Grants:APG/Proposals/2013-2014 round1/Wikimedia Sverige/Proposal form
Basic information
[edit]Overview of grant request
[edit]In order to support community review, in no more than one paragraph, please provide a brief description of your entity's forthcoming annual plan, with focus areas and key objectives. Please also include the total amount requested in US$.
- In 2014 Wikimedia Sverige seek to expand and deepen the activities that have proven to be successful. These are in the areas content liberation, community support, reach and readers, free knowledge in education and free knowledge awareness. We have during the years gained contacts and partnerships making our continued effort in these areas more efficient. Besides continuing on what has worked well we will explore some new projects e.g. the Wikibus as well as trying to import projects that have been successful for other chapters e.g. WikiAir from Wikimedia Israel. Our objectives over the year is to establish free knowledge, through the Wikimedia projects, within all these areas as something that is natural and that is something to embrace. Requested amount from FDC is 413,589 US$.
Contact information
[edit]Table 1
Organization information | Legal name of organization | Wikimedia Sverige |
organization's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) | 01/01–12/31 | |
12 month timeframe* of funds currently requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy) | 01/01/14–12/31/14 | |
Contact information (primary) | Primary contact name | Jan Ainali |
Primary contact position in organization | Chief Executive Officer | |
Primary contact username | Jan Ainali (WMSE) (talk) | |
Primary contact email | jan.ainali![]() | |
Contact information (secondary) | Secondary contact name | Mattias Blomgren |
Secondary contact position in organization | Chairman | |
Secondary contact username | Historiker | |
Secondary contact email | mattias.blomgren![]() |
*Timeframe should ideally be for a 12 month period that begins after the FDC decision.
Amount requested
[edit]Table 2
Currency requested: 2,800,000 SEK
- Currency requested is defined as the currency in which you wish to receive funds (e.g., EUR, GBP, INR). Note that the FDC makes grants in local currency when possible.
Exchange rate used (currency requested to $US): 6,77 09/25/13
- Please use on March 1 2014 to determine the exchange rate. Please use five decimal points.
Currency requested | US$ | |
Total annual expenses of organization | 5,201,500 | 768,316 |
Amount proposed to the FDC for the coming year's annual plan | 2,800,000 | 413,589 |
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources | 2,401,500 | 354,727 |
If applicable, amount of FDC funds allocated to organization last year | 2.350.000 | 347,119 |
- Based on the funding amount you are requesting, what is your entity's proposed rate of growth in budget since last year? Please explain your entity's rationale if your proposed budget will increase this year:
- Growth of requested amount 19% (growth in total 11%). There are still many opportunities where the chapter can fill an important role. The demand for more information and requests from organisations, institutions and schools on how they can contribute and use the Wikimedia projects are greater than the chapter can deliver at the current size. Today we have to put some external parties on hold since we are too few to handle them all.
Note the FDC Framework funding guidelines on the rate of growth of year-over-year FDC allocations. These guidelines relate not to an entity's overall budget, but rather to movement resources (that is, what the entity received through FDC allocations or grants or what the entity retained via payment processing in the prior funding cycle).
Background, history, and mission
[edit]This section provides the FDC an overview of your entity's background and history. Please respond to each question below with 1-2 sentences to a maximum of a paragraph.
- When was your entity established?
- November 20, 2007
- What is the mission of your entity, and how does it support the strategic priorities of the Wikimedia movement (infrastructure, participation, quality, reach, and innovation)? We note that Wikimedia movement priorities will be interpreted and addressed differently in each context.
- From the first paragraph in our bylaws: "The association shall work towards making knowledge freely accessible to all humans, especially by supporting the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. The association shall also work to spread knowledge about these projects, promote their use, and support technology essential for them."
- What is your current leadership structure (e.g., executive staff structure, board / governance structure)? Please explain how budgets are managed and programs are executed between board and staff.
- A board is appointed by the annual meeting which governs the chapter. The board has employed a CEO which manages the chapter on an operational level and executes the program plan. The staff develops programs and budget after directions from the board, and the board then propose that to the annual meeting.
- If applicable, how many members does your entity have, and how do you define membership (e.g., attendance at events, paying dues)?
- As of 2013-08-28 WMSE has 173 members. From the second paragraph in our bylaws: "Membership in the association is open to every natural person or legal entity. Wikimedia Sverige welcomes residents of Sweden as well as persons living abroad. Anyone who declares that he or she wants to contribute in accordance with the purpose of the association, and who pays the association's membership fee, can become a member."
- What is the role of volunteers in your entity (e.g., help develop entity plans, participate in programs, edit Wikipedia)? Approximately how many volunteers does your entity serve?
- Volunteers have several different roles in the chapter.
- Members are voting on the strategies, annual plan and budget through the annual meeting. Preceding that they participate in discussions both in physical meetings and on-wiki.
- Volunteers help us on events, such as edit-a-thons, workshops, fairs. Other volunteers attend these events to learn more.
- Volunteers borrow equipment from our technology pool, and we help them get accreditation to press events if needed.
- The number depend on how you count and what you mean by serve.
- The chapter has 178 members.
- The board has 8 members, all volunteers.
- There is an election committee with three members.
- Besides KPMG there is an internal auditor and two reserves.
- Up until september 15 more than 25 volunteers has helped the chapter through various activities.
- The Swedish projects community which are our primary focus had in June 2013 719 active users and 125 very active users.
- How do you know what the members of the community / communities you serve (including chapter members and broader online volunteers) need and want? How does this influence your strategic planning and decision-making?
- Most board members and employees are active in the projects and the village pumps which perhaps is the best source of feedback.
- Through events we meet a lot of editors, getting direct feedback. This sort of feedback is of high quality since you can get in depth on what is wanted and needed easier than in text conversations.
- We invite members to participate in the strategic planning and offer to cover costs of travel if needed.
Reflection on past activities and innovations
[edit]This section provides the FDC with information about your entity's past programs, activities and strategies. Please answer the questions below with your reflections on the past fiscal year. Responses to each question should be one or two paragraphs.
- How does your entity define and measure "success"?
- Wiktionary has a nice definition of success: "The achievement of one's aim or goal." Since our goal is to promote and provide free knowledge, we consider us successful when we can have that positive impact on society. We measure it by subdividing it up into smaller pieces, to our projects. They have been carefully selected and prioritized through long and hard work and involving both members and the community and when these are successful we know that we are on the right track.
- Please give at least three examples of successful programs or activities that your entity has completed, and explain why they were successful. If available, provide links to information.
- Wiki Loves Public Art, involved many new contributors and gave a lot of valuable content to the projects. Similarly to Wiki Loves Monuments, the concept is easy to explain and grasp, resulting in people getting really interested.
- Community support in different forms (minigrants, technology pool etc) has been working well. Volunteers that have started using our support often come back for more, even for other types of support. The contributions from these volunteers are generally of very high quality, partly due to excellent equipment but probably also from a high motivation from the volunteers who get the support.
- The Wikipedia in Education program has been very well received. While the program is still active and further evaluation is needed, one of the early results is that the knowledge about the chapter has increased rapidly among teachers. There is a lot of interest in Wikipedia there and they are very grateful to finally find someone to get coaching from.
- The Wikiskills project has had great impact on the teachers involved and they continue to use the Wikimedia projects in various ways in the daily life. See for example these blog posts for more information. [1][2]
- Our GLAM program has been successful specifically in terms that the awareness of the possibility to make material available on the Wikimedia projects has spread far beyond only those we have worked with. This has resulted in a higher demand for batch uploads than we can handle ourselves today.
- The Europeana Awareness project has been successful in terms of reach. Sixteen events has been arranged and over 800 people has been involved, leading to increased cooperation between chapters and other institutions.
- What are the plans/strategies that did not work for your entity in the past? What did your entity learn from those experiences? What changes were made after learning from these experiences?
- The evaluation from the cooperation with the Council of the Swedish Central Museums showed that even though they enjoyed it and they tried to do good stuff™ most often the projects were not anchored enough internally in the organisations, resulting in that the people contributing to the Wikimedia projects only got more to do and were not relieved of other work tasks. This made them not last as long as they expressed that they wished for. Similar comments were made in the evaluation of the Wikipedian in Academy at SLU. With that in mind, when we are talking to new organisations we make it clear to them that there is a "cost" for them too, that they need to be ready to invest in the time needed to make the good stuff come true.
- When working with other organisations it has sometimes been unclear where certain responsibilities are and what is expected from either party. We learned that one email too many is actually one too few regarding this. We are also looking into having more formal agreements, when the projects grow in size we find this more and more important.
- What else has your entity learned or innovated upon that could benefit the broader Wikimedia movement?
- We have learned that we do not need to be afraid to ask for favours or set demands. People want to work with us and we need to have the guts to tell it like it is, and how things should be done to give the best results. They do listen, probably because the behind-the-scenes is a bit of a mystery and they have no choice but also because of the brand is getting stronger and stronger everyday.
- There are a lot of oppurtunities to get external funding. Take a look if there are foundations (or other organisations) that give grants in any kind. Also, when applying for these, make sure to have at least one other partner organisation, our success in applications has been much higher when such partnerships has been present.
- Accreditations are getting easier to get. This year we have helped volunteers get access to a Royal Wedding, the Eurovision Song Contest and president Obama's visit to name but a few.
Please link to the following to provide supplemental information to the FDC:
- How does your entity share its work with your community and with the wider Wikimedia movement? For instance, publishing case studies on Meta, blog posts, newsletters, speeches at conferences, etc.
- We share our work in a number of ways:
- We take pride in always submitting our monthly chapters reports.
- We share our stories on the WMF blog, as of September 15 we have had 15 blog posts there in 2013.
- We use our own blog to post when the target group is mostly Swedes.
- We are active on both Facebook (746 fans) and Twitter (865 followers) where we announce blog posts and stories and also interact.
- In Wikimania 2013 we gave five presentations, moderated one workshop and participated in a panel discussion.
- With the new translation extension on Meta and Commons we have started making our printed material available through those (eg. Free Public Information Brochure).
- We post news on the Swedish Wikipedia noticeboard.
- We have a monthly newsletter, being sent out to over 250 people (members plus people just signing up for the newsletter).
- Link to most recently completed fiscal year annual plan
- Link to most recently completed fiscal year annual report and financial report
- Swedish (audited, signed and accepted by the Annual meeting)
- English
- Extended program report in English
- Public bookkeeping
- Link to most recently completed fiscal year grant report (if your entity has received funds from the FDC)
- Link to your entity's strategic plan if you have one
- Link to your organogram or organizational chart if one exists
- Link to your entity's current fiscal year plan and budget
Key programs / initiatives and objectives of the upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]These tables are intended to provide an overview of your entity's upcoming year annual plan and its alignment with the movement's strategic priorities; please provide short phrases or 1-3 bullet points for each program below. You can also link to any other documents that you think might be helpful as context.
Please ensure that your proposed programs are SMART; that is, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.
If you feel you have a program that fulfills a strategic goal that is not immediately identified with a movement strategic priority ('readership' rather than 'editorship', for instance), please add that in the table and offer us your rationale.
Finally, please also note which programs are the entity's priorities.
Community support
[edit]Community support
- What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
- The chapter shall support the community with both expertise and other resources.
- The goal is to help at least 5 community members with expertise and work time.
- The goal is to help at least 20 different community members getting access to resources they need to solve specific problems.
- The chapter shall strive to get a more diversified[1] userbase and including climate with low thresholds for new contributors.
- The chapter shall strive to make communication in the community easier.
- The goal is that there are regular[4] meetups on five places in Sweden.
- The goal is that the chapter actively support at least five by the community initiated activities that are open for the entire community and involve more than two persons.
- The goal is to arrange one meeting for the international Wikimedia Community.
- The chapter shall support and encourage subject matter experts of different kinds to actively contribute to the projects.
- The goal is to develop and test different concepts to attract subject matter experts.
- The goal is to get 10 articles reviewed by subject matter experts.
- Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
- Increase participation
- By supporting the community, and especially by making physical meetings possible we believe that they will become more active and stay for longer time.
- Improve quality
- By reaching out to subject matter experts our aim is to increase article quality.
- Encourage innovation
- By supporting the community to come up with new ideas and to help them where they get stuck our aim is to increase innovation.
- By continuing exploring possibilities that subject matter experts can participate we plan to try some new ideas.
- What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
- Different sorts of direct support with resources to the community:
- Minigrants - easy way for volunteers to apply for small sums.
- Technology pool - borrow high quality equipment (e.g. cameras, sound eqiupment, video cameras).
- Access to reference litterature - we will get reference litterature or access to databases.
- Insurance for volunteers during chapter activities (like photo-hunts).
- Travel grants.
- Support to the community where it is more than just resources needed:
- Expertise available (technical help desk)
- Help with accreditations - when the chapter is the applicant for a press accreditaion, the success rate is a lot higher than when a volunteer applies.
- Legal help to volunteers if needed.
- Support to the community in recurring activities:
- Photo workshops - learn how to take better photos and how to work in post to best support Commons.
- WikiAir - extension of the aerial photography program, inspired by Wikimedia Israel.
- Supporting meetups - the community get stronger, efficient and healthy by actually meeting each other.
- Arranging photo-hunts - a great and social way to collect needed content and also good for new users.
- Arranging edit-a-thons - special sort of meetup which is quite popular.
- Workshops with studying seniors, do a series of six workshops in collaboration with Uppsala Senior university.
- Swedish for immigrants project. A continuation of the ongoing project where immigrants in Sweden learn Swedish and Swedish culture by translating articles about Sweden to their native language.
- Women on Wikipedia-project, continutation of the ongoing project to get more women into the community.
- Contacts with subject matter experts, both to encourage them to contribute, but also to have them peer-review articles in their subject matter and give feedback.
- How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
- All activities conducted will be presented and documented in the Projekt-namespace on the chapter wiki.
- Support to the community will be tracked with separate pages for each activity i.e. the number of times the technology pool is utilised will be tracked on a separate page (which also includes concrete results such as uploaded images).
- For edits over time we will use wikimetrics or David's multi-account editcounter
- Meetups will be tracked on separate pages, listing where it is and the number of community members participating.
- Articles reviewed will be tracked on a separate page including what feedback is actually used by the community.
- All activities will be subject for an evaluation after completion.
Any additional details:
- The Women on Wikipedia-project has already secured funding from The Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs.
Content liberation
[edit]Content liberation
- What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
- The chapter shall create and dissiminate information and knowledge about free licenses.
- The goal is to publish at least one op-ed about why free licenses are important.
- The goal is to create an easy way to report misuse of free material.
- The goal is that more press services use free licenses correctly, making it easy to chose a free license and the user shall know what it means.
- The chapter shall influence agencies, public institutions and organisations so that they start using free licences.
- The goal is that at least 5 new organisations use free license for material they distribute.
- The goal is that at least 50% of the organisations that has released material under free licences will continue to do it during the year.[5]
- The goal is that the chapter actively shall spread information about all organisations that release material under a free license, i.e. on the website, press releases or the blog.
- The chapter shall give hands-on support to organisations that want to release their material under a free license.
- The goal is to create documentation and procedures on how you transfer large amount of files to Wikimedia Commons.
- The goal is that all organisations that want to release their material under a free license shall get the support they need to make it available and that they will be able to continue by themselves.
- Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
- Increase participation
- By making free licenses more known to the public our aim is to make more people available under such, in practice making them participants on free knowledge.
- Improve quality
- By making more freely licensed content available from different institutions the quality in the projects can increase.
- Increase reach
- By communicating why free licenses are good our aim is to increase the usage in situations where it today is underused.
- What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
- Op-ed writing.
- Misuse report system - today a lot of discussions on Swedish Wikipedia is about how to report misuse of free material. Because of that we want to make it easier to report it.
- Press service information - in Sweden there are some press services that allows for tagging images with Creative Commons licenses. In several cases there are reasons to believe that users of that press service do not realise the implications of that license. We want to support them in making that clearer to the user so that we can be sure that the content actually is reusable.
- Open database of Public Art - continuation with the ongoing project on making the first national database of all public art in Sweden.
- Help with batch uploading - hands-on practical help to GLAM-institutions in making their collections available on Commons.
- Creating better documentation for batch uploading - to help institutions prepare for batch uploading (and hopefully do it themselves) and to support more volunteers to do it.
- Improving documentation for Wikidata and data imports - there are a lot of questions in how this should be done, and a lot of interest in making data available on Wikidata.
- Help digitizing Public Domain music.
- Establish and maintain contacts in the GLAM-sector.
- Help institutions getting Wikipedians in residence.
- How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
- All activities conducted will be presented and documented on a separate page in the Projekt-namespace on the chapter wiki.
- All organisations that use free licenses will be listed in a separate page.
- In the end of the year, all organisations on the list above will be contacted to see if they continued to use free licenses. This will be marked in the same list.
- The documentation of batch uploading will be put on Wikimedia Commons, complementing what is already available.
- All batch uploads will be categorized with Category:Content made available through Wikimedia Sverige.
Any additional details:
Reach and readers
[edit]Reach and readers
- What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
- The chapter shall strive for a positive attitude towards, and increased use of, the Wikimedia projects and free knowledge by doing PR and educate the public and potential users in Sweden.
- The goal is to create a newsletter for media and the public about the Wikimedia projects and free knowledge which has at least 50 subscribers.
- The goal is to increase the number of proactive stories about Wikimedia projects in media.
- The goal is that the media shall be aware of the chapter as an expert in the subject matter.
- The chapter shall strive to that the projects give a great reader experience.
- The goal is to report technical problems quickly.
- The goal is to reduce the number of untranslated strings for the software[6] in Swedish by 50%.
- The goal is that new extensions from the Wikimedia Foundation[7] will be translated quickly so that the language is not a hinder to activation.
- The goal is to implement at least one functionality that enhances the reader experience.
- Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
- Increase participation
- By making reading the projects the best experience possible our aim is that the threshold to hit the edit-button will be lowered.
- By spreading the stories about the movement our aim is that more people will be convinced to participate themselves.
- Increase reach
- By making reading the projects the best experience possible our aim is that there will be no excuse to use other sources.
- By spreading the stories about the movement our aim is that more people will see the value in using at as a source of information.
- Encourage innovation
- By reporting bugs and doing new functionality and enhacing the readablilty our aim is that things not yet thought of will bring the projects forward.
- What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
- Write more extensive newsletters and for more audiences.
- Wiki Loves Monuments.
- Wiki Loves Public Art.
- Umepedia - QRpedia town in Umeå (Umeå is the Cultural Capital of Europe 2014).
- Research about media in Wikipedia - how is the press used in Wikipedia as sources.
- QRpedia town - one more in Sweden.
- Free recordings of Swedish music, make new recordings of public domain music.
- The Wiki bus - A sort of "Wiki takes X" but in grander scale. Combining photohunts, local GLAM-work, editi-a-thons and information to the public all during a short period of time in one city.
- Meme videos - create funny and thought provoking videos about Wikipedia and how it actually works.
- Bug reporting - scanning what people are finding for troubles and submit those to bugzilla.
- Translations - make sure that the interface is translated to Swedish.
- Wikimaps - support the ongoing project on bringing a map of the world with adjustable time to Wikipedia.
- Alt texts - to increase usability for people visual impairments we want to investigate (and if possible, implement) increased use of the Alt-text tag for images on Wikipedia.
- How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
- All activities conducted will be presented and documented on a separate page in the Projekt: namespace on the chapter wiki.
- We will measure the amount of traditional media and social media mentions.
- For translation, we will use metrics from translatewiki.
- We will measure web traffic on the Wiki Loves Monuments and Wiki Loves Public Art websites.
- We will use the built in tool on QRpedia for stats on that usage.
- Number of newsletters and subscribers will be tracked.
- We will keep track on all requests from media to the chapter.
- All bugs reported will be documented in a list.
- The Swedish projects village pumps will be monitored for discussions on new extensions and the measure will be that there is no decision to wait because of no translations, and also requests for enabling in bugzilla should not result in a negative answer due to lack of translations.
Any additional details:
Free knowledge in education
[edit]Free knowledge in education
- What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
- The chapter shall strive to make research financed with public funding to be published under a free license.
- The goal is to establish contacts with three financers of research.
- The chapter shall educate teachers to integrate Wikipedia into education, prominently by encouraging students to actively contribute.
- The goal is to have at least two half day seminars at Teacher training colleges.
- The goal is that at least 10 different courses in University level have contributed to the creation or spreading of free knowledge.
- The goal is to display and promote at least two nice examples on how Wikipedia can be used in education.
- The goal is to create a package for secondary education with a clear connection to the curriculum that immediately can be used by schools. The package shall include exercises, contacts to volunteers and other teaching material, all collected in a web portal that explains the contents.
- The goal is that 25 different classes have received diplomas for good contributions after reporting to a feedback process.[8]
- Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
- Increase participation
- By getting Wikipedia accepted in the school environment our aim is that we will lay the ground for a new generation of contributors. If everyone really understands how it is built and why it actually works the excuse of not knowing gets erased.
- Improve quality
- By making research published under free license it will be easier to integrate them in the Wikimedia projects.
- By having university courses contribute with content after proper training the quality will increase.
- Increase reach
- By getting Wikipedia accepted in the school environment our aim is that we will lay the ground for a new generation of readers and promoters of our projects.
- Encourage innovation
- By having university courses contribute in other ways than just writing articles our aim is to find some novel ideas on improvement.
- What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
- Seminars and workshops for teachers and teacher students.
- Training Wikipedia Ambassadors.
- Create an educational package that includes exercises, contacts to volunteers and other teaching material. Create a supporting portal so the package is easy to find and easy to adapt for individual teachers.
- Create feedback process for evaluation of classes contributions. Briefly, classes that use Wikipedia in different ways in the classroom can send a report to the chapter which evaluates their work. If what they have done is of a certain standard we will issue a diploma they can put on the wall in the classroom.
- Swedish for immigrants project. A continuation of the ongoing project where immigrants in Sweden learn Swedish and Swedish culture by translating articles about Sweden to their native language. This activity is listed here and in community support, here because it is in an educational setting and in community support because of that it will get a wider diversity in the community at large.
- Establish and maintain contacts with financers of research.
- How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
- All activities conducted will be presented and documented on a separate page in the Projekt-namespace on the chapter wiki.
- Courses that edit on Wikipedia will be tracked by the Education Program extension.
- University courses that engage with Wikimedia in other ways will be listed on a separate page.
- All seminars, workshops and training sessions will be tracked with number of people attending, time spent and if possible, we will setup cohorts for Wikimetrics or David's multiaccount edit counter.
- All classes that are awarded with the diplomas will be listed on a separate page.
- When the education package has been around for some time, a survey will be given to the teachers, mainly asking on how complete and easy to use it was and if the fit to the curriculum was obvious.
Any additional details:
Free knowledge awareness
[edit]Free knowledge awareness
- What are the objectives of this program? Please use SMART criteria to explain these goals.
- The chapter shall strive to get free knowledge and free licenses on the political agenda.
- The goal is to establish new and maintain exeisting relations with opinion leaders and decision makers.
- The goal is to increase the collaboration with like minded organisations.
- The goal is to develop a strategy for advocacy.
- The chapter shall influence the overarching agencies to encourage the use of Wikimedia projects in their areas.
- The goal is that key people in overarching agencies are brought together in a meeting arranged by the chapter.
- Which Wikimedia movement strategic priority (or priorities) does this program address and how?
In this program the effects are a bit indirect and on a longer term. What we see that this will lead to eventually is:
- Increase participation
- By making free knowledge and licenses something that is discussed and thought of, our aim is that more people will use them and contribute. What you are not aware of you cannot help with.
- Improve quality
- By making free knowledge and licenses something that opinion leaders, decision makers and agencies care about our aim is that more institutions will make their material available to the Wikimedia projects.
- Increase reach
- By getting opion leaders promoting free knowledge the value of it will be more clear and usage will increase.
- What key activities and/or milestones are associated with this program?
- Training of volunteers, board members and staff so that they all can be good evangelists for free knowledge.
- Developing the strategy for advocay.
- Co-arrange conferences with organisations and institutions in Sweden where free knowledge (in the wider sense) is discussed.
- Establish and maintain contacts with opinion leaders and decision makers.
- How will your entity document, track, and measure successes and challenges of this program?
- All activities conducted will be presented and documented on a separate page in the Projekt-namespace on the chapter wiki.
- Number of people getting trained will be measured.
- All collaborations and their nature will be kept track on a separate page.
- The strategy development will be considered successful if approved by the board.
- The number of key people attending the meeting will be recorded.
Any additional details:
Additional context for the upcoming year's annual plan / SWOT
[edit]Please provide 1-2 paragraphs for each response below. SWOT stands for your organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- What organizational strengths enable your entity's plan (e.g., leadership, education program expertise, experience with outreach, governance structure, community participation, fundraising)?
- Well motivated and competent staff that are gaining a lot of experience.
- Engaged board with important community connections.
- Diversity of skills and knowledge within the board.
- Proactive work by the staff concerning transparency towards the community and the public in general.
- Clearly defined responsibilities both within the board and among the employees.
- Ready and stable infrastructure (office, contacts etc.)
- Staff and board has a broad network.
- Key staff come from the community knows the movement by heart.
- Good experience in applying for grants.
- What external opportunities enable your entity's plan (e.g., socio-political context, community participation, fundraising)?
- Strong interest from GLAM institutions.
- Strong interest from the education sector.
- Possibility to get co-funded for GLAM and education work.
- There is a lot of funds that we are eligible to apply for.
- Sweden has a high internet / computer maturity, potential for a very large user base.
- Culture of joining non-profits, potential for many members in the chapter.
- The acceptance of Wikipedia is high, a lot of people use it as readers.
- What are key risks or threats that would prevent you from achieving your plan (e.g., leadership turnover, governance challenges, lawsuits, fundraising, community participation, socio-political context)?
- The plan requires Wikimedia Sverige to raise additional funds over two million SEK to achieve all the set goals.
- Not getting funds we are granted paid in time or getting grants approved too late in the year.
- Even though being members of non-profits is usual, doing volunteer work is not that common.
- Large country leads to a lot of travel time.
- How will you minimize these risks and threats?
- Make the fundraising more efficient and diversify revenue sources, for details, see the section about Financial_sustainability.
- Split volunteer work into small work chunks and clearly show where a volunteers work is appreciated. This will go hand in hand with keep travel at a low rate.
Financials: year-to-date progress
[edit]This section provides the FDC information about how your entity is progressing against the current fiscal year's planned budget (revenues and costs).
Please provide the relevant information below. "Year-to-date" refers to the period between the start of your entity's current fiscal year and the date of submission of the proposal. Actual year-to-date financials should be provided as close to the proposal submission date as possible.
Identify the year-to-date for which you are reporting, month/year to month/year:
- 01-13 to 06-13
Table 3
Current fiscal year planned budget Year-to-date actuals Projected final amount In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US Revenues (from all sources) 4,700,000 694,239 1,840,219 271,820 3,865,857 571,028 Spending 4,700,000 694,239 1,810,099 267,371 3,865,857 571,028
Table 3 details, if necessary:
- Our external fundraising has been slower than expected, but fortunately we have managed to cut spending in due time to stay in balance over the year.
- Based on the variance percentages above, please describe how your entity is progressing against revenue and spending targets. If your projected final amount shows your entity to be significantly under or over target on either revenue or spending, please provide a detailed explanation.
Financials: upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Please note that the FDC staff is currently exploring alternatives to wikitables for financial information. This issue will be addressed by the time the proposal creation tool is launched on September 1, 2013. Provide your financial overview for the upcoming year in the format below.
Please link to your detailed budget in a publicly available spreadsheet file (translation into English highly recommended) in addition to completing the tables below. Detailed budget link:
Financial sustainability
[edit]- What other donors support your work through grants beyond those in the Wikimedia movement? If your entity does receive funding from other donors, please list a contact person. Note that the donor's contact details can be sent directly to if you prefer not to publish it here.
Note that the FDC staff may contact these donors.
- The Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs, contact person Helena Lundgren. The chapter has recieved funding for the project Women on Wikipedia which continues into 2014.
- In 2013 major funding outside FDC were; Europeana (Europeana Awareness), The Ynternet Foundation (Wikiskills), Vinnova (Open database of public art), .SE (Swedish for immigrants) and the Chelha foundation (Access to reference litterature). None of these are, as of September 17, funding us in 2014.
- Smaller revenue sources are membership fees, donations, reimbursements for travel costs when we are doing seminars.
- What are your entity's plans for achieving long-term financial sustainability?
- We will continue applying for project grants, as of September 17 we have applications who are being reviewed with a value in total over 2 million SEK. We are getting better at applying and also start to get a library of useful material, meaning that applications take shorter time to create.
- We have recently been doing an investigation on the matters of how we can receive money for work we do without risking our for-the-coomon-good tax exemption status. It has been very good and we expect to be able to easier have partnerships where we do not bear all the costs. We find this a major success and based on requests ths year it might be enough to fund one FTE.
- We will start to better advertise that we accept donations. Today we are quite anonymous and we expect to increase private donation with a factor 5 that way.
- We are investigating in what ways we might be eligble funding as a popular education movement. If successful that can lead to really long-term financial sustainability.
- We will try to grow our membership, this will lead to an increase in membership fees, but more importantly give us more contacts and find where funds are available.
[edit]Please list anticipated revenues, by source (e.g., FDC, Wikimedia grants programs, grants from institutional donors, public funding, membership fees, local donations, event fees)
Table 4
Revenue source Anticipated (in currency requested) Anticipated (In $US)
Membership fees 50,000 7,386 Donations 105,600 15,598 FDC grant 2,800,000 413,589 Interest and misc 20,000 2,954 Other grants 2,085,000 307,976 The Swedish National Board for Youth Affairs 140,900 20,812
Table 4 notes, if necessary:
Current entity staff and long-term contractors
[edit]Role/functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff and long-term contractors.
Table 5
Role / Function Number of staff Percentage of staff time* Chief Executive Officer 1 100 Program Managers 2+1 2x100% + 1x60% Project Managers 1 15% Project Assistants 1+1 100% + 10% Financial Administrator 1 50%
*Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members. For example, for full-time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half time staff, you would put 50% in this column.
Table 5 notes, if necessary:
Proposed new staff and and long-term contractors for upcoming year's annual plan
[edit]Role / functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff and long-term contractors.
Table 6
Department (e.g. Programs, Communications) Number of current staff Percentage of current staff time* Number of upcoming staff Percentage of upcoming staff time* Rationale for hiring new staff [no new hiring] Consolidating to full-time [no new hiring, education manager currently vacant and to be filled in the next months] Consolidating project-assistant to full-time to keep up with demand. [no new hiring] Adjusting down from 50%. [no new hiring] Communication and outreach is an important part in many of our projects, and we currently lack of experience in this field. Will be hired as soon as enough external funding is secured. Project assistant(s) for externally funded projects. How many, how intense and how long these are depend on when the funds are granted and what terms they have, but we budget it to be 1 FTE in total during 2014.
*Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members and long-term contractors. For example, for full-time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half-time staff, you would put 50% in this column.
Table 6 notes, if necessary:
- We have somewhat redefined our need of staff and the setup. This means this table shows the plan for the chapter in total, and not additions from last year. It is still quite easy to compare it with Table 5 to see increases and decreases.
- New positions:
- GLAM-technician 100%
- Communications officer 100%
- Changed positions:
- Program Manager 60%, becomes 100%
- Financial Administrator 50%, becomes 20%
- Eliminated positions:
- Project Managers 15%
- Project Assistants 10%
Summary of staff and long-term contractor expenses
[edit]Table 7
In currency requested In $US Percent increase Current staff expenses 3,040,000 449,040 Proposed increase for current staff expenses Proposed increase for new staff expenses Total staff expenses 3,804,000 561,891 25%
Please estimate the percentage of overall staff time spent on programmatic work, as opposed to administration:
- As indicated below, administrative costs in total are about 120,000 SEK, which would make a percentage of 97% to programmatic work.
Table 7 notes, if necessary:
- Current staff will be entitled to an increase of about 2-3% per the collective agreement with the union around spring 2014.
- Staff costs for the CEO and probably the education manager will increase as they will work throughout the full year, costs for the financial administrator are likely to decrease somewhat.
- This table does not really fit with the changes that we are making to give meaningful information. Se notes in Table 6 above and compare it with Table 5.
Expenses by program / initiative
[edit]Expenses are costs associated with any programs, initiatives, or projects your entity manages (e.g., event costs, materials, transportation). Please exclude any staff costs that are included above. “Programs / initiatives” might include education programs, outreach programs, microgranting initiatives, etc. Please include any administration costs (e.g., office space rental, utilities) affiliated with each program along with any overall administration costs that are not affiliated with any particular program (e.g., Administration should be considered a "Program" under the first column.)
Table 8a
Program / initiative In currency requested In $US Community support 435,500 64,328 Content liberation 118,000 17,430 Reach and readers 189,000 28,656 Free knowledge in education 47,000 6,942 Free knowledge awareness 18,000 2,656 Operating costs 585,000 86,411 Total program expenses (should equal the sum of the rows) 1,397,500 206,425
Table 8 notes, if necessary:
- Operating costs include about 120,000 SEK administrative costs for accounting, audit, legal etc.
Summary of total revenues and expenses
[edit]Table 9
In currency requested In $US Total cash balance as of proposal submission 831,593 122,835 Total revenues 5,201,500 768,316 Total spending 5,201,500 768,316 Net (revenues less expenses) 0 0 Operating reserves,* if applicable
Table 9 notes, if necessary:
- Cash balance as of September 30. The cash balance includes tied-up funds for projects 2013 and 2014. For comparison, the equity as of June 30 was 513,104 SEK, including 150,941 SEK reserves transferred from the 2012 grant.
Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities
[edit]Enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Grants Program.
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes
Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes. No changes can be made to the documents after the deadlines for completion passes, and documents will automatically be considered 'submitted' after the deadline closes.
- Jan Ainali (WMSE) (talk) 08:12, 1 October 2013 (UTC)
- ↑ Diversification here defined as:
- women
- contributors whose native language are different than the largest Wikipedias.
- contributors 60 years or older
- ↑ Active: >5 edits/month
- ↑ The first completed activity, if the contributors partakes in further activities the counter is not reset.
- ↑ At least four/year.
- ↑ Providing they have more material to release.
- ↑ MediaWiki (most used) and Extensions used by Wikimedia
- ↑ for common deployement
- ↑ Applies to primary school (class 7-9), secondary school and Swedish for immigrants.