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Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-09

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • "I wish I had more to give." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "its not much but its all ive got" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "you've used it, now give something back to it" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you Jimmy Wales for a wonderful information outlet and one that is sure to grow tenfold in the weeks and months ahead" — Rick Kent, donated 10 USD
  • "A good cause." — Anonymous, donated 40 USD
  • "Wiki is always helpful for me to understand general overview of incidents, especially, when I'm preparing academic assignments (it is not allowed to use wiki as a literature, though)!! Thank you:) :)" — Yoriko Takagi, donated 30 AUD
  • "this IS the greatest thing on the net and wish I had finances to donate more than I have." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia - perhaps the most valuable single resource on the entire internet" — Mr. Stephen Harris, donated 50 USD
  • "Wikipedia - a way to turn each other a unity!" — Mr. Jorge Sá, donated 5 EUR
  • "When I die, I'm giving part of my estate to Wikimedia. This the least I can do in life." — Jay Stahl-Herz, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia has saved me from death many times." — James N Garner, donated 5 USD
  • "The more we know the more we grow." — micah kaplan, donated 5 USD
  • "Thank you Wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "El conocimiento es poder" — Enrique Del Castillo Blanco, donated 5 USD
  • "I BELIEVE IN WIKIPEDIA" — Monica Tan, donated 30 USD
  • "Let all this vast human knowledge bring a new era of peace and prosperity for the mankind." — Nestor Phoenix, donated 20 GBP
  • "all kinds of Knowledge is so vital, i get most of my biblcal and historic facts from it. Thats how good it is. God bless! " — Mr. S Byers, donated 5 GBP
  • "Denkt frei - seit frei!" — Christoph Mergard, donated 5 EUR
  • "Glen James Loftin a simple man that just wants the american dream. Owner of Loftin Technologies LLC. " — Glen Loftin, donated 5 USD
  • "Imagine a world in wich any single person on the planet undersands what is written on Wikipedia." — Thilo Michael, donated 10 EUR
  • "hey nothing is free!!!!!!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "I love Wikipedia!" — Jeff Poole, donated 30 USD
  • "By far the best school book." — Jernej Fink, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has restored my faith that there are millions of people in the world who are willing to help each other." — Lisa Prowse, donated 10 USD
  • "WP:Thx!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "The Greatest knowledge of All, the Wisdom of 1000 elders, Thank you very much Wikipédia for helping me to know more about this world we live in..." — Miguel Ferreira, donated 30 EUR
  • "For the one stop place for information" — Sheldon Wilson, donated 200 USD
  • "There is no doubt: Wikipedia is the next best thing since sliced bread!" — Albert Chu, donated 50 USD
  • "There is a vast amount of knowledge on the internet. However, it's used in a wasteful way. Americans need to be educated about the importance of education, and the gift of educating in social networks" — Mr. Eric Mackey, donated 30 USD
  • "First and the most important step towards truly democratic world - obtainable information" — Mikko Väisänen, donated 10 EUR
  • "おかげで、知識が正確で広いものとなりました。" — 真一 荒田, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Mav" — Abheer Kolhatkar, donated 5 USD
  • "Help rid of ignorance. Know broadly, question critically, think carefully, understand clearly then act diligently. Be part of an excellent world for friends and families. Yes we can. " — John Cheng, donated 30 USD
  • "my profs say not to Wiki, but I do it anyway. It's a great jumping off point, like the old hard-bound encyclopaedias that I'm old enough to remember. Wikipedia forever!" — Anne Stewart, donated 30 USD
  • "free knowledge for everyone for a better world" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "いつも大変御世話になってます。今後とも濃い情報ヨロシクです。" — 剛正 鈴木, donated 10000 JPY
  • "Continue to expand and grow your work for the benefit of all." — Michael Kieloch, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a great example of technology bringing out the best in people " — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
  • "Information should be free...." — Stephen Digby, donated 30 AUD
  • "You know you guys are amazing!" — daniel Diffenderfer, donated 30 USD
  • "great side to learn everyday something new" — Beatrix Rocca, donated 30 CAD
  • "How could I not donate to an amazing resource I use almost every day!" — Frank Hinek, donated 30 USD
  • "Job well done! Keep it up. " — CHEE MENG CHONG, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia is simply the greatest example of the power of Web 2.0 and the wisdom of crowds. It is one of the most significant social and intellectual phenomena on the web today" — Michael Gale, donated 100 USD
  • "Don't say anything,Just wait and you will SEE,Lift is precious enjoy every minute." — Mr. Kenneth Mullin, donated 30 USD
  • "How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man ...... A Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are - www.spiritualeconomicsnow.net/solutions/How_I_08.pdf" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Thanks for all the info - hope this helps to keep it coming!" — Bridgitte Rivers, donated 20 USD
  • "One more pebble in the wishing pond!" — David Gleeson, donated 5 EUR
  • "El calentamiento global cada día es mayor es necesario nuestro mayor esfuerzo para tratar de disminuirlo o todo lo demás dejara de ser necesario. gracias" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
  • "I love Wikipedia" — James Hutchison, donated 30 AUD
  • "Individuals that own their own power can change the world." — W Vito Montone, donated 100 USD
  • "Given 13.7 billion years, this is what hydrogen can do." — MacDonald Hawley, donated 50 USD
  • "you make my life easier every day" — gabriele bernardinis, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep it going pal.." — Vineet Kumar, donated 30 USD
  • "This truly is a powerful idea." — Anonymous, donated 100 SEK
  • "I am happy to donate, thanks for asking! I get more benefit from Wiki that any other resource I use. If you need more, just ask. Robert Emmitt, San Antonio" — Mr. Robert Emmitt, donated 100 USD
  • "現在は経済状態が厳しくてこれくらいしか寄付ができないですが、どうかお気持ちだけでもお受け取りください。" — KAZUNARI WATANABE, donated 500 JPY
  • "La verdad nos hará libres." — HUGO CERVANTES, donated 5 USD
  • "an absolutely incredible resource" — Seth Fearey, donated 50 USD
  • "I always check wikipedia first!" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "Long live the great... the wonder that is... Wikipedia!" — Mr. Joe Yoon, donated 30 AUD
  • "Wikipedia is a wonderful service & a great reference source. I enjoy it every day!" — Juliano Tupone, donated 30 USD
  • "The truth is not free; you have to work for it." — Wayne Todd, donated 50 USD
  • "I use Wikipedia all the time. It is an awesome venture and needs to be supported." — Ms. Misha Halvarsson, donated 100 USD
  • "Support is the foundation for all Hope." — asif ali, donated 15 USD
  • "Just from a low income country" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "いつもお世話になっています" — Mr. Minoru Hashimoto, donated 1000 JPY
  • "Wkipediapresents a whole new model for rapid dissemination of information that is scrutinized by experts and enthusiasts." — Mr. Andrew Barss, donated 30 USD
  • "gj guys" — Anonymous, donated 100 NOK
  • "props to those who give us knowledge" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedię trzeba wspierać!!" — Jakub Konstantynowicz, donated 75 PLN
  • "Share, is the ultimate source of life." — Dong Wei, donated 30 USD
  • "To support one of the most exceptional work in progress on the Internet" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Knowledge is for everyone!" — Tamas T. Nagy, donated 10 USD
  • "いつも利用させて頂いております。" — Mr. Futoshi Ishii, donated 3000 JPY
  • "an awesome achievement for the benefit of everyone!" — Mr. Andrew Mansbridge, donated 30 USD
  • "thank you" — Andrey Kan, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you Wikipedia for all your help. As a self-educated person I have learned many things from your website and gladly support your efforts and free education you offer to the world. " — M Arambula, donated 30 USD
  • "A lot cheaper than Britannica. No annoying salespeople! Win, Win!" — Jonathan Vander Veen, donated 10 USD
  • "Freedom is only so good as our ability to make informed choices; the survival of true freedom depends on the free exchange of ideas and information." — Brian Tse, donated 20 USD
  • "希望维基百科越办越好。" — 皓 吴, donated 5 USD
  • "go vegan!" — Robert Austin, donated 30 USD
  • "A tremedous resource that has changed the way we access information forever" — Edward Cumella, donated 30 USD
  • "I love wikipedia! Let's do sth to make it better and better." — XIAOHUI WEN, donated 100 USD
  • "wikipediaは、他に類を見ないもっとも“実用的な”文化的プロジェクトだと言えると思います。微力ながら支援させていただきます。" — CHIHIRO ASAKURA, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Love Wikipedia!" — Christina Cantrill, donated 30 USD
  • "thanks Wikipedia for being there for me when i need it" — Kah Seong Chuah, donated 5 USD
  • "No fear is the key to success! Be confident! Think big! Don't give up!" — Filipe Venceslau, donated 75 USD
  • "A true gift to humankind! Thanks for all of your effort!" — Geoffrey Chew, donated 10 USD
  • "Sharing knowledge is the key to human development." — Lennin Tabora, donated 30 USD
  • "If you use it, donate to it! It's worth it." — Heather Flanagan, donated 30 USD
  • "いつも利用させてもらっています。" — OGURI TAKAHIRO, donated 1000 JPY
  • "Mamnoon, gracias, merci, danke, thank you, shokran, grazie Wiki!!!" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Give today so that Wikipedia is set up for long term success - a once in a lifetime free service!" — Paul King, donated 20 AUD
  • "Giving a little back to the project that's given out so much." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "there is enough to go around, for everyone to be fed, to be content, to have enough, to be at peace, please join me in making this reality" — Valerie Coushaine, donated 30 USD
  • "失礼致します。Nextbaron 津田 正顕 號称塾です。Wikipediaにはいつも大変お世話になっております。何かを調べる際には、まずWikipediaのデータを確認してから、別のサイトのデータを見て、そしてリアルにそのモノやサービスに触れます。Wikipediaのない生活は無理です。是非これからも素晴らしい人類共有の知識・知恵の拡大をして下さい。私も微弱ながら書かさせて頂きます。" — 正顕 津田, donated 3000 JPY
  • "In world of endless propaganda who can you trust?" — Mr. Gregory O'Neil, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the good work." — Charles Tritt, donated 30 USD
  • "Omniscience ftw." — Thomas Pottage, donated 20 AUD
  • "LOVE IS SHARING AND CARING" — katreese dawes, donated 100 USD
  • "Keep up the good work............." — Artem Rozhkov, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia makes the pyrmids look like a minor accomplishment" — Geoffrey J Russell, donated 100 AUD
  • "If everybody gave $10..." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Uso muito a wikipedia, muito. Todos que usam podem doar. Nem que seja um pouquinho..." — Mr. Ricardo A P Martins, donated 10 USD
  • "I love wikipedia, it is so helpful in my life!" — lili sha, donated 30 USD
  • "Information can be duplicated due to its nature. You can't do anything about it. But you can do it wisely and nicely." — Gergely Krehnyay, donated 30 USD
  • "I hope Wikipedia will remain free." — Roger Breton, donated 30 CAD
  • "I have learned a ridiculous number of things from this site. As far as I can tell, most of them were true." — Issac Trotts, donated 30 USD
  • "Take that, encyclopedia!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is one of the few things that give me hope that tomorrow's world might be a better one." — Alex Florescu, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you Jimmy Wales!" — Alan Dow, donated 30 USD
  • "using the wiki so much lately, only seems right to throw something into the pot" — Anonymous, donated 15 CAD
  • "Any life.. human or plant or animal is precious.. treasure it. " — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "wikipediaの理想に共感します。" — 聡映 上野, donated 3000 JPY
  • "One of the best things on the Internet. " — Mr. Chang Yang Yew, donated 15 AUD
  • "My modest contribution doesn't make a big difference. But still I hope it helps a little in the cause of global knowledge sharing that will help to solve many issues related to illiteracy. " — Geniyat Issin, donated 10 USD
  • "Panos, Greece 09/11/08" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "正直、ただでいいのならお金払うのはもったいない気もしますが、毎日利用させてもらってますので、またちゃんと反対の意見も掲示されていますので、とても重宝しています。今後もよろしくお願いします。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
  • "谢谢你, wikipeida...知识就是力量!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I love Wiki!" — Matt Dobry, donated 30 USD
  • "One of the best gifts Internet brought for us." — Ali-Reza Milani, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank You. This is JUST the least that anyone can donate. I'm sorry. " — Fares Alzahrani, donated 30 USD
  • "evolve hope." — Ryan Rathje, donated 30 USD
  • "Here's to showing how wonderful a resource the net can be with a little organisation and collaboration." — Benjamin Green, donated 10 AUD
  • "I donote to Wikipedia because I believe knowledge should be free and easily accessible." — Justin Dressler, donated 75 AUD
  • "非常に頼りにしています。今後も頑張って下さい。" — 雄一郎 中島, donated 1000 JPY
  • "retired folk here, hope this helps and thanks for your vision of the world" — Mr. Lawrence Marshall, donated 20 USD
  • "Everybody uses Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Wiki is not just a reference, but a platform for peer review and collaboration. May it live on" — Roland Bryant, donated 50 AUD
  • "un punto d riferimento." — michele raucci, donated 100 EUR
  • "2nd year I sponsor this wonderful idea made reality." — pascal le rudulier, donated 50 USD
  • "wish u make it better" — xiaojing wang, donated 100 HKD
  • "zzz" — Anonymous, donated 18 USD
  • "get Wik'd and get news and data for the carbonless economy...Blue Source loves Wikipedia" — William Townsend, donated 400 USD
  • "This is a great site for our professionals. I used it from time to time and learned a lot.. Thanks!" — Mr. WenLi Zhang, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge Evolved" — Jerret Kinsman, donated 10 USD
  • "Best information at the lowest price." — Mr. Benjamin Haley, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a massively useful tool" — Dominic Parker, donated 10 GBP
  • "Wikipedia is the best!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "We cannot have a global appreciation of democratic institutions without first democratizing access to information and knowledge. I applaud greatly the effort of Jimmy Wales and Wikipedia." — Seun Odeyemi, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia has helped me a lot- be it the assignments, research or general information. I believe that knowledge should be available for free- just like what wikipedia is doing." — Rohit Belapurkar, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia has changed how I think about general (and often specific) knowledge. Definitely an amazing tool!" — Mr. Andrew Burke, donated 20 USD
  • "Thank for making knowledge of every possible type more accessible. The Wikipedia community's contribution to academics and learning is incredible. I personally am grateful for its existence." — Rick Spenser, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you! Thank you to all who contribute, document, link references and edit! It’s the first place I look for an overview: weir, kVA, Obama, calypso, Martin Campbell, Thracian, conch . . . " — Pennington Geis, donated 100 USD
  • "I use this site so much, I have to give." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Free is the way to go!!" — Mr. Justin Mui, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia has one step in the right direction for the C.21st - it has changed the lives of everyone on the planet for the better and will continue to do so." — Michael Stevenson, donated 30 AUD
  • "candy coated rusty razors ring in my ears from distant thunderstorms" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "世界中の人類の叡智が集まるこの時代に生まれて、とても幸せです!" — Anonymous, donated 10000 JPY
  • "More knowledge means less smugness" — C.K. Haun, donated 100 USD
  • "知ることとは、変わることである。" — 清弘 安達, donated 3000 JPY
  • "The fastest way to enlightenment!!!" — Daniel Moody, donated 10 USD
  • "Thanks Wikipedia! How did we manage before you came along?" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "With love from Russia" — IVAN SMIRNOV, donated 17 USD
  • "Congratulations, America, on electing Barrack Obama. " — R K Murrell, donated 30 USD
  • "E' l'enciclopedia più utile di tutte." — Mr. Edoardo Zanno, donated 100 EUR
  • "bravo et merci" — Mr. Samuel Szoniecky, donated 10 EUR
  • "いつも利用させていただき本当にありがとうございます。" — Hirotaka Noda, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Without Wikipedia, students cannot survive their take-home mid-terms." — Wei Jiunn Jang, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the single most useful resource on the internet" — Ben Krasnow, donated 30 USD
  • "I'm going to start making monthly contributions. This website is great! If you can contribute, please do so." — Michelle OCallaghan, donated 10 USD
  • "「学は光なり」です。全世界の人が賢くなって幸せになって下さい。" — 誠 大城, donated 3000 JPY
  • "希望在不远的将来,来自中国大陆的所有用户都可以畅通无阻的访问Wiki!" — WENJUN REN, donated 10 USD
  • "As a frequent wikipedia user, I can do no less than supporting it!" — RENATO CONCHA, donated 500 JPY
  • "Le savoir n'a pas de prix....Merci a vous" — laissus pascale, donated 10 EUR
  • "我们应该生活在一个自由的世界,自由的学习知识" — yuan lin, donated 50 USD
  • "What a great American venture this is." — Kevin Ryan, donated 20 USD
  • "I love wikipedia" — Jason Rosenfeld, donated 5 USD
  • "Peace and Love ;)" — Mr. Stefano Sabbadin, donated 25 EUR
  • "Knowledge is for greatest of all powers" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is the most relevant encyclopedia with no boundaries!!!" — Semen Sobolev, donated 10 USD
  • "Knowledge is the greatest gift we received from ancestors. Use it, contribute to it and gift it to our kids. Keep it free; only mentally retarded will try to sell it, please forgive them." — Sarath Bhooshan, donated 25 SGD
  • "Freedom of information must be preserved." — Mr. Jason MacLulich, donated 30 NZD
  • "The free world needs free access to knowledge" — Martin Winkler, donated 30 EUR
  • "Keep Wikipedia free and up-to-date!" — Mario Schröder, donated 8 EUR
  • "To enable the poorest of the poor to have access to the sum of human knowledge is an ideal that if achieved could improve humanity as a whole" — Chrysis Sofianos, donated 10 USD
  • "And walls of nescience fall down... Thank all of you for Wikipedia!" — Grzegorz OLENDER, donated 30 PLN
  • "et så bra gratisoppslagsverk er det verdt å donere til når en har penger til det" — Lasse Johansen, donated 100 NOK
  • "I want to commend you for the wonderful and generous work and effort that you show in putting all this information for the benefit of people interested in knowledge." — Julio J Romo, donated 20 USD
  • "I use it every day." — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Я щасливий, що є таке значне україномовне джерело інформації. Однак сила його і в тому, що знаючи б-яку іноземну, завжди можна вивірити інфу. Вікіпедія - це справді грандіозний проєкт. " — Igor Turzhanskyy, donated 15 USD
  • "I want a world where respect for others makes us free" — Gianluca Binini, donated 75 EUR
  • "our knowledge, our wisdom, our story" — Mr. Angel Samayoa, donated 10 USD
  • "Wer an Gott glaubt, glaubt nicht an sich selbst (T.J.W.)" — Torsten Weineck, donated 5 EUR
  • "Хороший и полезный проект!" — Mr. Aleksei Zakurdajev, donated 30 USD
  • "Hay dong gop cho Wikimedia de moi nguoi duoc trao doi tri tue-Have a contribution with yourself" — Thanh Vu, donated 150 USD
  • "Thank you for wiki !!  応援しているよ(^_^)/" — 晃宏 浦田, donated 10000 JPY
  • "Thanks." — Davide Cavalca, donated 30 EUR
  • "Thanks for all, guys!!" — Jose Angel Fernandez Freir, donated 30 USD
  • "The democratization of information is the most radically transformative power at work in the world today. Thank you for your invaluable work." — Mr. Daniel Zimmer, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you. I've so many times benefited from looking up stuff on wikipedia, you deserve a big donation! Alas, I wish it was even bigger." — Yasser Taima, donated 75 USD
  • "every bit counts" — Robert Dwyer, donated 10 USD
  • "I'm unemployed, so can only give a little, but it is still worth it. Good luck, Wikipedia!" — John Brunkhart, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the greatest and most influential collection of knowledge since the destruction of the great Library of Alexandria. Wikipedia is changing the world, one article at a time." — Mr. Anthony Schiavetti, donated 30 USD
  • "thank you for enlarging our minds. Lois Grant" — Lois Grant, donated 30 AUD
  • "Hurra! - for et av vår tids mest meningsfylte (og ubeskrivelig praktiske) fellesløft. En stor takk til alle som bidrar med kunnskapene sine." — Anonymous, donated 250 NOK
  • "Technologies have changed the globe, human behavior has not.Greed is still there. We only know that the planet is becoming a better, more peaceful place by sharing with others. With pleasure I donate." — Hubert de Leeuw, donated 100 USD
  • "知識は地球に住む生物全ての宝です。生きとし生けるもの全てで共有しましょう。" — Inoue Ko, donated 10000 JPY
  • "there is a small price to pay for freedom" — Marshall Hughes, donated 50 AUD
  • "Спасибо вике!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is what the internet was always meant to be" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a wonderful learning resource. For humans and machines alike." — Tomaz Solc, donated 20 EUR
  • "We find Wikipedia a useful and immediate source of information. Thank you! " — Michael Cordover, donated 40 AUD
  • "Thanks for free access to information!" — Svetlana Kudimova, donated 10 USD
  • "Wish I could give more - an amazing source of information that i would be happy to spend $30 a year to sign up for. " — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "the best resource on the net when ur searching for a trusted source of information" — Mr. Majeed El Chemor, donated 30 USD
  • "La información ha de ser libre, el conocimiento nos dará la libertad." — Jose Alberto Hernandis Talens, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you wiki!" — Enzo De Sena, donated 5 USD
  • "Knowledge is the best way to combat prejudice" — Anonymous, donated 100 AUD
  • "I often search the wikipedia before google as I land here anyway" — Mr. Rune Bassmann, donated 101 EUR
  • "Hurrah for Wikipedia!" — Paul Broadbent, donated 10 GBP
  • "because wikipedia cares!" — Antonio Giuseppe Masiello, donated 10 EUR
  • "Well... share fast and easy - visit rtorrentshare.com website to get account !" — Krzysztof Taraszka, donated 5 EUR
  • "excellent resource . thanks." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Gut dass es Euch gibt" — Christian Wernle, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is the best thing on the Internet." — Kai Cheung Ching, donated 365 HKD
  • "Wikipedia is a multilingual, multidisciplinary treasure trove connecting the free of mind across national, cultural, and generational boundaries. Adelante!" — Mr. Jarrett Barrios, donated 100 USD
  • "Macht weiter so!" — Andreas Ljevar, donated 5 EUR
  • "Freibier für alle!" — Frank Hollandt, donated 10 EUR
  • "this is what the internet should be: a free space where people connecting work for the creating, spreading and sharing of knowledge accessible to all!" — Serge Tonnar, donated 100 EUR
  • "For a world in cooperation! Great work!" — Goran Axelsson, donated 5 USD
  • "i need the knowledge" — Paul krol, donated 5 GBP
  • "Wikipedia is a powerfull resource for automating Natural Language Processing tasks! Please, don't delete too many articles! The size is Wikipedia strength" — MAKSIM GRINEV, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
  • "Jeg støtter Wikipedia med penger og oppfordrer alle andre til å gjøre det. Leif Harboe" — Mr. Leif Harboe, donated 100 NOK
  • "Jens Meiert" — Jens Meiert, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia's vision is the foundation of the evolution of next generation's human species" — stefania lucchetti, donated 30 USD
  • "In the true Wiki-spirit, go ahead and improve this comment." — Mr. Lars Hanson, donated 100 USD
  • "An invaluable resource for this future Dr and incurable triviaholic! Thanks Wikipedia!" — Angela Graham, donated 5 USD
  • "freiheit findet der mensch nur in der liebe. sie ist wie die luft, die man atmet, ohne dass man es bemerkt, und deren wert man erst schätzt, wenn sie zu fehlen beginnt." — Mr. Walter Zimmermann-Hedewig, donated 50 EUR
  • "karma de vuelta va!!!" — Tanausú Cerdeña Hernández, donated 20 EUR
  • "時々世話になるので、少しくらいは貢献しないとなぁ、と思いました。" — 富美夫 糟谷, donated 3000 JPY
  • "For all mankind." — Mr. Michael Hartleb, donated 20 EUR
  • "Because you reference your material, I recommend your site to my students as reliable." — Cathy Sommer, donated 75 CAD
  • "gildemax" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "lunga vita a Wikipedia!" — FULVIO GIACOMO COLAFELICE, donated 10 EUR
  • "参考になります。" — masahiko taniwa, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Education and knowledge will, indeed, save the world!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I value this service as a quick and easy way to get information about almost any topic. And it's easier to wade through the information than Encylopedia Britannica." — michael lawrence, donated 75 USD
  • "Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. - Malcolm Forbes" — Akash Vaswani, donated 25 AUD
  • "too important not to contribute even a small amount" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Ёжик, выходи за меня замуж!" — Ivan Obolenskiy, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia Rules" — kasper Kramer, donated 15 USD
  • "Thank you for all the laughter...." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Look not to another's sin, look to your own." — Jeffery Parks, donated 30 USD
  • "and I am happy" — grace shapiro, donated 30 USD
  • "Gràcies a tots els que ajudeo a aquest racó de sabiduria compartida a l'abast de tot el mon." — Salvador Català, donated 10 EUR
  • "This is a wonderful site to help your self" — Tyrone St Pierre, donated 10 GBP
  • "Keep it up!" — Sven Alexander Galler, donated 50 EUR
  • "Wikipedia - what would I do without you.. buy more books on eBay maybe? Thank you to all." — Stephen Spencer, donated 30 GBP
  • "Haz al conocimiento libre - Make your knowledge free." — Carlos Chiva Robles, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia hilft mir gerade, die Grundbegriffe des Rechnungswesens zu verstehen." — Felix Kiechle, donated 10 EUR
  • "A wonderful resource, with no advertising is a truly rare thing. Thanks Wikipedia" — Lucas Costi, donated 20 AUD
  • "I think this website is wonderful. I use it constantly." — Amanda Scott, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia: day by day getting to be more relevant!" — Imre Simon, donated 100 USD
  • "Knowledge is a hard way, but those, who reach the top will see endless possibilities." — Dimitar Dimitrov, donated 20 EUR
  • "Знання надбані людством - це не товар, а його повноправна власність. Збережемо Wikipedia !" — Kostyantyn Melnychuk, donated 10 USD
  • "In work at last, so here's a donation to keep up the good work!" — Arwel Parry, donated 20 GBP
  • "色々な知識をくれたWikipediaにわずかばかりの感謝を。" — 匡司 松田, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Thanks Jimmy Wales" — Mr. Austin Uhing, donated 100 USD
  • "Free knowledge for everyone!" — Aurimas Fiseras, donated 36 USD
  • "I just use Wikipedia in my everyday job to look for math formula - great!" — Alexis d'Almeida, donated 75 USD
  • "just keep up the good work.....well done" — Mr. Leigh Haines, donated 30 GBP
  • "Por una wikipedia libre y para todos (sin publicidad). For a free wikipedia and for all (without advertising)" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Merci pour tout" — Charles PROST, donated 5 EUR
  • "continuez ! super boulot." — marcel caes, donated 30 EUR
  • "大好きなWikipediaに多くの感謝と少しばかりの支援を" — Junichiro Kasuya, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Great job!" — Giuseppe Di Salvo, donated 5 EUR
  • "Hey! Why haven't YOU dontated?" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "Help the world!!!!!" — Niklas Thomsen, donated 10 USD
  • "The concept that only works in practice but never in theory" — Jean-Thomas Celette, donated 30 EUR
  • "great project! keep going guys!" — Petre Gostin, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has made my life easier. If anything can be done to support it, then I'm in." — Camilo Palacios, donated 10 EUR
  • "~ Elizabeth will you marry me? ~" — Mike Donnelly, donated 10 GBP
  • "Per un mondo che non ha paura del sapere." — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Freedom and Free Knowledge." — Irfan Khan, donated 30 USD
  • "We love wikipedia." — Suzuki Masaru, donated 3000 JPY
  • "To share is to love!" — MARIO LEITE, donated 30 USD
  • "Science needs help" — Normand Cyr, donated 100 CAD
  • "Fighting BS since 2001" — Alexander Kaiser, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikepedia c'est giga!" — Mr. Marc Bedard, donated 10 CAD
  • "mache gerade mit meinem Sohn Hausaufgaben, wie selbstverständlich mit Hilfe von Wikipedia; wie ging das nur zu meinen Zeiten?" — Daniel Arber, donated 50 CHF
  • "人類文化に関する、大きな貢献。ぜひ皆で支えましょう。" — Sendo Takashi, donated 10000 JPY
  • "Thank you so much..." — Mohd Ali Mohd Yusof, donated 20 USD
  • "For the best thing since sliced bread!" — Mr. Thomas Schmidt, donated 10 EUR
  • "yes wikipedia can" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "Graury - Long live free information" — Alex Maybury, donated 10 GBP
  • "a small amount to invest in our humanity hoping it can make a difference to its continuation" — Mr. Anthony Burrell, donated 10 GBP
  • "<3" — Henrik Løvgren, donated 30 USD
  • "eine tolle Sache" — Henry Straßer, donated 15 EUR
  • "Спасибо :)" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "Wiki vor den Klausuren ersetzte die Vorlesungen... Danke. ;-)" — Frank Hemer, donated 10 EUR
  • "Fascism is no opinion but a crime!" — Konstantin Kubina, donated 5 EUR
  • "Knowledge to everybody" — Han-Kwang Nienhuys, donated 120 EUR
  • "Wikipedia deserves all our support, in monay and in kind." — Louis Lemieux, donated 12 GBP
  • "Cieszę sie, że choć w taki sposób mogę wesprzeć rozwój wiedzy na świecie. To ważne dla przyszłych pokoleń. Marcin N" — Marcin Nowotka, donated 30 PLN
  • "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create. - A. Einstein" — Ms. Kellen Baird, donated 50 USD
  • "Der TV ist der geilste Club der Welt!" — Christian Förnges, donated 30 EUR
  • "10 petits euros pour une site grosse somme de connaissances ! J'essaierai de faire plus, en 2009 . Merci, merci à tous et toutes . " — Sylvie Roussel, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is the best thing to help with homework!" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Pour que tous puissent avoir accès à la connaissance." — Cyril Pradot, donated 30 USD
  • "Faites en sorte que cet argent sois bien utilisé, conservez l'intégrité de wikipédia." — Simon Jolliet, donated 10 EUR
  • "維基百科是個值得支持的良心事業!不論能力多寡,大家一起來捐助吧!" — MING HSIEN TSAI, donated 250 HKD
  • "Bravo pour cette contribution historique au partage et à la diffusion du savoir." — Bastardy Jean-Marc, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is an A-1 source of information from which I have derived invaluable information and knowledge which I have applied in my professional and personal life. Thank you." — Scott Croly, donated 30 USD
  • "Der Netzpirat und das Bärchen spenden für freie Information! www.netzpir.at www.bärophil.de" — Mr. Philipp Eckert, donated 10 EUR
  • "I still hope in a world that put knoweledge and respect at the first place, without war, ignorance and prejudice." — Salvatore Previti, donated 5 EUR
  • "Sou educador e Wikipedia me ajuda muito. Precisamos completmentar seus dados! Coopere nisso. Não se preocupe com correções. São ótimas para todos. O propósito é torná-la uma fonte + confiável ainda!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "May you live forever" — Cedric Vigorie, donated 15 EUR
  • "Keep up the great work, guys! You've helped me a lot during the past few years!" — Max Plauth, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia FTW!" — Maxwell Spencer, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia muss man einfach unterstützen." — Heinz Wiedenhofer, donated 50 EUR
  • "The idea of not having wikipedia around scared me!" — Mr. Sherif Eldeeb, donated 5 USD
  • "merci encore pour cet outi merveilleux que j'utilise fréquemment " — philippe bournhonesque, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you for bring us these platforms and promoting democracy of though to the world" — Nuthapong Dumrongrat, donated 30 USD
  • "Wenn Wissen Macht ist, muss Wikipedia wohl Weltherrscher sein." — Benjamin Gröhbiel, donated 10 EUR
  • "Ich wünsche mir, dass das freie Wissen der Welt auch die Menschen in ihrem Denken von Grenzen befreit und ihnen einen Blick über Ihren Tellerrand ermöglicht." — Jens Lüer, donated 30 EUR
  • "Weniger Koomerz, mehr Gleichheit" — Sören Schweizer, donated 20 EUR
  • "The knowlege can invert the Manifesto of Ignorantism" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Step 1: Wiki prose; Step 2: Translation of prose to an integrated conceptual map; Step 3: Where would you like to go? " — Jeanne Gorman, donated 100 USD
  • "There is no "i" in partnership." — BEVERLEY MORRIS, donated 30 GBP
  • "Bonne continuation !" — Patrick Duris, donated 20 EUR
  • "I'm glad to donate to a worthy cause." — Janet McCrosky, donated 30 USD
  • "a valuable public service, more important arguably, than roads or even sewer systems" — Mr. Edward Agura, donated 30 USD
  • "Merci pour ce que vous faites pour enrichire notre monde" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is amazing!" — Alejandro Gajano, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the Internet's redeeming feature." — Chris Chapman, donated 30 USD
  • "I just gave $6; we just need 999,999 others to do a wikipedia ;o)....." — Larry La Mar, donated 6 USD
  • "Knowledge is power!" — Ross Holley, donated 20 USD
  • "Please continue the excellent work. Please strive for continuous improvement" — Ryn Stenberg, donated 20 USD
  • "wikipedia must alive...... even to our kids, please contribute your comfortable amount , thanks hari india" — Mr. Hari Krishna Mulagala, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikidipedia is wonderful" — Aytekin Akkuş, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia provides a great service. If you use it, please give some money." — bill blaine, donated 20 USD
  • "Everything about Anything. Anything about Everything. -Evan F. Boccardi" — Evan F Boccardi, donated 5 USD
  • "You can learn something from anyone" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "------------Giving is the first step to Receiving------------" — Mr. Samir Hamdan, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep it going wiki ;)" — Justinas Lelys, donated 10 USD
  • "10 euro, cosa sono? una pizza? per tutto quello che Wikipedia ha fatto per me fino ad ora? Basta poco, è già molto!" — Cesare Carli, donated 10 EUR
  • "Thank you Wikipedia you're so great" — Mr. Emanuele Barone, donated 20.22 EUR
  • "Information on your fingertip - The first stage was Gutenberg - Wikipedia is the second." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Informazione libera e istruzione rendono vivo il pensiero e la libertà, illuminando il terrore, spazzando via l'ignoranza dei popoli e la loro schiavitù.." — Jacopo Ronco, donated 25 EUR
  • "Keep up the good work!" — Mr. Anthony Evans, donated 50 USD
  • "wiki ftw" — Kartik Trehan, donated 10 USD
  • "Gota a gota nacera un mar, un mar al que nadie osará poner barreras." — Iago Torres Piñeiro, donated 5 EUR
  • "Go go wikipedia!!" — Tiago Alves, donated 10 EUR
  • "The gift of knowledge lasts for eternity" — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "The truth shall set you free--and the internet --driven by people power-- can change the world (as we witnessed in the US elections this week)!" — Mr. Howard Swerdloff, donated 50 USD
  • "un piccolo gesto per sostenere un grande lavoro" — dario sposi, donated 5 EUR
  • "Christopher Hunt" — Christopher Hunt, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the paradigm of good globalization." — Ricardo Moura, donated 30 USD
  • "What a fabulous resource. Thank you for your efforts. " — Charles Close, donated 30 USD
  • "Bravo pour cette formidable entreprise digne de notre temps et des millions de générations d'êtres humains qui nous ont précédé sur notre planète terre " — André Payan, donated 20 EUR
  • "An investment worth making " — jarhid brown, donated 30 USD
  • "10 print "hello world"" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Да здравствует Википедия!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Macht bitte weiter so. Nutze Wikipedia min. 5 am Tag - da lohnt sich jeder Euro :)" — Marcel Woggesin, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is vital to my research as an author. Thanks WikiFriends!" — Mr. Phil Scarr, donated 30 USD
  • "Indespensible; thanks to all content contributors" — Steven Johnson, donated 30 USD
  • "Wir haben besseres zu tun, als das Fahrrad ein zweitesmal erfinden zu müssen. Wissen muß frei werden!" — Joerg-Sascha Heil, donated 20 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is my second-most used site after Google. Invaluable. " — Ken Bookstein, donated 35 USD
  • "Für mich ist Wikipedia mitlerweile eine der ersten Anlaufstellen für Informationen. Von Mesnchen für Menschen. So soll es bleiben!" — Timo Riemer, donated 10 EUR
  • "Great work which has to support " — Marcus Breig, donated 20 EUR
  • "Making knowledge accessible and organic. I wouldn't know how to live without it now. " — Anonymous, donated 30 CAD
  • "Free access to the world's information. What a great value product. At least worth a tenner a head." — Chris Chandler, donated 30 GBP
  • "Thanks a lot for all the answers!" — Jasper Vogel, donated 20 EUR
  • "Great service!!" — Andrew Robinson, donated 5 GBP
  • "Un grazie a chi, ogni giorno, contribuisce alla diffusione della conoscenza. Grazie Wikipedia, grazie Internet" — Mattia Lepri Berluti, donated 5 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has never let me down - now it was time to give a little back." — Logan Serman, donated 5 USD
  • "Anche se è solo un piccolissimo contributo, spero possa dare una mano... Grazie a tutti per il lavoro che fate!" — MARZIA PITTON, donated 5 EUR
  • "Edward Waite In memory of James Edward Waite, blacksmith. Edward Wa" — Ms. Ann Waite, donated 15 USD
  • "Keep the Wiki going" — Mr. Quillan Osborne, donated 30 USD
  • "Jeden Tag etwas neues lernen - und sei es von der Putzfrau." — Mr. Uwe Haleksy, donated 20 EUR
  • ":o" — Cameron Winston, donated 10 USD
  • "恩返しのほんの一助にでもなれば幸いです。" — 誠 佐々木, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Hungarian Love :)" — Mr. Csaba Sulyok, donated 2000 HUF
  • "For a society based on knowledge" — Mr. Davide Sangalli, donated 20 EUR
  • "This site has given me tremendous amount of knowledge, and I can still spend hours to dig more information here, Wikipedia is addictive!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Great idea, job and vision of the future" — Infotec Bolzano, donated 25 EUR
  • "Please bring this invaluable knowledge and the passion of learning to those in 3rd world countries. They need sites like Wikipedia more than anyone else to help them break poverty's curse." — Mr. Chan Ern Theng, donated 30 SGD
  • "Ein unschätzbares Werkzeug......." — Mr. Thomas Hartmann, donated 10 EUR
  • "Thanks Wikipedia - I esp. like all of the bio related articles." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "As Google opens the doorways to knowledge, Wikipedia fills the rooms with gold." — Mr. Tom Schneider, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up your good work. The Wikipedia is a very good tool. " — Arild Gjeldnes, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is an invaluable resource for any individual interested in free access to information. Please help keep it alive!" — Joel Carranza, donated 50 USD
  • "Grazie di esistere" — gilberto giorcelli, donated 10 EUR
  • "The universe is a figment of its own imagination. Don't believe everything that you read." — Ean McClane, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia me ha sacado de muchos apuros y ha ampliado mi conocimiento. Ojalá pudiera donar más, pues soy sólo un estudiante." — Mr. Rafael Muñoz Cárdenas, donated 10 USD
  • "You provide an invaluable service that I often rely on as a resource for clear, concise input for anything I want to know about. Please keep up the good work! " — Joseph Frye, donated 30 USD
  • "thank you." — Anonymous, donated 50 EUR
  • "Bonne chance à mon encyclopédie préférée !" — Jean Perruchaud, donated 30 EUR
  • "God created a wonderful human spirit that is encouraged by sharing knowledge." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "you guys rock!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wiki forever!" — Mr. Josef Wurzinger, donated 30 EUR
  • "Danke fuers ABI! Dank Wikipedia ist Schule as easy as 1-2-3 =)" — Felix Droste, donated 10 EUR
  • "Knowledge is like a drug to me, because I am an information-junky. Wikipedia provides very well in my needs.. " — Christian van Bennekom, donated 10 EUR
  • "A fantastic goal and a worthy cause. Keep it up!" — Mr. Jack Evans, donated 10 USD
  • "Love Thy Brother as Thyself... The rest is just details." — Daniel Basalely, donated 10 USD
  • "Wiki, thanks." — Jian Liu, donated 5 USD
  • "knowledge based applications eg: musical chord progression generator or transponator" — Berik Visschers, donated 30 USD
  • "Sharing for our common enlightenment makes a better world!" — Shannon Atkins, donated 20 USD
  • "enter the rabit hole" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "people donate!" — Andrea D'Intino, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you all" — Mr. Christopher Ireland, donated 30 USD
  • "Ohne Wikipedia würde man sich echt die Finger "wund-googeln" !" — David Laun, donated 30 EUR
  • "Weiter so!" — Peter Reiss, donated 5 EUR
  • "Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der jeder Mensch an der Gesamtheit allen Wissens frei NICHT teilhaben kann" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia rocks!" — Mr. Bernardo Innocenti, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia represents some of the fundamentals of a better world -- collaboration and information for all. Happy to support the cause." — Brian Peiris, donated 30 USD
  • "Enjoy life more by improving the quality of your questions" — Eric Shepherd, donated 100 USD
  • "Why are so many people ignorant to reality? :-(" — Rasmus Björkegren, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the shining star of the internet." — Rick Hilimire, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the great work. Wikipedia is a wonderful idea and a valuable information resource." — Jeff Andersen, donated 25 USD
  • "Thank you for your contribution to my life as a student." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "One of the best - if not /the/ best - and most useful applications of the Web" — DR Bettles, donated 10 GBP
  • "Wikipedia is one of the most useful and essential "invention" of internet." — Tae-Won Ha, donated 15 EUR
  • "http://www.markun.com" — Anonymous, donated 54.09 USD
  • "感謝維基百科提供了如此豐富的資料, 更希望中文的維基百科也能越來越充實!!" — HUAN HUNG PENG, donated 30 USD
  • "...because I use it everyday. Good luck Barack!" — loic devaux, donated 20 EUR
  • "Knowledge is the nourishment of understanding which is the essence of humanity." — Don Pilarz, donated 30 EUR
  • "This is a great site -- very helpful. It is worth my donation." — David Rekow, donated 100 USD
  • "Thank you" — Alexander Mikhailov, donated 10 USD
  • "Its weakness and its strength is that you always need to question the correctness of the information it provides" — Paolo Toccaceli, donated 10 GBP
  • "Yes, wikipedia is definitly always there when I need information!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I can't thank you enough for what you are doing." — Caroline Richmond, donated 200 GBP
  • "Peace, Knowledge, Honesty and Justice." — B L Miranda, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you" — Krishna Gutti, donated 25 USD
  • "Support free wikipedia!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Human conscience of the surrounding universe is the most extraordinary thing. Sharing knowledge is the very essence of being human." — Ricardo Sousa, donated 10 USD
  • "All the world's a stage-- and it's all on Wikimedia" — Lewis Bledsoe, donated 30 USD
  • "It's nice to have it everywhere!" — Mr. Christian Iwas, donated 30 EUR
  • "I am happy to donate. I hope you will continue to prosper." — Mr. Lars Bahner, donated 100 NOK
  • "I use it so often you have to give something back" — Laurence Holder, donated 5 GBP
  • "Wikipedia makes my life easier." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Kleinvieh macht auch Mist " — Jürgen Kling, donated 5 EUR
  • "Wikipedia : La plus extraordinaire oeuvre collective de l'humanité - Sans le leadership d'aucun politicien ni aucun argent public" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
  • "Thanks to the people who contribute to Wikipedia." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "When I think of WIKI I am proud of being a human being." — Giorgio Galbarini, donated 25 EUR
  • "how could i not?" — ann ogidi, donated 20 GBP
  • "Even though I am a doctoral student, I still can get a wealth of information to start my research projects from Wikipedia." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I use Wikipedia 4-5 times a week. It's probably the most valuable website I go to." — Weldon Miller, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks for doing what you do." — Amy Peddie, donated 5 USD
  • "Truly a wonderfully informative site Thank You" — Ms. Mary Vucko, donated 75 CAD
  • "Wikipedia is an unvaluable tool in my daily research. I thank you/us all for participating in it." — Hugo Oliveira, donated 30 USD
  • "I use wikipedia all the time. Thanks for keeping it free." — Ms. Danielle Orbin, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the best model worldwide to show what democracy is, how it functions and how all can benefit from it." — Dorejd Kastrati, donated 10 EUR
  • "Cette encyclopédie concrétise un rève. Longue vie à wikipédia......." — Jerome Calvin, donated 15 EUR
  • "This has been getting me through college" — Mr. Zachary Wagner, donated 5 USD
  • "Let Information Freely Disperse Throughout the World, for Wiki Will Help Facilitate the Exponential Development of All Peoples." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is better than almost all of my college textbooks..." — Sean Williams, donated 10 USD
  • "I' m very grateful that the Wikipedia exists. I've used it so many times for so many purposes. I have never before been able to investigate such a variety of topics in such a detail so quickly." — Lonnie Percent, donated 30 USD
  • "can't live with out wiki." — Mr. Suresh Sunku, donated 10 USD
  • "Brun sovs til alle!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Good luck with your fundraising efforts, and thank you for creating and maintaining a great resource." — Yared Tamene, donated 75 USD
  • "La Sencillez hace la grandeza." — Eduardo G Hurtado, donated 20 USD
  • "Thank you for the science articles. " — PHILIP ARDERY JR, donated 100 USD
  • "You offer them the moon and stars, and all they want is space" — David Hughes, donated 100 USD
  • "Thank you for running Wikipedia so well!" — David Reiss, donated 100 USD
  • "The greatest compendium of human knowlege that has ever existed; let's keep the resource public and free." — Mr. Robert Basham, donated 250 USD
  • "Wikipedia at every level represents the goodness of man" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Por Wikipedia." — Juan Hidalgo, donated 10.77 EUR
  • "Prosumer and Social Media are the future of knowledge-seekers,disseminators and compliers." — Amit Siddhartha, donated 10 USD
  • "Freedom of thought is an integral part of modern civilization. Long live Wikimedia" — Alexandre Brault-Tremblay, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks Wikipedia for providing such a wonderful place for the world to share its collective knowledge." — Lyle Pratt, donated 30 USD
  • "Ejercita tu mente" — Rafael Davila, donated 30 USD
  • "Verita' sempre" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Eine Spende für Wikipedia dient zur Wissensverbreitung aus aller Sicht. Danke Wikipedia !" — Nidayi Karaaslan, donated 50 CHF
  • "Un Grand Projet dont le but est le partage des Savoirs merite toute notre appui. Merci Wikipedia!" — Jose Adolfo Segura, donated 75 USD
  • "For the children, that they can access to knowledge, too" — Cyril Legrand, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep on the good work." — Mr. Federico Zambelli, donated 5 EUR
  • "Free people, free spirits, free knowledge!" — Falk Brunner, donated 100 EUR
  • "Knowledge for everyone!!!" — Georgios Vafiadis, donated 20 EUR
  • "we need multilingual wikipedia (with user defined hierarchies of preference) for the South" — John West, donated 30 USD
  • "We are all made of the same. Respect everyone!" — Reto Laemmler, donated 30 USD
  • "You cannot choose who you will love. You can only choose who you will accept love from m.t.bear" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
  • "Anyone who wants to learn should have access to the knowledge they seek." — Dennis Warden, donated 30 USD
  • "It is good stuff. But no one can verify the accuracy and source of content. That makes me disappointed sometime." — Chaowang Zhang, donated 30 USD
  • "without knowledge we are no one" — Martin Kissane, donated 20 GBP
  • "I use wiki all the time! free knowledge!" — Ming Li, donated 5 USD
  • "Fabulously useful, and reliable" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "This is a great resource, you have helped me with countless information I have needed. Thanks for making this one of the best sites on the web." — Mr. Bobby Sutu, donated 10 USD
  • "Thank you for proving this inspirational democratic ideal" — Krista Thomas, donated 100 USD
  • "I am a broke college student, so I don't have much money, but I feel that this is something worth fighting for." — Josie Tyrer, donated 30 USD
  • "what would we do without wiki???" — Anonymous, donated 5 GBP
  • "Keep it up, Indispensable." — Mr. Stephen Bailey, donated 30 USD
  • "Per fortuna che esiste wikipedia !!" — Franco Ferrari, donated 10 EUR
  • "Keep on learning and loving until your last breath!" — Don Liotta, donated 75 USD
  • "Знания должны быть общедоступны" — Dmitry Khovratovich, donated 30 USD
  • "As an adult, I have learned so much using Wiki, I wonder often what it would have done for me as a young student, so eager to explore and investigate the world!" — Angela Karegeannes, donated 30 USD
  • "The greatest revolution since printing books. Dont't forget: Truth lives between the answers. Greetings from Karlsruhe, Germany - Raniero" — Raniero Farruggio, donated 10 EUR
  • "People, I'm a homeless person getting back on my feet as a value productive individual & EVEN I can afford a few $$$. So what do you say; donate to this worthy resourse, huhn!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "My go-to source for opening doors to things unknown." — Mr. Adam Hafdahl, donated 75 USD
  • "Thank you for everything." — Benjamin Lee, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep it free." — Rajashekhar Durgadmath, donated 10 USD
  • "Wenn 6,7 Milliarden Menschen mitdenken sollte es klappen." — joscha brose, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep up the great work. " — Josh Collins, donated 10 USD
  • "Freely available knowledge illuminated from multiple points of view is one of the hallmarks of democratic societies. Wikipedia’s significance equals that of movable type and the internet." — Mr. Markus Hastreiter, donated 50 EUR
  • "Thank you to all who contribute" — Daniel Hoffman, donated 10 USD
  • "Dafür zahl ich gerne! R´n´R makes the future!" — Anonymous, donated 6.66 EUR
  • "¡Wikimundo!" — Ms. Iris Wendy Santos Grullón, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia for me has been a reliable and usefull research resource. I offer my support inorder to aid its continued growth going forward." — Talbot Kent, donated 30 USD
  • "I have to thank you for making information available at just one click" — Pantanida Jantsakool, donated 30 EUR
  • "viva la cultura libera " — carlo augusto melis costa, donated 25 EUR
  • "Visit us at www.pixellive.net for cool iPhone games" — Ms. Jan Halfar, donated 30 USD
  • "Keep up the excellent work!" — Mr. Robin Marquardt, donated 20 USD
  • "Tutto purchè ci siate, spero sopratutto per quelli che verrano." — Antonio Borges, donated 10 EUR
  • "Weiter so!!" — Claudio Fernandez, donated 20 EUR
  • "Miles de años de conocimiento, centenares de grandes pensadores y todos reunidos en estas paginas. Gracias a los que lo haceis posible!! (No a la SGAE)" — CESAR F TORIBIO ALDEGUER, donated 10 USD
  • "Pour protèger l'accès à une information sans censure. Pour la Culture !!!" — Mr. Simon Hains, donated 30 CAD
  • "My name is Veer Sharma. I'm 10 years old and I go to Keston Primary School. I'm donating 1 week of my pocket money to wikipedia because I believe knowledge is priceless and I love what you do." — naresh sharma, donated 5 GBP
  • "randomprowler" — Jorge Alejandro Néspolo, donated 10 USD
  • "Para la mejor iniciativa actualmente en Internet" — Mr. Juan Martínez Calvo, donated 25 EUR
  • "This is the most valuable and complete source of information I have found anywhere. Thank you." — Joan Decker, donated 50 USD
  • "I think Wikipedia is a pretty cool guy." — Dan Wilson, donated 5 USD
  • "Fantastic resource. " — Mr. Nick Bartlett, donated 10 USD
  • "I love wiki - please keep it as non-bureaucratic as possible. Also, please explain where this money is going. Thanks." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I can't imagine my life without Wiki." — Jy-Yun Jung, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikimedia, een voorbeeld voor de media" — Barend Jan van Eijk, donated 30 EUR
  • "do ut des" — JAN KOLEBSKI, donated 100 PLN
  • "Thank you." — Mr. Joe Mancell, donated 5 USD
  • "Für eine freie Welt. " — Thomas Kunc, donated 20 EUR
  • "keep going" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
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  • "I don't like it. I love it!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "It has its problems with accuracy but you can't beat the price. Question everything. Wikipedia needs better editors." — Mr. Steven Hales, donated 30 USD
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  • "Lunga vita a WIKIPEDIA" — Lorenzo Monacelli, donated 5 EUR
  • "gracias por la wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
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  • "TheSteads think Wiki is the Bee's knees. " — Mike Stead, donated 5 GBP
  • "Thank you very much wikipedia, you've helped me a lot on my studies. Without your help, I won't be able to do my researches. Please continue the good work, we will always support you!" — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "Merci bien les amis votre site gère... vous nous aidez tous les jours c'est sympa !" — GERALDINE PIMONT-DELARUE, donated 15 EUR
  • "Let's Wiki the World!" — Hans-Peter Ponten, donated 100 EUR
  • "Espen Øverbye" — Mr. Espen Øverbye, donated 100 USD
  • "Dzięki!" — Łukasz Różański, donated 100 PLN
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  • "may propaganda not preside here" — paul cochran, donated 50 USD
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  • "go go power zigmars" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
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  • "Greetings from Almería" — Antonio Miras Aróstegui, donated 30 EUR
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  • "Wikipedia, how did I ever get along without it? :-)" — Mark Hendrikman, donated 10 EUR
  • "I am researching a novel about the Dark Ages. Without Wikipedia, and Google, what I can do in a day for free would take me weeks and cost thousands. Support Wikipedia, the world of facts at your finge" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I love this site." — John Francis, donated 30 USD
  • "Think about how often you use Wikipedia. Isn't it time you gave a tiny bit back?" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Il mio mattone per la diffusione della cultura" — Luca Antonelli, donated 10 EUR
  • "Thank you Jimmy." — Lyle Spencer, donated 5 USD
  • "Wish I could afford more. Keep up the great work." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you for all the hard work!" — Eric Mills, donated 20 USD
  • "Wikipedia feeds the mind, books feed the heart. Don't forget to read too." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a great initiative. Every cent donated is worth giving." — Mr. Yordan Yordanov, donated 10 EUR
  • "Ich bitte die meinen um Verzeihung für das Leid das sie erlitten haben. (Prometheus)" — Ludwig Frank, donated 30 EUR
  • "Gebe vielleicht nicht viel, weil es auch sehr viele andere (wichtigere?) Projekte zu unterstützen gibt. Wenn nur jeder 10. Nutzer das gleiche gibt... Gruß aus Friedrichskoog - Germany" — Volker Hirt, donated 5 EUR
  • "Prepare ye the way for the Lord Jesus" — Emily Dickens, donated 20 USD
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  • "One of the most significant educational sites on the web, Bravo" — stephen rosenthal, donated 30 USD
  • "Wiki* rules!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Os lo mereceis.Gracias" — Salvador Campderros, donated 10 USD
  • "Knowledge is the key to the tolerance, tolerance is the key to the future. Wikipedia offers you the knowledge!" — Ivo Toman, donated 200 CZK
  • "Thank you, Wikipedia!" — Rich Troy, donated 100 USD
  • "don't be evil - Spenden für eine gute Sache" — Karsten Nordhausen, donated 10 EUR
  • "Ein kleiner Beitrag. St.S." — Mr. Stefan Schmid, donated 10 EUR
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  • "Haltet die Welt an, ich will aussteigen. (2005 Omar)" — Anonymous, donated 10 CHF
  • "A pessoa vale pelo que tem na cabeça." — Helio Ruas, donated 30 USD
  • "谢谢!维基百科" — Xiaohu Wang, donated 10 EUR
  • "I love wikipedia. My suggestion: have a GRADE on top of each page as to its accuracy, content, organization, etc. " — Brett Victor, donated 5 USD
  • "Thank You" — James Pizzaruso, donated 100 USD
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  • "Wikipedia puts the infinite power of knowledge at the fingetips of anyone who seeks it" — Jonathan Levi, donated 10 USD
  • "in the spirit of Obama" — bert dubbelman, donated 30 EUR
  • "Information wants to be free!" — Eric Livak-Dahl, donated 75 USD
  • "this is some fine end" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Great encyclopedia" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "I am deeply grateful for Wikipedia" — Clifford Clark, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia: Helping chemistry graduate students finish on time." — Joe Weaver, donated 5 USD
  • "Obama's win has restored my hope that the future may be a better place. free access to information is part of that world in my opinion, so heres a drop for that big bucket." — Mr. Kevin Euwen, donated 10 CAD
  • "Wikipedia is awesome! " — husain alshehabi, donated 5 USD
  • "I have used wikipedia on many projects, the time they have saved me is worth more than my donation." — Paul Hinson, donated 15 USD
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  • "Vielen Dank! - Merci beaucoup! - Thank you very much!" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "The magnitude of my pointless knowledge has expanded furiously since the advent of this site. Gotta love it!" — Dev Menon, donated 30 USD
  • "Long live the Wiki!" — Andrey Komissarov, donated 10 USD
  • "wikipedia merita un premio nobel per la pace,perche dove c'è cultura e conoscenza c'è pace." — savino piccolo, donated 10 EUR
  • "Let there be more knowledge chasing information than more information chasing knowledge!" — Ashish Ghangrekar, donated 10 CAD
  • "Ahora no sé qué haría sin wikipedia." — Fernando Mariano Faci Lucia, donated 20 EUR
  • "((lambda(x) (let ((the-best x)) x)) 'Wiki)" — Mr. Lukas Havrlant, donated 5 EUR
  • "Great resource in so many fields of information. Thank you!" — Mr. John Sullivan, donated 30 USD
  • "Once this becomes more filled out, one can only hope Universities will accredit it agian" — Robyn Senger, donated 30 CAD
  • "It's a Wiki Wiki Wiki World out there" — Kevin Hop, donated 30 USD
  • "The mode of operation of this encyclopedia reflects the fundamental question of how we know that something is true. This is a wonderful dialogue that does not need artificial authority." — Jeffrey Fried, donated 250 USD
  • "Wikipedia is giving and receiving. " — Valentin Mauro, donated 5 EUR
  • "Niech Wiki rośnie w siłę… ;)" — Cezary Lech, donated 30 PLN
  • "Hello world :)" — trent tankersley, donated 5 USD
  • "The best knowledge share Wikimedia, it’s the most favorite for most of the people in IT world." — Mallikarjunaiah Nellore, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia est indispensable, incontournable, essentielle!!!" — Jean-Robert Primeau, donated 50 CAD
  • "Knowledge must be used to stimulate the mind, enhance business intelligence and increase our appreciation for those countries and people who we could easily prejudice forever" — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
  • "Wikipedia rules! :D" — Christer Jonassen, donated 100 NOK
  • "keep up the good work! " — Mr. Juri Buchmüller, donated 5 EUR
  • "Bildung für alle! " — Janina Kepp, donated 30 EUR
  • "What a wonderful idea. Keep fighting the good fight Wikipedia!" — Adil Minocherhomjee, donated 10 USD
  • "Thanks Wiki! You are the defacto standard of knowledge on the Internet." — Nicholas Choate, donated 5 USD
  • "I hope more multi-perspective articles." — 茂和 石原, donated 3000 JPY
  • "spending time looking for answer is never wasting time" — Luca Tani, donated 5 EUR
  • "Keep the Internet in the hands of the people." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Ich habe noch nie irgendwas für Programme oder Webpages etc. gespendet und ich mache das nur,weil ich sehr von Wikipedia profitiere und hoffe, dass ich auf euren Seiten niemals Werbung sehen werde!!" — Anika Ströbele, donated 10 EUR
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  • "knowledge must be at hand of every one!" — Irion Florin, donated 25 EUR
  • "Share knowledge. Knowledge should be Free" — Jude Prakash, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks for all your work!" — Brenda Bernal, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you." — Michael Miller, donated 30 USD
  • "I use wikipedia all the time, why not support such a great free service" — Rutger Schuil, donated 5 USD