
- Community Insights Survey – Annual survey of our global communities, measuring key indicators and demographics across the Wikimedia Movement.
- Community Safety Survey – Quarterly survey measuring feelings of safety across time on 5+ wikis.
- Wikimedia Affiliate Data Portal (WADP) – A central place for Wikimedia chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups to add reports about their activities, and share their plans and news with the wider Movement.
- Wikipedia Knowledge Integrity Risk Observatory – Providing a framework of key metrics for monitoring risks to knowledge integrity on Wikimedia.
- Knowledge Gaps Index – Providing a taxonomy and aligned metrics for understanding knowledge gaps in our content, contributors, and consumer spaces.
- Equity Landscape – Providing easily accessible data on inequities within the world and our Movement, this project compiles key signal metrics to internal and external data stores and presents annual data about the Wikimedia Movement’s engagement and growth in a public-facing dashboard.