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Fundraising 2007/Fundraising FAQ - translation/ar

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
  • متى بدأت حملة التبرع؟

22 أكتوبر 2007.

  • متى ستنتهي حملة التبرع؟

3 يناير 2008.

  • ماذا يمكنني أن أفعل لمساعدتكم في نشر الفكرة؟

انشر الفكرة بأية طريقة تستطيعها! أخبر أصدقاءك وعائلتك. ضع أزرارا وإعلانات في مدونتك. استخدم هذا النص كملف التوقيع في آخر رسائل بؤيدك الإلكترونية: تبرعاتك المستمرة هي ما يبقي ويكيبيديا تعمل! ادعم مؤسسة ويكيميديا اليوم: http://donate.wikimedia.org

  • كيف أتبرع؟ (على سبيل المثال, ما هي الطرق, ما هي العملات, إلى آخره)

للتبرع, من فضلك زر http://donate.wikimedia.org. يمكنك التبرع باستخدام أي كارت إلكتروني رئيسي (بما في ذلك فيزا, ماستر كارد, ديسكفر أو أمريكان إكسبريس), باي بال, موني بوكيرز, وديعة مباشرة في حسابنا البنكي البلجيكي, أو بواسطة إرسال شيك إلى المؤسسة. يمكنك إرسال الشيكات بأي عملة تحبها, وخيارات التبرع الأخرى الخاصة بنا تدعم أيضا معظم (وإن كان ليس كل) العملات.

  • إلى أين أرسل الشيكات؟

أرسل الشيكات إلى مؤسسة ويكيميديا, P.O. Box 919227, أورلاندو, FL 32891-9227, الولايات المتحدة.

  • هل تبرعاتي تستقطع من الضرائب؟

التبرعات تستقطع من الضرائب فقط في الولايات المتحدة. المواطنون الكنديون يمكنهم أيضا استقطاع مساهماتهم من أي دخل مكتسب في الولايات المتحدة.

  • لو قمت بتبرع، كيف أحصل على إيصال الضريبة؟

أي شخص يتبرع ب100 دولار أو أكثر سيحصل تلقائيا على إيصال ضريبي إذا كانت معلومات الاتصال بهم كانت مرفقة مع التبرع. يمكنك طلب إيصال ضريبي لكمية أصغر, بواسطة إرسال رسالة إلكترونية إلى donate @ wikimedia.org. من فضلك حدد معلومات الاتصال بك وأخبرنا بالوسيلة التي استخدمتها للتبرع, وحجم تبرعك.

  • وإن كنتُ خارج الولايات المتحدة؟

يمكنك طلب وصل ضريبي؛ ولكن، ولكن التبرعات هي فقط مستقطعة الضرائب في داخل الولايات المتحدة.

  • إن أرسلت لكم تبرعاً كبيراً، هل أحصل على شيء خاص بالمقابل ؟

نعم. هذه السنة، الأشخاص الذين تبرعوا بمبلغ قدره بين 10,000 إلى 24,999 دولار سيستلمون مكالمة هاتفية خاصة من جيمي ويلز، مؤسس ويكيبيديا. (لذا يجب أن تقوم وضع رقم هاتفك مع التبرع). الناس الذين يقومون بالتبرع بمبلغ 25,000 دولار فما فوق سيتم دعوتهم للعشاء مع جيمي.

  • Can I give you a targeted or restricted donation -- meaning, can I give you money to do something very specific, that can't be used for other purposes?

Charities based in the United States -- like the Wikimedia Foundation -- are required to honor restrictions requested by donors. That means if you specify your donation needs to be restricted for a specific use, we will either honor your request or return your donation. But before you decide to do that, please consider that unrestricted donations are much more useful for us. As quickly as Wikimedia's projects evolve, Wikimedia needs unrestricted donations to remain agile.

  • أي مقدار يمكنني أن أتبرع به؟

يمكنك التبرع بأي مقدار تريد. وضعنا لك بعض الإختيارات (40، 60، 100، و200 دولار أمريكي) لكي نريك فعاليّة كل مبلغ من هذه المبالغ. ولكن يجب أن نعلمك أن المبالغ المتبرع بها (مهما كان حجمها) ستيم وضعها في مجموعة واحدة عامة ولن تكون مخصصة لإستعمالات معينة، إلاّ إذا قمت أنت بتحديد غير ذلك.

  • If I can’t afford to donate, or don’t want to, what else can I do to support the Foundation?

There are many ways to show your support, and your time is just as important as a monetary contribution. You can teach a friend to edit Wikipedia. Upload some of your photos to Commons under a free content license. Or share the love by submitting a photo to the "Why Do You Love Wikipedia" Flickr group.

  • What is the financial target for this year’s fundraiser?

We are not announcing a specific financial target this year. However, we will tell you how much money we have raised.

  • Why aren't you announcing a target?

We had internal discussion about whether to announce a target, and good arguments were made supporting a variety of positions. Ultimately, we decided not to. We wanted instead to experiment with tracking the number of people who contributed donations, rather than the number of dollars donated. This just seems more consistent with the spirit of the projects.

  • If you don't have a financial target, how are you measuring success?

This year, we're trying something new. We are proud of the fact that 96% of the Foundation's budget comes from individual donations, mostly quite small ones. (The remainder comes from a small number of additional revenue streams, including sales of live feeds, T-shirt sales, and similar things.) This tells us we are serving lots of different people. This year, for the first time, we will track the success of the fundraiser not by the number of dollars donated, but by the number of people who donate. We think this is very much in the spirit of the projects, and their collaborative ethos.

  • What do you plan to do with the money?

First, we need money to keep our projects online: to pay for servers, bandwidth, office space and other necessities. Second, we want to focus more attention on program development, particularly in communities underrepresented in the projects, some of whom have little or no access to educational resources. For example, in early November we will hold several Wikipedia Academies in South Africa, with the hope of increasing the number of Wikipedians contributing in African languages. We hope to do more of this kind of outreach work. Our operating budget for 2007-08 is USD 4.6m. You can see how it will be spent on our budget overview page.

  • What is Wikipedia Academy?

The Academies are public events designed to encourage people to write for Wikipedia. They are usually dedicated to a single subject area (e.g., mathematics), or a particular language, usually one that is small or threatened. They were started in 2005 by Frank Schulenburg of the German Wikipedia.

  • How does Wikipedia help support language diversity?

Wikipedia is one of only a few reference sources available in languages such as Maori (an Eastern Polynesian language spoken in New Zealand), Swahili (a Bantu language used in sub-Saharan Africa), Upper Sorbian (a Slavic language spoken in eastern Germany), and Basque (spoken in north-central Spain and southwestern France).

  • How does Wikipedia help people in developing countries?

Educational programs in developing countries use our content in phenomenal ways. Our material is available around the world on DVDs and books, and installed on low-cost laptops through the One Laptop Per Child program.

  • Where can I find the results of the most recent audit?

The 2007 audit is underway. We expect it to be finished in late November. We will post the audit report to the Wikimedia Foundation website as soon as it is done.

  • When can I find the Form 990?

The most recent Form 990 is for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, and can be found here. The Form 990 for last fiscal, 2006-07, will be posted on the Foundation website once the 2006-07 audit is completed.

  • Will there be matching donations this year – and if so, how will they work?

Yes. As always, a site notice will be placed on top of each project page on the days that donations will be matched. The site notice will be removed at the end of the day, once the targeted amount has been met.

  • How is the fundraiser being promoted to the public?

We are promoting the fundraiser in many different ways. First, we are putting a banner on the top of each page, across all projects. Second, we are sending out a press release to media outlets around the world, and Jimmy Wales and Florence Devouard will be doing media interviews. Third, we are asking community members to promote the fundraiser in various ways to their friends and family.

  • Where can I find the video of Jimmy Wales?

This video is available at http://wikimediafoundation.org/donate/2007/psa/.

  • If I made a mistake with my donation, what can I do?

If you donated the wrong amount or made some other mistake, please send an e-mail explaining the situation to donate @ wikimedia.org. Please ensure you include all your contact information, and everything you can remember about the donation process (e.g., amount, method used, etc.).

  • What is the counter at the top of the sitenotice banner?

That counter represents the total number of donations made during the fundraiser. This year, we are tracking and promoting total number of donations instead of number of dollars donated. We think this is truer to the participatory, volunteer-driven nature of the projects.

  • Where do the quotes at the top of the sitenotice banner come from?

Those are all real quotes from real users of the projects. We have put them in the sitenotice to demonstrate that real people use and appreciate the projects, and to give them a voice telling us why.

  • Where is your donor privacy policy?

Here is the Donor Privacy Policy.