Events committee reboot
This page is kept for historical interest. Any policies mentioned may be obsolete. See foundation:Resolution:Wikimedia Committees (January 2009) |
There has been some discussion on the internal wiki about a reboot of the Events committee. I am posting some info here in case persons without access to internal would like to make suggestions or comments. TimShell 06:21, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
I am suggesting to the Board that we reboot the events committee. The goal is to structire the committee in a way that allows for a much larger number of events. The committee also must act as an agent of the Board, exercising authority delegated to it by the Board.
With this in mind, I've suggested a substantially different role for this committee then what was previously defined. (the original resolution and notes on scope). Previously, the committee was envisioned as being an organizer of events, doing actual ground work such as booking venues and accomodations, arranging for funding, etc.
This creates a couple of problems. The committee becomes a bottleneck through which the control of all events must pass, which can only lead to a small number of events being possible. Also, I don't think "ground work" is a proper exercise of Board authority.
Role of the committee
[edit]The events committee will oversee the preparation of event proposals. When the proposal is in a sufficiently advanced stage (such that it is not just an idea but an actual plan), then the committee will present the proposal to the Board (or its appointed agent), who will then decide whether or not to approve the event as a Wikimedia Foundation event.
After approval, the event plan will be implemented. It is at this stage that venues and sponsors will be sought out.
The events committee will not be involved with the organizing of events (i.e., with ground work). Instead, every event will have its own ad hoc committee, equivalent to the Wikimania Team (as the Taipei Team for Wikimania 2007). For events the Board considers important, it can assign a liason, or instruct the events committee to do so, to help insure that the ad hoc committee does its job. For smaller events, where reputation and resources are not at stake, the ad hoc committee can run the show without oversight from the Board or the events committee. Certain smaller events approved by the Board may fail to happen for one reason or another, but this is not a tragedy, and can be expected if we wish to have a large number of events.
Event dimensions
[edit]By delineating the dimensions which define events, we are better able grasp the full range of possible events we can have.
Intended audience (who is it for?)
community members outside parties combination
Speakers (who is it by?)
community members outside parties combination
Geographic scope
local national regional global
Topic or theme
Wikimedia Wikimedia Foundation chapters project language special theme
communication publicity/outreach strategy/planning revenue
We should be able to define any event in terms of these dimensions.
For example, Wikimania would be defined as an event primarily intended for community, with a combination of speakers from within and without the community, of global scope, Wikimedia-themed, with primary purpose of communication.
The Board retreat of October 2006 was intended for community members (the Board, mainly), with "speakers" being community members, of global scope, WMF-themed, with the purpose of planning and strategy.
A European chapters meeting would be for community members, by community members, regional, chapter-themed, for purpose of strategy.
An Arabic language projects symposium in Dubai could be for outside parties, by community members, regional in scope, language-themed, for the purpose of publicity and outreach.
Event proposals
[edit]Events may be proposed by anyone: the Board, the Executive Directors, the events committee, community members, outsiders, etc.
The events committee will inform persons who wish to make a proposal what is necessary. A complete proposal should define the event in the dimensions listed above. It should specify who will be doing the ground work for the event. It should specify how the event will be funded. It should approximate where and when the event will take place. If an event requires the attendance of certain persons in order to happen, then the proposal should indicate this as well.
Once a proposal is prepared, it will be submitted for approval to the Board (or its appointed agent).
Committee structure and procedures
[edit]We should clearly define the following:
Committee's role in implementing events
I imgaine this will typically be minimal. TimShell
- this will certainly save headaches & make the workload manageable. phoebe 21:44, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
Optimal size of the committee
10-12 perhaps. TimShell
Desired compostion of committee - regional, language, project diversity
If we wish to have a broad array of events, we would prefer a broad array of viewpoints and interests on the committee, so that the committee has a high level of awareness of what is happening throughout the wikimedia community, and therefore what events are possible and likely to succeed. TimShell
- yes -- a combination of experience with and enthusiasm for events, and diversity and representation from the projects, chapters & regions around the world. -- phoebe 21:14, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
Role of the committee chair
Would suggest that the committee chair be responsible for assigning specific event proposals to committee members most suited to a particular event. The committee member assigned to an event would then be tasked with helping the event planners develop their proposal to the point where it can be submitted for approval. TimShell
- The committee chair should probably also have ultimate responsibility for making sure that events (especially important ones, like WM) are being taken care of (by the local team & committee members) and that appropriate reports about events are going to the board. Note that it helps if the chair is good at delegating. phoebe 21:14, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
How will committee interact with other WMF and other committees?
There will need to be a liason with the WMF (either Board or ED), which will probably be a role of the committee chair. We should ask that the communications committee appoint one of its own to be liason with the events committee. For money issues, the committee will need contact with either the Treasurer, CFO, finance committee, or whomever can approve funding. As events are likely to seek sponsorship, the committee will need contact with the fundraising committee or whomever manages relations with the WMF's sponsors. TimShell
- yes: good contacts re: money are very important; this is an area where the committee can really be helpful, rather than expecting the local team to figure out who to directly talk to on the board re: sponsorship etc. phoebe 21:44, 19 November 2006 (UTC)
Will events committee concern itself with events being organized outside of the wikimedia community, at which we might like to participate?
I would suggest this is a proper role of the communications committee, as it is an example of publicity and outreach.
- The committee could work with the communications comm though to help people who are attending outside events -- e.g, can WMF provide any funding support, here are some standard flyers you can use, here are some guidelines for doing outreach about WP, where to find the latest numbers, etc. The events comm should probably also keep a list of the events that people have gone to and participated in. phoebe 21:14, 19 November 2006 (UTC)