Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-21
[edit]- "Wikipedia is my reference ! please keep it alive !" — Mr. Bashe Saint-Hilaire, donated 10 GBP
- "Thanks for all the invaluable information!" — Mr. David Iseli, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia has been incredibly helpful in my research. You provide a great service to the world." — Oscar Martinez, donated 100 USD
- "History is written by the winners. ~Alex Haley (or by those with an internet connection)" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "May all beings be happy and rediscover the beauty of LOVE" — Frederic Boudry, donated 30 USD
- "Good work deserves support. " — Douglas Gerlach, donated 30 USD
- "You deserve it Wiki !" — Sandeep Sharma, donated 5 USD
- "더 좋은 더 나은 위키백과 만들어 주세요" — kyung Ri Han, donated 10 USD
- "Thank you for your commitment not to have any advirtizing and to expand the knowledge base on this site." — Ivan Vlaykov, donated 30 USD
- "In 20 years it will be interesting to read interviews with people who cite Wikipedia as an enabler of their success." — Matthew Bolger, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia encompasses everything that I love about the internet." — Adam Porterfield, donated 30 USD
- "What did we ever do before Wikipedia????????" — sharon finch, donated 100 USD
- "Yes we can" — Gene Naden, donated 5 USD
- "I use Wikipedia way too much not to donate!" — Jeff Chengcharoen, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge grows by sharing" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "I Love Wiki~" — 中宇 張, donated 30 USD
- "Malice drinks half its own poison." — Robert Avent, donated 10 USD
- "Without knowledge we would all shrivel up and die. " — Jeremy Brown, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of the true wonders of this world. " — Andie Nordgren, donated 30 USD
- "Small contribution here..." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Yo solo se que tu no sabes que no sabes nada" — HILARIO GABRIEL RIVERA LOPEZ, donated 10 USD
- "I love You Wikipedia" — Mohammed alhussain, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia est source d'utilité générale, c'est la culture à portée de tous, bref...c 'est l'avenir !" — Lior SERFATY, donated 5 USD
- "今後中国国内でも自由自在にウィキペディアを使えるように期待しています。" — 亮 王, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is a great resource to always have at your Internet fingertips." — Christopher Beattie, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia has brought the knowledge that I seek to a limit that is only of my imagination. Thank you "The World"." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "Todos Podemos Poner Un Granito De Arena(spanish)" — Gloria L Wcislo, donated 10 USD
- "I don't have much money to spare, but what you guys do is really important. Users must support it." — Norbert Fortin, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Keep up the excellent work and thanks to all for their input." — Erik Roberts, donated 10 USD
- "Pour éviter que la pub bouffe internet" — stéphane reymond, donated 5 EUR
- "En la Era de la Información no podemos darnos el lujo de abandonar una de las cosas que no nos pueden sacar jamas: La Cultura." — Myriam Mabel Alvarenga, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia kicks prodigious amounts of ass" — Mr. Patrick Zahner, donated 5 USD
- "The more I use this site, the more i wonder what life would be like without it." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Imagine" — Keith Fisher, donated 200 USD
- "michal zobec, lightning group" — Mr. Michal Zobec, donated 10 USD
- "Impossible not to give back." — Max Rosentreter, donated 10 USD
- "有難うございます。 いつも利用させてもらっています。" — Anonymous, donated 6000 JPY
- "Thank you" — Warren Tollman, donated 30 USD
- "Wiki: rhizomes that are changing the world" — alexander gennaro, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is proof that "human nature" is a meaningless expression. Humans can make great things happen!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I use Wikipedia so much, I feel like I should kick in some $ to support it." — Mr. David Burdette, donated 30 USD
- "Without Wikipedia, The Internet is nothing!" — Troye Sivan, donated 20 AUD
- "Wissen ist Erfolg in allen Lebenslagen, Wikipedia hilft dabei wesentlich,es ist Wissen für alle Menschen!" — Helga-Elisabeth Trassl, donated 30 EUR
- "world peace" — Terry McDanel, donated 10 USD
- "world peace" — Terry McDanel, donated 10 USD
- "I Love Wikipedia!" — Joseph Spinogatti, donated 5 USD
- "The world needed this encyclopedia" — Alain Moreau, donated 30 AUD
- "c heap thrills...." — Nor Meyer, donated 10 USD
- "It is the age of free knowledge after all... Yet, we must question everything." — Atanas Atanasov, donated 100 USD
- "Wiki a day keeps the doctor away.." — Trevor Montcalm, donated 30 USD
- "Gracias Wikipedia !!" — Gabriel Jimenez Alvarez, donated 20 USD
- "Thank you for keeping the internet live and direct, free and real!" — Rena Dubin, donated 30 USD
- "Peace . . ." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "here's some of my wealth as a thank you for your wealth of knowledge" — Ms. Nancy Adamson, donated 100 CAD
- "Keep doing good, not evil" — Carol Waller, donated 30 USD
- "This space is for profound words, not mine. I just wanted to help." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Life is beautiful" — Mr. Maciej Wronski, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is my first stop every time I want to know something" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "Everyone uses this come on everyone, put in a little..." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "wikipedia is life" — ted villa, donated 5 USD
- "Thank you Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Wonderful. Keep up the good work. Praise the Lord Jesus." — Harry Artinian, donated 20 USD
- "Never stop this!" — Anonymous, donated 1000 JPY
- "Good job" — sharath kodase, donated 10 USD
- "Keep on going guys to improve the accuracy of presented information." — Eric TIQUET, donated 30 USD
- "TUMMY YUMMY" — Tim Warren, donated 30 AUD
- "thank you for beeing there" — sabina mari, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipediaには日ごろお世話になっています。Wikipediaが資金難で閉鎖の危機にあると聞いて寄付しました。" — 健太郎 小出, donated 3000 JPY
- "Help others atleast to the extent you can. Think before you can say, you can't afford to help." — Ravi Goli, donated 5 USD
- "wiki,要保持中立" — ou leo, donated 100 HKD
- "Eine kleine überfällige Unterstützung von mir für das Wissen der Welt, dass uns allen zu jeder Zeit und überall zur Verfügung steht. Vielen Dank" —
- "Keep the good job." — Horia Sarateanu, donated 10 USD
- "Thanks." — John Shireling, donated 20 USD
[edit]- "Priceless." — Mark Frieze, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you." — Jeremy Wedel, donated 20 CAD
- "for more useful encyclopedia! これからも活用させていただきます。" — TAKEHARU HARAIKAWA, donated 10000 JPY
- "Prädikat "wertvoll"" — Joseph Bruegger, donated 30 EUR
- "How do I get an economic plan to the Obama camp which provides major middle-class cuts while providing economic stimulus to the nation, all the while reducing the national debt?" — Gilbert Simons, donated 10 USD
- "Change the world - give to Wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "Wikipedia is a valuble resource for all, as are many other sites." — Mr. Fred Woodell, donated 20 USD
- "Love many, Trust few, Always paddle your own canoe!" — Brian Tracy, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is the greatest source of knowledge I've come to find. Thanks for everything." — Jordan Barnes, donated 10 USD
- "I am donating to Wikipedia in recognition of all the work that Mark Pelligrini has done." — Peter Steijn, donated 50 USD
- "Your must arrive by daybreak....but you are forbidden to travel by night" — Mark Steele, donated 30 USD
- "What a resource" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of the greatest accomplishment of mankind, examplifying the power of collaborative knowledge sharing" — Daniel Chu, donated 30 CAD
- "A shining example of what we can do together." — Carter De Leo, donated 50 USD
- "Thanks Wikipedia" — scott jaffe, donated 20 USD
- "Grazie wikipedia!" — Livio Millone, donated 4.66 EUR
- "From Pico" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "La sapienza è figlia dell'esperienza.\tLeonardo da Vinci" — Massimo Calabretta, donated 5 EUR
- "Continuez à nous abreuver de connaissances (très) utiles ... j'admire votre travail." — Vincent LOUIS, donated 15 EUR
- "Information ist Macht und Macht gehört nicht in die Hände Einzelner" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
- "Knowledge should be shared; Wikipedia makes it possible" — Mr. Dolan J. Murray, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia should be taken as a model for any other human activity: collaboration and sharing instead of competition and egoism" — Giovanni Cangiani, donated 50 CHF
- "いつも調べさせてもらっています。" — 伊藤 亮, donated 1500 JPY
- "いつも利用させていただいてますm(_ _)m" — 智則 島田, donated 3000 JPY
- "Nech zije WIKI" — Peter Tomáš, donated 10 USD
- "you are my principal source of knowledge, i use your (our) website at least once a day." — zine hamadou, donated 20 EUR
- "... because Knowledge should have no price." — Giorgio Melega, donated 50 EUR
- "Читайте осторожно ибо в великом знании - великая печаль..." — Sergey Karnyushin, donated 5 USD
- "Its a privilege to contribute to this wonderful resource." — Alan Rothwell, donated 12 GBP
- "A good place to start, a good place to get lost, and a good place to find what your looking for. " — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "What are friends for?!" — Mohsen Habibian Naeini, donated 30 AUD
- "combattere l'ignoranza é il modo migliore per combattere l'ingiustizia nel mondo" — Silvia Pirovano, donated 100 EUR
- "knowledge is power! share your knowledge!" — Anonymous, donated 15 EUR
- "Denken Sie mal selber nach...." — Sascha Arndt, donated 10 EUR
- "The world is one family." — Tatiana Popova, donated 25 USD
- "Thanks for Wikipedia." — Pavel Novotny, donated 30 USD
- "Keep up the good work!" — Fred Kueter, donated 10 EUR
- "Merci Wiki." — Elias Chedid, donated 10 EUR
- "public funding :)" — Mircea-Adrian Roiban, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge is power" — Alex Smolyak, donated 30 USD
- "Keep on doing good work." — Roman Maurer, donated 50 EUR
- "Il sogno è la migliore realtà possibile" — Antonino Barilla', donated 10 EUR
- "Share and share a bike" — Michael Stuart, donated 5 GBP
- "Share and share a bike" — Michael Stuart, donated 5 GBP
- "In mijn gevoel is de wiki "vrij" en laat daarmee de contributie aan wiki vrij van machtsverhouding. I try2live that." — Rob Schip, donated 30 EUR
- "Il sapere è il vero bene di cui internet si deve fare depositario, la wikipedia è il faro che ha illuminato questa strada." — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
- "Wikipedia jest wzorem dla wymiany informacji we współczecnym świecie" — Miłosz Świetlik, donated 30 PLN
- "I love Wikipedia" — Marcus Linder, donated 100 SEK
- "Wikepidia is always there when I need it and I guess the same holds true for millions of others. Now is my turn to return the favor in a small way." — Abhishek Khurana, donated 30 USD
- "Freedom" — Tommaso Chiarolini, donated 20 USD
- "Wikipedia ist super! habe ich schon oft benutzt! Muss unterstützt werden" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
- "Grazie per tutti i progetti Wiki!!!" — Massimiliano Palmieri, donated 10 EUR
- "Be good, guys." — Jeremy Renals, donated 10 GBP
- "Wikipedia rules! " — Jan Kießling, donated 5 EUR
- "Keep up the good work!" — Alec Dobbie, donated 30 USD
- "I believe in sharing knowledge, and I defnitely believe wikepedia has been lot helpful for me, and I do believe it has been helping millions of IT people." — SAI KRISHNA Pampani, donated 30 USD
- "Help support the cause, if you used this once you'll indefinitely use again so donate!!!" — Suzette Lee, donated 10 USD
- "Let knowledge abound for in it lies our future and that of posterity." — Jahiel Akroku, donated 30 USD
- "Iam amazed at the attention that Wikipedia guys give to each article published and make sure there is very less information that is untrue or debated" — Ravitej Vennapusa, donated 40 USD
- "Stay free of advertisements! I appreciate all the good work. Thanks." — Scot Johnston, donated 75 USD
- "I sympathize with policy of wikipedia." — 博紀 佐藤, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wikipedia is the site that I turn to whenever I need something fast. Keep up the brilliant work!" — Chan Keong Woo, donated 10 USD
- "the explanation to every curiosity at my fingertips....thank you Wikipedia" — David Payne, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge is to share. And wikipedia enables it." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of those inventions like cellphone and email, we can't imagine what it was like before we had it." — Nataša Štambuk, donated 30 USD
- "I have been waiting this encyclopedia for a long time." — Anonymous, donated 300 USD
- "...è importante che "CHI PUO'" aiuti "CHI HA BISOGNO" - uno dei problemi di questo mondo non è la RICCHEZZA ma è l' AVIDITA'." — Luca Martinello, donated 25 EUR
- "Każdy powinien mieć swobodny dostęp do wiedzy." — Anonymous, donated 30 PLN
- "Cells need Oxygen, souls need love, & brains need knowledge." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Guido es mi pastor, nada me falta (jfcalvo)" — Francisco Javier Ruiz Gaona, donated 10 EUR
- "Por la homara scio" — Nicolas Raymond, donated 10 EUR
- "Freies Wissen ist dank Wikipedia unfassbar einfach und schnell zugänglich." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "Tot inainte!" — Tudor Stefanescu, donated 30 USD
- "色々助けてもらったし、知恵をもらったので。" — Anonymous, donated 6000 JPY
- "you do great work! next time you need a fund raiser, giving away a toy, tote bag, or other promotional item would probably help a lot, people love to get something tangiable in return for their donat" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "Love my Wikipedia" — Aaron Freeman, donated 10 USD
- "It's my favorite destination on internet, and has a plethora of information which is incomparable to any other knowledge source." — Ankit Chambial, donated 20 USD
- "well done wiki" — Fjodor Dzjuba, donated 10 USD
- "いつも本当にありがとうございます" — 親弘 久保, donated 3000 JPY
- "i love wikipedia" — Leigh Cathey, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia has improved the way I see the world, the truth is more accessible than ever" — andrew babicki, donated 5 GBP
- "Lost a half hour trying to cleverly say, "Thank you, Wikipedia" You've achieved parental status: Easy to think Wiki's job it to give and give, hard to remember: you need something back. Love 2 you" — RANDALL CAPORALE, donated 20 USD
- "Thank you!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I love you!" — Anonymous, donated 500 JPY
- "Merci à vous...." — thibaut campaignolle, donated 30 EUR
- "wiki - weiter so" — Mr. Wollfgang Sander, donated 30 EUR
- "share knowledge" — David Pinto, donated 25 EUR
- "Keep up the good work!" — Anonymous, donated 90 CAD
- "Free access to the sum of all human knowledge, yes please." — Janne Koivunmaa, donated 20 EUR
- "Great work everyone, keep it up" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipedia provides ready access to useful information. In growing Wikipedia, I hope it stands out in thoroughness of investigation through the responsibility of all its contributors/researchers." — Deborah Souza-Okpofabri, donated 30 USD
- "As a journalist, I can say, that this site is important and invaluable for getting an overview of a subject, minding, that we have to check facts before we write anything." — Soren Hebsgaard, donated 30 USD
- "Knoledge is wealth." — arun prasad, donated 5 USD
- "La donación del usuario más joven (16 días) de la Wikipedia: Iker Sanchez Olmedo" — Mr. Iker Sanchez Olmedo, donated 15 EUR
- "Estou apenas fazendo a minha parte!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "even those who believe in destiny still look before crossing the street" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Many thanks for the wiki community!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipedia hat mir schon oft geholfen in Kürze relevante Informationen über ein Thema zu finden." — Sebastian Maciejewski, donated 5 EUR
- "Truth is always subjective. Quality information is always shared knowledge." — Robert Farrow, donated 30 USD
- "I use wikipedia all the time for mathematical and statistical info - it's worth $30 a year for this service." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "La visión Global hay que tenerla antes de ninguna accioón local. Mira nuestra Fundación "Los Álamos" en el en inglés, frances y español. ¡Merce la pena! Ya somos 600 + Socios" — José Luis Pardos, PhD, donated 75 USD
- "Education is gift that should be in the reach of every person" — Mr. Jurriën Embrechts, donated 10 EUR
- "Fifteen dollars is the least I can give for a "textbook" that has been with me from middle school all the way through graduate school." — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
- "simply amazing, amazing. amazing." — Mike Miller, donated 15 USD
- "The whole thing is awesome, and I use like hell. It´s a pleasure to donate :)" — Rodrigo Nunes, donated 30 USD
- "Por la libertad de conocimiento" — David Jurío Pérez, donated 5 EUR
- "hayrini gorun. Mr Ergin, Mr Karayilan, Mr Guven " — MUSTAFA ŞATIR, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia es como deberia ser la internet. Alfonso Victoria, Mexico." — Alfonso Victoria Sanchez, donated 5 USD
- "Dank an alle Schreiberinnen und Schreiber" — Olaf Merker, donated 5 EUR
- "wikipedia puts the world back in its box" — Glen Haddon, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is the essence of the web as envisioned in the beginning." — Seth Matterson, donated 20 USD
- "希望中文内容的质量越来越高。" — Gong Chengming, donated 10 USD
- "アクセスしない日はありません。そのうち何か記事が執筆できればいいなと思っています。" — 淳 網本, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wikipedia is by far the best website on the net!" — Adrian Hood, donated 30 USD
- "I love this site!" — John LeTourneau, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks for catering to my many research needs." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "La conoscenza è un bene universale, e come tale va liberamente condiviso!" — Elisa Angelini, donated 5 EUR
- "представьте себе мир без границ и государств" — Sergey Shershnev, donated 5 USD
- "I would spare more if I could. I can't imagine a world without Wikipedia - whatever you do, don't stop!" — John de Boer, donated 30 CAD
- "This service educates, amuses, interests, informs and in some instances stops me from looking plain foolish. Thank you! " — Ms. Patricia Eyoma, donated 20 GBP
- "Great work" — Srikaran Reddy Edullakanti Mohan Reddy, donated 10 USD
- "I have benefited from the service, it is only right to give back." — Wesam Lootah, donated 30 USD
- "Continuem" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
- "freedom " — Mr. Marcello Mundula, donated 25 EUR
- "I often use Wikipedia, and now I have the chance to help others ;-)" — Timo Tomasini, donated 5 EUR
- "Wikipedia's meaning to democracy cannot be valued high enough. Let's hope that people will make use of this indispensable source of knowledge rather than vegetate in front of the TV." — Mr. Eckart Burgwedel, donated 30 USD
- "While an avid supporter of copywrite protection for intellectual property, I believe that Wikipedia's proliferation of free knowledge is one of the hallmarks of the modern era!" — Lawrence LaPlue, donated 50 USD
- "Wikipedia deserves a Nobel Peace Prize" — Anonymous, donated 100 EUR
- "Chaz Yahya - I quiver at the thought of a wikipedia-less internet." — Chaz McQuan, donated 30 USD
- "Yippeee!! Wiki rocks the world. Keep it kickin' and we will remake universe." — steven parker, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is the closest institution we have to a "public commons."" — Paul Von Ward, donated 15 USD
- "Thanks for this invaluable resource" — Mr. Larry Osterman, donated 30 USD
- "I don't know how people made it through school before wikipedia." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "If there is some knowledge place where to invert, this is Wikipedia." — Maria Carmen Ansorena Boneta, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia always have an answer!!!" — Hector Albarran, donated 10 USD
- "Thanks for providing knowledge to millions" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
- "What we know today is because our forefathers shared with us their experiences and inventions. I wonder what else we could have known if they has the internet. " — Mr. Amitava Mukherjee, donated 10 CAD
- "De esta forma agradezco un trabajo tan útil." — Antonio Fornie Casarrubios, donated 10 EUR
- "Thanks for all the Love." — Alejandro Moreno, donated 20 USD
- "Having learned more from wikipedia than the entirety of my time at school, I owe a lot to wikipedia." — Talha A Fazlani, donated 10 GBP
- "overcome superstition" — Marius Gevers, donated 30 USD
- "I used Wikipedia weekly for regular info as well as work. I couldn't live without it anymore." — jean-Christophe perrault, donated 10 USD
- "Good knowledge makes humankind grow up. Thanks a lot for your great service." — Bao Hoang, donated 30 USD
- "Si un dia ves que andas sin sentido o sin rumbo cierto, párate en seco y buscalos con la cabeza." — Anonymous, donated 60 USD
- "Thanks for the quantum leap in helping to enlighten the world." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I love this website " — thomas martines, donated 5 USD
- "The World needs Liberty and God right now" — Mr. Harold Eskew Jr, donated 100 USD
- "Joe Blees is dumb" — Kunyi Li, donated 5 USD
- "An excellent resource for the people" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "A great project, a great resource (though I wish students would not use it for research!)" — Kiron Reid, donated 10 GBP
- "いつも利用させて頂いております。これからも活用させていただきたく思います。" — 武司 古本, donated 3000 JPY
- "Don't gimme no bammer weed! - C , happy birthday michelle! -J" — Jesse Woltjer, donated 16 USD
- "Nice to have you here." — Andrew Lieberman, donated 30 USD
- "Conhecimento para todos! Seja Livre Use Linux!" — edmilson fernandes, donated 10 USD
- "It is very important to have fast and free access to a public source of knowledge. It is a great important tool in the world. This project should be an ideal for many others." — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
- "Support The Humanity" — Anonymous, donated 65 USD
- "the best site for information" — uma alampur, donated 75 USD
- "Keep up the good work." — Chris Smith, donated 10 USD
- "Gautam Agarwal" — Gautam Agarwal, donated 5 USD
- "so much of knowledge just a click away.... simply amazing..." — Anupam Jain, donated 25 USD
- "Wikipedia, alongside Google, is indispensable to anyone wanting to benefit from or add to the treasures of the web. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this common wealth." — David Hopson, donated 20 GBP
- "Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'argent mais Wikipédia mérite largement ma modeste contribution" — Alexandre VILLIET, donated 20 EUR
- "E=mc^2" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "only one world and one chance" — Mr. Peter Ulrich, donated 100 EUR
- "To the people who created and maintain wikipedia: thank you!! I wish I could give more! I will someday when I have a salary!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "I use Wikipedia extensively - even before I Google something! Great site.." — Carlos Da Silva, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia est indispensable à la liberté d'espression et à l'accessibilité pour tous au savoir. Une ambition noble, j'y souscris entièrement !" — Henri Georges Minyem, donated 30 USD
- "keep working you are doing a great job (fan from colombia)" — alexander garcia, donated 5 USD
- "Because collaboration is the future" — R C Wit, donated 15 EUR
- "Mi pequeña aportacion en favor del conociminto humano." — Francisco Rubio Gonzalez, donated 30 EUR
- "basta un piccolo contributo, siamo tanti, possiamo farcela...." — EUGENIO CARLO MARIA CIBEI, donated 25 EUR
- "Have you ever heard the expression "two heads are better then one", how about millions of heads?" — scott rosenbaum, donated 30 USD
- "Go Wiki !!!" — Diallo Wilkerson, donated 30 USD
- "Good Work, God bless u!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "Wikipedia ja és fascinant ara, imagina com ho serà d'aquí 20 anys, quan poguem veure també com han anat canviant els articles all larg del temps!" — Pau Moreno Martín, donated 40 EUR
- "WhatIKnowIs(wiki) is very useful and helpful site..." — gowtham tummurugoti, donated 12 USD
- "Wiki rules the world!" — Christian Kranzinger, donated 10 EUR
- "感謝の意をこめて寄付させてもらいます。" — Yukimori Matsumine, donated 3000 JPY
- "You my favorite place to look for more information about any topic! Keep the good work!" — Dimiter Naydenov, donated 30 USD
- "One must always consider giving something back. And Wikipedia has given the world so much we can hardly compensate. But, let's try." — SAVVAS SIDIROPOULOS, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge is power, it increases with increased exchange." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is probably the best implementation of the Internet idea!" — Hansjakob Strickler, donated 50 CHF
- "Thanks" — Alex Kormendi, donated 30 USD
- "Sometimes listen to the song HEY YOU" — Michel Andre Rudelli, donated 25 EUR
- "Früher hatte ich eine Enzyklopädie von 20 Bänden - jetzt gibt es WIKIPEDIA ... Immer aktuell, immer auf dem neuesten Stand! Danke!" — Susanne Schlabing-Hucke, donated 30 EUR
- "Wikipedia rocks! I couldn't live without it!" — Curt DiCamillo, donated 30 USD
- "wiki-wiki-wiki-wikipedia we love you xxx" — Robin Futcher, donated 5 GBP
- "Work with the Law of Attraction - when you don't have enough, that is the time to give." — Charlene Blakley, donated 10 USD
- "In Wikipedia We Trust" — Bruce Barrera, donated 5 USD
- "knowledge must flow freely" — Ian Field, donated 10 USD
- "Go Green!" — Dyanne Kelly, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia est très utile, c'est normal d'aider" — Thibault Corbet, donated 5 EUR
- "すべての不当無期限ブロックが解除され、全ての不当削除が復帰されますように。" — t n, donated 3000 JPY
- "e' meraviglioso che WIKIPEDIA esista,provo un bel senso di "approrpiatezza" quando leggo e mi emancipo su una legge della natura,sul nome di un'arma romana,sulle varieta' di fiori.bello.bellissimo. " — paolo masini, donated 25 EUR
- "Is this communism ?" — antye greie, donated 27 USD
- "Thanks, Wikipedia! " — Lyndie Chiou, donated 100 USD
- "LOVE IT.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK" — Miguel Carneiro, donated 10 USD
- "a wonderful resource" — Donivan Porterfield, donated 30 USD
- "Hypocracy discovered is the first stage of improvement" — David Spaans, donated 30 USD
- "What I love about Wikipedia is that it embodies some of the ideals we 'Hippies' sought to realize in the Sixties, but more effectively (fewer of us stoned into incompetency now?)." — Toni McConnel, donated 30 USD
- "you guys have helped me graduate college with all the info on your site thanks!" — Andrew Franklin, donated 10 USD
- "Bruno Dog and Bruno Cat support the Arts." — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "für die freiheit des wissens" — markus duelks, donated 30 EUR
- "Anna Baumstark, Dylan Ruediger and Bean Baumstark" — Anna Baumstark, donated 10 USD
- "Thank you Wikipedia for giving me such valuable information without the clutter of advertisements" — Rekha Raman Pillay, donated 10 USD
- " The Exclusive source of Facts, Science, and History of the World...!" — George F Thomson, donated 10 GBP
- "very informative, keep up the good work" — t r laskey, donated 15 GBP
- "Wikipedia is a real service to humanity." — Kevin Talley, donated 100 USD
- "you guys always help out when i need im poor but u still deserve a little help" — Massimo Fabbri, donated 30 USD
- "Free access to information is a valuable gift!" — Daniel Aicher, donated 10 USD
- "O melhor da vida é grátis!" — SAMUEL ASCENCAO, donated 10 EUR
- "I used it almost every day. Why not to donate?" — Tomas Misevicius, donated 5 EUR
- "Amazing service. I use it all the time." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "listen to the winds of change" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "thanks to jimmy wales for the creation of the great wikipedia project!" — Henning Schmidt, donated 10 EUR
- "keep the good work up." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Never trust a tory, believe in your trade union, and know if it smells like shit, it will taste of shit too." — paul neilson, donated 10 USD
- "I wish I had this when I was doing my graduate studies. However, it is very useful in the working world too." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "La conoscenza é patrimonio dell'umanità" — Roberto Chiodo, donated 25 EUR
- "Mai più guerre...qualsiasi religione tu creda...AMA IL TUO PROSSIMO...WIWA L'ITALIA...(DINO DE SOMMA)" — Alfredo De Somma, donated 5 EUR
- "thanks, Wiki! " — Stanislav Neyman, donated 20 USD
- "Grazie per tutte le informazioni che ci date e per la cura che dimostrate." — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
- "You are doing an incredible job. Can not imagine life on the net without Wikipedia." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is a great service. Thanks to all who contribute." — Laura Megill, donated 100 USD
- "I love you wikipedia" — Evan Polster, donated 30 USD
- "we all need to learn to say 'thanks'" — Paolo Bertorelli, donated 10 EUR
- "The End is Near!" — Tomasz Slanina, donated 30 USD
- "I support wikipedia." — Adam Stoker, donated 30 CAD
- "Miguel de Unamuno dijo: "Es detestable esa avaricia espiritual que tienen los que, sabiendo algo, no procuran la transmisión de esos conocimientos”" — José Vicente Verdú Gisbert, donated 30 EUR
- "Thank you for a fantastic resource! Keep up the good work." — Mr. Craig Eubanks, donated 75 USD
- "Wikipedia resti sempre libera!" — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
- "Keep going guys!" — Paolo Conti, donated 25 EUR
- "Todos juntos podemos hacerlo" — Inaki de la Torre Orbeta, donated 5 EUR
- "Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan , this is an organization striving for world peace, through awakening of human spirit by self realization" — Asif Sehzaad, donated 30 AUD
- "Fron Gebran Sons to Rafiq Hariri & Gebran Tueni: We will never forget you, Cedar Revolution II is for you!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Great Resource!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Unite for peace and welfare!" — Markus Höchtl, donated 100 EUR
- "Wikipedia is the second best thing on the Internet after Google Earth !!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "ROOOOOAR, more info on mobile phones, bitches! keep up the good work - all this info is worth so much more, but this is all i can afford right now ~_~" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "merci " — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
- "you rock, wikipeeds." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Die exorbitante Ausbreitung des Tourismus in allen Formen ist Ausdruck des menschlichen Egoismus und wird bis zur ökologischen und finanziellen Katastrphe weiter zunehmen. Scheinbar erkennt niemand, " — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipedia Rocks!" — Joseph Garcia, donated 50 USD
- "Thanks." — Yiannis Skarpathiotis, donated 10 USD
- "Wipedia é massa!" — Andre G Cerqueira, donated 75 USD
- "I cannot live without you! A Hongi to Wiki." — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
- "Warto" — Anonymous, donated 20 PLN
- "I think wiki is one of the best sites on the web ever." — CHARLES MCMONAGLE, donated 5 USD
- "One of the finest knowledge base collections on the Internet" — Eric Sorensen, donated 75 USD
- "knowledge is free and anarchic" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
- "Wikipedia helps to understand through easy access to knowledge. This helps us all be more productive. A excellent cure for ignorance." — Luis Ballester, donated 15 USD
- "Sharing is the key to a better society and humanity." — Vincent Shih, donated 100 USD
- "Wissen muss frei sein. Wer Freiheit möchte muss mit einer Spende um sie kämpfen." — Andreas Prang, donated 5 EUR
- "good luck!!!" — Madhav Vodnala, donated 75 USD
- "I would like to contribute to the free access that Wikipedia provides. What am I to do with the set of Encyclopedia that I purchased 30 years ago. " — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Un año mas, gracias" — Victor Dieppa Garriga, donated 5 GBP
- "There's no other place on the Net with so much concentrated information." — Theo van Werkhoven, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "" — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
- "Ce n'est pas "moi" qui donne, je ne fais qu'emprunter ce que Wikipédia m'apporte chaque jour." — Hugo Jousseaume, donated 10 EUR
- "Information is power!" — Matthew Chacon, donated 30 USD
- "ウィキの理念に賛同します。" — 大樹 矢口, donated 3000 JPY
- "Free information destroys the walls of separation. Wikipedia is one of the great achievements of the internet and mankind, a shining example of the best in all of us." — Nathan Shelters, donated 15 USD
- "Far more useful than Britannica ever was, and far less costly." — Mario Chamorro, donated 30 USD
- "支持維護『所有人類知識總和』,這是一定要的啦^^" — Ming Hsiung Chiu, donated 5 USD
- "Starside Security & Investigation, Inc" — Robert Coventry, donated 100 USD
- "Make your own leaven today! You will never buy cheap bread again. Also - be nice!" — Joel Beckman, donated 10 EUR
- "Keep up the good work!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "wikipedia makes me want to learn more everyday" — Sheila Siu, donated 20 GBP
- "Nando Costa" — Linn Costa, donated 30 USD
- "Putabilidade: Comportamento coletivo social caracterizado pelo grau de espontaneidade que uma sociedade possui no cumprimento dos regramentos de conduta estabelecidos pelo seu ordenamento jurídico " — Luis Henrique Ferreira, donated 100 USD
- "Knowledge is free....dissemination can use some funding...from the folks at Atlantis Computing" — Arjun Venkatraman, donated 55 USD
- "Wiki is our friend. Wiki has made the world different and better. Thank you." — James Bedford, donated 30 USD
- "most, if not all of your questions are answered here" — Jason Peters, donated 10 USD
- "Thanks." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Freedom of thought is easier when access to information if free" — Keith Hutchison, donated 100 AUD
- "Can anybody remember what we did with our time before Wikipedia?!" — rebekah klein, donated 25 USD