Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-08
[edit]- "You guys do good work. Thanks." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you...I use the service all the time!" — Catherine Tant, donated 25 USD
- "Love is the way." — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
- "You helped me a lot... let me help you a little bit!" — Andrea Vaccaro, donated 10 USD
- "Information is the most powerful product of all" — Russell Cashman, donated 75 USD
- "Thanks for everything! Long live the encyclopedia!" — karin lewicki, donated 100 USD
- "Let's make Mr. Wales dream a reality. Ignorance is the only real enemy we face" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Keep it up!" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
- "Målet är en god känsla, se till att komma dit! Ruwar Hussein Tamarkhan" — Ruwar Hussein, donated 50 SEK
- "What's so funny about Peace, Love and Understanding?" — Laurie Rieman, donated 10 USD
- "VIVE WIKIPEDIA !!!!!" — Julien Thimonier, donated 30 EUR
- "When you start giving without expecting back, you receive what you gave in multiples. Similarly, when we start giving & sharing our knowledge it will expand and grow exponentially. " — sarath Jayawaradana, donated 30 USD
- "The world is indebted to you" — Luke BrownGold, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is a fantastic resource and one of the best things on the internet" — Walter Morton, donated 30 USD
- "Please support limitless knowledge on the internet. Wikipedia is an easy site to navigate and search. Please help keep it alive!" — Rachel Dowell, donated 10 USD
- "ウィキペディアを正確で客観的なものにしましょう。偏見や誤りを、みんなの力で正していきましょう。" — 敏男 梅原, donated 3000 JPY
- "Thanks for providing on hand easy information access to explain things simply to patients! Top community!" — Thomas Hilliar, donated 10 AUD
- "We need the wikipedia!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 50 EUR
- "Félicitations pour votre encyclopédie gratuite qui permet de diffuser le savoir aux démunis" — Gilbert de Valck, donated 5 EUR
- "Thank you very much!" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
- "Knowledge will help brighten the future for our children... lets make this a reality" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Can't put a price on wikipedia saving my ass through school..." — Mr. Josh Sideris, donated 10 CAD
- "I use this resource all the time." — Griff Derryberry, donated 30 USD
- "What's so wrong about trivia? With films it's almost obligatory." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I love Wikipedia, I just wish my college professors would agree with me. Some of them won't even recognize your site. " — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks." — Anonymous, donated 15 AUD
- "Arguably Wikipedia is the most useful project humanity ever undertaken" — Andrey Vyshedskiy, donated 10 USD
- "knowledge is priceless" — Mr. Daniel Escalante, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia FTW" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Cheers!" — Ashley rasmussen, donated 20 USD
- "thanks wiki." — Patrick Huffine, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia has become part of my life and I am extremely grateful ... Thank you!" — Anonymous, donated 20 GBP
- "Keep an open mind but not so open that your brain falls out. Wikipedia is a great starting point, not the final authority." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Thanks Wikipedia" — Clifford Dickerson, donated 40 USD
- "While Obama can change the world by his presidency, we will change the world by sharing the knowledge!" — 良太 八島, donated 50 USD
- "Without Wikipedia I wouldn't know a damn thing about this wonderful world. Thanks for getting me through life." — Kaicheng Liang, donated 10 USD
- "Information is ammunition - arm yourself against manipulation! Thanks Wikipedia, the site is much appreciated" — Marcel Gügel, donated 20 EUR
- "世界の歴史についてのホームーページ開設にあたり、WIKIPEDIAの存在を知り、大変重宝に活用させていただき感謝しています。一層の充実を期待し、僅かですが寄付に参加いたします。" — Anonymous, donated 6000 JPY
- "good stuff-democraticaly edited for the people" — matt klein, donated 30 USD
- "a Los que creen que no es posible. Tenemos que decirle que si se puede. Que si es posible." — Mr. Luis Ovalles, donated 30 USD
- "wikipedia rocks" — Mr. Alexei Oulanov, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is pretty much the epitome of bottom-up superiority to top-down." — steven crane, donated 10 USD
- "Indispensabile e pratica oltre ad essere continuamente aggiornata." — Andrea Dolciami, donated 10 EUR
- "Good Job! Keep it Up!" — Maheswaran Krishnan, donated 10 USD
- "I use this every day. Less than 28 cents per day. Easy decision." — Susan Parmentier, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia should be not be considered a tertiary source in academia, rather it should be considered a reputable and citable secondary source." — Ms. Leah Salditch, donated 5 USD
- "ユビキタスな情報検索を無料で簡単に手に入れることができるWikipediaは、インターネットの世界にとって必需品。これからも活用していきたいので、些少ですがお納めください。" — Makoto Taira, donated 3000 JPY
- "ich wünsche mir dass wikipedia unabhängig bleibt." — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
- "胡继云 拥有神,敬拜神就有一切" — 继云 胡, donated 100 HKD
- "I <3 Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "WikiHVT" — Heiner Vega, donated 15 USD
- "this is my homepage. i do so live it for every walk of life, oh so sorry i mean love it for all walks of lief " — Becky McCall, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipediaヽ(゜▽゜*)乂(*゜▽゜)ノ バンザーイ♪" — 洋一 川原, donated 3000 JPY
- "It's all about balance 8-)" — Jeffrey Jackson, donated 25 USD
- "Wikipedia is a fantastic resource. I hope it is always there for us who have questions." — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
- "Donating for a good cause and not to buy anyone a new Ferrari" — Tapani Mokko, donated 30 EUR
- "Wikipedia is awesome!" — Matthew Pertzborn, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia Rules! Let's bring more knowledge to the world!" — Mr. Philip Scherzinger, donated 10 USD
- "Thank you for being a source of virtually inexhaustible knowledge " — Dominick Sidiropoulos, donated 10 USD
- "To match Ian. :)" — Robert Luong, donated 100 USD
- "Good stuff!" — Yee Ang, donated 10 AUD
- "El saber es lo único que puede hacernos libres" — José Ramón Jiménez de Garnica, donated 10 EUR
- "If only all people could afford a computer with internet, all people could learn from the ulitmate wiki. Congrats on keeping it non-profit." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "thanks for all the info" — Ms. Elizabeth Gaggini, donated 30 USD
- "This site is very informative, fresh, and user-friendly. Let's keep it going! " — Trenton Dash, donated 10 USD
- "for the greatest and most important worldwide project" — Oliver Kurmis, donated 20 EUR
- "Encyclopedia Galactica is just too big to store. This one is much better." — Alexandra Stanovska, donated 50 EUR
- "What would Darwin say?" — Anonymous, donated 30 CAD
- "Thanks" — Mr. Michael O'Neill, donated 30 USD
- "It's not much, but it'll help I hope" — Aneesh Nandam, donated 10 USD
- "mas vale morir que perder la vida" — francisco jose lopez pascual, donated 30 EUR
- "Enlightening the world" — Pleasant Hill, donated 10 USD
- "Keep up the awesome work!" — Anonymous, donated 15 USD
- "I love you guys, even if I can't use ya'll in my research papers." — Jennifer Anderson, donated 30 USD
- "Hail to the wiki!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Glad to be able to support the most useful resource the web has yet spawned." — Mr. Travis Young, donated 30 USD
- "I have no job now and really poor about money but I really find usefull Wikipedia. So please, continue this encyclopedia... " — William TOUZALIN, donated 20 EUR
- "Love Wikipedia!" — Lasse Folkersen, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you for facilitating our knowledge sharing; now our minds can breathe as one. - Toronto, Canada" — Mark Schulz, donated 2000 JPY
- "I have been reading dictionaries and encyclopedia since well before there *was* a Wikipedia. But you sure make it a lot easier! Thank you, Wikipedia!" — Solomon Michaels, donated 30 USD
- "Long live knowledge" — Barry McCardel, donated 7 USD
- "期待しています。がんばってくださいまし。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "Thank you for helping me learn more about the world, easily." — Ms. Jeni Adamson, donated 30 AUD
- "よく利用させてもらってます。" — Sadayuki KURANO, donated 3000 JPY
- "Venkat Baskararajan" — Meena Sugumar, donated 10 USD
- "Support our thought!" — Mr. Torkel Zahl, donated 30 USD
- "ウィキペディアの内容が社会的にも信頼される内容となるよう、今後の発展を期待しています。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "Thanks for the great public gift of information" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends' nose." — Matthew Cargo, donated 30 USD
- "There are millions of users of this tool. The donation should go into tens of millions eventually. I am contributing my part. " — JIANQIAO CHEN, donated 10 USD
- "Human spirit is inspiring" — indeka gammanpila, donated 10 USD
- "なくなったら困る!" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wikipedia forever!" — Mr. David Barbour, donated 100 USD
- "Best thing since the axe" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "I'm thankful for the set of all human knowledge everyone on the earth can access freely. It's just little, but it's also donated this year." — Anonymous, donated 1000 JPY
- "Knowledge is priceless" — Billy Hill, donated 30 USD
- "There is no better idea going at the moment than free knowledge. Let's keep it that way. " — Thomas Brummett, donated 30 USD
- "もっと知を.そして,個々が考える機会を." — Mr. Takaaki Saeki, donated 3000 JPY
- "I hope that someday all knowledge can be free and accessible by all." — Will DeRousse, donated 20 USD
- "Wikipedia: its often my first stop to knowledge" — Chris Street, donated 10 GBP
- "I love you wiki!" — Ms. Melise Zoe, donated 100 USD
- "日常のツールとして非常に役立っていますので、せめてものご寄付をさせていただきました。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "いつもお世話になっているので、寄付させてもらいます。学生なので、少なめで申し訳ありません。" — Mr. Koji Haruna, donated 1000 JPY
- "Thanks Jimmy!" — Neil Frazer, donated 30 USD
- "Let's build the New World without frontiers!" — Maxim Buchnev, donated 30 USD
- "Wiki, we owe you a lot." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "keep it up guys, wiki rocks !" — rashmi keshvani, donated 5 USD
- "hello" — 将一 坂口, donated 30 USD
- "加油再加油! 感謝維基!" — 行深 常, donated 5 USD
- "I'm sorry that I couldn't give more. It's been rough as of late." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "a world without nationalities,just simple human beings who respect one another." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia represents everything that is good on the internet. Free information, created and managed by the same people who use it. Here's to you, Wikipedia." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Hope you'll stay around for many-many years!" — Mr. Yevhen Byelyakov, donated 20 AUD
- "I use Wikipedia every day." — Mr. Christopher T. Yonts, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you." — 龍一 伊藤, donated 3000 JPY
- "wiki deserve our support" — Ahmad Alshatti, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of the world's greatest wonders." — Jon Kade, donated 30 USD
- "いつも便利に使用しています。これからもお世話になると思うので、気持ちばかりですが寄付させて頂きます。" — 理司 蔭山, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wikipedia saves lives many times over with it's vast bank of knowledge. " — Ebsan Uddin, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia is the bigest contribution of information technology to civilzation" — Samphan Raruenrom, donated 30 USD
- "This donation is certainly worthwhile. If the economy were not so bad I would hope that corporations would fund the further development of this." — Mr. Raymond Wood, donated 30 USD
- "I don't know what I'd do with you." — Michael Reinberg, donated 30 USD
- "Keep it up! Such a great endeavor!" — Andrew Peppin, donated 100 USD
- "Thank you for everything!" — Anna Bowness, donated 30 USD
- "One day I hope that Wikipedia will finally be recognized as the greatest website on the internet, and the best intellectual resource of our age." — Alex Conover, donated 15 USD
- "Hope more people in the world will be able to get free access to our knowledge." — Yukiyo Yamauchi, donated 3000 JPY
- "いつもありがとう" — Ishibashi Hideto, donated 3000 JPY
- "Enjoy knowledge of this world. " — yi fan, donated 10 USD
- "少ないですが・・・ 就職したら、また寄付します。" — Anonymous, donated 777 JPY
- "Thanks for everything." — Michael LeBlanc, donated 5 USD
- "I use this site so much, I can't really picture the internet without it. i figure it's deserving of some support. " — Mr. Graham Hanson, donated 20 CAD
- "sorry for the donated amount.. i have no job. thanks. - jacaranda" — Elizar Palad, donated 5 USD
- "tiny donation, priceless service" — Ari Kagan, donated 10 AUD
- "May the whole world find peace. May we remain Moral to our fellow man. Not for God, but for ourselves." — Robert Steadman, donated 5 USD
- "Wikimediaの発展が人類の更なる幸福に寄与することを願って。" — 慶詩郎 柴田, donated 1000 JPY
- "Wikipedia is a wonderful collection of knowledge." — Gabor Kovacs, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia, despite limits claimed to its accuracy, has been, in my opinion, to be an unsurpassed library to which I feel the need to support--Thanks!--a34jkerstie144" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Keep up the great work!" — Brad Solomon, donated 5 USD
- "I am happy to pay so that I can gen invaluable information for free" — Rajeev Kochhar, donated 100 USD
- "I hardy ever make donations, but Wiki. is such a transcendent resource, I make this donation gladly." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "wikipedia rocks!!!" — Sunil Nakkerthi, donated 30 USD
- "Wünsche Euch, dass nur 1 Prozent Eurer User auch spendet. Danke für all das Wissen mit dem ihr mir bisher geholfen habt. " — Andrea Juchem, donated 30 EUR
- "Keep up the good work" — Alun Simpson, donated 10000 JPY
- "Thank you for Wikipedia" — Anna Tverdova, donated 10 USD
- "From freedom comes knowledge." — Brad Durbin, donated 30 USD
- "Yes we can" — John Cromer, donated 75 USD
- "It's the only way as a student to support this free resorce." — Mahdi Parcham Azad, donated 10 USD
- "Ignorance may be bliss sometimes, But sometimes its fun to look up some stufffs!!!" — Mr. Kenneth Uhnak, donated 30 USD
- "I wish Wikipedia could be within the reach of every person in planet Earth, and beyond. It is truly the most complete, linked and impartial encyclopedia of our times." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "This website have been my reference to any question, and any information I have needed for the past two years " — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "いつもお世話になっています。" — 敬 木村, donated 3000 JPY
- "Information Is For Everyone, Spread the word and the power will follow." — Mr. James Hampson, donated 10 GBP
- "Nourishment for my shrivelled up 50 year old brain - thanks Wiki" — Michael Morrishill, donated 10 GBP
- "A mind is terrible to waste!" — charles jackson, donated 20 USD
- "Mi subtenas la liberan enciklopedion" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "The first place I go to." — Thomas Rolfs, donated 75 USD
- "treat people like people" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "share knowledge with the world and future generations." — Ernesto Soto, donated 10 USD
- "Keep up the good work!" — Mr. Zdenek Sustr, donated 500 CZK
- "ah...I use this ...ALOT - keep on truckin!" — Mr. Ted Ehr, donated 13 USD
- "Merci, pour tous ce que vous faite." — Benogo Mamourou KAMARA, donated 30 CAD
- "Go on!" — Andre Stamsen, donated 10 EUR
- "でらんじょい的にお世話になっております。" — 竜佑 萩原, donated 3000 JPY
- "Grazie..." — massimo romagnolo, donated 10 EUR
- "great work" — Mr. Pritam Saini, donated 15 USD
- "Thanks to Wiki a lot! " — Mr. Yulin Zhou, donated 10 CAD
- "Thank you" — Robert Tsou, donated 15 USD
- "MERCI !!!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Por el mayor conocimiento del mundo" — Antonio de la Torre, donated 10 EUR
- "The knowledge is a common good to build together" — Francesco Nachira, donated 100 EUR
- "Grazie, Grazie, Grazie, ormai Wikipedia è diventata la sorgente sempre pronta, della nuova generazione, dove attingere un informazione neutra e aggiornabile. Grazie. A. Gradisca." — ALFREDO GRADISCA, donated 25 EUR
- "Thanks a lot Wikipedia." — Emanuele Cantalini, donated 10 USD
- "You made the web the perfect place where search and fin knowledge" — Mr. Luca Marcelli, donated 10 USD
- "посвящается попытке подавить в себе эгоизм меценататства" — Giora Sluzky, donated 30 EUR
- "danke für eure Arbeit" — Andreas Merkel, donated 5 EUR
- "Knowledge is POWER!!!" — Anuj Verma, donated 10 USD
- "For the Greater Good!" — Mr. Ansis Malins, donated 30 USD
- "Non-carbon energy carriers produced with solar generated electricity is the way to go." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Thousands thanks to all of you who have participated making wikipedia! For a biologists like myself, it's a really valuable tool for checking every little detail you come across. Thanks! Keep it up!" — Antti Nätynki, donated 5 EUR
- "Hola Mundo" — Andrej Pekarcik, donated 100 CZK
- "There is only one way forward, and that is together." — Craig Clark, donated 30 USD
- "information & knowledge travels the universe faster than light, there's no stopping for it" — Pawel Juraszek, donated 75 PLN
- "The free flow of information is the first and most important leap toward equality." — Mark Rollins III, donated 10 USD
- "No other resource provides more to the education of the world's people than Wikipedia." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Thanks wikimedia." — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
- "Wikipedia has given me so much, as has the open-source MediaWiki. Thanks so much!" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "Thank You for so much Information" — Felix Remek, donated 5 EUR
- "Grazie, aiutate sempre il mio studio e le mie curiosità!! " — Ms. Maria Marangolo, donated 5 EUR
- "This is a common good that should be supported by those who can for those who cannot." — Mr. James Saunders, donated 30 EUR
- "Wiki Rocks, Let's keep it going strong." — Stu Nelson, donated 10 USD
- "I like wiki very much" — Mr. Bo Zhou, donated 7 EUR
- "merci" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Bravo pour cette belle initiative - Continuez" — Mr. Charles Saletes, donated 20 EUR
- "The no. 1 brain-extension." — Gunnar Grimnes, donated 100 USD
- "Befreien wir das Wissen!" — Alexander Just, donated 30 EUR
- "Die Wissenschaft und ihre Lehre sind frei!!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "Rock on!" — Mr. Ferenc Szakács, donated 30 USD
- "ビジネスでの利用にも耐えうる確かなデータを今後も期待する。" — 博史 凪, donated 3000 JPY
- "Please keep going!" — Leandro Graciá Gil, donated 20 EUR
- "For a better world" — guy Courtois, donated 30 USD
- "Online is boring without Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 100 HKD
- "すばらしい内容で重宝しています。わずかですが、お役に立ててもらえば・・・" — 国彦 浜本, donated 3000 JPY
- "Macht weiter ..." — Martin Grädler, donated 5 EUR
- "yes, we can" — Heinrich Huber, donated 20 EUR
- "grazie wikipedia" — ROBERTO BOLLETTI, donated 5 EUR
- "Vu le nombre incommensurable de fois où je consulte Wikipedia, je me suis dis que 100.- était sans doute rien face à tous les ouvrages que j'aurais du acheter pour obtenir les mêmes réponses." — Alexandre Peyraud, donated 100 CHF
- "Please don't think south Korean has same thought and behaves similarly. He is idiot." — PARK JAE HYUN, donated 30 USD
- "I love you wikipedia!" — Paul Watson, donated 50 AUD
- "For the mankind and the glory of God" — Mr. Jean Quiby, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks Wiki!" — Rajendra Singh, donated 5 GBP
- "Keep on setting knowledge free!" — CESAR ASTUDILLO GONZALEZ, donated 30 USD
- "My humblest thanks to Jimmy Wales and the team at Wikipedia for providing this service to humanity" — Mr. Kas Iqbal, donated 200 USD
- "世界中の人が正しい専門的な知識を得られることはとてもよいことだと思います。" — Mr. Yoshio Hagino, donated 1000 JPY
- "cerca trova" — Anonymous, donated 108 EUR
- "alles Wissen, zugänglich für alle!!" — Christian Nollert, donated 15 EUR
- "Any thought i have regarding knowledge.... wikipedia is the first place i go.... Thanks" — Anonymous, donated 5 GBP
- "Freies Wissen" — Mr. Frank Schellhase, donated 10 EUR
- "I use Wikipedia everyday and think that contributions will ensure that OUR knowledge remains public domain (Gareth:" — Anonymous, donated 15 GBP
- "世界の自由な知的創造のための一助にしてください。" — Anonymous, donated 500 JPY
- "My humble contribution to the cost of our inevitable journey to the bitter end. -Father Doill" — Anonymous, donated 100 SEK
- "Wikipedia opened a treasure of knowledge bank for me!" — Paul Joseph, donated 30 AUD
- "I would be left greatly in debt if I had to quantify the immense contribution made by Wikipedia to my personal as well as academic education." — Mr. Sugato Banerjee, donated 6 USD
- "Infinity Mind, Eye in the Horizon and Grounded Legs." — Amancio P Alvino, donated 30 USD
- "Liebe allein genügt nicht, man braucht Beweise für eine Liebe" — Ms. Ingrid Catrin Eberhardt, donated 5 EUR
- "je vous remercie pour les informations que vous nous donnez , je viendrais régulièrement vous soutenir" — lecointe catherine, donated 10 EUR
- "Alles wird gut!" — Maik Wodarsch, donated 10 EUR
- "Accurate and Available Always." — エイイチ カズイ, donated 77 USD
- "Lo so che è poco, Wikipedia meritra molto di più" — Giovanni Gangemi, donated 10 EUR
- "My doubts in need were perfectly cleared by Wikimedia.It has brought me light when I was in dark." — VELAYUDHAN RAMAN, donated 5 USD
- "Wiki Rulesz!" — Anonymous, donated 30 AUD
- "Keep up the good work." — Dimitris Giannitsaros, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipedia is great - keep up the good work!" — Simon Laburda, donated 10 EUR
- "power to the people" — sjors frielink, donated 10 EUR
- "For a copyleft world!!!!!!!!!!!!" — Mr. Miguel Acin Garro, donated 10 EUR
- "Reliable, accurate and complete information accessable to everyone" — Casper ter Kuile, donated 100 EUR
- "とても助かってます。" — 大偉 佐藤, donated 6000 JPY
- "Been using Wiki for years, about time I threw some lolly in the pot." — Mr. Sean O'Dwyer, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks! Hvala! Merci! Grazie! Danke! Dziękuję! Gracias! Cпасибо! Tack! Teşekküler! ... to all Wikipwdias!" — Mr. Niksa Martinac, donated 13.1 EUR
- "少ないですが、いつもお世話になっているので、少しでも助けになれば。" — Mr. Konno Satoshi, donated 3000 JPY
- "Wikipedia è un barlume di speranza di un mondo migliore. Tutti insieme possiamo cambiare il mondo! Grazie a tutti quelli che credono in queste parole" — Stefano Fiorenzato, donated 10 EUR
- "Excellent resource." — Anonymous, donated 10 GBP
- "Knowledge at your fingertips" — Jerry West, donated 50 USD
- "Sharing is caring" — Anonymous, donated 50 DKK
- "DANKE" — Andreas Pawlas, donated 5 EUR
- "Share knowledge, food and shelter" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Wissen welches zurück gehalten wird, ist verloren!" — Ralf Heckel, donated 30 EUR
- "Keep walking" — Wang Huanxiao, donated 100 HKD
- "May the knowledge we share better the world in which we live. " — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "Wikipédia est tout simplement ENORME. l'esprit du web" — Christophe Vial, donated 5 EUR
- "An outstanding source of first-class information that anyone can readily access" — Peter Grant, donated 75 USD
- "I have benefited from wikipedia and thought it's my turn to contribute in a small way that i can.." — Rajasekhar Parcha, donated 30 USD
- "Go Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Free knowlege is the greatest gift to humanity. I am greatful." — Mr. Christian Haase, donated 15 USD
- "Que aprovecheis bien el dinero que se os da. Que seamos mas cultos y buenos con nuestro prójimo. Saludos cordiales para todo el equipo que hace posible este proyecto. " — Garum Gestión sl AugustoSequeiros Pumar, donated 30 EUR
- "Thank You WMF for doing so much!!" — Mr. Riccardo Burdisso, donated 50 EUR
- "Wissen heisst Mitverantworten. Je mehr wissen, desto verantwortungsvoller wird die Welt. " — Hans Gerhardt, donated 100 CHF
- "Danke" — Simon Fey, donated 5 EUR
- "O mundo tem cores: vermelho, amarelo, branco, preto e verde, azul, marrom, roxa... As pessoas sentimentos: raiva, medo, tristeza, ódio e amor, compaixão, alegria, saudade. Deus atributos: verdade, jus" — Marcos Antonio do Carmo Moreira, donated 10 USD
- "Die Gedanken sind frei" — David Steinkopff, donated 30 EUR
- ":-)" — Hartmut von Scheven, donated 10 EUR
- "Thank you, Wikipedia." — Ron Huang, donated 100 USD
- "Internet - land of the free!" — Mr. Shay Bc, donated 5 USD
- "It is critical to keep our knowledge free from subjective influences, Wikipedia provides us a perfect starting point" — Willie ChenTseng, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is really a great invention !" — Antoine Moreau, donated 5 EUR
- "Good job wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 10 AUD
- "Wikipedia has changed the way we do research, thank you." — Orna Ben-Shoshan, donated 10 USD
- "I admire your site without any ads :) I suggest you to raid adsense with wiki." — Ananda Singh, donated 10 USD
- "Por un mundo de cultura, paz y sin fronteras. YES WE CAN." — Oscar Jose Sepulveda Clemente, donated 20 EUR
- "Lets set ourselves through freedom of knowledge." — Sanjiv Singh, donated 5 USD
- "Se andrà avnti così non la fermerà più nessuno.... WIKIPEDIA l'enciclopedia libera e inesauribile." — Renato Casertano, donated 5 EUR
- "Wikipedia.: Revolutionary work. Making history. Share the wealth." — Anonymous, donated 6 CAD
- "Go ahead, and thanks for the Wikimedia Foundation Annual Report!" — Mr. Jonas Martensson, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks a lot for a great job. " — CLAIRE FAILLE, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia has been a wonderful resource! I have spent countless hours reading articles on history, my favorite hobbies and just great information! Thank goodness for Wikipedia!" — Jeremy Snead, donated 10 USD
- "who could live without you? my children have hardly known a time when what they wanted to know was not at their fingertips." — barbara falasiri, donated 30 USD
- "Happy to be a part of Wikipedia." — Yaku Lee, donated 75 USD
- "Keep up the good work! - (BTW who is WIKI?)" — Henrik Kiss, donated 10000 HUF
- "Wikipedia rocks!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "For information at everyone's fingertips" — Karen Chung, donated 100 AUD
- "Dont ask why,how,what. Just enjoy the beauty of " — Robindro Khwairakpam, donated 30 USD
- "今後とも新たな発見をいただけることを期待しております。" — Anonymous, donated 10000 JPY
- "I visit Wikipedia every day from my iPhone. It represents the best of the internet." — David Morrison, donated 15 USD
- "Wikipedia has changed the world as we know it. Knowledge has been democratized through it, and the full potential of human cooperation has never been redeemed so gloriously." — Jeff King, donated 30 USD
- "Testament to the betterment of man" — Bartek Ringwelski, donated 40 USD
- "Sometimes wiki is a life saviour" — Paris Charilaou, donated 10 EUR
- "Please use environmental kind servers" — G Boxem, donated 30 EUR
- "Purtroppo non posso dare di più ... grazie di cuore Wiky" — Giuseppe Puncioni, donated 10 EUR
- "Thank you for this gift of knowledge." — Mr. Ivan Murray, donated 30 USD
- "My son loves this site and has used it for many school projects" — Mary Strunk, donated 30 USD
- "Keep up the good work !" — Sood Prakant, donated 200 SGD
- "Wikipedia is exceptional achievement which benefits every human being." — SERGEY MILANOV, donated 10 USD
- "Great example of collaboration and sharing - we need more!" — Tim Lancaster, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you. Wiki has made learning FREE to the world, for the first time ever. God is shining through." — Catherine Todd, donated 30 USD
- "Nestačí rozum pořád sbírat, musíme ho také používat." — Vojtěch Fiurášek, donated 30 USD
- "today Wikipédia, tomorrow Haiku-OS :)" — Jean-Marc Louviaux, donated 5 EUR
- "Thanks to all who contribute their time and energy for making wikipedia such a reliable source of knowledge!" — Christoph Michels, donated 30 EUR
- "I wish I had access to such a wealth of knowledge when I was younger" — Yannis Boutlas, donated 15 USD
- ":)" — Francisco Javier Álvarez Comesaña, donated 5 USD
- "Wiki= That dude." — Devin Chanda, donated 5 USD
- "Wiki is a priceless resource built on the knowledge of individuals. Let's keep it alive!" — Scott Wohler, donated 30 USD
- "Wissen ist Macht. Menschen werden beherrscht und unterdrückt, indem Ihnen Wissen vorenthalten wird. Herrschaftswissen. Der Zugang zu Wissen ist damit eine Grundvoraussetzung für individuelle Freiheit." — Marcus Breitmeyer, donated 30 EUR
- "Let us pursue reasoned discourse supported by facts to solve our problems." — Robin Gates, donated 10 USD
- "(L) Wiki. Thanks for supporting. This is the future. :)" — María Felicia Canuto Avilero, donated 30 USD
- "Knowlege is power" — Alexander Velikokhatko, donated 30 USD
- "私は、Wikipediaがハイパーリンクというシステムにおける1つの到達点である信じている。" — 裕宗 佐藤, donated 3000 JPY
- "Porque? porque el conocimiento no es solo mio o solo tuyo... es de todos. Compartamos" — Anonymous, donated 30 EUR
- "Silvia, Luca e i gatti" — Luca Casagrande, donated 25 EUR
- "Grande Wikipedia, un punto di riferimento!" — Mr. Pasquale Malafronte, donated 5 EUR
- "Long live free knowledge." — Augustin Ciobotariu, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge and enlightment are the best tools against ignorance and violence" — Dr Joachim Funke, donated 50 EUR
- "Wikipedia, the ultimate sematectonic engine." — YANN LE DU, donated 30 USD
- "Continuate così." — Anonymous, donated 50 EUR
- "Wikipedia might just be the best thing that ever happened to the internet. If everybody had unlimited access to the knowledge stored here the world would be a better place." — Mr. Mads Ingerslew Ingwar, donated 50 USD
- "W wikipedia!! continuate così" — Alberto Belotti, donated 75 EUR
- "Transparent share of knowledge means education. Education is the antidote for hunger and misery. Long live Wikipedia!" — J CORDOVILLA MARQUEZ, donated 50 EUR
- "I think Wikimedia is a great tool easy to access. I do use it every day. Thanks!" — Paride Vallarelli, donated 30 EUR
- "I had to ask myself if I value Wikipedia. I do so I'll gladly contribute." — Mark Scovel, donated 30 USD
- "In this world there are few causes that benefit so many people on a daily basis as the Wikimedia Foundation. I am happy to help." — thomas broido, donated 30 USD
- "My part from as a student!" — linus karlsson, donated 5 EUR
- "Unser Wissen - Unsere Welt !" — Horst Herkner, donated 10 EUR
- "我們都不是富有的人,但維基給我最富有的常識及他人的分享。感恩-再感恩" — shihming kan, donated 100 USD
- "Tutto fa..." — Leonardo Giusti, donated 10 EUR
- "Ich kann mir meine tägliche Arbeit ohne Wikipedia nicht mehr vorstellen. Danke an alle, die dieses Onlinephänomen möglich machen." — Julia Weiss, donated 30 EUR
- "Whenever I need comprehensive information about something, Wikipedia is the place I go." — Siddhartha Reddy, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is great." — 永之 潘, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "The Access to knowledge is one of the best gifts " — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "既に手放せないほど便利なWiki" — 幸二 土屋, donated 100 USD
- "I loves you all !" — Brian Dirou, donated 10 AUD
- "Together, we know everything!" — Ms. Sarah Scheldt, donated 27 USD
- "日々なにかとお世話になっております。これからもお願いします。" — Anonymous, donated 1000 JPY
- "This is what I choose to do for right now...." — Steven Segore, donated 5 USD
- "Keep up the great work" — Srikanth Jayaram, donated 10 USD
- "El conocimiento es poder y el poder tiene que ser de todos." — Mr. Rafael Otal Simal, donated 15 EUR
- "Wikipedia is a wealth for humanity, and it is so hard to find quality websites that are free and have no advertising. Please donate!" — Derek Finch, donated 25 GBP
- " i love" — Suthin Juajan, donated 5 USD
- "Ein aussergewöhnlich gutes Projekt muss man einfach unterstützen!" — Frank Poppe, donated 10 EUR
- "Wikipédia GOGOGO" — Rafael Slonik, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is what the internet is all about. thank you." — Mr. Mark Hamilton, donated 30 USD
- "The best resource on the internet... and it's free for all." — Mr. Geoff Butler, donated 30 USD
- "Nothing I say in this will make a difference. That being said, I would like to note that free information may become as valuable as gold when things get REALLY bad in the economy." — Scott Ogle, donated 5 USD
- "Excelente trabajo por favor sigan asi." — JUSTO P SILVERA S, donated 30 USD
- "I couldn't function without this website!" — Anonymous, donated 35 USD
- "Long Live Wikipedia" — D E Minall, donated 30 USD
- "The best service to ever hit the internet" — Abdullah Katawazi, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is babylone dream come true !" — Eric Trochon, donated 30 USD
- "Wissen ist die Kenntnis wo man Wissen findet. Wikipedia " — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "I can't imagine a world without it." — Thomas Boehnlein, donated 30 USD
- "i love your service. thank you so much." — Mr. Ed Barrow, donated 75 USD
- "いつも使わせていただいてます。感謝です。A lot of thanks for your conveniencity." — 直彦 武本, donated 3000 JPY
- "Thanks for your effort to spread knowledge to those who need." — Mr. Lei Zhang, donated 30 USD
- "merci à chacun pour les contributions" — julien BERTRAND, donated 15 EUR
- "It is so wonderful to share knowledge at almost no cost." — Manuel Hurt, donated 20 CHF
- "I rely heavily on Wikipedia when I want information on anything. This is a great resource. Thanks!" — Kristine Smith, donated 30 USD
- "One World - One Wiki - PRAY FOR PEACE - Replace violence & judgment with love & tolerance." — Katherine Caleca, donated 10 USD
- "Let's get more empowered to make and report errors we think are genuine in the medical sections!" — Tom Stroud, donated 5 GBP
- "Great source of information in one place and free" — Julian Vischer, donated 15 USD
- "Imperfect as it may be, it's wonderful idea and great resource. Wish I had more to give." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "I don't have much money, but I love your website; read it all the time." — David Miller, donated 5 USD
- "Open your mind and source" — Ms. Mikk Mangus, donated 5 EUR
- "SOLDI SPESI BENE! Pamela Barnaba, 22 anni, Studentessa di Medicina e Chirurgia" — Ms. Pamela Barnaba, donated 5 EUR
- "For free knowledge access" — Mariusz Gliwiński, donated 32 PLN
- "Keep up the great work." — Ed Hubbard, donated 5 USD
- "La justicia social, honradez y el trabajo pueden detener el abuso y la deshonestidad" — Henry Campos, donated 30 USD
- "When I say I'm going to look something up online, I usually mean google. And google usually refers me to wikipedia. Wikipedia's contribution is amazing." — Ashley Trowell, donated 10 USD
- "merci de restez libre" — Francois Prosper, donated 30 EUR
- "Aquí va una pequeña aportación, para una gran causa! :-)" — Gerardo Mateo, donated 30 EUR
- "Something that is difficult & slow in doing, but worthwhile, will be reminisced of fondly, but something that is fast & easy to perform, will either be forgotten quickly, or painfully recalled." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Para que el acceso a la información no tenga que costar caro, apoyemos este proyecto." — Tommi Tynjälä, donated 30 USD
- "Please support wiki, your contribution makes difference..." — Tapan Pandey, donated 5 USD
- "Good Work!!" — Anonymous, donated 6000 JPY
- "There is no risk linked to following your dreams, for the alternative is to be bitter and unhappy. Chose happiness over regrets, follow your dreams no matter what they say ! Be happy :)" — Friederik Geertsen, donated 50 CAD
- "Thanks to everyone who contributes to and maintains Wikipedia!" — James A McGreevy, donated 50 USD
- "Be Kinder. Try harder" — katherine king, donated 20 USD
- "Great information, nicely presented and up to date. Thank you." — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "Be careful of those who tell you not to think" — John Johnson, donated 30 USD
- "למען כולם!" — Yarin Aknin, donated 15 USD
- "Wish I could donate more. Really have grown to love this site!" — David Moskos, donated 10 USD
- "I support Weekypedia because it is an unselfish, honest, not biased source of information" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "bla" — Sven Weiß, donated 8 EUR
- "Thanks wikipedia, more than happy to donate :)" — Anonymous, donated 35 CAD
- "Las palabras sobrar, las acciones perduran y eso es lo único que cuenta." — Carlos Peralta Ludeña, donated 15 USD
- "これからもすばらしい活動を続けてください。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
- "You're the true leader who change the world!" — Janggyun Im, donated 10 USD
- "Where hopefully once government- and society-opressed thought will live freely without bias or denial." — Mr. Tomas Harreveld, donated 10 EUR
- "Very little given for so much received. THANKS WIKIPEDIA" — Mr. Stephen Scheppele, donated 10 USD
- "To be able to revel in knowledge is a gift given to humans alone by nature, let's share." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Music" — Anonymous, donated 5 GBP
- "Wikepedia---my first source when I need to distinguish between the knowable and the unknowable. " — Igor Fineman, donated 100 USD
- "If you have something, you should share it and achieve an inner peace." — David Brown, donated 25 GBP
- "Wikipedia - the first place I always start my research!" — Teruko Bredemann, donated 30 USD
- "try to understand the sense of living in this world, start here! humanity to others!" — Chenchao Liu, donated 5 EUR
- "woohoo!" — Mr. William Buschur, donated 30 USD
- "On ne doit pas laisser tomber un site aussi important que Wikipédia. Une perle de connaissances à la portée de tout les internautes. Merci à tous les nourriciers de ce site." — Alain BLANC, donated 30 USD
- "So far so good (very good), please keep the authenticity." — Lochan Narvekar, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is the biggest contribution scientific knowledge sharing ever built. awesome" — Jose Angelo Gurzoni Junior, donated 15 USD
- "Knowledge is to be shared... Wikipedia makes that possible" — Gustavo Avila, donated 15 USD
- "Can't imagine internet without wiki. Love wiki! " — Il Kim, donated 5 USD
- "I loved you wikipedia. I use you so much!" — Mr. Erik Salmonson, donated 5 USD
- "Utile, très utile." — Nicolas TRUB, donated 30 EUR
- "Thank you for being around" — Simon Mizerski, donated 15 GBP
- "Mis felicitaciones por la idea" — Carlos O Rodriguez, donated 10 USD
- "a time well wasted." — Antti Lehto, donated 30 USD
- "Thank you for being here. " — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "I really appreciate the hardwork you guys put into this project! Keep it up." — Rahul Pogula, donated 20 USD
- "Love you God, Jesus, Mary, Mummy, Daddy, Siblings and the Whole Wide World" — Kwesi Tamakloe, donated 100 GBP
- "Thank you." — John Forrester, donated 5 USD
- "I am consistently amazed at and grateful for the useful information I find at Wikipedia. " — Eugene Joly, donated 100 USD
- "wikipedia is a great service" — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
- "OM MANI PEME HUNG" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
- "When I was a student I hoped there was a so simple way to reach the knowledge. Now I am happy that young people have it." — Adriano Nisticò, donated 30 EUR
- "Wikipedia gibt Hoffnung!" — Mr. Alexander Wunschik, donated 30 EUR
- "Still cheaper than a hardcover encyclopedia!" — Jorrit Kronjee, donated 20 USD
- "I love cock." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Go Wikipedia!" — Denise Laitsch, donated 30 USD
- "This is awesome and free - its worth a donation. Fantastic source of information." — John Browes, donated 10 USD
- "Then felt I like some watcher of the skies...." — Anonymous, donated 21 USD
- "In concept and content, Wiki is one of most important developments in the history of the internet and should be supported by any who value human community and free discourse." — Thomas Ross, donated 100 USD
- "For a better platform to share the knowledge" — 静敏 兰, donated 20 USD
- "This is the best information resource available anywhere!" — Ron Foster, donated 100 USD
- "世界の人々の相互理解と平和のために。" — 元毅 西村, donated 3000 JPY
- "Nothing to bullshit, just donation" — Juri von Randow, donated 30 USD
- "Compassion is what connects all things." — Ms. Laura Butler, donated 30 USD
- "Tack, moltes gràcies, merci!" — Per A J Andersson, donated 150 EUR
- "Almost every time I do a search Wikipedia pops up in the results. I find the resource invaluable and felt compelled to support it financially. If you use it you should too." — Chris Wittrock, donated 50 USD
- "I have become addicted to Wikipedia. I would feel bad not donating to one of my favourite pastimes." — Matthew Pacchione, donated 10 CAD
- "Wissen will frei sein" — Ms. Lisa Händler, donated 30 EUR
- "Go Wiki Wiki" — Eva Alpert, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is the iconic development of the Technology Age. It is likely the most valuable forum on the Internet today." — Anonymous, donated 75 USD
- "Пусть Вики и дальше несет знания в массы." — Anton Melnikov, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is a great collection of knowledge, I hope it continues to grow and evolve, even as technology evolves and the internet is replaced with new systems. I hope my small donation helps." — Ehren Shadrick, donated 5 USD
- "The first resource I look upto to improve my knowledge and make a better human being of me." — Sudhakar Peram, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia est un exemple de la force d'internet. Ensemble, nous pouvons contribuer à forger un monde meilleur. L'éducation, peu importe le revenu de la personne, est le moyen le plus sûr d'y parvenir!" — JEAN LOUP BRAULT, donated 30 CAD
- "Whenever I need to learn about something, I turn to Wikipedia. Thank you for helping me get through college and life." — Marie Braasch, donated 20 USD
- "Keep up the great work!" — Rudolf Fernandes, donated 75 USD
- "wiki on!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "One of the most important tools of the 21st centruy." — Boris Debic, donated 10 USD
- "LIE IS THE CAUSE OF ALL EVILS." — Mr. Behnam Zakeri, donated 10 USD
- "I think an open-source information repository is very valuable, so I am supportin it." — Jeffrey E Dunne, donated 15 USD
- "From a broke student that loves to read....Thanks!" — Tyler Brownell, donated 10 USD
- "Great work!! Go on ..." — Mr. Dario Sarotto, donated 5 EUR
- "Wikipedia makes us all smarter, more informed, and capable of understanding new things." — Aaron Rutledge, donated 20 USD
- "Thank you for all you do -- just read Wikinomics and am hooked on the ideas. Keep it up!" — Rachel DuBois, donated 10 USD
- "amazing stuff for humankind. congratulations!!!!!" — ruben gellibert, donated 30 USD
- "Multivac said "Let there be light" and there was light." — David Bole, donated 10 GBP
- "Wikipedia has supplied so much information for our personal use. Thank you." — Keith Thomson, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge should be shared amongst people, countries, and cultures without barriers. The wonderful languages of the world need to be preserved as well." — Siri Velauthapillai, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia Rocks!" — Panduranga K Shenoy, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia is the climax of the Age of Information - open-access info is crucial to the world's next step." — Topher Hunt, donated 50 USD
- "Thank you!" — Mr. Thomas Osche, donated 5 EUR
- "You are a major contribution to the expansion of knowledge. Thank you." — Ellen Peskin, donated 75 USD
- "liberiamoci e liberiamo i nostri figli" — FABIO DI BERARDINO, donated 10 EUR
- "thx for this great project" — Franziska Huth, donated 20 EUR
- "Die wikipedia hat mir im Studium schon viel geholfen." — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
- "A common good." — Niels Wolf, donated 30 USD
- "Quiero aprovecharme de Wikipedia, pero también quiero ayudar." — Domingo Moll Gómez de la Tía, donated 100 EUR
- "I can't imagine a world without wikipedia. You guys rock!" — Xi Ling Wong, donated 30 USD
- "It is really worth" — Emil Georgiev, donated 30 USD
- "las unicas pelas que me han hecho llorar, son las falsas" — luis leobardo lara duke, donated 20 USD
- "Wikipedia is a great resource for learning. I'm more than happy to support the organization." — Ashwin Mohan, donated 30 USD
- "Thanks for all the help Wikipedia!" — william johnson, donated 30 USD
- "Apoyo el desarrollo de conocimientos sin dudar, por ello dono a Wikimedia" — Tomas Aparicio Benavent, donated 5 USD
- "Ga zo door, ik weet (letterlijk) niet beter!" — Marc Voskuil, donated 30 EUR
- "Knowledge should Always be Easily Accessible to Anyone for Free" — M Fletterman, donated 5 EUR
- "Thank you for the knowledge and answers ...." — Michael Smith, donated 10 USD
- "keep it up the good work." — Wai Lam Hang, donated 100 HKD
- "Wikipedia has expanded my knowledge and rescued me from bored hours in the office. Thanks!" — Erin Boerio, donated 10 USD
- "An educated world is a peaceful world." — Mr. Jeffrey Haight, donated 5 USD
- "Dear Wikipedia - Keep up the good work... " — Ramakrishnan Jayanthi, donated 30 USD
- "All I had but its yours." — Shawn Boutilier, donated 5 USD
- "One of the most useful destinations on the web...let's keep it going!" — Justin Knutesen, donated 20 USD
- "With our minds, we make the world. - from "The Dhammapada," an ancient Buddhist text attributed to Gautama Buddha." — Mr. Norman Ershler, donated 10 USD
- "wikipedia wikipedia" — Mr. Peter Szuszán-Spangenberg, donated 15 USD
- "My donation has been long due to this wonderful service." — Mr. Venkatasubramanian Sundaravadivelu, donated 10 USD
- "una libera informazione ci darà un mondo migliore." — christian fratarcangeli, donated 25 EUR
- "Long live Wikipedia" — Mr. Adam Martin, donated 5 USD
- "Thanks for being my #1 source of info!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "This has become my default site for instant and updated information on even the most obscure interests." — SCOTT M FERGUSON, donated 100 USD
- "Knowledge must be accessible to everyone" — Charkrid Thanhachartyothin, donated 30 USD
- "Peace to all humankind :D ~~SweetMelody5" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia has not changed our world. It has only finally realized it. The future is dynamic. How simple a concept, how vast the possibilities." — Anonymous, donated 30 CAD
- "Wikipedia: ad majora!" — Mr. Alessandro Martignetti, donated 5 EUR
- "Electric Rainbow Sunshine Madness" — Mr. Mark Hartnady, donated 10 USD
- "wikipedia is a force for good, we must all hope it saves us from catastrophy & destruction" — Peter Knowles, donated 30 USD
- "I always turn to Wikipedia first." — Anthony Hook, donated 5 USD
- "I wish I could donate more -- Wikipedia is a valuable and worthwhile project" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of the greatest creations of mankind, our greatest leap toward a collective human intelligence." — Steven McGinity, donated 20 USD
- "Worth a lot more than the $30 I can afford to give . . ." — Brian Jones, donated 30 USD
- "You have changed the world, May God Bless You ! May God Save You ! May God Make You Happy !" — Mehmet Emin Coşkun, donated 20 USD
- "thanks for the good work." — Thorsten Staude, donated 10 EUR
- "This spontaneous sharing of knowledge is one of the greatest steps towards the evolution of Humankind." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "What a value!" — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
- "Wikipedia is what the internet was originally conceived to be: fast, clear access to information on everything." — Paul Moschetti, donated 100 USD
- "Amo-te muito Sara" — Joao Granja, donated 5 USD
- "For the greater good: knowledge" — Mr. Pytrik Elzinga, donated 25 EUR
- "best site on the web" — Chris Cottrell, donated 5 GBP
- "i use itI should be one of the people who pays" — Anonymous, donated 30 GBP
- "I turn to wikipedia daily to expand my understanding of the world" — garth Nielsen, donated 30 USD
- "wer Frust verteilt, hat noch nicht das erreicht was man anstrebt." — Steffen Werschun, donated 5 EUR
- "Thank you Wikipedia!" — Mr. George Wadsworth, donated 20 USD
- "Continuez !" — Yann GAUTHERON, donated 5 EUR
- "I don't think there's a single day when I don't use Wikipedia. It is essential for my studies, research, and common knowledge in general, not to mention entertainment. Good job and please keep it up!" — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
- "One." — Jason Bowman, donated 5 USD
- "Wish I could give more, when you've given so much." — Ryan Johnson, donated 5 USD
- "ENDAVANT AMICS !" — Francesc Vila Capell, donated 10 EUR
- "¡Continuad con el buen trabajo!" — Jaume Llardén Prieto, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is a brilliant and unprecedented civilizational project whose range of topics is breathtaking--a major intellectual pastime and indispensable tool to research." — Graham Fuller, donated 100 USD
- "Use it all the time, the citations will only get better, the knowledge base will only expand" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "I use this all the time, so I figure I should donate." — Mr. Nathaniel Bean, donated 30 USD
- "I don't know what to say, really, except, "Thank You"" — Sujal Shah, donated 30 USD
- "May the torch of unending knowledge continue - Hari om tat sat" — Akshay Joshi, donated 30 USD
- "Donate is the least I can do in return to all of the information I have already taken from Wikipedia." — Cristiano Garcia, donated 20 USD
- "Triumphant Events supports the mission of Wikipedia" — Daniel Priestley, donated 30 USD
- "" — Ms. Marcia Everett, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia shows that a world-wide community is possible. Everyone uses Wikipedia - child, man, woman, buddha, moslem, christian, politicians and honest people. " — Michael Gruenewald, donated 100 EUR
- "We must support the brain extension that is Wikipedia!" — Stephanie Bills, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge and education are vital to our peace and well being. Thank you, Wikimedia for your inestimable contribution to these goals!" — David Dumaresq, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is my first source of information. For anything." — Howard Chan, donated 30 USD
- "knowledge is free" — Karina Simard, donated 30 CAD
- "Thanks to all article authors and other contributors for their tireless and priceless work!" — Mr. Yanko Yankov, donated 20 EUR
- "Wikipedia - letting all people stand on the shoulders of giants." — Anonymous, donated 15 GBP
- "WIKI rocks. I have used it for years and gained a lot of knowlede. " — N V Santosh Saladi, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is an invaluable resource for me." — Charles Bryden, donated 30 USD
- "will donate more later. wikipedia is making history." — John Scott, donated 30 USD
- "Go, Wiki, go!" — Alan Friebe, donated 100 USD
- "Thanks. Excellent site. Keep wiki vibrant!" — James Wood, donated 50 USD
- "Parabéns pelo grande serviço que vocês prestam pela humanidade !" — Pedro Henrique Rosa Barbosa, donated 5 USD
- "Wikipedia Rulez Greetings from Germany DJ-Hazard" — Josephine Koprowski, donated 5 EUR
- "move on" — Fankhauser Thys, donated 100 CHF
- "Wikipedia - My number one for independent knowledge !" — Mr. Hendrik Müller, donated 5 EUR
- "Wynex" — Mr. Achim Enthaler, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia and Google are the most important sites on the Internet, except Wikipedia provides its own content." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Danke Wikipedia!" — Mr. Daniel Schaffrath, donated 10 EUR
- "$6 million better spent than on anything" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "jeder für jede / jede für jeden" — Robin Werner Steinegger, donated 100 CHF
- "What if Sarah Palin had ever read Wikipedia?" — Xiaoxi Li, donated 75 USD
- "An encyclopedia X 10. " — Armen Karayan, donated 10 USD
- "加快翻译英文版本,增加中文条目" — Mr. Tianyi Yao, donated 100 HKD
- "I highly regret that I wasn't able to learn from Wikipedia in my childhood, I would have been a lot more knowledgable and happier person!" — Mouslim Tatarkhanov, donated 10 USD
- "Please work permanently on improving the quality of the contents. The content about controversial people like Dr. Gunther von Hagens is not reported neutrally." — Anonymous, donated 10 CHF
- "We think therefore we are" — Julia Briggs, donated 30 USD
- "wikipedia is THE tool to preserve and disseminate the culture and knowledge, today and tomorrow. " — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Information wants to be free" — John Jardine, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is one of the things you can't take back. In 1000 year, in one way or another, there will be some spawn of Wikipedia." — Massimo Lauria, donated 30 USD
- "Simply indispensable " — Stuart Snider, donated 30 USD
- "Use it a lot so it needs to stay around." — Mr. Roger Abrahamsson, donated 100 USD
- "I love your website! It is amazing what the power of collaboration can accomplish!" — Mr. Alexander Earls, donated 100 USD
- "Gracias al esfuerzo de todos, tenemos una mayor y actualizada base del conocimiento." — miguel dominguez matos, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is the best thing on the Web since sliced bread." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "We need more bandwidth!!!" — Mr. John Zale, donated 15 USD
- "Someday I'll donate more." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia is the best! If you use it, how can you NOT support it?" — Anonymous, donated 50 USD
- "Helping Wikipedia we're helping to build a better future to everybody" — Jorge Pereira, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia is great!" — Melanie Nichols, donated 20 USD
- "your site is very helpfull" — Julius Glickstein, donated 30 USD
- "Wikipedia helps democratize information" — Elizabeth Merry, donated 30 USD
- "ebay is my store, youtube is my tv, and wikipedia is my library" — Ammon Gruwell, donated 5 USD
- "I've used Wikipedia many times, I cannot imagine not having it." — Henry Henderson, donated 5 USD
- "I'm having trouble expressing how much I appreciate Wikipedia. Just..... plese never stop what you're doing." — David Glicksman, donated 100 USD
- "I have really enjoyed Wikipedia and hopefully you can expand your website to reach others. " — Ms. Mayan Marshall, donated 100 USD
- "credo nella gloablità e nella rete" — giacomo Vianelli, donated 25 EUR
- "lodevole" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
- "Thanks Wikipedia" — Jack Purvis, donated 100 USD
- "I love this project. How can we get all people educated and with access to technology? The Wiki has so much potential. " — Mr. Kevin Sved, donated 30 USD
- "Knowledge is better than any money!" — Simon Fivat, donated 30 USD
- "Remember me Computer God" — Mr. Geoffrey Edwards, donated 6 CAD
- "Let's all invest in more knowlege, fewer gadgets" — Fred Hosea, donated 25 USD
- "thanks!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
- "I usually use Wikipedia a few times a day, so my stupid conscience told me I should donate. It's probably the best $100/year ($8.33/month or $0.27/day) I’ve ever spent." — David Funk, donated 100 USD
- "Вики, как платформа совместного редактирования, и свободные знания — отличные идеи." — Andrew Mostovykh, donated 30 USD
- "People think I'm so smart - ha!" — Mr. William O'Donnell, donated 50 USD
- "thanks" — andrea sponziello, donated 10 EUR
- "Honey, can I donate 10 bucks to wikipedia?..."alright, I guess so."..."hmm, ok how about 5 bucks?"..."ok, that's fine."" — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
- "Yay Wiki I love it." — Deborah Tymkowiche, donated 10 USD
- "This is collaboration at it's best! It's bringing the world together one step at a time." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "That's the web at it's best... knowledge for the people, by the people!" — Mr. Vincent Beaucher, donated 20 CAD
- "One world working together, it is one of the 2 options build in to us. Let's make it happen!!!" — Peter Strous, donated 30 AUD
- "Wiki - the nature of the world going forward..." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Human mind is the greatest resource in this planet." — Milo Toivonen, donated 5 EUR
- "I love Wikipedia and the work that Wikimedia does in general. Thank you." — Samuel Smith, donated 20 USD
- "Exposure to knowledge and art are not priviledges but a birthright of everyone." — Adriana Kamenetsky, donated 100 USD
- "Winsdom is the power of humanity." — Mateusz Wolsza, donated 30 PLN
- "Stupid is forever. Ignorance can be fixed." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
- "Wikipedia is the pillar of humanity. Whenever a doubt runs through my mind I simply go to Wikipedia to find the answers that I seek. Long live Wikipedia. I love you guys." — Anonymous, donated 30 CAD
- "Sometimes God just wants to be the dishwasher. Therefore, dirty dishes exist." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Love conquers all - Virgil --- Depression is being in a state of lovelessness - kpk" — Kieran Kelly, donated 30 USD
- "The greatest site ever" — Robert Shearer, donated 30 USD
- "La idea de Wikipedia es la más similar al concepto de Isaac Asimov de Multivac, donde todo el conocimiento puede ser accesado mediante un terminal" — Juan Pablo Guadamuz Blanco, donated 10 USD
- "Wikipedia: Thank you for the free access to informatoin for those wanting to learn and expand their knowlege on any topic!" — Michael Ribarich, donated 30 USD
- "Keep it up" — Anirban Gangopadhyay, donated 5 USD
- "Another who marvels at our very existence; and greetings to all those I will never meet!" — Mr. Robert Ellery, donated 100 AUD
- "Great work, keep it correct and accurate." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
- "Where else can you get info on Philosphy, Video Games, and Music" — Christopher Holcomb, donated 30 USD
- "Es gibt nicht viele Organisationen die eine Spende verdienen, Wikipedia verdient die Spende auf jeden Fall" — Mr. Darius Wagner, donated 20 EUR
- "My little bit to help improve Wikipedia. " — Anonymous, donated 10 CAD
- "thanx" — Ergo Pehtla, donated 5 EUR
- "You guys rock" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD