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Fundraising 2011/CountryTracking/Japan

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Basic info


Country Code: JP

Currency Codes: JPY

Language Codes:

  • ja - Japanese

Payment Options:

  • Credit Card
  • Paypal
  • Bank Transfer

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Local only appeals

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Test # Start Test End Test Control Variable Winner
1 2011-11-16 @ 06:30 UTC 2011-11-22 @ 01:30 UTC Payment methods (CC - PP) Payment methods (CC - PP - BT) BT Won
2 2011-11-22 @ 01:30 UTC ????? banner AMOUNT% 1000 yen reg banner ?????
3 2011-11-23 @ 03:40 UTC 2011-11-23 @ 07:40 UTC default radio buttonlayout inline currency symbols [[[:File:JP_Currencysymbol_test.pdf| | variable2]]]
4 2011-11-24 @ 10:20 UTC 2011-11-29 @ 22:25 UTC Jimmy Green Brandon Green Brandon green
5 2011-11-25 @ 22:30 UTC 2011-11-27 @ 20:00 UTC default radio buttonlayout inline currency symbols [[[:File:JP_Symboltest11251127.pdf default layout ]]]
6 2011-12-01 @ 19:10 UTC 2011-12-02 @ 22:50 UTC Brandon Green Brandon WeAccept tie
7 2011-12-02 @ 23:10 UTC 2011-12-06 @ 19:10 UTC Brandon WeAccept Susan WeAccept [[[:File:JP_SusanvsBrandon_test.pdf|Susan]]]
8 2011-12-06 @ 19:10 UTC ??????? Susan WeAccept
9 2011-12-14 @ 3:15 UTC ??????? 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 10000 15000 1000 1500 2000 5000 10000 20000 30000
10 2011-12-19 @ 17:30 UTC AlanAccept
11 2011-12-27 @ 23:20UTC Jimmy%AMOUNT%
12 2011-12-28 @ 04:00UTC 2011-12-28 @ 21:30UTC Jimmy%AMOUNT
13 2011-12-28 @ 21:30UTC 2011-12-29 @ 01:50 UTC Jimmy%AMOUNT Jimmy pls read
14 2011-12-29 @ 01:50 UTC Jimmy%AMOUNT

Test Number Detailed message
1 This test was designed to test the effect of adding a third payment option, bank transfer, to credit card and Paypal. The Page variable1 (BT) received 11% less donations (AMOUNT $10,182) via CC and PP (equivalent to) but the BT's on GC's console sum up to $36,000. Even if only 30% of these go through, it would be an additional ($10,840). Therefore BT wins. Tested on C11_1114_AvsB_JP
2 This test was designed to test a Jimmy banner with a green background verses a Brandon banner with a green background.Tested on C11_1114_AvsB_JP
3 Test designed to test inline currency symbols (in each radio button) vs the regular layout (symbol appears above all radio buttons). Tested on 'C11_1122_SYMBOLS_JP.
4 Testing Jimmy Green regular banner (B11_Donate_Jimmy_AvsB) vs Brandon Green regular banner (B11_Donate_Brandon_AvsB). Tested on C11_1114_AvsB_JP
5 Test designed to re-test inline currency symbols (in each radio button) vs the regular layout (symbol appears above all radio buttons). Tested on C11_1122_SYMBOLS_JP
6 Was a tie. Decided to go with Brandon Accept
7 Testing Susan green 'we accept' banner (B11_Donate_SusanAccept_AvsB). vs Brandon Green 'we accept' banner (B11_Donate_BrandonAccept_AvsB). Susan won. Tested on C11_1114_AvsB_JP
8 Just running Susan
9 Testing higher vs lower ask string