Global Collaboration/Newsletter/Issues/2017/01/pt
Latest news from the Wikimedia Collaboration team, about Notifications, Flow and Edit Review Improvements. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you.
O que há de novo?
Our goal to add filters to the Recent Changes page is going well. We will contact soon some communities - the ones where ORES is available as a Beta feature - to plan a possible trial.
Edit Review Improvements [Mais Informação • Páginas de Ajuda]
Alterações recentes
Edit Review Improvements' Glossary is ready for translation.
Notificações [Mais Informação • Páginas de Ajuda]
- Revert notifications were not received on Wikidata. This is now fixed. [1]
Flow [Mais Informação • Páginas de AjudaMais Informação • Páginas de Ajuda]
- We plan to change Flow's URLs to make them more human readable. Your feedback is welcome.
- Communities which have allowed Flow trials with manual enabling (Hebrew Wikipedia, Persian Wikipedia, Arabic Wikipedia) will be asked if they want to switch to Beta feature activation. [2]
- A small maintenance on Flow database will happen during week 4. No impact is expected. [3]
Collaboration team's newsletter prepared by the Collaboration team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.