Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round2/Wikimédia France/Progress report form/Q3
Basic informations
[edit]Table 1
Entity information | Legal name of entity | Wikimédia France |
Entity's fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) | 07/01-06/30 | |
12 month timeframe of funds awarded (mm/dd/yy-mm/dd/yy) | 07/01/13 - 06/30/14 | |
Contact information (primary) | Primary contact name | Nathalie Martin |
Primary contact position in entity | Executive Director | |
Primary contact username | Nathalie Martin (WMFR) | |
Primary contact email | | |
Contact information (secondary) | Secondary contact name | Christophe Henner |
Secondary contact position in entity | Vice Président | |
Secondary contact username | Schiste | |
Secondary contact email | |
Overview of this quarter
[edit]The purpose of this section is to provide a brief overview of this report. Please use no more than 1-2 paragraphs to address the questions outlined below. You will have an opportunity to address these questions in detail elsewhere in this report.
CHANGES: Please describe how you changed your plans and budget based on the FDC allocation approved by the Board in December 2012, and your rationale for these changes. You can then use the changed plans and budget as the basis on which to report back on the first quarter.
HIGHLIGHTS: What were 1–2 important highlights of the past quarter? (These may include successes, challenges, lessons learned.)
- The strategic project was drawn up between October 2013 and February 2014, led by a working group made up of members of the executive board and the executive director. It was approved by the executive board on March 31 2014.
- The strategic project has passed through some major stages: at the general meeting in October 2013, members were invited to take part in a workshop aimed at drawing up the strategic plan. A working weekend was organized in a neutral environment to define the strategic guidelines. On this occasion, the executive board, the employees and the active members representing the actions carried out by the association (photographers, people involved in the regions, people involved in outside associations, etc.) were asked to think about the association’s involvement in its environment and everyone’s role in the association.
- The guidelines and the strategy weekend were invaluable for online discussions. The committed volunteers jointly drew up the association’s strategy, which was adopted at the end of March. Made up of our vision for the future, the association’s charter and the action plan, it will help to give structure to our work.
- The new premises: after a fairly wide-ranging search, we managed to find new premises that matched our expectations. Our current premises could no longer cope with the number of employees, the needs of members or the number of appointments. We have chosen a district of Paris well served with transport and close to Saint-Lazare railway station. The premises include an entrance hall with machine room, a room for volunteers, an office for the “Finance” department and “Resources” department, a management office, an office for the management assistant, a meeting room and an office for the “Development” department and “Network” department. Two of the offices will also contain a meeting room. We hope that the premises will be used to host training sessions and increase the number of meetings with volunteers.
- Changes in the employee team: Carol-Ann O'Hare, head of education and research, has left the association to take up a new career. Pierre-Antoine Le Page has been recruited as head of territorial organization, Ania Szyska has joined the team as an accountant and Mathieu Denel as an outreach and evaluation coordinator.
WIKI-FOCUS: What Wikimedia projects was your entity focused on (e.g., Wiki Commons, French Wiktionary) this quarter?
- This quarter we have mainly worked on projects based on Wikipedia. When organizing editathons and contribution workshops, we have insisted on the need to train new contributors to Wikipedia and to add high-quality content. We have also run projects on Wikimedia Commons with the aim of importing varied, high-quality content with a wealth of descriptive metadata.
GROWTH: How did your entity grow over the past quarter vs. the previous quarter (e.g., Number of active editors reached/involved/added, number of articles created, number of events held, number of partipants reached through workshops)?
- number of new contributors trained during the activities organized by Wikimedia France: approximately 143
- number of contents added to Wikimedia Commons with the support of Wikimedia France: 4649
- number of octets of text added to Wikipedia by new trained contributors: 2,060,267
- number of contributions made to Wikipedia by new contributors: 3567
- number of voluntary participations in the association’s work: 75 (one volunteer may be involved in different actions)
- number of photographers supported by Wikimedia France: 28
Financial summary
[edit]The FDC requires information about how your entity received and spent money over the past year. The FDC distributes general funds, so your entity is not required to use funds exactly as outlined in the proposal. While line-item expenses will not be examined, the FDC and movement wants to understand why the entity spent money in the way it did. If variance in budgeted vs. actual is greater than 20%, please provide explanation in more detail. This helps the FDC understand the rationale behind any significant changes. Note that any changes from the Grant proposal, among other things, must be consistent with the WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, must be reported to WMF, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement. The WMF mission is "to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally."
Revenues for this quarter
[edit]Provide exchange rate used :
- 1€ = 1.308 USD (rate used in the proposal)
Table 2 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- Please also include any in-kind contributions or resources that you have received in this revenues table. This might include donated office space, services, prizes, food, etc. If you are to provide a monetary equivalent (e.g. $500 for food from Organization X for service Y), please include it in this table. Otherwise, please highlight the contribution, as well as the name of the partner, in the notes section.
Revenue source Currency Anticipated Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Anticipated ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Explanation of variances from plan Donors by direct debit € 35,000 4,807 13,601 16,159 - 34,566 45,780 45,212 We will raise a little bit more than expected with the direct debit Donations to WMFr € 20,000 34,717 185,878 6,335 - 226,930 26,160 296,824 Donations number falled in Q3 because main of our donors give donations to WMFr at the end of the year because of tax receipt Major donors and sponsors € 50,000 1,500 23,942 3,100 - 28,542 65,400 37,333 We didn't have any major donors' event during this quarter Public support for civic service € 11,880 0 0 0 - 0 15,539 0 Cancellation of civic service needs Members fees € 15,000 2,596 2,850 856 - 6,302 19,620 8,243 We had less members than expected in 2013-2014 Financial interest € 15,000 0 0 17,848 - 17,848 19,620 23,345 Co-funds € 9,500 0 0 0 - 0 12,426 0 We paid the CRM development without co-funders Grants € 1,000 0 0 0 - 0 1,308 0 Expected for Q4 Benefits € 1,000 0 0 0 - 0 1,308 0 Shop € 140 0 0 0 - 0 183 0 TOTAL € 158,520 43,620 226,270.9 44,298 - 314,188 207,344 410,958 We raised +98% than we expected. In fact we made a poor estimation of the amount we would raise in 2013-2014 because it was the first year that we collect on our own so we didn't have baseline. These results served us as basis for the 2014-2015 FDC proposal in order to be closer to reality for next year.
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Expenditure during this quarter
[edit]Table 3 Please report all spending in the currency of your grant unless US$ is requested.
- (The "budgeted" amount is the total planned for the year as submitted in your proposal form or your revised plan, and the "cumulative" column refers to the total spent to date this year. The "percentage spent to date" is the ratio of the cumulative amount spent over the budgeted amount.)
Expense Currency Budgeted Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cumulative Budgeted ($US)* Cumulative ($US)* Percentage spent to date Explanation of variances from plan Wikimedia Movement € 17,000 4,484 0 2,089 - 6,573 22,236 8,597 38.7% - Territorial development € 17,100 0 758 2,404 - 3,162 22,367 4,136 18.49% This period focused on the analysis of needs and meeting with local groups. This time help us to identify the best expectations and desires of members to initiate projects in the coming months. Education € 11,200 294 2,909 107 - 3,310 14,650 4,329 29.55% - Research € 1,650 40 87 0 - 127 2,158 166 7.7% - Francophonie, Afripédia and languages of France € 30,000 7,196 2,698 0 - 9,894 39,240 12,941 32.99% Following the arrival of the new project manager, projects and processes have been overhauled. The costs are merely shifted in time. Technical projects € 3,000 186 187 309 - 682 3,924 892 22.73% Idem Community projects € 30,547 1,869 4,883 167 - 6,919 39,955 9,050 22.65% Idem Semantic € 16,000 4,148 85 0 - 4,233 20,928 5,536 26.45% Idem Outreach € 2,500 898 3,435 0 - 4,333 3,270 5,667 173.32% Idem GLAM € 5,000 0 116 253 - 369 6,540 483 7.38% Idem Documentation and communication € 12,700 122 6,362 0 - 6,484 16,612 8,481 51.05% Idem Europeana support € 30,000 0 30,000 0 - 30,000 39,240 39,240 100% We spend all the budget we planned on this project Associative partners € 1,000 750 0 0 - 750 1,308 981 75% - Functioning (office and equipment, administration, association obligations) € 100,560 23,023 44,079 83,086 - 150,188 131,532 196,446 149.35% - Fundraising and sponsorship € 42,430 2,609 18,934 5,116 - 26,659 55,498 34,870 62.83% The purchase of products from suppliers for the e-shop will entail significant costs on Q4 Staff expenses € 376,321 62,265 92,584 93,601 - 248,450 492,227 324,972 66.02% - TOTAL € 697,008 107,884 207,117 187,132 - 502,133 911,686 656,789 72.04% Following the recruitment and the arrival of three new employees this quarter, projects and processes have been overhauled. The costs are merely shifted in time.
* Provide estimates in US Dollars
Progress toward this year's goals/objectives
[edit]This section addresses the impact of the programs / initiatives* and objectives your entity has implemented over the past quarter and the progress your entity is making toward meeting this year's goals. We understand that some metrics may not be applicable in this quarterly report, so please add metrics here if they are applicable.
*In the past, the FDC has used the term 'initiative', but we are using the term 'program.'
Program 1: Supporting the communities
[edit]Wikimedia France aims to support the communities of contributors to Wikimedia projects, to enable them to provide more content and improve its quality.
To achieve this aim, we may mention the purchase of photography equipment, the allocation of small grants for specific projects (organizing a meeting, buying an essential source for a theme, etc.).
Through this program, Wikimedia France also seeks to support the emergence and activities of local contributor communities.
In this respect it takes part in the French-language Wikimedian group WikiFranca.
- The overall aims of the project are
To support the activities of the community of members and project contributors, by providing them with tools to help them structure themselves and helping them to consider the Wikimedia movement as a resource for supporting their actions.
To achieve this we have set precise targets for a few key points:
- the diversification and increase in applications for micro-funding from the association (target: over 30 applications in 2013);
- an increase in the number of contents produced by contributors with the support of Wikimedia France; a content is identified as “supported by Wikimedia France” if:
- the association has helped to finance equipment used to produce content (camera, photo studio, etc),
- if the association has financed travel used to produce content,
- if the association has helped to enable access to the content (photo accreditation for an event, opening of a particular place, special access, etc.);
- the target for this period is to have at least:
- 9,000 photographs supported by Wikimedia France,
- 5 % of these photographs having been given a label on Wikimedia Commons,
- these photographs having been produced by over 80 different contributors;
- to be an active support in encouraging the structuring of the French-language community (aim: to help to create two French-speaking chapters).
There is no specific timeline defined upstream for the project; the micro-funding committee and the photo group have not decided on an action timeline by quarter.
However, there is a timeline for the “Francophonie” project:
- September – January 2013-2014: organization of a joint project
- April 2014: preparation of a “Francophonie” colloquium and languages to be organized by end 2014
- Involvement of volunteers
- Volunteers are central to this aim, particularly through their participation in photography projects. They design, take part in, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the projects.
- The micro-funding committee is also run by a volunteer team that monitors, sorts through and approves applications from contributors.
- Involvement of employees
For the micro-funding committee, employee support is provided by sending the requested equipment.
Concerning support for content production, employee involvement is provided by opening up accreditations and managing photo equipment (purchases, loans, etc, especially in Paris).
Metrics | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Year-to-date | Objective
Micro-Funding | ||||||
Number of requests | 7458 | 5764 | 4178 | 17401 | 9000 | |
Support to the photographers | ||||||
Number of files put online | 7457 | 5763 | 4178 | 17398 | 9000 | |
% of files put on line and having received a label | 207 (2.78%) | 162 (2.81%) | 170 (4.07%) | 539 (3.10%) | 5% | |
Number of users | 25 | 29 | 28 | 52 | 80 | |
Support to the french-speaking groups for the creation of chapters | ||||||
Number of supported groups | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
- Support for photographers
Concerning support for taking photographs, the main events covered are sporting events (Women’s Six Nations Rugby Tournament, Paris International Fencing Challenge, Emmanuel Ducher Water-polo League Cup, Roller Derby in Toulouse, etc). The new partnership with the Amaury Sport Organization (ASO) has enabled us to attend a first event: the Paris half-marathon. In addition, a complete inventory of the events organized by the Amaury Sport Organization has been drawn up and proposed to volunteer photographers so that they can let us know the events for which they would like to obtain accreditation. The list of events that we may attend is open on Meta: Événements ASO
Yebrugal Melese wins the Paris half marathon 2014
Start of Paris half marathon 2014.
Yebrugal Melese & Mulle Wasihun, the two winners of the Paris half marathon 2014.
A set of photos has also been taken in the cultural and religious institutions in Alsace (Sélestat humanist library, “Ciné-Bal de l'Aubette” in Strasbourg, European Bioethics Forum, Strasbourg Museum of Fine Art, Alsace Museum, Alsace Protestant community).
La Garde civique de Saint-Adrien by Cornelis Engelsz 1612. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg
Ciné Bal de l'Aubette, Strasbourg
Bust of Johann Mentelin in the Bibliothèque humaniste of Sélestat
Wikimedia France also took part in the "Wiki Loves Parliament" operation, supporting several members with equipment supplied by the association. These photographers played an active part, taking photographs of members of the European Parliament.
The studio
Wikimedian photographer in the EP
Wikimedian photographer shooting a parliament member
During March, twenty Wikimedians from Western France and Paris met in Carnac for a “menhir hunt”: having been split into groups in the area, they spent a day exploring one of the world’s biggest concentrations of megalithic monuments; the participants photographed dozens of menhirs, dolmens, gallery graves, alignments and cairns, as well as the other protected monuments in the surrounding area. Most of those who took part were members of Wikimedia France and one of them was equipped with the "Atget" photo pack.
Petit-Ménec alignments in Carnac
The Great Menhir of Er Grah in Locmariaquer
Chapelle Saint-André in Locmarec
Gallery grave of Luffang
- Micro-funding
The micro-funding committee financed 7 projects during the quarter:
- The copying of a book out of print but in stock in the French National Library
- Covering the cost of hosting Salebot, the main vandal-proof robot on French-language Wikipedia
- The organization of photo field trips to historic monuments in the Reims region for a group of young people in difficulty,
- An aerial photo flight south-west of Paris to photograph monuments
- Wikidata presentation in Bordeaux,
- A conférence on Vikidia at SugarCamp
- A subscription to a regional newspaper for contributors looking to gain easier access to secondary sources for their contributions to Wikipedia.
- Support for the French-language community
Wikimedia France also provides new contributors with free “Welcome to Wikipedia” booklets, on request by e-mail. For the first time, we have received requests from abroad and have supported contributors in Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania.
- Library
With the prospect of moving into new premises, we have decided to set up a library. We have therefore taken an inventory of all the books owned by the association so that we can lend them to contributors if necessary and help them improve the encyclopedia. We have also purchased books on the following themes: developing volunteer work and the associative project, with a view to giving the various people concerned a clearer understanding of the reorganization process in which we are involved.
- What worked
- Photography is attracting more and more volunteers, especially for sports photography.
- Microfunding applications are now dealt with on Meta, which helps make them more visible for project contributors. They have diversified this quarter, which is encouraging.
- What did not work?
While the “Wiki Loves Parliament” operation went well overall, the association is sad to report the theft, in the Paris-Strasbourg train, of a bag containing the Fañch pack as well as the photographer’s personal equipment, for a total value of over 8000 €. It turned out that our insurance did not adequately cover the loss. We have since reviewed our insurance policies and are discussing which equipment will or will not be replaced, depending on feedback about the use that was made of it. We are also in discussion about drawing up a prevention document concerning the risks linked to equipment transport.
- Comment
Support through accreditation and support through equipment purchase are not mutually exclusive: some images will be counted as both equipment support and accreditation support.
Action | Number of media | Usage on Wikimedia projects | References |
SIRES Reims | 183 on the quarter, 183 in total | 96 used 169 times | Glamorous |
Action | Number of media | Usage on Wikimedia projects | References |
2014 Women's Six Nations Championship - France vs Italy | 191 on the quarter, 191 in total | 25 used 45 times | Glamorous |
4ème forum européen de bioéthique | 19 in total | 11 used 15 times | Glamorous |
Bibliothèque humaniste de Sélestat | 126 in total | 20 used 26 times | Glamorous |
Challenge international de Paris 2014 | 166 in total | 16 used 40 times | Glamorous |
Championnes de cœur | 28 on the quarter, 28 in total | 23 used 69 times | Glamorous |
Ciné-bal de l'Aubette | 25 in total | 4 used 4 times | Glamorous |
Coupe de la Ligue Emmanuel Ducher 2014 | 59 in total | 1 used 1 times | Glamorous |
Coupe du monde sabre dames d'Orléans 2014 | 94 in total | 17 used 47 times | Glamorous |
La Garde civique de Saint-Adrien Cornelis Engelsz 1612 | 25 in total | 4 used 7 times | Glamorous |
Paris - RM Auctions - 5 février 2014 | 393 in total | 4 used 5 times | Glamorous |
Paris Half Marathon 2014 | 17 on the quarter, 17 in total | 14 used 28 times | Glamorous |
Paris Volley-Guberniya Nizhny Novgorod | 6 in total | 1 used 2 times | Glamorous |
Sheffield Steel Rollergirls vs Nothing Toulouse | 28 on the quarter, 28 in total | 3 used 3 times | Glamorous |
Tournoi International Grand Paris Seine Ouest 2014 | 2 in total | 1 used 4 times | Glamorous |
Wikipedians in European Parliament | 219 in total | 30 used 40 times | Glamorous |
Program 2: Research and development
[edit]Wikimedia France aims to support Wikimedia projects and contributors by producing or contributing towards the development of tools.
These may concern the internal running of the association, the involvement of members and the development of our projects.
- The main reasons for developing tools are
- to automatically or semi-automatically improve Wikimedia project content;
- to propose better monitoring of our actions and projects, in addition to our indicators;
- to encourage better re-use of Wikimedia project content, with the aim of sharing knowledge and promoting our projects.
- The general aims of this project are
The aims of the development program are based on creating or supporting tools used to report on, import or disseminate Wikimedia project content.
We have identified three main targets for this program:
- as part of the Semanticpedia project developed in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Inria, provide a stable semantic extraction of Wikipedia in French and take over hosting from Inria, which has entrusted us with the technical management of the project since July 2013;
- in order to support imports of content from cultural institutions into Wikimedia Commons, contribute to the financing and experimentation of the GLAMwiki Toolset developed in partnership with Wikimedia NL, Wikimedia UK, Wikimedia CH and Europeana; alongside this, the association is considering designing a toolset also aimed at the GLAMs, but for more modest institutions, to help them contribute autonomously.
- support and improve the Wikiscan tool, which allows us to obtain statistics for contributions to French-language Wikipedia (the tool was developed by a French contributor).
- Semanticpedia timeline
- Winter 2013-2014: application competition organized by the General Delegation for the French language and the languages of France (DGLFLF) and Wikimedia France to encourage the re-use of Semanticpedia
- December 2013: launch the competition
- March 1st 2014: close the competition
- April 29 2014: prize award ceremony at an evening event organized at Numa Paris
- GLAMwiki Toolset timeline
- January 2014: start mass uploads with the institutions
- February 2014: documentation for institutions other than beta-testers
- Wikiscan timeline
- every month: pay the cost of the server hosting Wikiscan
- discussions with Akeron (who developed the tool) about improvements to be made: we need to discuss what developments may be helpful in providing a better assessment of the impact of our work.
- Volunteer involvement
For this program, volunteers are mainly involved through discussions about the development of the projects (Semanticpedia, GLAMwiki Toolset, Developpement of tracking tools).
- A discussion list dedicated to Semanticpedia (dbpedia) is open to interested members and contributors.
- An international discussion list is dedicated to the GLAMWikiToolset project. A Wikimedia France volunteer is the association’s representative on this list.
- An Open source project for tracking the chapters actions has been created by volunteers of the chapter <>, in march we have pushed code that allows to analyze categorization statistics of a collection at any instant in time and space. This code is used internaly to verify the quality of our mass upload (e.g. how many category per files, etc.). We also intend to present our progress during Wikimania with the following submission <>.
- Employee involvement
Two employees are mainly involved in these projects:
- for Semanticpedia, the program director coordinates the project with the Ministry of Culture, Inria (national institute for IT research and development) and current or potential partners and re-users; she also heads communication about the project; and the technology coordinator is responsible for the technical hosting of the Semanticpedia project and for extracting the Wikipedia data via;
- for the GLAMwiki Toolset project, the program director is currently studying the options concerning institutions that may act as coordinators;
- for the Wikiscan project, the program director provides the coordination with the volunteer project developer. The management representative is responsible for monitoring the financial support.
- We have handed over to our partner Vocal Apps regarding the server used to host DBPedia Live. DBPedia Live’s role is as a DBPedia implementation updated every day (instead of updates several months apart for the stable version), and Vocal Apps intends to use it as part of its Izipedia project, which is a voice-enabled search engine project (in French only at present) that seeks its answers in DBPedia Live. For example, it is possible to ask, speaking normally, what is the capital of Canada or the name of the president of Argentina and receive a vocal response in the form of a constructed sentence.
- The competition for applications and re-use linked to Semanticpedia closed on 1st March. We received 18 participations of very differing types.
The prize award ceremony will take place on April 29 2014, with a jury made up of web semantics specialists and personalities from the Ministry of Culture and Wikimedia France.
- The GLAM group is in contact with cultural institutions to see if they will experiment with the GLAM-wiki Toolset developed by Europeana with the support of Wikimedia France.
- What worked?
- We received a satisfactory number of submissions for the Semanticpedia competition
- What didn’t work?
- The definition of the strategic project, combined with an increase in the size of the team this quarter (which required time to train the new employees and prepare their machines) meant that the Semanticpedia project had to be put on stand-by during the 3rd quarter. Deployment will resume in the 4th quarter.
Program 3: Increasing the open source content
[edit]Wikimedia France aims to support open source knowledge. In this respect, we are working to increase the number of institutions in a position to provide or facilitate the creation of open source content. This mainly involves partnerships with cultural institutions, which are intended to put content relevant to the Wikimedia projects online and already digitalized, or to create the conditions required for the production of this content by institutions or contributors.
To support this effort towards increasing open source content, we are also working on making the environment more favorable to Wikimedia projects, and raising target audience awareness of the release of content or the production of open source content.
The aims of this program
This involves developing content partnerships with cultural institutions.
The content may consist of contributions on Wikipedia (see program 4), or files imported into Wikimedia Commons. Our aim for the period is to have at least three massive projects to import content from cultural institutions, with at least two categories on each file, with a minimum size of 1200 px per side, and 10% of files re-used in Wikimedia projects. For each import there will be at least one note posted on the Wikimedia France blog.
To make the environment more favorable to Wikimedia projects, we are developing actions to raise awareness of the public domain through “Public Domain Day” and the “Public Domain Remix” competition, which aims to make a broad and varied audience aware of the importance of this issue to culture and knowledge. One of the aims of this program is also to release existing content by having changes made to the content distribution licenses to make them compatible with Wikimedia projects. We are seeking to be successful with at least three content release projects.
GLAM content imports:
- February 2014: 2 successful mass-uploads − 32 documents with the National Archives ; and 232 with the Muséum de Toulouse
- Volunteer involvement
The volunteers carry out and monitor imports from institutions, usually by being in direct contact with them. Volunteers (whether or not members of the association) also take the photographs in the institutions with which we are partners.
- Employee involvement
Employee involvement is generally through the program director who coordinates partnerships with institutions and monitors the progress of actions. As for the awareness-raising operations, she coordinates the contacts and puts partners and volunteers in contact with each other by helping to define and monitor projects.
Metrics | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Year-to-date | Objective
Mass Uploads | ||||||
Number of mass upload projects | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | |
— | — | — | — | — | — | |
% of files (mass upload) reused | — | — | 173 (6.70%) | 6.70% | 10% | |
Number of blog posts | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | |
GLAM Toolbox | ||||||
Project online | non | non | non | non | oui fin Q2 | |
Actions for creating content | ||||||
Number of files online | 21656 | 491 | 22147 | 9000 | ||
Actions for liberating content | ||||||
Number of projects for liberating content supported | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
- An import of 232 files from the Trutat collection in the Museum de Toulouse was completed in January, taking to 400 the number of photographs by Eugène Trutat on Wikimedia Commons
- Following a crowdsourcing appeal by a volunteer on Twitter, Wikidata contains [640 1850 IDs] of legion of honor holders listed in the Léonore base, a Ministry of Culture database. As the Léonore base is not open-data, it is not possible to exploit it directly. Instructions have therefore been drawn up to explain how to use DBpedia to recover the data.
- The GLAM-wiki Toolset is currently being beta-tested with the museums in Haute-Saône, with the help of the GLAM Group,
- In February 2014, a second batch of 32 files was imported, reproducing major documents from the National Archives. This makes a total of 78 files imported as part of the partnership with the National Archives. In addition, the re-use rates for files from the National Archives is over 80%.
- The partnership with the Sèvres porcelain works continues with the import of several dozen photographs during the quarter and the organization of a photo session on February 25 2014 in the company’s workshops.
- What worked?
- The current partnerships with the cultural institutions continue to work well and we are working to develop them: with the Haute-Saône museums we are experimenting with the GLAM-Wiki Toolset, with the Museum de Toulouse we are importing old photographs, with Sèvres we are now considering holding contribution workshops to put captions on the photographs.
- What didn’t work?
- We are having difficulties in finding institutions prepared to experiment with the GLAM-Wiki Toolset, mainly due to the limitations of the tool, which requires a considerable technical investment on the part of the institution in its Beta phase. The institutions have not only to agree to release their content, but also provide it online so that the tool can use it, and in the format currently supported by the GLAM-wiki Toolset. In the test phase, this needs to be carefully monitored by the Wikimedians.
Action | Number of media | Usage on Wikimedia projects | References |
Muséum de Toulouse | 232 on the quarter, 232 in total | 26 used 32 times | Glamorous |
Archives Nationales | 32 on the quarter and 78 since the beginning of the year, 78 in total | 63 used 71 times | Glamorous |
Action | Number of media | Usage on Wikimedia projects | References |
Musée des Augustins de Toulouse | 23 on the quarter, 882 in total | 78 used 168 times | Glamorous |
Archives municipales de Rennes | 0 on the quarter and 82 since the beginning of the year, 82 in total | 48 used 78 times | Glamorous |
Action | Number of media | Usage on Wikimedia projects | References |
Cité de la céramique - Sèvres et Limoges. | 580 on the quarter, 1867 in total | 38 used 44 times | Glamorous |
Action | Number of media | Usage on Wikimedia projects | References |
Projet Phoebus - Museum de Toulouse | 194 on the quarter, 2615 in total | 2216 used 155355 times | Glamorous |
- Examples of content imported with the support of Wikimedia France
The pont de Pierre in Toulouse − Eugène Trutat, 1901
Beauté by Henri Martin
Ratification by Henri VIII of the treaty of Ardres, ending the war between François Ier & Henri VIII (1546)
Farewell letter of Charlotte Corday (1793)
Heterocentrotus mamillatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Martes foina (Erxleben, 1777)
Program 4: Recruiting new contributors
[edit]- General description
Wikimedia France is involved in a major initiative to increase the number of contributors to Wikimedia projects.
This initiative is aimed at two key sectors: the cultural world (GLAM) and the academic world.
To try and diversify its contributors, Wikimedia France is also seeking raise awareness among new profiles less commonly represented on Wikipedia up to now: senior citizens, women, etc.
Learning workshops take up a major proportion of local group activities.
- Overall aims of the project
The overall aim of the program is to increase the number of contributors to the various Wikimedia projects.
The program is, in essence, closely linked to the program aimed at increasing the amount of open source content. For the cultural institutions, partnerships often involve two aspects: training in contribution and importing open source content.
The key aim that is pursued during the contribution learning workshops is to make the new contributors autonomous: at the end of the workshop(s), they should be able to contribute on their own to Wikimedia projects. We know that not all those who are trained in a workshop will become regular contributors, but we are seeking to increase the proportion of occasional or regular contributors.
For workshops organized in GLAM or educational / university environments, the annual target is to train 500 people, with an average of 4 contributions per trained person, 15 % of people autonomous on leaving the workshops, and 80 % of their content maintained.
For workshops organized with specific groups:
- organize a workshop for senior citizens,
- offer a week’s training in the languages of France, training 15 contributors of at least 2 different 2 languages, with 100 contributions per person, 5 photographs imported into Wikimedia Commons and 10 new articles created.
- February 2014: 2 half-days’ training (session 2) with the doctoral students from Lille
- March – April 2014: Training sessions as part of the WikiCristallo project
- May 2014: 2 half-days’ training (session 3) with the doctoral students from Lille
- July 2014: assessment of the year
- Volunteer involvement
- Volunteers are central to the organization of contribution workshops in the regions. They organize and run them and provide follow-up for new contributors.
- Volunteers are also involved in helping contributors during the two editathons in February and March.
- Volunteers help to supervise the Pompidou Center workshops
- Employee involvement
Employees are involved in organizing and supervising the editathons and supervising the contribution sessions for doctoral students and the Pompidou Center workshops (program director).
Progress of your targets:
Metrics | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Year-to-date | Objective
Education, Academics, & GLAM | ||||||
Number of trained people | 126 | 143 | 500 | |||
Average number of contributions per trained person | 15,14+1,45+4,04 | 19,4+17,8+10,56+35,2 | 4 | |||
% of trained people being autonomous | 13+3+11 | 56%+29%+30%+80% | 15% | |||
% of content added by the trained people not reverted | 100%+100%+100% | 100%+90%+100% | 80% | |||
Civil society | ||||||
Number of new contributors | 32 | 15(x2) | ||||
Number of languages of the new contributors | 1 | 2 | ||||
Min of the number of editions by the new contributors | 23,5+3,5 | 100 | ||||
Number of photos uploaded on Commons by the new contributors | 5 | |||||
Number of articles created by the new contributors | 12+0 | 10 | ||||
Number of organized senior workshops | 0 | 1 |
- During the 3rd quarter of the period, a large number of events were organized to train new contributors for Wikimedia projects; these were mainly workshops and editathons.
In the regions, the various local groups have continued their recurrent workshops:
- in Strasbourg, monthly l@pplipedia meetings took place on January 10, February 7 and March 14, while the Digital Culture Center hosted workshops on January 27 and March 31;
- in Rennes, the Wikipermanence took place on February 21 and March 21.
Other more occasional workshops took place during the quarter:
- a series of four workshops in the Saint-Etienne de Tulmont media library (near Montauban) from January to March 2014
- a training session at the Strasbourg Protestant media library on February 11
- a training session at the Regional Educational Documentation Center for secondary school teachers on March 12 2014
- a training session at the Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations on March 27 2014
- a workshop in Gérardmer to prepare for the Vosges Opération Libre event in spring, on March 13
- two workshops out of a series of 3 contribution afternoons at the Port-Royal des Champs national museum on January 25 and March 29
- training for 8 employees from towns and regions of architectural and historic interest by Lyon Wikimedians at the Lyon DRAC on January 16.
Two “Edit-a-thons” were also organized, each hosting twenty new contributors and experienced Wikimedians:
- “Women of Science” day on February 1st 2014, in partnership with the L'Oréal Foundation for Women and Science and the Cité des Sciences library: 17 people were trained, 304 contributions recorded since the day, with 257600 octets of text added. The project was initiated to raise awareness of the issue of the low level of presence of women on Wikipedia, as contributors and as the subject of articles. The project had been in preparation since August 2013 with the L'Oréal Foundation for Women and Science, which selected fifteen doctoral and post-doctoral students who had been awarded its support grant, and was hosted and supported by the Cité des Sciences history of science and industry library.
Supervised by Wikimedians, the contributors worked all day on a series of biographies of women of science from Antiquity to the present day. This contribution day is likely to be repeated periodically with the same partners.

- the “Fashion Editathon” organized on March 22 2014 in partnership with the Museum of Decorative Arts as part of the Europeana Fashion project: 23 people took part, 243 contributions were completed and 199 750 octets of text added. The edit-a-thon was organized around the Europeana Fashion project, which contacted Wikimedia France and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs to organize a contribution day following on from those organized in Antwerp, Utrecht, Stockholm and Stra in 2013. We prepared the day with the Museum of Decorative Arts library and the museum documentation department. The day’s participants were students from the École du Louvre (a history of art high school), fashion professionals and researchers. Their contributions mainly focused on the history of costume, but also on topics such as Visual Merchandising and “smart” fabrics. A week before the edit-a-thon, a two-hour workshop was held for the invited participants to present the edit-a-thon and the Wikimedia projects. This gave them an early opportunity to see how the day would run and what they would be doing on Wikipedia.
The contribution project with the doctoral students from Lille continued with the end of the 2nd session (December 2013 - February 2014) and the organization of the 3rd session (February - March 2014). As in previous years, the aim was to train doctoral students in contributing to Wikipedia, using a scientific layman’s approach. The doctoral students are trained in two 3-hour workshops then contribute individually for 2 months with distance monitoring. Their involvement in the project counts towards their PhD.
- the 2nd session was rather poor in terms of contributions: 16 doctoral students trained, 115 contributions, 78,000 octets of text added. 7 participants contributed outside the classroom training days.
- the 3rd session was more productive: 14 doctoral students trained, 467 contributions, 339,600 octets of text added. 10 participants contributed outside the classroom training days.
The contribution workshops at Pompidou Center were completed at the end of March. Three workshops were added to the initial project, with contributors from the Kandinski Library who worked specifically on articles dedicated to Pompidou Center exhibitions. In total, 38 new contributors have been trained since September, with a total of 1338 contributions. 17 articles have been created and several dozen improved. Over 830,000 octets of text have been added. A large majority of the contributors are now autonomous in their contributions.
The Lyon group set up a contribution training project with first-year students of Modern Literature at the Lyon Catholic University and the Lyon Museum of Fine Art with the aim of getting the students to contribute to articles concerning the works in the museum. 27 people were trained in contribution.
- What worked?
- The contribution workshops organized by members and volunteers in the regions continue to be successful. The volunteers are motivated to organize and monitor them, and local institutions are interested in pursuing this type of project.
- The two editathons were a success in terms of the organization and running of the days, the level of motivation of the contributors, the quality of the contributions and the media reception. The targeting of contributors and a detailed presentation of the project in advance meant that we were able to attract motivated people to these contribution days, who very quickly felt at ease with contribution and were capable of submitting high-quality content.
- The series of three workshops at the Pompidou Center Kandinski Library, with people from the academic world contributing to a specific subject and using a wealth of documentation provided by the museum, were a success. Once again, the decisive factors were the targeting of contributors and the availability of high-quality documentation that could be easily re-used in the workshops.
- What didn’t work?
- The contribution workshops at the Pompidou Center have been poorly attended over the last quarter. The people who have taken part since September and who were autonomous in January have gradually stopped coming. We had not planned enough workshops with museum documentation at the end of the project, and some people missed this.
- It is difficult to have effective follow-up with people who come to take part in a single contribution workshop: it is often not enough to give them the level of motivation they need to carry on contributing. This could be even truer for the professionals, who do not necessarily find extra slots for contributing to Wikimedia projects as part of their work.
- Monitoring methods for the Lille doctoral students: espace de coordination sur la Wikiversité et coordination space on Wikiversité and contribution monitoring
Program 5: Dissemination
[edit]The dissemination of Wikimedia project content is important for the association, as it helps to increase the sharing of open source knowledge and raises public awareness of the importance of Wikimedia projects.
Improve knowledge about how Wikimedia projects function dedicate to specific people and general public
- in secondary schools and universities:
- “teach the teachers” (target: training of 350 education professionals)
- massive diffusion of the educational kit (target: over 200 downloads; at least 2,000 visitors/ month on the website by the end of 2013)
- massive diffusion of the “Wikipedia Framakey” for the general public: (target: 500 sold and 3,000 downloaded)
better organization and geographical organization for stands and conference. Training of volunteers and improvement of educational / communication material
The aim of this program is to raise public awareness of the importance of sharing knowledge and of the Wikimedia projects, especially offline.
In this program, we have set targets for our actions in the educational world. Over the period, we are seeking to raise awareness among 350 teachers (mainly teacher-librarians) of how to use Wikimedia projects as open source educational resources. We are also looking to design and circulate an educational pack showing how best to use Wikimedia projects and contributions to Wikipedia, with a target of 200 downloads and 2000 visitors per month.
We have also set targets for a project to broadcast Wikipedia offline with the Framasoft Open source Education association, Wikipedia Framakey. For this project, we are looking to sell 500 flash drives (with open-source educational software, educational resources and Wikipedia in French offline) and 3000 downloads over the period.
We are also looking to improve the organization of the conference activity and presence on the stands and at events in order to cover France more effectively.
- Training sessions for different groups:
- November 2013 – June 2014: lectures and awareness-raising for the target groups, launch of the Wikiconcours Lycéen (training for teachers)
- January 2014: progress update with the people running the Wikiconcours Lycéen
- January 2014: participation in a colloquium (Grenoble) on the theme of collaborative writing. Approximately a hundred people attended.
- January 2014: participation in a lecture at the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne on the theme of shared assets and digital technology
- March 2014: end of the Wikiconcours Lycéen
- June 2014: Wikiconcours Lycéen prize awards
- Volunteer involvement
- Volunteers were involved in running lectures and workshops for people from the educational world
- They host the booths at fairs attended by Wikimedia France this quarter
- Employee involvement
- Employees were involved in monitoring the Wikiconcours Lycéen and running certain workshops (program director)
- The employee team was also involved in providing logistical support for Wikimedia France’s attendance at the fairs (management assistant and program director)
- Progress of your targets
Metrics | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Year-to-date | Objective
Education | ||||||
Number of trained teaching professionals | 17+14 | 10 | 350 | |||
Number of downloaded pedagogical kits | 200 | |||||
Number of consultations per month of the site (objective to be achieved by end 2013) | 2000/mois | |||||
Framakeys | ||||||
Number of sold “ Wikipédia framakeys ” | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 500 | |
Number of downloaded “ Wikipédia framakeys ” | 457 | 437 | 250 | 1144 | 3000 | |
Communication | ||||||
Number of trained volunteers | — | |||||
Number of new (or remade) communication material | — |
- The Wikiconcours Lycéen began in October 2013 and ended at the end of March. This year, it involved 7 highschools from 5 different education authorities: 113 user accounts were set up, of which 110 contributed (108 made > 1 contribution). Approximately 1100 contributions were made, 355,317 octets added; 2 articles were created and ten improved. The results were announced on March 28 by CLEMI, the joint organizer of the project. CLEMI would like to continue the project for the academic year 2014-2015 with greater involvement of the education authorities.
- A training session to raise awareness of Wikimedia projects was organized for a group of secondary school teachers at the Beauvais CRDP (March 12 2014). The projects were presented to ten teachers and librarians. The session was recorded on video and edited by the CRDP team and will be used as an educational medium for disseminating the training session within the authority.
- An awareness-raising workshop took place at the Lille 3 University Library on March 4.
- A lecture on digital media education organized by the Grenoble education authority, where Wikimedia France and Vikidia’s education projects were presented to a hundred people, mostly from the educational world
- On January 23 2014, we were approached by the CNED (National Center for Distance Learning), which is attached to the Ministry of Education, to take part in a collaborative workshop on the theme of open source educational innovations. We presented the Wikimedia projects and educational projects that we are running to assist CNED in its discussions about the evolution of its training courses, and particularly the integration of open source Wikimedia project resources into its content, or using Wikimedia projects to set up educational projects.
- On February 28 2014, two members presented the Wikimedia projects to a group of students in Montauban.
- On March 14 2014, a member of Wikimedia France presented the Wikimedia projects and the educational projects run on Wikipedia to the “Assises de l'Education Populaire 2.0” in Niort. A lecture and a contribution workshop were organized.
- On March 14 2014, a member participated in a radio program on the topic named "How does Wikipedia works?".
- From March 14 to 16, 7 volunteers from the Lyon group ran the Wikimedia France stand at the “Salon Primevère” in Lyon
- On March 18 2014, a member participated in a seminar at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales about the places of knowledge.
- On March 21 2014, a member participated in a day of thinking about the career opportunities of the digital innovation.
- From March 21 to 24, 8 volunteers from Île de France ran the Wikimedia France stand at the Paris Book Fair. Rémi Mathis, chairman of the association, took part in two debates on Monday March 24, on topics linked to access to knowledge.
- On March 24 2014 a member participated in a conference about the transmission of knowledge to the Grand Palais.
- On Mars 25 2014, a member participated in a conference about the uses of digital to the Bibliothèque Publique d'Information.
- This year, the public domain day was prepared by the Toulouse Wikimedian group. It took place on January 26 2014, beginning with an editathon which was followed by a conference on the public domain organized at the Toulouse municipal library.
- Similarly, the Open Source Operation in Gérardmer was followed by Wikimedians from Strasbourg and Eastern France.
- The 56Kast feature is run by a different volunteer every month. Over the quarter we successively presented an inventory of the Wikimedia projects in 2013 (in January), the “Wiki Loves Parliament” operation and the “Women of Science” day (in February) and Wiktionary’s 10th birthday (in March)
- What worked?
- The highschools taking part in the Wikiconcours Lycéen followed the project to the end and generally managed to achieve a good level of pupil participation, even though the actual level of contributions was rather poor compared to the level of Wikipedia.
- In February 2014, Wikimedia France received Ministry of Education approval. The application was initiated during 2013 with the aim of having the association recognized as a reliable partner for running projects with Ministry of Education schools. The recognition procedure involves an analysis of our projects in the educational environment and a study to see how compatible our actions are with Ministry of Education objectives. The recognition that Wikimedia France has received through the issue of this approval is therefore significant. It is an extra aid to running projects in the educational world, ensures that the association will be considered to be more credible and will make it easier to set projects up in partnership with teachers or Ministry of Education departments.
- What didn’t work?
- Some of the teachers taking part in the Wikiconcours Lycéen found it difficult to cope with contributing themselves. CLEMI’s regional coordinators will need further training to ensure that they are able to give local support to teachers, if necessary by calling on the services of local Wikimedian groups.
- The lack of employees over the quarter has meant that we have been unable to adequately prepare the actions that need to be put in place for the fall 2014-2015. This preparation will have to be done over the following quarter.
- The “Wikipedia Framakey” project is at a standstill; there have been no updates since December 2012 and we are unlikely to achieve any of our targets for this project.
Program 6: Afripedia
[edit]Afripedia has a twofold aim:
- To make it technically possible to consult Wikimedia projects offline (and Wikipedia in particular) in regions with little or no Internet connection (diffusion of knowledge)
- To train Africans to contribute to Wikimedia projects (they currently have little involvement) and encourage the creation of Wikimedian communities in French-speaking Africa (diffusion of skills)
The Afripedia project is mainly deployed in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa. It is run in partnership with the “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie” (AUF), the “Institut Français” (IF) and Wikimedia France, with the technical support of Kiwix (software used to provide offline consultation of Wikipedia) and the indirect financial support (to the “Institut Français”) of the Orange Foundation. The project was decided on in 2011 and began in mid-2012. Since then, it has been implemented through training sessions organized with university lecturers, archivists, librarians and AUF instructors. The sessions have provided equipment used for offline consultation. We are also training trainees in the skills of technical installation, contribution and training new contributors. The aim is to create, maintain and support communities of new contributors to Wikimedia projects.
3 training sessions have already been organized:
- Abidjan, Ivory coast (November 2012)
- Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (June 2013)
- Yaoundé, Cameroon (October 2013)
Follow-up on the sessions may be found on a dedicated project-page on Wikipedia: Projet:Afripédia
Sustain and develop access to Wikimedia projects in French-speaking Africa and increase the number of contributors with the Afripedia Project
- 45 different universities / high schools with offline access to Wikipedia
- Providing regular versions of Wikipedia + Wikisource and educational content on a flash drive
- Over 250 new contributors from French-speaking Africa
- Provide massive offline diffusion of Wikimedia projects
- by using a Plug computer to open Wi-Fi networks diffusing offline content
- by installing content on institutional Intranets (on servers)
- by installing content on personal computers (via flash drives)
- Train people to contribute to Wikimedia projects by focusing on instructor training (to spread the project)
- Sustain the project by providing active, lasting support and follow-up
The following targets have been fixed:
- offline access to Wikipedia: we are aiming to have 45 different universities, schools and public access points to Wikipedia; this number is equal to most of the points run by the AUF in French-speaking Africa.
- regular updates (at least once a year) and addition of new content;
- contributions from French-speaking Africans, with 250 contributors to be trained (directly or indirectly).
In their turn, trainees will work with their superiors to develop an action plan to make content available offline and organize contribution training workshops.
- January-February 2014: discuss ways of sustaining the project
- Volunteer involvement
The volunteers involved in the project are mainly Wikipedia contributors who take charge of people trained as part of the Afripedia project, acting as mentors to help them with their initial contributions. Fourteen volunteers have offered their services:
- Employee involvement
Employees are involved in the project in two ways:
- the program director coordinates the whole project with the partners (Kiwix, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Institut Français, Orange Foundation) and the Afripedia instructors. She organizes and runs the training sessions in Africa and monitors the project.
- The technology coordinator works with Kiwix to coordinate the provision of the offline Wikimedia content versions and manages all the associated logistics (ordering and configuring the equipment)
The project is regularly shared with the international community through lectures (Wikimania) or blog notes (Wikimedia France or Foundation blogs).
Metrics | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Year-to-date | Objective |
Nombre d'Université / Lycée avec accès à Wikipedia non connecté | 27 | 27 | 54 | 45 | ||
Nombre de versions différentes de Wikipédia + Wikisource et contenu pédagogique fourni | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | ||
Nombre de nouveaux contributeurs d'Afrique francophone | 151 | 223 | 374 | 250 |

The key events of the quarter were the organization of contribution and conference workshops by participants in the October 2013 training session in Yaoundé (Cameroon)
- March 20 2014, training session for 20 people at the French-speaking Digital Campus in Yaoundé I (Cameroon)
- February 26, 28 and March 26 2014, 3 training sessions for 29 contributors to the French-speaking Digital Space in Douala (Cameroon)
- January 20 to 22 2014, a Wikimedia projects awareness-raising and training session at the French-speaking Digital Campus in Libreville (Gabon)
- continuance of the activities of the Afripedia Club in Bamako (Mali): a contribution workshop per week at the French-speaking Digital Campus in Bamako
- What worked?
- The instructors who organized contribution workshops were highly autonomous in their work. They prepared and reported on their preparation work on the Afripedia discussion list, and this led to an exchange of information between participants in the project.
- What didn’t work?
- Not all the participants in the October session have given feedback about their activities. In particular, we have had no news from the participants who came from the Central African Republic.
- We are still having difficulty in following up on and motivating participants. The project’s planned evolution (see FDC request 2013-2014) should remedy the situation.
Program 7: Territorial development
[edit]In a context in which the notion of territory is a key issue, it appears to be a priority to enable the members of the association to take action locally to extend the movement with support from employees. Wikimedia France is already well established in the regions, with local groups of volunteers and contributors, based in particular in Toulouse, Rennes, Grenoble, Lyon, Strasbourg, Lille, Brest and Paris. As far as public policy is concerned, the relevant territory appears to be the region, which is why the association is encouraging the setting-up of a contact group in each region.
The overall aims of the project are:
- To develop the work and visibility of these groups across the whole country and facilitate the creation of a network of potential partnerships
- To provide support to increase the involvement of members and thus increase the number of supporters and active members
- Facilitate recognition by the local political authorities
- Produce constant interaction between local and national activity
- Encourage the sharing of experiences between regions.
We first of all present our new timeline to make it easier to understand how we are progressing with our objectives:
- Phase 4: February / September 2014, pilot phase (during which either the existing local groups can join in the process or action will be taken to encourage the creation of new groups)
- Phase 5: September / December 2014, assessment and requests for means to be allocated (civil or other volunteers) to the local contact groups
- Employee involvement
The territorial development coordinator was given the task in early February of helping local groups construct their action plans.
- Volunteer involvement
The volunteers are totally involved in the inventory procedure as it is they who respond and analyze the realities of the local group. This work also allows them to stand back from what the members are living within the local groups.
Metrics | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Year-to-date | Objective |
number of volunteers involved | 25 | ' | ||||
number of employees involved | 1 | ' | ||||
exchange on the practises | 4 | ' |
- Discussion about collaboration with the Third Places
- Construction of a common framework
- Mobilization to support the territorial development project
- Visit to the Local Group in Rennes
- Visit to the Local Group in Toulouse
- Visit to the Local Group in Nantes
- Partnership with the National Federation of Rural Community Centers
- Partnership with Lassay-les-Chateaux
One of the first phases in deploying territorial development involves identifying potential partners, in this case the Third Places community.
Third Places is a flexible space that is currently developing. It offers a physical and/or symbolic place to a community of users. It responds to the need for visibility and collective ownership by the territories and their inhabitants of knowledge for all and, more globally, open source culture. What are the complementary features? How can these places become central for our local groups? How can we support local communities? How can we become more visible and increase the number of members of the Wikimedia association? These are the questions we are asking in our initial discussions concerning a future collaboration and the appropriation of these spaces.
We are already thinking that the local contact groups are the cornerstone of this change of paradigm in the regions. As a result of these spaces becoming open to them, local groups can use them in a variety of ways: organizing sessions (training, contributions), organizing public meetings to raise awareness of Wikimedia projects, taking over a place in order to design regional action plans, etc.
The discussion about these Third Places is launched for three months from March 2014 and local groups are invited to take part in them. The first stage consists of attending a national seminar with the representatives of the French-speaking communities. This will take place in Saint-Étienne on April 8, 9 and 10. Tuesday April 8 will be given over to a creative meeting with the people involved in French-speaking Third Places. Workshops will be held on the following topics: Work / digital technology / collaborative consumption and social innovation / Economy / teaching-science and research Wednesday April 9 will be dedicated to testimonies, feedback and presentations of local, national and international Third Places. The topics covered on Thursday April 10 will be: discovering financial and social resources in the Rhône-Alpes region, regional authorities and MediaWiki.
Wikimedia France will also be supporting on three levels:
- Financially: as we need to forge links with the Third Place communities, we have decided to support the meeting financially.
- The organizers of these meetings have sent a request for technical sponsorship. Having used the MediaWiki software for many years, they would like to be trained so that they can contribute to the development of new uses.
- Ludovic Péron, a member of the executive board of Wikimedia France, will give an opening speech at the meeting.
We will then present the Seminar’s discussions to the local groups. The third stage will be a test phase and will consist of setting up pilot projects and actions in Third Places. We will then receive feedback which will need to be examined collectively.
We may then extend the experiment to other regions and enable local groups and Wikimedia projects to spread their influence across the whole country.
Groups are offered a common framework to help them implement the development of action plans by region. In the form of semi-directive interviews, here are the observation stages:
- Getting to know the local group
The first point is to gain a clearer knowledge of the structuring actions. To know more about the need expressed during the first visits.
- Local Group members
The second point consists of gaining a clearer picture of the personalities of the group, analyzing their level of involvement in the projects and in the life of the local group and identifying people who are less active but who seem interested in the subject.
- How the Local Group operates
- tools and techniques
The third point focuses on how the local group operates as such, i.e. meeting frequency and venue, means of communication and tools used, decision-making process, etc.
- Actions and projects
This section focuses on past, present and future actions in the region.
- Skills and know-how
What are the group’s strengths and weaknesses?
- Needs
The construction of the territorial development project has only just begun but local groups are already expressing their needs. These may be material, human or financial; this inventory is used to gain a view of opportunities for the next stage.
- Logistics
Here, we analyze external loans or provisions and places where communication, educational or IT documents are stored.
- Partnerships
A regional action plan cannot be constructed without partners. The idea is therefore to describe partnerships that already exist with associations, local authorities, companies or user communities. We then ask questions about the nature of the link, the depth of the relationship and ideas for partnerships.
- The territory and the Local Group
In constructing its action plan, the local group must take an interest in the territory and its stakeholders in order to develop actions aimed at a wider public.
- The relationship with Wikimedia France
We ask questions about the existing relationship and the ideal relationship that we could build and the things we need to consolidate the relationship.
This unifying collaborative project aims to involve the Rural Community Centers and local associations by encouraging them to carry out educational and pedagogical actions, accompanying these actions to completion and helping to promote them. The focus is on local diet and tangible and intangible heritage. The aim is to involve local federations and associations in a project that highlights local treasures and knowledge, but also to contribute to the knowledge and recognition of territories, customs, products and heritage through meaningful actions, popular education values of reaching out to others, dialogue and sharing, with the aim of publishing recipes in Wikibooks.
Overall aims
- To enable the Rural Community Centers network to produce a book of local recipes
- To raise awareness among the network of Rural Community Center stakeholders and members of how Wikimedia projects work
- To increase the number of contents on Wikimedia projects
- To increase the number of contributors
A meeting took place in Lassay-les-Chateaux on February 7 in the company of Nathalie Martin, executive director of Wikimedia France. Following a proposal from a local association, thirty people attended a presentation of the projects supported by Wikimedia France. This first meeting was used to list the needs in order to be able to offer appropriate training that would help to make people autonomous in uploading content, handling Wiki and making contributions in general.
The framework for interpretation and meetings with the first local groups provided feedback. Also, the expressed needs will enable us to build up FAQs for different types of partners. For example, what to say to an archive department that questions the formats used for uploading content on to Commons, or what arguments to use for a museum that is still not sure about uploading its content on an open source basis. This knowledge will be used to extrapolate and write a practical guide for coping with different situations.
- Rennes
- Menhirs Challenge: the 8th March, the NCO organized a photo excursion to take photos of megaliths and monuments around Carnac. 15 Wikimedians from several Brittany’s cities and from Paris, regular contributors or newbies, members of Wikimédia France or not, met for one day and took more than 500 photos.
- On April 2, Ti Skeudenn Rennes, an association dedicated to the promotion of the Breton language, hosted a presentation about the 10th anniversary of the Breton Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects in the Breton scope. This presentation was in Breton and the first of other actions dedicated to the promotion of Breton Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wiktionary in 2014-2015.
- Each month, Rennes members set up a Wikipedia contribution workshop at La Cantine Numérique Rennaise. In January, they dealt with geographic theme, in February it was talked about Rennes and his history, and in March about natural sciences.
- In January and February, the NCO prepared and submitted a talk to Wikimania, which intends to present a local group’s recipe for success, and the NCO methods. A group member also submitted a talk about Breton Wikimedia projects.
- The 24th of January, the Rennes group met the Nantes group. 15 people attended! Rennes and Nantes are two main cities in Brittany, distant from about 100 kilometers. This was the boot camp for a new users group in the Western part of France. This cabal has already meet local GLAM (such as the Musée Dobrée or the Château des Ducs de Bretagne - museums in the City of Nantes) and plans to create a local Wikipedia workshop.
- Nantes
- Visit to the Château des Ducs de Bretagne on January 20. Wikimedia France was invited to the weekly management meeting at the château to present the Wikimedia projects with a view to a possible collaboration over the château’s collections and resources.
- On March 20, a small group of contributors met with the Dobrée Museum team. Situated on the edge of the natural history museum, the Dobrée departmental museum and its archeology museum are a place of remembrance. A research and documentation center, it is also an educational resource and a cultural center. The aim of this first meeting was to begin preparing the ground for a partnership with Wikimedia France.
- An initial meeting with the Orvault library was fixed for Thursday March 14. They are interested in being involved with Wikipedia in different ways (presentations, contribution workshops, training sessions).
- Brest
- Bordeaux
- A Wikidata workshop was run by volunteers on Saturday March 22. The aim was to learn more about Wikidata, its API and the consultation/contribution by code bases.
- Lille
- On Tuesday March 4, a conference was organized at the Lille3 University Library on the Wikipedia ecosystem, followed by a workshop on how to contribute to Wikipedia.
- Region of Paris
- On January 15 2014, a presentation was given during a study day, "The digitized heritage of the Great War: a resource for teaching and research", in Strasbourg. A volunteer from Île-de-France attended the meeting. To accompany the celebrations, a wide range of educational initiatives are underway to pass on the memory and awareness of these tragic events to the youngest generations.
- An edit-a-thon took place on February 1st 2014, in the history of science library at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie: "Women of Science". An employee and four volunteers attended.
- “Wiki takes the Louvre” was organized on February 2 2014. This consists of regular visits to the Louvre Museum to photograph its collections and write a brief text for each work photographed. Seven volunteers took part in the visit.
- On February 25 was given over to the project with the Cité de la Céramique, alias the Sèvre Project. Three volunteers attended.
- The Fashion Editathon took place on March 22, attended by a volunteer and an employee. The project consists of contributing content to the history of fashion.
- The Book Fair was held from March 21 to 24, a major French event supported by eight volunteers and an employee. We set up a new area at the Fair known as “Knowledge and Learning, the aim of which was to bring together everyone involved in producing, publishing and diffusing content based on knowledge and learning.
- And also:
- 12 varied photo reports (sport, book fair, motor show, etc.) (3 volunteers)
- 2 photo reports on diet as part of the WikiGrenier project (mini photo studio project, the grenier is the room under the roof where oldies are sometimes stored) (2 volunteers)
- 2 photo reports for the Notre-Dame de Paris project (2 volunteers)
- 2 contribution workshops as part of the Wikipedia SQY project (7 volunteers + 1 employee)
- 6 contribution workshops at the Pompidou Center (3 volunteers + 1 employee)
- Monthly WikiPermanence (4 volunteers)
- and a monthly feature in the 56Kast program (2 volunteers + 1 employee)

- Alsace
- L@pplipedia introductory workshops at the André-Malraux media library in Strasbourg on January 10, February 7 and March 14. Two to four volunteers per session.
- Introductory workshops at the Digital Culture Center at the University of Strasbourg on January 27 and March 31 (two volunteers).
- Preliminaries for “Vosges Opération Libre”: public presentation on February 22 and training at the Gérardmer media library on March 13 (one volunteer).
- On March 20, an evening session was organized by three volunteers on collaborative projects at the Digital Culture Center in Strasbourg. The aim was to bring together contributors to different active projects locally.
- On March 29, Wikimedia France held its General Meeting in Strasbourg. Organized by local volunteers, the event allowed a large number of members to meet local contributors and explore the city’s very special architecture on visits organized by local associations.
- Grenoble
- A colloquium on education in digital media was held on January 22 and attended by three volunteers.
- A “Wikipermanence” was held on March 22 with the support of three volunteers.
- Lyon
- A meeting with the DRAC was held on January 16 with seven volunteers: DRAC event. The DRAC is the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs. The DRAC felt that it could allow Wikipedia to use its content as the fact of having it online on Wikipedia would make it available to the widest possible audience.
- The Salon Primevère was held at Euxrepo from March 14 to 16 with the support of seven volunteers. Its main themes were ecology, nature and sustainable development. It defines itself as the Model:Quote. The media sometimes present it as the Model:Quote.
- The Lyon open source software fair was held on April 12 and 13. The event has been held every year since 1998.
- The Lettres Modernes UCLy & Musée des Beaux-Arts Project took place on 26/03, 02/04, 07/04 and 09/04/2014 in the company of three volunteers. This is an educational project that began in the academic year 2013-2014. The first-year modern literature students at the Lyon Catholic University write Wikipedia articles on a selection of works in the Lyon Museum of Fine Art. With the help of Wikimédia France and Lyon Wikipedians, the students are supervised by a History of Art teacher, the webmaster and the UCLy social networks coordinator.
- A Wikidata workshop was organized on January 31
- Toulouse (see
- Public Domain Day continued in Toulouse with contribution workshop in the morning and a conference in the afternoon (Caroline, Jean-Fredéric and Pierre-Selim).
- Four contribution workshops took place on January 31 and February 7, 14 and 21 at the Saint-Étienne de Tulmont media library. The town’s local government invited the local group and not the opposite. Two members helped to make the workshops a success.
- On February 22 a member led a conference at the Albi media library.
- On March 26 and 28, two Wikipedia conferences were held by four volunteers at the Tournefeuille media library. The town’s local government invited the local group and not the opposite.
- 4 sporting events covered in "Occitanie": Women’s 6 Nations Tournament, Gala basketball match with league internationals, international roller derby match and Paris half-marathon (Pierre-Selim and Caroline).
Lessons learned
[edit]Lessons learned from the quarter
[edit]A key objective of the funding is to enable the movement as a whole to understand how to achieve shared goals better and faster. An important way of doing this is to identify lessons learned from entities who receive funds, and to share these lessons across the movement. The purpose of this section is to elicit some of these insights, which will be shared throughout the movement. Please answer the following questions in 1–2 paragraphs each.
What were your major accomplishments in the past quarter, and how did you help to achieve movement goals?
- Public Domain Day:
- We have organized a Public Domain Day every year in January since 2012. To vary our target audience and allow motivated volunteers to participate in planning this project, we decided to hold it in Toulouse in 2014. This event was especially rewarding for the volunteers who were able to present their Wikimedia contributions to the public. Mobilizing our local networks (GLAM partners, associations supporting the open movement) permitted us to advertise the event and increase our turnout.
- Rather than concluding the day by having a cocktail, we decided to offer movie tickets for an evening release of a public domain film. The participants were especially appreciative of this “innovative” action. We are therefore planning to do this again, especially since it was such a low-cost affair.
- Public Domain Day's website
- Edith-a-thon Femmes de science:
- We have organized with the Fondation L'Oréal and the Cité des Sciences an edith-a-thon on the theme of women and science: Femmes de science. The event which took place during a whole day in the library of the Cité des Sciences was a great success. Firstly there has been good communication in the media and web on this event which helped to have a good echo around the project. On the other hand participants were extremely motivated and invested in the project. Many articles have been created and / or modified.
- Please note, several members and volunteers of Wikimédia France were present that day to supervise training.
What were your major setbacks in the past quarter (e.g., programs that were not successful)?
- The project Framakey Wikipedia (Wikipedia on a USB stick) is stalled, nothing has been accomplished since December 2012.
- The project WikiCristallo including a training contribution which took place in April 2014. The training contribution has not had the expected success mainly due to poor communication and consequently too few registrants.
What factors (organizational, environmental) enabled your success?
- The arrival of new employees has thinned the organization of the association by creating specific activities department
What unanticipated challenges did you encounter and how did this affect what you were able to accomplish?
- A bag containing camera equipment from a volunteer visiting Wiki Loves Parliament has been stolen. Following this, we reviewed insurance to cover our best material and those one of our volunteers on our contracts. We also gave safety recommendations to volunteers to prevent this incident from happening again. Finally, a discussion was launched with photographers using ( The Fañch pack) to decide on the renewal of equipment, depending on their use.
What changes might you make in executing your initiatives into the next quarter?
- We have implemented quarterly meeting for each working group
Additional information
[edit]Give any information that may be useful or relevant for the FDC (e.g. links to press coverage, blog notes, more detailed reports, further financial information)
- Blog notes
- Awareness-raising
- Action by Wikimedia France
- Local groups
- General information
- This Month in Glam
- Agenda
January 10: Training workshop “L@pplipedia” at André-Malraux de Strasbourg library
January 16: WikiPermanence at la Cantine numérique rennaise
January 18 & 19: Strategy Week-end
January 24: meet-up in Nantes (information)
January 24: workshop at the Saint-Étienne-de-Tulmont library
January 26: Public domain day in Toulouse
January 27 : Wikipermanence at the Centre de culture numérique of Strasbourg University
January 31: workshop at the Saint-Étienne-de-Tulmont library
February 7: workshop at the Saint-Étienne-de-Tulmont library
February 7: workshop “L@pplipedia” at the médiathèque André-Malraux de Strasbourg
February 11: work meeting at the médiathèque protestante de Strasbourg
February 14: workshop at the Saint-Étienne-de-Tulmont library
February 15: Cooperation with the library of Lyon
February 21: WikiPermanence at the Cantine numérique rennaise
February 22: Conference about Wikipedia, Médiathèque d'Albi
February 22: public presentation of “Vosges Opération Libre” (Gérardmer)
February 28: participation at a seminar on cultural public data at the DAM of Montauban
March 8: photo hunt about menhir in Carnac
March 13: training at the library of Tilleul de Gérardmer, as part of the “Vosges Opération Libre”
March 14, 15, 16: booth at the “salon Primevère”, Lyon.
March 14: Training workshop “L@pplipedia” at the médiathèque André-Malraux de Strasbourg
March 14: Lecture and workshop at the “Assises régionales de l'éducation populaire 2.0” in Poitou-Charentes, at Niort
March 20: Evening “Strasbourg in the Commons” at the Strasbourg university
March 21: WikiPermanence at the Cantine numérique rennaise
March 22: WikiPermanence at the “Salon du Livre” (Book fair)
March 26: Workshop at Tournefeuille
March 28: Workshop at Tournefeuille
March 29-30: General assembly at Strasbourg
March 31: Wikipermanence at the “Centre de culture numérique” at the Strasbourg University
Conference in Strasbourg (Jan 15)
Public Domain Day in Toulouse (Jan 24)
Workshop in Strasbourg (Feb 7)
Salon Primevère in Lyon (Mar 15)
[edit]Is your organization compliant with the terms outlined in the grant agreement?
[edit]As required in the grant agreement, please report any deviations from your grant proposal here. Note that, among other things, any changes must be consistent with our WMF mission, must be for charitable purposes as defined in the grant agreement, and must otherwise comply with the grant agreement.
Are you in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
Are you in compliance with provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), and with relevant tax laws and regulations restricting the use of the Grant funds as outlined in the grant agreement? Please answer "Yes" or "No".
- Yes
[edit]- Once complete, please sign below with the usual four tildes.
- Nathalie Martin (WMFR) (talk) 23:23, 30 April 2014 (UTC)
- Annual plan grant reports
- Annual plan grant progress report forms for 2012-2013 Round 2 Q3
- Annual plan grant reports for 2012-2013 Round 2
- Annual plan grant reports by Wikimédia France
- Annual plan grant reports by Wikimédia France for FDC 2012-2013 Round 2
- Annual plan grant progress report forms
- Annual plan grant progress report forms for 2012-2013 Round 2
- Annual plan grant progress report forms by Wikimédia France
- Annual plan grants or proposals by Wikimédia France for 2012-2013 Round 2