A global lock is a way by which stewards can technically prevent Wikimedia accounts logging in to any project, and thus, no editing can be done through that account. When an account is locked and attempts to log in, it fails on all Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) public wikis, such as Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikibooks, in all available languages. It is generally applied to cross-wiki vandalism-only accounts, spam-only accounts, long-term abuser sock accounts, and compromised accounts. The locking interface also offers the option of hiding the account name in all logs, for usernames that are impersonating, harassing or offensive. Global locks should not be confused with Global blocks and Global bans.
- To report a user who should be globally locked (or other users that are locked by mistake), see Steward requests/Global.
- If you are globally locked (for reasons other than being Foundation banned or compromised), you should appeal via emailing stewards
Accounts that are globally locked
Global locks are implemented by stewards at their discretion. Global locks are globally-set actions that lock a user out of their account and do not permit local projects to place exemptions. These are preferred over global blocks in cases where:
- the likelihood of a successful appeal is low given the severity of abuse, and stewards would be best suited to handle the appeal and evaluate the risk of the user's return to Wikimedia project, and
- when the user should be locked out of their account, such as due to account compromise or if the user has become deceased.
The following list identifies common reasons for global locks:

- Accounts that have been used only for vandalism or abuse on multiple wikis and are actively vandalizing now or obviously are otherwise being disruptive on multiple wikis are candidates for a global lock. Please include links to block histories or other evidence of abuse on other projects, and indicate where the account is still active.
- Accounts whose only intent is to spam on Wikimedia wikis.
- Accounts whose names are offensive or abusive are also eligible for locking, and may be hidden from logs as well.
- Accounts that have violated other principles which are grounds for indefinite blocks on multiple individual wikis, such as making repeated legal threats, publishing child pornography, or posting private personal information about others which may endanger them.
- Accounts that are suspected to have been compromised, as a temporary measure to maintain account security until the owner is contacted.
- Accounts that have been globally banned (community or Foundation).
- Accounts that have been created to evade a global ban (community or Foundation).
- Accounts whose owners are known to be deceased.
- Accounts belonging to former Wikimedia Foundation staff members or contractors (done by WMF staff).
- Accounts that have been vanished.
Compromised account
You may be looking for Help:Compromised accounts.
Sometimes stewards lock with reason as "Compromised account". If your account has been locked with this reason, please contact cawikimedia
- ↑ This is stated from a technical perspective. Per Stewards policy stewards would not impose locks against local community consensus, and if local sysops think an exemption is needed, they can contact stewards to revise the global lock.