Global Collaboration/Newsletter/Issues/2017/12
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
The filters are now deployed as a default feature on all wikis on RecentChanges and RecentChangesLinked pages.
- The filters are still available as a Beta feature on all wikis on Watchlists. Please try them!
- LiveUpdates have been deployed as a default feature for all wikis.
- On wikis using Extension:Translate, translated messages can now be filtered. System messages can be filtered as well, on all wikis. [1]
- "View new changes since $1" link is now more prominent, to invite users to use that native feature to update the list of results. [2]
- Pagination and time period selectors are now combined and located on the right on left-to-right wikis. [3]
- When a user wanted to click outside of the filter menu to close it, it was possible to click on "revert" link by accident. It is not possible anymore. [4]
- It is now possible to filter the following events using the Tags menu: Making a page a redirect, Changing redirect target, Changing an existing redirect into a non-redirect, Blanking of the page, Removing more than 90% of a page content, Rolling back an edit. [5]
- Some design improvements have been done to Related Changes page to integrate the new filters. [6]
- "Save current filter settings" menu and legend overlapped the results. This is now fixed. [7]
- Some small design improvements have been done. [8]
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
- Now Content Translation prevents source and target language to be set to same language. [9]
- The dialog for selecting article to translate is standardized. It introduces a new component that is used for the selected page on both the "New translation" dialog and the "Suggested pages" list. [10]
- More space is given to the language filter, to increase responsiveness and show more language names without truncation. [11]
- While searching for a new page to translate, duplicates are not shown anymore for user search input. [12]
- Various PHP warnings and JavaScript errors have been fixed. [13][14]
Structured discussions [More information • Help pages]
- It is now possible to use Special:Nuke on hidden Structured discussion topics. [15]
- The Reply button is not active anymore until something is typed. [16]
- For wikis that use ORES, preferences for ORES have been rationalized in Special:Preferences, on Recent Changes tab and Watchlist tab. [17]
- ORES will be deployed on Simple English Wikipedia. That wiki will be able to use the Prediction filters. [18]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.