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Global statistics/Rank data/chwiktionary

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chwiktionary user rank data
Rank Username Registration date Number of edits
1 Jatrobat 20080124204622 60
3 MediaWiki default 20061025172325 16
3 Pathoschild 20071009185748 16
4 Korg 20051224071253 12
6 MediaWiki message delivery 20140624183138 10
6 Ahoerstemeier 20070807104627 10
7 Flow talk page manager 20150803233043 8
9 DerHexer 20071023223058 7
9 Spam cleanup script~chwiktionary 20060124073622 7
10 Zigger 6
11 Jorunn 20070807232311 5
13 Drini 20070919174728 4
13 Mike.lifeguard 20080123013959 4
15 Koavf 20060715204722 3
15 MediaWiki spam cleanup 20060128000844 3
25 Sotiale 20200126051713 2
25 Meno25 20080326214308 2
25 Dungodung 20071223125647 2
25 Spacebirdy 20071217014227 2
25 MF-Warburg 20071201125226 2
25 Hégésippe Cormier 20071012053531 2
25 Gangleri 20060104200553 2
25 Pill 20061012181202 2
25 Werdan7 20080116194022 2
25 MenoBot 20080616085228 2
42 RobotGMwikt 20080513160319 1
42 MelancholieBot 20080416175039 1
42 Caiaffa 20080601062705 1
42 Mardetanha 20080613230414 1
42 GerardM 20080513160136 1
42 Moe Epsilon 20080608020444 1
42 Jyothis 20100319003502 1
42 Billinghurst 20130517195547 1
42 Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt 20080326211739 1
42 Maintenance script 20150416183923 1
42 Balû 20060120092120 1
42 Jon Harald Søby 20060702125631 1
42 MaxSem 20071126181403 1
42 Thogo 20060920203447 1
42 RCBot~chwiktionary 1
42 Cbrown1023 20071202071249 1
42 Nick1915 20080115121738 1