Is the page using the correct version of the Appeal?
Has letter text/title/donate template been translated? Don't forget the links at the bottom! Review for all official/most used languages in that country
Does the letter have the correct localization for the currency?
Are the ask strings in the appeal matching the ask strings in the form?
Donation template
Check localization (correct currency, currency code, ask strings, payment methods). Dont forget to check 'minimums' as well
Donation template
Check Payment Methods, Credit Card types: click on each one and make sure it works/translations are in place
Donation template
Does the 'Info Box' hold the correct text? Standard: Jimmy-whereyourdonation; Everyone else-whyyourdonation
Donation form
Are the personal information fields correct? Verify if new mock up is available and check translation as well. Please refer to country specific forms
Donation form
Error Checking: Check to confirm error messages are active and correct