Global Collaboration/Newsletter/Issues/2017/11
Latest news from the Wikimedia Global Collaboration team, about Notifications, Structured discussions, Edit Review Improvements and Content translation. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
What's new?
- The Global collaboration report for October is now available.
- All wikis now have the Filters for edit review as the default system on Recent Changes page.
Edit Review Improvements [More information • Help pages]
Most recent changes
Filters for Watchlists are still on Beta. Please try them and give feedback before we release it for all users!
- Shortcuts to filter Namespaces and Tags are now more visible. [1]
- Discovery of the search bar has been improved. [2]
- If the Recent Changes page or the Watchlist fails to load or is time-outed, a message is now displayed. [3][4]
- The bookmark icon for creating a "Saved filter" is now grayed when it is not possible to save. Before it was not visible. Bookmarking is unavailable when, for example, the current filter set is already saved. [5]
Future changes
- Live updates on Recent changes will be moved out of beta and into the standard feature set by the end of the year. [6]
- Extension:Translate filters for RecentChanges are going to be integrated to the new filters. [7]
- Automatic edit summaries will be filtered as tags. [8]
Content translation [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- List items (suggested items and in-progress/published translations) layout restyled to prevent overflows on small screen sizes.
- Search results for new translation dialog are now embedded, instead of being displayed in floating menu. Search results remain displayed when tabbed out and can be closed using ESC key.
- Missing pages are no longer shown when there is no match for search query. Message informing that there are no results is displayed instead.
- Embedded search results enabled to provide users with more translation opportunities. Articles user recently edited (in currently selected source language wiki) are surfaced when there is no input in search bar, with additional info if article is missing in user's currently selected target language.
- Long suggestion descriptions are limited to three lines, and the rest is truncated, which is indicated by ellipsis.
- Chart data representing user translation statistics in now showing all the months since user's first published translation. Months that went without translation are now displayed in chart as well.
- A loading indicator is shown while suggestions are loading.
- Button to discard dialog is now shown through the whole process of selecting article to translate.
Notifications [More information • Help pages]
Recent changes
- Edit-user-talk notifications are now expandable. [9]
Structured Discussions [More information • Help pages]
Future changes
- Some work is ongoing to store Structured Discussions contents from HTML to wikitext. That change will allow some specific templates and magic words to work properly on Structured Discussions. [10]
- Some tests are conducted in order to prepare the rewriting of Structured Discussions' interface. That rewriting will have no visible impact on users but it will ease future changes.
Other projects
- Compact Language Links has been deployed on German Wikipedia. [11]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Global Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.