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GLAM Wiki 2023/FAQ/Questões do formulário de bolsas

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page GLAM Wiki 2023/FAQ/Scholarship application questions and the translation is 12% complete.
ConferênciaGLAM Wiki
Montevidéu, Uruguai
16 a 18 de Novembro de 2023

Sobre sua submissão

Reconheço que uma bolsa de estudos integral cobrirá:

  • Voos
  • Acomodação
  • Registro
  • Refeições no evento
  • Seguro médico limitado
  • Custo do visto on-line para o Uruguai

Se me for oferecida uma bolsa parcial, ela cobrirá:

  • Acomodação
  • Registro
  • Refeições no evento
  • Seguro médico limitado
  • Custo do visto on-line

Todas as outras despesas, incluindo seguro para voos, seguro contra roubo, viagens locais e outros itens diversos, são de minha responsabilidade.

Escolha apenas uma das opções a seguir:

  • Reconhecimento

Reconheço que o processo de bolsa de estudos é um processo independente das propostas do Programa.

  • Minha proposta de sessão pode ser aceita na GLAM Wiki Conference, mas isso não me torna necessariamente elegível para uma bolsa de estudos.
  • Por outro lado, não preciso enviar uma proposta de sessão para ser considerado para uma bolsa de estudos. Entendo que serei avaliado por meu próprio mérito, com base nos critérios estabelecidos pelos organizadores da Conferência, e não sou obrigado a enviar uma proposta para ser considerado para uma bolsa de estudos.

Por favor, escolha apenas uma das seguintes opções:

  • Reconhecimento

I acknowledge that my participation in the event and the scholarship application is dependent on good standing with the Friendly Space Policy and the Universal Code of Conduct of the Wikimedia Foundation.

  • Acknowledge

Full scholarships will cover travel, accommodation, registration, meals at the event, online visa cost and some incidental expenses. Partial scholarships will provide accommodation, meals at the event, some incidental expenses and registration only. Please indicate which type of Wikimedia Foundation scholarship you are applying for.

Note that:

Those who choose “I am applying for a full scholarship, but would be able to attend if awarded a partial scholarship” will be considered according to the same selection criteria.

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Full scholarship
  • I am applying for a full scholarship, but would be able to attend if awarded a partial scholarship
  • Partial scholarship (accommodation, registration)

Please indicate whether you would like your information shared with other, independent Wikimedia movement organizations or affiliates. They might be offering additional scholarships that you may be eligible for.

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes, share my application
  • No, do not share my application

Travel and contact details

In this section, please provide contact details and travel information.

Do not provide passport numbers; they will be requested only if you are a successful recipient.

Please provide basic contact information.

Do you have a passport?

Please choose only one of the following:

  • Yes, valid until after March 2024
  • No, but I will have one by July 2023
  • I don’t need a passport to travel to Uruguay
You are responsible for applying or renewing your passport. Delays in obtaining a passport may cause any offer to be withdrawn.
What country do you reside in?

Please choose only one of the following:

long list of options
Please specify your preferred international airport to depart from and return to.
Which country has issued your passport?

Please choose only one of the following:

long list of options

Personal information

What is your age group?

Please choose only one of the following:

  • 18 to 24
  • 25 to 34
  • 35 to 44
  • 45 to 54
  • 55 to 64
  • 65+
  • I prefer not to say
Which of these categories describe your gender identity?

Please choose all that apply:

  • Woman
  • Man
  • Transgender
  • Non-binary
  • An identity not listed here
  • I prefer not to say
We understand that simultaneous interpretation is very valuable, but due to budget constraints we might not be able to provide it for several languages. What are the languages that you are more comfortable with?
  1. inglês
  2. espanhol
  3. português
  4. Other (please specify)

About you

What's your relationship to the topic of the conference? (Multiple choice options)
  • I work at a cultural heritage organization
  • I’m a Wikimedia volunteer
  • I’m a volunteer with a cultural heritage organization
  • I work at a Wikimedia affiliate
  • I work at a research or academic institution
  • I'm a graduate or undergraduate student
  • I work at a non for profit institution
  • I work at a funding organization or agency
  • I work at a government institution
  • Other:
Are you currently working on a GLAM Wiki related project?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No, but I'm planning to
  • No, but I've done so in the past
Please share any relevant links that help us understand your involvement with GLAM Wiki. ONLY include links.
How long have you been involved with GLAM Wiki?
  • Less than one year
  • 1-3 years
  • 3-5 years
  • 5 years or more
Have you ever attended a GLAM Wiki Conference?
  • Yes
  • No, I never attended
  • No, I didn’t know it existed
Are you planning to submit a session proposal

NOTE: Please remember that the Program application process is different from the Scholarship application process. Your session proposal might get accepted for the Program, but that doesn’t mean you are immediately eligible for a scholarship.

  • Yes
  • No and I’m not interested
  • Maybe, I’m still considering it

Assessment questions

Are you willing to volunteer at the Conference?

Note: If you decide not to volunteer, that will not affect your application for the scholarship.

Note: Volunteer includes a variety of things, from helping with online elements of the Conference, to writing a few social media posts, to help with T&S on site.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe, I’m considering it

We want to know you better. In a few sentences, tell us more about your experience working with heritage institutions (cultural or scientific) and the Wikimedia movement. Please include any relevant details and links  that allow us to better understand the type and extent of involvement with the topic of the conference. (2000 characters max)

Please tell us why you want to come to the GLAM Wiki Conference. (2000 characters max)

Please tell us what skill(s) or contributions you think you could bring to the GLAM Wiki Conference. (2000 characters max)

Please tell us how you think coming to the GLAM Wiki Conference will have a long lasting impact on your community and how do you expect to share any learnings or outcomes you might have after the Conference. (2000 characters max)


Dear applicant,

Thank you for taking the time to apply for a scholarship for the GLAM Wiki Conference, which will be hosted in Montevideo, Uruguay from 16-18 November, 2023.

The Scholarships Committee for the GLAM Wiki Conference will be reviewing all applications according to the eligibility guidance and criteria set out in the application process.

This process will take place once the application deadline has passed. After that all applicants will be notified of their scholarship application outcome in July.

For those that have been successful, we will then be in further contact about booking accommodation and travel for you.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please refer to the Scholarships page on the GLAM Wiki Conference on Meta or contact us at info@wikimedistas.uy.

Best Wishes,

The 2023 GLAM Wiki Conference Organizers