보조금:APG/기금 배분 위원회/역사/요약
FDC 생성 및 초기 운영을 위한 프레임워크
![]() 이것은 FDC 프레임워크의 사용자 친화적인 요약입니다.
기금 배분 위원회(FDC)의 목표는 위키미디어의 사명, 비전 및 전략을 달성하기 위해 운동 기금을 효과적으로 할당하는 방법에 대한 결정을 내리는 데 도움을 주는 것입니다. 2012년 베를린에서 열린 위키미디어 컨퍼런스 동안 이사회는 FDC를 재단 자체를 포함한 다양한 운동 그룹 간에 무자격 기준으로 운동 기금을 분할 및 배포하는 방법에 대해 이사회에 조언하는 기구로 만들기로 결정했습니다. 프레임워크에는 다음 요소가 포함됩니다: 역할 및 책임 FDC는 이사회의 자문 위원회가 될 것이며 운동의 사명 목표를 달성하기 위해 운동 내 적격 단체의 자금 요청에 대한 권장 사항을 제공할 것입니다. 이사회의 역할은 FDC의 권장 사항을 검토하고 권장 할당을 승인/거부하는 것입니다. FDC 전담 직원을 포함한 WMF 직원은 FDC와 자금 보급 과정을 지원할 것입니다. 광범위한 위키미디어 커뮤니티는 FDC 회원 선택 및 신청자의 자금 요청에 대한 정보 제공을 포함하여 다양한 방식으로 참여할 것입니다. Entities eligible for funding from the FDC The FDC will address funds requests from formally acknowledged Wikimedia entities who are in full compliance with agreements with the Wikimedia Foundation and who have a successful track record of two or more grants or years of payment processing. The FDC will make recommendations on allocations of general funding to support an organization’s overall annual plan to achieve mission objectives. This will include requests for funding from the Wikimedia Foundation that are "non-core" to operating Wikimedia's websites and global organization. Entities that are not eligible to apply for funds through the FDC process may pursue funds through the Wikimedia Foundation's Grants Program (with support from the Grant Advisory Committee (GAC)) or through other granting entities. The Funding Process The FDC will accept applications for funds two times per year through a transparent application and decision-making process. Requirements and the timeline for the grant application process are clearly delineated, with the goal of making the process as user-friendly and straightforward as possible. At specific points during this process, the community will be invited to provide feedback on funds requests. Additionally, a formal complaints process has been established to allow entities to dispute FDC recommendations. The FDC will strive to be a center of excellence in the movement by holding entities to high standards in the plans they develop and in the implementation of their plans. To this end, the FDC will evaluate grant applications based on their likely impact in helping the Wikimedia movement achieve its global priorities as outlined in the 5-year strategic plan. They will also oversee a rigorous follow-up process, in which grants are evaluated with regard to success in achieving their intended outcomes. One of the functions of the FDC will be to highlight successes and share learning across entities in the movement, to increase overall effectiveness in achieving the movement’s goals. Funds Process Timeline
Membership The FDC will include nine voting members, five of whom will be community-elected, and four will be Board-appointed. In addition, two members of the Wikimedia Board of Trustees will participate as non-voting observers and liaisons to the Board. FDC members will serve two-year terms; elections to the FDC will be carried out every two years, at the same time as community elections for members of the Board of Trustees. The first FDC will include seven members, who will be appointed by the Board. Two additional members will be added in 2013 as part of the community elections for new members of the WMF Board of Trustees. Nominations have begun for members of the inaugural FDC, as the goal is to have this group appointed by October 2012. Significantly more detail about this process is outlined in the full recommendation for the board. The corresponding talk page documents the community commentary over the last several months. Near-term timeline This framework will be shared with the WMF Board at the beginning of July 2012. At that point, the board will review the framework and make a decision on it. If the framework is accepted, the funds dissemination process will begin: