Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round1/Wikimedia Sverige/Proposal form
This proposal form for Wikimedia Sverige's proposal to the FDC for 2012-2013 Round 1 may be viewed in tab view or standard view. To discuss this aspect of the proposal to the FDC, please visit the discussion page.
For some guidelines, please see this example proposal form.
All eligible entities will need to complete this form to request funds from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC). The completed document must be published in English on Meta by the deadline for each round (23:59 UTC 1 October for Round 1, and 23:59 UTC 1 March for Round 2).
The purpose of this document is to provide the FDC with an overview of your annual plan, the alignment of the plan to the Wikimedia movement’s strategic goals, and the potential impact and effectiveness of the plan. This proposal should complement any annual planning documents you may have: please complete all fields as mandatory and add links to supporting documents where relevant.
Each section of the proposal provides guidance on the amount of detail expected in response to each question or field. If you have additional questions about the form, please contact the FDC support team.
A few terms used in the form:
Basic information
Table 1.
Legal name of affiliated entity | Wikimedia Sverige |
Contact name | Jan Ainali |
Contact position in entity | Chairman |
Contact username | Ainali |
Contact email | jan.ainali![]() |
Entity fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) | 01/01-12/31 |
Timeframe of funds currently requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy) | |
Date posted mm/dd/yy1 | 10/01/12 |
Round submitted (1 or 2) | 1 |
Currency requested2 | SEK |
Exchange rate used (currency requested to $US) and date accessed (mm/dd/yy)3 | 6,88 09/26/12 |
Table 2.
In currency requested | In $US | |
Total annual expenses of entity | 4 700 000 | 683 140 |
Amount proposed to the FDC for the coming year's annual plan | 2 350 00 | 341 570 |
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources | 2 350 00 | 341 570 |
If applicable, amount of FDC funds allocated to entity last year |
1The proposal is assumed to be final as of the deadline for each round (23:59 UTC, October 1 for Round 1, and 23:59 UTC March 1 for Round 2). After the deadline, the proposal must not be further modified; any further commentary should be included on the talk page.
2Currency requested is defined as the currency in which you wish to receive funds (e.g., EUR, GBP, INR).
3This exchange rate should be used throughout the form.
Background, history, and mission
This section provides the FDC an overview of your entity's background and history. Please respond to each question below with 1-2 sentences to a maximum of a paragraph.
- When was your entity established?
- 10/20/07
- What is the mission of your entity, and how does it support the goals of the Wikimedia movement?
- The association shall work towards making knowledge freely accessible to all humans, especially by supporting the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. The association shall also work to spread knowledge about the these projects, promote their use, and support technology essential for them.
- What is its current leadership structure (e.g., executive staff structure, board / governance structure)?
- If you have an organogram or organizational chart for your organization, please provide a link.
- Board: Member elected Board with one Board chair, seven additional members (Treasurer and Board members) on one year terms.
- How many staff are employed by your entity?
- Four full-time (increased from three on 1 October) and two part-time.
- Approximately how many volunteers participate actively in your entity?
- 40
- How many members does your entity have?
- 150
Reflection on past activities and innovations
This section provides the FDC with information about your entity's past activities and strategies. Please answer the questions below with your reflections on the past fiscal year. Responses to each question should be one or two paragraphs.
- How does your entity define and measure "success"?
- Wikitionary has a nice definition of success: "The achievement of one's aim or goal." Since our goal is to promote and provide free knowledge, we consider us successful when we can have that positive impact on society. We measure it by chunking it up into smaller pieces, to our projects. They has been carefully selected and prioritized through long and hard work and involving both members and the community and when these are successful we know that we are on the right track.
- Please give at least three examples of successful activities that your entity has completed. If available, provide links to information about these activities.
- Signed Letter of intent with the Council of the Swedish Central Museums which means collaboration with all major museums in Sweden:
- We have through long cooperation over different projects managed to get two Wikipedians in Residence at the Swedish Heritage National Board:
- Using a technology pool for professional equipment to volunteers and helping with accreditations have been very successfull, both in produced material but also on media attention: e.g. Royal wedding, Nobel festivities, Gothenburg book fair (about 80 interviews and photos of more than hundreds of writers and politicians, first uploads from 2012)
- White book on copyright for GLAM, where most of the Swedish GLAMs helped produce it, sharing their views on free licenses and discussing the issues:
- What are the plans/strategies that did not work for your entity in the past? What did your entity learn from that experience / those experiences?
- Wikimedia Sverige has tried to engage academics through Wikipedia Academy. During the actual events we received a lot of interest and the academics were mainly positive. However, we have not gained much traction through this afterwards; they have been relatively slow in actually getting active, and as a result, the expected benefits for the projects, such as high quality articles, were not realised. We have learned that the event in itself is not enough to get them active but that it requires follow-up and continued support. In the future, we would rethink the concept of Wikipedia Academy from being a one-off event only, before trying it again and having clear goals and a broader plan of what we want to achieve with the Wikipedia Academy. This lesson will we also apply on edit-a-thons and editor engagement that are in our program plan this year.
- What else has your entity learned or innovated upon that could benefit the broader Wikimedia movement?
- Interactions with credible persons: Nobel laureaetes interviews, short interviews presenting the article subject himself
- Modules developed in CiviCRM that can be used by other chapters, for example public and live accounting and bookkeeping for high transparency and time reporting that integrates to that.
- That all projects and events only become truly valuable after there has been an evaluation made and a follow-up with the participants.
- For Wiki Loves Monuments, try to engage other groups to gain momentum and wider reach. For example immigrant groups that can learn the local culture and geography.
- Think quality collaborations instead of many quantitative such. For example in the Wikipedia Education Program, go slow and build a mutual trust and find a few highly enthusiastic collaborators within the educational sector.
Where available, please link to the following to provide supplemental information to the FDC:
- Link to previous completed fiscal year annual plan
- Link to previous completed fiscal year annual report
- Link to previous completed fiscal year grant report (if your entity has received funds from the FDC)
- no FDC funds in 2011
Year-to-date progress
This section provides the FDC information about how your entity is progressing against the current fiscal year's planned budget (revenues and costs).
Please provide the relevant information below. "Year to date" refers to the period between the start of your entity's current fiscal year and the date of submission of the proposal(+). If it is helpful to link to your entity's current fiscal year plan and budget, please do so.
Table 3.
Current fiscal year planned budget Year-to-date actuals+ Variance In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US % Revenues (from all sources) 2,881,525.42 418,826.37 2,697,128.20 392,024.45 6.4% Spending 2,879,882 418,587.50 1,097,003.39 159,448.17 61.9%
+ Actual year-to-date financials should be provided as close to the proposal submission date as possible; best approximations are sufficient.
Table 3. details:
Based on the variance percentages above, please describe how your entity is progressing against revenue and spending targets. If you expect your entity to be significantly under or over target on either revenue or spending, please provide a detailed explanation.
- Numbers are as of 2012-09-20. We are underspending right now since recruiting proved to be hard, resulting in a delay of about 2 month in the expected personnel growth. We are increasing our staff though, with one more full time employee for the education program from October 1, one half time employee for administration and bookkeeping as soon as possible, and one one-month project tenue. Liabilities from signed contracts, tax etc. sum up to SEK 543,500 in 2012, while projected project costs, pensions and to-be-signed working contracts are expected to consume additional SEK 470,000. A final surplus of less than SEK 500,000, resulting from overall lower staff cost, is expected for 2012, which will be used as a reserve in the upcoming budget.
- 2012 programme plan and budget:
- Live public bookkeeping:
Key initiatives and objectives of the upcoming year annual plan
The table is intended to provide an overview of your entity's upcoming year annual plan and its alignment with the movement's strategic goals; please provide short phrases or 1-3 bullet points for each initiative in the table below. Feel free to add more details below the table (1-2 paragraphs per initiative). You can also link to any other documents that you think might be helpful as context.
If you feel you have an initiative that fulfills a strategic goal that is not immediately identified with a Wikimedia strategic goal ('readership' rather than 'editorship', for instance), please add that in the table and offer us your rationale.
Please link to your entity's strategic plan if you have one.
- Strategic plan link:
Detailed program plan:
- Strategic plan link:
Table 4.
Key initiatives What are the objectives of this initiative (include metrics)? Which Wikimedia strategic goal(s) does this initiative address? What key activities / milestones are associated with this initiative? How will your entity accomplish this initiative? How will your entity measure and track success of this initiative? Community support *Getting more underrepresented groups onto the projects - Increasing editor satisfaction
Infrastructure, quality, participation, innovation *Find out contributors' problems on the projects and act to solve them. - Make technical and financial resources available to the contributors to complete projects and produce high-quality material.
- Give opportunities to underrepresented groups to become active contributors to the projects.
*We have already created a pool of technology that will be available and a system for contributors to ask for micro grants. - We will recruit a volunteer program manager
- Expand our outreach activities towards underrepresented groups
- Staff and board that are close to the community.
Using the editor survey and measuring the Wikimedia Editor Satisfaction Index. Free knowledge in education * Wikipedia is used as a teaching tool in education - Pupils, students and teachers contribute free knowledge
- Teachers present the projects to be used as a resource for the pupils and students
Quality, reach and participation * Educate teachers through Wiki-skills and by creating educational material. - Implementing the Wikipedia in Education program on different levels and ages.
- Introduce the concept of Wikipedia-friendly schools.
* Continue employment of our full-time Education program manager. - establish cooperations with relevant teaching institutions.
* Level of commitment and engagement on the participating schools and organisations for example by the number of participating subjects and/or teachers on them. - By the level of quality on the articles created during the project.
- Longevity of the new editors in the projects.
Content liberation * Increase GLAM's general interest to freely license their material and make it available for the projects. - Enhance the quality of the donated material.
Quality * Support GLAMs that want to donate material. - Have edit-a-thons in connection to the uploads to get experts at the GLAMs to contribute directly to the projects.
- Promote Wikipedians in Residence to strategically interesting GLAMs.
* Continue employment of our full-time GLAM program manager. - By the letter of intent we signed with the Council of the Swedish Central Museums 2012 which already has made several institutions pro-active.
- Through our network and reputation we have gained in the GLAM sector over the last years.
* Number of donations. - The quality of donations.
- Number of curators involved in the projects.
- Number of Wikipedians in Residence.
Reader participation * Identify weaknesses in the quality of content and disseminate our findings. - Identify weaknesses in the user interface and work to get them solved.
- Create a positive image of the projects.
Infrastructure, quality, reach *Inform the general public about how the projects work. - Develop and test new concepts for reader feedback.
- Stimulate students to write their theses about the projects.
- Collect opinions on the user interface and relay them to developers.
* Create pedagogical material and distribute it thoroughly - Synergy through the Education program.
*Grading of trustworthiness in the Swedish media rating: “Mediebarometern” - The quality of collected feedback from readers of the tested concepts.
- The possibility to utilize the research and findings to improve the projects.
Free knowledge awareness Make policy makers and institutions aware of the advantages of free knowledge. Participation, reach * Create specifically targeted informational material on free knowledge for different groups. - Actively campaign that information.
* Experience from collaborating with GLAMs in creating the white paper for free licensing of images. - Already established relationships with members of the parliament.
* Through a survey to politicians after they have received the material.
Table 4. details:
Additional context for the upcoming year annual plan / SWOT
Please provide 1-2 paragraphs for each response below. SWOT stands for your organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- What organizational strengths enable your entity's plan (e.g., leadership, governance structure, community participation, fundraising)?
- Strong and engaged board with important community connections
- Diversity of skills and knowledge within the board
- Well motivated and competent staff
- Proactive work by the staff concerning transparency towards the community and the public in general
- Clearly defined responsibilities both within the board and among the employees
- What external opportunities enable your entity's plan (e.g., socio-political context, community participation, fundraising)?
- Strong interest from GLAM institutions
- The use of Wikipedia in Education in Sweden is flourishing and there are plenty of further opportunities
- Positive attitudes towards Wikipedia in education
- Interest in how Wikipedia works shown from politicians
- What are key risks or threats that would prevent you from achieving your plan (e.g., leadership turnover, governance challenges, lawsuits, fundraising, community participation, socio-political context)?
- We are having a hard time engaging volunteers for chapter activities outside of Stockholm.
- The community has a lack of interest in the chapter and does not request as much help as they seem to need
- Plan requires Wikimedia Sverige to fundraise additional 1 000 000 SEK to achieve all the set goals
- How will you minimize these risks and threats?
- Engaging the community and offer our services in an as easy way as possible for them, also by connecting them to relevant agents
- Increase activity in fundraising (main activity of the secretary in Q4 is fundraising), make the work more efficient by making applications re-useable
Financials for the upcoming year's annual plan
- Provide your financial overview for the upcoming year in the format below.
- Please link to your detailed budget (translation into English highly recommended) in addition to completing the tables below.
- Detailed budget link:
- Revenues
Please list anticipated revenues, by source (e.g., FDC, Wikimedia grants programs, public funding, membership fees, local donations, event fees)
Table 5.
Revenue source Anticipated (in currency requested) Anticipated (In $US) FDC 2 350 000 341 570 Wiki Skills 203,000 29,506 Europeana Awareness 230,000 33,430 Member fees 15,000 2,180 Donations 20,000 2,907 Interest, sales 15,000 2,180 Other grants 1,867,000 271,366
Table 5. details:
- Current entity staff (e.g., Included in year-in-progress budget)
Role / functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff.
Table 6.
Role / Function Number of staff Percentage of staff time+ Secretary 1 100% Program manager 2 100% Project manager 1 15% Project Assistant 1+1 100%+10%
+Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members. For example, for full time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half time staff, you would put 50% in this column.
Table 6. details:
- Proposed new staff for upcoming year annual plan
Role / functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff.
Table 7.
Role / Function Number of staff Percentage of staff time+ Duration Rationale for hiring new staff CEO 1 100% full time Growth of the association places demand on full time leadership and coordination. Program managers 2+1 2x100% + 1x60% Full time The third program manager, for Volunteer support, is needed to manage all planned activities on that key initiative. Project managers 1 15% Full time [No new hiring] Project assistants 1+1 100% + 10% Full time [No new hiring] Financial administration 1 50% Full time When the secretary leaves, a specialist for financial issues will take care of those duties.
+Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members. For example, for full time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half time staff, you would put 50% in this column.
Table 7. details:
- Summary of staff expenses
Table 8.
In currency requested In $US Current staff expenses 1,575,000 228,924 Proposed staff expenses 1,465,000 212,936 Total staff expenses 3,040,000 441,860
Table 8. details:
- Expenses by program/initiative
Expenses are costs associated with any programs, initiatives, or projects your entity manages (e.g., event costs, materials, transportation). Please exclude any staff costs that are included above. “Programs / initiatives” might include education programs, outreach programs, etc. Please include any administration costs (e.g., office space rental, utilities) affiliated with each program along with any overall administration costs that are not affiliated with any particular program (e.g., Administration should be considered a "Program" under the first column.)
Table 9.
Program / initiative In currency requested In $US Community support 555 000 80.670 Content liberation 110 000 15.990 Free knowledge in Education 80 000 11.630 Reader participation 75 000 10.900 Free knowledge awareness 90 000 13.080 Administration 750 000 109.012
Total expenses 1 660 000 241.279
Table 9. details:
- Summary of total revenues and expenses
Table 10.
In currency requested In $US Total Revenues 4 700 000 683 140 Total Spending 4 700 000 683 140 Net (revenues less expenses) 0 0 Reserve balance, if applicable+ 450,000 65,407
+ Cash reserve balance should include cumulative reserves and any net revenue
Table 10. details:
- Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities
Enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Grants Program.
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes