Feb-Dec 2 main activities n/a n/a 88 n/a n/a n/a n/a 117 education volunteers involved - 88 different people 2 staff involved

Free Culture Awareness[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Media Coverage March- ongoing Wikimedia Argentina’s education program media coverage n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 19 press releases Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities n/a 3
Education lectures April-Aug Education lectures given in specific education enviroments n/a n/a 135 people involved n/a n/a 3 lectures given in specific education contexts We are avoinding to give specific lectures as often as we did in the past. We understood that wasn't worth it to engage new educational referents as Wikimedia editors. However we are always open to give lectures in specific and notable spaces where to position our Education Program, as it is still unknown.
During the first semester of 2016 we gave 3 lectures: 1.Education Collab group in Sweden
2. Feria del Libro 2016
3. Lecture for librarians in Misiones
We will continue to give lectures when having the opportunity to attend interesting education spaces.
n/a 2
New press and education contacts. March-ongoing New press and new education contacts done in education context to position our Education Program n/a n/a 8 new specific contacts n/a n/a n/a Great strategy to position our Education Program n/a 2
Total March-ongoing 3 main activities n/a n/a 135 n/a n/a 19 press released 8 new press and education contacts n/a n/a 2 staff involved

Liberation and creation of content[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Wikipuentes publication released in english Feb WMAR's MOOC experience available in english. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Find the publication here Share WMAR’s learning with the global community 1 1
Wikipedia en el aula launched Feb In 2015 we worked 6 months to improve and renewed the Wikipedia en el aula web page, placed in the main educational portal in Argentina. The platform aims to be the perfect space where teachers can access to Wikipedia resources and can learn how to edit and use Wikipedia as a learning tool. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Find the web page here Share WMAR’s learning with the global community 4 1
Education Learning Patterns Feb- ongoing Educational learning patterns created n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 new educational learning patterns Share WMAR’s learning with the global community n/a 2
E-learning platform designed May See more about WMAR's online platform here n/a n/a 184 n/a n/a n/a To have our own virtual platform has given us freedom and a world of possibilities, as we are going to use it in other programs. n/a 1
Creation of new resources May Creation if new resources to help teachers imprive their work in the classroom. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 new educational resources designed. Help teachers to improve their results in the classroom when they work with the Wikimedia projects. n/a 2
Total Feb-ongoing 5 main activities n/a n/a 184 n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 2 staff involved

Program 2: GLAM Program[edit]

Participation and content[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Iberocoop mentoring program Feb Find the description here and the program page here n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Wikimedia Argentina launched the 1st mentoring program of the region. Our first hosts were Wikimedia México. All the organizations in Latinoamerica work for the same goals and design the same activities. To have the chance to meet, learn from our successes and failures, and organize activities and projects together. Thanks to this meeting, we have organized two activities already this year[2]. 2 3
Empowering cultural institutions: Workshop with Anfibia magazine staff March Workshop of how to edit Wikipedia for the magazine's staff n/a 5 5 n/a n/a n/a Good activity and strategy to involve our partners as editors in Wikipedia. To involve the staff of the cultural institutions to become involved actively, provides us long-term and stable relationships with organizations. n/a 3
Educational Edit-a-thons (EduGlam Program) March-June Students editing as an edit-a-thon activity regarding a specific topic. 23 82 105 59 n/a To find more information regarding these activities please find it here Great strategy to organize a long-term activity. So far we have done 3 educational edit-a-thons with different universities (UNDAV and UNLP) and one NGO inviting students to edit under the topic of Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity during the Argentine dictatorship. This is a long term program with an stable partner Cosecha Roja 6 3
1 survey conducted among users and editors March-April Survey conducted among users and editors to define WMAR's 2016 activities. 44 58 102 n/a n/a Read the full report here Wikimedia Argentina considers essential to understand the interests of their community to adapt their activities. Surveys are a great tool to adapt our activities to the interests of our community. 3 1
Editing contests Jan-June Editing contests in Wikipedia and Wikidata. 24 5 29 2653 n/a 210 new articles in Wikidata
1238 new articles categorized in Wikipedia
578 articles categorized in Wikipedia + articles in Wikidata
49 articles wikified in Wikipedia.
By adapting our activities to the interests of our editors' community we can improve qualitatively the content of Wikipedia as well as in other projects. Has resulted to be a great strategy to work on other projects . 1 1
Workshop and edit-a-thon for the women month March The event's main objective was to show how a Wikipedia article is constructed from a gender perspective and continue to collectively improve the encyclopedia on topics of art and feminism. 5 7 20 4 new articles n/a n/a Great activity to involve and reach new public. 5 3
Empowering cultural institutions: Workshop with the Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires April Workshop of how to edit Wikipedia for the Archive's staff. Find the full report here n/a 10 10 n/a n/a 6 women involved Good activity and strategy to involve our partners as editors in Wikipedia. To involve the staff of the cultural institutions to become involved actively, provides us long-term and stable relationships with organizations. n/a 2
Editing contest La mujer que nunca conociste 2016 March-April Anual editing contest about women. 35 4 39 1262 27 931 articles translated + 331 new articles + 27 new images uploaded to Commons and to improve new articles.
13 women involved as editors.
6 women leading the project
This activity is a great strategy to improve the content in Wikipedia regarding women. Also has been a great activity to foster our relationships with strategic partners. For more detailed results, please read the full report 6 2
Editing contests Translating Ibero-America May The main goal of the contest was to improve the content in the english Wikipedia related to Ibero-American culture. 51 n/a 51 425 n/a 1 women involved
Initiative leaded by Wikimedia Argentina through Iberocoop
Thanks to this strategy we redefine what we understand to improve our presence and culture in other Wikipedias. Similarly, we redefine what we mean by quality by positioning our culture beyond our borders. Find the full report here 11 2
Empowering cultural institutions: Workshop with MUNTREF June Workshop of how to edit Wikipedia for MUNTREF staff. n/a 10 10 n/a n/a 5 women involved Good activity and strategy to involve our partners as editors in Wikipedia. To involve the staff of the cultural institutions to become involved actively, provides us long-term and stable relationships with organizations. n/a 2
Edit-a-thon MUNTREF June Edit-a-thon along with MUNTREF. 5 57 62 12 n/a 48 women involved Good activity and strategy to get in touch with new community members. 5 3
Total Jan-June 11 main activities 187 238 433 4415 27 n/a n/a 39 volunteers 3 of them new. All staff involved: 40%
2 person involved: 40%
1 person involved: 20%

Scaling up-Federalization[edit]

The activity regarding this strategic line will be carried out in the second half of the year. The virtual course for cultural institutions is being designed and is scheduled to be released over the next 6 months.

Free Culture Awareness[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Media Coverage March- ongoing Wikimedia Argentina’s GLAM program media coverage n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 13 press releases Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities n/a 2
New contacts done (press, media, cultural specialists etc.) March- ongoing Wikimedia Argentina’s education program media coverage n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 11 new contacts Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities n/a 3
Participation in Foss Argentina April Glam lectures given in specific cultural and open source environments. Find the description here n/a n/a 31 people involved n/a n/a 16 women involved Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities in specific open source environments. n/a 1
Participation in the IV International Meeting of Conservation (museums, archives and libraries) April Glam lectures given in specific cultural and open source environments. Find the description here n/a n/a 82 people involved n/a n/a 72 women involved Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities in specific open source environments. n/a 1
Joining the network Mujeres en Igualdad April Glam lectures given in specific cultural and open source environments. Find the description here n/a n/a 56 women n/a n/a 9 new contacts done Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities in specific open source environments. n/a 1
Participation in LACNIC 2016 May Glam lectures given in specific cultural and open source environments. Find the description here n/a n/a 800 n/a n/a 280 women involved Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities in specific open source environments. n/a 1
Participation in Comunes 2016 May Glam lectures given in specific cultural and open source environments. Find the description here n/a n/a 38 n/a n/a 2 new contacts done Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities in specific open source environments. n/a 2
Total March-ongoing 7 main activities n/a n/a 1007 n/a n/a 13 press released
11 new institutions contacts
368 women involved
n/a n/a 1 staff involved - 58%
2 staff involved - 28%
3 staff involved: 15%

Liberation and creation of content[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
DIY Scanners workshops April-ongoing 3 DIY Scanners workshops done along with our cultural stakeholders. n/a n/a 15 people involved n/a n/a Support and accompany the work of digitization of our partners to obtain better results. n/a 2
Organize working groups around the digitization project April-ongoing Establish focal points responsible for the project of digitization in the cultural institutions we work with to order and accompany their work. n/a n/a 8 people involved (two per institution) n/a n/a n/a Establish focal points within institutions to promote the digitization project has led us to considerably improve our communication and work lineament. 8 1
GLAM Learning Patterns Feb- ongoing GLAM learning patterns created n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 new GLAM learning patterns Share WMAR’s learning with the global community n/a 2
New agreements signed May New agreements signed with the Archivo Histórico de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and the Academia Argentina de Letras n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Argentina has faced during the first 6 months of the year, numerous changes in governing bodies for political reasons. Through new agreements we have strengthened our work with our partners . n/a 1
1st WIR in Wikimedia Argentina May 1st WIR in WIkimedia Argentina, in charge of the digitizing project n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Accompany the institutions, organize our digitizing project and define the results expected per instittutions. Find more details here 1
Digitizing material from the Academia Argentina de Letras released May-ongoing New books released and available. n/a n/a n/a n/a 26 Between 20,000-22,000 pages uploaded to Commons that mean 95 new book available. Long-term relationship n/a 1
Digitizing material from MNBA May-ongoing New material relased by the MNBA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a +400 pages uploaded to Wikimedia Commons that mean 6 art books from XIX century. Long-term relationship n/a 1
Wikisource contest June Wikisource contest n/a n/a n/a 1238 pages created in Wikisource n/a n/a Great strategy to put in value the content released by our digitizing project n/a 2
WIR fist articles created June WIR first articles created related to the material released n/a n/a n/a 285 n/a n/a Great strategy to put in value the content released by our digitizing project n/a 1
Total Feb-ongoing 8 main activities n/a n/a 23 1523 26 (books are more complex position in Wikipedia) 101 book released. 22,500 pages aprox uploaded to commons. n/a 8 1 staff involved-67%
2 staff involved: 37%

Program 3: Community Support program[edit]

Participation and content[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Iberocoop mentoring program Feb Find the description here and the program page here n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Wikimedia Argentina launched the 1st mentoring program of the region. Our first hosts were Wikimedia México. All the organizations in Latinoamerica work for the same goals and design the same activities. To have the chance to meet, learn from our successes and failures, and organize activities and projects together. Thanks to this meeting, we have organized two activities already this year[3]. 2 3
Community meetings Feb-Ongoing Friday community meeting with WMAR's community and volunteers n/a n/a 45 n/a n/a 2 community meeting done. Thanks to the meetings we carried out two new activities in 2016 Great strategy to meet with our community and engage new active volunteers to our activities.
As well, great strategy to support out community interests and involve new members.
45 3
Office hours for the community March-ongoing To open our office as a meeting space n/a n/a 9 n/a n/a During these months we have attended 8 community questions in our offices. Great strategy to involve new volunteers and community members in a leading role. 9 3
1 survey conducted among users and editors March-April Survey conducted among users and editors to define WMAR's 2016 activities. 44 58 102 n/a n/a Read the full report here Wikimedia Argentina considers essential to understand the interests of their community to adapt their activities. Surveys are a great tool to adapt our activities to the interests of our community. 3 1
Editing contests (organized by community assessment) [4] Jan-ongoing Editing contests in Wikipedia and Wikidata. 18 5 23 2653 n/a 210 new articles in Wikidata
1238 new articles categorized in Wikipedia
578 articles categorized in Wikipedia + articles in Wikidata
49 articles wikified in Wikipedia.
By adapting our activities to the interests of our editors' community we can improve qualitatively the content of Wikipedia as well as in other projects. Has resulted to be a great strategy to work on other projects . 1 1
Support to the project Mujeres Jan-ongoing Support technically the project Mujeres Wikimujeres 83 12 95 214 new articles created n/a 53 new women involved Community support projects is one of the objectives of WMAR in 2016. 1 2
Total Jan-June 6 main activities 145 75 273 214 n/a n/a n/a 45 volunteers involved All staff involved: 50%
1 person involved: 33%
1 person involved: 17%

Scaling up-Federalization[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Consolidating communities March- ongoing Consolidating communities in Rosario n/a n/a 3 n/a n/a 1 activity organized, September 1st 2016 and leaded by our community in Rosario Community support proposals is one of the objectives of WMAR in 2016 3 1
Mobility Grants support Jan- ongoing Mobility Grants for community members to attend our activities n/a n/a 4 n/a n/a 4 community members supported with grants mobility.
Monthly support for a community member to attend our Board meetings
1 mobility grant to attend one community meeting
2 mobility grants for volunteers on behalf of WMAR in events.
1 monthly mobility grant for a community member to assist to our Board meeting.
Support the participation of our community in our activities is a priority for WMAR. 2 1
Grants writing session for community members April Grants writing sessions for community members n/a n/a 2 community members involved n/a n/a Community support proposals is one of the objectives of WMAR in 2016 2 1
Wikimedia Conference 2016 April WMAR attended to Wikimedia Conference 2016 n/a n/a 3 n/a n/a 3 participants on behalf of Wikimedia Argentina To be actively involved in the movement events and congress is one of the main objetives.
As well, to share learnings with the movement.
2 1
Community grants for Wikimania 2016 May Community grants for Wikimania 2016 n/a n/a 2 grants given n/a n/a 10 community members submitted the application in the call for grants to attend Wikimania 2016.
Recognize the work of our community and encourage their presence in international events is a priority for WMAR. 2 1
Wikimania 2016 May WMAR attended to Wikimania 2016 n/a n/a 8 n/a n/a 4 women involved.
2 community members granted by Wikimedia Foundation + 2 community members granted by Wikimedia Argentina + 3 staff members + 1 Board member
To be actively involved in the movement events and congress is one of the main objetives.
As well, to share learnings with the movement.
4 4
Total March-ongoing 6 main activities n/a n/a 20 n/a n/a n/a n/a 15 volunteers involved 1 staff involved - 83%
4 staff involved - 17%

Free Culture Awareness[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
Media Coverage March- ongoing Wikimedia Argentina’s community support program media coverage n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 4 press releases Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities n/a 2
Documentary film released Feb 2016 Documentary film about WMAR's community released. More infomation can be founded here or watch the documentary film here n/a n/a 8 n/a n/a n/a Communication strategy to publicize what it means to be Wikipedist and how to become editor. 8 3
Participation in Flisol 2016 April Community member participating in Flisol 2016. More information here n/a n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a Position our community in a leading role is a priority for Wikimedia Argentina.
Good strategy to invite our community to lead actions.
1 2
Participation in the IV International Meeting of Conservation (museums, archives and libraries) April Glam lectures given in specific cultural and open source environments. Find the description here n/a n/a 82 people involved n/a n/a 72 women involved Good strategy to reach new audiences and position our activities in specific open source environments. n/a 1
Participatory Blog Jan-ongoing Open WMAR blog to position our community experiences and actions. n/a n/a 6 n/a n/a 1 women involved Position and recognize the actions of our community is a strategic axis of 2016. Since January and every month we have positioned a testimony coming from our community and its work. 6 1
Total March-ongoing 5 main activities n/a n/a 89 (82 already counted) n/a n/a n/a
n/a 15 volunteers involved 1 staff involved - 20%
2 staff involved - 40%
3 staff involved: 40%

Liberation and creation of content[edit]

Activity Month Short description #Active Editors #New editors # People involved #Articles created/improved #Articles improved by adding images Other metrics/Content Learnings Volunteers involved Staff involved
New resources designed March-ongoing New manuals designed for helping the community to organize activities by their own. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Manual 1 Manual 2 Manual 3 Facilitate the work of the community is an essential objective for WMAR 2 2
Total Feb-ongoing 1 main activity n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 manuals designed 2 2 staff involved
  1. See Glam Program for more details.
  2. See Glam Program for more details.
  3. See Glam Program for more details.
  4. See Glam Program for more details.