Grants:APG/Proposals/2012-2013 round1/Wikimedia Österreich/Proposal form
This proposal form for Wikimedia Österreich's proposal to the FDC for 2012-2013 Round 1 may be viewed in tab view or standard view. To discuss this aspect of the proposal to the FDC, please visit the discussion page.
For some guidelines, please see this example proposal form.
All eligible entities will need to complete this form to request funds from the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC). The completed document must be published in English on Meta by the deadline for each round (23:59 UTC 1 October for Round 1, and 23:59 UTC 1 March for Round 2).
The purpose of this document is to provide the FDC with an overview of your annual plan, the alignment of the plan to the Wikimedia movement’s strategic goals, and the potential impact and effectiveness of the plan. This proposal should complement any annual planning documents you may have: please complete all fields as mandatory and add links to supporting documents where relevant.
Each section of the proposal provides guidance on the amount of detail expected in response to each question or field. If you have additional questions about the form, please contact the FDC support team.
A few terms used in the form:
Basic information
Table 1.
Legal name of affiliated entity | Wikimedia Österreich - Gesellschaft zur Förderung freien Wissens |
Contact name | Kurt Kulac |
Contact position in entity | President |
Contact username | kulac |
Contact email | kulac![]() |
Entity fiscal year (mm/dd–mm/dd) | 01/09 - 31/08 |
Timeframe of funds currently requested (mm/dd/yy–mm/dd/yy) | 01/01 - 12/31 |
Date posted mm/dd/yy1 | 27/09/12 (via mail) |
Round submitted (1 or 2) | 1 |
Currency requested2 | EUR |
Exchange rate used (currency requested to $US) and date accessed (mm/dd/yy)3 | 1.29 as 2012-10-02 [1] |
Table 2.
In currency requested | In $US | |
Total annual expenses of entity | 206,990.00 | 267,017.10 |
Amount proposed to the FDC for the coming year's annual plan | 186,890.00 | 241,088.10 |
Amount to be raised from non-FDC sources | 27,100 | 34,959.00 |
If applicable, amount of FDC funds allocated to entity last year | 0 | 0 |
1The proposal is assumed to be final as of the deadline for each round (23:59 UTC, October 1 for Round 1, and 23:59 UTC March 1 for Round 2). After the deadline, the proposal must not be further modified; any further commentary should be included on the talk page.
2Currency requested is defined as the currency in which you wish to receive funds (e.g., EUR, GBP, INR).
3This exchange rate should be used throughout the form.
Background, history, and mission
This section provides the FDC an overview of your entity's background and history. Please respond to each question below with 1-2 sentences to a maximum of a paragraph.
- When was your entity established?
- March 13, 2008.
- What is the mission of your entity, and how does it support the goals of the Wikimedia movement?
- Wikimedia Österreich is a private, charitable association, governed by the regulations of the "Austrian Civil Code" and the "Austrian Associations Code", approved as a Wikimedia Foundation local chapter. Wikimedia Österreich is dedicated to actively contribute to the diffusion, improvement and progress of free knowledge and free culture in Austria. Its goals include the promotion and support for the projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
- What is its current leadership structure (e.g., executive staff structure, board / governance structure)?
- If you have an organogram or organizational chart for your organization, please provide a link.
- The structure of our Association is composed as following:
- The General Assembly of Members.
- A Board of Trustees composed by 8 elected members, including the following positions:
- President and vice-president.
- Secretary and vice-secretary.
- Treasurer and vice-treasurer.
- 2 advisors
- An audit comission, composed by 2 external professional auditors.
- An Executive Director, dependent of the Board of Trustees.
- How many staff are employed by your entity?
- Currently, only an Executive Director and 2 contractors (100% and 20%-employee-eqivalent)
- Approximately how many volunteers participate actively in your entity?
- Around 25 active members.
- How many members does your entity have?
- 108 members.
Reflection on past activities and innovations
This section provides the FDC with information about your entity's past activities and strategies. Please answer the questions below with your reflections on the past fiscal year. Responses to each question should be one or two paragraphs.
- How does your entity define and measure "success"?
- Successful activities which contribute to our mission
- Meeting strategic goals
- Increasing diversity within the community
- Improved credibility towards general public / public authorithies
- Activities which generate a sustainable momentum within the community
- Generating motivation, enthusiasm and passion among members and volunteers
- Please give at least three examples of successful activities that your entity has completed. If available, provide links to information about these activities.
- Wiki loves Monuments: From the 1st until the 30th of September 11,999 photos of listed monuments, statues and building were taken as part of the "Wiki Loves Monuments 2011" campaign. The listed monuments comprised 36,000 portected monuments in Austria including palaces, Chritian wayside shrines, art nouveau and industrial buildings. At the especially created web site one could access provincial maps, monument informaitons, links to Google maps and see live which monuments had already been photographed. After exhausting work by the federal provinces jury made up of 20 Wikipedians who went over all of the 12,000 images finally 500 were chosen and forwarded to the main jury on a specially set up wiki. The selection committee selected 50 winners who received their prices on the 17th of November in the Viennese Hofburg. Sue Gardner, executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation in San Francisco attended the ceremony and handed out the certificates and prices together with the president of the Federal Monuments Agency - Dr. Barbara Neubauer. Two photos selected by the Austrian jury made it to the top 10 of the European contest where almost 167,000 images were entered.
- WikiCon 2012: The WikiConvention (WikiCon 2012) (Dornbirn, AT) brought together the various communities of the German version of Wikipedia and its sister projects. The event attracted 200 participants to workshops, lectures and panel discussions. The event was planned and organised by community members. Wikimedia Österreich – together with Wikimedia Deutschland, Wikimedia CH and the WMF – supported the organising volunteers by funding the event and enabling them to execute the project successfully. Thanks to the support of external partners, the event was also a big media success.
- Ortsbildmesse Perg The „Ortsbildmesse“ is an annual event of the Federal State of Oberösterreich which brings togehter the local communities to foster rural development in the region. The event provided a good platform for WMAT to promote Wiki loves monuments 2012 by directly adressing and motivating the represantatives of the communities to photograph and document their listed monuments in Wikipedia. In addition, WMAT had an infobooth for the genereal public on the event. WMAT accompanied the event by a photo exhibition showing some exceptional photographs that were taken in the course of last years's WLM contest. The event and the exposition were organzied by local volunteers.
- What are the plans/strategies that did not work for your entity in the past? What did your entity learn from that experience / those experiences?
- Plans to professionalize WMAT (establish an office, hire staff) were delayed due to a lack of time capacities and manpower. However, the process is heading into the right direction now. Further effort will be invested in strategies to overcome the limitations caused by a shortage of manpower.
- What else has your entity learned or innovated upon that could benefit the broader Wikimedia movement?
- The success of Wiki Loves Monuments shows what can be achieved by dedicated volunteers. It also demonstrates ways for successful cooperation with GLAM institutions (Bundesdenkmalsamt). This is emphasised by the fact that WMAT-project has been awarded with the „Zedler Preis“ in 2012. WLM has proven to be a model that can be successfully applied in other countries, illustrating the importance of international cooperation and exchange between chapters.
Where available, please link to the following to provide supplemental information to the FDC:
- Link to previous completed fiscal year annual plan
- Link to previous completed fiscal year annual report
- Link to previous completed fiscal year grant report (if your entity has received funds from the FDC)
- NA
Year-to-date progress
This section provides the FDC information about how your entity is progressing against the current fiscal year's planned budget (revenues and costs).
Please provide the relevant information below. "Year to date" refers to the period between the start of your entity's current fiscal year and the date of submission of the proposal(+). If it is helpful to link to your entity's current fiscal year plan and budget, please do so.
Table 3.
Current fiscal year planned budget Year-to-date actuals+ Variance In currency requested In $US In currency requested In $US % Revenues (from all sources) 143,000 184,470 143,000 184,470 0% Spending 131,200 169,284 79,000 101,910 40%
+ Actual year-to-date financials should be provided as close to the proposal submission date as possible; best approximations are sufficient.
Table 3. details:
Based on the variance percentages above, please describe how your entity is progressing against revenue and spending targets. If you expect your entity to be significantly under or over target on either revenue or spending, please provide a detailed explanation.
- Our organization is well on track to meet annual revenue targets and is already 60% of the way there, with three months to go, in which most of the above-average expenses are awaited, due to opening our new office in Vienna and completing of several big project-events (e.g. WLM) and the awaited invoice of our contractor for his 2012-work.
Key initiatives and objectives of the upcoming year annual plan
The table is intended to provide an overview of your entity's upcoming year annual plan and its alignment with the movement's strategic goals; please provide short phrases or 1-3 bullet points for each initiative in the table below. Feel free to add more details below the table (1-2 paragraphs per initiative). You can also link to any other documents that you think might be helpful as context.
If you feel you have an initiative that fulfills a strategic goal that is not immediately identified with a Wikimedia strategic goal ('readership' rather than 'editorship', for instance), please add that in the table and offer us your rationale.
Please link to your entity's strategic plan if you have one.
- Strategic plan link: 3-year strategic plan
Table 4.
Key initiatives What are the objectives of this initiative (include metrics)? Which Wikimedia strategic goal(s) does this initiative address? What key activities / milestones are associated with this initiative? How will your entity accomplish this initiative? How will your entity measure and track success of this initiative? Community support
- Expand and diversify the community of editors and volunteers
- Community building
- Provide editors and volunteers with facilities that will improve quality of their work
- Bring in new editors and new volunteers from communities/backgrounds relevant to WP and Wikimedia Österreich
- Foster community spirit and good communication
- Book grants
- Library project
- Photography project
- Joint events and activities
- Wikimedium
- International relationships
- Scholarships and travel grants for community members (Wikimania, WikiCon etc.)
- Office staff and/or contractors facilitate technical/logistical support
- Office staff and/or contractors and volunteers for organizing, planning and coordinating
- Volunteer promotion
- Survey satisfaction of community
- Increased number/ quality of edits
- Where possible, survey participants in events
- Increased number/ quality of edits
- Reports on international travel and attendance in meetings, activities
- Tracking developments in member numbers
Free content generation
- Increase content in the Wikimedia projects
- Valorization of the volunteer's work and involvement
- Gain more parties interested in outreach and better elucidation
- Foster networking with stakeholders through presentations and workshops
- GLAM and access to open content
- Wiki loves monuments
- QR-pedia
- Schools and Universities projects
- Expo "Ortsbildmesse"
- Wiki loves memories
- Austrian Photography Project
- Projects leaded by WMAT volunteers
- Office staff and/or contractors facilitate technical/logistical support
- Office staff and/or contractors support PR and marketing
- Survey increase of material donated/ freely available
- New/ improved Wikipedia articles
- Obtain official Austrian fundraising quality seal
- Generate € 25 000 funding for Wikimedia Österreich mission and activities
- Extend the base of loyal donors
- Stabilize Infrastructure
- Identify and establish good relations with potential donors
- Train office staff/contractors/ selected volunteers in fundraising skills
- Christmas Fundraising Project
- Develop an efficient contact management system
- Staff with dedicated time and professional skills
- Expert external advice sought where appropriate
- Existing donor base
- Track development in donations
Organization (staff and office)
- Professionalizing the organization
- Improve administrative task treatment
- Meet reporting requirements of Wikimedia Foundation, certification body and other donors
- Stabilize Infrastructure
- Increase participation
- Encourage innovation
- Develop the office in Vienna
- Networking with key stakeholders
- Public Relations / Marketing
- Generating Speakers-pool (trained group of volunteers)
- Improving internal communications
- Director with dedicated time and professional skills
- Benchmarking / ‘lessons learned’ (e.g. by Wikimedia UK and Wikimedia Deutschland)
- Staff performance evaluation
- Increase outreach of projects
- Increase community satisfaction
- Annual report
Table 4. details:
Additional context for the upcoming year annual plan / SWOT
Please provide 1-2 paragraphs for each response below. SWOT stands for your organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- What organizational strengths enable your entity's plan (e.g., leadership, governance structure, community participation, fundraising)?
- Highly active, competent and motivated core group of volunteers
- Well-developed community of Wikipedia editors
- Successful board, consisting of experienced Wikipedians
- Director with track record in non-profit communication and project management
- Professional staff for project and community support
- Competent technicians among our volunteers and partners
- Good working relationships with leading GLAM institutions (e.g. Bundesdenkmalamt)
- What external opportunities enable your entity's plan (e.g., socio-political context, community participation, fundraising)?
- High credibility and very positive image in the Austrian population
- Cultural sector in Austria is looking for ways to engage in social media
- Leading institutions are keen to establish cooperation with WMAT
- Increased social and political awareness of the importance of Internet freedom and free access to knowledge
- What are key risks or threats that would prevent you from achieving your plan (e.g., leadership turnover, governance challenges, lawsuits, fundraising, community participation, socio-political context)?
- WMAT is highly dependent on a relatively small number of volunteers (restarains number and scope of projects)
- Small number of members
- WMAT has decided to embark on a professionalization process which could alienate some volunteers
- Increased competition among non-profits for available funds due to economic crisis in Europe
- Negative developments/scandals concerning Wikipedia or Wikimedia in other parts of the world could have impact on the reputation of WMAT
- How will you minimize these risks and threats?
- Increase contracted staff to facilitate projects
- Campaigns to increase number of volunteers / membersReputation management
- Improve internal and external communications (success stories etc.)
- Evaluate stakeholder expectations
- Reputation management
Financials for the upcoming year's annual plan
- Provide your financial overview for the upcoming year in the format below.
- Please link to your detailed budget (translation into English highly recommended) in addition to completing the tables below.
- Detailed budget link: Budget-plan 2013
- Revenues
Please list anticipated revenues, by source (e.g., FDC, Wikimedia grants programs, public funding, membership fees, local donations, event fees)
Table 5.
Revenue source Anticipated (in currency requested) Anticipated (In $US) Funds Dissemination Committee 186,890 241,088.10 surplus of WMF grant-2012 3,000 3,870 own Fundraising 25,000 32,250 Membership fees 2,100 2,709
Table 5. details:
- Current entity staff (e.g., Included in year-in-progress budget)
Role / functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff.
Table 6.
Role / Function Number of staff Percentage of staff time+ Executive leadership 1 100% (since 10/2012) Finance part-time 1 20%-equvalent (contractor) Programs full-time 1 100%-equvalent (contractor)
+Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members. For example, for full time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half time staff, you would put 50% in this column.
Table 6. details:
- Proposed new staff for upcoming year annual plan
Role / functions might include program administration, finance, fundraising. Please include both part-time and full-time staff.
Table 7.
Role / Function Number of staff Percentage of staff time+ Duration Rationale for hiring new staff Executive leadership 1 100% Permanent We plan to keep the staff Finance part-time 1 20% Permanent We plan to keep the staff Programs full-time 1 100% Permanent We plan to keep the staff working student 1 20% Permanent We plan to hire a working student for assisting with the other staff/contractors
+Please include estimates of the percentage allocation of staff members. For example, for full time staff, you would put 100% in this column. For half time staff, you would put 50% in this column.
Table 7. details:
- Summary of staff expenses
Table 8.
In currency requested In $US Current staff expenses 30,75051,00039,667,5065,790Proposed staff expenses 72,00023,00092,88029,670Total staff expenses 72,00074,00092,88095.460
Table 8. details:
- Expenses by program/initiative
Expenses are costs associated with any programs, initiatives, or projects your entity manages (e.g., event costs, materials, transportation). Please exclude any staff costs that are included above. “Programs / initiatives” might include education programs, outreach programs, etc. Please include any administration costs (e.g., office space rental, utilities) affiliated with each program along with any overall administration costs that are not affiliated with any particular program (e.g., Administration should be considered a "Program" under the first column.)
Table 9.
Program / initiative In currency requested In $US Community support 89,760 115,790.40 Free content generation 85,960 110,888.40 Resources 7,770 10,023.30 Organization 18,500 23,865 unallocated reserve 5,000 6,450
Total expenses 206,990 267,017.10
Table 9. details:
- Summary of total revenues and expenses
Table 10.
In currency requested In $US Total Revenues 213.990,00 276.047,10 Total Spending 206,990 267.017,10 Net (revenues less expenses) 7.000 9.030 Reserve balance, if applicable+ 35.000 45.150
+ Cash reserve balance should include cumulative reserves and any net revenue
Table 10. details:
- Verification that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities
Enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.
- The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. Grants for such activities (when permitted under U.S. law and IRS regulations) should be sought from the Wikimedia Grants Program.
I verify that this proposal requests no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation for political or legislative activities Yes