Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-22
[edit]- "Thanks for empowering public knowledge access" — Ms. Kym Yeoward, donated 40 AUD
- "worth having as an original and useful resource." — Alan Sweetman, donated 30 AUD
- "活動を支持し、支援します。" — Mr. Satoru Iriyoshi, donated 3000 JPY
- "Best return on an investment of time and money to be found." — Dan Philpott, donated 100 USD
- "Thank you, Wikipedia. This is Good!" — David B McMorran, donated 25 USD
- "いつもありがとうございます" — Ms. Yuki Sakakura, donated 3000 JPY
- "why work, when I can read Wikipedia. Keep growing" — Valeriu Neagu, donated 10 USD
- "Free/Libre knowledge for a better world" — Marco Menardi, donated 75 EUR
- "The world IS a ood place, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." — Alexander Mulder, donated 10 EUR
- "Legalize it." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is the best site on the Internet." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Great initiative, lots of info and fun" — Mr. Joao Dias de Queiroz Filho, donated 7 USD
- "いつもありがとうございます。" — Mr. Jiro Umehara, donated 10000 JPY
- "Thanks to Wikipedia for its role in the knowledge revolution -- making knowledge universally and freely accessible." — Kim Korn, donated 100 USD
- "Thank YOU Jimmy Wales, your website has made my life easier. " — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I just love Wikipedia. It makes me very happy." — Lindsay Hall, donated 10 USD
- "Before Wikipedia, we just wandered around in unknowing ignorance. Now we at least have a decent guess." — Ryan Micallef, donated 30 USD
- "Wiki Wiki!" — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
- "small start, big future" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "The preservation of the means of knowledge among the lowest ranks is of more importance to the public than all the property of the rich men in the country. -JA" — john muellerleile, donated 100 USD
- "今後も多彩な情報が共有されることを期待します" — 心水 松田, donated 3000 JPY
- "Invaluable resource" — David Ledger, donated 30 AUD
- "dhunter98" — Yuriy Belonozhko, donated 10 USD
- "I am an Italia blogger who moved to the United States. I've been using Wikipedia for years and I think it's a very important resource for the humankind." — Gerlando Termini, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is a necessary information locus that all of us need fast, for us to receive the answers to important questions in our personal inquiries.Give, to keep it alive and improving." — Andrew A Agler, donated 25 USD
- "May free information always be the foundation of the Internet!" — Chris Baragar, donated 15 CAD
- "I live in a 12ft long trailer and drive a 77 truck. If I can contribute, what's your excuse?" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "很高興讓每個人都能自由免費地享有所有人類知識的總和. 願世上每一個人都活得精采." — 紹基 朱, donated 1000 HKD
- "Mr. Wales, you are a shaper of worlds" — Mari L Barnes, donated 25 USD
- "Knowledge and understanding are the key to peace." — Jason Nielsen, donated 30 USD
- "Small contribution to a large goal of "free access to the sum of all human knowledge"" — Asoke Talukder, donated 30 USD
- "It is important that all people have free access to knowledge in order that society may improve. Besides, our children, and children's children will thank us!" — David Johnson, donated 30 USD
- "free thinkers make a free world" — Igor Nitto, donated 50 EUR
- "Thanks" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I wish wikipedia could find the funds it needs the same way I find information when I need!" — Sergio Braga, donated 30 USD
- "I use wikipedia at least once a week & I have no problem with the entries I'm personally concerned with. I guess I could afford ten bucks, teacher salary or not." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "If every wage earner in the U.S. donated just twenty dollars, then WikiPedia would have over $2B to spend on infrasturcture.. Do this today." — doug austin, donated 20 USD
- "one of the truely incredible internet inventions" — Kevin Miller, donated 30 USD
- "Free the Knowledge" — Andrew Jorgenson, donated 20 USD
- "As a student and proponent of free education, I really appreciate the work by Wiki and so I am donating what I can." — Vineet Tripathi, donated 10 USD
- "Car Ramrod!" — Neil Jansen, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia - Support it and support knowledge, Knowledge is wealth...complete the circle." — John Goncalves, donated 10 USD
- "Ukrainians support this project. We know about your existence - so id like u to know about ours ;)" — Tykhon Dziuban, donated 20 SGD
- "Making the world a smaller place which we so desperately need to survive" — Edward Llorca, donated 5 USD
- "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods. - albert einstein" — JULIUS CISEK, donated 50 USD
- "do something good for someone you don't know "pay it forward"" — robert oleary, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is my first choice for authorial research...thank you for making it so easy and comprehensive!" — Rick Hubbard, donated 100 USD
- "What a timesaving resource; the world at your fingertips!" — Larry Steiner, donated 10 CAD
- "Best investment I ever made" — Razmig Messerian, donated 5 USD
- "A growing information resource that never sleeps and makes one happy to wake up to " — Michael Chee, donated 250 USD
- "Wir spenden nicht für das Wissen der Welt, wir spenden für die Arbeit um es zu verwalten. Ein grosses Dankeschön an alle Wiki-Leute dieser Welt! " — Pascal Schaffner, donated 30 EUR
- "Wikipedia has been one of the most influencial and most utilized tools of the digital age." — Matthew Madderra, donated 30 USD
- "Michael Burns and Kelly Sikula have the funniest sweetest BEST son in the word MIKEY (Michael) Jon Burns Jr." — Michael Burns, donated 5 USD
- "love u guys" — R Pizarro, donated 10 USD
- "What did we do before Wikipedia? Thanks for the privilege to use this valuable resource." — Sherwin Gandhi, donated 30 USD
- "this is a great service and will encourage me to better pursue the concept of sharing" — said saidian, donated 5 USD
- "ウィキメディアは私の知識に役立ってます。" — 真理子 小峰, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wiki is awesome" — amine benkirane, donated 10 USD
- "wikipedia rocks!" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. - Very well thought" — navya teja kakarla, donated 10 USD
- "WORLD WAKE UP!@##$" — John Peterson, donated 75 USD
- "wikipedia is awesome" — Aaron Hilterbran, donated 10 USD
- "WIKIは知識の宝庫ですね。" — Anonymous, donated 10000 JPY
- "knowledge is priceless - and now it's free" — Chris Rush, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia helped me understand everything changes and everything stays the same" — cavan chapman, donated 75 AUD
- "We're doomed, but we'll be well-informed when the time comes. " — Dustin Olender, donated 30 CAD
- "Un Piccolo Contributo per una Grande Risorsa. B.Paolo" — Paolo Bruschi, donated 10 EUR
- "wiki is a symbol of what the internet could potentially be - "free access to the sum of all human knowledge"" — Michael Park, donated 30 AUD
- "Good Work!!" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "Quiz yourself on Programming Languages -" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is the light!!!" — Ivan Bauer, donated 50 CAD
- "Los que creen que el dinero lo hace todo, suelen hacer cualquier cosa por dinero. Francois Marie Arouet Voltaire " — JOSE ANDRES LEAL QUIRICO, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is a brilliant tool! I use it daily." — David Plotzki, donated 25 EUR
- "Ein kommendes Reich des Friedens und der Toleranz wird sich aber aus tiefer Freundlichkeit aufbauen... Von dem Guten, das in ihnen ist, soll man den Menschen künden... (Prentice Mulford)" — Günter Christian Körner, donated 15 EUR
- "Όλοι μαζί μπορούμε να καλλιτερέψουμε τον κόσμο, με προτεραιότητα την εξάλειψη της πείνας, την μείωση των ρύπων,τον τερματσμό των πολέμων και την μείωση της δυστυχίας στον κόσμο Μωραιδης Ευάγγελος " — EVANGELOS MORAIDHS, donated 20 EUR
- "非常に便利なウィキペディアの機能をさらに強化充実させてください" — 泰啓 服部, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wikipedia rocks. Without Wikipedia....I just don't know what I would do. =) Thanks Wikipedia! Keep on rockin'!" — Tiffany Christopher, donated 5 USD
- "Gentileza gera gentileza!" — Sylvio Junior, donated 30 USD
- "fongo" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Mike e Bob" — Michele Lavasso, donated 50 EUR
- "If you think I am bad, thank God for sending Christ, I would have been worst." — Joshua Hodo, donated 5 GBP
- "Great free service." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "omdat de 'waarheid' alleen maar door ons samen kan worden beschreven." — Geert van den Broeck, donated 30 EUR
- "Doskonała strona z podstawowymi informacjami na dany temat." — Maciej Pawłowski, donated 30 PLN
- "Will donate more when I can to this grate foundation" — wail s s alghanim, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia rocks and rules." — Srivastava Anurag, donated 51 SGD
- "Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and enernity in an hour. W.Blake" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
- "Give a little, get a lot. Support Wikipedia" — Paul Keane, donated 25 EUR
- "Once you can't live without Wiki" — Mirco Palomba, donated 5 EUR
- "I'm hoping World Peace through global understanding of each other facilitated by technologies such as Wikipedia!" — Lisa Tansey, donated 57 USD
- "La révolution Wikipédia." — Thierry Salmon, donated 10 EUR
- "Guinn Family - Tampa,FL -Anything is possible when it's possible in one man's mind." — Matthew Guinn, donated 100 USD
- "Thanks!" — Sebastián Marconi, donated 20 USD
- "Wohl dem gesunden Menschenverstand" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
- "Nous avons besoin de vous tous les jours. Battez vous et vous serez dans Wikipédia, un jour...gérard LHERITIER" — Gérard LHERITIER, donated 200 EUR
- "spead the love" — Joseph Panjikaran, donated 30 USD
- "Es una magnifica iniciativa, animo." — ANTONIO JIMENEZ, donated 30 USD
- "Que la Wikipedia siga creciendo y mejorando cada vez más, tan fantástica como siempre." — Jose Antonio Ruiz Molina, donated 5 EUR
- "人類の英知を、みなさんと共有しましょう。このウィキペディアを通じて。" — TORU TAKIMOTO, donated 3000 JPY
- "Thanks to all the wonderful people who give us wikipedia. Despite the obvious difficulties this is by far the best overall source on information on almost everything.. Good on you guys and gals.!!" — John Geaney, donated 100 EUR
- "используйте на благо людям" — Dmitry Demchuk, donated 30 USD
- "Wissen sollte auf jeden Fall frei verfügbar sein, unbeinflusst von einzelnen Interessengruppen." — Paul Beyer, donated 50 EUR
- "reconnect, share and play together!" — jms slee, donated 10 EUR
- "Ik heb vaak gebruik gemaakt van wikipedia, het lijkt me hoog tijd om iets terug te doen!" — Bas Verheul, donated 75 EUR
- "Free Culture for Everyone!" — Fabrizio Mancinelli, donated 10 EUR
- "Lo mejor de Internet es sin duda la wikipedia. Hagamos que siga creciendo." — David Valdeita Loureiro, donated 6 USD
- "Tulevaisuuteen katsominen vaatii hyvän muistin..." — Rami Nummela, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipedia is the best thing in the Intenet" — yoav aminov, donated 50 ILS
- "Wikipedia jest bardzo pomocna mojej rodzinie. Tomasz Bobras" — Tomasz Bobras, donated 75 PLN
- "In Rania's memory" — Orestis Papadopoulos, donated 30 EUR
- "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" — Mark Baldwin, donated 30 USD
- "いつも便利に使わせていただいております。更なる発展と普及を心より願っております。" — shinichi fukui, donated 3000 JPY
- "Per un libero sapere" — Enrico Santuari, donated 5 EUR
- "Danke für die vielen kleine Hilfen im täglichen Leben. Weiter so. Gert Lange" — Gert Lange, donated 30 EUR
- "コンピューターが心ある人々のみが使用しているわけではありません。コンピューターが今後もっと不愉快なことに使用される可能性は大きいのですが、世界の知識をすべての人と共有できるかもしれないウィキメディアが広く、公正に使われることを祈ります。" — Anonymous, donated 10000 JPY
- "Deseo que todas las personas tengan acceso al conocimiento y esta página y medio son la forma idónea, sigamos adelante!!!" — Patricio Rey Saavedra, donated 30 USD
- "A simple thank you." — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
- "Thank you very much for your services to the Public." — Mr. Raymond Yang, donated 30 USD
- "la conoscenza mossa dalla compassione e dal buonsenso è la soluzione" — niccolò barbagli, donated 5 EUR
- "Merci" — Bastien Lacoste, donated 5 EUR
- "Nemo sapientiam paupertate damnavit" — Andrea Romano, donated 10 EUR
- "Este projecto só pode crescer" — Mario Goncalves, donated 5 EUR
- "Read books by Richard Dawkins" — Clive Novis, donated 30 USD
- "Thanx for the lots of information I have received with you!" — David Valle, donated 10 EUR
- "Please just be kind to each other. That is all I ask. Thanks. Gina" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "All world wont support wikipedia. Becouse support all world" — Sergey Pavlenko, donated 5 USD
- "Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us, above us only sky!" — Mr. Alexander Etchart, donated 3.42 GBP
- "Durch Wikipedia kann ich mein technisches und allgemeines Wissen stetig erweitern. Wissen ist Macht !!! Man lernt nie aus, egal wie alt der Mensch ist !!!" — Mr. Joachim Zieschang, donated 15 EUR
- "MERCI!!!" — Alexa Wiskott Masse, donated 20 USD
- "Wickipedia is a marvel of the internet. Accurate and current, I would be lost without it. " — Ms. Shirley Eis, donated 50 USD
- "Wikipedia is an indispensable part of life. It's absolutely necessary in today's world. Paying your share-it's a good thing. " — sue bailey, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is worth hundreds of times more to me than my small donation of 30 dollars. It's the essence of public service and solidarity. " — Thomas Browne, donated 30 USD
- "A Truly Noble Cause, Imagine The Possibilities !" — Mr. Edwin Yon, donated 30 USD
- "知識を増やしてくれる名も無きウィキペディアンに感謝を込めて" — 浩之 小出, donated 3000 JPY
- "Tolles Konzept; weiter so. Grüße aus München" — Michael Geim, donated 20 EUR
- "Knowledge should be for everybody - great job Wikepedia!" — Anonymous, donated 200 DKK
- "Wikipedia! 2.0 at its best!" — John Matheson, donated 10 GBP
- "For me, Wiki is a great resource of shared knowledge. Good luck with your drive." — James Tamer, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge is a human right." — Raoul Hecker, donated 30 EUR
- "wikipedia rcoks" — krishna sanikommu, donated 5 USD
- "インターネットの「百科事典」として、携帯電話でも愛用しています。情報や知識の収集に、非常に重宝しています。" — 利通 鈴木, donated 3000 JPY
- "Knowledge is the source of power for humans to logically live in harmony." — Richard Thompson, donated 10 USD
- "Human knowledge..." — Turhan Karadeniz, donated 10 USD
- "新聞の月額購読料と同じ額を寄付します。いつもお世話になってますから。" — atsushi FUJITA, donated 3925 JPY
- "Would it not be a better world if everyone could take all the energy wasted on war and put it into making the world a better place for all to live and thrive!" — Thomas Morgan, donated 30 USD
- "Sin la wikipedia una parte importante del neocortex se para..." — Alfredo Garcia, donated 5 EUR
- "mi siete sempre di molto aiuto per qualsiasi tipo di informazione" — Emanuele Pezzotta, donated 50 EUR
- "Grazie per avermi dato la possibilità di espandere i miei orizzonti. Continuate così, fate in modo che il mondo possa essere più libero." — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
- "When I hurt myself, I hurt others." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge is the most valuable posesion anyone can have. It never deteriorates and stay with us for for the rest of our lives. " — Liliana Fargo, donated 25 USD
- "it is the most favorite site in this world. I love it. Currently I am in a positions to give this much amount but I won't forget this site furthur years also.I will keep on donating to this site." — sivakrishna nalabotu, donated 20 USD
- "La conoscenza non ha prezzo" — Mr. Paolo Zobboli, donated 10 EUR
- "Was wäre die Welt ohne Wiki?" — Guido DEUTZ, donated 30 EUR
- "Because you make me more curious, every day." — Jean-Baptiste de Lagarde, donated 5 EUR
- "Let's keep information flowing!" — Frederick W Huff, donated 50 USD
- "Credo che Wikimedia sia una conquista della civiltà. Sono contento di poter donare, anche se poco, qualcosa che la possa supportare..." — Marco Saverio Loperfido, donated 10 EUR
- "Thank you for everything" — masahiro okatani, donated 3000 JPY
- "More Wikipedia articles => less books needed => less paper needed => more forests" — Jan Rieger, donated 15 USD
- "Wikipedia is a fabulous example of public information of high quality with direct public support." — Javier Santisteban Ponce, donated 30 USD
- "いつも利用しています。ありがとう。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "A vital service; please support it." — Robert Dorf, donated 30 USD
- "I honestly can't imaging a world without WIkipedia anymore." — Steve Cathersal, donated 30 USD
- "I'm a retired scientist. I think Wikipedia is wonderful. I wish it were available when I was young." — John Ahrens, donated 100 USD
- "Wish it was more" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Je suis très reconnaissante de pouvoir utiliser ce site pour m'informer sur les sujets que je désire" — Doina Humbel, donated 50 CHF
- "Information tranforms the world" — Mona Albano, donated 25 CAD
- "so glad we all have wikipeida" — pamela fitch, donated 50 USD
- "May Good Fortune smile upon all your endeavors." — Anonymous, donated 22 USD
- "I use Wikipedia almost every day. It represents the best and most positive use of the internet as a tool for knowledge and enlightenment, rather than financial gain." — Jonathan Cole, donated 30 USD
- "One of the best concepts... Ever." — tim mingee, donated 15 USD
- "Olen WPlle velkaa enemmän kuin voin antaa. Toivottavasti toiminta pysyy ei-kaupallisena." — Jarno Laitinen, donated 10 EUR
- "Thank you - i use it every day" — Patricia Stanich, donated 5 USD
- "Thank you for your work" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is the most useful source for everything you need to know! A great thing!" — Mr. Tiziano Zama, donated 10 EUR
- "人類の知識の宝庫になることを願っております" — Mr. Toku Inoue, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipédia est aujourd'hui une aide inestimable pour les besoins de recherches. Ce serait lourd de perdre une telle ressource" — guillaume nadeau, donated 20 CAD
- "Wissen befreit" — Anonymous, donated 100 EUR
- "難しい事とは思いますが、ビジュアル的なデータを増やして下さい。" — MASAHIKO HASHIMOTO, donated 3000 JPY
- "Great service. Email me for SEO" — Stephen Auker, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of the greatest undertakings of mankind, free knowledge for all!" — Derek Dobesh, donated 5 USD
- "Thank you. We use the site all the time." — Kathy Thornton, donated 50 USD
- "Die Gedanken sind Frei - aber nicht alle Gedanken wissen das." — Till Heistermann, donated 5 EUR
- "ce site doit êre financé par les utilisateurs,, pas de pub" — PINEAU Hervé, donated 10 EUR
- "Use it wisely" — Alex Fuks, donated 6 USD
- "Ich bin erfreut, dass der törichte Angriff auf Wikipedia von Herrn Heilmann gescheitert ist. Günther Junghans" — Günther Junghans, donated 25 EUR
- "Wikipedia is one of the most relevant initiatives in the Internet!" — Kees van Overveld, donated 30 EUR
- "remember, how long did it take, to get this various knowledge in the past + thx a lot " — stefan pfeifer, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipedia has been wonderful ! May the tentacles of greed never reach you." — Michael Moutoussis, donated 75 USD
- "Imagine how many books I would have had to buy to get all this information. Wikipedia, I Love You." — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
- "Excelente esfuerzo" — HECTOR ANTONIO MONTES RABELL, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia never ceases to amaze me with its great knowledge on things from music and pop-culture to what is a YIG tuned filter. Thanks Wiki." — chris pouzou, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is a gift to the world. Never let it die." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "no comment" — Farhood Faghihnasiri, donated 6 GBP
- "What is organic about learning is having a question and a source for pertinent information." — John R Bellefleur, donated 75 USD
- "Keep up the good work you guys are doing...Spread the fire of knowledge..." — Sonu Sud, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia ist wirklich toll ...." — Harald Kasper, donated 20 EUR
- "wikipedia is an appriciateable , Informative and impressive Site for every body. It is the great exchange of knowlege on all subjects. thanks to Wikipedia Foundation. ." — SARFRAZ MANGRAL, donated 30 USD
- "Grazie." — cesare taricco, donated 25 EUR
- "Keep up the excellent work" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Wiki is great! Please continue good work!" — Mr. Tatsuo Yasuda, donated 30 USD
- "いつもお世話になっていますので、恩返しです。" — 崇師 梅城, donated 10000 JPY
- "Wikipedia makes the world wide web to be a better place." — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
- "good" — Anonymous, donated 6 USD
- "I'm happy to support this incredible project that allows quick access to all kinds of information." — Andre Dessens, donated 30 USD
- "I WILL GLADY PAY- IF IT MEANS NO ADS!" — Mr. Chris Young, donated 10 USD
- "Thank you for your vision and executing against that vision." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "a source for all reasons" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Keep up the good work folks. God bless you." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Il sapere rende liberi" — Salvatore Spirlì, donated 25 EUR
- "What a wonderful world we live in." — Kevin Meis, donated 20 USD
- "Wikipédia est une utopie, l'idée de tout contenir est impossible, mais sa richesse infinie est tellement bonne..." — Mathieu Labelle, donated 10 EUR
- "Live, Love, Laugh" — Nicole Castro, donated 5 USD
- "thank you." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Bursak Aleksandr" — Yuriy Belonozhko, donated 10 USD
- "Putting my money where everyone else's mouth is..." — Rowan Collins, donated 25 GBP
- "Lasst euch nicht von der Politik unterkriegen" — Dominik Halbe, donated 5 EUR
- "Thanks for everything." — bryn del mano, donated 30 USD
- " please check out the web site "Sayonara Capitalism" Arigato-!" — kenji tanaka, donated 60 USD
- "Knowledge is a wonderful thing that is why I turn to Wikipedia for all my unknown. However I always get a second opinion and mostly the first is good enough. I am grateful for what I have learnt here" — D P Russell, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia contribuye a una humanidad mas unida y con acceso a información unificada" — Jorge Huerta Ruelas, donated 30 USD
- "WP ersetzt zwar keine Recherche, aber zum schnellen Nachschlagen ist ihr Wert eigentlich unschätzbar." — Michael Bürschgens, donated 75 EUR
- "Keep up the good work Wikipedia! And please keep it free for everyone!" — Sung Hwan Cho, donated 15 USD
- "kennis is macht, maar vooral prettig om veel te weten." — Ms. Carla Aakster, donated 30 EUR
- "I am extremely happy to support a very creative team..." — Suman Koduri, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia, great source of information for everyone!" — Barbara Benedetti, donated 30 USD
- "Das richtige Nachschlagewerk zur richtigen Zeit." — Daniel Krottnaurer, donated 100 EUR
- "Could not be without this." — Julian Frost, donated 10 GBP
- "i like it" — Johann Hilber, donated 10 EUR
- "I would like people to donate money in order to help the hospitals in Angola." — Nelson Viegas, donated 10 USD
- "It would be a good thong for mankind when the UNESCO started with the project of the universal declaration of human origin and nature" — Frans Couwenbergh, donated 100 EUR
- "An indespensible resource that MUST be supported!" — David Wiza, donated 10 USD
- "I love this tool!" — Scott Nixon, donated 30 USD
- "Free knowledge and neutral viewpoint for everyone~" — Mr. Yuan Zhou, donated 20 EUR
- "Es muss mehr solche Projekte geben, einfach super!" — Sergej Gittel, donated 20 EUR
- "I can see a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. WikiPedica can make it and we will join you." — Raja Pavarala, donated 10 USD
- "Any amount of donation pales in comparison to the amount of knowledge Wikipedia is giving to the world" — Sourabh Sharma, donated 100 SGD
- "Everyone has a right to access the vast body of human knowledge, thank you Wikipedia" — Arun Sathyanarayan, donated 30 USD
- "KNOWLEDGE is the fountain at which all are free to drink! All one needs is the thirst and desire to improve oneself. Copyright©2008 Frank S. C. Filiberto" — Frank Filiberto, donated 50 USD
- "The sum of all human knowledge will increase whenever somebody tells a true story. Keep telling them, please." — Matti Koskivirta, donated 75 USD
- "tutti abbiano accesso all'informazione e questa sia semplice e veritiera" — pietro multari, donated 5 EUR
- "Thank you for helping with many school projects !!!" — Thomas Boan, donated 30 USD
- "Long live the most brilliant collection of human knowledge!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you !" — Manrico SCARPELLI, donated 10 USD
- "Thanks for this great projekt. Its the best tool for my daily internet researches. Keep on going!" — Sebastian Schmidt, donated 5 USD
- "Knowledge is power. With greater knowledge comes greater power and so does the responsibility. Wikipedia has that spirit and responsibility." — Anand Bolangadi, donated 100 USD
- "Travel and learn different languages." — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
- "This gift is in honour of Vinzenz Höfinger's Birthday this year." — James Finnegan, donated 75 USD
- "لأجل العلم والمعرفة .للاستثمار الأفضل. الاستثمار في تطوير الإنسان. لا لاحتكار المعلومة " — Salim Al-Alawi, donated 10 USD
- "Keep your mind and body active to avoid going silly in your older age!" — Owen Carwardine, donated 30 AUD
- "If aliens landed in my back yard and asked me to show them the best achievements of the human race, I would start with Wikipedia. Y. K.-E." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "This is probably the most wonderful project on the internet." — Inacio Bo, donated 10 USD
- "Ich liebe Wikimedia und wünsche diesem grossartigen Projekt auch für die Zukunft alles Gute." — Ulrich Fleischmann, donated 30 EUR
- "Wikipedia represents new trust in the human kind. It is freedom and democracy at its fullest." — Antonio Amador, donated 30 USD
- "when i donate to wiki i feel i satisfy my obligations at least a bit." — Mustafa Oguz, donated 10 USD
- "Freedom for everybody" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "we need to talk to eachother, share our ideas, grow together. Stop the war. Care for the poor" — michael tomlinson, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you Wikipedia for explaining everything I could possibly need to know :)" — Jacqueline Miller, donated 10 USD
- "Knowledge is power. THere is no longer an excuse not to research with Wikipedia." — Lesa Mayes, donated 50 USD
- "Freies Wissen für alle - kompetent, kostenlos, ohne Werbung etc. Danke Wikimedia!" — Mr. Alexander Ziegler, donated 5 EUR
- "Liberté avant tout - Alexandre Pronin -sans papier en France, dep1994" — Alexandre Pronin, donated 30 EUR
- "One can rarely experience a real event in history - one that marks a genuine advancement of human culture. Wikipedia is such an event." — Plamen Doykov, donated 50 EUR
- "Knowledge is overrated, really" — Faber van Kraanen, donated 20 EUR
- "An invaluable resource which can only be maintained by volunteers who know what's really going on." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "Share everything with the world without any resistance, we are standing behind wiki!" — Ruogu Li, donated 30 USD
- "Brilliant resource" — Tom Linton, donated 15 GBP
- "Un ringraziamento a tutte le persone che collaborano a questo progetto" — Daniele Morotti, donated 25 EUR
- "For a better world i believe in." — Mr. Anton Egorov, donated 10 USD
- "Niech wiedza nas pochłonie." — Ms. Dorota Uniewska, donated 30 PLN
- "An amazing tool. Great place to start, but before relying, check primary sources." — Lenni Benson, donated 100 USD
- "Growing seeds of Wiki dance" — Luca Maria Caffaro, donated 10 EUR
- "Free access to knowledge is the best road to public empowerment. It is worthy of public endowment." — Robert Thonen, donated 30 USD
- "Michael Hoeffner" — Michael Hoeffner, donated 30 USD
- "mi pequeña cooperación a una buena obra" — Eduardo Ochoa-Castiello, donated 30 USD
- "I'm not convinced that information wants to be free, but wikipedia should be" — Jason Buberel, donated 100 USD
- "Es un proyecto muy importante.. espero logren sus metas." — Ángel González Hernández, donated 5 USD
- "ウィキペディアのますますの充実をお願いします。" — 田尻 文伸, donated 3000 JPY
- "Une richesse et une ouverture sur la connaissance extraordinaire. Bravo et merci." — Didier JULIEN, donated 10 EUR
- "維基百科真棒!繼續加油吧!!" — Roger Chu, donated 10 USD
- "Vive wikipedia qui me sauve la vie tous les jours" — gael montreuil, donated 30 USD
- "Bedankt voor alle werk!" — Frans Meijer, donated 5 EUR
- "No doubt: knowledge must be free for everyone" — Jorge Sierra Canduela, donated 10 EUR
- "The power of this age is the freedom of information" — John Vignali, donated 5 USD
- "El conocimiento está en el todo" — Juan Francisco Ruiz, donated 5 EUR
- "I wish the amount was more, keep up the good work Wikimedia!" — Frank Diaz de Leon, donated 30 USD
- "I believe Wiki evolve human being." — 裕己 眞継, donated 10000 JPY
- "Even in the internet of endless information, the organization of wikipedia makes it invaluable as a resource. " — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "Longue vie au Wiki !" — Guillaume Cédelle, donated 32 USD
- "open source rules. --Boo" — Anonymous, donated 30 AUD