< Gadgets
Gagets statistics for wikiquote projects as of May 2021.
Gadget | wikis (number of users) | total number of users |
HotCat | en (635), ar (67), bg (6), ca (31), cs (20), de (48), es (60), fa (83), he (5), it (29), pl (51), pt (81), ru (81), tr (37), uk (29), zh (47) | 1310 |
UTCLiveClock | en (564), ar (46), bg (3), ca (2), fa (24), pt (53), ru (103), tr (8) | 803 |
edittop | en (447), bg (4), fa (20), pt (33) | 504 |
exlinks | en (379), bg (5), ca (10), fa (14), pt (36) | 444 |
sysopdectector | en (409), fa (33) | 442 |
HighlightAdmins | en (398) | 398 |
HideFundraisingNotice | en (294), bg (2) | 296 |
EnhancedInterwikis | en (292) | 292 |
newpagesbox | en (269) | 269 |
recentchangesbox | en (255) | 255 |
Navigation_popups | bg (3), es (33), pl (82), pt (50), zh (51) | 219 |
userMessages | en (198), ca (2) | 200 |
CleanDeleteReasons | en (135), fa (18) | 153 |
markadmins | ru (142) | 142 |
Extra-Editbuttons | de (44), fa (50), pt (38) | 132 |
markblocked | ru (122) | 122 |
Cat-a-lot | en (56), ca (6), fa (3), he (5), tr (8), zh (34) | 112 |
quickeditcounter | bg (7), ca (18), pl (86) | 111 |
preview | ru (107) | 107 |
colored-nicknames | pl (98) | 98 |
urldecoder | ru (95) | 95 |
FlaggedRevs | ru (93) | 93 |
FastButtons | es (89) | 89 |
searchbox | fr (8), pl (72) | 80 |
autoformat | pl (75) | 75 |
popups | fa (53), ru (22) | 75 |
wikEd | bg (2), pl (44), zh (28) | 74 |
purge | ru (72) | 72 |
colored-new-in-rc | pl (71) | 71 |
OngletPurge | fr (28), pt (43) | 71 |
histcomb | ru (70) | 70 |
Popups | ar (40), fr (30) | 70 |
dynamic-ips | pl (62) | 62 |
replylinks | pl (62) | 62 |
lastdiff | fa (23), pt (38) | 61 |
summary | ru (59) | 59 |
HotCats | fr (55) | 55 |
BiDiEditing | ar (41), fa (14) | 55 |
ShortLink | ar (37), fa (12) | 49 |
dropdown-menus | fa (17), ru (32) | 49 |
contribsrange | fa (13), ru (36) | 49 |
sk | pl (48) | 48 |
purgetab | bg (4), ca (14), fa (16), uk (13) | 47 |
hideimages | en (47) | 47 |
Monobook-Suite | es (46) | 46 |
hideSidebar | pl (45) | 45 |
Autocomplete | pl (43) | 43 |
edithysteria | pl (41) | 41 |
LastContrib | pt (40) | 40 |
QPreview | fa (14), he (26) | 40 |
watchlist | ru (40) | 40 |
insert-category | pl (39) | 39 |
FlecheHaut | pt (37) | 37 |
EnhancedUndelete | pt (28), ru (8) | 36 |
Newuser | fa (34) | 34 |
blocktab | pt (33) | 33 |
ToolsRedirect | zh (32) | 32 |
XTools | fa (32) | 32 |
dictionaryLookupHover | fr (32) | 32 |
navigation_popups | ru (32) | 32 |
LinkToWikidata | zh (31) | 31 |
taghighlighter | fa (31) | 31 |
bottomtabs | pt (31) | 31 |
iw-links | pl (30) | 30 |
Easy-Archive | zh (30) | 30 |
AjaxUndo | fa (30) | 30 |
PageContributions | fa (29) | 29 |
Gezinti_pencereleri | tr (29) | 29 |
Extra-menu | fa (29) | 29 |
insert-image | pl (28) | 28 |
Purga | it (28) | 28 |
RedirectMaker | fa (27) | 27 |
userrights | pt (27) | 27 |
rightsfilter | pt (26) | 26 |
save-preview-buttons | pl (26) | 26 |
rclast | he (26) | 26 |
Personendaten | de (26) | 26 |
Warnings | he (25) | 25 |
editIntro | he (25) | 25 |
addon-wikitext | fa (25) | 25 |
DiffBytes | he (25) | 25 |
addon-fixes | fa (25) | 25 |
Contributions-report | fa (25) | 25 |
addon-messages | fa (24) | 24 |
PulsantiBase | it (24) | 24 |
UserEditCount | fa (23) | 23 |
Markblockedscript | fa (23) | 23 |
Statistics | uk (23) | 23 |
ToolsIcon | fa (23) | 23 |
botonpurgar | es (23) | 23 |
Twinkle | fa (1), tr (11), zh (11) | 23 |
ResumeDeluxe | fr (22) | 22 |
addon-buttonsformove | fa (22) | 22 |
googletranslator | fa (22) | 22 |
delete | pl (21) | 21 |
GreenRedirect | fa (21) | 21 |
IconeLinkEsterni | it (21) | 21 |
HighlightRedirects | cs (20) | 20 |
userinfo | fa (20) | 20 |
EditReplace | he (20) | 20 |
QuickEdit | it (2), pl (18) | 20 |
defaultsummaries | fa (20) | 20 |
rcPatrol | he (19) | 19 |
localclock | fa (19) | 19 |
NotifyUnconnectedLists | cs (19) | 19 |
IranianSans | fa (19) | 19 |
link_user_rights | ru (19) | 19 |
HotCatMulti | it (18) | 18 |
InsertPersonTemplate | uk (18) | 18 |
RTRC | fa (18) | 18 |
CatMaker | ar (18) | 18 |
EasyNewSection | fa (18) | 18 |
refStyle | he (18) | 18 |
RenommageCategorie | fr (18) | 18 |
DisambigHili | uk (17) | 17 |
notsign | fa (17) | 17 |
lifilter | fa (17) | 17 |
CurIDLink | uk (17) | 17 |
removefromcategory | he (16) | 16 |
diffswitchdir | fa (16) | 16 |
OtherWikis | he (16) | 16 |
ShortNSSearch | he (16) | 16 |
StripedQuotes | cs (16) | 16 |
SearchEngines | fa (16) | 16 |
CustomizedEditTool | fa (15) | 15 |
DeluxeHistory | fa (15) | 15 |
IndentazioneColorata | it (15) | 15 |
AncreTitres | fa (15) | 15 |
OldDiff | fa (15) | 15 |
monBrouillon | fr (15) | 15 |
CommentsinLocalTime | zh (15) | 15 |
SubPages | uk (15) | 15 |
UMTR | it (15) | 15 |
Checkty | he (14) | 14 |
editHysteria | uk (14) | 14 |
CategoryAboveAll | fa (14) | 14 |
fixtopbar | fa (14) | 14 |
EsconoDaQui | it (14) | 14 |
prota | fa (14) | 14 |
PreviewWithVariant | zh (14) | 14 |
HotInterwiki | it (13) | 13 |
YellowBackgroundRedirects | uk (13) | 13 |
intropreload | fa (13) | 13 |
ExpandedSubcategoryDetails | he (13) | 13 |
removeAccessKeys | pt (13) | 13 |
Gototop | fa (13) | 13 |
prefixindex | fa (12) | 12 |
lastchenges | fa (11) | 11 |
Wikiplus | zh (10) | 10 |
ImageMap | it (10) | 10 |
Revert | he (9) | 9 |
toggleRCOptions | he (9) | 9 |
WikidataTab | he (8) | 8 |
disable-animations | pl (8) | 8 |
mySandbox | fa (8) | 8 |
CustomSideBarLinks | he (8) | 8 |
Direct-link-to-Commons | ca (8) | 8 |
XTools-MaddeBilgisi | tr (8) | 8 |
CIDR | it (8) | 8 |
fixsidebar | fa (8) | 8 |
PratikMenu | tr (7) | 7 |
InterwikiOrder | he (7) | 7 |
RicercheAvanzate | it (7) | 7 |
HotCatsMulti | fr (7) | 7 |
ReferenceTooltips | bg (4), tr (2) | 6 |
sidebarToggle | fa (6) | 6 |
OngletGoogle | fr (6) | 6 |
Quick_rollback | bg (6) | 6 |
Quick_patrol | bg (6) | 6 |
Haklar | tr (6) | 6 |
GirisDegistirme | tr (5) | 5 |
Quick_diff | bg (5) | 5 |
Advisor | bg (5) | 5 |
quicklinks | bg (4) | 4 |
BDK | tr (4) | 4 |
BosOzet | tr (4) | 4 |
mobile-sidebar | ca (4) | 4 |
autocomplete | he (4) | 4 |
ExternalSearch | bg (3) | 3 |
WikidataInfo | tr (3) | 3 |
CategoryMaster | bg (3) | 3 |
ExpandedSubcategoryDetail | he (3) | 3 |
search-new-tab | bg (3) | 3 |
Wdsearch | tr (3) | 3 |
cats-on-top | bg (2) | 2 |
cleandeletereason | zh (2) | 2 |
Kisayol | tr (2) | 2 |
Silme | tr (1) | 1 |
MarkGender | uk (1) | 1 |
SafeRollback | cs (1) | 1 |
HideSectionEditLinks | cs (1) | 1 |
CodeEditor | uk (1) | 1 |