Grants:APG/Proposals/2014-2015 round1/Wikimedia Eesti/Proposal form
Community review has ended. You are still welcome to comment on these proposals, but the FDC and the applicants may not be able to respond to your feedback or consider it during the deliberations.
Please do not edit this proposal form directly. If changes are needed, applicants can request them on the proposal form's discussion page. Thank you!
Proposal by Wikimedia Eesti to support its annual plan with ~US$83,000.
Program focus: Education, Community, Organizations (partnerships)
In 2015, Wikimedia Eesti (WMEE) will carry out activities closely related to our 3 main fields of interest: Education, Community and Organizations (respectively future, present and past for free knowledge).
Our education program will concentrate on a continued and extended collaboration with the University of Tartu, where Wikimedia-related study assignments have been used since 2011. Wikimedia Eesti will also continue with a project in the field of environmental awareness (with the support of targeted external funding from Estonian Enviromental Investment Center).
Our community work includes activities related to new editors (chapter support in welcoming process and making sure that no new active editor is neglected) and also our current contributors (discussion and motivation meetings). Supporting several traditional competitions will also help us to keep the community motivated.
In the upcoming years, collaboration with other organizations and institutions (in other words, GLAM work) will focus around the central theme of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Estonian Republic in 2018. This means that activities related to bringing content about Estonian cultural heritage to Wikimedia (picture donations and introducing specialists to article editing) will be the core of this field of interest.
If you need to review the edit instructions you will find them in the editintro.
Eligible organizations may complete this form to request an Annual Plan Grant from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) in the current round. This complete proposal form must be published in English on Meta by the proposal submission date for each round for your organization's application to be considered. No changes should be made to this proposal form and supplementary documents after these proposal submission date without written approval from FDC staff, and any proposal forms created will be considered 'submitted' after the proposal submission deadline unless the applying organization withdraws the application in writing.
The purpose of this document is to provide the FDC with an overview of your organization's annual plan, the alignment of the plan with the Wikimedia movement’s strategic priorities, and the potential impact of the plan. This proposal should complement any annual planning documents your organization may have such as your organization's annual plan and strategic plan: please complete all fields and add links to supporting documents where relevant. If any documents are submitted in draft form (e.g. an annual plan that has not yet been approved by the organization's General Assembly), please link to the final version of the document once it has been approved, even if it is approved after the deadline. If you are a representative of the applicant organization, you may request permission to add information to this proposal form on the proposal form discussion page. All requested changes will be reviewed by FDC staff.
Please review the documents describing the Annual Plan Grants process, including the FDC Framework, Guidancefor the FDC from the Board, and the FDC's past funding recommendations: FDC recommendations. These documents include critical information for applicants.
If you have any questions about the form, please contact If you have general suggestions or comments about the form itself, please leave them on the discussion page for this form.
A few terms used in the form:
FDC proposal form terms Wikimedia terms Learning & Evaluation terms
Basic information
[edit]- 1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming year that can be used as a summary of your proposal. (This should be about 200 words, and should be easy for anyone to understand.)
In 2015, Wikimedia Eesti (WMEE) will carry out activities closely related to our 3 main fields of interest: Education, Community and Organizations (respectively future, present and past for free knowledge).
Our education program will concentrate on a continued and extended collaboration with the University of Tartu, where Wikimedia-related study assignments have been used since 2011. Wikimedia Eesti will also continue with a project in the field of environmental awareness (with the support of targeted external funding from Estonian Enviromental Investment Center).
Our community work includes activities related to new editors (chapter support in welcoming process and making sure that no new active editor is neglected) and also our current contributors (discussion and motivation meetings). Supporting several traditional competitions will also help us to keep the community motivated.
In the upcoming years, collaboration with other organizations and institutions (in other words, GLAM work) will focus around the central theme of celebrating the 100th anniversary of Estonian Republic in 2018. This means that activities related to bringing content about Estonian cultural heritage to Wikimedia (picture donations and introducing specialists to article editing) will be the core of this field of interest.
- 2. Contact information.
- Legal name of organization: Mittetulundusühing Wikimedia Eesti
- Organization's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd): 01/01 - 12/31
- 12-month funding period requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy): 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015
- Primary contact name and position in organization: Kaarel Vaidla (Executive Director)
- Primary contact username or Email: Kaarel Vaidla (WM EE),
- Secondary contact name and position in organization: Tanel Pern (Board Member)
- Secondary contact username or Email: Daniel Charms,
- 3. Amount requested.
Table 1
Currency requested () | US$ () | |
Total annual expenses of organization | €111,390.63 | $146,255.90 |
Amount requested from the FDC for the upcoming year's annual plan | €63,476.63 | $83,344.81 |
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources (total from Table 5) | €47,914.00 | $62,911.08 |
Amount to be drawn from reserves for the upcoming year's annual plan | 0 | 0 |
Amount of FDC funds allocated for the current year's annual plan | 0 | 0 |
- 4. What is your organization's proposed rate of growth in total budget since last year? Please explain your organization's rationale if your proposed budget will increase this year.
Our corrected budget for current fiscal year is €80,363.07 and present prognosis for the year 2015 is €111,090.63, which results in a rate of growth of 38,23%, which evidently exceeds the guardrails of reasonable growth.
This growth is mainly results from the possibilities of external funding. Specifically, for our education program, we have been already funded by Estonian Environmental Investment Center for a specific educational project and are also discussing possible funding with the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. Our project of the Wikipedization of Estonian cultural heritage has also caught the attention of public sector. These funding possibilities are currently integrated to our current budget. We are presently discussing whether these possible funds for large projects should be administered by Wikimedia Eesti or managed by our partner organizations with larger administrative capacity. According to our financial policy, the actual annual budget must be finally approved on the last day of current financial year and in reality financial instruments going through Wikimedia Eesti may be reduced, thus also reducing our rate of growth.
As to funding from Wikimedia Foundation, we have secured €47,813.07 for our annual project and event grant grant for the year 2014 as well as €2255.88 for funding office rental, in total €50,068.95. Taking into account that the expenditure of €8,327.67 for January and February of 2014 was covered by our 2013 grant, the annual funding of Wikimedia Foundation for Wikimedia Eesti is currently €58,369.62. As a result, our actual WMF budget increase will be 8,24%.
In addition, the position of the project writer in Wikimedia Eesti was restructured to the position of an executive director in July 2014 and office rental started in April 2014. As a result, maintaining our current administrative level would mean additional costs of a half year pay of an executive director (€5658) and a quarter of office rental (€633.60), which would have meant a total Wikimedia Foundation funding of €64,661.22 (as well as a decrease of 2,3%) for an annual upkeep of the present situation of the chapter.
In short, our financial growth is related to external funding opportunities and in terms of Wikimedia Foundation, funding we are looking forward to a stable input commensurate to funding during current fiscal year.
Community engagement
[edit]This section provides the FDC an overview of your organization's work with volunteers and online contributors.
- 1. Which Wikimedia community or communities does your organization work with most closely, and which online Wikimedia project or projects does your organization's work support?
Estonian Wikipedia Vikipeedia |
Wikimedia Commons Commons |
Võro Wikipedia Vikipeediä |
Estonian Wikisource Vikitekstid |
Wikidata Wikidata |
- 2. How does your organization know what community members / contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments? How else does your organization consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
The Wikimedia Eesti chapter consists mostly of active editors of Estonian and Võro Wikipedia, as well as local Commons and Wikidata contributors. Although not all of the community members are present and represented in the chapter, discussions in the internal list of the chapter (Google group "Wikimedia-Eesti") and at meetings and general assemblies provide us with an essential overview of needs and demands of the community.
Our needs assessment consists of strategy meetings and discussions within our chapter. There has been a call for proposals for our annual agendas, where everyone can (re-)state their vision of how our chapter should be supporting local communities. Agenda drafts have also been made available for comments and further additions.
We are currently working on possibilities to give these discussions and needs assessments a wider ground, i.e. including non-member editors and also local Wikipedia readers.
Organization planning and reports
[edit]Please provide links to your organization’s planning documents and reports. All of these documents are required unless otherwise indicated.
Your organization's strategic planning documents, past reports, and current annual planning documents, are essential to our understanding of your organization's proposal. If you think you will have difficulty submitting any of these documents with your organization's proposal form by the proposal submission deadline, you should contact FDC staff right away. You may also provide notes to this table here, as well as links to any supplementary documents to this proposal form.
Table 2
Completed fiscal year Current year Upcoming year Annual plan (including budget) 2013 grant1 Agenda, Budget, 2014 grant 2 Agenda, Budget3 Community discussion around annual plan Internal list, General Assembly4 Internal list, General Assembly4 Internal list, General Assembly4 Annual report (including financial report) Activity report, Financial statement Not required. Not required. Strategic plan No concrete plan5 Development principles6 Strategy 2015
Table 2 notes:
1 For the year 2013, Wikimedia Eesti had not yet professionalized and as almost all of our funding came from Wikimedia Foundation, there was no special annual plan created and our activities followed our annual grant proposal for project and event grants.
2 The annual plan created for the present fiscal year was an optimistic draft that was not confirmed as an official annual plan for the chapter. There were several cuts made during a more concrete phase of writing an actual grant proposal to Wikimedia Foundation and our grant application for 2014 serves as a more accurate document.
3 The current annual agenda and budget for the year 2015 is still in draft form and will be subject to change. Official annual plan will be confirmed and approved by the end of the current fiscal year.
4 As most of the community members are also members of our chapter, current discussions around annual plans have been internal. We understand the need for a more open and publicly accessible discussion and are working on ways for engaging more people beginning from the next year. Current discussions and general assembly protocols can be made available and translated if requested.
5 Wikimedia Eesti has had strategy meetings since the creation of the chapter, but unfortunately has not been able to provide a clear strategy before professionalization. Nevertheless, there are some strategy draft documents available (1,2) and more can be made available if requested. These documents are in Estonian, but can be translated if needed.
6 At the end of last year, a rather unspecific document on development principles was created. This year, an effort has been made to be strategically more concrete, which has resulted in the Strategy 2015 document.
7 This is a document drafted during the restructuring process of the chapter and describes the near future plan of the Executive Director of Wikimedia Eesti
Financials: year-to-date progress
[edit]The purpose of this section is to give the FDC an idea of how your organization is spending on your current grant, or during your current annual plan. The period defined as year-to-date should be the start date of your fiscal year you defined in Contact information, until 1 September 2014. Your projected amount should be the amount your organization expects to spend by the end of the current fiscal year you defined in Contact information.
Table 3
Current funding period planned / budgeted Year-to-date funding period actuals Projected end of current funding period In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US Revenues (from all sources) €86,731.861 $113,878.93 €52,862.991 $73,348.11 €53,363.071 $70,065.71 Expenses €113,731.86 $149,329.93 €39,214.39 $51,488.49 €80,363.07 $105,516.71
Table 3 notes:
1 The annual plan created for the current fiscal year was an optimistic draft that was not confirmed as an official annual plan for the chapter. There were several cuts made during a more concrete phase of writing an actual grant proposal to Wikimedia Foundation and our grant application for 2014 serves as a more accurate document. There is also a gap between revenues and expenses, although our financial policy clearly states that "all expenses provided in the annual budget must be covered with income". This results from the fact that targeted funding of €27,000.00 for 2014 activities of our education program from Ministry of Education and Research was transfered on the 27th of December 2013 and therefore was registered as belonging to fiscal year 2013.
Programs: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]This section is about your organization's programs. A program is a group of activities that share the same objectives. Please do not include information about your organization's operating activities in this section. You are welcome to provide information about activities like administration, staff and board training, fundraising, governance, and internal IT in another section of this proposal form or in a supplementary document. Please answer all four questions for each program.
General information
The main goals of the programmatic activities of Wikimedia Eesti are increasing the number, size and quality of Wikimedia content (increase participation, improve quality) and supporting and expanding the community that creates and edits Wikimedia content (increase participation, increase reach).
To achieve these goals, Wikimedia Eesti is active in 3 fields:
- Education,
- Community,
- Organizations.
For Wikimedia Eesti, it is important to raise the next generation in the environment of self-evidence of benefits and possibilities of free culture and free knowledge. It is also important to increase their awareness of a possible active participation in the creation and editing processes of this free knowledge. The activities of the education program of Wikimedia Eesti are targeted at increasing the awareness and skills of the next generation in order to encourage their contribution to the sum of all human knowledge.
Goal, objectives
Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.
- 1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
The goal of the education program is:
to increase the awareness of the younger generation about free culture and free knowledge and
to provide them with skills for contributing to Wikimedia projects.
Means |
In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following means:
1. Introducing Wikipedia on a wider scale in universities, i.e. introducing Wikimedia related activities to curricula, 2. Organizing training events and workshops as a part of a project on a specific field of study (in year 2015, it is environmental awareness), 3. Creation of a nationwide network of teachers using Wikimedia as a study tool in secondary schools, 4. Increasing the involvement of active Wikipedians in order to ensure the quality and suitability of editing related to the education program. |
Objectives |
Objectives for the program for the year 2015 are:
1. Having at least 2 courses in different university departments where contribution to Wikimedia projects forms an essential part of the curriculum. 2. Have at least 15 teachers from secondary schools integrated to a nationwide network of teachers using Wikimedia as a study tool. 3. Have at least 35 training events and workshops related to the environmental awareness education project. 4. At least 5 active members of Estonian Wikipedia community are actively involved in the education program. |
- 2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?
The strategical goal of the education program is
an increase of number and competence of people contributing to Wikimedia projects, as well as an increase of Wikimedia content quality through involving educated specialists to Wikimedia activities who otherwise would not be aware of or competent enough for Wikimedia editing/contributing.
This translates into increased reach, increased participation and increased quality.
- 3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
Higher education program |
1. During the 2015 spring semester, an article writing bee with at least 25 participants from University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy Department of Music and Department of Estonian Native Crafts will be organized. Every participant will add at least 8000 characters to at least one article on Estonian Wikipedia (i.e. in total at least 25 articles will be created or significantly improved). 2. During the 2015 autumn semester, an article writing bee with at least 25 participants from University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy Department of Music and Department of Estonian Native Crafts will be organized. Every participant will add at least 8000 characters to at least one article of Estonian Wikipedia (i.e. in total at least 25 articles will be created or significantly improved). 3. During the 2015 autumn semester, a Wikipedia assignment of adding 8000 characters to at least one article of Estonian Wikipedia will be part of the academic writing course of the University of Tartu Department of Natural Sciences. At least 200 students will participate on the course. |
Secondary school program |
1. By the end of the 2014/2015 school year, a network of teachers applying Wikimedia as a study tool in secondary schools will be created. As a result, a total of 45 000 bytes will be added to at least 45 different articles on Estonian Wikipedia. 2. Picture competition in Tartu Art School, which results in 50 drawings added to Wikimedia Commons under a free licence and also incorporated into relevant articles. |
Environmental awareness project |
1. During the spring semester of 2015, at least 100 students will be involved with the project, adding at least a total of 200 000 bytes to project related articles on Estonian Wikipedia (a list of 500 articles will be created in autumn 2014). 2. During the autumn semester of 2015, at least 100 students will be involved with the project, adding at least a total of 200 000 bytes to project related articles on Estonian Wikipedia (a list of 500 articles will be created in autumn 2014). 3. All the articles worked on during the environmental awareness education project will receive at least “satisfactory” quality level and 10 articles at least “good” quality level according to the project quality criteria. At least 25 training events and workshops will be organized. 4. At least 10 expedition+workshop events will take place with at least 50 participants, resulting in at least 50 media files added to relevant articles on Estonian Wikipedia. 5. In a feedback survey, at least 60% of responses evaluate the project as interesting and providing new knowledge to them. 6. During the second half of the year, at least 5% of the project participants of the spring semester will make a new edit on Wikipedia or a contribution to Commons. |
Involving Wikipedia community |
1. During the year 2015, at least 5 active and competent members of the community of Estonian and Võro Wikipedia will participate in quality evaluation and feedback groups of the education program of Wikimedia Eesti. |
- 4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
Logic models
Logical model of higher education program
Situation |
A significant portion of materials created as part of course tasks in universities could be part of freely available knowledge on Wikipedia. Unfortunately, a large part of it ends on the hard drive or in the drawer of the grading professor. This is due to a lack of awareness of the studying possibilities that Wikipedia provides, as well as the lack of Wikimedia competence and involvement of teaching staff. |
Priority |
Increase awareness of the teaching staff and provide support in integrating Wikipedia to their curricula. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Teaching staff | Provide support to teaching staff | New or improved Wikipedia articles | Students get an experience of wikiediting | Awareness of students about free knowledge and wikiediting | Students contribute daily to Wikipedia | ||
Volunteer time | Students | Conduct training | Informational material | Teaching staff gets an experience of Wikimedia use | Awareness of teaching staff about free knowledge and wikiediting | Teaching staff is well acquainted with Wikimedia | ||
Wikimedia competence | Wikimedians | Support online | Tutorials | The possibility to use Wikimedia in teaching activities demonstrated | Awareness of teaching staff about using Wikimedia as a studying tool | Teaching staff integrates Wikipedia to their curricula on a permanent basis | ||
Past educational program experience | Department coordinators | Provide feedback to students | Quality evaluation guides | Wikimedians get acquainted with the “inside” of an education program | Community more receptive to educational programs | New users and edits related to educational programs are well received by the community |
Logical model of the secondary education program
Situation |
Secondary school study tasks consist in a significant part of data acquisition, processing and expression, which could also be done in the environment of Wikipedia. This is due to the lack of awareness of the studying possibilities that Wikipedia provides, as well as the lack of Wikimedia competence and involvement of teachers. |
Priority |
Increase awareness of the teachers and provide support in integrating Wikipedia to their study curricula. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Teachers | Networking | New or improved Wikipedia articles | Pupils get an experience of wikiediting | Awareness of pupils about free knowledge and wikiediting | Pupils feel comfortable in the Wikimedia environment and contribute | ||
Volunteer time | Pupils | Provide support to teachers | Informational material | Teachers get an experience of Wikimedia use | Awareness of teachers about free knowledge and wikiediting | Teachers are well acquainted with Wikimedia | ||
Wikimedia competence | Wikimedians | Conduct training | Tutorials | The possibility to use Wikimedia in teaching activities demonstrated | Awareness of teachers about using Wikimedia as a studying tool | Teachers integrate Wikipedia to their curricula on a permanent basis | ||
Past educational program experience | Administrative staff of schools | Support online | Quality evaluation guides | Wikimedians get acquainted with the “inside” of an education program | Community more receptive to educational programs | New users and edits related to educatioon programs are well received by the community | ||
Provide feedback to pupils |
Logical model of the environmental awareness project
Situation |
A large number of Wikipedia articles written in the framework of the educational program of Wikimedia Eesti are related to natural sciences and it seems that Wikimedia related studying tasks are more easily incorporated to study curricula of natural sciences. |
Priority |
Provide more support to fructuous field of educational program in order to create more impact and to be efficient. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Teachers | Networking | New or improved Wikipedia articles | Participants get an experience of wikiediting | Awareness of participants about free knowledge and wikiediting | Participants feel comfortable in Wikimedia environment and contribute | ||
Volunteer time | Teaching staff of universities | Provide support to teachers and teaching staff | New media material | The possibility to use Wikimedia in teaching activities demonstrated | Awareness of teachers and teaching staff about using Wikimedia as a studying tool | Educators are well acquainted with Wikimedia and integrates Wikipedia to their curricula on a permanent basis | ||
Wikimedia competence | Students | Conduct training | Informational material | A certain subject field signifcantly improved on Estonian Wikipedia | Systematically improved subject field builds more trust in Wikipedia | New users and edits related to educatioon programs are well received by the community | ||
Former educational program experience | Pupils | Support online | Tutorials | Wikimedians get acquainted with the “inside” of an education program | Community more receptive to educational programs | New users and edits related to educatioon programs are well received by the community | ||
Environment enthusiasts | Provide feedback to editors | Quality evaluation guides |
Logical model of involving Wikipedia community
Situation |
Active wikipedians are not sufficiently introduced to Education program of Wikimedia Eesti and sometimes they do not understand why some edits on Estonian Wikipedia are made in the way they are made. |
Priority |
Engaging wikipedians with the education program makes it easier for them to understand editing activities related to the program and builds trust towards new users and editors that join the existing community through the program. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Wikimedians | Explain the working manner of educational program | Quality evaluation guides | Wikimedians get an “inside” experience of educational program | Awareness of the benefits of educational program | Community of Wikipedia is more positive towards educational program | ||
Volunteer time | Conduct training | Feedback on the work of education program participants | Wikimedians get an experience of giving feedback to new users | Awareness of needs and wishes of new unexperienced users | Wikipedia community is more supportive towards new users | |||
Former educational program experience | Introduce quality evaluation guides | Tutorials |
Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.
Sub-program | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Higher education program |
Benchmarks |
| ||
Secondary education program |
Benchmarks |
| ||
Environmental awareness project |
Benchmarks |
| |
Involving community |
Benchmarks |
Community has the central role in creating and upkeeping communal knowledge and supporting and expanding the community is the main field of activity of Wikimedia Eesti. These activities are performed on different levels from meetings and motivational events to bees and competitions.
Goal, objectives
Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.
- 1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
The goal of the community program is:
to support the activity of present community and
to involve and motivate new members of the community.
Means |
In order to achieve the goal Wikimedia Eesti will implement following means:
1. Meet-ups for community members are organized, 2. Informational events targeted towards non-members are organized, 3. Competitions, bees, collecting activities and workshops are organized to actually involve people on wiki, 4. Wikimedia Eesti is in a good contact with international movement and communicates international learnings to local community, 5. Organizing remarkable events and projects helps us to reach out to a wider public, 6. A small microgrants system will be implemented to build up off-wiki activity, 7. Support and motivation will be provided also through internet. |
Objectives |
Objectives for the program for the year 2015 are:
1. Having at least 9 events for community members (Wikipedia Summer Days, General assemblies, motivational events, wikiexpeditions), engaging at least 25 different members of the community, 2. Participation on larger informational events at least 4 times during the year and having weekly open office hours for people interested, as well as organizing at least 1 wikiexpedition for non-community members. We are looking forward to new editor retention having at least 5 people from the meetings doing at least 10 edits after participation on an event and before the end of the year. 3. Organizing at least 4 article competitions and bees and 3 photo competitions and collections, providing significant improvement to at least 400 articles on Estonian Wikipedia and adding 1350 new pictures to Wikimedia Commons. 4. Wikimedia Eesti will be present in at least 2 international Wikimedia Conferences to share our learnings and to communicate learnings from others to local community, 5. Wikimedia Eesti will organize 2 conferences with a theme of cooperation, making local community also involved in and inspired by international community. 25 QR-codes of the Tartupedia project will be installed and by the end of the year at least 1000 QR scans have been tracked. 6. Microgrants will be distributed if at least one third of organization members vote to support the project. 7. Sending out weekly newsletter of the activities of the chapter to its members will be continued, at least once a week there will be new post on the Facebook page and at least once a month a blog post on Wikimedia Eesti blog. |
- 2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?
The strategical goal of the community program is
to support and extend the community, as well as increasing the number and competence of people contributing to different Wikimedia projects.
This translates into increased reach, increased participation, increased quality, as well as encouraged innovation.
- 3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
Community events |
1. Wikipedia Summer Days will be organized during the third quarter of the year with a participation of at least 12 community members and a discussion held on the strategy and past and future of the Estonian Wikipedia. 2. General assemblies of Wikimedia Eesti will be organized in the first and third quarter of the year with the participation of at least 20 organization members and with documented discussions on the agenda, budget and strategy of the organization. 3. Organizing at least 1 motivational event in every quarter of the year for community members, with a minimal participation of 10 community members. 4. In 2015, at least 2 wikiexpeditions for community members will be organized and 250 media files will be collected during the expeditions, of which 50% will be integrated in articles on Estonian Wikipedia by the end of the year. |
External informational events |
1. At least 4 times a year, the organization is present at larger informational events, with an aim to introduce Wikimedia activities to at least 5 new active community members who will make at least 10 edits on Wikimedia projects after the event and before the end of the year. 2. Weekly open office days will continue and according to feedback surveys, at least 75% will find the received information relevant and useful. 3. During the third quarter of the year, at least 1 wikiexpedition will be organized for non-members and at least 15 media files will be collected and integrated into articles during that expedition-workshop. |
Competitions, bees and workshops |
1. The tradition of county article competition will be continued in January 2015, with at least 10 participants will improve at least 50 articles. 2. Translation bee will be organized from February to April 2015 with at least 40 translators improving at least 200 articles. 3. In summer 2015, an article writing bee and picture collection related to cultural heritage of Estonia will be held. As a result, at least 20 participants will improve 100 articles and at least 50 pictures will be collected and integrated into relevant articles on Estonian Wikipedia. 4. In October 2015, a collaboration month with another Wikipedia will be organized with at least 10 participants will improve 50 articles on the subject theme on Estonian Wikipedia. 5. At least 4 workshops will be organized with at least 20 participants working on at least 20 articles. 6. Wiki Loves Earth will take place as a photo collection event and at least 20 participants will provide 500 media files and 50% of them will be added to relevant articles on Estonian Wikipedia by the end of the year. 7. Wiki Loves Monuments will take place as a photo collection event and at least 30 participants will add 600 media files to Wikimedia Commons, 100 of which will be integrated to articles on Estonian Wikipedia by the end of the year. 8. Science Photo of the Year competition will take place once again in the third quarter of the year 2015. 40 participants will contribute at least 200 photos to the competition. |
International involvement |
1. At least 1 participant of Wikimedia Eesti will be present at Wikimedia Conference and Wikimania, and summaries of the conferences will be made available through blog posts and internal list posts. |
Outreach |
1. A follow-up meeting of Fenno-Ugric Wikipedias will be organized with at least 20 participants from 10 different Wikipedias. At least 1 collaboration project will be started. At least 2 articles or interviews in nationwide media. 2. WMCEE meeting will be organized in Estonia for drawing attention to the international Wikimedia movement. At least 4 articles and/or interviews in nationwide media. 3. 25 QR-codes will be installed in the city of Tartu and by the end of the year, at least 1000 scans will be tracked. |
Microgrants |
1. In the annual budget, 1000 euros will be secured for paying microgrants to support great low cost external ideas. An idea will be supported if at least one third of organization members vote for the project. |
Internet support |
1. Wikimedia Eesti will continue publishing the weekly newsletter (MTÜ Teataja) to members of the organization. 2. At least once a week a motivational piece of information will be published on our Facebook page. 3. At least once a month, an article will be added to Wikimedia Eesti blog. |
- 4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
Logic models
Logic model of community events
Situation |
There is a small active community of Estonian Wikipedia and Wikimedia Eesti that contributes a significant amount of their time to editing activities and discussions. They belong to the core of the free knowledge movement and they need to be supported, motivated and their voices should be heard. |
Priority |
Support to and motivation of active local community for editing and Wikimedia related discussions. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Wikipedia community | Organize motivational events | Motivational events | Wikimedians will be provided with a cosy environment to discuss Wikimedia related issues important to them and learn about issues important to others. | Awareness of important issues in the community and in the chapter | Wikimedians will be more respectful towards each other and contribute their time to resolving community issues | ||
Volunteer time | Chapter members | Organize general assemblies | General assemblies | Wikimedians will learn about activities of Wikimedia Eesti | Awareness of activities in the chapter | Wikimedians will be more engaged with chapter activities | ||
Competence of organizing events | Organize workshops and wikiexpeditions | New media files and improved Wikipedia articles | Wikimedians get an experience of collecting media and editing articles together | Awareness of possibility and benefits of editing together | Feeling of community supported and level of editing activities maintained | |||
Funds |
Logic model of external informational events
Situation |
The awareness about Wikimedia projects and possibility of contributing to these projects is low in Estonia, which results in lack of participation. Participation on informational events serves as an informational tool to reach out to more people. |
Priority |
Increasing awareness of Wikimedia projects in wider public. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Wider public | Participate on public informational events | Face-to-face information communication | Wider public learns about Wikimedia movement and community | Wider public is aware of Wikimedia movement and community | Increased use of Wikimedia projects | ||
Volunteer time | Larger Wikipedia community | Open office doors once a week | Follow-up letter correspondence | Wider public participates on an event of Wikimedia contribution | Wider public is aware of possibility to contribute to Wikimedia projects | Increased participation in Wikimedia projects | ||
Knowledge about Wikimedia projects | Organize a wikiexpedition+workshop event | New media and article content | ||||||
Knowledge about Wikimedia movement |
Logic model of competitions, bees and workshops
Situation |
Wider public does not know about the possibility to contribute to Wikimedia projects or is not motivated enough. Engaging on a specified subject field (with a possibility to win motivational prizes) should increase their interest in participation. Projects on determined subject field are also motivational for community members and some of them are also motivated by prizes. In general organizing competitions, bees and workshops is a mean to get people actually contributing. |
Priority |
Increased participation on Wikimedia projects through prized competitions, bees and workshops on determined subject fields. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Wider public | Organizing article competitions and bees | New articles on Wikipedia | Wider public learns about the possibility of being engaged in Wikimedia projects | Awareness of wider public about Wikimedia projects and possibility of participation | Wider public is more engaged with Wikimedia projects | ||
Volunteer time | Wikimedia community | Organizing photo competitions and bees | New photos on Commons | Wider public will be trained for quality contributions | Awareness of wider public about what Wikipedia and Wikimedia contributions should look like | Wider public has a better understanding of Wikimedia projects and contribution standards | ||
Prizes | Organizing workshops and wikiexpeditions | Wikimedians have an experience of contributing to a specific subject field during a specific time period | Awareness of Wikimedia community about the possibility to improve Wikimedia projects on systematical basis | Wikimedia community is engaged with projects of Wikimedia Eesti | ||||
Editing space |
Logic model of international involvement
Situation |
For a small chapter and community learning from experiences of others is of a very high value. Although there is a significant amount of materials and shared experience available online, it is sometimes important to talk to people face-to-face to acquire more specific knowledge. International participation also acts as a motivational factor. |
Priority |
Increased competence and motivation through interntaional participation. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | International community | Conference participation | Conference presentation | International community have learned of our activities | Awareness of international community about our activities | Collaboration between Wikimedians on international level, better practices implemented on the local level | ||
Volunteer time | Local community | Acquiring and sharing knowledge | Blog posts | We have learned from the activities of the international movement | Awareness of the activities of the international movement in our chapter | Activity of participating staff and volunteers increased, lasting feeling of belonging to the movement | ||
Funds | Staff | Internal list posts | Learnings have been communicated to local community | Awareness about activities of international movement in our community | ||||
Volunteers | Conference participants have had a motivational boost | Motivated staff and chapter volunteers |
Logic model of outreach
Situation |
Awareness of the worldwide Wikimedia movement, as well as of the possibility to become involved is rather low in Estonia and therefore, awareness and international participation should be increased. |
Priority |
Sharing experience on international level and communicating locally. Making Wikimedia more visible in the public (info) space. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Wider public | Organize conferences | International Wikimedia related conferences held in Estonia | Shared experience of local and international communities | Awareness about different practices around the movement | Collaboration between Wikimedians on international level, better practices implemented on the local level | ||
Volunteer time | Local community | Install QR-codes | Visible QR-codes in the public space of the city of Tartu | QR-codes and Tartupedia project noticed in public space. | Awareness about Tartupedia project and possibility of contribution | New and old members of Wikimedia community contribute regularly to Tartupedia project | ||
Funds | International community | Communicate with public and press | Articles and interviews about Wikimedia in nationwide press | Awareness of the Wikimedia movement through the public press | Awareness of the Wikimedia movement in the general public | A wide movement builds trust in a wider public and they use more and contribute more to Wikimedia projects | ||
Competence in organizing events |
Logic model of microgrants
Situation |
There have been projects and ideas coming from local community that have not been supported because the funding of the chapter has been project based. |
Priority |
Empower off-wiki activists to carry out projects related to Wikimedia. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Project team | Distribute funds | Off-wiki activity, motivation | Project managers will have an experience of project management | Project managers will have a competence in project management | Project managers will continue contributing to off-wiki projects | ||
Staff competence | Project target group | Provide staff competence and support | Competence on project management | Target group will be introduced to new Wikimedia activities | The awareness of free culture and Wiki editing will increase in the target group | Target group will continue with Wikimedia related activities | ||
Financial support | Provide feedback | Wikimedia content and/or supporting materials |
Logic model of internet support
Situation |
Wikimedia Eesti has a Facebook page, blog and a website, but these channels are not very active and do not provide enough support and motivation to local community. Therefore, activity and informational level of these channels has to be raised. |
Priority |
Spreading knowledge and experience through internet channels to community members and wider public. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Wikimedia community | Provide information | Information for community members and also wider public | Community members read and learn about activities in the Wikimedia movement and the chapter | Community members are aware of what is going on in the Wikimedia movement and the chapter | Community is more engaged with the activities of the Wikimedia movement and the chapter | ||
Volunteer time | Wider public | Provide motivation | Motivation for community members and the general public | The general public reads and learns about activities in the Wikimedia movement and the chapter | The general public is aware of what is going on in the Wikimedia movement and the chapter | The general public will get more engaged with the activities of the Wikimedia movement and the chapter |
Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.
Sub-program | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Community events |
Benchmarks |
External informational events |
Benchmarks |
| |
Competitions, bees, collections and workshops |
Benchmarks |
International involvement |
Benchmarks |
| |
Outreach |
Benchmarks |
| ||
Microgrants |
Benchmarks |
| |||
Internet support |
Benchmarks |
It is important for Wikimedia Eesti to raise awareness among existing organizations about free culture, free knowledge and various contribution possibilities for the organizations. Inter-institutional cooperation activities are aimed at bringing the information documented in archives and memory institutions and the knowledge of specialists into free use.
Goal, objectives
Please note that all grantees will be asked to report on the global metrics, so please review them and keep them in mind as you design your programs, and then track and measure the impact of your programs.
- 1. A program is a group of of activities that share the same objectives. Please share the goal of the program, and then describe the objectives that the activities in this program share.
The goal of the organizations program is:
to bring quality materials documented in memory institutions and the competence of specialists to a freely accessible environment.
Means |
In order to achieve the goal, Wikimedia Eesti will implement the following tools:
1) Realizing an overarching project with partner institutions from the cultural heritage field (currently implementing the project “Wikipedization of the contemporary history of cultural heritage”), 2. Continuing the library project and thus bringing Wikimedia competence to the cultural centres of rural communities, 3. Involve memory institutions of the city of Tartu for publishing some of the precious materials stored in their archives on Commons. |
Objectives |
Objectives for the program for the year 2015 are:
1. Signing a cooperation contract with at least 15 partners and in collaboration with them create structure (resp. list of articles to be edited) to the cultural heritage program and engage in Wikimedia content related activities with them (at least 250 articles improved and 50 valuable archive pictures published by the end of the year). 2. Participation of at least 5 libraries in the library project next year with at least 1 library retained. 3. Continuing cooperation with at least 2 memory institutions in the City of Tartu, which results in at least 100 pictures to be made freely available on Commons. |
- 2. How do your program objectives focus on the Wikimedia strategic priorities?
The strategical goal of the education program is
to augment the number of existing materials in free use and raise their quality. In addition, inter-institutional cooperation facilitates spreading information about free culture and free knowledge.
This translates into increased reach, increased quality and increased participation.
- 3. Please list the specific, measurable, timebound targets you plan to achieve through this program. Please include both qualitative targets and quantitative targets.
Overarching cultural heritage project |
1. Inclusion of at least 15 partners to the activities of the project by the summer of 2015. 2. Creating an article list with 1000 titles by the summer of 2015, providing at least 25% of the articles with an introductory paragraph and finalizing at least 5% of the articles by the end of the year 2015 (a specialist from the respective subject field finds the article to be sufficiently thorough). 3. Bringing out at least 50 relevant and non-copyrighted images from archives and adding them to suitable articles. |
Library project |
1. Conducting training sessions in at least 5 libraries, mapping out future steps together and providing feedback for these future activities, as a result of which at least 1 library will continue to edit Wikipedia (at least 5 edits in 6 months after the training session). |
Tartu project |
1. Continuing the current projects with memory institutions, as a result of which, the Tartu Art Museum will upload their first images, and 100 new images will be uploaded and tagged in Wikimedia Commons and added to Wikipedia articles by the Vanemuine Theater. |
- 4. Please describe how your program activities will lead to the results you are planning, or describe or link to a logic model for your program.
Logic models
Logic model of overarching cultural heritage project
Situation |
There has been some cooperation with different partners in the GLAM field over the years since the founding of Wikimedia Eesti, but these have mostly been small one-off projects. Although some efforts have been made to have images released by the museum archives in Estonia, this does not always follow the good practice of content liberation. There are a number of competent people working in GLAM institutions who could contribute to Wikimedia if their awareness and competence was increased. As there is a general acknowledgment of the need for publishing content about Estonian cultural heritage under a free licence, a program for the Wikipedization of Estonian cultural heritage was envisaged. |
Priority |
Release quality material into free use and involve specialists in Wikimedia projects. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Partner organizations | Provide training | New or improved articles | Specialists will get an experience of Wikimedia editing | Awareness of specialists about Wikimedia editing | Continued involvement of specialists in Wikimedia movement | ||
Volunteer time | Teaching staff and students | Organize workshops | Quality media files from archives | Local contributors will get an experience of Wikimedia editing | Awareness of local contributors about Wikimedia editing | Continued involvement of local contributors in Wikimedia movement | ||
Wikimedia competence | GLAM specialists | Provide feedback | Feedback from field specialists | Public learns about cultural heritage wikipedization program | Increased public awareness about Wikimedia projects | Increased public use of and participation in Wikimedia projects | ||
Funds | Local level contributors |
Logic model of Library project
Situation |
There is an interest in Wikipedia editing among library staff in Estonia and as libraries act somewhat as cultural centers in rural areas of Estonia, Wikimedia Eesti has provided support in increasing Wikipedia related competences of librarians. Nevertheless this activity has not been well coordinated, neither structured, but Wikimedia Eesti evaluates this project as a valuable prospect and would like to work on it on a smaller scale, but in a more structured manner. |
Priority |
Promote Wikipedia co mpetence on a local level. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Librarians | Provide training | New Wikipedia articles | Librarians will have an experience of Wikipedia editing | Increased awareness about Wikipedia editing and the possibilities it entails among librarians | Continued engagement of librarians on Wikipedia and competence to guide library visitors through first steps of wikiediting. | ||
Volunteer time | Local contributors | Provide feedback | Guides for Wikipedia use in libraries | Local contributors will have an experience of Wikipedia editing | Increased awareness about Wikipedia editing and the possibilities it entails among local contributors | Local contributors involved with Wikipedia editing | ||
Wikimedia competence |
Logic model of the Tartu project
Situation |
Wikimedia Eesti resides currently in the city of Tartu and some local organizations have approached us with questions about publishing their content under a free licence in the Commons environment. As there is a certain amount of willingness among these institutions, it seems reasonable to provide them support in releasing the content. |
Priority |
Bring quality material from archives to free use. |
Inputs | Outputs | Outcomes/Impact |
Participants | Activities | Direct products | Short term | Intermediate | Long term | |||
What do we invest? | Who do we reach? | What do we do? | What do we create? | Results in terms of learning | Results in terms of changing action | Results in terms of change to the conditions | ||
Staff time | Local memory institutions | Provide information about free licence and copyright laws | Media files from archives uploaded | Institutions will get an experience of releasing the content | Awareness of the possibility to bring media that belongs to public domain really to public domain | Continued contributions from partner institutions to Wikimedia environment | ||
Volunteer time | Cultural institutions with archives | Provide support in digitization and upload process | Partner institutions learn about copyright laws | Awareness of copyright laws and will to participate in discussions related to them | Sustained active debate about copyright laws and practice of partner institutions to publish public domain material in an open and free way | |||
Wikimedia competence | Provide feedback |
Please provide any additional information about this program that is important to our understanding of this program. You may include timelines, tables, or charts associated with your program's progress, or share how this program will contribute more broadly to movement learning.
Sub-program | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Overarching cultural heritage project |
Benchmarks |
| ||
Library project |
Benchmarks |
| ||
Tartu project |
Benchmarks |
Staff and contractors: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Please describe your organization's staffing plan or strategy here, or provide a link to your organization's staffing plan or organogram.
Wikimedia Eesti curently has 2 administrative staff members, resp. Executive Director (1 FTE) and Assistant (0.5 FTE). Their job functions can be found in the list of staff job functions. Wikimedia Eesti finds that at the moment, this paid administrative support is sufficient for the current needs of the organization and there is no increase in administrative staff planned for the following year.
For program activities, we have signed contracts with educators for our education program, as there has been paid staff involved in our education program previously and it has worked well for the program. In 2015, 2 educators will be employed, working intensively on the training activities of the environmental awareness program. These positions are both full-time and the contracts expire on the 31st of December 2015.
Discussions are undergoing with the Ministry of Education and Research related to introducing a full-time education program manager to Wikimedia Eesti. We will provide updates regarding this plan.
As to other programs, Wikimedia Eesti is preparing for a volunteer recruitment drive at the end of 2014 as a plan of the vision of current executive director. This would mean the introduction of volunteer-based program teams to the structure of the chapter. There will be project managers for community and organization programs and specialists working in specific fields (communication, coordination, reporting etc.). All these volunteers will be guided and instructed by our current staff.

- 2. List of staff by department or function.
- Numbers for current staff should include staff your organization has hired or plans to hire in this current funding period, and proposed staff should include staff your organization will hire in the upcoming funding period. You should include both permanent staff and longterm contractors in this table and list the number of fulltime equivalents, where one fulltime staff person would be 1.0 (for example, if your organization has 2 part-time staff working at 50% each in a department then you would list the number of fulltime equivalents (FTEs) as 1.0, while if your organization has 1 full-time staff person working at 100% then you would also list the number of fulltime equivalents as 1.0).
Table 4
Department or function FTEs by end of current year FTEs by end of upcoming year Explanation of changes Administration 1.5 FTE 1.5 FTE Wikimedia Eesti evaluates our current administrative level to be generally sufficient. Education 2 FTE 3 FTE Providing better coordination to our rather extensive education program. Total (should equal the sum of the rows): 3.5 FTE 4.5 FTE Total staff expenses (currency requested) €38,771.50 €62,399.53 A restructuring of the administrative staff took place in the middle of the year, which resulted in introducing the better-paid position of the executive director (i.e. handling more administrative obligations de jure by paid staff). There was also a gap in employing paid staff for the education program (funding for this program has been project based, with a slight gap as the projects rolled over).
Total staff expenses ($US) $50,906.98 $81,930.58
Table 4 notes:
1. Hiring training personnel has been a good practice for the education program in Wikimedia Eesti and is essential to the functioning of the education program, as insufficient wages are a prevalent issue in the education sector in Estonia, which results in a certain opposition towards innovation in the educational field. The salaries of the training staff of our education program have nevertheless never been paid from the funds received from Wikimedia Foundation.
2. Hiring an education program manager is an idea currently being discussed with the Ministry of Education and Research, with a hope to better coordinate different fields of activity of our education program and to provide better support to teachers and teaching staff of the universities. Having a coordinator will also be useful for increasing community participation in our education program.
- 3. Did your organization make any significant changes to your staffing plan since publishing your organization's most current annual plan at the beginning of the funding period, such as hiring more or fewer staff than planned or hiring staff on a different schedule than planned? Please describe any significant changes here.
Wikimedia Eesti has made a significant change to the staffing plan in the year 2014. Specifically, the position of the project writer was restructured into the position of an executive director in July 2014.
The discussion related to this change can be found on our 2014 grant proposal discussion page.
Wikimedia Eesti has monitored its professionalization process closely and has published relevant professionalization reports on meta:
Professionalization reports |
- 4. What overall percentage of staff time is spent directly on programs?
- Administrative staff (Executive director and assistant): 60% on administration and 40% on program activities,
- Program staff (training staff): 10% on administration and 90% on program activities.
An average of near 70% of Wikimedia Eesti staff time is spent on program activities.
Financials: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Detailed budget: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- Please link to your organization's detailed budget. This may be a document included on this Wiki (Meta) or as a publicly available spreadsheet.
The annual budget of Wikimedia Eesti for the year 2015.
Revenues: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Please use this table to list your organization's anticipated revenues by revenue source in the upcoming year. Use the status column to indicate if this funding is guaranteed, whether you are in the process of requesting funding, or whether you are planning to request funding later. Please feel free to include in-kind donations and resources, as applicable.
Table 5
Anticipated revenues for the upcoming funding period Revenue source Currency requested US dollars Status (e.g. guaranteed, application)
Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan Grants €63,476.63 $83,344.82 requested Estonian Ministry of Education and Research €20,034.00 $26,304.64 requested Estonian Environmental Investment Centre €16,380.00 $21,506.34 guaranteed Organising Committee of Estonia 100 €5,300.00 $6,958.90 not requested City of Tartu €2,750.00 $3,610.75 not requested Fenno-Ugria Foundation €1,700.00 $2,232.10 not requested Various sources €1,750.00 $2,297.75 not requested Total revenues (should equal the sum of the rows): €111,390.63 $146,255.90 -
Table 5 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
- The funding of Ministry of Education and Research will be used for supporting the education program. In general, this funding consists of possible payment to the project manager who should coordinate all the different activities under our education program. A certain amount is also foreseen to be invested into teaching staff, in order to increase their motivation for participation in the integration of Wikimedia related study assignments to their curricula. This latter part may be subject to distribution through partner organizations, in order to reduce the administrative burden of Wikimedia Eesti.
- The funding from Estonian Environmental Investment Centre is project based and related to increasing environmental awareness through Wikimedia related activities and materials. This is an educational project and project expenses mostly include salaries for project related training staff.
- We are still in negotiations with the Organising Committee of Estonia 100, but in general, the funding will constitute support for the participating GLAM organizations and may also be subject to a distribution directly through partner organizations.
- The funding from the City of Tartu consists mostly of the costs for producing and installing QR-codes.
Operating reserves: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Please use this table to report information about your organization's planned operating reserves. Since this information is included here, you should not include it as part of your planned program or operational expenses. There are some restrictions about how much FDC funding your organization can use to build up your reserves.
Table 6
Local currency $US Total anticipated amount in operating reserves (by the end of the current fiscal year) €170.00 $223.21 Total existing reserves from the current year to be carried over as reserves in the upcoming year €475.00 $623.68 Total to be added to reserves in the upcoming year (excluding FDC funding) €170.00 $223.21 Total to be added to reserves in the upcoming year from FDC funding only €0.00 $0.00 Total planned reserves in the upcoming year (should equal the sum of the rows except the first): €815.00 $1,070.10
Table 6 notes:
Wikimedia Eesti does not actually have a reserves strategy in place and therefore, we are not requesting for any addition to our reserves at the moment. Nevertheless, Wikimedia Eesti will be working on a reserves strategy over the next year in order to ensure the sustainability of the organization.
Expenses: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]- 1. Expenses by program (excludes staff and operations).
- Program expenses are the costs associated specifically with your organization's programs. These costs do not include operating expenses or staff salaries, which will be described in separate tables. For example, program expenses may be the costs of an event, the costs of outreach materials specific to a program, budgets for microgrants and reimbursements, or technical costs associated with specific programs. The programs listed in this table should correspond to the programs you have listed in the programs section of this proposal form.
Table 7
Program / initiative In currency requested In $US Education €10,230.00 $13,431.99 Community €24,188.70 $31,759.76 Organizations €6,890.00 $9,046,57 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) €41,308.70 $54,238.32
Table 7 notes: If your organization has significant funding other than FDC funds, please note how those funds will be used.
1. Wikimedia Eesti will largely try to fund the expenses of the organizations program from external funding, namely from the funds of the Organising Committee of Estonia 100. This serves mainly for covering the costs of partner institutions and may be subject to be distributed directly to partner institutions and not through Wikimedia Eesti.
2. Funding is also foreseen related to the costs of our education program partners in the proposal sent to the Ministry of Education and Research, which may also be paid out directly to partners and not Wikimedia Eesti.
3. In the activities related to the community, we are expecting funding for Tartupedia QR-codes from the City of Tartu, as well as input from Fenno-Ugria Foundation for organizing the follow-up seminar of Finno-Ugric Wikipedias. There is also a significant amount of external funding foreseen for competition prizes.
- 2. Total expenses. Please use this table to summarize your organization's total expenses overall.
- These are divided into three expenses categories: (1) staff expenses from Table 4 (including staff expenses for both staff working on programs and operations), (2) expenses for programs from Table 7 (does not include staff expenses or operations expenses), and (3) expenses for operations (does not include staff expenses or program expenses). Be sure to check the totals in this table to make sure they are consistent with the totals in the other tables you have submitted with this form. For example, your total program expenses excluding staff will be equal to the total in Table 7, while your total staff expenses will be equal to the total in Table 4 and your total expenses will be equal to the total in Table 1.
Table 8
Expense type In currency requested In $US Program expenses (total from Table 7, excludes staff) €41,308.70 $54,238.32 Operations (excludes staff and programs) €7,382.40 $9,693.09 Upcoming staff total expenses (from Table 4) €62,699.53 $82,324.48 Amount to be added to reserves in the upcoming year (from Table 6) €170.00 $223.21 Total expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) €111,560.63 $146,479.11
Table 8 notes:
DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: During 2014-2015 Round 1 we will be launching a multi-year funding pilot program where APG applicants can request a two-year funding commitment from the FDC. Participating organizations will provide the FDC with information about milestones for two-year programs during the next year's proposal cycle (2015-2016 Round 1), as well as with their annual plans and budgets for the second year.
Not all organizations will be participating in this program since it is a pilot, and a list of organizations eligible to apply for multi-year funding will be announced soon. This section is included in the current version of the proposal form, to ensure that it is available to any organizations that might need it if they are participating in the pilot. Please do not complete this section unless you know your organization is eligible to participate in this pilot program.
- 1. Will your organization be seeking a two-year funding commitment from the FDC during this proposal cycle?
- 2. Please use this table to show which programs you will continue over a two-year period and list some milestones that you would like to report on after the first 8 months of your programs (to be achieved by 1 September 2015)
OPTIONAL: Multi-year funding pilot program
[edit]- DESCRIPTION SUBJECT TO CHANGE: As part of this pilot program, your organization will be asked to report on milestones reached by 1 September 2015 for your two-year programs by 1 October 2015. This information will be reviewed by the FDC during the 2015-2016 Round 1 proposal cycle, along with your annual plan and budget for the second year of funding, after which the second year of funding will be released by the FDC.
Table 9
Program name Start date Completion date Milestones (by 1 September 2015) Notes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 9 notes:
The FDC or FDC staff may reach out to you for more information about your two-year plans as part of this pilot program, or may need to make changes to this section of the proposal form based on early learnings from this pilot. Participating organizations, please bear with us.
Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities
[edit]Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Foundation Project and Event Grants Program .
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes
Once this proposal is complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- Daniel Charms (talk) 19:56, 1 October 2014 (UTC)
Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing.