Rodni jaz
Središte resursa i informacija o Wikimedijinom rodnom jazu.
Dvije vrste rodnog jaza postoje unutar svijeta Wikimedije i štete mu: (a) rodni jaz u sadržaju (što znači da je više muškaraca nego žena obuhvaćeno glavnim sadržajem naših wikija) i (b) rodni jaz u učestvovanju, što znači da više muškaraca sudjeluje u kolegijalnim produkcijskim zajednicama Wikimedije.
This page seeks to act as a hub for resources and information about Wikimedia's gender gaps, and to adequately quantify the gender gaps, in particular by presenting studies on the subject and by collecting anecdotal evidence about why women, LGBT+ people and underrepresented gender identity minorities leave or never join Wikipedia.
The gender gap mailing list is a place to talk about this with other people who are interested and can help. Started on January 31st, 2011, it has a mix of longtime Wikimedians and people from other fields who arrived through their interest in the subject, so it's helpful to introduce yourself in your first post.
In 2020, a Telegram channel was opened to host discussions. You can join it.
Navigating this portal

- Knowledge – Watch, listen and read about Gender gap.
- Research – Publications
- Resources – Tools, documents and financial support
- Groups – Groups, formal or informal, involved in the abolition of the gender gap
- Initiatives – Initiatives led by the groups (by groups or in collaboration)
- News and Events – the latest from Gender Gap