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Event:Africa Wiki Women-Wikidata Birthday Contest 2024

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
LocationOnline event
Start and end time03:00, 1 October 2024 – 11:08, 5 November 2024
Timezone: +00:00
Number of participants38 participants

Africa Wiki Women-Wikidata Birthday Contest 2024

Start and end time

03:00, 1 October 2024 to 11:08, 5 November 2024
Timezone: +00:00


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Africa Wiki Women-Wikidata Birthday Contest 2024

    The Africa Wiki Women-Wikidata Birthday Contest is a collaborative effort spearheaded by Africa Wiki Women to bridge the data gap on Wikidata regarding African women. This campaign is launched in celebration of Wikidata's 12th birthday and aims to primarily ensure that every items about African women missing the Occupation (P106) statement are updated.

    Occupation (P106)= e.g. writer, painter, sculptor, judge, politician, scientist, plus any more specific occupations.

    The campaign also focuses on enriching Wikidata entries for African women by ensuring they are described with the following key data points below:

    • instance of (P31)=human (Q5)
    • sex or gender (P21)=female (Q6581072)
    • date of birth (P569)
    • place of birth (P19)

    As part of this initiative, we have identified several African women on Wikidata whose occupation fields are currently incomplete or missing. Queries have been generated for women from different countries, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania, Namibia, Senegal, Uganda, the DRC, Somalia, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Sierra Leone etc, which we will keep expanding to include other missing African countries. These queries bring attention to entries that require immediate attention to fill the gaps in their occupation and other relevant data about African Women on Wikidata.

    Timeline and training schedule

    • Contest Start date: 1st Oct.
    • Contest End date: 5th Nov.
    Date/Time Activity Zoom Link/Session recording
    1st Oct. 3:00PM UTC Introduction to Wikidata and adding Occupation statements [TBD]
    11th Oct. 3:00PM UTC Adding occupation statement 2 [TBD]
    18th Oct. 3:00 PM UTC Office hour for adding occupation statements 3 [TBD]

    Contest Items to Work on

    1. Query for Nigerian Women without Occupation - Brought 42 results
    2. Query for Ghanaian Women without Occupation- Brought 21 results
    3. Query for Camerounian Women without Occupation -Brought 16 result
    4. Query for Tanzania Women without Occupation- Brought 11 results
    5. Query for Namibian Women without Occupation-Brought 4 results
    6. Query for Senegal Women without Occupation- Brought 9 results
    7. Query for Ugandan Women without Occupation- Brought 12 results
    8. Query for DRC Congolese Women without Occupation - Brought 13 results
    9. Query for Somalian Women without Occupation- Brought 2 results
    10. Query for South African Women without Occupation- Brought 34 results
    11. The query for Egyptian Women without Occupation- Brought 92 results
    12. Query for Kenyan Women without Occupation - Brought 8 results
    13. Query for Sierra Leonean Women without Occupation- Brought 5 results
    14. Query for Beninese Women without occupation - Brought 1 result
    15. Query for Zimbabwean Women without occupation- Brought 7 results

    List of Items created by participants


    (Please do not add wrong edits! It will be deleted by the Organisers!!!)

    Username Link to Wikidata item Score( use the jury process for your calculations) Type of edit carried out
    Example Example Example Example
    Example Example Example Example
    Example Example Example Example
    Example Example Example Example
    Example Example Example Example