Grants:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round2/Wikimedia Norge/Impact report form
Purpose of the report
[edit]This form is for organizations receiving Annual Plan Grants to report on their results to date. For progress reports, the time period for this report will the first 6 months of each grant (e.g. 1 January - 30 June of the current year). For impact reports, the time period for this report will be the full 12 months of this grant, including the period already reported on in the progress report (e.g. 1 January - 31 December of the current year). This form includes four sections, addressing global metrics, program stories, financial information, and compliance. Please contact APG/FDC staff if you have questions about this form, or concerns submitting it by the deadline. After submitting the form, organizations will also meet with APG staff to discuss their progress.
Global metrics overview - all programs
[edit]We are trying to understand the overall outcomes of the work being funded across our grantees' programs. Please use the table below to let us know how your programs contributed to the Global Metrics. We understand not all Global Metrics will be relevant for all programs, so feel free to put "0" where necessary. For each program include the following table and
- Next to each required metric, list the outcome achieved for all of your programs included in your proposal.
- Where necessary, explain the context behind your outcome.
- In addition to the Global Metrics as measures of success for your programs, there is another table format in which you may report on any OTHER relevant measures of your programs success
For more information and a sample, see Global Metrics.
Metric | Achieved outcome | Explanation |
1. # of active editors involved | 184 |
2. # of new editors | 244 | |
3. # of individuals involved | 494 |
4. # of new images/media added to Wikimedia articles/pages | 30 895 |
5. # of articles added or improved on Wikimedia projects | 2 269 |
6. Absolute value of bytes added to or deleted from Wikimedia projects | 51 356 862 |
Telling your program stories - all programs
[edit]Please tell the story of each of your programs included in your proposal. This is your chance to tell your story by using any additional metrics (beyond global metrics) that are relevant to your context, beyond the global metrics above. You should be reporting against the targets you set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. We have provided a template here below for you to report against your targets, but you are welcome to include this information in another way. Also, if you decided not to do a program that was included in your proposal or added a program not in the proposal, please explain this change. More resources for storytelling are at the end of this form. Here are some ways to tell your story.
- We encourage you to share your successes and failures and what you are learning. Please also share why are these successes, failures, or learnings are important in your context. Reference learning patterns or other documentation.
- Make clear connections between your offline activities and online results, as applicable. For example, explain how your education program activities is leading to quality content on Wikipedia.
- We encourage you to tell your story in different ways by using videos, sound files, images (photos and infographics, e.g.), compelling quotes, and by linking directly to work you produce. You may highlight outcomes, learning, or metrics this way.
- We encourage you to continue using dashboards, progress bars, and scorecards that you have used to illustrate your progress in the past, and to report consistently over time.
- You are welcome to use the table below to report on any metrics or measures relevant to your program. These may or may not include the global metrics you put in the overview section above. You can also share your progress in another way if you do not find a table like this useful.
Target | Last year (if applicable) | Progress (at end of Q2) | End of year (projected or actual) | Comments |
Target | Example | Example | Example | Example |
Wiki meetup in Oslo organized by community members
Wikipedians of the year celebrated at the Wikipedia 15 years celebration
Image taken with a drone in the north of Norway. Community member travelled on a scholarship from WMNO and took pictures of inaccessible places in Lofoten
Wikimedia Norge supports 3 different existing Wikipedias as well as other Wikimedia projects. The 3 Wikipedias are the Norwegian (Bokmål) Wikipedia, the Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia and the Northern Sami Wikipedia. We try to form our work to support all 3 Wikipedias and the different communities in Norway that contributes to the Wikimedia projects. The Northern Sami Wikipedia has very little activity (but as this report is written the article on stockfish was just written as part of this week's editing contest on food!). This is on our radar but so far we have not been able to address this. All Norwegians can understand (spoken and written) Nynorsk and Bokmål. This is not the case with Northern Sami, since it belongs to a completely different language family, and because of this we have to think of ways we can interact with the Northern Sami community. We are discussing ideas and possible funding for next year. Wikimedia Norge's work is aligned with our strategy for 2016–2020. This strategy can be read on our chapter wiki.
- Community involvement: We hope this impact report will show all readers that Wikimedia Norge has concentrated on community involvement this year, especially the last 6 months. To get an even better understanding of how we can support our communities we are with the help from WMF planning on conducting a survey among editors in November 2016. The results will give us information on which areas we should work on next year. This is just one of the tasks our newly hire as community manager is already working on.
- The weekly editing contests on Bokmål Wikipedia, Nynorsk Wikipedia and the Northern Sami Wikipedia are mainly community led, which is great. WMNO always supports community members in organizing contest when asked. WMNO organizes about 10 contests a year, which we think is a good number to keep the weekly editing contests community led. Topics are often chosen to cover missing content or update content. Community members have a better understanding of missing content then WMNO does. One great example is the weekly editing contest in week 34 on References which we supported by sponsoring prizes.
- Many GLAM activities, like mass uploads, are not directly organized by Wikimedia Norge, but are activities that often can be traced back to talks, meetings or events where Wikimedia Norge took initiative. Or they are a result of contests or hackathons where community members played an essential role.
- To be a more transparent and approachable organization we have worked on updating our social media accounts and our website with useful information. The Main Page of our chapter wiki was redesigned by an intern in the fall of 2015. The search portal was redesigned with help from a community member in June and was discussed on the village pump of the Bokmål Wikipedia afterwards. Community members also made a YouTube channel for Wikimedia Norge and we have created an Instagram account in addition to our Facebook page and Twitter account. Community members have streamed both the Wikipedia 15 celebration and our annual meeting in April, which was much appreciated and discussed on the Bokmål village pump. This makes it possible for community members outside of Oslo to take part in important community discussions. During the annual meeting it was possible for people watching the stream to ask questions. Wikimedia Norge rented the necessary filming equipment. We are working on a new website (not wiki-based) where new members can register in an easy way and with information on how you can support or get engaged in Wikimedia Norge's work and vice versa. We have just recently set up the Wikimedia Norge newsletter on wiki, which so far has only been send out via email. This was done by our community manager. Staff members are contacted more frequently then before and this gives us the chance to support more and more editors.
- Our board have a mix of members form inside and outside of the wikisphere whereas the audit and election committees (which used to be one committee, but was split into two at our annual meeting April 2016) only consists of community members, which is a way of involving more community members. Our bylaws have been updated to reflect the division of tasks between board, staff and committees. We have received positive feedback from more community members on our work the last 6 months then we did the first two years.
- Film about Wikipedia-editing made by community members: 3 community members made a film illustrating how easy editing Wikipedia is in the fall 2015. They wanted to have the film ready for the Wikipedia 15th anniversary celebration, where it was shown. Wikimedia Norge helped with renting film equipment and made suggestions to whom could be interviewed in the film. The filmmakers stopped by the "train the trainers" workshop we had in November and two women from this training are part of the movie. They made a project page for this production and the film was linked to from a site notice in December. The film has been seen 7110 times. The film was shown at the 15th anniversary celebration as well. We think this is a great example of how Wikimedia Norge can facilitate projects that community members need a little practical or financial help to complete. The more editors we get to know the more often we are asked for help with press accreditation, technical equipment, support grant applications, covering travel expenses etc.
- Wikipedia 15 years: On January 15 Wikipedia's 15th anniversary was celebrated in the cities of Oslo and Trondheim, read the Facebook invitation in Oslo where 35 people attended the event at The House of Literature. The Minister of Culture, Linda Hofstad Helleland, send us her congratulations which can be read on our blog. In her statement she praises Wikipedia's significance as a global digital knowledge source, and Wikipedia's importance for democratic participation and community development. The event was filmed by two community members and streamed at the event in Trondheim as well. All talks from the celebration can be seen on YouTube. This gave community members outside Oslo the possibility to listen to the lectures about Wikipedia held by two academics, one politician and one active editor. This was much appreciated and commented on the Bokmål Wikipedia village pump. Images from the event were uploaded to Commons by a board member. In Trondheim a newspaper, Adresseavisa, covered the event and interviewed one board member and one community member.
- Wikigrants: Starting in the spring of 2015 Wikimedia Norge offers wiki grants to projects that contributes to the Wikimedia projects. So far we have approved (by September 15) 8 grants, 3 projects are finished, and 3 have been rejected. The approved grants have triggered community involvement when the grated projects have been discussed on the village pump, one example is the Drone safari in Lofoten. Two travel grants were given to community members to attend Wikimania, and they have both written blog posts about their trip, 1, 2. Other community members have applied for IEG grants which we have gladly endorsed. One of the projects, on content translation, is described in this Wikimedia Foundation blog post. With the wiki grants Wikimedia Norge wants to facilitate projects that community members and others couldn't have done without some financial support. Another example is the Girls Geek Dinner Trondheim wiki group that meet every 2 months to edit Wikipedia. With this grant they have money for coffee and some food. We will report on the impact of the grants in our progress report in January, but so it has been well-received and applications have come from both active and new editors and from both Norwegian and foreign editors. It's great that we can support editors from outside of Scandinavia as well. The grants are approved by a committee of two community members, one staff member and one board member.
- Also, starting 2016 Wikimedia Norge supports WMBXL/FKAGEU, Dimitar Dimitrov, and his work with the European allies and the WM chapters organized in the FKAGEU. Through deliberations in 2016, the group of Wikimedia Chapters developed and agreed on a new distribution of resources for this joint endeavor. In 2017, the Brussels work will include involving additional Wikimedians in advocacy and networking activities, participating in dialogues and consultations, collaborating with other stakeholders, such as tech industry and assuring that copyright reform benefits Wikimedia projects. We are happy to support this important work.
- Funding for community manager: Starting August 2016 Wikimedia Norge has an excellent community liaison joining us at the office, Jon Harald Søby. We had 36 applicants for the position as community manager and several very well qualified candidates. We look forward to report on the impact this new position will have for Wikimedia Norge's work in the progress report in January 2017.
Wikimedia Norge board meeting May 2016
Wikimedia Indonesia and Wikimedia Norge at Wikimedia Conference Berlin
- Offline and online activity: Since Wikimedia Norge first hired staff we have organized many offline events. Although these events gave us a lot of contacts in various GLAM institutions, we have learned that offline events (for newbies) often gives limited online activity. We have started moving more of our work online and will continue to do so in 2016. In this work our new community manager will play an important role, since he knows the different communities in Norway and abroad very well. We are using project pages like these for the female editing trainings and The Wikipedia Library, and are looking into setting up a "Women in Red" page in Norwegian.
- Join projects already established: For a small chapter like Wikimedia Norge joining already established international projects makes a lot of sense. This way we have access to both people and resources we don't have on our own. For staff members with no previous wiki-experience this is way of learning about the Wikimedia projects. Examples of contests where Wikimedia Norge took part are Wiki Loves Monuments and the Europeana Art History challenge. Next year Wikimedia Norge will participate in Wiki Loves Earth instead of Wiki Loves Monuments. We belive Wiki Loves Earth will attract more people to contribute than Wiki Loves Monuments and want to test this next year. We have set up a Norwegian branch of the Wikipedia Library, we took part of the #1lib1ref-campaign (see interview in the national journal for librarians in Norway, page 14-15) and we have set up a page for wiki grants by copying Wikimedia CH's grant page.
- Say no: It’s tempting to always say yes when community members and partners contacts us and have ideas. But these ideas don't always align with our strategy of course. With around 1.5 FTE since 2013 until August 2016 we have had limited resources and have had to say no to even good ideas, that of course can be put to action on a later stage. We have worked a lot on ways to engage with our communities to limit what staff members organize. For example the wiki meetups in Oslo are organized and led by community members and we are working on finding community members in other cities that can help out with other meetups. See community discussion about the meetups and blog post.
- Spending money can end up saving money: Starting August 2015 Wikimedia Norge has paid for an outside accountant. This was recommended both from our auditor and the WMF. The benefits of using an outside accountant are more than just the accounting part. For example she knows which state refunds we can apply for. This means that we in September have applied for a state VAT compensattion which will almost cover what we have in accounting expenses. The accounting system also works as a filing system which means that all confidential papers etc. are kept safe for next employees and we are not depending on just one person's knowledge.
- It takes time ...: All chapters know about the transition from having a working board to having staff. This transition can for a period take up a lot of time and energy from both board and staff. We also do appreciate that the WMF acknowledges that it takes time for a small chapter to show impact we can achieve but we strongly believe we are on the right track.
Program GLAM
Europeana Art History prizes ready to be sent, sponsored by the National Museum in Oslo
Wikinobel was nominated as one of Wikipedia's coolest projects at Wikimania 2016
Lars Jynge Alvik (National Archive) and Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) at a conference at the National Archive in Oslo
wikinobel. Former director at the Nobel Peace Center Bente Erichsen and Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) editing Wikipedia
One of over 1000 images uploaded by user Toresetre. WMNO helps out with press accreditation
Our GLAM program has been running since Wikimedia Norge first hired staff members in December 2013. In the course of these years we have moved our focus from organizing many small events on our own, to fewer events always organized in collaboration with GLAM partners. In fact this has been an important lessons we have learned for all programs. We are working on reaching partners from outside of Oslo as well, and have done so with the Nordland Museum in the city of Bodø. We are concentrating on fewer partners and joining existing international projects such as The Wikipedia Library, #1lib1ref and the Europeana Art History Challenge and we engage our partners through the weekly editing contests with prizes sponsored by them and contest topics that these institutions would like see expanded on Wikipedia. We rely heavily on few people at the different GLAM institutions, but this is what makes the communication and planning of activities effective. The GLAM program attracts more active editors then the other programs and because of this we have concentrated on organizing more weekly editing contests and fewer offline events. Offline events attract new editors more than the already active editors.
The concert images project is run by one community member, who is also a board member in Wikimedia Norge since 2015. Wikimedia Norge helps out with press accredidentials and a Rapid grant was given from the Wikimedia Foundation. This project has engaged many community members in helping identifying unkown people in the images, for example from the Address by Governor Øystein Olsen to the Supervisory Council of Norges Bank and invited guests, see the community discussion on the village pump and the community discussion on unidentified artists that played at music festivals. We have shared some of our experience in the GLAM Newsletter, 1, 2. Below we will break down some of the metrics from the GLAM program to illustrate our success.
- Main goals for the 2015-2016 GLAM Program
- to increase efforts on institutions sharing cultural data and media / image resources to Wikipedia and Commons.
- to clearly increase the online and offline interaction between GLAM institutions/volunteers and staff.
- to get a Wikipedia Library up and running in September, 2015, and give local Wikipedians access to more online resources.
- to get at least one more Wikipedian-in-Residence
Not done, and assist at least 4 institutions uploading at least 15,000 images to Commons.
- to continue the positive cascading of Wikipedia awareness and training and media donations outside the national (Oslo) core.
The Nobel Peace Center is the museum about the Nobel Peace Prize, the laureates and their work. By inviting Wikimedia to the Nobel Peace Center on the day the Nobel Peace Prize for 2015 will be announced, we invite anyone interested, no matter where they are, to get immersed in a fascinating topic and participate in #wikinobel.
— Bente Erichsen, the director of the Nobel Peace Center. Post on Wikimedia Foundation blog, 5. October 2015
- Successes
- Concentrating on fewer partners: The first 2 years with staff Wikimedia Norge organized a lot of smal events with different Glam institutions. We have this last year concentrated on fewer partners and fewer events to achieve more impact. We have been able to connect staff at different Glam institutions so they can collaborate on Wikimedia-projects also without the efforts of Wikimedia Norge. For example is the images uploaded from Nordlandsmusset done by a former employee at The National Library. In the negation with a university on WiR-position we have had helped from other partners that have hosted WiR. One of our partners since 2014 is The Nobel Peace Center in Oslo where we once a year move our office to he Nobel Peace Center and try to get editors all over the world to update Wikipedia on the Nobel Peace Prize laureates. In 2015 14 new articles was written in just 1 hour.
Partners | Projects | Documentation |
Nobel Peace Center | #wikinobel, weekly editing contest with prizes sponsored. This year we will expand #wikinobel by making a film with The Simpleshow Foundation | Facebook post from Wikimania, nominated as Wikipedia's coolest projects, blog post on WMF blog, Commons page The Simpleshow Foundation with annoucement |
The National Archive | Mass upload, guided tours, events, weekly editing contest with prizes sponsored | |
The Directorate for Cultural Heritage | Coorganized Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 and participated in the jury. This year we included a writing contest in WLM which gave 152 articles added! Weekly editing contests with prizes sponsored. | WLM 2015 contest page. Writing contest page WLM 2016 |
The National Library | Mass upload. Sponsored venue for wiki-meet ups, supported the #1lib1ref-campaigne | (WMNO interviewed in the national journal for librarians in Norway, page 14-15) |
Nordlandsmuseet | Mass upload. Cowriter for application for funding WiR. Planning a joint Pinterest-project to further the use of their collection outside Scandinavia | |
The National Museum | Prizes sponsored in Europeana Art History Challenge, will host our first Art+Feminism editathon March 8 2017 | Posts on Bokmål Wikipedia village pump, 1, 2. Blog post |
- When Wikimedia Norge organizes the weekly editing contests we often do this in collaboration with Glam partners. The contest attracts active editors, usually not that many editors, but with prizes sponsored by different institutions it's a way of bringing our community and institutions together. After a contest we give the institutions an update a how many articles were written.
Contest | Articles added | Prize sponsored by |
2. world war | 59 | The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage |
Maps | 5 | The Norwegian Mapping Authority and The National Library |
Nobel Prize | 4 | Nobel Peace Center |
International Memory of the world register, see also Glam newsletter | 14 | The National Archive |
- Mass uploads to Wikimedia Commons: The images added to Wikimedia Commons (see table below) are used to a large extent outside of Scandinavia. To further support image use outside Scandinavia we will host an Armenia/Norway challenge in November 2016 in cooperation with Wikimedia Armenia, to help make images from Armenia (118 in total), a part of the Nansen collection uploaded by The National Library, known among the Armenian community. As the table below shows, images from The National Library are used on 114 different Wiki-projects, the concert images are almost as much in use on English Wikipedia as the Bokmål Wikipedia and almost every 4th image from the The National Archive is in use.
Institution | Total images uploaded | Total image usages | % of all images of category used | Used on how many Wiki-projects |
The National Library | 38 153 | 4470 | 6.77 | 114 |
Kartverket List on no wp of maps from Kartverket | 7827 | 56 | 0.34 | 4 |
Nordlandsmuseet | 2266 | 46 | 1.5 | 10 |
The National Archive | 995 | 672 | 24.92 | 51 |
Concert images | 934 | 604 | 20.43 | 57 |
- The Wikipedia Library: In 2015 Wikimedia Norge and two community members started a Norwegian branch of the Wikipedia Library. The public libraries in Norway provides very good access to resource, also resources behind paywalls where you as a user of libraries can gain access at home as well. Because of this we have spend some discussing with community members what resources are most useful. We have concentrated on providing access to for editors with an foreign IP-address. So far we have provided access for 5 editors, see Glam newsletter. In addition we are negotiating now with Retriever about access based on 6 trial accesses were granted for free for month. We supported the #1lib1ref-campaigne in January 2016 and will do so again in 2017.
- Compared to the number of events we included in our proposal we have cut down on the number of events for many reasons. The impact of the planned events in our proposal would most likely not have justified the time we would have spend on organazing them. Glam events have so far not been visited by many active editors, in fact we have had to cancel to events at The National Archive. Instead of the 8 Glam-wiki metups we were planning we have had 2. The wiki-met ups organized by community members hav a much bigger impact in terms of community discussions that can take place. We have delayed the Wikipedia-Academy for 2017 (and we want to come up with a new name). We are planning a national event for editors around the same day as our annual meeting 22. March 2017, and we will do this outside Oslo. Several community members have commented that most of our activity is in Oslo, so we are looking into how we can make things happen outside Oslo. With one staff member and one board member based in the city of Trondheim this is one good option for location.
- We have applied for external funding several places with no luck in 2015-2016, in total 5 applications. Two of the applications have been to pay for a Wikipedian in Residence at a museum. We are currently negotiating a WiR under the Academic program at a university. Since Glam institutions are state owned in Norway this could be why we have not succeeded in getting founding, on the other hand the Glam institutions are always positive in sponsoring prizes and venues, so we will concentrate on these kind of sponsorships under the Glam program and on getting external funding under the Academic and Gender gap program.
Program Gender Gap
Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen (WMNO) interviewed by Norwegian newspaper on Wikipedia and the gender gap
Illustration used for Facebook-events and post cards
Women of Wikimedia Conference Berlin model Wikipedia 15 t-shirts, Jorid Martinsen (WMNO) in the dark blue one
Jorid Martinsen (WMNO) before train the trainer workshop in Oslo
Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) interviewed on national radio about the gender gap on Wikipedia
Like the GLAM program, the Gender Gap program has been running since Wikimedia Norge first hired staff in December 2013. The Gender Gap is the issue the Norwegian press has been most interested in writing about and therefor is where we the easiest way get national press coverage. This press coverage has so far been useful for all over work: getting external funding, attracting new board members, collaboration with Glam institutions (Art+Feminism), spread knowledge on how the Wikimedia-projects work. These are important results that can not be measured by the global metrics.
This is the program where we have had success in getting outside funding from 2 different Norwegian foundations. We learned that funding can have some many restrictions on how the money can be spend that it proved difficult to combine with work that have impact on Wikimedia projects. The outcome from editing trainings have been good in the sense of public discussion (announcements were shared and liked on Facebook) but to secure a long term impact we are looking for online projects where we will also be able to engage active editors. We are hoping to set up a Norwegian branch of the "Women in Red" project, but this depends on whether active editors want to help out.
We have learned from the GLAM program that we need to focus on fewer partners, like Girl Geek Dinners Oslo, Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim and Women in Film and Television and we help to facilitate for female editing groups by offering wikigrants they can apply for. To benefit from our GLAM program we will in 2017 organize an Art+Feminism edition together with the National Museum around March 8. The use of Facebook groups have also proven to be very useful, examples national group with 45 members started by a newbie and a Facebook group in Trondheim with 20 members. The community has been very supportive in helping out newbies online when we have announced editing trainings on the village pump and these announcement is on way of rising awareness about the Gender Gap among active editors, examples 1, 2. At the meet ups in Trondheim 3 local active editors have joined to help and guide the participants.
- Main goals for the 2015–2016 Gender Gap Program
- Recruit self-sustaining editing environments of female student editors at 9 universities/colleges all over Norway during 2015.
- Train female students and university librarians in cascading local, self-sustained, editing courses for new female students.
- Recruit and train female students in business schools in Norway, enhancing the article quality on finance and business topics.
Not done
- Combine efforts to enhance further the strong Gender focus inherent in the GLAM Program.
It’s a problem that so few women contribute. Wikipedia aims at being the sum of knowledge for all people and without women editing a major part of this knowledge is missing. It’s not only about editing from a women’s perspective, it’s about what you choose to write about as well.
— Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen (Wikimedia Norge), interviewed in the newspaper Klassekampen on the gender imbalance on Wikipedia, 11. March 2016
- Successes
- The feedback we have gotten on the Gender gap program has been positive from both community members and the public, see this facebook post about an interview in a national newspaper. During spring 2016 staff members were interviewed both on NRK, national radio and Radio Nova, the student radio in Oslo.
- Based on having heard about our work on the Gender Gap work in media, the network Women in Film and Television contacted us in the spring of 2016 to do a workshop on biographies of women and they will be co-hosting an event with us in October 2016. Our annual International Women's day 8 March contest was organized this year as well. With 13 articles written this year fewer active editors participated than previous years and we will add more relevant categories to the contest next year to attract more participants.
- We had a goal of staging 9 female editing workshops at university libraries of 3.5 hours each, in 2015, with 3 events during spring and 6 events during fall. In total we ended up hosting 12 female editing workshops during the year, 4 events during spring and 8 events during fall/winter. See the project page for details.
- After Wikimedia Norge held a Wikipedia editing event for the the Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim network in the fall of 2015, a self-sustaining editing group was started by this network in the spring of 2016. This group also have an active Facebook group. Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim applied for a wikigrant in april 2016 to cover the expenses they have for coffee and food at the events. One of Wikimedia Norge's new board members (elected 2016) is part of Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim and has helped out via Facebook to organize meetups. The last meetup was in September and two more are planed for 2016. This is one example of an article written at the last meet up. Girl Geek Dinners Oslo have also recently applied for a grant.
- Just in Oslo we had almost 50 new female editors in 2015, 9 participated in the "train-the-trainers" seminar in November 2015 and 3 in the editing workshops in the spring of 2016.
- Wikimedia Norge keeps in mind that each event we (co)host should have a gender balance in who represents Wikimedia Norge and who else are invited as speakers. The same goes for images we share on Facebook and in reports like this. We also strive for a gender balance in staff, board and election and audit committees. Currently there is a 33 % female representation and 67 % male representation.
Wikipedia-editing meet ups for women is an arena where I can ask ALL questions I have about Wikipedia and discuss with other editors. Wikipedia has to little content on known female academics, and my plan is to do something about this.
— Kari Støre Gullichsen, member of the Girl Geek Dinners Trondheim-group, 28. September 2016
- Failures
- Even though we received external funding with the specific goal of working with female students in business schools in addition to female students in general, we were not able to fullfill this. The schools where harder to persuade into doing wiki training than first expected, and therefore we had to make some changes to the program half-way. In retrospect we should not have promised external partners that this was something we would be able to do without having confirmed courses.
- We did host a "train-the-trainers" event in November 2015 as scheduled, but it proved much harder than first expected. Mostly because the women we invited to the follow up course only had done session with editing training, and needed first and foremost to be more confident as editors themselves. 9 women attended this training. Making first time editors into long time editors has proved not to be an easy task to solve.
- We spent a lot of time travelling in 2015, since we tried to visit higher education libraries not only in and around Oslo, but many of the courses where we travelled the farthest were the ones with the lowest number of attendees.
- We started monthly editing workshops in the spring of 2016 in Oslo. These events started as a success, with a total of 10–12 attendees the first two events, but for the last two events there were very few attendees. Offline events like these take time to organize. In the future we will make sure to have partners, like Girl Geek Dinners, when we organize these kinds of events or even take on the role as a facilitator rather then the organisator.
Program Academic Wikipedia
Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) speaking at a conference hosted by The Research Council of Norway
Wikipedia 15 years. Debate at the House of Literature in Oslo. At the panel Lars Roede, Member of Parliament Heidi Nordby Lunde, Chair of WMNO Hogne Neteland, Researcher Marte Blikstad-Balas and Assistant Professor Dag Inge Fjeld.
Jorid Martinsen (WMNO) at the University of Oslo. Lecture on Wikipedia editing
Melinda Leung (WMNO intern) with community member working on redesigning
This program was presented in our proposal for funding in April 2015. Our proposal was written in a difficult transition time for Wikimedia Norge and this program was not discussed with staff members. Hence, some of the objectives were unrealistic, and as reported in the progress report 2016 we decided to concentrate on the two last goals for the program where we saw the best opportunities for long term impact:
- seek co-operation with the Norwegian Research Council, with a similar model as with Arts Council Norway.
- assist and support the 3 academic institutions which experimented last year with Wikipedia-editing integrated in curricula.
We have not worked on these objectives:
- Establish and maintain a structure of a core article lemma-list by 2016.
- Explore the possibility of taking part in the European Science Photo Contest in November 2015, and utilizing this platform as an access to academic communities.
As reported in the Gender Gap section we have organized Wikipedia editing training at a number of higher education libraries, financed with external funding. The travel involved in this was very time consuming. We have learned that we should concentrate on Wikipedia editing training when it's a part of a curriculum and will try to expand from the success we have had at the University of Oslo. At these trainings active editors have participated both online and offline and the community values newbies that contributes with editing after a lecture in Wikipedia's guidelines. We have been invited to conferences by institutions that have seen the announcements for editing trainings at libraries and are in discussion with two higher education institutions about integrating Wikipedia editing as part of their curriculum. An important next steps will be to put the Wiki Education Foundation Dashboard to use in these courses. We very much welcome this tool, since we have had difficulties gathering user names in university classes. We started discussing our collaboration with The Norwegian Research Council in 2015 and as a result we are participating in the Research Days (Forskningsdagene) in Oslo in September 2016, 1, 2. This is an important platform to find more partners for educational Wikipedia-trainings. Our learning from the The Arts Council Norway collaboration was that there could be more interesting ways to form our collaboration than concentrating on wiki editing events for staff members at institutions. Are there other ways to form long term contribution from academia? We belive a more productive collaboration with The Research Council will involve Wikidata but this is still under discussion. Rather than rushing into organizing wiki editing events ourselves we will first piggyback on The Research Conucil's events and then decide how we best can shape our collaboration. The last months we have been in deliberation with a university on a possible Wikipedian-in-Residence, we will report on the outcome of these discussions in our progress report.
- Main goals for the 2015–2016 Program Academic Wikipedia
- enhance the awareness and acquaintance with Wikipedia in the academic and research community of Norway.
- develop projects based on already established relationships with universities, university colleges and university libraries in Norway.
- seek co-operation with the Norwegian Research Council, along similar model as with Arts Council Norway.
- assist and support the 3 academic institutions which experimented last year with Wikipedia-editing integrated in curricula.
Editing Wikipedia teaches students how to share their knowledge in the field of history also in a popular scientific way. Still, the students have to follow an objective and reference-based way of writing. Editing Wikipedia is more objective and less reasoning and argumentative then writing academic texts. Editing Wikipedia means higher standards as to what is considered true knowledge and it means to characterize information and issues rather than debate them. Wikipedia is not the place to explore new hypothesis. The student’s knowledge is shared far beyond a finished master theses. For our students this is useful as part of their academic career, but it also has a professional relevance. It teaches them to convey text in a way that is the norm in many professions. They also learn through Wikipedia-editing to reflect about their knowledge in a different way than what they are used to as students and to take part in the public discourse.
— Øystein Lydik Idsø Viken, Senior Lecturer, History, University of Oslo, 28. September 2016
- Successes
- Wikipedia-editing at Universities: Spring and autum 2015/2016 Wikimedia Norge has held lectures (3 hours) on editing Wikipedia as part of a master’s subject in history. All in all 60 students have partcipated and the global metrics shows high impact: the number of articles added are 138 and the absolute sum 41 650 025 bytes. The students write about subjects related to their master theses. We will continue this collaboration next semester and are working on expanding this program to other universities. Community members have been involved both offline and online to guide the newbies. At March 18 at the University of Tromsø one of Wikimedia Norge's board members held a lecture on how to use Wikipedia in science. The prezi-presentation on this subject has since been reused by both staff and board members.
- Conferences / Prezi-presentations for reuse: After one of the externally funded Wikipedia-trainings at the university library in the city of Stavanger spring 2015, we were invited back by the city of Stavanger to talk at a conference about digital competence. This is one example on the network we built during our travels to different university libraries. For this conference there was also made a prezi-presentation.
- Inters at the Wikimedia Norge office: During 2015/2016 the Wikimedia Norge has had two interns at our office, one from Sweden and one Spanish exchange student. They have helped out with the redesign of both and, with translations and taking pictures at different events. In addition the interns are a very much appreciated in the way they contribute socially at a small chapter's office. One master student at the University of Oslo is writing her theses on Wikipedia, language and gender after seeing our announcement at the University of Oslo's web page.
Contributing to Wikipedia gives me a professional confidence and leads me to check my own statements more thoroughly. It makes me a better student. Besides, it's fun to contribute to my field being presented credibly in an encyclopedia that's used this much.
— Gabrielle Legrand Gjerdset, one of twenty students participating at the Wikipedia-training at the University of Oslo, fall 2015
- Failures
- Wikipedia-editing trainings not as part of curriculum: We have learned that the best way to collaborate with students and universities is to have Wikipedia-editing as part of a curriculum. Time and resources spend on organizing Wikipedia-trainings at university libraries was high, and the outcome compared to the trainings at the University in Oslo low - when the results are measured by the global metrics alone. In our next steps in this program we will concentrate on copying the collaboration we have with the University in Oslo.
- Collecting usernames: At the Wikipedia-lecture at the University of Oslo we forgot to collect user names. We are working on collecting them now, but will unfortunately not have them before this report is due. Since the Wikipedia Education Dashboard is ready to use now, we will make sure to use this tool from now on.
Revenues received during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. USD = 7.6823 NOK (NOK = 0.13017 USD)
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan Membership fees and gifts NOK 8000 516 1648 10 548 15 222 27 934 1042 3636 Numbers given for Q1 and Q2 were not correct in the progress report APG from Wikimedia Foundation NOK 1 230 000 717 500 512 500 1 230 000 160 108 160 108 307 500 per Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 in our accounting Other projects funding NOK 168 599 56 000 112 599 168 599 21 946 21 946 Q1: 56 000 from NUUG Foundation spend on technical equipment. Q2: 112 599 from Finansmarkedsfondet spend on Program Gender Gap Prizes (WLM and weekly editing contests) and food donated by partners NOK 4000 1000 1000 3000 3000 8000 521 1041 Prizes and food from The National Archive, The National Library, The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Nobel Peace Center, The National Museum, The Norwegian Mapping Authority Venues paid for by partners NOK 16 000 4000 4000 2000 2000 12 000 2083 1562 University of Tromsø, The National Archive, The National Library, The Directorate for Cultural Heritage, The Nobel Peace Center TOTAL NOK 1 426 599 779 016 119 247 528 048 20 222 1 446 533 185 700 188 293 In our budget row 1 and 2 are included
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Spending during this period (6 month for progress report, 12 months for impact report)
[edit]Please use the exchange rate in your APG proposal. USD = 7.6823 NOK (NOK = 0.13017 USD)
Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Payroll expenses NOK 707 732 156 228 164 044 199 240 198 866 718 378 92 153 93 511 102 % Rental cost NOK 75 000 27 274 21 746 22 114 29 088 100 222 9763 13 046 134 % Leasing machinery etc. NOK 9210 400 8810 9210 1199 1199 100 % Tools, furniture, movables etc. NOK 13 000 56 075 1249 837 6796 64 956 1692 8455 500 % Q1 = spending of the funding from NUUG Foundation Repair and maintenance NOK 5000 14 860 165 15 025 650 1956 301 % Foreign services NOK 225 000 (Wikischolatship: 80 000 Accounting and auditing: 145 000) 38 081 27 875 88 469 154 425 29 297 20 101 67 % This includes Wikigrants: 34 913 Accounting: 87 138 Auditing: 32 375 Office supplies NOK 18 000 2458 54 2718 6589 11 819 2343 1539 66 % Telephone and postage NOK 9600 1323 2319 2559 5071 11 271 1250 1467 117 % also includes Internet Travel expenses NOK 99 000 3396 6237 7259 47 683 64 575 12 890 8406 66 % Sale, advertising and representation NOK 23 000 6881 29 844 8632 45 357 2995 5904 197 % Subscriptions and gifts NOK 20 000 15 574 2728 18 302 2604 2382 92 % Other expenses NOK 7000 3870 2081 1847 1998 9796 911 1275 140 % TOTAL NOK 1 211 542 250 624 258 666 311 881 402 167 1 223 336 157 705 159 241 101 %
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
- The different expense names (Rental costs, Office supplies etc.) have been updated to correspond with our quarterly reports and budget in English.
- For our quarterly reports (in Norwegian) and report for the funding period July 2015-June 2016 (in English) see this page.
- In our progress report we will report on expenses split up in projects (Community, Glam, Gender gap and Academia).
[edit]Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
[edit]As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
[edit]- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- Astrid Carlsen (WMNO) (talk) 14:16, 28 September 2016 (UTC)
- Hogne (talk) 07:24, 29 September 2016 (UTC)
[edit]Resources to plan for measurement
[edit]- Global metrics are an important starting point for grantees when it comes to measuring programmatic impact (Learning Patterns and Tutorial) but don’t stop there.
- Logic Models provide a framework for mapping your pathway to impact through the cause and effect chain from inputs to outputs to outcomes. Develop a logic model to map out your theory of change and determine the metrics and measures for your programs.
- Importantly, both qualitative and quantitative measures are important so consider both as you determine measures for your evaluation and be sure to ask the right questions to be sure to capture your program stories.
Resources for storytelling
[edit]- WMF storytelling series and toolkit (DRAFT)
- Online workshop on Storytelling. By Frameworks institute
- The origin of storytelling
- Story frames, with a focus on news-worthiness.
- Reading guide: Storytelling and Social change. By Working Narratives
- The uses of the story.
- Case studies.
- Blog: 3 Tips on telling stories that move people to action. By Paul VanDeCarr (Working Narratives), on
- Building bridges using narrative techniques. By
- Differences between a report and a story
- Question guides and exercises.
- Guide: Tools for Knowledge and Learning. By Overseas Development Institute (UK).
- Developing a strategy
- Collaboration mechanisms
- Knowledge sharing and learning
- Capturing and storing knowledge.
- Annual plan grant reports
- Annual plan grant reports for 2014-2015 Round 2
- Annual plan grant reports by Wikimedia Norge
- Annual plan grant reports by Wikimedia Norge for FDC 2014-2015 Round 2
- Annual plan grant impact report forms
- Annual plan grant impact report forms for 2014-2015 Round 2
- Annual plan grant impact report forms by Wikimedia Norge
- Annual plan grants or proposals by Wikimedia Norge for 2014-2015 Round 2