Fundraising 2011/Core messages/eu
Pages for translation: [edit status] | |||||||||
Interface messages ![]() high priority Translated on Translatewiki. Get started. |
In progress | ||||||||
Banners and LPs (source) high priority |
In progress | ||||||||
Banners 2 (source) high priority |
Needs updating | ||||||||
Jimmy Letter 002 (source) high priority |
Published | ||||||||
Jimmy Letter 003 (source) variation of Jimmy Letter 002 |
Needs proofreading | ||||||||
Jimmy Letter 004 (source) variation of Jimmy Letter 002 |
Missing | ||||||||
Jimmy Mail (source) variation of Jimmy Letter 002 |
Missing | ||||||||
Brandon Letter (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Alan Letter (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Kaldari Letter (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Karthik Letter (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Thank You Mail (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Thank You Page (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Problems donating (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Recurring giving (source) | Missing | ||||||||
Sue Thank You (source) | Missing | ||||||||
FAQ (source) low priority |
Missing | ||||||||
Various requests: Mail to past donors · Jimmy quote | |||||||||
Outdated requests:
Translation instructions |
If you have any questions or feedback regarding the translation process, please post them here. Translation FAQ |
- Informazio gehiago jaso edo emateko beste bide batzuri buruz jakiteko, egin klik hemen.
- Ez dugu zure kreditu txartelaren informaziorik gordeko eta zure datu pertsonalak gure Emaileen Pribatutasun Politikaren arabera kudeatuko ditugu.
- Wikipediaren sortzaile den Jimmy Wales-en eskaria.
- Irakurri mesedez: Wikipediaren sortzaile den Jimmy Walesen eskari pertsonala.
- Irakurri orain
- Kreditu-txartel bidezko ordainketa
- PayPal bidezko ordainketa
- Aukeratu zure dohaintzaren kopurua:
- Egin dohaintza egin
- Wikimedia Fundazioaren albisteak jasotzearekin ados nago.
- Bestelakoa:
- Gutxienez USD $1 eman behar duzu
- Read about why other donors around the world support Wikipedia and its sister projects, or find out if your company has a corporate matching gift program.
Tell the world that you support Wikimedia: tweet it with hashtag #keepitfree!