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Event:Peruvian Women Scientists Campaign 2025

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This page is a translated version of the page Event:Campaña Científicas Peruanas en la Wikipedia 2025 and the translation is 95% complete.
LocationOnline event
Start and end time21:19, 20 February 2025 – 21:19, 15 March 2025
Timezone: +00:00
Number of participants68 participants

Campaña Científicas Peruanas en la Wikipedia 2025

Organized by: Yhhue91, Felino Volador

Start and end time

21:19, 20 February 2025 to 21:19, 15 March 2025
Timezone: +00:00


Online event

Register to view the event link.


English Wikipedia and Spanish Wikipedia


Biography (women), General science, Technology

Join event chat group

No chat group is available for this event.

In Peru, only 33.3% of researchers registered in RENACYT are women, and almost half of them are concentrated in Lima and Callao. This gender gap starts at school, influenced by stereotypes, lack of role models and economic and social barriers. At the professional level, women face challenges such as the “glass ceiling”, salary lags and difficulties in reconciling work and family life. In addition, Peru has one of the lowest percentages of female participation in science and technology in Latin America.

The initiative seeks to make the work of Peruvian women scientists visible on Wikipedia, one of the most visited platforms by Peruvians, increasing the number of biographies of women scientists and motivating girls and adolescents to pursue careers in science and technology. The main objective is to create new biographies of Peruvian women scientists that meet Wikipedia's relevance criteria in Spanish and English by March 2025.


To increase the number of biographies of women scientists working in Peru in the Spanish and English Wikipedia.

Target audience

The call is open to university and technical college students from all over Peru, prioritizing female participation. Volunteers must have a laptop, internet connection and, in the case of those working on the translation of profiles, advanced knowledge of English. Experienced Wikipedia Wikipedians in Spanish or English are welcome to participate. To register, please use the registration button at the top of this page.

Program of activities

It will be carried out in 2 virtual sessions. Additionally, there will be a stage of autonomous work by the volunteers to search for the necessary information, 3 help sessions (2 in person and one virtual) and the subsequent monitoring of the information entered by the WikiAcción Perú community.

Activity Date
Announcement 20 January – 16 February
First session (virtual)


  • Wikimedia policies
  • Identification of sources of information to use
  • Presentation of template to be used (knowing what information to look for)
  • account creation
20 February 10:00 – 13:00 h
Autonomous work (research of necessary information) February 20-26
Second session (virtual)

Getting Started with Editing

27 February 10:00-13:00 h
Help session, in person


  • Help with editing problems
  • Article creation
3 March – 14:00-17:00 h
Help session, in person


  • Help with editing problems
  • Article creation
4 March – 14:00-17:00 h
Help session, virtual


  • Help with editing problems
  • Article creation
6 March, 14:00 - 17:00 h.


La selección ha sido realizada luego de evaluación exhaustiva de los perfiles científicas peruanas registradas en la base de datos de Concytec, en relación con las políticas de notabilidad de Wikipedia en español.

Name Enlaces a talleres Image Description Occupation Wikidata item
Carmen Rosa García En español bióloga peruana ictiólogo Q21503695
En inglés investigador
Norma Salinas bióloga peruana investigador Q33691927
profesor universitario
Mariella Leo investigadora peruana mastozoólogo Q40892117
Fanny Lys Casado química peruana investigador Q42328779
Carla Gonzales bióloga peruana investigador Q42975715
Gisella Orjeda bióloga peruana investigador Q56421155
Alicia Alva matemática peruana investigador Q56447028
Manuela Verástegui bióloga peruana investigador Q56447030
Theresa Jean Ochoa médica peruana investigador Q56447042
María Antonieta Quispe Ricalde bióloga peruana investigador Q56810867
Ivonne Montes física peruana investigador Q57268341
María Quintana ingeniera peruana investigador Q58231709
Layla Hirsh ingeniera peruana investigador Q58657885
Lely Solari médica peruana investigador Q58860027
Mariana Leguía bióloga peruana investigador Q59958031
Martha Valdivia bióloga peruana investigador Q61111098
Olga Lock ingeniera peruana investigador Q64964049
María Rivera Chira química farmacéutica peruana investigador Q71829544
Rosana Chirinos ingeniera peruana investigador Q73825110
Milagros Zavaleta bióloga peruana biólogo Q80140652
Doris Zúñiga bióloga peruana investigador Q81557341
Mónica Gómez química peruana ingeniero Q87705464
Patricia Gil Kodaka bióloga peruana investigador Q88104237
Luz Gómez Pando ingeniera peruana investigador Q88168633
Martha Calderón bióloga peruana investigador Q90448983
Betty Galarreta química peruana investigador Q96044712
Zoyla Mirella Clavo Q123184557
Eveling Castro Q124791518


WikiAcción Peru, in alliance with CONCYTEC and British.

WikiAcción Peru

This project seeks to make Peru visible in the free encyclopedia Wikipedia in Spanish, Wikimedia Commons and other Wikimedia projects, with thematic focuses on ecology, gender and culture; as well as to promote free knowledge and the presence of the Wikimedia movement in our country through a continuous program of non-profit virtual and face-to-face activities for educational and communication purposes website.


The National Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (Concytec) is a skilled technical organism, ascribed to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; has by purpose to regulate, direct, orient, boost, coordinate, supervise and evaluate the actions of the Peruvian State in the field of the science, technology and innovation and promote and promote his development by means of the action articulated and complementary among the members of the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (Sinacti).


The Peruvian-British Cultural Association, better known as Británico, is one of the strongest English language teaching institutions in Peru, and is also the bridge of communication and cultural integration with Great Britain. Its mission is to promote cultural exchange between Peru and Great Britain through the learning of the English language and the development of cultural activities that prioritize a contemporary British approach https://britanico.edu.pe/.

La Asociación Cultural Peruano Británica, más conocida como BRITÁNICO, es una de las más sólidas instituciones de enseñanza del idioma inglés en el Perú, y es también el puente de comunicación e integración cultural con Gran Bretaña. Su misión es promover el intercambio cultural entre el Perú y Gran Bretaña mediante el aprendizaje del idioma inglés y el desarrollo de actividades culturales que priorizan un enfoque británico contemporáneo.