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Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-16

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • "Wikimedia is the promise of the web " — Mark Kishego II, donated 30 USD
  • "Wiki ist es Wert zu unterstützen!" — Hermann BINDER, donated 30 EUR
  • "THANKS" — david sitges sardà, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipedia ist eine großartige FREIE Informationsquelle!" — Mr. Frank Schnittker, donated 10 EUR
  • "Carpe diem - sapere aude!" — Michael Thun, donated 20 USD
  • "Nowadays I Wikipedia (is there a verb for this?) first and then google." — Vesa Räisänen, donated 200 SEK
  • "Keep the bastards honest....." — Darryl Hetherington, donated 10 AUD
  • "Gegen Lutz Heilmann!" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "La conoscenza rende più liberi." — Italo Passoni, donated 50 EUR
  • "Für die Zukunft des freien Wissens!" — Andreas Pfau, donated 10 EUR
  • "Mit Wiki hat die Informationsgesellschaft endlich Ihr Medium!" — Jörg Schulze, donated 30 EUR
  • "Need a more intelligent slogan than, "Making life easier."" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "atheism was invented by capitalist copywriters who wanted to use the slogan "because you only leave once"." — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
  • "Danke" — Christoph Mikula, donated 10 EUR
  • "地球上の英知を集約するすばらしいプロジェクトだと思います。家族共々利用させていただいています。益々のご発展お祈り申し上げます。" — Shuntaro Shimizu, donated 3000 JPY
  • "If it's worth doing, do it right." — Hardeep Sharma, donated 10 GBP
  • "Heilmann" — Volker Christ, donated 75 EUR
  • "Thanks for helping me educate the kids" — Nigel Pinnell, donated 20 USD
  • "jeden Tag" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is definitely one of THE most useful sites of the net. Constantinos Stathopoulos" — Constantinos Stathopoulos, donated 10 EUR
  • "More useful to mankind as the orginial Encyclopédie" — Karel Tavernier, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks, thanks, thanks!" — MARIANO PROVENZANO, donated 25 USD
  • "Love Wikipedia a very valuable education tool" — Anonymous, donated 10 AUD
  • "Thank you!" — Jelena Barabaskina, donated 10 USD
  • "Facciamo diventare la conoscenza libera e di tutti!" — Giuseppe Romano, donated 15 EUR
  • "Für eine Welt ohne Ignoranten wie Lutz Heilmann" — Peter Kappes, donated 5 EUR
  • "Internet porn saved my life." — Leif Wolters, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikimediaan osallistuvat tekevät arvokasta työtä, josta on syytä olla kiitollinen." — Ms. Joni Salminen, donated 5 EUR
  • "Let's get wiser" — Philip Hodder, donated 50 USD
  • "Wikipedia was very to me helpful lots of times and i think it diserves a donation." — Alexandru Pop, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a must in our life." — Anonymous, donated 9 USD
  • "Thank you!" — Anna Merkulov, donated 10 USD
  • "El conocimiento nos ayuda a poder pensar por nosotros mismos e independizarnos. Apoyemos a Wikipedia!" — Eliana Vanina Soprano, donated 30 USD
  • "Great source of information" — Daniel Ryan, donated 5 GBP
  • "Thoughts are free" — Bruno Verbergt, donated 50 EUR
  • "I am happy to contribute to the project providing such an enormously useful tool for anyone with access to the internet." — Sten Stemme, donated 30 USD
  • "Danke für die vielen tollen Artikel und Informationen!" — Michael Whittaker, donated 5 EUR
  • "Hiermit unterstütze ich das Wikipedia Prinzip und hoffe das es weiter geht!" — Frank Lindemann, donated 5 EUR
  • "One of the first places I go to find out about anything!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Mais vale uma vida curta e intensa do que uma vida longa e medíocre. A vida só vale a pena quando assumimos riscos." — Welmo G M Oliveira, donated 30 USD
  • "sainas massimiliano" — Mr. Massimiliano Sainas, donated 25 EUR
  • "Weiter So!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. Socrates " — Edward Alshut, donated 10 USD
  • "People say wiki is unreliable because anyone can edit, anyone can make any page on the web, but you guys can't fix it!" — Thomas Kiley, donated 10 GBP
  • "私のポリシーには反しますが、無くなってしまったら少しは困るので寄付します" — Anonymous, donated 500 JPY
  • "A remarkable, unique, and necessary part of the modern texture of life" — David Shoemaker, donated 30 USD
  • "My donation $10. Our Knowledge: Priceless." — Anonymous, donated 1000 JPY
  • "Un petite contribution pour que Wikipedia continue sa mission" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Everything in the world exists to end up in Wikipedia!" — Yasumasa Tada, donated 1000 JPY
  • "お役に立ちますように" — HIDEKATSU TAKEUCHI, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Per un mon lliure" — ROBERTO GARCIA CORTIJO, donated 10 EUR
  • "As a researcher who remembers spending weeks and weeks in dusty libraries just to begin learning about a subject, I love Wikipedia." — Sharon Villines, donated 50 USD
  • "请大家共同支持WIKIMEDIA" — Shengran Wang, donated 100 HKD
  • "Knowledge and Education will save and make this world better!" — Mr. Hristo Ivanov, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipediaに携わるすべてのひとにありがとう!" — Anonymous, donated 500 JPY
  • "Wissen sollte nicht nur leichter verfügbar, sondern auch leichter erlernbar sein." — Frank Hinkelmann, donated 30 EUR
  • "I just love to learn when ever and what ever I want to know. Thanks so much for making it possible. ขอบคุณที่สร้างเวปนี้ ทำให้ได้รู้สิ่งต่างๆที่อยากรู้ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเวลาใด เรื่องอะไร " — Tida Thongrubkaew, donated 30 USD
  • "Vita brevis, ars longa" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Very important" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Eine Enzyklopädie von vielen - für alle. In einer Sprache, die jeder versteht. Wikipedia ist wichtiger Baustein für eine demokratische und humanistische Zukunft "unserer" Wissenschaft." — Ludwig Baisch, donated 30 EUR
  • "いつも大変お世話になっています。" — ハヤト ユキヒラ, donated 3000 JPY
  • "WWW - Wie Wann Wo - Wikipedia weiß es!" — Mr. Josef Schmidbauer, donated 100 EUR
  • "A Brazilian user proud to contribute with such a noble project." — Gilson Cavalcanti, donated 15 USD
  • "毎日利用している公共インフラなわけですから喜んで寄付します。" — Anonymous, donated 10000 JPY
  • "Das hat dieser Lutz Heilmann erreicht ... Wo gibt es denn sowas, dass eine ganze Seite gesperrt wird, nur weil einem die Wahrheit nicht passt." — Rene Cerajewski, donated 10 EUR
  • "Making information and art unlimtedly available is not piracy!!!" — Roy Ben Shai, donated 20 USD
  • "Rock on! The power of knowledge is cascading down from top of the pyramid down to the ordinary people who yearn for the advancement of productivity for the well-being of the world." — TING SAN MOK, donated 300 HKD
  • "Support free information! The world needs you!" — Terri Jenisch, donated 30 USD
  • "$100 for the real Encyclopedia Galactica is not too much!" — Jobst Heitzig, donated 100 USD
  • "Gute Sache !" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Frei zugängliches Wissen muss unbedingt erhalten werden, da es ein Eckpfeiler der Demokratie ist." — Patrick Wedekind, donated 10 EUR
  • "The collaborative engine may become a stonger engine than the will to make cash." — Raphael Dard, donated 100 EUR
  • "C'mon everyone - if you use it, support it! I do, so I will. Support it or lose it I reckon." — Greg Newton, donated 30 AUD
  • "Great source of free information. I can find almost anything new and old on Wikimedia. Thanks" — Yeou L Lee, donated 100 USD
  • "いつもお世話になってます。" — 嘉典 小西, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Danke für die tolle Zeit und die vielen Informationen!" — Mr. Nicolas Zarak, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is one of the greatest initiatives ever done by mankind. Here's my small contribution to keep things running." — Daiver Pedemonte, donated 10 USD
  • "Libertad, dulce libertad para conocer, para aprender, para buscar, para elegir, para pensar" — Felipe Medrano Valenzuela, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia is awesome!" — Matin Olsson, donated 100 USD
  • "Ein kleiner Beitrag für ein großartiges Projekt!" — Thomas Koepplmayr, donated 30 EUR
  • "http://blog.bretagne-balades.org" — Semman Anthony, donated 30 USD
  • "この世の中がより開かれた世界になるように" — 幹生 馬口, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia is a profound source of knowledge" — Andreas Pichler, donated 10 EUR
  • "Jimmy Wales is dreamer because this world is governs by ........ who prefers greed.I hope more and more people will see this soon and will start to look for pure truth!" — Anonymous, donated 75 AUD
  • "Ich finde die Idee hinter Wikipedia großartig. Deshalb unterstütze ich Wikipedia gerne mit einer kleinen Spende." — Harald Pehl, donated 30 EUR
  • "I can't imagine a life without wikipedia!" — Sara Taylor, donated 100 USD
  • "Wer ist Lutz Heilmann? Lächerliche Provinzposse." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "super praktisch - man will ja nicht nur Schmarotzer sein - daher mein kleiner Obulus" — Anonymous, donated 15 EUR
  • "fuska" — Mr. Roberto Sanz Juarez, donated 100 USD
  • "..." — Thibault Le Texier, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you Wikipedia!" — Holly Cass, donated 10 USD
  • "Have come to cherish the ease and value of WILKI!" — Warren Neal, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the good work :)" — Mr. Geir Sagberg, donated 30 USD
  • "Long live Wikipedia. Knowledge belongs to everyone, whether they can pay for it or not." — Ali Hashmi, donated 200 USD
  • "gratitudine, speranza e soddisfazione per questa grande iniziativa" — Gerardo Fallani, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia presents the lore of the whole Internet but with the chaff winnowed out. " — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "Wikepedia is priceless. It has answered soo many questions for me...thanks Wiki!!" — Melina Ogini, donated 5 USD
  • "I use it all the time. Cheaper and better than hard bound encyclopedias." — Lance Cook, donated 30 USD
  • "As a pensioner I am poor in cash yet rich in knowledge tahnks to the Internet and sites like Wiki" — David Dallimer, donated 5 GBP
  • "Politechnika Białostocka MUNSO (poinżynierskie)" — Tomasz Chilinski, donated 71.31 PLN
  • "Nascer, morrer, renascer ainda, progredir sempre, tal é a Lei." — MARCELO ALMEIDA, donated 10 USD
  • "Thanks and love for all." — Ms. Munawara Sultana, donated 10 USD
  • "Is iontach an áis é Wikipedia. Ba chóir dúinn tacaíocht a thabhairt dó. Maith sibh agus ár mbuíochas díobh." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Knowledge for everyone!" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Keep up the good work" — Anonymous, donated 18 USD
  • "vielen dank für die gute idee, die mühe und das engagement" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Knowledge is money!" — Vitaliy Mikhaylov, donated 15 USD
  • "Gegen die Komplett-Zensur von Wikipedia durch Heilmann und vor allem den idiotischen Richter, der das angeordnet hat. Gehen Sie doch zurueck in die Ostzone oder nach Kuba." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Imagine a world without Wikipedia... now open your eyes and be happy again :)" — Mr. Adam Ots, donated 314.16 USD
  • "Knowledge is power" — Matthew Thomas, donated 20 GBP
  • "Gracias por su humanitario buen trabajo, saludos!" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
  • "Malgré ce qu'en disent les snobs, Wkipedia m'est très utile !!!" — Christian PACTEAU, donated 50 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is a wonderful tool to quick knowledge access, keep it going guys!" — stephane dudzinski, donated 100 USD
  • "Wonderful and liberating collection of information for mankind" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks!" — Roman Plášil, donated 30 USD
  • "In my mind Wikipedia is the single most valuable resourse on the internet. " — Don de Boisblanc, donated 30 USD
  • "Die Existenz verschiedener Religionen ist ein Widerspruch in sich. Denn diese trennen die Menschen voneinander. Dabei ist der Kern jeder Religion doch, die Menschen zusammenzubringen!" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Für freies Wissen!" — Steffen Faust, donated 5 EUR
  • "Peace through overcoming ignorace" — Mr. Michael O'Neill, donated 30 USD
  • "Giacomo Scarabelli" — Mr. Giacomo Scarabelli, donated 25 EUR
  • "Ich danke Wikipedia für das Wissen das ich jederzeit abrufen kann." — Wolfgang Witzel, donated 20 EUR
  • "La Wikipedia es el mas grande invento desde la Imprenta de Gutenberg y las Biblioteca Pública ideada por B. Franklin" — Mr. Jorge A. Yeverino, donated 15 USD
  • "thanks for the great and free for all knowleage experience." — sang won park, donated 30 USD
  • "Ce n'est pas grand chose, en tout cas bonne chance pour a suite" — CEDRIC PARROCEL, donated 5 EUR
  • "This is probably my most important donation. Making the world a more learned place is a brilliant thought and among all knowledge sites, Wikimedia is the best. Keep up the good work fellows!" — Mr. Bhargava A G, donated 20 USD
  • "can't live without wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Love your site great resource" — Cheri Wilson, donated 100 CAD
  • "Thank you for making the information on your site free and accessible to everyone in the world" — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
  • "For the best informations source on the web.  :)" — Ms. Marina Mandrelli, donated 10 EUR
  • "Für später Schülergenerationen" — Max von Lachner, donated 5 EUR
  • "21世紀の文化的インフラストラクチャー、万歳!" — 亮介 岩本, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia is all about giving information to people for free because it is only in giving that we receive." — Anupam Jain, donated 20 USD
  • "Schneeschnuber" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia: greatest initiative ever." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "What would we do if you weren't here? Back to the stone age..." — Jim Donohue, donated 10 USD
  • "For my son Ben: stay forever curious, knowledge is the key to happiness!" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "The best site on the world wide web. Keep up the good work. " — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a cultural revolution, second only to the invention of the printed book" — RENAUD KENER, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia is my favorite site. I do quite a bit of research on the Earth and its formation. " — Dallas Bogan, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep it up! What a great resource!!!" — Mr. Jeffrey Wagener, donated 30 USD
  • "Many thanks for keeping this awesome information source alive." — Danielle Graham, donated 30 USD
  • "One of the most important knowledge resource on the Internet" — Shawn Tackaberry, donated 50 CAD
  • "If a seeker doesn't define what it is they seek, how will they recognize 'it' when they find "it"?" — Edwin Jones, donated 30 USD
  • "In these tough times, the free flow of information is more crucial than ever" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Have an annual subscription method." — Workstat Software, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikimedia_has_been_informative_for_my_family." — Alicia Lee, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia creates an amazing opportunity for a better world. Hopefully it will draw all of us together in common knowledge and reason." — Charles Wilson, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia - A milestone in nature's evolution" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the best thing the internet has offered to date." — Kelli Grimes, donated 30 USD
  • "いつもお世話になっています。" — Anonymous, donated 1000 JPY
  • "It's shame that I haven't fuck any woman for passed 25 years, yet I was living in occidental countries. Now at 45, I ask myself do I would ever fuck?" — Omid Ashabi, donated 20 CAD
  • "Wikipedia is a great source of information. It is my goto site whenever I need to know something about anything." — Bryan Keller, donated 30 USD
  • "our corrupt political system comes to its end (Austria) but the young generation gives hope" — Reinold Huetter, donated 30 EUR
  • "With the passion of the individual authors and free and public accessibility of the vast knowledge of wiki, I support you wholeheartedly" — Mr. Tracy Musiker, donated 30 USD
  • "indispensible wealth of knowledge. sincere thanks to all contributors. wikipedia makes the world a better place." — James Miller, donated 100 USD
  • "go go wiki" — Mr. Fabien Sabinet, donated 5 EUR
  • "Condividere è bello..." — Giuseppe Pinto, donated 5.68 EUR
  • "MERCI BEAUCOUP" — Ms. Ruth Saint Fort, donated 5 EUR
  • "Piqued by curiosity, I refer to Wiki almost daily. Thanks!" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "Vielen Dank an alle Unterstützer, Wikipedia gehört uns allen!!!" — Mr. Gregor Adamczyk, donated 15 EUR
  • "feel like helping someone out" — tony curcio, donated 30 AUD
  • "Wikipedia provides an enormous benefit to educators." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "hope this will help" — Stjepan Groš, donated 30 USD
  • "G8 work done...you deserve..donations.." — Srikanth chouta, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia makes our lives much easier" — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "I'm giving because sharing and contributing to Wikipedia is as important as using Wikipedia." — aaron hawley, donated 30 USD
  • "The Wikimedia Sites are among the best sites on the Internet. I can no longer imagine my life without them." — Shlomi Fish, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia: excellent work" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
  • "Спасибо!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "The closest thing to anarchy i have ever seen..." — Mr. Samuel Swift, donated 5 GBP
  • "The first place to turn for a good, concise answer!" — Michael Welland, donated 20 CAD
  • "My favorite encyclopedia. You asked, I came. Keep it free, keep it great, keep it useful, Love you Wikipedia :*" — Vitor Pinho, donated 100 EUR
  • "Ich weiß, dass Wikipedia nicht weiß, dass ich nichts weiß" — Mr. Robert Schäfer, donated 6.66 EUR
  • "Knowledge is power, and Wikipedia gives knowledge to all." — Felix Thieme, donated 5 USD
  • "Reliably quenches the hunger for information" — Anonymous, donated 500 CZK
  • "Es war an der Zeit sich für die ausgiebige Nutzung zu revanchieren." — Silverio Fois, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has changed my life. My thanks to all who contribute." — Patricia Nedeau, donated 100 USD
  • "The world is better with Wikipedia. It is amazing, and we the people are producing it. Wow." — Deborah Wood, donated 10 USD
  • "weil es die informationsquelle ist!" — Hans Christian Dastich, donated 30 EUR
  • "When I consider the goal of providing access to knowledge, I realize I need to return and donate more. Thank you for demonstrating that we can do good in the world." — Casey Jones, donated 30 USD
  • "I am a chincy bastard, so the fact that I'm donating must mean I really appreciate what you guys do." — Alfred Liu, donated 75 USD
  • "A great internet resource! Thanks You." — Robert Cook, donated 67 USD
  • "Take me from darkness to light." — Yaapa Hage, donated 30 USD
  • "Wichtig für mich ist eine unabhängige und nicht kommerzielle Wissensdatenbank" — Manfred Gerth, donated 30 EUR
  • "go wikipedia, go" — boris doesborg, donated 25 EUR
  • "Brilliant service" — jimmy holder, donated 30 USD
  • "Use it almost every day." — Paul Knytl, donated 20 CAD
  • "I use Wikipedia extensively both for personal and business related research - keep up the good work" — Phillip HOWLIN, donated 5 USD
  • "Danke. Ich möchte es nicht mehr missen. " — Karin Heilmann, donated 30 EUR
  • "Stoppt die "Heilmänner" dieser Welt" — Ralf Grünert, donated 30 EUR
  • "Knowledge democracy!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Don't panic!" — Vlad Fâcă, donated 10 EUR
  • "Ahead" — Jorge Molina Lamothe, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks for creating this site! Well done .. keep up the good work :o)" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "keep up!" — hans peter verne, donated 50 USD
  • "I love this site, it gives quick, accurate, easy to understand information about anything imaginable. I love it." — Anonymous, donated 30 CAD
  • "It's almost as great as the Internet itself. Finally a worthy cause!" — Vladimir Sergeychik, donated 100 USD
  • "Das Internet ist m.E. das demokratischste Medium der Welt - und Wikipedia ein wichtiger Teil davon..." — Mr. Bernd Schaefer, donated 10 EUR
  • "Play hard, Have fun. Be kind. Think clearly. " — Rob Nelson, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the good work." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "אתר מצוין עם מידע נרחב שעוזר לי רבות עם שיעורי הבית במגוון תחומים" — Ophir Solonikov, donated 30 ILS
  • "http://thedesignspace.net" — Ellen Meiselman, donated 10 USD
  • "Go on guys! I really enjoy this project" — MR SERGEY MOZHAROV, donated 10 GBP
  • "Weiter so Wikipedia Team... danke für eure Arbeit und lasst euch kein Bein von so einem Lutz stellen !!!" — Mr. Mario Eisenblätter, donated 10 EUR
  • "Und wenn Du nicht weiter weißt: Sei still." — Guido Augustin, donated 30 EUR
  • "Alle Menschen streben von Natur nach Wissen. - Aristoteles" — Wolfgang Gassler, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is a hallmark of the information age, and I am grateful for it." — Martha Bachman, donated 10 USD
  • "Knowledge should belong to everyone" — Paul Patton, donated 75 USD
  • "Clare and Emma Birney" — Richard Birney, donated 10 USD
  • "silence is the answer" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Make life easier, not for you only" — Dima Veselov, donated 30 USD
  • "Heilmann" — Fabian Arter, donated 10 CHF
  • "Thanks!" — Rebecca Crane, donated 50 USD
  • "When my internet connection was down for six days, I realized how often I refer to Wikipedia. Thanks." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is such a fantastic resource - I use it often for my work, personal info, and fun - THANKS!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipédia é um oceano de sabedoria." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I'll give more when I get a job.. This is from what I have earned programing :)" — Hans Kristian Flaatten, donated 10 USD
  • "What a great accomplishment to make all this information readily available." — John Villar, donated 30 USD
  • "La conoscenza è un valore prezioso a cui l'uomo non può rinunciare." — Stefano Diamanti, donated 25 EUR
  • "GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!" — David Monk, donated 15 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the best intellectual resource of our time." — Allan McDougall, donated 100 CAD
  • "Wikipedia è indispensabile. " — Vito Turilli, donated 25 EUR
  • "Sono convinto che wikipedia va supportata e basta! E una cosa troppo importante per tutti quelli che vogliono saperni di più!!!!!!!" — luciano furlanetto, donated 5 EUR
  • "Een krachtig en ongelooflijk initiatief" — Filip Mattheeuws, donated 100 EUR
  • "In Texas we know that you shall know the truth and it will make you free." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Meide alle, die Politik zur Religion machen und noch mehr die, die mit Religion politische Macht ausüben wollen." — Mr. Herbert Esser, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wissen ist Freiheit" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Vilen Dank an alle die uns diese Seite ermöglichen! Ihr seid unbezahlbar!" — Martin Limbach, donated 30 EUR
  • "Thank you to Wikipedia...and the world....for sharing its knowledge" — Tarun Kapoor, donated 100 USD
  • "Hello World, from Minneapolis! YEAH!! " — Shaun Mason, donated 10 USD
  • "Der freie Zugang zu Informationen ist wichtig für die Meinungsbildung und die Wahrung der Bürgerrechte!" — Maik Tränkner, donated 10 EUR
  • "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know" — Bill Fanning, donated 75 USD
  • "Keep up a good work and dont waste money on bling." — Yevgeniy Aleynikov, donated 10 USD
  • "Heilmann go home! PRO freedom of speech!" — Anonymous, donated 6.66 EUR
  • "Trotz dieses Fehlgriffs einer Person, die Partei blebt waehlenswert." — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "democracy in knowledge from everyone for everyone! TOM & Ursel" — Thomas Steckenborn, donated 200 EUR
  • "Let's make the world better place to leave where everybody gets equal opportunity to live and persue their dreams. Let's expand our horizon and look beyond the sky and make entire universe ours." — Gurunath Halyal, donated 30 USD
  • "Wiki shall live and grow!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Si todos pusieramos nuestro granito de arena en este mar de estrellas, conceriamos a Orion y le dariamos la mano" — Juan Rodrigo Davila Nava, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep on Going !" — Roland Greb, donated 10 EUR
  • "Thank You Wikipedia !! I absolutely love your website and I am so grateful for the comprehensive knowledge you provide on practically every topic under the sun :) Keep up the good work!!!" — Anamika Kak, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia for a better world!" — Simon Diemer, donated 4 EUR
  • "WIKI does a wonderful job and helps us all. Let's help them! They're worth it!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "grazie" — Alessio Puccinelli, donated 5 EUR
  • "May our world be guided by knowledge and widsom, not by vanity or greed." — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
  • "Unterstützenswert!!" — Wolfgang Lindenthal, donated 10 EUR
  • "Ich nutze Wiki, und ich finde es gut dass es sie gibt. Macht weiter so ihr seid es mir wert." — CHristian Freund, donated 10 EUR
  • "Best first-stop for info on almost everything!!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Danke für Alles!" — Dominik Lampacher, donated 5 EUR
  • "Wikipedia ist das Beste was es gibt!!!!!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Thanks for this great resource." — Thomas Voß, donated 20 EUR
  • "I love wikipedia" — Kyle Heyman, donated 5 USD
  • "Thank you Wikipedia-" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "I've just discovered spoken articles and I am beyond ecstatic; it just keeps getting better." — John Aldridge, donated 30 USD
  • "Danke für alles" — Ms. Jan Ziebarth, donated 5 EUR
  • "Knowledge belongs to the humanity and to every single person. Share it !" — Carlos Lopes, donated 10 USD
  • "Lodovino Pilatti, Brasil. Wiki é uma boa causa." — Lodovino Pilatti, donated 10 USD
  • "You need us, okay, no problem. We're there for you with pleasure. But, please, try to never give us false informations again, 'kay ? And go on, you're doing amazing job." — Jacqueline Bouchonville, donated 7 EUR
  • "Everyone who contributes from the information on Wikipedia should make a small gesture in return." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "The best source of knowledge!" — Davide Cassenti, donated 20 EUR
  • "Thanks Wikipedia for all your help with my homework !! " — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep up the excellent work world! - Matthijs van Blijswijk - Netherlands" — Matthijs van Blijswijk, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge is too valuable to leave it to individuals" — Daniel Haslinger, donated 30 USD
  • "Die Hungersnot auf der Welt zu lindern" — Ms. Merve Schlemo, donated 20 EUR
  • "the most un-cited scientific citation I know of" — Hannah VanLaanen, donated 10 USD
  • "heilmann - who the fuck is heilmann????" — heiri belkner, donated 5 EUR
  • "You must be the change you wish to be in the world." — Alasdair Martin, donated 20 USD
  • "Thank you." — Nathan Jernigan, donated 5 USD
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